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Philippe Garnier

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  • 1043356
  • 1043358
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Research domains

Architecture, space management


Understanding Traditional Anti-Seismic Strategies Beyond Their Disappearance and Distortions

Eugénie Crété , Santosh Yadav , Farahza Nariman , Luis Arléo , Majid Hajmirbaba
12th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, CIMNE, Sep 2021, Barcelona, Spain. pp.3193-3205, ⟨10.23967/sahc.2021.312⟩
Conference papers hal-03528072v1

Des greniers améliorés en matériaux locaux pour contribuer à la sécurité alimentaire au Sénégal

Philippe Garnier , Grégoire Paccoud , Majid Hajmirbaba , Mauricio Guillermo Corba Barreto
Architecture et techniques de construction des bâtiments et aménagements de stockage en Égypte et au Soudan anciens, UMR 8167 Orient et Méditerranée; CRAterre, Sep 2020, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-03617281v1
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Timber seismic bands: correlating their characteristics with local seismic activities and understanding their effects under seismic loads

Eugénie Crété , Santosh Yadav , Milo Hofmann , F. Vieux-Champagne , Yannick Sieffert
Inter-ISC’18, Jul 2018, kastamonu, Turkey
Conference papers hal-02004219v1
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Promoting vernacular architecture, a basis for Building Back Safer? A Case study from Nepal

Eugénie Crété , Santosh Yadav , Yannick Sieffert , Majid Hajmirbaba , Julien Hosta
SAHC 2018, Sep 2018, Cusco, Peru
Conference papers hal-01877189v1
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Cultures constructives locales et réduction des vulnérabilités

Annalisa Caimi , Olivier Moles , Philippe Garnier , Graham Saunders , Corinne Treherne
Terra 2016, CRAterre, Jul 2016, Lyon, France. pp.162-166
Conference papers hal-02930215v1
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How the scientific collaboration of engineers and architects on local building cultures can make a vital breakthrough: 10 years of works in Grenoble to support people affected by disasters and make communities resilient

Yannick Sieffert , F. Vieux-Champagne , Dominique Daudon , Philippe Garnier , Jean-Marc Huygen
Terra Lyon 2016 : Actes / proceedings / actos, Jul 2016, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-02004529v1

Deep Trench Isolation and Through Silicon Via Wetting Characterization by High-Frequency Acoustic Reflectometry

Christophe Virgilio , Lucile Broussous , Philippe Garnier , Julien Carlier , Pierre Campistron
13th International Symposium on Ultra Clean Processing of Semiconductor Surfaces (UCPSS), Sep 2016, Knokke, Belgium. ⟨10.4028/⟩
Conference papers hal-03280231v1

Gestion des risques, cultures constructives et résiliences: de Bam à Haïti, comment des approches "utopiques" alimentent la réflexion, la projection, pour finalement se concrétiser sur le terrain

Philippe Garnier
Université populaire "Familles, mémoires et utopies". Cycle 3 : les utopies possibles, 2015, Villefontaine, Région indéterminée
Conference papers hal-01160009v1

Reengineering of building cultures : the contribution of frugal innovation to local and global development goals

Philippe Garnier
Could frugal innovation contribute to growth in Nanotechnologies, Materials and advanced Processes? Traditional techniques' second birth, 2014, Bruxelles, Belgium
Conference papers hal-01159918v1
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Traditional and scientific knowledge for a sustainable vulnerability reduction of rural housing in Haiti

Annalisa Caimi , Hubert Guillaud , Olivier Moles , Florent Vieux-Champagne , Philippe Garnier
Structures and Architecture: Concepts, Applications and Challenges, 2013, Minho, Portugal. pp.1807-1815, ⟨10.1201/b15267-248⟩
Conference papers hal-02004484v1

Sustainable rating tool

Philippe Garnier , Grégoire Paccoud , Lalaina Rakotomalala , Arnaud Misse
World Urban Forum 7 : urban equity in development - Cities for life, Medellin, Colombia, 5-11 april 2014, 2014, Medellin, Unknown Region. AE&CC-ENSAG & UN-Habitat, 2014
Conference poster hal-01159920v1
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Local materials, materials of the future

Florie Dejeant , Philippe Garnier , Thierry Joffroy
CRAterre, pp.96, 2021, 979-10-96446-38-4
Books hal-03540875v1
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Matériaux locaux, matériaux d’avenir

Florie Dejeant , Philippe Garnier , Thierry Joffroy
CRAterre, pp.96, 2021, 979-10-96446-32-2
Books hal-03293589v1
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(Re)construire en Haïti 2010-2019 : l’émergence du concept de TCLA

Thierry Joffroy , Eugénie Crété , Christian Belinga Nko’o , Alexandre Douline , Olivier Moles
CRAterre, 86 p., 2019, 979-10-964446-27-8
Books hal-02339202v1
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Ficha de referencia detallada Ecuador Costa: culturas constructivas locales para la resiliencia y el desarrollo

Enrique Sevillano Gutierrez , Annalisa Caimi , Sandra Durzo , Philippe Garnier , Thierry Joffroy
CRAterre, 28 p., 2017
Books hal-02888168v1
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Assessing local building cultures for resilience & development

Annalisa Caimi , Bertin Adikpon , Jean-Christophe Adrian , Alma Alsayed , Alexander Angermaier
CRAterre, 121 p., 2015, 978-2-906901-86-5
Books hal-01493386v1
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Reconstruire Haïti après le séisme de janvier 2010: réduction des risques, cultures constructives et développement local

Thierry Joffroy , Philippe Garnier , Alexandre Douline , Olivier Moles
CRAterre, 2014, 978-2-906901-79-7
Books hal-01159759v1
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Natural hazards, disasters and local development

Philippe Garnier , Olivier Moles , Annalisa Caimi , David Gandreau , Milo Hofmann
Garnier, Philippe and Moles, Olivier. CRAterre, pp.59, 2013, 978-2-906901-75-9
Books hal-00952809v1
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Aléas naturels, catastrophes et développement local

Philippe Garnier , Olivier Moles , Annalisa Caimi , David Gandreau , Milo Hofmann
CRAterre éditions, 59 p., 2011, 978-2-906901-67-4
Books hal-00837774v1
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Riesgos naturales, Catástrofes y Desarrollo local

Philippe Garnier , Olivier Moles , Annalisa Caimi , David Gandreau , Milo Hofmann
CRAterre Editions, 59 p., 2011, 978-2-906901-76-6
Books hal-04013704v1
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Incorporating Local Building Practices in Response

Eugénie Crété , Aaron Opdyke , Olivier Moles , Lumanti Joshi , Julien Hosta
John Twigg; Elizabeth Babister. Roadmap for research: A Collaborative Research Framework for Humanitarian Shelter and Settlements Assistance, InterAction, 2021
Book sections hal-03694403v1

Traditional Timber-Framed Infill Structure Experimentation with Four Scales Analysis (To Connection from a House Scale)

Yannick Sieffert , Florent Vieux-Champagne , Stéphane Grange , Philippe Garnier , Jean-Charles Duccini
Book sections hal-01965213v1

Savoirs traditionnels et connaissances scientifiques pour une réduction de la vulnérabilité de l’habitat rural face aux aléas naturels en Haïti

Florent Vieux-Champagne , Annalisa Caimi , Philippe Garnier , Hubert Guillaud , Olivier Moles
Innovations locales et développement durable en Haïti, Editions de l'université d'Etat d'Haïti, pp.422, 2014, 978-99935-57-81-4
Book sections hal-01159766v1