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Noha Saïd

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Noha GAMAL SAID est docteur en architecture et urbanisme, maître de conférences à l’école d’architecture d’Ain Shams au Caire, chercheure-enseignante au laboratoire Cresson, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Grenoble. [Voir ma page sur le site du Cresson](


Sketch, Photo, Sound: Lived and Represented Space of the Child Experience in the Green Built Environments. Studying the Eco-districts in France

Maya Elnesr , Noha Gamal Said
Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2023, 14 (6), pp.102-113. ⟨10.1016/j.asej.2023.102113⟩
Journal articles hal-04645443v1
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Sonic Affordances of a Sacred Spring. The Urban Courtyard as a Figure of Rehabilitation of the Medina

Noha Gamal Said
Journal of Sonic Studies, 2020,
Journal articles hal-02998784v1
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Cairo behind the gates

Noha Gamal Said
Ambiances : Revue internationale sur l’environnement sensible, l’architecture et l’espace urbain , 2013, In situ - Ecologie sociale, ⟨10.4000/ambiances.252⟩
Journal articles hal-01324053v1

Thresholds, porosity, informality: the impact of covid-19 on foodscapes and city hospitality

Emmanuelle Cheyns , Tarik Harroud , Noha Gamal Said
5th International Congress on Ambiances. Sensory Explorations, Ambiances in a Changing World, Mohammed Boubezari, Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon; Cristiane Rose Duarte, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Ethel Pinheiro, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; International Ambiances Network, Oct 2024, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers hal-04755802v1

Sensory identity of mediterranean cities: fostering architectural, urban, and cultural diversity. experiences pedagogical in Egypt and Lebanon

Noha Gamal Said , Nina Zeidan
5th International Congress on Ambiances. Sensory Explorations, Ambiances in a Changing World, Mohammed Boubezari, Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon; Cristiane Rose Duarte, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Ethel Pinheiro, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; International Ambiances Network, Oct 2024, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers hal-04755862v1
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Bruissements Oasiens : une approche à l'écoute de l'urbain au Sahara.

Marc Breviglieri , Noha Gamal Said , David Goeury
Unheard landscapes. listening, resonating, inhabiting, Olivier Gaudin, Francesco Michi, Jean-Paul Thibaud, Nicolas Tixier, Lolita Voisin, Stefano Zorzanello, Oct 2021, Blois, France. pp.68-82
Conference papers hal-04116976v1
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Parametric tool to sketch sonic ambiences ! Esquissons, a plugin for ecological and educational issues

Théo Marchal , Noha Gamal Said
Architecture in the Age of Disruptive Technologies – Transformation and Challenges - ASCAAD 2021, Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design, Mar 2021, Le Caire, Egypt. pp.156-165
Conference papers hal-03381906v1
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Ornamental Atmosphere & Digital De-lights, The Reactivation of Light Ornaments Through Digital Design

Amal Abu Daya , Noha Gamal Said
Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Ambiances, Alloaesthesia: Senses, Inventions, Worlds, Réseau International Ambiances, Dec 2020, e-conference, France. pp. 238-243, ⟨10.48537/hal-03220301⟩
Conference papers hal-03220301v1

La Source Bleue : la cour de la ville

Noha Gamal Said
Journée d’étude "Hospitalité des ambiances sonores et des pratiques acoustiques", Nov 2018, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-02044985v1

L’archive filmique : un regard rétrospective sur la ville

Noha Gamal Said
Journée d'études "Archive Filmique", ENSAG; Laboratoire Les Métiers de l’Histoire de l’Architecture, édifices-villes-territoires, Nov 2018, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-02044993v1

Connectivity and place-making Blue-green transects: prospective potentialities towards social sustainability

Doaa K. Hassan , Noha Gamal Said
International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE 2017), Sustainable Development of the Built Environment, Dec 2017, Londres, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-02044920v1
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Towards a typology of listening situations: The balcony as a sonic interface in evolution

Hengameh Pirhosseinloo-Amini , Noha Gamal Said
International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE 2017), Sustainable Development of the Built Environment, Dec 2017, Londres, United Kingdom. pp.305-317
Conference papers hal-02044924v1

Esquisser l'environnement sonore : un enjeu écologique et pédagogique

Noha Gamal Said , Théo Marchal
1ères rencontres du réseau de l'enseignement de transition écologique dans les ENSA, Jul 2017, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-01895401v1
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Esquis’Sons ! Outils d’aide à la conception d’environnements sonores durables

Nicolas Rémy , Grégoire Chelkoff , Théo Marchal , Jean-Luc Bardyn , Noha Gamal Said
Ambiances, tomorrow. Proceedings of 3rd International Congress on Ambiances. Septembre 2016, Volos, Greece, Sep 2016, Volos, Grèce. p. 529 - 534
Conference papers hal-01404371v1
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Esquis'sons ! Sound Sketch : A Parametric Tool to Design Sustainable Soundscapes

Théo Marchal , Nicolas Rémy , Grégoire Chelkoff , Jean-Luc Bardyn , Noha Gamal Said
Complexity & Simplicity - 34th eCAADe Conference, University of Oulu, Aug 2016, Oulu, Finland. pp. 275-284
Conference papers hal-01361440v1

Carte postale sonore de l’Aïn Zerka à Tiznit (Maroc)

Noha Gamal Said
Colloque international « Quelles ambiances urbaines dans les oasis du sud de la Méditerranée ?, Breviglieri, Marc; Goeury, David, Oct 2016, Tunis, Tunisie
Conference papers hal-02020426v1

