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Associate Professor in Psychology Nantes University
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Improving literacy development with fine motor skills training: A digital game-based intervention in fourth grade

Margaux Lê , Pauline Quémart , Anna Potocki , Manuel Gimenes , David Chesnet
Cognitive Development, 2023, 67, pp.101363. ⟨10.1016/j.cogdev.2023.101363⟩
Journal articles hal-04165818v1
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Do You Use Love to Make it Lovely? The Role of Meaning Overlap across Morphological Relatives in the Development of Morphological Representations

Pauline Quémart , Julie Wolter , Xi Chen , S. Hélène Deacon
Journal of Child Language, 2023, 50 (6), pp.1487-1507. ⟨10.1017/S0305000922000356⟩
Journal articles hal-03773287v1
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Morphological processing in written word production is based on orthography rather than semantics

Louise Chaussoy , Eric Lambert , Pauline Quémart
Acta Psychologica, 2022, 229, pp.103670. ⟨10.1016/j.actpsy.2022.103670⟩
Journal articles hal-03725329v1
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What’s morphology got to do with it: Oral reading fluency in adolescents with dyslexia

Elise Lefèvre , Jeremy Law , Pauline Quémart , Royce Anders , Eddy Cavalli
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2022, 49 (8), pp.1345-1360. ⟨10.1037/xlm0001163⟩
Journal articles hal-03773291v1
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Modeling the influence of motor skills on literacy in third grade: Contributions of executive functions and handwriting

Margaux Lê , Pauline Quémart , Anna Potocki , Manuel Gimenes , David Chesnet
PLoS ONE, 2021, 16 (11), pp.e0259016. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0259016⟩
Journal articles hal-03471959v1
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Rhythm in the blood: The influence of rhythm skills on literacy development in third graders

Margaux Lê , Pauline Quémart , Anna Potocki , Manuel Gimenes , David Chesnet
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2020, 198, pp.104880. ⟨10.1016/j.jecp.2020.104880⟩
Journal articles hal-03117885v1
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The influence of the morphological structure of words on the dynamics of handwriting in adults and fourth and sixth grade children

Pauline Quemart , Eric Lambert
Reading and Writing, 2019, 32 (1), pp.175-195. ⟨10.1007/s11145-017-9762-0⟩
Journal articles hal-02340980v1
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Introduction to the special issue on the dynamics of written word production: methods, models and processing units

Éric Lambert , Pauline Quemart
Reading and Writing, 2019, 32 (1), pp.1-12. ⟨10.1007/s11145-018-9929-3⟩
Journal articles hal-02440037v1
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The development of morphological representations in young readers: a cross-modal priming study

Pauline Quemart , Laura Gonnerman , Jennifer Downing , S. Hélène Deacon
Developmental Science, 2018, 21 (4), pp.e12607. ⟨10.1111/desc.12607⟩
Journal articles hal-02340989v1

Morphology and spelling in French students with dyslexia: the case of silent final letters

Pauline Quemart , Séverine Casalis
Annals of Dyslexia, 2017, 67 (1), pp.85-98. ⟨10.1007/s11881-016-0133-3⟩
Journal articles hal-01954006v1

The sensitivity of children with SLI to phonotactic probabilities during lexical access

Pauline Quemart , Christelle Maillart
Journal of Communication Disorders, 2016, 61, pp.48-59. ⟨10.1016/j.jcomdis.2016.03.005⟩
Journal articles hal-02339900v1
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The management of cohesion in written narratives in students with specific language impairment: Differences between childhood and adolescence

Monik Favart , Anna Potocki , Lucie Broc , Pauline Quemart , Josie Bernicot
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2016, 59, pp.318-327. ⟨10.1016/j.ridd.2016.09.009⟩
Journal articles hal-01950077v1
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How language affects children's use of derivational morphology in visual word and pseudoword processing: evidence from a cross-language study

Séverine Casalis , Pauline Quemart , Lynne G. Duncan
Frontiers in Psychology, 2015, 6, pp.452. ⟨10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00452⟩
Journal articles hal-01991114v1
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Visual processing of derivational morphology in children with developmental dyslexia: Insights from masked priming

Pauline Quemart , Séverine Casalis
Applied Psycholinguistics, 2015, 36 (02), pp.345-376. ⟨10.1017/S014271641300026X⟩
Journal articles hal-02077084v1
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Les troubles phonologiques dans les troubles du langage oral

Pauline Quemart , Andrea Macleod , Christelle Maillart
Rééducation orthophonique, 2015
Journal articles hal-02440030v1

Spelling assessment in young students with SLI through a communicative narrative situation: Variations with the type of spelling, lexical versus morphological

Lucie Broc , J. Bernicot , T. Olive , M. Favart , J. Reilly
European Review of Applied Psychology / Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée, 2014, 64 (6), pp.307-321. ⟨10.1016/j.erap.2014.09.004⟩
Journal articles hal-01950087v1
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Effects of Phonological and Orthographic Shifts on Children's Processing of Written Morphology: a Time-Course Study

