Automatic pre‐treatment and multiblock analysis of flavor release and sensory temporal data simultaneously collected in vivo
Caroline Peltier
Michel Visalli
Hélène Labouré
Cantin Hélard
Isabelle Andriot
Journal articles
Single vs. sequential sensory evaluations of full portions of regular and non-alcoholic beers at home
Takahiro Wakihira
Michel Visalli
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Product discrimination ability of temporal sensory evaluation methods used with consumers
Michel Visalli
Sylvie Cordelle
Noëlle Béno
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Temporal precision and resolution of TDS and TCATA used with consumers
Michel Visalli
Benjamin Mahieu
Caroline Peltier
Sylvie Cordelle
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Dietary fatty acid composition drives neuroinflammation and impaired behavior in obesity
Clara Sanchez
Cécilia Colson
Nadine Gautier
Pascal Noser
Juliette Salvi
Journal articles
A dataset of perception and preferences of French consumers for commercial cooked hams sampled according to their nutritional values and claims
Michel Visalli
Anne-Laure Loiseau
Sylvie Cordelle
Benjamin Mahieu
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
A dataset on concurrent and immediate retrospective measures of sensory perception and preferences of dark chocolates
Michel Visalli
Benjamin Mahieu
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
First steps towards FAIRization of product-focused sensory data
Michel Visalli
Pascal Schlich
Benjamin Mahieu
Arnaud Thomas
Magalie Weber
Journal articles
A dataset on the sensory and affective perception of Bordeaux and Rioja red wines collected from French and Spanish consumers at home and international wine students in the lab
Michel Visalli
Magalie Dubois
Pascal Schlich
François Ric
Jean-Marie Cardebat
Journal articles
Measuring the effectiveness of the temporal dominance of sensations technique to investigate the dynamic perception of oral nutritional supplements by older adults
E. Regan
E.L. Feeney
Pascal Schlich
S.C. Hutchings
G.J. O'Neill
Journal articles
Analyzing temporal dominance of sensations data with categorical functional data analysis
Caroline Peltier
Michel Visalli
Pascal Schlich
Hervé Cardot
Journal articles
Comparing consumer liking of beef from three feeding systems using a combination of traditional and temporal liking sensory methods
L.C. Corcoran
P Schlich
A.P. Moloney
E. O'Riordan
K. Millar
Journal articles
Use of temporal sensory evaluation methods with consumers: a position paper
Michel Visalli
Mara Galmarini
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Hedonic valence of descriptive sensory terms as an indirect measure of liking: A preliminary study with red wines
Michel Visalli
Benjamin Mahieu
Magalie Dubois
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Parental age effect on the longevity and healthspan in Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans
Camille Lenzi
Alexis Piat
Pascal Schlich
Judith Ducau
Jean-Claude Bregliano
Journal articles
Corrigendum to “Concurrent vs immediate retrospective temporal sensory data collection: A case study on lemon-flavoured carbonated alcoholic drinks” [Food Qual. Pref. 101 (2022) 104629]
Michel Visalli
Takahiro Wakihira
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Temporal drivers of liking by period: A case study on lemon-flavored carbonated alcoholic drinks with consumers in natural settings
Takahiro Wakihira
Michel Visalli
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Indexes of individual repeatability and product discrimination in TDS and TCATA and their statistical inference
Cindy Frascolla
Michel Visalli
Hervé Cardot
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Assessment of the validity and reliability of temporal sensory evaluation methods used with consumers on controlled stimuli delivered by a gustometer
Michel Visalli
Noëlle Béno
Léna Nicolle
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Relevance of free-comment to describe wine temporal sensory perception: An application with panels varying in culture and expertise
Michel Visalli
Magalie Dubois
Pascal Schlich
François Ric
Jean-Marie Cardebat
Journal articles
Exploring the textural dynamics of dairy and plant-based yoghurts: A comprehensive study
Annu Mehta
Lokesh Kumar
Luca Serventi
Pascal Schlich
Damir Dennis Torrico
Journal articles
Two sample tests for Semi-Markov processes with parametric sojourn time distributions: an application in sensory analysis
Cindy Frascolla
Guillaume Lecuelle
Pascal Schlich
Hervé Cardot
Journal articles
Sensory acceptability of new plant protein meat substitutes
Sylvie Cordelle
Andreas Redl
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Effects of oenological tannins on aroma release and perception of oxidized and non-oxidized red wine: A dynamic real-time in-vivo study coupling sensory evaluation and analytical chemistry
Elisabetta Pittari
Paola Piombino
Isabelle Andriot
Veronique Cheynier
Sylvie Cordelle
Journal articles
Identifying drivers of liking and characterizing the ideal product thanks to Free-Comment
Benjamin Mahieu
Michel Visalli
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
A dataset on concurrent and immediate retrospective methods for measuring sensory perception and preferences of lemon-flavoured carbonated alcoholic drinks.
