Patrice Coddeville
Director, Center for Teaching, Research and Innovation in Energy and the Environment
Open access
Current affiliations
- 1062530
- 508147
- 57762
Researcher identifiers
- IdRef : 096351136
Research domains
Analytical chemistry
Environmental modeling
Atmospheric reactivity
environmental instrumentation
Influence of the experimental conditions on manganese bioaccessibility and oxidative potential of welding fumesEuropean Aerosol Conference (EAC) 2023, European Aerosol Assembly; Spanish Association for Aerosol Science and Technology (AECyTA); University of Malaga (UMA); Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (UNED), Sep 2023, Malaga, Spain, Spain
Conference papers
99 Influence of Storage Conditions on the Evaluation of Metal Bioaccessibility and Oxidative Potential of Welding FumesAirmon, Nov 2022, Bristol, United Kingdom. pp.i12-i12, ⟨10.1093/annweh/wxac087.032⟩
Conference papers
Influence of storage conditions on the evaluation of metal bioaccessibility and oxidative potential of welding fumesThe 10th International Symposium on modern principles of air monitoring and biomonitoring (Airmon 2022), British Occupational Hygiene Safety, Nov 2022, Bristol, United Kingdom. ⟨10.1093/annweh/wxac087.032⟩
Conference papers
Origin of Secondary Inorganic aerosols in the north of France and how they may evolve in the future,Congrès Français des Aérosols, Feb 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers
Physicochemical composition, bioaccessibility and oxidative potential of welding fumesEuropean Aerosol Conference – EAC 2020, Germany, 30/08-04/09 2020, Aug 2020, Aachen, Germany
Conference papers
Evolutions of the measurement program & QA/QC of the French EMEP monitoring network21th Task Force on Measurements and Modelling Meeting, May 2020, Online, France
Conference papers
Polyaniline nano-composites based sensor for simultaneous and selective measurement of ammonium nitrate aerosol and ammonia gasFifth International Conference on Sensors and Electronic Instrumentation Advances (SEIA' 2019), Canary Islands (Tenerife), Spain, September 25-27, 2019, Sep 2019, Canary Islands (Tenerife), Spain
Conference papers
What Can We Learn From Year-Long Hourly Observations of Aerosol Precursor Gases and PM2.5 Chemical Speciation in Both Urban and Rural Sites?European Aerosol Conference, Aug 2019, Gothenburg ( Virtual Congress ), Sweden
Conference papers
Development and validation of a Teflon thermal regulated atmospheric simulation chamber (Thalamos). A versatile tool for the study of atmospheric relevant processes,11th International Conference on Chemical Kinetics, Jun 2019, Orléans, France
Conference papers
Investigation of indoor air quality in a low energy high school building combining micro gas sensors and unsupervised learningX IAQVEC 2019 - 10th international conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings, Sep 2019, Bari, Italy
Conference papers
Seasonal PM2.5 concentrations and sources at urban, rural and remote sites in the North of FranceConseil Scientifique du Labex Cappa, Jul 2019, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Conference papers
Transcriptomic alterations induced by air pollution-derived PM2.5 reflect the shift from healthy to COPD-diseased human bronchial epitheliumERS International Congress 2018 abstracts, Sep 2018, Paris ( France), France. pp.PA1268, ⟨10.1183/13993003.congress-2018.PA1268⟩
Conference papers
Photolyse de composés multifonctionnels carbonylés sous irradiation naturelle au photoréacteur européen Euphore (Espagne)Colloque Francophone Combustion et Pollution Atmosphérique, Apr 2018, Ouarzazate, Maroc
Conference papers
Transcriptomic alterations induced by air pollution-derived PM2.5 reflect the shift from healthy to COPD-diseased human bronchial epitheliumERS International Congress, ERS, Sep 2018, Paris, France. pp.PA1268, ⟨10.1183/13993003.congress-2018.PA1268⟩
Conference papers
Atmospheric deposition measurements in France from EMEP and ICP Forest programs : Assessment of trends and ecosystem impacts19th Task Force on Measurements and Modelling Meeting, May 2018, Geneva, Switzerland, France
Conference papers
Atmospheric degradation of C5-C6 hydroxyketones: OH reaction and photolysisColloque COMPOLA (COMbustion et POLlution Atmosphérique), Université Mohammed Premier d'Oujda; Laboratoire ICARE (Orléans), Apr 2016, Saidia, Morocco
Conference papers
Using In Vitro digestion model and SPME-GC/MSMS to assess bioaccessibility of endocrine disrupting compounds in indoor dustIndoor Air, Jul 2016, Ghent (BE), Belgium
Conference papers
Aérosols en Afrique de l'Ouest : caractérisation physico-chimique, propriétés optiques et identification des sources5ème Colloque international "Environnement et Développement Durable" - Changements climatiques : causes, impacts atténuation et adaptation, Oct 2016, Rabat, Maroc
Conference papers
Using In Vitro digestion model and SPME-GC/MSMS to assess bioaccessibility of endocrine disrupting compounds in indoor dustIndoor Air, Jul 2016, Ghent, Belgium
Conference papers