Les ambiances urbaines oasiennes: quel rapport à la nature ? [Chair]

Noha Gamal Said , Zakaria Kadiri
Colloque international « Quelles ambiances urbaines dans les oasis du sud de la Méditerranée ? 17-18 octobre 2016, Marc Breviglieri HETS-HES.SO; David Goeury ENEC, Oct 2016, Tunis, Tunisie
Conference papers hal-02045006v1
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Along the water : Investigating the ambience potentials of Al-Maryouttia Canal as a Linear Park

Noha Gamal Said , Doaa K. Hassan
Ambiances, tomorrow. Proceedings of 3rd International Congress on Ambiances. Septembre 2016, Volos, Greece, Sep 2016, Volos, Greece. p. 449 - 454
Conference papers hal-01404370v1

Linear parks

Noha Gamal Said
Seminar "Linear parks and urban ambiances: Emerging concept to enhance the quality of life in informal settlements”, Ain Chams University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Urban Planning and Urban Design, Dec 2015, Le Caire, Egypt
Conference papers hal-02045001v1
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Choubrah entre le passé et le présent : le palimpseste des ambiances d'un quartier populaire au Caire

Noha Gamal Said
Ambiances in action / Ambiances en acte(s) - International Congress on Ambiances, Montreal 2012, Sep 2012, Montreal, Canada. pp.493-498
Conference papers halshs-00745879v1

Place Attachment and Physical Detachment: the Ambience of Contemporary Cities Intra-muros

Noha Gamal Said
International Seminar Arquitectonics Network Architecture and Research, Barcelona 1st June 2010, 2012, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers hal-00993664v1
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Déploiement du champ sensoriel d’une source sacrée et réappropriation ludique d’une architecture

Marc Breviglieri , H Ftouhi , I Landoulsi , M. Mouskite , Noha Gamal Said
Breviglieri, Marc; Gamal Said, Noha; Goeury, David. Résonances oasiennes. Approches sensibles de l’urbain au Sahara, MetisPresses, pp.167-171, 2021
Book sections hal-03248205v1
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Marcher à l'écoute de la médina

Alia Ben Ayed , Noha Gamal Said , Jean-Paul Thibaud
Breviglieri, Marc; Said, Noha Gamal; Goeury, David. Résonances oasiennes. Approches sensibles de l'urbain au Sahara, MētisPresses, pp.57-58, 2021, 9782940563821
Book sections hal-03424019v1
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Considérations sur l'espace sonore d'une source sacrée

Noha Gamal Said
Breviglieri, Marc; Said, Noha Gamal; Goeury, David. Résonances oasiennes. Approches sensibles de l'urbain au Sahara, MētisPresses, pp.205-221, 2021, 9782940563821
Book sections hal-03424042v1
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Nefta : une corbeille de sons

Jean-Paul Thibaud , Barkani, Abdelaziz , Noha Gamal Said
Breviglieri, Marc; Saïd, Noha Gamal; Goeury, David. Résonnances oasiennes. Approches sensibles de l’urbain au Sahara, MétisPresses, pp.225-227, 2021, 9782940563821
Book sections halshs-03083998v1
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Oasis en présence : introduction

Marc Breviglieri , Noha Gamal Said , David Goeury
Breviglieri, Marc; Gamal Said, Noha; Goeury, David. Résonances oasiennes. Approches sensibles de l’urbain au Sahara, MētisPresses, pp.9-23, 2021, 978-2-94-0563-82-1
Book sections hal-03384835v1
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Un aperçu de l’héritage et du devenir des oasis sahariennes

Marc Breviglieri , Noha Gamal Said , David Goeury
Breviglieri, Marc; Gamal Said, Noha; Goeury, David. Résonances oasiennes. Approches sensibles de l’urbain au Sahara, MētisPresses, pp.335-347, 2021, 978-2-94-0563-82-1
Book sections hal-03248263v1

Les crieurs publics

Noha Gamal Said
Claire Guiu; Guillaume Faburel; Marie-Madeleine Mervant-Roux; Henry Torgue; Philippe Woloszyn. Soundspaces : espaces, expériences et politiques du sonore , Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2015
Book sections hal-01324078v1
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Esquis’sons ! Outils d’aide à la conception d’environnements sonores durables

Nicolas Rémy , Hengameh Pirhosseinloo-Amini , Jean-Luc Bardyn , Grégoire Chelkoff , Noha Gamal Said
[Rapport de recherche] 88, Cresson; ADEME, Direction Villes et territoires durables; ENSAG. 2016, 1 vol. [106 p. + 78 fiches non numérotées]
Reports hal-01274959v1
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European Acoustic Heritage

Meri Kytö , Nicolas Rémy , Heikki Uimonen , Françoise Acquier , Gabriel Bérubé
[Research Report] 83, Tampere University of Applied Sciences; Phonogrammarchiv, the Austrian Academy of Sciences ; The multidisciplinary collective Escoitar; The Isle of San Simón Foundation; CRESSON. 2012, pp.108
Reports hal-00993848v1
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Bogotá : case study : research 2009-2010

Nicolas Tixier , Sandra Fiori , Ida Assefa , Camilo Cifuentes , Jul Mcoisans
[Research Report] 76, Cresson; Rafael Vinoly Architects 2010, pp.251
Reports hal-00993838v1