UHPLC-Q-Orbitrap metabolomics of Syrah red wines during bottle ageing: Molecular markers of evolution and cork permeability
Luca Garcia
Emmanuelle Meudec
Nicolas Sommerer
François Garcia
Cédric Saucier
Journal articles
Cocoa bean metabolomics reveals polyphenols as potential markers relating to fine dark chocolate color shades
Aécio Luís de Sousa Dias
Emmanuelle Meudec
Arnaud Verbaere
Sophie Lair
Jean-Claude Boulet
Journal articles
A Versatile Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Full-Scan High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Method to Quantify Wine Polyphenols
Damien Flores
Emmanuelle Meudec
Aécio Luís de Sousa Dias
Nicolas Sommerer
Journal articles
Faba Bean (Vicia faba L. minor) Bitterness: An Untargeted Metabolomic Approach to Highlight the Impact of the Non-Volatile Fraction
Adeline Karolkowski
Emmanuelle Meudec
Antoine Bruguière
Anne-Claire Mitaine-Offer
Emilie Bouzidi
Journal articles
Untargeted Metabolomics Approach Using UHPLC-HRMS to Unravel the Impact of Fermentation on Color and Phenolic Composition of Rosé Wines
Cécile Leborgne
Emmanuelle Meudec
Nicolas Sommerer
Gilles Masson
Jean-Roch Mouret
Journal articles
Shades of Fine Dark Chocolate Colors: Polyphenol Metabolomics and Molecular Networking to Enlighten the Brown from the Black
Aecio Luís de Sousa Dias
Julie-Anne Fenger
Emmanuelle Meudec
Arnaud Verbaere
Pierre Costet
Journal articles
Wine Cork Closures Impacts on Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS) and Precursors (DMSP) Equilibrium of Different Shiraz Wines during Accelerated Bottle Ageing
Rémi de la Burgade
Valérie Nolleau
Teddy Godet
Nicolas Galy
Dimitri Tixador
Journal articles
New Insights on the Scalping Phenomenon of Volatile Sulphur Compounds on Micro-Agglomerated Wine Closures
Rémi de la Burgade
Valérie Nolleau
Teddy Godet
Nicolas Galy
Dimitri Tixador
Journal articles
Elucidating the Color of Rosé Wines Using Polyphenol-Targeted Metabolomics
Cécile Leborgne
Marine Lambert
Marie-Agnès Ducasse
Emmanuelle Meudec
Arnaud Verbaere
Journal articles
A genome-wide association and prediction study in grapevine deciphers the genetic architecture of multiple traits and identifies genes under many new QTLs
Timothée Flutre
Loïc Le Cunff
Agota Fodor
Amandine Launay
Charles Romieu
Journal articles
Multi-method study of the impact of fermentation on the polyphenol composition and color of Grenache, Cinsault, and Syrah rosé wines
Cécile Leborgne
Marie-Agnès Ducasse
Emmanuelle Meudec
Stéphanie Carrillo
Arnaud Verbaere
Journal articles
UHPLC-Q-Orbitrap /MS2 identification of (+)-Catechin oxidation reaction dimeric products in red wines and grape seed extracts
Stacy Deshaies
Nicolas Sommerer
François Garcia
Laetitia Mouls
Cédric Saucier
Journal articles
Improved Analysis of Isomeric Polyphenol Dimers Using the 4th Dimension of Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry—Mass Spectrometry
Aécio L de Sousa Dias
Arnaud Verbaere
Emmanuelle Meudec
Stacy Deshaies
Cédric Saucier
Journal articles
Multi-block classification of chocolate and cocoa samples into sensory poles
Alessandra Biancolillo
Sebastien Preys
Belal Gaci
Jean-Luc Le Quéré
Hélène Labouré
Journal articles
Multiblock analysis to relate polyphenol targeted mass spectrometry and sensory properties of chocolates and cocoa beans
Noémie Fayeulle
Sébastien Preys
Jean-Michel Roger
Renaud Boulanger
Clotilde Hue
Journal articles
Fast Discrimination of Chocolate Quality Based on Average-Mass-Spectra Fingerprints of Cocoa Polyphenols
Noémie Fayeulle
Emmanuelle Meudec
Jean Claude Boulet
Anna Vallverdu Queralt
Clotilde Hue
Journal articles
Characterization of new flavan-3-ol derivatives in fermented cocoa beans
Noémie Fayeulle
Anna Vallverdu Queralt
Emmanuelle Meudec
Clotilde Hue
Renaud Boulanger
Journal articles
The kinetics of oxygen and SO 2 consumption by red wines. What do they tell about oxidation mechanisms and about changes in wine composition?
