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Materials Science [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] Micro and nanotechnologies/Microelectronics


Mener une approche globale de la conception à la fabrication de matériaux hybrides et verres, de l’ultraporeux au dense Mettre en oeuvre et analyser des mesures structurales, texturales, thermiques, optiques et mécaniques, de surface et en massif Modifier les propriétés des surfaces : fonctionnalisation, couches et microstructuration Concevoir des dispositifs d’optique et microfluidique intégrés


Activation of patternable ceramics for hydrogen evolution reaction using Molybdenum-based fillers

Quentin Hanniet , Zakaria Anfar , Hippolyte Dory , Sylvie Calas-Etienne , Pascal Etienne
New Journal of Chemistry, 2025, ⟨10.1039/D4NJ02080D⟩
Journal articles hal-04840512v1

Properties of dentin, enamel and their junction, studied with Brillouin scattering and compared to Raman microscopy

Alban Desoutter , Didier Felbacq , Csilla Gergely , Béla Varga , Laurent Bonnet
Archives of Oral Biology, 2023, 152, pp.105733. ⟨10.1016/j.archoralbio.2023.105733⟩
Journal articles hal-04108435v1

Sol-gel polymerization of silylated amino acids around a protein template yields selective biomimetic imprints

Raquel Gutiérrez-Climente , Giang Ngo , Margaux Clavié , Jérémie Gouyon , Yoann Ladner
Materials Today Chemistry, 2023, 27 (19), pp.101317. ⟨10.1016/j.mtchem.2022.101317⟩
Journal articles hal-04825773v1

A bioinspired approach for the modulation of electroosmotic flow and protein–surface interactions in capillary electrophoresis using silylated amino‐amides blocks and covalent grafting

Jérémie Gouyon , Margaux Clavié , Raquel Gutiérrez-Climente , Giang Ngo , Pascal Dumy
Electrophoresis, 2023, 45 (5-6), pp.557-572. ⟨10.1002/elps.202300168⟩
Journal articles hal-04368764v1
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Rational design of SiBCN microstructures using direct photolithography of patternable preceramic photoresists

Quentin Hanniet , Eddy Petit , Sylvie Calas-Etienne , Pascal Etienne , Karim Aissou
Materials & Design, 2022, 223, pp.111234. ⟨10.1016/j.matdes.2022.111234⟩
Journal articles hal-04038258v1
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The Rise of the OM-LoC: Opto-Microfluidic Enabled Lab-on-Chip

Harry Dawson , Jinane Elias-Elias , Pascal Etienne , Sylvie Etienne-Calas
Micromachines, 2021, 12 (12), pp.1467. ⟨10.3390/mi12121467⟩
Journal articles hal-03648949v1
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Fractal Structure in Silica and Composites Aerogels

Thierry Woignier , Juan Primera , Adil Alaoui , Philippe Dieudonné , Laurent Duffours
Gels, 2021, 7 (1), pp.1. ⟨10.3390/gels7010001⟩
Journal articles hal-03089738v1
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Drying of a colloidal suspension deposited on a substrate: experimental and numerical studies

Nathalie Olivi-Tran , Laurent Bonnet , Pascal Etienne
Crystals, 2021, 11 (7), pp.829. ⟨10.3390/cryst11070829⟩
Journal articles hal-03320786v1
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Development of Amino Acids Functionalized SBA-15 for the Improvement of Protein Adsorption

Raquel Gutiérrez-Climente , Margaux Clavié , Jérémie Gouyon , Giang Ngo , Yoann Ladner
Molecules, 2021, 26 (19), pp.6085. ⟨10.3390/molecules26196085⟩
Journal articles hal-03375545v1
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Shear Wave Elastography, a New Tool for Diaphragmatic Qualitative Assessment A Translational Study

