Research domains
chimie analytique biologie
Impacts of early nutritional strategies on digestive functionalities of chicksXVI European Poultry Conference, Jun 2024, Valence, Spain
Conference papers
Verbesserung der Weidenutzung von MasthühnernBioland Geflügeltagung, Bioland, Feb 2024, Bonn, Germany
Conference papers
Impacts à court terme de stratégies nutritionnelles précoces sur l'homéostasie digestive des poussins15. Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie gras, Mar 2024, Tours, France
Conference papers
Effects of provisioning black soldier fly whole larvae or larvae meal on carcass and meat quality traits in fast-growing broilersXVI. European Poultry Conference, WPSA, Jun 2024, Valencia (Espagne), Spain. pp.134
Conference papers
Utilisation du parcours en lien avec les performances, le bien-être et la santé de quatre souches de poulet élevé en AB15. Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, ITAVI, Mar 2024, Tours, France
Conference papers
Principal characteristics of suitable broiler genotypes adapted to outdoor systemPPILOW autumn school - How to improve welfare in poultry and pig low input outdoor and organic farms?, EAAP – European Federation of Animal Science, Oct 2023, Assisi, Italy
Conference papers
Welfare barriers and levers for improvement in organic and low-input outdoor pig and poultry production systems74. Annual meeting of the european federation of animal science (EAAP 2023), EAAP, Aug 2023, Lyon, France. pp.731
Conference papers
Effects of lipid sources on the growing performance and carcass and meat quality of broiler grillersXXVth European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat, WPSA, Sep 2023, Cracovie, Poland
Conference papers
The PPILOW project: Innovations improving welfare in low input and organic pig and poultry farms73. Annual meeting of the european federation of animal science (EAAP), EAAP, Sep 2022, Porto, Portugal. pp.350
Conference papers
PPILOW: innovations for improving animal welfare and human well-being in low-input outdoor and organic poultry and pig production systemsOne Welfare World Conference, 2021, One Welfare CIC, Sep 2021, Online meeting, Spain. pp.46
Conference papers
Metabolomic analysis of nutrient sources in the embryonic egg of two divergent lines for meat ultimate pHIncubation and Fertility Research Group (IFRG) 2019 Meeting, Aug 2019, Tours, France
Conference papers
Range use relationship with welfare and performances in four strains of organic broilersXI. European Symposium on Poultry Welfare, Jun 2023, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference poster
Range use relationship with welfare and performances in four strains of organic broilersXI. European Symposium on Poultry Welfare 2023, Jun 2023, Prague, République Tchèque, France
Conference poster
Impact de l’âge et de la souche sur le statut antioxydant du poulet de chair14. Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Mar 2022, Tours, France
Conference poster
INOVE : Recherche d’INdicateurs in OVo du statut Energétique de l’animal pour des applications en sélection et en élevageJournées d'Animation Scientifique du Département Phase, May 2022, Poitiers, France
Conference poster
Variations in incubation and postnatal environments affect the microbiota composition of fast-growing male chickensCombined Meeting of the Incubation and Fertility Research Group (IFRG/WPSA Working Group 6) and 7th Combined Workshop on "Fundamental Physiology and Perinatal Development in Poultry (WPSA Working Group 12), Aug 2019, Tours, France. 2 p., 2019
Conference poster
Comparaison de l'effet de différents additifs alimentaires en production de poulets Label rouge.12. Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Apr 2017, Tours, France
Conference poster
Performance, meat quality and blood parameters in four strains of organic broilers differ according to range use2023
Preprints, Working Papers, ...