Vanesa Carrascón
Anna Vallverdu Queralt
Emmanuelle Meudec
Nicolas Sommerer
Purificación Fernandez-Zurbano
Journal articles
Quantification of hydroxycinnamic derivatives in wines by UHPLC-MRM-MS
Nayla Ferreira Lima
Anna Vallverdu Queralt
Emmanuelle Meudec
Lucie Pinasseau
Arnaud Verbaere
Journal articles
The hidden face of wine polyphenol polymerization highlighted by high-resolution mass spectrometry
Anna Vallverdu Queralt
Emmanuelle Meudec
Matthias Eder
Rosa M. Lamuela-Raventos
Nicolas Sommerer
Journal articles
Targeted filtering reduces the complexity of UHPLC-Orbitrap-HRMS data to decipher polyphenol polymerization
Anna Vallverdu Queralt
Emmanuelle Meudec
Matthias Eder
Rosa M. Lamuela-Raventos
Nicolas Sommerer
Journal articles
Cultivar diversity of grape skin polyphenol composition and changes in response to drought investigated by LC-MS based metabolomics
Lucie Pinasseau
Anna Vallverdu Queralt
Arnaud Verbaere
Maryline Roques
Emmanuelle Meudec
Journal articles
Two shikimate dehydrogenases,VvSDH3andVvSDH4, are involved in gallic acid biosynthesis in grapevine
Thibault Bontpart
Therese Marlin
Sandrine S. Vialet
Jean-Luc Guiraud
Lucie Pinasseau
Journal articles
A fast and robust UHPLC-MRM-MS method to characterize and quantify grape skin tannins after chemical depolymerization
Lucie Pinasseau
Arnaud Verbaere
Maryline Roques
Emmanuelle Meudec
Anna Vallverdu Queralt
Journal articles
A comprehensive investigation of guaiacyl-pyranoanthocyanin synthesis by one-/two-dimensional NMR and UPLC–DAD–ESI–MSn
Anna Vallverdú-Queralt
Emmanuelle Meudec
Nayla Ferreira-Lima
Nicolas Sommerer
Olivier Dangles
Journal articles
Le Polyéthylène Téréphtalate, un emballage pour le vin de qualité ? Partie 2/2 : Évolution au cours du stockage d’un vin rosé conditionné en bouteilles PET avec absorbeur d’oxygène
Clara Dombre
Jérémie Wirth
Marie Toussaint
Camille Lixon
Arnaud Verbaere
La revue des œnologues et des techniques vitivinicoles et œnologiques, 2016, 158, pp.47-50
Journal articles
Synthesis, identification, and structure elucidation of adducts formed by reactions of hydroxycinnamic acids with glutathione or cysteinylglycine
Nayla Ferreira Lima
Anna Vallverdu Queralt
Emmanuelle Meudec
Jean Paul Mazauric
Nicolas Sommerer
Journal articles
Straightforward Method To Quantify GSH, GSSG, GRP, and Hydroxycinnamic Acids in Wines by UPLC-MRM-MS
Anna Vallverdú-Queralt
Arnaud Verbaere
Emmanuelle Meudec
Veronique Cheynier
Nicolas Sommerer
Journal articles
Le polyéthylène téréphtalate, un emballage pour le vin ? Partie 1/2 : propriétés barrière, sécurité sanitaire, analyse du cycle de vie
Clara Dombre
Jérémy Wirth
Marie Toussaint
Camille Lixon
Arnaud Verbaere
La revue des œnologues et des techniques vitivinicoles et œnologiques, 2015, 42 (157), pp.41-44
Journal articles
A High-Throughput UHPLC-QqQ-MS Method for Polyphenol Profiling in Rosé Wines
Marine Lambert
Emmanuelle Meudec
Arnaud Verbaere
Gerard Mazerolles
Jérémie Wirth
Journal articles
Complex carbohydrates of red wine: characterization of the extreme diversity of neutral oligosaccharides by ESI-MS.