Michel Visalli
Takahiro Wakihira
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Concurrent vs. immediate retrospective temporal sensory data collection: A case study on lemon-flavoured carbonated alcoholic drinks
Michel Visalli
Takahiro Wakihira
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
A dataset of sensory perception of chocolates, guacamoles, ice teas and crisps collected with consumers using six temporal methods
Michel Visalli
Sylvie Cordelle
Pascal Schlich
Benjamin Mahieu
Catherine Pedron
Journal articles
An investigation of the stability of Free-Comment and Check-All-That-Apply in two consumer studies on red wines and milk chocolates
Benjamin Mahieu
Michel Visalli
Arnaud Thomas
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
A multiple-response chi-square framework for the analysis of Free-Comment and Check-All-That-Apply data
Benjamin Mahieu
Pascal Schlich
Michel Visalli
Hervé Cardot
Journal articles
Automated sentiment analysis of Free-Comment: An indirect liking measurement?
Michel Visalli
Benjamin Mahieu
Arnaud Thomas
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Concurrent vs. retrospective temporal data collection: Attack-evolution-finish as a simplification of Temporal Dominance of Sensations?
Michel Visalli
Benjamin Mahieu
Arnaud Thomas
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Temporal Dominance of Sensations paired with dynamic wanting in an ad libitum setting: A new method of sensory evaluation with consumers for a better understanding of beer drinkability
Takahiro Wakihira
Seiko Miyashita
Minoru Kobayashi
Kazuhiko Uemura
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Beyond principal component analysis (PCA) of product means: Toward a psychometric view on sensory profiling data
Burkhard Dettmar
Caroline Peltier
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Impact of aging on the overall liking and sensory characteristics of sourdough breads and comparison of two methods to determine their sensory shelf life
Hélène Gauchez
Anne-Laure Loiseau
Pascal Schlich
Christophe Martin
Journal articles
Using Free-Comment with consumers to obtain temporal sensory descriptions of products
Benjamin Mahieu
Michel Visalli
Arnaud Thomas
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Free-comment outperformed check-all-that-apply in the sensory characterisation of wines with consumers at home
Benjamin Mahieu
Michel Visalli
Arnaud Thomas
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Accounting for the dimensionality of the dependence in analyses of contingency tables obtained with Check-All-That-Apply and Free-Comment
Benjamin Mahieu
Michel Visalli
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Relationship between sensory liking for fat, sweet or salt and cardiometabolic diseases: mediating effects of diet and weight status
Aurélie Lampuré
Solia Adriouch
Katia Castetbon
Amélie Deglaire
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Enrichissement en fibres des produits céréaliers : aspect sensoriels. Projet Céréfibres
Virginie Herbreteau
B. Barrier Guillot
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
From first to last bite: Temporal dynamics of sensory and hedonic perceptions using a multiple-intake approach
Roelien van Bommel
Markus Stieger
Nicole Boelee
Pascal Schlich
Gerry Jager
Journal articles
Estimating finite mixtures of semi‐Markov chains: an application to the segmentation of temporal sensory data
Hervé Cardot
Guillaume Lecuelle
Pascal Schlich
Michel Visalli
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C Applied Statistics, 2019, 68 (5), pp.1281-1303. ⟨10.1111/rssc.12356⟩
Journal articles
Enrichissement en fibres des produits céréaliers : des améliorations possibles mais complexes
Pascal Schlich
Industries des Céréales, 2019, 213, pp.36-39
Journal articles
Cheese-flavored expanded snacks with low lipid content: Oil effects on the in vitro release of butyric acid and on the duration of the dominant sensations of the products
Michele Eliza Cortazzo Menis-Henrique
Natália Soares Janzantti
Isabelle Andriot
Etienne Semon
Olivier Berdeaux
Journal articles
Eating chocolate, smelling perfume or watching video advertisement: Does it make any difference on emotional states measured at home using facial expressions?
