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Noémie Lienhart

Associate professor - Grenoble Alpes University - Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities - Sport Social Environment laboratory
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Attentional Foci and Coping Strategies During Matches of Young Fencers in a Training Center: A Naturalistic Video-Assisted Study

Mathéo Maurin , Maëlle Bracco , Steven Le Pape , Noémie Lienhart , Cyril Bossard
Sport Psychologist, In press, pp.1-13. ⟨10.1123/tsp.2023-0056⟩
Journal articles hal-04606926v1
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Être parents de jeunes sportifs de haut niveau: un véritable défi

Noémie Lienhart
Réflexions Sport, 2022
Journal articles hal-03655690v1
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An integrated mindfulness and acceptance-based program for young elite female basketball players: Exploratory study of how it works and for whom it works best

Maël Goisbault , Noémie Lienhart , Guillaume Martinent , Julie Doron
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2022, 60, pp.102157. ⟨10.1016/j.psychsport.2022.102157⟩
Journal articles hal-03902444v1
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The gap between athletes’ and parents’ perceptions of parental practices: The role of gender

Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2022, 63, pp.102296. ⟨10.1016/j.psychsport.2022.102296⟩
Journal articles hal-03794302v1
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Dealing with the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak: Are some athletes’ coping profiles more adaptive than others?

Emilie Pété , Chloé Leprince , Noémie Lienhart , Julie Doron
European Journal of Sport Science, 2021, pp.1-11. ⟨10.1080/17461391.2021.1873422⟩
Journal articles hal-03298320v1

Basic psychological need profiles among adolescent athletes in intensive training settings: Relationships with sport burnout and engagement.

Guillaume Martinent , Alexandre Gareau , Emma Guillet-Descas , Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise
International Journal of Stress Management, 2021, ⟨10.1037/​str0000226⟩
Journal articles hal-03242609v1
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Personality traits, stress appraisals and sleep in young elite athletes: A profile approach

Mathieu Nedelec , Noémie Lienhart , Guillaume Martinent , Julie Doron
European Journal of Sport Science, 2020, pp.1-7. ⟨10.1080/17461391.2020.1829716⟩
Journal articles hal-03298645v1

Understanding parent stressors and coping experiences in elite sports contexts.

Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise , Camilla Knight , Emma Guillet-Descas
Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 2020, 9 (3), pp.390-404. ⟨10.1037/spy0000186⟩
Journal articles hal-03339574v1
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Perceived parental behaviours and motivational processes among adolescent athletes in intensive training centres: A profile approach

Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise , Guillaume Martinent , Emma Guillet-Descas
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2020, 49, pp.101708. ⟨10.1016/j.psychsport.2020.101708⟩
Journal articles hal-03339510v1
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Longitudinal trajectories of emotions among young athletes involving in intense training centres: Do emotional intelligence and emotional regulation matter?

Valérian Cece , Emma Guillet-Descas , Virginie Nicaise , Noémie Lienhart , Guillaume Martinent
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2019, 43, pp.128-136. ⟨10.1016/j.psychsport.2019.01.011⟩
Journal articles hal-02332137v1

Longitudinal Sport Motivation Among Young Athletes in Intensive Training Settings: Using Methodological Advances to Explore Temporal Structure of Youth Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire Scores

Valérian Cece , Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise , Emma Guillet-Descas , Guillaume Martinent
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2019, 41 (1), pp.24-35. ⟨10.1123/jsep.2017-0194⟩
Journal articles hal-02332127v1

Relationships between elite adolescent athletes' perceptions of parental behaviors and their motivational processes: Does sex matter?

Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise , Guillaume Martinent , Emma Guillet-Descas , Julien Bois
International journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 2019, 14 (5), pp.639-650. ⟨10.1177/1747954119873988⟩
Journal articles hal-02332210v1

Emotion profiles and their motivational antecedents among adolescent athletes in intensive training settings

Guillaume Martinent , Alexandre Gareau , Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise , Emma Guillet-Descas
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2018, 35, pp.198-206. ⟨10.1016/j.psychsport.2018.01.001⟩
Journal articles hal-02328434v1

Longitudinal Sport Motivation Among Young Athletes in Intensive Training Settings: The Role of Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Thwarting in the Profiles of Motivation

Valérian Cece , Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise , Emma Guillet-Descas , Guillaume Martinent
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2018, 40 (4), pp.186-195. ⟨10.1123/jsep.2017-0195⟩
Journal articles hal-02325123v1

Profils de coping des athlètes compétiteurs en réponse à l’impact du premier confinement lié à la crise de la COVID-19.

Emilie Pété , Chloé Leprince , Noémie Lienhart , Julie Doron
7th International Congress of SFPS, SFPS, Jun 2022, Vichy, France
Conference papers hal-04043478v1

Exploratory study of how an integrated mindfulness and acceptance-based program works and for whom it works best.