Yassir Aarab , Aurélien Flatres , Fanny Garnier , Mathieu Capdevila , F. Raynaud
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2021, 204 (7), pp.797-806. ⟨10.1164/rccm.202011-4086OC⟩
Journal articles hal-03286291v1

Lasers microchips pour l'instrumentation optique : du laboratoire au grand public

Thierry Georges , Pascal Etienne , Nicolas Landru , Julien Rouvillain , Hugues Fortin
La Revue de l'électricité et de l'électronique, 2020, 3, pp.51
Journal articles hal-04839987v1
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Techniques for characterizing the mechanical properties of aerogels

Thierry Woignier , Juan Primera , Adil Alaoui , Florence Despetis , Sylvie Etienne-Calas
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2020, 93 (1), pp.6-27. ⟨10.1007/s10971-019-05173-2⟩
Journal articles hal-02527311v1
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Neuromodulatory and possible anxiolytic-like effects of a spice functional food ingredient in a pig model of psychosocial chronic stress

S. Menneson , S. Ménicot , C.-H. Malbert , P. Meurice , Y. Serrand
Journal of Functional Foods, 2020, 64, pp.103599. ⟨10.1016/j.jff.2019.103599⟩
Journal articles hal-02443757v1
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A Citrus based sensory functional food ingredient induces antidepressant-like effects: possible involvement of an interplay between the olfactory and the serotonergic systems

B. Coutens , K. Rekik , A. Harster , P. Etienne , V. Noirot
Journal articles hal-02983060v1
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Real-time shear wave ultrasound elastography: a new tool for the evaluation of diaphragm and limb muscle stiffness in critically ill patients

Aurélien Flatres , Yassir Aarab , Stephanie Nougaret , Fanny Garnier , Romaric Larcher
Critical Care, 2020, 24 (1), pp.34. ⟨10.1186/s13054-020-2745-6⟩
Journal articles hal-02468739v2
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Polyurethane Thermosets Using Lipidic Poly(α‐Hydroxyketone)

Benoit Briou , Nam Duc Vu , Sylvain Caillol , Jean‐jacques Robin , Nicolas Duguet
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 2020, 97 (1), pp.81-91. ⟨10.1002/aocs.12289⟩
Journal articles hal-02428699v1

Microfluidic Systems for Droplet Generation in Aqueous Continuous Phases: A Focus Review

Koceïla Doufène , Corine Tourné-Péteilh , Pascal Etienne , Anne Aubert-Pouëssel
Langmuir, 2019, 35 (39), pp.12597-12612. ⟨10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b02179⟩
Journal articles hal-02334459v1

Hybrid Organic-Inorganic photoresists, a promising class of materials for Optofluidic integration

Jinane Elias , Pascal Etienne , Sylvie Calas-Etienne , Laurent Duffours
EPJ Web of Conferences, 2019, 215, pp.16001. ⟨10.1051/epjconf/201921516001⟩
Journal articles hal-04833025v1
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Physico-chemical properties and surface characterization of renewable hybrid nanofilms interacting with model proteins

Antigoni Theodoratou , Luca Costa , Laurent Bonnet , Christophe Blanc , Vincent Lapinte
European Polymer Journal, 2019, 111, pp.161-169. ⟨10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2018.12.018⟩
Journal articles hal-01974331v1

Pharmacokinetic and antimicrobial activity of a new carvacrol-based product against a human pathogen, Campylobacter jejuni

M. Allaoua , P. Etienne , V. Noirot , Jean-Luc Carayon , Joseph-Nathan Téné Ghomsi
Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2018, 125 (4), pp.1162-1174. ⟨10.1111/jam.13915⟩
Journal articles hal-02414870v1

Slow crack growth in silica aerogels: A review

Florence Despetis , Sylvie Calas-Etienne , Pascal Etienne
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2018, ⟨10.1007/s10971-018-4857-x⟩
Journal articles hal-02098399v1
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Chemical & Nano-mechanical Study of Artificial Human Enamel Subsurface Lesions

