Can the microalga market be long term? A company perspective
Inès Guguen-Gicquel
Ethel Jouannet
Olivier Gonçalves
6th International scientific and professional conference Contemporary Issues in Economy and Technology, Split University, Jun 2024, Split, Croatia
Conference papers
Culture d’Haslea et production de marennine en photobioréacteur à membrane immergée
Elodie Pedron
Olivier Gonçalves
Anthony Massé
Jean-Sébastien Deschênes
Réjean Tremblay
Réunion annuelle du réseau Ressources Aquatiques Québec, Nov 2023, Québec, Canada
Conference papers
The assessment of microalgae biochemistry through NMR non-invasive approach offers new perspectives for their monitoring in photobioreactors
Olivier Gonçalves
Dylan Bouillaud
Delphine Drouin
Jonathan Farjon
Patrick Giraudeau
4ème édition du Colloque Franco-Marocain sur les Energies Renouvelables, Faculté des Sciences de Kenitra, May 2023, Kenitra, Morocco
Conference papers
Low field NMR spectroscopies offer new perspectives for the monitoring of microalgae cultivated in PBRs
Olivier Gonçalves
Dylan Bouillaud
Jonathan Farjon
Patrick Giraudeau
Workshop Algae Biotechnology, UCSD, Jan 2023, SAN DIEGO, United States
Conference papers
Étude des activités antibactériennes de la Marennine, pigment bleu produit par Haslea ostrearia : vers la compréhension du lien structure activité
Elodie Pedron
Marylise Duperthuy
Annabelle Mathieu-Denoncourt
William Bélanger
Olivier Gonçalves
Réunion annuelle du réseau Ressources Aquatiques Québec, Nov 2023, Québec, Canada
Conference papers
Applicative Chair « Bone-Health » Study of exopolysaccharide fractions from microalgae for 3D bioprinting applications in regenerative medicine of skeletal pathologies
Arnaud Dulom
Valérie Trichet
Pierre Weiss
Olivier Gonçalves
CNRIUT 2023, IUT la Réunion, Jun 2023, SAINT PIERRE, Réunion
Conference papers
Atelier n°2 du CNR IUT « Recherche, Transfert de Technologie, Innovation et IUT », Le modèle des « chaires d’application », ou comment valoriser sa recherche appliquée tout en conservant du ressourcement scientifique ?
Olivier Gonçalves
CNRIUT 2023, Jun 2023, Saint-Pierre, La Réunion
Conference papers
Le bioraffinage de micro-algues : exemple de la valorisation du milieu de culture
Elodie Pedron
Nesrine Gargouch
Jean-Sébastien Deschênes
Réjean Tremblay
Jean-Luc Mouget
Colloque des journées scientifiques de Nantes université, Les Journées thématiques du CFM, Nantes Université, Jun 2023, Nantes (44000), France
Conference papers
Les microalgues comme nouvelle bio-ressource : quels sont les enjeux pour envisager leur exploitation industrielle? Depuis la découverte et la production de nouveaux produits à fonction d'usage
Olivier Gonçalves
cycle de conférence sur l’Océan et ses ressources, Muséum D’histoire Naturelle de Nantes, Mar 2023, NANTES, France
Conference papers
Algosolis, a new facility for the bioproduction and refinery of microalgae.
Olivier Gonçalves
Workshop Algae Biotechnology, UCSD, Jan 2023, SAN DIEGO, United States
Conference papers
Haslea ostrearia culture and marennine production: Immersed membrane photobioreactor robustness towards biological variability
Elodie Pédron
Nesrine Gargouch
Réjean Tremblay
Jean-Sébastien Deschênes
Anthony Massé
International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts (AlgalBBB), Jun 2023, Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii, United States
Conference papers
The assessment of microalgae biochemistry through NMR non-invasive approach offers new perspectives for their monitoring in photobioreactors
Dylan Bouillaud
Delphine Drouin
Jonathan Farjon
Patrick Giraudeau
Olivier Gonçalves
MELISSA Conference, ESA, Nov 2022, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Marennine production in submerged membrane photobioreactor : robustness of a hybrid culture process.