Benjamin Mahieu
Michel Visalli
Pascal Schlich
Arnaud Thomas
Journal articles
Dutch consumers do not hesitate: Capturing implicit 'no dominance' durations using hold-down temporal dominance methodologies for sensations (TDS) and emotions (TDE)
Roelien van Bommel
Markus Stieger
Pascal Schlich
Gerry Jager
Journal articles
Proof of concept: Effect of GLP-1 agonist on food hedonic responses and taste sensitivity in poor controlled type 2 diabetic patients
Marie-Claude Brindisi
Laurent Brondel
Sophie Meillon
Sophie Barthet
Sylvie Grall
Journal articles
Do we need to replicate in sensory profiling studies?
Caroline Peltier
Nadra Mammasse
Michel Visalli
Sylvie Cordelle
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Development of a picture-scale-questionnaire to assess liking for fatty, salty, sweet, and umami seasonings compared to a sensory evaluation for Japanese consumers
Yuko Nakano
Andrea Wakita
Chinatsu Kasamatsu
Masahiko Nonaka
Midori Kasai
Journal articles
Targeting colon luminal lipid peroxidation limits colon carcinogenesis associated with red meat consumption
Océane Martin
Nathalie Naud
Sylviane Taché
Laurent Debrauwer
Sylvie S. Chevolleau
Journal articles
From first to last bite: Emotions change from high to low arousal and dominant sensations built-up during multiple bite assessment of yogurts
Roelien van Bommel
Markus Stieger
Nicole Boelee
Pascal Schlich
Gerry Jager
Journal articles
Enhancing canonical variate analysis by taking the scaling effect into account
Caroline Peltier
Michel Visalli
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Temporal drivers of liking for oral nutritional supplements for older adults throughout the day with monitoring of hunger and thirst status
Arnaud Thomas
A. J. van Der Stelt
Pascal Schlich
J. Ben Lawlor
Journal articles
Correlation of consumer perception of stickiness and contributing texture attributes to trained panelist temporal evaluations in a caramel system
Emily J. Mayhew
Shelly J. Schmidt
Pascal Schlich
Soo-Yeun Lee
Journal articles
Wine and cheese: two products or one association? A new method for assessing wine-cheese pairing
Mara V. Galmarini
Lucie Dufau
Anne-Laure Loiseau
Michel Visalli
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Modeling temporal dominance of sensations with semi-Markov chains
Guillaume Lecuelle
Michel Visalli
Hervé Cardot
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Sensory evaluation of dark origin and non-origin chocolates applying Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS)
L.-M. Oberrauter
R. Januszewska
Pascal Schlich
D. Majchrzak
Journal articles
Temporal texture profile and identification of glass transition temperature as an instrumental predictor of stickiness in a caramel system
Emily J. Mayhew
Shelly J. Schmidt
Pascal Schlich
Soo-Yeun Lee
Journal articles
Variation des corrélations entre l’attirance sensorielle déclarée et l’attirance sensorielle mesurée pour le gras, le salé et le sucré selon le niveau de désirabilité sociale
Aurélie Lampure
Amélie Deglaire
Pascal Schlich
Christine Urbano
Sandrine Peneau
Journal articles
Decomposition of the level effect into overall and descriptor-specific components
Caroline Peltier
Michel Visalli
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS): a new deal for temporal sensory analysis
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
How the structure, nutritional and sensory attributes of pasta made from legume flour is affected by the proportion of legume protein
Karima Laleg
Cécile Barron
Sylvie Cordelle
Pascal Schlich
Stéphane Walrand
Journal articles
Advances in representation and analysis of mono and multi-intake Temporal Dominance of Sensations data
Mara V. V. Galmarini
Michel Visalli
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS): a new deal for temporal sensory analysis
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Qualités culinaires, sensorielles et nutritionnelles de pâtes alimentaires sans
gluten à base de légumineuses
Karima Laleg
Denis Cassan
Cécile Barron
Sylvie Cordelle
