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Philippe Hinsinger

Senior Scientist
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Les recherches de Philippe Hinsinger se situent à l'interface des Sciences du Vivant et de l'Environnement, travaillant sur la rhizosphère et la biogéochimie des sols en relation avec la nutrition des plantes. Ses recherches passées ont porté notamment sur la compréhension des processus déterminant l’acquisition de nutriments majeurs tels que le potassium et le phosphore par les plantes, et plus particulièrement les interactions entre les racines et le sol au niveau de la rhizosphère (volume de sol influencé par les activités des racines vivantes et des microorganismes associés). Il s’y est intéressé particulièrement dans le contexte d’agricultures à bas niveaux d’intrants. Ses recherches passées ont également porté sur le rôle de ces mêmes processus dans le déterminisme de la biodisponibilité de micropolluants comme le cuivre, le zinc et le radiocésium dans des situations de pollution diffuse de sols agricoles. Celles-ci ont débouché sur l’élaboration d’un biotest normalisé par l’ISO, le RhizoTEST (marque déposée). Les recherches qu’il conduit depuis une quinzaine d’années s’inscrivent dans le grand enjeu de la transition agroécologique de l’agriculture et portent notamment sur les processus d’utilisation et de partage des ressources souterraines, en particulier les nutriments majeurs, dans des agroécosystèmes plus diversifiés : mélange de variétés, cultures associées et systèmes agroforestiers. Il s’intéresse particulièrement aux traits racinaires et rhizosphériques sous-jacents chez les espèces cultivées, et à leur diversité inter- et intra-spécifiques. Ses recherches actuelles portent particulièrement sur les spécificités des racines profondes, jusqu’ici très peu étudiées dans le monde, malgré leur rôle potentiellement important en contexte de changement climatique et d’usage modéré d’intrants. **PRINCIPAUX POSTES ** * Chercheur INRAE (Institut Nationale de Recherche en Agriculture, Alimentation et Environnement) depuis 1986 – actuellement DREX (Directeur de Recherche de Classe Exceptionnelle) UMR ECO&SOLS (Unité Mixte De Recherche Ecologie Fonctionnelle & Biogéochimie des Sols & Agroécosystèmes), CIRAD-INRAE-Institut Agro-IRD Montpellier (France) * Chef de Département AgroEcoSystem (INRAE) et Directeur UAR (Unité d’Administration de la Recherche) 1155 de 2018 à 2022 * Directeur-Adjoint Ecole Doctorale GAIA, UM (Université de Montpellier) – SupAgro de 2011 à 2018 * Directeur-Adjoint UMR ECO&SOLS de 2009 à 2018 * Visiting Scientist Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, UWA-University of Western Australia, Perth (Australie) en 1993-1994 * Doctorant Unité de Sciences du Sol UCL- Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique) en 1987-1988**
Philippe Hinsinger's research lies at the interface of Life Sciences and Environmental Sciences, working on the rhizosphere and soil biogeochemistry in relation to plant nutrition. His past research has focused in particular on understanding the processes determining the acquisition of major nutrients such as potassium and phosphorus by plants, and more particularly the interactions between roots and soil at the rhizosphere level (soil volume influenced by the activities of living roots and associated microorganisms). He worked particularly on such topics in the context of low-input agriculture. His past research has also focused on the role of such processes in determining the bioavailability of micropollutants such as copper, zinc and radiocaesium in situations of diffuse pollution of agricultural soils. These led to the development of a biotest standardized by ISO, the RhizoTEST (trade mark). The research he has been conducting for the past fifteen years is contributing to the major challenge of the agroecological transition of agriculture and relates in particular to processes involved in using or sharing belowground resources, in particular major nutrients, in more diversified agroecosystems: mixture of varieties, intercropping and agroforestry systems. He is particularly interested in the underlying root and rhizosphere traits in crop species, and their inter- and intra-specific diversity. His current research focuses in particular on the specificities of deep roots, so far little studied in the world, despite their potentially important role in the context of climate change and moderate use of inputs. **MAIN POSITIONS ** * Researcher at INRAE (Institut Nationale de Recherche en Agriculture, Alimentation et Environnement) since 1986 – now Senior Scientist, i.e. DREX (Directeur de Recherche de Classe Exceptionnelle) UMR ECO&SOLS (Unité Mixte De Recherche Ecologie Fonctionnelle & Biogéochimie des Sols & Agroécosystèmes), CIRAD-INRAE-Institut Agro-IRD Montpellier (France) * Head of Division AgroEcoSystem Division of INRAE and Head of UAR (Unité d’Administration de la Recherche) 1155 from 2018 to 2022 * Deputy Director GAIA Doctoral School, UM (University of Montpellier) – SupAgro from 2011 to 2018 * Deputy Director UMR ECO&SOLS from 2009 to 2018 * Visiting Scientist Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, UWA-University of Western Australia, Perth (Australie) in 1993-1994 * PhD student Soil Science Unit UCLouvain - Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) in 1987-1988