Julie Doron , Maël Goisbault , Noémie Lienhart , Guillaume Martinent
16th FEPSAC European Congress of Sport Psychology, FEPSAC, Jul 2022, Padova, Italy
Conference papers hal-04043468v1

Parental practices and elite athlete’s mental health

Noémie Lienhart
16th FEPSAC European Congress of Sport Psychology, FEPSAC, Jul 2022, Padova, Italy
Conference papers hal-04043472v1

Accompagner les parents des jeunes footballeuses évoluant au sein des filières d’accession au haut niveau

Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise , Emma Guillet-Descas
12th International Football and Research Conference, Jun 2019, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-04043486v1

Longitudinal sport motivation among young athletes in intensive training settings: Using methodological advances to explore temporal structure of YBRSQ scores

Valérian Cece , Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise , Emma Guillet-Descas , Guillaume Martinent
7th International Self-Determination Theory Conference, May 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-02415401v1

Educating and supporting parents in elite sports: an action research study

Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise , Emma Guillet-Descas
15th FEPSAC European Congress of Sport Psychology, Jul 2019, Münster, Germany
Conference papers hal-02415382v1

Relationships between parental behavior profiles, athletes' motivation, and basic psychological needs

Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise , Guillaume Martinent , Emma Guillet-Descas
7th International Self-Determination Theory Conference, May 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-02415410v1

Profiles of need satisfaction and frustration across competitive season of adolescent athletes in intensive training settings: Relationships with burnout and engagement

Guillaume Martinent , Alexandre Gareau , Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise , Emma Guillet-Descas
7th International Self-Determination Theory Conference, May 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-02415413v1

Educating and supporting parents in elite sports: an action research study.

Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise , Emma Guillet-Descas
18th International Congress of ACAPS, ACAPS, Oct 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04043492v1

Le rôle de la satisfaction et de la frustration des besoins psychologiques fondamentaux sur les profils motivationnels des jeunes athlètes en centres d'entra\ⁱnement intensif

Valérian Cece , Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise , Emma Guillet-Descas , Guillaume Martinent
Congrès international de la Société Française de Psychologie du Sport, Jun 2018, Lausanne, Suisse
Conference papers hal-02417903v1

Stressors parents experiences in high-level sport context

Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise , C. J Knight , Emma Guillet-Descas
Congrès international de la Société Française de Psychologie du Sport, Jun 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-02417901v1

Emotion profiles and their motivational antecedents among adolescent athletes in intensive training settings

Guillaume Martinent , A Gareau , Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise , Emma Guillet-Descas
Congrès international de la Société Française de Psychologie du Sport, Jun 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-02417902v1

A collaborative sport psychology program for parents in youth high-level sport context

Virginie Nicaise , Noémie Lienhart
Congrès international de la Société Française de Psychologie du Sport, Jun 2018, Lausanne ( CH), Switzerland
Conference papers hal-04173201v1

Le rôle de l’intelligence émotionnelle et de la régulation émotionnelle sur les trajectoires émotionnelles des jeunes athlètes en centres d’entraînement intensif.

Valérian Cece , Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise , Emma Guillet-Descas , Guillaume Martinent
Congrès international de la Société Française de Psychologie du Sport, Jun 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-04173196v1

Parental behaviors in sport context : divergences between athletes and parents'perceptions.

Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise , Emma Guillet-Descas
17th International Congress of the ACAPS (Association of Reseachers in Physical an Sporting Activities, Oct 2017, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-03677274v1

Les comportements parentaux en contexte sportif : divergences entre les perceptions des parents et celles des athlètes

Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise , Emma Guillet-Descas
17ème Congrès de l’Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives, Oct 2017, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-02419752v1

Les comportements parentaux en contexte sportif : divergences entre les perceptions des parents et celles des athlètes

Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise , Emma Guillet-Descas
17th International Congress of ACAPS, Oct 2017, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-04173190v1

Parental profiles and their effects on elite adolescent athletes' self-determination theory variables

Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise
14th ISSP world congress, Jul 2017, Séville, Spain
Conference papers hal-02419753v1

Perceived parental support and overall climate profiles by elite adolescent athletes related with their motivation

Virginie Nicaise , Guillaume Martinent , Emma Guillet-Descas , Noémie Lienhart , Julien Bois
European Congress of Sport Psychology, Jul 2015, Berne, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-02895360v1

A three wave design: reciprocal relationships between motivation and basic psychological needs

Emma Guillet-Descas , Guillaume Martinent , Virginie Nicaise , Noémie Lienhart
European Congress of Sport Psychology, Jul 2015, Berne, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-02895375v1

Répercussions des comportements de la mère et du père sur la satisfaction et la menace des trois besoins psychologiques de jeunes sportifs

Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise , Emma Guillet-Descas , Guillaume Martinent , Julien Bois
Journées Nationales d'Etudes de la Société Française de Psychologie du Sport, Apr 2015, Aix-en-Provence, France
Conference papers hal-02896302v1

Le « Parental Involvement in Sport Questionnaire » : un test d’invariance multi-groupe pour les comportements du père vs. de la mère

Noémie Lienhart , Virginie Nicaise , Guillaume Martinent , Emma Guillet-Descas , Julien Bois
Congrès de l'Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives, Oct 2015, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-02895191v1