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Measuring temporal liking simultaneously to Temporal Dominance of Sensations in several intakes. An application to Gouda cheeses in 6 Europeans countries
Arnaud Thomas
M. Chambault
L. Dreyfuss
C.C. Gilbert
A. Hegyi
Journal articles
Relative Influence of Socioeconomic, Psychological and Sensory Characteristics, Physical Activity and Diet on 5-Year Weight Gain in French Adults
Aurélie Lampuré
Katia Castetbon
Mohamed Hanafi
Amélie Deglaire
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Use of multi-intake Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) to evaluate the influence of wine on cheese perception
Mara Virginia Galmarini
Anne-Laure Loiseau
Doëtte Debreyer
Michel Visalli
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
The effect of training on the temporal dominance of sensations method: A study with milk protein hydrolysates
Scott C. Hutchings
Aude de Casanove
Pascal Schlich
Dolores O'Riordan
Journal articles
Could Time–Intensity by a trained panel be replaced with a progressive profile done by consumers? A case on chewing-gum
M.V. Galmarini
Ronan Symoneaux
Michel Visalli
M.C. Zamora
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Should I use touchscreen tablets rather than computers and mice in TDS trials?
Michel Visalli
Christine Lange
Loic Mallet-Logé
Sylvie Cordelle
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Multiplicative decomposition of the scaling effect in the Mixed Assessor Model into a descriptor-specific and an overall coefficients
Caroline Peltier
Michel Visalli
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Gros plan sur ChemoSens, R&D et expertise en analyses physico-chimique et sensorielle. Une plate-forme du Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation, labellisée IBISA
Pascal Schlich
Olivier Berdeaux
Gazette du Laboratoire (Riorges), 2016, mars 2016 (218), pp.72-72
Journal articles
Dynamic sensory description of Rioja Alavesa red wines made by different winemaking practices by using Temporal Dominance of Sensations
Iñaki Etaio
Sophie Meillon
Francisco J Pérez-Elortondo
Pascal Schlich
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2016, 96 (10), pp.3492-3499. ⟨10.1002/jsfa.7533⟩
Journal articles
Associations between liking for fat, sweet or salt and obesity risk in French adults
Aurélie Lampuré
Katia Castetbon
Amélie Deglaire
Pascal Schlich
Sandrine Péneau
Journal articles
Use of Multi-Intake Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) to Evaluate the Influence of Cheese on Wine Perception
Mara V. Galmarini
Anne-Laure Loiseau
Michel Visalli
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Quel est le secret du mariage réussi entre fromage et vin ?
Pascal Schlich
Le Bien Public, 2016, er novembre 2016, pp.1-1
Journal articles
Development of a sensory tool to assess overall liking for the fatty, salty and sweet sensations
Christine Urbano
Amélie Deglaire
Elodie Cartier-Lange
Virginie Herbreteau
Sylvie Cordelle
Journal articles
De nouveaux locaux pour les chercheurs
Olivier Berdeaux
Pascal Schlich
Le Bien Public, 2016, édition Dijon ville (24 décembre 2016)
Journal articles
Effect of sensory exposure on liking for fat- or sugar-reduced biscuits
Coralie Biguzzi
Christine Lange
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Taking individual scaling differences into account by analyzing profile data with the Mixed Assessor Model
Per Bruun Brockhoff
Pascal Schlich
I.B. Skovgaard
Journal articles
Temporal drivers of liking
Arnaud Thomas
Michel Visalli
Sylvie Cordelle
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Salivary composition is associated with liking and usual nutrient intake
Caroline Méjean
Martine Morzel
Eric Neyraud
Sylvie Issanchou
Christophe Martin
Journal articles
Static vs. dynamic liking in chewing gum: a new approach using a background task and a natural setting
M. V. Galmarini
Ronan Symoneaux
Michel Visalli
M. C. Zamora
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Impact of information and in-home sensory exposure on liking and willingness to pay: the beginning of Fairtrade labeled coffee in France