R. Al-Obaidi , H. Salehi , A. Desoutter , Laurent Bonnet , Pascal Etienne
Scientific Reports, 2018, 8, pp.4047. ⟨10.1038/s41598-018-22459-7⟩
Journal articles hal-01767245v1

Late toxicities and clinical outcome at 5 years of the ACCORD 12/0405-PRODIGE 02 trial comparing two neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy regimens for intermediate-risk rectal cancer

D. Azria , J. Doyen , M. Jarlier , I. Martel-Lafay , C. Hennequin
Annals of Oncology, 2017, 28 (10), pp.2436 - 2442. ⟨10.1093/annonc/mdx351⟩
Journal articles hal-01705297v1

Performance of Pyridylthiourea-Polyethylenimine Polyplex for siRNA-Mediated Liver Cancer Therapy in Cell Monolayer, Spheroid, and Tumor Xenograft Models

Jean Baptiste Gossart , Etienne Pascal , Florent Meyer , Emilie Heuillard , Mathieu Gonçalves
Global Challenges, 2017, 1 (4), pp.1700013. ⟨10.1002/gch2.201700013⟩
Journal articles hal-02185325v1
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Vegetable oil hybrid films cross-linked at the air-water interface: formation kinetics and physical characterization

Antigoni Theodoratou , Laurent Bonnet , Philippe Dieudonne-George , Gladys Massiera , Pascal Etienne
Soft Matter, 2017, 13 (26), pp.4569-4579. ⟨10.1039/c7sm00596b⟩
Journal articles hal-01627752v1

New organic-inorganic hybrid material based on a poly(amic acid) oligomer: a promising opportunity to obtain microfluidic devices by a photolithographic process

Elias Mechref , Jihane Jabbour , Sylvie Etienne-Calas , Kassem Amro , Ahmad Mehdi
RSC Advances, 2016, 6 (93), pp.90666-90673. ⟨10.1039/c6ra10584j⟩
Journal articles hal-01397524v1

Synthesis and characterization of a photosensitive organic–inorganic, hybrid positive resin type material: application to the manufacture of microfluidic devices by laser writing

Mechref Elias , Jihane Jabbour , Sylvie Calas-Etienne , Kassem Amro , Ahmad Mehdi
RSC Advances, 2016, ⟨10.1039/C5RA21393B⟩
Journal articles hal-01275706v1

Proteomic analysis of residual proteins in blades and petioles of fallen leaves of Brassica napus

M. Desclos-Théveniau , L. Coquet , T. Jouenne , P. Etienne , P. Mock
Plant Biology, 2015, 17 (2), pp.408-418. ⟨10.1111/plb.12241⟩
Journal articles hal-02183511v1
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Mechanical properties and brittle behavior of silica aerogels

Thierry Woignier , Juan Primera , Adil Hafidi Alaoui , Pascal Etienne , Florence Despetis
Gels, 2015, 1 (2), pp.256. ⟨10.3390/gels1020256⟩
Journal articles hal-01921452v1

Fabrication and mechanical properties of an organo-mineral cantilever-based probe for near-field optical microscopy

Anna Tsigara , Bachar Mourched , Pascal Falgayrettes , Benoit Belier , E.L. Nativel
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical , 2014, 212, pp.12 - 17. ⟨10.1016/j.sna.2014.03.016⟩
Journal articles hal-01636486v1

Design and controlled synthesis by dual polymerization of new organic-​inorganic hybrid material for photonic devices

Saly Yaacoub , Sylvie Calas , Jihane Jabbour , Kassem Amro , Rabih Tauk
RSC Advances, 2014, ⟨10.1039/c4ra01059k⟩
Journal articles hal-01208308v1

Synthesis of new vinyl ether functionalized silica for UV-patterning

Saly Yaacoub , Sylvie Calas-Etienne , Jihane Jabbour , Rémi Courson , Rabih Tauk
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2013, pp.348. ⟨10.1007/s10971-013-3092-8⟩
Journal articles hal-00921996v1

Development and characterization of ultra-porous silica films made by the sol-gel method. Application to biosensing.