Pauline Quémart , Séverine Casalis
Scientific Studies of Reading, 2014, 18 (5), pp.363-382. ⟨10.1080/10888438.2014.912218⟩
Journal articles hal-03290358v1
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Orthographic and Morphemic Effects in the Written Syllable Counting Task

Fabienne Chetail , Pauline Quemart
Experimental Psychology, 2014, 61 (6), pp.457-469. ⟨10.1027/1618-3169/a000267⟩
Journal articles hal-02078221v1

The sentence repetition task: A powerful diagnostic tool for French children with specific language impairment

Anne-Lise Leclercq , Pauline Quemart , David Magis , Christelle Maillart
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2014, 35 (12), pp.3423-3430. ⟨10.1016/j.ridd.2014.08.026⟩
Journal articles hal-02078248v1

Lexical spelling in children and adolescents with specific language impairment: Variations with the writing situation

Lucie Broc , Josie Bernicot , Thierry Olive , Monik Favart , Judy Reilly
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2013, 34 (10), pp.3253-3266. ⟨10.1016/j.ridd.2013.06.025⟩
Journal articles hal-01950090v1
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Exploring the Role of Bases and Suffixes When Reading Familiar and Unfamiliar Words: Evidence From French Young Readers

Pauline Quemart , Séverine Casalis , Lynne G Duncan
Scientific Studies of Reading, 2012, 16 (5), pp.424-442. ⟨10.1080/10888438.2011.584333⟩
Journal articles hal-02101405v1

The role of form and meaning in the processing of written morphology: A priming study in French developing readers

Pauline Quemart , Séverine Casalis , Pascale Colé
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2011, 109 (4), pp.478-496. ⟨10.1016/j.jecp.2011.02.008⟩
Journal articles hal-01440426v1
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Do good and poor readers make use of morphemic structure in English word recognition?

Lynne G. Duncan , Elaine Gray , Pauline Quémart , Séverine Casalis
Journal of Portuguese Linguistics, 2010, 10 (1), pp.143-160
Journal articles hal-03819397v1
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Ortho-syllables and syllables affect the dynamics of adjective handwriting in French

Eric Lambert , Pauline Quemart
17th Biennial Conference of the International Graphonomics Society, International Graphonomics Society (IGS); Université des Antilles (UA), Jun 2015, Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe
Conference papers hal-01165879v1
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Narrations écrites et orthographe chez les enfants et adolescents dysphasiques : Pourquoi les erreurs morphologiques augmentent-elles avec l’âge ?

Lucie Broc , Josie Bernicot , Thierry Olive , Monik Favart , Judy Reilly
4e Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française (CMLF 2014), Jul 2014, Berlin, Allemagne. pp.1395-1405, ⟨10.1051/shsconf/20140801167⟩
Conference papers hal-01950219v1

Rôle de la morphologie dans l’orthographe des lettres muettes chez les enfants et adolescents dyslexiques

Pauline Quemart , Séverine Casalis
Learning Written Language: Diversity of Languages, Uniqueness of disorder, Dec 2014, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers halshs-01377535v1

Quel impact des contraintes de la tâche sur la dynamique de l'écriture ?

Pauline Quemart , Eric Lambert , Solen Sausset
Journées d’étude Ecrit et Temps Réel, MSHS de Poitiers, Dec 2014, Poitiers, France
Conference papers halshs-01377602v1

How different tasks can help disentangle levels of activation

Pauline Quemart , Eric Lambert , Solen Sausset
Writing Research Across Borders III, Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense; Université Paris-Sorbonne; IUFM Paris; Dynamique du Langage; Modyco (CNRS, Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense, Université paris Descartes); Item (CNRS, ENS); Éma (Université de Cergy-Pontoise); Institut de linguistique française; Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne; STIH (Université Paris-Sorbonne), Feb 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers halshs-01377556v1

Narration écrite chez les élèves dysphasiques: Une évaluation de l’orthographe lexicale

Lucie Broc , Josie Bernicot , Thierry Olive , Monik Favart , Judy Reilly
28ème Congrès International de Psychologie Appliquée, 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02054847v1

Morphological processing in beginning readers and developmental dyslexic children

Pauline Quémart , Séverine Casalis , Lynne G. Duncan
Sixth International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Oct 2008, Albert, Canada
Conference papers hal-00907223v1
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The Role of Morphology in Literacy Acquisition in Children with Dyslexia

Pauline Quemart , Séverine Casalis
Rachel Berthiaume; Daniel Daigle; Alain Desrochers. Morphological processing and literacy development : current issues and research, Routledge - Taylor & Francis group, 2018, 9781138714311
Book sections hal-01939782v1

Développement de la reconnaissance des mots écrits et représentations mentales : l'approche de la psycholinguistique cognitive

Pauline Quémart , Marion Janiot , Séverine Casalis , Ana Petrova , Norbert Maïonchi-Pino
Roy, J.M.; Putois, B.; Maïonchi-Pino, Norbert; Pénicaud, F.X.; Bault, N.; Chambon, V. Peut on se passer de représentations en sciences cognitives?, De Boeck, pp.47-57, 2011
Book sections hal-02537916v1