Research domains

Environmental Sciences


Soil biogeochemistry Root and rhizosphere ecology Plant nutrition Agroecology Biogeochemical cycles


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Wheat varietal diversity modulates nitrogen-related enzymatic activities but has limited impact on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

Elisa Taschen , Damien Dezette , Esther Guillot , Josiane Abadie , Didier Arnal
Plant and Soil, In press, ⟨10.1007/s11104-023-06440-6⟩
Journal articles hal-04379164v1
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Nitrogen fertilization of intercropped cereal-legume: A potassium, sulfur, magnesium and calcium plant acquisition dataset

Edith Le Cadre-Barthélemy , Ana Beatriz de Oliveira , Mustapha Arkoun , Jean Claude Yvin , Philippe Hinsinger
Data in Brief, 2022, 40, pp.107816. ⟨10.1016/j.dib.2022.107816⟩
Journal articles hal-03958647v1

Changes in belowground interactions between wheat and white lupin along nitrogen and phosphorus gradients

Simon Boudsocq , Camille Cros , Philippe Hinsinger , Hans Lambers
Plant and Soil, 2022, 476 (1-2), pp.97-115. ⟨10.1007/s11104-022-05558-3⟩
Journal articles hal-03786244v1
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Research and management priorities for mainland France soils

Dominique Arrouays , Philippe Hinsinger , Sylvain Pellerin
Geoderma Régional, 2022, 29, pp.e00493. ⟨10.1016/j.geodrs.2022.e00493⟩
Journal articles hal-03595826v1
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Loïc Pagès, founding scientist in root ecology and modelling

Jean-François Barczi , Amira Beroueg , Gerhard Buck-Sorlin , Valentin Couvreur , Frédéric Danjon
in silico Plants, 2021, 3 (2), ⟨10.1093/insilicoplants/diab035⟩
Journal articles hal-03517541v1
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Spatial heterogeneity of soil quality within a Mediterranean alley cropping agroforestry system: Comparison with a monocropping system

Esther Guillot , Isabelle Bertrand , Cornelia Rumpel , Claudia Gomez , Didier Arnal
European Journal of Soil Biology, 2021, 105, pp.103330. ⟨10.1016/j.ejsobi.2021.103330⟩
Journal articles hal-03251274v1
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Interspecific interactions regulate plant reproductive allometry in cereal–legume intercropping systems

Noémie Gaudio , Cyrille Violle , Xavier Gendre , Florian Fort , Rémi Mahmoud
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2021, 58 (11), pp.2579-2589. ⟨10.1111/1365-2664.13979⟩
Journal articles hal-03343737v1
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Interspecific interactions regulate plant reproductive allometry in cereal-legume intercropping systems

Noémie Gaudio , Cyrille Violle , Xavier Gendre , Florian Fort , Rémi Mahmoud
Journal articles hal-04145273v1

Role of trees and herbaceous vegetation beneath trees in maintaining arbuscular mycorrhizal communities in temperate alley cropping systems

Patricia Battie-Laclau , Elisa Taschen , Claude Plassard , Damien Dezette , Josiane Abadie
Plant and Soil, 2020, 453 (1-2), pp.153-171. ⟨10.1007/s11104-019-04181-z⟩
Journal articles hal-02622577v1
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Digging Deeper for Agricultural Resources, the Value of Deep Rooting

Kristian Thorup-Kristensen , Niels Halberg , Mette Nicolaisen , Jørgen Eivind Olesen , Timothy E. Crews
Trends in Plant Science, 2020, 25 (4), pp.406-417. ⟨10.1016/j.tplants.2019.12.007⟩
Journal articles hal-02623522v1
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Short-term plant legacy alters the resistance and resilience of soil microbial communities exposed to heat disturbance in a Mediterranean calcareous soil