Caroline Desfours , Sylvie Calas-Etienne , Robert Horvath , Marta Martin , Csilla Gergely
Applied physics. A, Materials science & processing, 2013, pp.DOI 10.1007/s00339-013-7662-y. ⟨10.1007/s00339-013-7662-y⟩
Journal articles hal-00804662v1

Study of the mechanical properties of two organic-inorganic hybrid systems : GPTMS/colloidal silica and GPTMS/TEOS

Saly Yaacoub , Sylvie Etienne-Calas , Jihane Jabbour , Rabih Tauk , D. Zaouk
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2012, 358, pp.3036. ⟨10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2012.07.036⟩
Journal articles hal-00744289v1

Total electronic energy by tight binding approximation and experimental toughness of three different hybrid polymers

Nathalie Olivi-Tran , Abdelkarim Ferchichi , S. Calas , Pascal Etienne
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2010, 356 (6-8), pp.287-289. ⟨10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2009.12.009⟩
Journal articles hal-00486201v1

Relation between structure and mechanical properties (elastoplastic and fracture behavior) of hybrid organic-inorganic coating

Abdelkarim Ferchichi , Sylvie Etienne-Calas , Monique Smaihi , Guillaume Prévot , Pierre Solignac
Journal of Materials Science, 2009, 44 (11), pp.2752-2758. ⟨10.1007/s10853-009-3359-1⟩
Journal articles hal-00389881v1

Connectivity of hybrid polymer by numerical simulation: example of $(Si(CH_3)_2)_n(OSiO)_p(OH)_q$

Nathalie Olivi-Tran , Sylvie Calas , Pascal Etienne
Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 2009, 17, pp.187-190. ⟨10.1007/s10924-009-0137-8⟩
Journal articles hal-00454779v1

Sub-critical crack growth in some phosphate glasses

Stéphanie Etter , Florence Despetis , Pascal Etienne
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2008, 354, pp.580
Journal articles hal-00416153v1

"Study of the mechanical properties of hybrid coating as function of their structures using nonindentation"

A. Ferchichi , S. Calas-Etienne , M. Smaihi , P. Etienne
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2008, 354 (2-9), pp.712-716. ⟨10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2007.07.096⟩
Journal articles hal-00335664v1

"Study of EETMOS hydrolysis and polycondensation by Si-29 NMR spectroscopy. Application to optical 3D waveguides fabrication"

J. Jabbour , S. Calas , M. Smaihi , S. Gatti , P. Etienne
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2008, 354 (10-11), pp.1001-1009. ⟨10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2007.08.009⟩
Journal articles hal-00335661v1

Simulations of refractive index variation in a multimode interference coupler: Application to gas sensing

Thomas Mazingue , R.K. Kribich , Pascal Etienne , Yves Moreau
Optics Communications, 2007, 278 (2), pp.312-316. ⟨10.1016/j.optcom.2007.06.036⟩
Journal articles hal-00327124v1

Photonic circuits writing with UV pulsed laser

R. Kribich , S. Gatti , J. Jabbour , G. Pille , Sylvie Calas
physica status solidi (c), 2007, 4 (1), pp.104-107. ⟨10.1002/pssc.200673543⟩
Journal articles hal-00390397v1
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Improvement of the guiding performances of near infrared organic/inorganic channel waveguides.