Elodie Pedron
Réjean Tremblay
Jean-Sébastien Deschênes
Olivier Gonçalves
Anthony Massé
GHaNA project Final meeting, May 2022, Szczecin, Poland
Conference papers
Culture d'Haslea ostrearia et production de marennine en photobioréacteur à membrane immergée: robustesse du procédé de culture face à la variabilité biologique
Elodie Pédron
Réjean Tremblay
Jean-Sébastien Deschênes
Olivier Gonçalves
Anthony Massé
89ème congrès de l'ACFAS, Université Laval, May 2022, Québec, Canada
Conference papers
The assessment of microalgae biochemistry through NMR non-invasive approach offers new perspectives for their monitoring in photobioreactors
Dylan Bouillaud
Delphine Drouin
Jonathan Farjon
Patrick Giraudeau
Olivier Gonçalves
Congrès National de la Recherche des IUT (CNRIUT 2022), IUT Roanne, Jun 2022, Roanne, France
Conference papers
Marennine production in submerged membrane photobioreactor: robustness of a hybrid culture process.
Elodie Pédron
Réjean Tremblay
Jean-Sébastien Deschênes
Olivier Gonçalves
Anthony Massé
GHaNA european program final meeting, May 2022, Szczecin, Poland
Conference papers
The assessment of microalgae biochemistry through NMR non-invasive approach offers new perspectives for their monitoring in photobioreactors.
Dylan Bouillaud
Delphine Drouin
Jonathan Farjon
Patrick Giraudeau
Olivier Gonçalves
SFGP 2022, Nov 2022, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Compact in vivo and flow NMR for Optimizing Real-Time Cellular Bioprocesses
Jonathan Farjon
Dylan Bouillaud
Olivier Gonçalves
Patrick Giraudeau
62nd Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference, ENC 2021, Mar 2021, Online, France
Conference papers
Benthic diatoms : how to grow to obtain bioactive lipids?.
Aurélie Couzinet-Mossion
Eva Cointet
Olivier Gonçalves
Vona Meleder
Gaëtane Wielgosz-Collin
AlgaeEurope, Dec 2021, ONLINE, France
Conference papers
Light sensitivity characterization of a cyanobacteria strain for industrial application
Julie Billy
Olivier Lépine
Benoit Degrenne
Olivier Gonçalves
Jeremy Pruvost
AlgaeEurope, Dec 2021, Online, France
Conference papers
Valorisation industrielle des micro-algues
Olivier Gonçalves
Master APVV UE Qualité et valorisation des produits du végétal, INRAE - UNIV RENNES, Nov 2021, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Benthic diatoms: how to grow to obtain bioactive lipids?.
Aurélie Couzinet-Mossion
Eva Cointet
Olivier Gonçalves
Vona Méléder
Gaëtane Wielgosz-Collin
AlgaeEurope, Dec 2021, On line, France
Conference papers
Compact NMR spectroscopy and advanced pulse sequence;the perfect match for the online and real-time monitoring of bioprocesses
Jonathan Farjon
Dylan Bouillaud
Delphine Drouin
Benoit Charrier
Corentin Jacquemmoz
European RFMF Metabomeeting, Jan 2020, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Biocompatible extraction of β-carotene from Dunaliella Salina - New contribution
G. Tanguy
Olivier Gonçalves
Benoît Schoefs
Luc Marchal
12th european congress of chemical engineering ECCE12, 5rd european congress of applied biotechnology, ECAB5, Sep 2019, florence, Italy
Conference papers
The characterization of the central carbon metabolism of arthrospira platensis brings insights to its original polysaccharides (PS) composition
Myriam Phélippé
Gerald Thouand
Guillaume Cogne
Olivier Gonçalves
12th european congress of chemical engineering ECCE12, 5rd european congress of applied biotechnology, ECAB5, Sep 2019, florence, Italy
Conference papers
Monitoring en ligne par spectroscopie Raman des bioprocédés microalgaux
Christopher Lieutaud
Gerald Thouand
Ali Assaf
Olivier Gonçalves
Gaëtane Wielgosz-Collin
SFGP2019 17ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Oct 2019, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Development of NMR methods at high and low field for lipid microalgae profiling
Dylan Bouillaud
Jonathan Farjon
Olivier Gonçalves
Patrick Giraudeau
Journées scientifiques du réseau Corsaire, Jan 2019, nantes, France
Conference papers
Triglyceride recovery from microalgae grown in diurnal cycles: Physiological influence over Downstream process efficiency
Vladimir Heredia
Luc Marchal
Marie Cueff
Olivier Gonçalves
Jeremy Pruvost
IWA Conference on Algal Technologies and Stabilisation Ponds for Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery, Jul 2019, Valladolid, Spain
Conference papers
Advanced monitoring and control strategies for the real-time optimization of microalgae solar culture systems
Olivier Gonçalves
Marlène Bonnenfant
Dylan Bouillaud
Mariana Titica
A. Assaf
AlgaeEurope, Dec 2019, PARIS, France
Conference papers
Extraction biocompatible de β-Carotene de Dunaliella salina – nouvelle contribution
Guillaume Tanguy
Olivier Gonçalves
Benoît Schoefs
Luc Marchal
SFGP 2019, Oct 2019, nantes, France
Conference papers
Définition d'un protocole optimisé de production d'exopolysaccharides par la
microalgue Porphyridium cruentum par application d'un stress lumineux contrôlé en
Antoine Decamp
Jeremy Pruvost
Olivier Gonçalves
Dominique Grizeau
SFGP 2019, Oct 2019, nantes, France
Conference papers
L’image d’un événement oenotouristique : le cas de Nîmes Toquées
A. Camprubí
Fons C.