Ana Beatriz de Oliveira , Amélie A. M. Cantarel , Marie Seiller , Alessandro Florio , Annette Berard
Ecological Indicators, 2020, 108, pp.105740. ⟨10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105740⟩
Journal articles hal-02365828v1
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Le pH en image ! Suivi spatio-temporel du pH dans la rhizosphère à l’aide d’optodes planaires

Gabrielle Daudin , Daniela Obermaier , Isabelle Bertrand , Esther Guillot , Claire Marsden
Cahier des Techniques de l'INRA, 2020, 102, 16 p
Journal articles hal-02985605v1
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Belowground functioning of agroforestry systems: recent advances and perspectives

Rémi Cardinael , Zhun Mao , Claire Chenu , Philippe Hinsinger
Plant and Soil, 2020, 453, pp.1-13. ⟨10.1007/s11104-020-04633-x⟩
Journal articles hal-04680473v1

With or without trees: Resistance and resilience of soil microbial communities to drought and heat stress in a Mediterranean agroforestry system

Esther Guillot , Philippe Hinsinger , Lydie Dufour , Jacques Roy , Isabelle Bertrand
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2019, 129, pp.122-135. ⟨10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.11.011⟩
Journal articles hal-02480444v1
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Current knowledge and future research opportunities for modeling annual crop mixtures. A review

Noémie N. Gaudio , Abraham Escobar Gutierrez Escobar-Gutiérrez , Pierre Casadebaig , Jochem Evers , Frederic F. Gerard
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2019, 39 (2), pp.1-39. ⟨10.1007/s13593-019-0562-6⟩
Journal articles hal-02228974v1

How deep can ectomycorrhizas go? A case study on Pisolithus down to 4 meters in a Brazilian eucalypt plantation

Agnès Robin , Céline Pradier , Hervé Sanguin , Frédéric Mahé , George Rodrigues Lambais
Mycorrhiza, 2019, 29 (6), pp.637-648. ⟨10.1007/s00572-019-00917-y⟩
Journal articles hal-02626076v1

Organic phosphorus: potential solutions for phosphorus security

Philip M. Haygarth , Philippe Hinsinger , Daniel Blackburn
Plant and Soil, 2018, 427 (1-2), pp.1-3. ⟨10.1007/s11104-018-3675-9⟩
Journal articles hal-02623229v1
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Diagnosing phosphorus limitations in natural terrestrial ecosystems in carbon cycle models

Yan Sun , Shushi Peng , Daniel S. Goll , Philippe Ciais , Bertrand Guenet
Earth's Future, 2017, 5 (7), pp.730-749. ⟨10.1002/2016EF000472⟩
Journal articles hal-01581147v1

Rainfall reduction impacts rhizosphere biogeochemistry in eucalypts grown in a deep Ferralsol in Brazil

Céline Pradier , Philippe Hinsinger , Jean-Paul Laclau , Jean-Pierre Bouillet , Irae Amaral Guerrini
Plant and Soil, 2017, 414 (1-2), pp.339-354. ⟨10.1007/s11104-016-3107-7⟩
Journal articles hal-01606311v1

Modelling the interactions between root system architecture, root functions and reactive transport processes in soil

Frederic Gerard , Céline Blitz , Philippe Hinsinger , Loic Pagès
Plant and Soil, 2017, 413 (1-2), pp.161 - 180. ⟨10.1007/s11104-016-3092-x⟩
Journal articles hal-01521534v1

Soil type determines how root and rhizosphere traits relate to phosphorus acquisition in field-grown maize genotypes

Ran Erel , Annette Berard , Line Capowiez , Claude Doussan , Didier Arnal
Plant and Soil, 2016, 412 (1), pp.115-132. ⟨10.1007/s11104-016-3127-3⟩
Journal articles hal-01604827v1

Phosphorus in soils and plants – facing phosphorus scarcity

Timothy S. George , Philippe Hinsinger , Benjamin L. Turner
Plant and Soil, 2016, 401 (1-2), pp.1-6. ⟨10.1007/s11104-016-2846-9⟩
Journal articles hal-02634981v1