Mohamed Oubaha , Pascal Etienne , Philippe Boutinaud , Jean-Marie Nedelec , Pascal Coudray
Optical Materials, 2006, 28, pp.502. ⟨10.1016/j.optmat.2005.03.012⟩
Journal articles hal-00018588v1

Spectroscopic characterisation of sol-gel organo-siloxane materials synthesised from aliphatic and aromatic alkoxysilanes

M. Oubaha , P. Etienne , S. Calas , Jean-Marie Nedelec , Y. Moreau
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2005, 351, pp.2122 2128. ⟨10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2005.03.049⟩
Journal articles hal-00330471v1

New organic inorganic sol–gel material with high transparency at 1.55μm

Mohamed Oubaha , K. Kribich , Robert Copperwhite , Pascal Etienne , Kieran J. O’dwyer
Optics Communications, 2005, 253 (4-6), pp.346-351. ⟨10.1016/j.optcom.2005.05.008⟩
Journal articles hal-00328642v1

Sol-Gel Derived Organic and Inorganic Hybrid Materials for photonic applications: Contribution to the correlation between the material structure and the transmission in the near Infrared Region

M. Oubaha , P. Etienne , S. Calas , P. Coudray , Jean-Marie Nedelec
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2005, 33 (2), pp.241-248. ⟨10.1007/s10971-005-5619-0⟩
Journal articles hal-00328638v1

On the use of exchange biased top electrodes in magnetic tunnel junctions

D Lacour , O. Durand , J.-L. Maurice , H. Jaffrès , F. Nguyen van Dau
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2004, 270 (3), pp.403-406. ⟨10.1016/j.jmmm.2003.09.007⟩
Journal articles hal-02949342v1
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Fracture study of organic–inorganic coatings using nanoindentation technique

Sylvie Etienne-Calas , Agnès Duri , P. Etienne
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2004, 344 (1-2), pp.60-65. ⟨10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2004.07.029⟩
Journal articles hal-02682626v1

Spectroscopic characterization of intrinsic losses in an organic-inorganic hybrid waveguide synthesized by the sol-gel process

M. Oubaha , P. Etienne , M. Smaïhi , P. Coudray , Y. Moreau
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2003, 318 (3), pp.305-313. ⟨10.1016/S0022-3093(02)01889-6⟩
Journal articles hal-00327049v1

Direct printing of gratings on sol-gel layers

Yves Moreau , Philippe Arguel , Paul Coudray , Pascal Etienne , Jerome Porque
Optical Engineering, 1998, 37 (4), pp.1130. ⟨10.1117/1.601946⟩
Journal articles hal-02059854v1
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Basic considerations on the growth of metallic layers by molecular beam epitaxy: application to Cr/Fe, Ag/Fe and Cu/Co multilayers

P. Etienne , J. Massies
Journal de Physique III, 1993, 3 (8), pp.1581-1588. ⟨10.1051/jp3:1993221⟩
Journal articles jpa-00249022v1
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Recent advances in molecular beam epitaxy of metallic multilayers and superlattices

F. Nguyen-Van-Dau , P. Etienne , J. Massies
Revue de Physique Appliquée, 1990, 25 (10), pp.971-976. ⟨10.1051/rphysap:019900025010097100⟩
Journal articles jpa-00246272v1
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F. Nguyen van Dau , A. Fert , P. Etienne , M. Baibich , Jean-Marc Broto
Journal de Physique Colloques, 1988, 49 (C8), pp.C8-1633-C8-1634. ⟨10.1051/jphyscol:19888746⟩
Journal articles jpa-00228988v1

NOVEL OPTOFLUIDIC MODULES IN SILICA AEROGEL Novel optofluidic modules in silica aerogel

Harry Dawson , Sylvie Calas-Etienne , Romain Delamarre , Pascal Etienne
21st Int. Sol-Gel Conference, Jul 2022, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-04839923v1

Muscular diseases: construction of an artificial skeletal muscle for new treatments

Aurélien Flatres , Nathalie Saint , Gilles Carnac , Y Aarab , Paul Coudray
XLV1 ESAO Congress, Sep 2019, Hannovre, Germany
Conference papers hal-04839748v1

Réglementer le métier ou certifier la pratique des ergonomes ?