Bernardin S.
O. Gonçalves
6ème Conférence de l’AFMAT, May 2019, Perpignan, France
Conference papers
Découverte de marqueurs précoces de l'altération microbiologique des ovoproduits
par des approches de métabolomique croisée (RMN-spectrométrie de masse)
Rémy Coat
Jack Legrand
Abdellah Arhaliass
Olivier Gonçalves
SFGP 2019, Oct 2019, nantes, France
Conference papers
Effect of a double stress light-salinity, on the polysaccharides compartmentalization of porphyridium cruentum
Antoine Decamp
Olivier Gonçalves
Dominique Grizeau
Jérémy Pruvost
12th european congress of chemical engineering ECCE12, 5rd european congress of applied biotechnology, ECAB5, Sep 2019, Florence, Italy
Conference papers
Assessment of the physiology and the biochemistry of microalgae, thru non invasive approaches based on Raman and low field NMR spectroscopies offer new perspectives for the monitoring of microalgae cultivated in PBRs
Olivier Goncalves Gonçalves
Dylan Bouillaud
Christopher Lieutaud
Ali Assaf
Gerald Thouand
Workshop chimica escola of lisbon, Dec 2019, LISBON, Portugal
Conference papers
Identification et exploitation des polysaccharides issus des microalgues
Clément Gaignard
Céline Laroche
Guillaume Pierre
Cédric Delattre
Pascal Dubessay
10ème Colloque COFrRoCA, 2018, Bacäu, Roumanie
Conference papers
Microalgae as exopolysaccharides producers : diversity of strains and structures
Clément Gaignard
I. Probert
O. Goncalves
D. Lecerf
T. Maugard
Conference papers
Les verrous technologiques bloquant la production industrielle de masse des bio-ressources marines
Olivier Gonçalves
Forum Blue Cluster du Pole Mer Bretagne Altantique, Nov 2017, quimper, France
Conference papers
The GCMS characterization of the central carbon metabolism of Arthrospira platensis brings insights to its original exopolysaccharide composition when submitted to various culture conditions.
Myriam Phélippé
Gerald Thouand
Guillaume Cogne
Olivier Gonçalves
6th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology, Jun 2017, nantes, France
Conference papers
Investigation of the coupling between growth and TAG extraction stages in solar conditions for biodiesel production by microalgae
Vladimir Heredia
Jeremy Pruvost
Olivier Gonçalves
Luc Marchal
6th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology, Jun 2017, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Bioactive lipids diversity exploration of the marine benthic diatoms of the Nantes Culture Collection (NCC).
Eva Cointet
Vona Méléder
Olivier Gonçalves
Gaëtane Wielgosz-Collin
11th International Phycological Congress, Aug 2017, szcecin, Poland
Conference papers
Screening, identification and exploitation of polysaccharides from microalgae
Céline Laroche
Ian Probert
Olivier Gonçalves
Didier Le Cerf
Thierry Maugard
7th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocessing, May 2017, WUXI, China
Conference papers
Online monitoring by Raman spectroscopy of lipids accumulation produced by microalgae in photobioreactors
Christopher Lieutaud
Ali Assaf
Gaëtane Wielgosz-Collin
Olivier Gonçalves
Gerald Thouand
6th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology, Jun 2017, nantes, France
Conference papers
Discovery of early prediction biomarkers of ovoproducts degradation using combined NMR and MS fingerprinting approaches
Rémy Coat
Jack Legrand
Arahliass Abdelah
Olivier Gonçalves
SMMAP 2017, Spectrométrie de Masse, Métabolomique et Analyse Protéomique, Oct 2017, marne la vallée, France
Conference papers
Screening, identification and exploitation of polysaccharides from microalgae (2017) Séminaire International POLYSAC 2017
Clément Gaignard
Céline Laroche
Guillaume Pierre
Cédric Delattre
Pascal Dubessay
Séminaire International POLYSAC 2017, Nov 2017, Ouargla, Algeria
Conference papers
The GCMS characterization of the central carbon metabolism of Arthrospira platensis brings insights to its original polysaccharide composition when submitted to various culture conditions
Myriam Phélippé
Gerald Thouand
Guillaume Cogne
Olivier Gonçalves
10JS RFMF, May 2016, montpellier, France
Conference papers
Contrôle en ligne par spectroscopie Raman de l’accumulation de lipides produits par des microalgues en photobioréacteurs.