Thierry Doco
Pascale Williams
Emmanuelle Meudec
Veronique Cheynier
Nicolas Sommerer
Journal articles
Le Polyéthylène Téréphtalate, un emballage pour le vin de qualité ?
Clara Dombre
Jérémie Wirth
Marie Toussaint
Camille Lixon
Arnaud Verbaere
Revue Française d'Oenologie, 2015, 272, pp.6-8
Journal articles
La couleur des vins rosés : apports de la spectrométrie de masse
Veronique Cheynier
Marine Lambert
Jérémie Wirth
Emmanuelle Meudec
Arnaud Verbaere
Revue Française d'Oenologie, 2015, 272, pp.11-14
Journal articles
Le Polyéthylène Téréphtalate, un emballage pour le vin de qualité ? Partie 1/2 : Propriétés barrière, sécurité sanitaire, analyse du cycle de vie
Clara Dombre
Jérémie Wirth
Marie Toussaint
Camille Lixon
Arnaud Verbaere
La revue des œnologues et des techniques vitivinicoles et œnologiques, 2015, 157, pp.41-44
Journal articles
How to gain insight into the polydispersity of tannins: A combined MS and LC study
Laetitia Mouls
Virginie Hugouvieux
Jean Paul Mazauric
Nicolas Sommerer
Gerard Mazerolles
Journal articles
Identification de composés phénoliques extraits de deux plantes de la pharmacopée ivoirienne
Gui Roger M. Kabran
J A Mamyrbékova-Békro
Jean-Luc Pirat
Yves-Alain Bekro
Nicolas Sommerer
Journal de la Société Ouest-Africaine de Chimie, 2014, 038, pp.57-63
Journal articles
Changes in the proteome of pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds germinating under optimal and osmotic stress conditions and subjected to post-stress recovery
W. Brosowska-Arendt
Karine Gallardo-Guerrero
Nicolas Sommerer
S. Weidner
Journal articles
ULPC-MS/MS phenolic quantification and in vitro anticancer potential of Gmelina arborea Roxb. (Verbenaceae)
K C.C. N'Gaman
Gui Roger M. Kabran
Amani Kadja
J A Mamyrbékova-Békro
Jean-Luc Pirat
Der Chemica Sinica, 2014, Pelagia Research Library, 5 (6), pp.13-17
Journal articles
Amazonian palm Oenocarpus bataua ("patawa"): Chemical and biological antioxidant activity - Phytochemical composition
A. Rezaire
J.C. Robinson
D. Bereau
Arnaud Verbaere
Nicolas Sommerer
Journal articles
Les composés responsables de la couleur des vins Rosés. Interaction avec l’oxygène
Veronique Cheynier
Jérémie Wirth
Cecile Morel-Salmi
Jean Marc Souquet
Jean Paul Mazauric
Revue Française d'Oenologie, 2013, 260, pp.30-33
Journal articles
Composition chimique de deux Fabaceae africaines employées comme cure-dents
Amani Brice Kadja
Jean-Luc Pirat
Jean-Noël Null Volle
J A Mamyrbékova-Békro
Yves-Alain Békro
Journal de la Société Ouest-Africaine de Chimie, 2013, 036, pp.47-54
Journal articles
Phosphoproteomic analysis reveals major default phosphorylation sites outside long intrinsically disordered regions of [i]Arabidopsis[/i] plasma membrane proteins.
Claude Nespoulous
Valerie Rofidal
Nicolas Sommerer
Sonia Hem
Michel Rossignol
Journal articles
Comprehensive study of condensed tannins by ESI mass spectrometry: average degree of polymerisation and polymer distribution determination from mass spectra.