Christine Lange
Pierre Combris
Sylvie Issanchou
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Socio-Demographic, Psychological, and Lifestyle Characteristics Are Associated with a Liking for Salty and Sweet Tastes in French Adults
Aurélie Lampuré
Pascal Schlich
Amélie Deglaire
Katia Castetbon
Sandrine Peneau
Journal articles
Comparison of canonical variate analysis and principal component analysis on 422 descriptive sensory studies
Caroline Peltier
Michel Visalli
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Perceived complexity in Sauvignon blanc wines: Influence of domain-specific expertise
Pascal Schlich
Marcela Medel Maraboli
Christine Urbano
Wendy V. Parr
Journal articles
Associations between weight status and liking scores for sweet, salt and fat according to the gender in adults
(The Nutrinet-Santé study)
Amélie Deglaire
Caroline Méjean
Katia Castetbon
Emmanuelle Kesse-Guyot
Serge Hercberg
Journal articles
Canonical variate analysis of sensory profiling data
Caroline Peltier
Michel Visalli
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Creation of a food taste database using an in-home "taste" profile method
Christophe Martin
Michel Visalli
Christine Lange
Pascal Schlich
Sylvie Issanchou
Journal articles
The impact of sugar and fat reduction on perception and liking of biscuits
Coralie Biguzzi
Pascal Schlich
Christine Lange
Journal articles
Liking for fat is associated with sociodemographic, psychological, lifestyle and health characteristics
Aurélie Lampure
Amélie Deglaire
Pascal Schlich
Katia Castetbon
Sandrine Peneau
Journal articles
Amélioration nutritionnelle : le goût, critère indépassable
Coralie Biguzzi
Pascal Schlich
Process Alimentaire, 2014, Février 2014 (1311), pp.18-18
Journal articles
Pupillometry of taste: Methodological guide – from acquisition to data processing-and toolbox for MATLAB
Anaïs Lemercier
Geneviève Guillot
Philippe Courcoux
Claire Garrel
Thierry Baccino
Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 2014, 10 (2), pp.179-195
Journal articles
Adequate number of consumers in a liking test. Insights from resampling in seven studies
Nadra Mammasse
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Evaluation de la dominance temporelle des sensations de vins rouges de Bourgogne et du Beaujolais par un panel d'experts et de consommateurs
Solène Brachet
Mara Virginia Galmarini
Bertrand Chatelet
Anne-Laure Loiseau
Sylvie Cordelle
BIO Web of Conferences, 2014, 3 (Part. 2: Viticulture du Sud, Rencontre de la Connaissance et de la Nature), 6 p. ⟨10.1051/oivconf/201406006⟩
Journal articles
Temporal dominance of emotions: Measuring dynamics of food-related emotions during consumption
Gerry Jager
Pascal Schlich
Irene Tijssen
Jiali Yao
Michel Visalli
Journal articles
The MAM-CAP table: A new tool for monitoring panel performances
Caroline Peltier
P.B. Brockhoff
Michel Visalli
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Panel performance for Temporal Dominance of Sensations
Melissa Lepage
Tara Neville
Andreas Rytz
Pascal Schlich
Nathalie Martin
Journal articles
Acceptabilité des vins à teneur réduite en alcool. Importance relative du goût et de l'information
Sophie Meillon-Haddad
Pascal Schlich
La revue des œnologues et des techniques vitivinicoles et œnologiques, 2014, n° 153, pp.53-55
Journal articles
Association between intake of nutrients and food groups and liking for fat (The Nutrinet-Santé Study)
Caroline Méjean
Amélie Deglaire
Emmanuelle Kesse-Guyot
Serge Hercberg
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Association of selected viniviticultural factors with sensory and chemical characteristics of New Zealand Sauvignon blanc wines
Wendy V. Parr
Pascal Schlich
J.C. Theobald
M.J. Harsch
Journal articles
Panels de consommateurs : quel effectif interroger ?
Nadra Mammasse
Pascal Schlich
Virginie Herbreteau
Revue des ENIL, 2013, Mai
Journal articles
Maternal feeding practices during the first year and their impact on infants' acceptance of complementary food.