Christopher Lieutaud
Ali Assaf
Olivier Goncalves
Gaëtane Wielgosz-Collin
Gerald Thouand
7ème rencontres Biologie Physique du grand ouest, Jun 2016, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Analyse qualitative et quantitative du métabolisme des micro-algues
Olivier Gonçalves
GdR CNRS 3071 - 6ième école thématique en Génie des Procédés – « Ingénierie des biosystèmes : de la cellule au procédé », Mar 2016, SAINT NAZAIRE, France
Conference papers
AlgoSolis: A New Facility For The Bioproduction And Refinery Of Microalgae
Jeremy Pruvost
Pascal Jaouen
Jack Legrand
Olivier Gonçalves
Valeria Montalescot
Cosmetic Ingredients and biotechnology - COSM’ING 2016, Jun 2016, SAINT MALO, France
Conference papers
Nouveau défi à relever par Algosolis : production et bioraffinage de la biomasse de micro-algues à grande échelle
Olivier Gonçalves
9ième Forum Gen2Bio, Mar 2016, SAINT BRIEUC, France
Conference papers
Influence of culture conditions on EPS biosynthesis in Arthrospira platensis.
Myriam Phélippé
Gerald Thouand
Guillaume Cogne
Olivier Gonçalves
JS de l’université de Nantes – Colloque EXOPOLYSACCHARIDES MARINS ET BIOTECHNOLOGIES BLEUES EXOBIO, Jun 2016, nantes, France
Conference papers
The GCMS characterization of the central carbon metabolism of Arthrospira platensis brings insights to its original polysaccharide composition when submitted to various culture conditions.
Myriam Phélippé
Gerald Thouand
Guillaume Cogne
Olivier Gonçalves
ESBES, Sep 2016, dublin, Ireland
Conference papers
Determination of the biochemical composition of proliferative macroalgae by IR spectrometry.
Maureen Déniel
Maya Puspita
Philippe Douzenel
Olivier Gonçalves
Valérie Stiger-Pouvreau
Oceanext, Jun 2016, nantes, France
Conference papers
Métabolisme des microorganismes marins : potentiel applicatif des lipides pour les biofuels et la santé
Olivier Gonçalves
Benjamin Moutel
Delphine Kucma
Jeremy Pruvost
Dominique Grizeau
16ième Forum des Biotechnologies de Polytech, Oct 2015, MARSEILLE, France
Conference papers
Microbiological alteration of egg products during their production process: discovery of early prediction biomarkers
Rémy Coat
Jack Legrand
Arahliass Abdelah
Olivier Gonçalves
10th european congress of chemical engineering ECCE10, 3rd european congress of applied biotechnology, ECAB3, 5th european process intensification conference EPIC5, Sep 2015, Nice, France
Conference papers
Chracterization of the central carbon metabolism of Arthrospira platensis cultivated in contrasted conditions in photobioreactor
Myriam Phélippé
Gerald Thouand
Guillaume Cogne
Olivier Gonçalves
9JS RFMF, Jun 2015, Lille, France
Conference papers
Chracterization of the central carbon metabolism of Arthrospira platensis cultivated in contrasted conditions in photobioreactor
Myriam Phélippé
Gerald Thouand
Guillaume Cogne
Olivier Gonçalves
10th european congress of chemical engineering ECCE10, 3rd european congress of applied biotechnology, ECAB3, 5th european process intensification conference EPIC5, Sep 2015, Nice, France
Conference papers
Microbiological alteration of egg products during their production process: discovery of early prediction biomarkers
Rémy Coat
Jack Legrand
Arahliass Abdelah
Olivier Gonçalves
9JS RFMF, Jun 2015, Lille, France
Conference papers
Qualitative and quantitative assessment of water sorption in natural fibers using FTIR spectroscopy
Amandine Célino
Olivier Gonçalves
Sylvain Fréour
Frédéric Jacquemin
Euromech colloquim 550: multiphysics of solid polymers, 2013, Poitiers, France
Conference papers