Laetitia Mouls
Jean Paul Mazauric
Nicolas Sommerer
Helene Fulcrand-Hoh
Gerard Mazerolles
Journal articles
Analysis of the variability of human normal urine by 2D-GE reveals a "public" and a "private" proteome
Laurence Molina
Nicolas Salvetat
Randa Ben Ameur
Sabine Pérès
Nicolas Sommerer
Journal articles
Excreted/secreted proteins from Trypanosome procyclic strains
C.M.A. Nten
Nicolas Sommerer
Valerie Rofidal
Christophe Hirtz
Michel Rossignol
Journal articles
Proteins and proteolysis in pre-term and term human milk and possible implications for infant formulae
Emanuele Armaforte
Erika Curran
Thom Huppertz
C. Anthony Ryan
Maria Caboni
Journal articles
Comparison of LID versus CID activation modes in tandem mass spectrometry of peptides
Nawar Shenar
Nicolas Sommerer
Jean Martinez
Christine Enjalbal-Goubet
Journal articles
Proteomic characterisation of subclover seed storage proteins during germination
Imene Sahnoun-Abid
Ghislaine G. Recorbet
Hélène Zuber
Nicolas Sommerer
Delphine Centeno
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2009, 89 (10), pp.1787 - 1801. ⟨10.1002/jsfa.3666⟩
Journal articles
Use of Reducing/Nonreducing Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis for the Study of Disulfide-Mediated Interactions between Proteins in Raw and Heated Bovine Milk
François Chevalier
Christophe Hirtz
Nicolas Sommerer
Alan Kelly
Journal articles
Dissecting the proteome of pea mature seeds reveals the phenotypic plasticity of seed protein composition
Michael M. Bourgeois
Françoise Jacquin
Vincent V. Savois
Nicolas Sommerer
Valérie Labas
Journal articles
Use of Reducing/Nonreducing Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis for the Study of Disulfide-Mediated Interactions between Proteins in Raw and Heated Bovine Milk
François Chevalier
Christophe Hirtz
Nicolas Sommerer
Alan Kelly
Journal articles
Identification of S-methylmethionine in Petit Manseng grapes as dimethyl sulphide precursor in wine
N. Loscos
M. Ségurel
Laurent Dagan
Nicolas Sommerer
Therese Marlin
Journal articles
Combined mass mapping and biochemical characterization of grape beta-glycosidase-enriched extract
Jean-Emmanuel Sarry
Jérôme Grimplet
Nicolas Sommerer
Marie-Jose Vallier
Martine Pradal
Journal articles
Multiple phosphorylations in the C-terminal tail of plant plasma membrane aquaporins: role in subcellular trafficking of AtPIP2;1 in response to salt stress.
Sodana Prak
Sonia Hem
Julie Boudet
Gaëlle Viennois
Nicolas Sommerer
Journal articles
Nitrate efflux at the root plasma membrane: identification of an Arabidopsis excretion transporter.
Cécile Segonzac
Jean-Christophe Boyer
Emilie Ipotesi
Wojciech Szponarski
Pascal Tillard
Journal articles
Novel subsets of the Arabidopsis plasmalemma phosphoproteome identify phosphorylation sites in secondary active transporters
Sonia Hem
Valerie Rofidal
Nicolas Sommerer
Michel Rossignol
Journal articles
Proteomic Studies of Saliva: A Proposal for a Standardized Handling of Clinical Samples
François Chevalier
Christophe Hirtz
Sandrine Chay
Frédéric Cuisinier
Nicolas Sommerer
Journal articles
Major proteome variations associated with cherry tomato pericarp development and ripening
Mireille Faurobert
Christina Mihr
Nadia Bertin
Tomasz Pawlowski
Luc Négroni
Journal articles
The effect of environmental salinity on the proteome of the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.)