Christine Lange
Michel Visalli
Sandrine Jacob
Claire Chabanet
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Sensory exploration of the freshness sensation in plain yoghurts and yoghurt-like products
Romain Bouteille
Sylvie Cordelle
Caroline Laval
Carole Tournier
Bruno Lecanu
Journal articles
Temporal dominance of sensations: what is a good attribute list?
Nicolas Pineau
Antoine Goupil de Bouille
Melissa Lepage
Francine Lenfant
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Le cidre, d’une logique de l’offre vers une démarche marketing de la demande
A. Didier
Ronan Symoneaux
Pascal Schlich
S. Sybiril
D. Droger
Journal articles
Comparison between temporal dominance of sensations (TDS) and key-attribute sensory profiling for evaluating solid food with contrasting textural layers: Fish sticks
A. Albert
A. Salvador
Pascal Schlich
S. Fiszman
Journal articles
Utilisation de la Dominance temporelle des sensations pour la caractérisation sensorielle des produits de la filière blé-farine-pain
- Equipe Analyse Sensorielle de La Société Eurogerm
Michel Visalli
Pascal Schlich
Industries des Céréales, 2012, 177 (Avril/mai), pp.4-7
Journal articles
Un outil sensoriel pour la mesure des préférences vis-à-vis du gras, du salé et du sucré
Elodie Cartier-Lange
Virginie Hebreteau
Christine Urbano
Pascal Schlich
Industries Alimentaires et Agricoles, 2012, 129 (1), pp.16-16
Journal articles
Des préférences alimentaires aux actes de consommation... Pourquoi mange-t-on ce que l'on mange ?
Pascal Schlich
Camille Schwartz
Sandrine Monnery-Patris
Grain de Sucre, 2012, 27, pp.6-9
Journal articles
La conception hygiénique au service de la sécurité sanitaire de l'hygiène des matériaux
Elodie Cartier-Lange
Virginie Hebreteau
Christine Urbano
Pascal Schlich
Industries Alimentaires et Agricoles, 2012, 129 (3), pp.19-19
Journal articles
Development of a questionnaire to assay recalled liking for salt, sweet and fat
Amélie Deglaire
Caroline Mejean
Katia Castetbon
Emmanuelle Kesse-Guyot
Christine Urbano
Journal articles
How texture influences aroma and taste perception over time in candies
Anne Saint-Eve
Maud Panouillé
Fanny Dakowski
Isabelle Déléris
Sylvie Cordelle
Journal articles
Products show their best profile
Pascal Schlich
Biofutur, 2011, 30 (320), pp.50-50
Journal articles
Sensory methodologies and the taste of water
Eric Teillet
Pascal Schlich
Christine Urbano
Sylvie Cordelle
Elisabeth Guichard
Journal articles
Effect of sensory education on food preferences in children
Caroline Reverdy
Pascal Schlich
Egon Peter Köster
Emilie Ginon
Christine Lange
Journal articles
Les effets de l'éducation sensorielle sur les préférences et les comportements alimentaires des enfants
Pascal Schlich
Aude Gaignaire-Paté
2010, Hors-série VEN (Mars), pp.145-156
Journal articles
Preference and acceptability of partially dealcoholized white and red wines by consumers and professionals
Sophie Meillon
Valentine Dugas
Christine Urbano
Pascal Schlich
American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 2010, 6 (1), pp.42-52
Journal articles
Acceptability of partially dealcoholized wines - Measuring the impact of sensory and information cues on overall liking in real-life settings
Sophie Meillon
Christine Urbano
Genevieve Guillot
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Les préférences hédoniques pour le gras. Mesures et variabilité
Pascal Schlich
Amélie Deglaire
Sylvie Cordelle
Christine Urbano
Coralie Biguzzi
Journal articles
Consumer perception and preference of bottled and tap water
Eric Teillet
Christine Urbano
Sylvie Cordelle
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
SORT-CC: A procedure for the statistical treatment of free sorting data
E.M. Qannari
Véronique Cariou
E. Teillet
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Goût et acceptabilité des vins à teneur réduite en alcool