Thermal desorption coupled to GC/MSMS for the quantification of PAHs in Tenax passive samplers and indoor dustInternational Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds conference, ISPAC, Sep 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Formation, origin, fate and health impact of atmospheric pollutants: A few perspectivesWorkshop “Environmentally friendly technologies for reducing and controlling the GHG emissions from human activities (EfTechGHG)”, Mar 2015, Djakarta, Indonesia
Conference papers
Chimie atmosphérique des hydroxycétones : importance de la voie de photolyseColloque Francophone COMbustion et POLlution Atmosphérique - COMPOLA 2014, Université d’Agadir; Université de Tétouan; Université de Rabat; Université de Tanger, Oct 2014, Tanger, Maroc
Conference papers
Wood plastic composite materials made from recycled waste wood and plastic: Assessment of formaldehyde and VOC emissionsIndoor Air 2014 - 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, ISIAQ, Jul 2014, Hong Kong, China
Conference papers
Etude expérimentale des réactions des radicaux OH et OD avec le limonène: cinétique et produitsRéunion annuelle du Groupe de Cinétique et Photochimie en Phase Gazeuse, Jun 2014, Villeurbanne, France
Conference papers
In-situ measurements of volatile organic compound emissions from building materials using passive flux samplers13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Jul 2014, Hong Kong, China
Conference papers
Oxydation du limonène par les radicaux OH et OD en réacteur à écoulement : coefficient de vitesse et mécanisme réactionnelJournée des Doctorants PC2A-EMD, PC2A; Ecole des Mines de Douai, Jun 2014, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Conference papers
Résultats préliminaires de l'oxydation du limonène par l'ozone dans un réacteur à écoulementJournée des Doctorants, Ecole des Mines de Douai; PC2A, Jul 2013, Douai, France
Conference papers
VOC measurements in France: results and outlook from long term monitoring and intensive campaigns14th Task Force on Measurement and Modelling Meeting, EMEP, May 2013, Zagreb, Croatia
Conference papers
Coefficients de vitesse et produits en phase gazeuse d’ozonolyse d’une série d’alcènes méthylésRéunion annuelle du Groupe de Cinétique et Photochimie en Phase Gazeuse, Jun 2012, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Réactions de pentènes méthylés et de l’a-pinène avec O3 : coefficients de vitesse et produits formésRéunion annuelle du Groupe de Cinétique et Photochimie en Phase Gazeuse, May 2011, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Conference papers
Coefficients de vitesse et produits en phase gazeuse obtenus dans les réactions d’ozonolyse d’une série de pentènes ramifiés1er Colloque Francophone sur les Polluants Organiques Générés par l’Agriculture et les Transports, Oct 2011, Agadir, Maroc
Conference papers
Un modèle de régression pour données censurées de retombées atmosphériquesColloque Sciences et Techniques de l'Information et de la Communication Pour l'Environnement STIC & Environnement 2011, May 2011, Saint Etienne, France. p. 71-84
Conference papers
Validation d’un réacteur à écoulement pour l’étude de la formation des aérosols organiques secondaires : réaction d’ozonolyse de l’alpha-pinène25ème Congrès Français sur les Aérosols, Jan 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers
Validation of a new flow-reactor for the study of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formationAdvanced Atmospheric Aerosol Symposium, Sep 2010, Florence, Italy. pp.161-166, ⟨10.3303/CET1022026⟩
Conference papers
Validation of a new flow-reactor for the study of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation3rd Biannual International Conference on Advanced Atmospheric Aerosol Symposium, Sep 2010, Florence, Italy. pp.161-166
Conference papers
IRENI Air Quality Research Program - Study of the interactions of oxygenated volatile organic compounds with aerosols in a coastal industrial atmosphere (Dunkerque, france)Regional Conference "The challenge of particulate air pollution - air pollution and environmental health - from science to action", International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection Associations (IUAPPA), Sep 2006, Paris-Lille, France
Conference papers
Biological fluxes conversion: a new biomonitoring tool for atmospheric metals and trace element depositionBioMAP, 2nd International Workshop on Biomonitoring of Atmospheric Pollution, IAEA, 2003, Azores Islands, Portugal
Conference papers
Programme MERA : Qualité de l'air dans les sites ruraux en lien avec les directives européennes et la convention de Genève - Rapport de synthèse d’activité 2018LCSQA. 2018
Rapport Annuel d'Activités (2017)LCSQA. 2018
20 ans de mesureS des retombEeS AtMosphériquEs en France (SESAME)IMT Nord Europe; Institut Mines Télécom; Université de Lille, Center for Energy and Environment. 2009
Mitochondrion: a critical target for the toxicity of air pollution-derived PM2.5 in healthy and COPD human bronchial epithelial cellsEuropean Respiratory Society, pp.PA1201, 2018, ⟨10.1183/13993003.congress-2018.PA1201⟩