Sylvain S. Leduc , Pascal Etienne , Bernard Dugué, , Gabin Gindro , Fabien Coutarel
53è Congrès Internaitonal de la Société d'Ergonomie de Langue Française, 2018, Bordeaux, France. pp.618-620
Conference papers hal-01897303v1

Estimation of Piezoresistive Errors for High-G Measurement by Thermal Accelerometer

Baudry Florian , Giani Alain , Combette Philippe , Etienne Pascal , Laurent Bonnet
2018 IEEE SENSORS, Oct 2018, New Delhi, India. pp.1-4
Conference papers hal-01997629v1

Crak free hybrid aerogel cells as home matrix for liquids

Pascal Etienne , Sylvie Calas-Etienne , Rémi Courson , Jean-Paul Cano , Claudine Biver
International Seminar on Aerogels, Sep 2016, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-01924139v1
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Toward compact SNOM

B. Mourched , A Tsigara , P. Falgayrettes , E L Nativel , R. Kribich
International conférence Near Field Optics Nanophotonics and related techniques, Sep 2012, San Sebastian, Spain
Conference papers hal-01764298v1
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Quel bilan tirer de la campagne de communication TMS 2008-2010 ?

Pascal Etienne , Lionel Groléas , Agnès Lebret
Troisième Congrès francophone sur les troubles musculosquelettiques (TMS). Échanges et pratiques sur la prévention / Organisé par l'Anact et Pacte, May 2011, Grenoble, France
Conference papers halshs-00602213v1

Optical waveguides for biomolecules detection

Caroline Desfours , Sylvie Etienne-Calas , Csilla Gergely , Pascal Etienne , Frédéric Cuisinier
Hybrid Materials, Mar 2009, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-00389880v1

Capteurs optiques appliqués à la détection de biomolécules

Caroline Desfours , Sylvie Etienne-Calas , Csilla Gergely , Pascal Etienne
7ème journée Sol-Gel Rhône-Alpes, Dec 2008, Villeurbanne, France
Conference papers hal-00389879v1

Effect of alumina on sub-critical crack growth in calcium aluminophosphate glasses

Etter Stephanie , Florence Despetis , Etienne Pascal
Conference papers hal-00389900v1


Pascal Etienne , Franck Bissuel , Jean Phalippou , Robert Sempere
6ème Journée Sol-Gel Rhone-Alpes, Dec 2007, Clermont Ferrand, France
Conference papers hal-00389891v1

New generation of organic-inorganic material for integrated optics : organic part polymerize via cationic way

Jihane Jabbour , Sylvie Etienne-Calas , Sylvain Gatti , Monique Smaihi , Raphaël Kribich
14th International Conference on Sol-Gel, Sep 2007, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-00389887v1

Relation between mechanical and structural properties of hybrid organic-inorganic sol-gel films

Abdelkarim Ferchichi , Sylvie Etienne-Calas , Monique Smaihi , Pascal Etienne
14th International Conference on Sol-Gel, Sep 2007, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-00389888v1

Nouvelle génération de matériaux hybrides organiques-inorganiques pour applications en optique intégrée

Rémi Courson , Sylvie Etienne-Calas , Monique Smaihi , Pascal Etienne
6ème Journées Sol-Gel Rhone-Alpes, Dec 2007, Clermont Ferrand, France
Conference papers hal-00389890v1

The study of mechnical properties of organic-inorganics synthesized via sol-gel process as a function of their structure

Abdelkarim Ferchichi , Sylvie Etienne-Calas , Pascal Etienne
Journées Scientifiques et Techniques en Mécanique et Matériaux - Surfaces et Interfaces, 2006, Hammamet, Tunisia
Conference papers hal-00389871v1

Oral : "Etude, par spectroscopie 29Si-RMN, de l'hydrolyse et la condensation d'un précurseur hybride organique-inorganique entrant dans la fabrication des couches pour l'optique guidée"