Sophie Meillon
Christine Urbano
Pascal Schlich
La revue des œnologues et des techniques vitivinicoles et œnologiques, 2010, 136, pp.52-54
Journal articles
Impact of partial alcohol reduction in wine on perceived complexity and temporality of sensations and link with preference
Sophie Meillon
David Viala
Marcela Medel
Christine Urbano
Genevieve Guillot
Journal articles
Temporal dominance of sensations and sensory profiling: A comparative study
D. Labbe
Pascal Schlich
Nicolas Pineau
F. Gilbert
N. Martin
Journal articles
Contribution of the Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) method to the sensory description of subtle differences in partially dealcoholized red wines
Sophie Meillon
Christine Urbano
Pascal Schlich
Food Quality and Preference, 2009, 20 (7), pp.490-499
Journal articles
Temporal dominance of sensations: construction of the TDS curves and comparison with time-intensity
Nicolas Pineau
Pascal Schlich
Sylvie Cordelle
Christelle Mathonnière
Sylvie Issanchou
Journal articles
Sensory attribute evolution in bottled young red wines from Rioja Alavesa
Inaki Etaio
Francisco José Pérez Elortondo
Marta Albisu
Edurne Gaston
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
Effect of sensory education on willingness to taste novel food in children
Caroline Reverdy
F. Chesnel
Pascal Schlich
Egon P. Koster
Christine Lange
Appetite, 2008, 51 (1), pp.156-165
Journal articles
Effect of winemaking process and addition of white grapes on the sensory and physicochemical characteristics of young red wines.
I. Etaio
Fj. Perez Elortondo
M. Albisu
E. Gaston
M. Ojeda
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 2008, 14, pp.211-222
Journal articles
Temporal dominance of sensations and sensory profiling: a comparative study
D. Labbe
Pascal Schlich
Nicolas Pineau
Franck Gilbert
N. Martin
Food Quality and Preference, 2008, In press
Journal articles
Development of a quantitative sensory method for the description of young red wines frome rioja alavesa.
I. Etaio
Fj. Perez Elortondo
M. Albisu
E. Gaston
M. Ojeda
Journal of Sensory Studies, 2008, 23, pp.631-655
Journal articles
Is the desire to eat familiar and unfamiliar meat products influenced by the emotions expressed on eaters' faces?
Sylvie Rousset
Pascal Schlich
Aurelie Chatonnier
Laetitia Barthomeuf
Sylvie Droit-Volet
Journal articles
Modeling the evolution of the performance of a sensory panel: a mixed model and control chart approach
Nicolas Pineau
Claire Chabanet
Pascal Schlich
Journal articles
On the consistency of liking scores: a validation study run in France and Germany
Sylvie Cordelle
Dag Piper
Pascal Schlich
Food Quality and Preference, 2005, 16 (6), pp.493-503
Journal articles
Emotions generated by meat and other food products in women
Sylvie Rousset
Véronique Deiss
Elodie Juillard
Pascal Schlich
Sylvie Droit-Violet
Journal articles
On the consistency of liking scores : insights from a study including 917 consumers from 10 to 80 years old
Sylvie Cordelle
Christine Lange
Pascal Schlich
Food Quality and Preference, 2004, 15, pp.831-841
Journal articles
La segmentation gustative : cibler les envies des consommateurs
D. Scandella
B. Navez
N. Lespinasse
S. Vénien
M. Jost
Infos CTIFL, 2002, 185, pp.9-13
Journal articles
Internal and external mapping of preferences for commercial lager beers : comparison of hedonic ratings by consumers blind versus with knowledge of brand and price
X. Guinard
B. Uotani
Pascal Schlich
Food Quality and Preference, 2001, 12, pp.243-255
Journal articles
Comparison of odour sensory profiles performed by two independent trained panels following the same descriptive analysis procedures
N. Martin
P. Molimard
Henry-Eric Spinnler
Pascal Schlich
Food Quality and Preference, 2000, 11 (6), pp.487-495
Journal articles
L'analyse sensorielle appliquée au confort du freinage
Pascal Schlich
C. Chabanon