Chin-Long Ky
Julien de Lorgeril
Christophe Hirtz
Nicolas Sommerer
Michel Rossignol
Journal articles
Assessment of the molecular weight distribution of tannin fractions through MALDI-TOF MS analysis of protein-tannin complexes
Carine Mane
Nicolas Sommerer
T. Yalcin
Veronique V. Cheynier
R.B. Cole
Journal articles
Salivary protein profiling in type I diabetes using two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry
Christophe Hirtz
François Chevalier
Nicolas Sommerer
Isabelle Raingeard
Jacques Bringer
Journal articles
Different Impact of Staining Procedures Using Visible Stains and Fluorescent Dyes for Large-Scale Investigation of Proteomes by MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry
François Chevalier
Delphine Centeno
Valerie Rofidal
Marc Tauzin
Olivier Martin
Journal articles
Methylation of aquaporins in plant plasma membrane
Véronique Santoni
Lionel Verdoucq
Nicolas Sommerer
Joelle Vinh
Delphine Pflieger
Journal articles
The proteome of maritime pine wood forming tissue
Jean-Marc Gion
Céline Lalanne
Grégoire Le Provost
Hélène Ferry-Dumazet
Jorge Paiva
Proteomics, 2005, 5, pp.3731-3751
Journal articles
The proteome of maritime pine wood forming tissue
Jean-Marc J.-M. Gion
Céline C. Lalanne
Grégoire G. Le Provost
Hélène Ferry-Dumazet
Jorge Almiro Paiva
Journal articles
MS characterization of multiple forms of alpha-amylase in human saliva
Christophe Hirtz
François Chevalier
Delphine Centeno
Valerie Rofidal
Jean-Christophe Egea
Journal articles
Large-scale characterization of integral proteins from Arabidopsis vacuolar membrane by two-dimensional liquid chromatography
Wojciech Szponarski
Nicolas Sommerer
Jean-Christophe Boyer
M. Rossignol
Rémy Gibrat
Journal articles
Proteomic investigation of natural variation between Arabidopsis ecotypes
François Chevalier
Olivier Martin
Valerie Rofidal
Anne-Dominique Devauchelle
Samuel Barteau
Journal articles
Proteome reference maps of vegetative tissues in pea. An investigation of nitrogen mobilization from leaves during seed filling
S. Schiltz
Karine Gallardo
M. Huart
Luc Négroni
Nicolas Sommerer
Plant Physiology, 2004, 135, pp.2241-2260
Journal articles
Proteomic investigation of natural variation between Arabidopsis ecotypes
F. Chevalier
O. Martin
Valérie Rofidal
A.D. Devauchelle
S. Barteau
Proteomics, 2004, 4, pp.1372-1381
Journal articles
Grape berry biochemistry revisited upon proteomic analysis of the mesocarp
Jean-Emmanuel Sarry
Nicolas Sommerer
F.X. Sauvage
Alexis Bergoin
M. Rossignol
Journal articles
A proteomic study reveals novel insights into the diversity of aquaporin forms expressed in the plasma membrane of plant roots
Veronique Santoni
Joelle Vinh
Delphine Pflieger
Nicolas Sommerer
Christophe Maurel
Journal articles
Goat cheese flavor : sensory evaluation of branched-chain fatty acids and small peptides
Christian Salles
Nicolas Sommerer
Chantal Septier
Sylvie Issanchou
Claire Chabanet
Journal articles
Isolation of oligopeptides from the water-soluble extract of goat cheese and their identification by mass spectrometry
Nicolas Sommerer
Christian Salles
D. Prome
J.C. Prome
Jean-Luc Le Quéré
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2001, 49 (1), pp.402-408
Journal articles
La protéomique : un outil de génomique fonctionnelle pour la biologie végétale
M. Rossignol
Patrick Doumas
Nicolas Sommerer
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie d'Agriculture de France, 2001, 87 (6), pp.21-26
Journal articles
A liquid chromatography purification method to isolate small peptides from goat cheese for their mass spectrometry analysis
Nicolas Sommerer
Chantal Septier
Christian Salles
Jean-Luc Le Quéré
Sciences des aliments = Food science : an international journal of food science and technology, 1998, 18, pp.537-551
Journal articles
Identification d'arômes par CPG-SM
Nicolas Sommerer
Etienne Semon
Jean-Luc Le Quéré
Biofutur, 1997, 164, 1 p
Journal articles