J. Jabbour , S. Calas , S. Gatti , R.K. Kribich , M. Smaihi
GDR 2922, MHOM, 2006, La Grande Motte, France
Conference papers hal-00079900v1


Stéphanie Etter , Florence Despetis , Pascal Etienne
MATERIAUX 2006, 2006, DIJON, France
Conference papers hal-00416156v1

Oral : "New organic-inorganic materials synthesized via sol-gel process for photonic devices"

J. Jabbour , S. Calas , M. Smaihi , S. Gatti , R.P. Kribich
Cinquième Conférence Internationale sur la Science des Matériaux (CSM5), 2006, Beyrouth, Lebanon
Conference papers hal-00079910v1

Chemical sensors based optical sensitivity of metal oxide materials deposited on multimode interference couplers

T. Mazingue , R. Kribich , J. Jabbour , S. Gatti , Ludovic Escoubas
International Conference “Micro- to Nano-Photonics - ROMOPTO", 2006, Sibiu, Romania
Conference papers hal-00084170v1

Evolution of the mechanical properties of organic-inorganic coatings as a function of their structure

Abdelkarim Ferchichi , Sylvie Etienne-Calas , Stéphanie Etter , Pascal Etienne
International Symposium of European Materials Society, 2006, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-00389874v1

Relation between mechanical and structural properties of hybrid organic inorganic coatings

Abdelkarim Ferchichi , Sylvie Calas-Etienne , Monique Smaihi , Pascal Etienne
Workshop Nanomaterials : microstructural and mechanical characterizations, simulations, Dec 2006, Poitiers, France
Conference papers hal-00389868v1

Etude par spectroscopie 29Si RMN de l'hydrolyse et de la condensation d'un précurseur hybride organique inorganique entrant dans la fabrication des couches pour l'optique guidée

Jihane Jabbour , Sylvie Etienne-Calas , Sylvain Gatti , Raphaël Kribich , Guillaume Pille
GDR Matériaux, 2006, La grande motte, France
Conference papers hal-00389885v1

Evolution des propriétés mécaniques de couches hybrides organiques inorganiques en fonction de leur structure

Abdelkarim Ferchichi , Sylvie Etienne-Calas , Pascal Etienne , Monique Smaihi
Matériaux 2006, 2006, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-00389870v1

Caractérisations spectroscopiques d'un matériau hybride organique-inorganique synthétisé par procédé sol-gel pour la fabrication de circuits photoniques

Jihane Jabbour , Sylvie Etienne-Calas , Sylvain Gatti , R.K. Kribich , Guillaume Pille
Matériaux 2006, 2006, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-00389875v1

Fracture of silica aerogels. Effect of surface nature on crack propagation

Florence Despetis , Pascal Etienne , Sylvie Etienne-Calas , Jean Phalippou
11th International Congress on Fracture, 2005, Turin, Italy
Conference papers hal-00389883v1

Fracture of silica aerogels: Effects of surface nature on crack propagation

Florence Despetis , Etienne Pascal , Calas-Etienne Sylvie , Phalippou Jean
International congress on fracture ICF11, Mar 2005, TURIN, Italy
Conference papers hal-00389895v1

Effet du traitement thermique d'oxydation sur la vitesse de propagation des fissures dans les aérogels

Florence Despetis , Calas-Etienne Sylvie , Etienne Pascal , Phalippou Jean
GFC, Apr 2003, France
Conference papers hal-00389898v1
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L'Accès Multiple dans la Communication Optique : du WDM au CDMA

Yves Moreau , Guillaume Pille , Nicolas Brillouet , Stéphane Perrot , Jérôme Galy
JNOG: Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée, Nov 2003, Valence, France. pp.255-258
Conference papers lirmm-00269787v1
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Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) with MMI Mineral-Organic Circuits

Yves Moreau , Raphaël Kribich , Paul Coudray , Pascal Etienne , Jérôme Galy
International Conference SPIE: Photonics West, Jan 2003, San Jose, United States. ⟨10.1117/12.435295⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00269786v1