Revue Française du Marketing, 2000, 179-180, pp.129-142
Journal articles
Consumer texture preferences : effect of age, gender and previous experience
N. Kälviäinen
Pascal Schlich
Hely Margareetta Tuorila
Journal of Texture Studies, 2000, 31, pp.593-607
Journal articles
Application of replicated difference testing
Pascal Schlich
Catherine Dacremont
Per Bruun Brockhoff
Food Quality and Preference, 2000, 11 (1-2), pp.43-46
Journal articles
Caractérisation de la région de production des vins du cépage Chardonnay par l'analyse des acides aminés libres
V. Carnevillier
M. Feuillat
Pascal Schlich
La revue des œnologues et des techniques vitivinicoles et œnologiques, 2000, 89, pp.11-13
Journal articles
FLASH table and canonical mapping of potato varieties
C. Porcherot
Pascal Schlich
Food Quality and Preference, 2000, 11, pp.163-165
Journal articles
Bitterness and astringency of flavan-3-ol monomers, dimers and trimers
H. Peleg
K. Gacon
Pascal Schlich
A.C. Noble
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 1999, 79, pp.1123-1128
Journal articles
Using repeated ingestion to determine the effect of sweetness, viscosity and oiliness on temporal perception of soymilk astringency
S. Courregelongue
Pascal Schlich
A.C. Noble
Food Quality and Preference, 1999, 10, pp.273-279
Journal articles
Characterization of the production regions of Chardonnay wines by analysis of free amino acids
V. Carnevillier
Pascal Schlich
J. Guerreau
C. Charpentier
M. Feuillat
Vitis, 1999, 38 (1), pp.37-42
Journal articles
Comparison of wine discrimination with orthonasal and retronasal profilings. Application to Burgundy Pinot Noir wines
V. Aubry
Pascal Schlich
Sylvie Issanchou
Patrick Etiévant
Food Quality and Preference, 1999, 10, pp.253-259
Journal articles
Effect of "Méthode Champenoise" process on aroma of four V. vinifera varieties
C. de La Presa-Owens
Pascal Schlich
H.D. Davies
A.C. Noble
American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 1998, 49 (3), pp.289-294
Journal articles
Comments from Pascal Schlich on the Steinsholt's paper
Pascal Schlich
Food Quality and Preference, 1998, 9 (3), pp.172-173
Journal articles
What are the sensory differences among coffees? multi-panel analysis of variance and flash analysis
Pascal Schlich
Food Quality and Preference, 1998, 9 (3), pp.103-106
Journal articles
Handling replications in discrimination tests
P.B. Brockhoff
Pascal Schlich
Food Quality and Preference, 1998, 9 (5), pp.303-312
Journal articles
Introduction to the sensometric workshop held at the rose marie pangborn symposium, Davis, 2 august 1995
Pascal Schlich
Food Quality and Preference, 1998, 9 (3), pp.81-82
Journal articles
Typologie aromatique des fromages de Comté
C. Stèvenot
Florence Bérodier
Pascal Schlich
Sciences des aliments = Food science : an international journal of food science and technology, 1997, 17 (5), pp.547-553
Journal articles
La cartographie des préférences incomplètes- Validation par simulation
P. Callier
Pascal Schlich
Sciences des aliments = Food science : an international journal of food science and technology, 1997, 17, pp.155-172
Journal articles
Sensory analysis: methodological aspects relevant to the study of cheese
Sylvie Issanchou
Pascal Schlich
Isabelle Lesschaeve
Lait, 1997, 77, pp.05-12
Journal articles
Analyse sensorielle. Aspects méthodologiques dans le cas des fromages
Sylvie Issanchou
Pascal Schlich
Bulletin - Fédération Internationale de Laiterie, 1996, 317, pp.16
Journal articles
Optimal conditions for the formation of Sotolon from alpha-ketobutyric acid in the French Vin Jaune
T.T. Pham
E. Guichard
Pascal Schlich
C. Charpentier
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 1995, 43, pp.2616-2619
Journal articles
Production of representative wine extracts for chemical and olfactory analysis
L. Moio
E. Chambellant
Isabelle Lesschaeve
Sylvie Issanchou
Pascal Schlich