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Pascal Chartrin

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  • IdHAL pascal-chartrin

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chimie analytique biologie


Slow and Fast-Growing Chickens Use Different Antioxidant Pathways to Maintain Their Redox Balance during Postnatal Growth

Edouard Coudert , Elisabeth Baéza , Pascal Chartrin , Justine Jimenez , Estelle Cailleau Audouin
Animals, 2023, 13 (7), pp.1160. ⟨10.3390/ani13071160⟩
Journal articles hal-04047281v1
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Storage Temperature or Thermal Treatments During Long Egg Storage Duration Influences Hatching Performance and Chick Quality

Maryse Guinebretière , Julie Puterflam , Alassane Keïta , Sophie Réhault-Godbert , Rodolphe Thomas
Frontiers in Physiology, 2022, 13, pp.852733. ⟨10.3389/fphys.2022.852733⟩
Journal articles hal-03596886v1
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Embryonic thermal manipulation has short and long-term effects on the development and the physiology of the Japanese quail

Anais Carvalho-Vitorino , Christelle Hennequet-Antier , Sabine Crochet , Thierry Bordeau , Nathalie Couroussé
PLoS ONE, 2020, 15 (1), pp.e0227700. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0227700⟩
Journal articles hal-02478463v1

Qualitative market segmentation of broiler grillers by using alternative proteins to soybeans and lipid sources in feeding programmes

Elisabeth Baéza , Michel Lessire , Pascal Chartrin , Hervé Juin , Karine Méteau
British Poultry Science, 2020, pp.1-9. ⟨10.1080/00071668.2020.1843139⟩
Journal articles hal-03135598v1
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Short cold exposures during incubation and postnatal cold temperature affect performance, breast meat quality, and welfare parameters in broiler chickens

Dzidzo Nyuiadzi , Cécile Berri , Léonie Dusart , Angélique Travel , Bertrand Méda
Poultry Science, 2020, 99 (2), pp.857-868. ⟨10.1016/j.psj.2019.10.024⟩
Journal articles hal-02911075v1

Impacts of early nutritional strategies on digestive functionalities of chicks

Vincent Jonchère , Marlies van den Nieuwenhof , Léa Cornaille , Justine Jimenez , Théophane de Rauglaudre
XVI European Poultry Conference, Jun 2024, Valence, Spain
Conference papers hal-04661421v1
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Verbesserung der Weidenutzung von Masthühnern

Claire Bonnefous , Julie M Collet , Sandrine Mignon-Grasteau , V. H.B. Ferreira , Ludovic Calandreau
Bioland Geflügeltagung, Bioland, Feb 2024, Bonn, Germany
Conference papers hal-04613517v1

Impacts à court terme de stratégies nutritionnelles précoces sur l'homéostasie digestive des poussins

Vincent Jonchère , Marlies van den Nieuwenhof , Léa Cornaille , Justine Jimenez , Théophane de Rauglaudre
15. Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie gras, Mar 2024, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-04661447v1

Effects of provisioning black soldier fly whole larvae or larvae meal on carcass and meat quality traits in fast-growing broilers

Elisabeth Baéza , Pauline Belloir , Thierry Bordeau , Pascal Chartrin , Clément Gérard
XVI. European Poultry Conference, WPSA, Jun 2024, Valencia (Espagne), Spain. pp.134
Conference papers hal-04631543v1
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Utilisation du parcours en lien avec les performances, le bien-être et la santé de quatre souches de poulet élevé en AB

Claire Bonnefous , Anne Collin , Laurence A Guilloteau , K. Germain , Laure Ravon
15. Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, ITAVI, Mar 2024, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-04613407v1
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Principal characteristics of suitable broiler genotypes adapted to outdoor system

Claire Bonnefous , Simona Mattioli , Bertrand Méda , Théophane de Rauglaudre , Karine Germain
PPILOW autumn school - How to improve welfare in poultry and pig low input outdoor and organic farms?, EAAP – European Federation of Animal Science, Oct 2023, Assisi, Italy
Conference papers hal-04372822v1