Understanding the physicochemical mechanisms of positive organic-inorganic hybrid resins to manufacture microfluidic device

Nour Nasrallah , Pascal Etienne , Sylvie Calas-Etienne
22rd Int. Sol-Gel Conference, Sep 2024, Berlin, Germany
Conference poster hal-04839842v1

Silylated amino acid derivatives as novel hybrid precursors for sol-gel protein imprinting

Margaux Clavié , Raquel Gutiérrez-Climente , Jérémie Gouyon , Giang Ngo , Yoann Ladner
36th European Peptide Symposium & 12th International Peptide Symposium, Aug 2022, Sitges (Barcelona), Spain. Wiley, Journal of Peptide Science, 28 (S3), pp.P195, 2022
Conference poster hal-04834615v1

Waveguides processing by laser writing in organic-inorganic photoresists, for optofluidic platforms

Jinane Elias , Pascal Etienne , Sylvie Calas-Etienne , Laurent Duffours
21st Int. Sol-Gel Conference, Jul 2022, Lyon, France
Conference poster hal-04839938v1

Micropatterning of PDMS by UV Photolithography of an Organic-Inorganic Hybrid

Théo Regagnon , Gilles Carnac , Gerald Hugon , Pascal Etienne , Stefan Matecki
21st Int. Sol-Gel Conference, Jul 2022, Lyon, France
Conference poster hal-04839903v1

Hybrid Organic-Inorganic photoresists, a promising class of materials for Optofluidic integration

Jinane Elias-Elias , Pascal Etienne , Sylvie Calas-Etienne , Laurent Duffours
5th EOS Optical Technologies Conference, Jun 2019, Munich, Germany
Conference poster hal-04839775v1

Hybrid Organic-Inorganic photoresists, a promising class of materials for Optofluidic integration

Jinane Elias , Pascal Etienne , Sylvie Calas-Etienne , Laurent Duffours
20th Int. Sol-Gel Conference, Aug 2019, Saint Perstersburg, Russia
Conference poster hal-04839786v1

Organic-inorganic hybrid material based on epoxy and vinyl ether groups to reduce the residual OH content after cationic photopolymerization

Raghed Bejjani , Pascal Etienne , Sylvie Calas-Etienne , Rabih Tawk , Jihane Jabbour
Sol-Gel 2017, Sep 2017, Liege, Belgium
Conference poster hal-03430829v1

Permeability in nanocomposites gels : Knudsen and Klinkenberg approach

Thierry Woignier , Liz Anez , Sylvie Calas-Etienne , Juan Primera , Pascal Etienne
19th International Sol-Gel Conference, Sep 2017, LIEGE, Belgium
Conference poster hal-01924146v1

Impact d’un arôme fonctionnel, induisant une préférence alimentaire, sur l’activité cérébrale de porcelets exposésou non depuis le sevrage à ce produit

Caroline Clouard , P. Etienne , V. Noirot , M. Champagnac , David Val-Laillet
12. Journées Francophones de Nutrition (JFN), Dec 2014, Bruxelles, Belgique. , Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme, 28 suppl 1, 2014, Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme
Conference poster hal-01409503v1
Image document


Thierry Woignier , Liz Anez , Juan Primera , Pascal Etienne , Jean Phalippou
Handboook of aerogels, 2023, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-27322-4_10⟩
Book sections hal-04282095v1
Image document

Evolution of the Mechanical Properties During the Gel–Glass Process

Thierry Woignier , Florence Despetis , P. Etienne , Adil Alaoui , L Duffours
Lisa Klein; Mario Aparicio; Andrei Jitianu. Handbook of Sol-Gel Science and TechnologyProcessing: Characterization and Applications, , pp.1487 - 1512, 2018, 978-3-319-32099-1. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-32101-1_43⟩
Book sections hal-01929802v1