Welfare barriers and levers for improvement in organic and low-input outdoor pig and poultry production systems

Christine Leterrier , Claire Bonnefous , Jarkko Niemi , Lucia Rocchi , Giuditta Meloni
74. Annual meeting of the european federation of animal science (EAAP 2023), EAAP, Aug 2023, Lyon, France. pp.731
Conference papers hal-04198015v1

Effects of lipid sources on the growing performance and carcass and meat quality of broiler grillers

Elisabeth Baéza , Michel Lessire , Pascal Chartrin , Hervé Juin , Karine Méteau
XXVth European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat, WPSA, Sep 2023, Cracovie, Poland
Conference papers hal-04191505v1

The PPILOW project: Innovations improving welfare in low input and organic pig and poultry farms

Anne Collin , Giuditta Meloni , Claire Bonnefous , Martina Re , Laura van Vooren
73. Annual meeting of the european federation of animal science (EAAP), EAAP, Sep 2022, Porto, Portugal. pp.350
Conference papers hal-04128847v1

PPILOW: innovations for improving animal welfare and human well-being in low-input outdoor and organic poultry and pig production systems

Lucia Rocchi , Anne Collin , Giuditta Meloni , Claire Bonnefous , Martina Re
One Welfare World Conference, 2021, One Welfare CIC, Sep 2021, Online meeting, Spain. pp.46
Conference papers hal-03632430v1
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Metabolomic analysis of nutrient sources in the embryonic egg of two divergent lines for meat ultimate pH

Angélique Petit , Sophie Réhault-Godbert , Lydie Nadal-Desbarats , Estelle Audouin , Pascal Chartrin
Incubation and Fertility Research Group (IFRG) 2019 Meeting, Aug 2019, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-02737946v1
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Range use relationship with welfare and performances in four strains of organic broilers

Claire Bonnefous , Anne Collin , Laurence A Guilloteau , K. Germain , Laure Ravon
XI. European Symposium on Poultry Welfare, Jun 2023, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference poster hal-04613426v1
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Range use relationship with welfare and performances in four strains of organic broilers

Claire Bonnefous , Anne Collin , Laurence L.A. Guilloteau , Karine Germain , Laure Ravon
XI. European Symposium on Poultry Welfare 2023, Jun 2023, Prague, République Tchèque, France
Conference poster hal-04186874v1

Impact de l’âge et de la souche sur le statut antioxydant du poulet de chair

Edouard Coudert , Elisabeth Baéza , Justine Jimenez , Estelle Cailleau Audouin , Thierry Bordeau
14. Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Mar 2022, Tours, France
Conference poster hal-03599293v1

INOVE : Recherche d’INdicateurs in OVo du statut Energétique de l’animal pour des applications en sélection et en élevage

Angélique Petit , Lydie Nadal-Desbarats , Fréderic Montigny , Estelle Cailleau-Audouin , Pascal Chartrin
Journées d'Animation Scientifique du Département Phase, May 2022, Poitiers, France
Conference poster hal-04227268v1
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Variations in incubation and postnatal environments affect the microbiota composition of fast-growing male chickens

Anne Collin , Irène Gabriel , Catherine Schouler , Sabine Crochet , Nathalie Couroussé
Combined Meeting of the Incubation and Fertility Research Group (IFRG/WPSA Working Group 6) and 7th Combined Workshop on "Fundamental Physiology and Perinatal Development in Poultry (WPSA Working Group 12), Aug 2019, Tours, France. 2 p., 2019
Conference poster hal-02737902v1

Comparaison de l'effet de différents additifs alimentaires en production de poulets Label rouge.

Pertusa Marion , Fabien Skiba , Bastien Godfrain , Laurence L.A. Guilloteau , Estelle Cailleau Audouin
12. Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Apr 2017, Tours, France
Conference poster hal-03617563v1