Phosphorus availability and microbial community in the rhizosphere of intercropped cereal and legume along a P-fertilizer gradient

Xiaoyan Tang , Sarah Placella , Florent Dayde , Laetitia Bernard , Agnès Robin
Plant and Soil, 2016, 407 (1/2), pp.119-134. ⟨10.1007/s11104-016-2949-3⟩
Journal articles hal-02635740v1

The soil quality concept as a framework to assess management practices in vulnerable agroecosystems: A case study in Mediterranean vineyards

Clémence Salome , Patrice Coll , Egidio Lardo , Aurelie Metay , Cecile Villenave
Ecological Indicators, 2016, 61, pp.456-465. ⟨10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.09.047⟩
Journal articles hal-01269375v1

Advances in the rhizosphere: stretching the interface of life

Liesje Mommer , Philippe Hinsinger , Claire Prigent-Combaret , Eric Visser
Plant and Soil, 2016, 407 (1-2), pp.1-8. ⟨10.1007/s11104-016-3040-9⟩
Journal articles hal-02392271v1
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Améliorer la biodisponibilité du phosphore : comment valoriser les compétences des plantes et les mécanismes biologiques du sol

Claude Plassard , Agnès Robin , Edith Le Cadre , Claire Marsden , Jean Trap
Innovations Agronomiques, 2015, 43, pp.115-138
Journal articles hal-01223555v1
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Multiple cropping systems as drivers for providing multiple ecosystem services: from concepts to design

Sabrina Gaba , Francoise Lescourret , Simon Boudsocq , Jerome Enjalbert , Philippe Hinsinger
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2015, 35 (2), pp.607-623. ⟨10.1007/s13593-014-0272-z⟩
Journal articles hal-01173332v1

Associations céréales-légumineuses récoltées en grain : Une réussite liée à l’ajustement de l’itinéraire

Jean-Pierre Cohan , Guenaelle Corre Hellou , Christophe Naudin , Philippe Hinsinger , Marie-Helene Jeuffroy
Perspectives Agricoles, 2014, 408, pp.47-51
Journal articles hal-02634547v1

Reply to the Comment by J.P. Gustafsson and D.G. Lumsdon on “Citrate adsorption can decrease soluble phosphate concentration in soils: Results of theoretical modeling” by M. Duputel, N. Devau, M. Brossard, B. Jaillard, D.L. Jones, P. Hinsinger, and F. Gérard

Marek Duputel , Nicolas Devau , Michel Brossard , Benoît Jaillard , Davey L. Jones
Applied Geochemistry, 2014, 46, pp.90-94. ⟨10.1016/j.apgeochem.2014.02.011⟩
Journal articles hal-01268506v1

Relevance of use-invariant soil properties to assess soil quality of vulnerable ecosystems: The case of Mediterranean vineyards

Clémence Salome , Patrice Coll , E. Lardo , C. Villenave , Eric Blanchart
Ecological Indicators, 2014, 43, pp.83-93. ⟨10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.02.016⟩
Journal articles hal-01268577v1

Reply to the Comment by D. G. Lumsdon on "Fertilization and pH effects on processes and mechanisms controlling dissolved inorganic phosphorus in soils" by N. Devau, P. Hinsinger, E. Le Cadre, B. Colomb and F. Gerard

Nicolas Devau , Philippe Hinsinger , Edith Le Cadre , Bruno Colomb , Frederic Gerard
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2014, 124, pp.410-417. ⟨10.1016/j.gca.2013.03.044⟩
Journal articles hal-01268477v1

Endogeic earthworms modify soil phosphorus, plant growth and interactions in a legume–cereal intercrop

Mathieu Coulis , Laetitia Bernard , Frederic Gerard , Philippe Hinsinger , Claude Plassard
Plant and Soil, 2014, 379, pp.149-160. ⟨10.1007/s11104-014-2046-4⟩
Journal articles hal-01268548v1

Increase in microbial biomass and phosphorus availability in the rhizosphere of intercropped cereal and legumes under field conditions

Xiaoyan Tang , Laetitia Bernard , Alain Brauman , Tanguy Daufresne , Philippe Deleporte
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2014, 75, pp.86-93. ⟨10.1016/j.soilbio.2014.04.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01268608v1
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Les processus de complémentarité de niche et de facilitation déterminent le fonctionnement des associations végétales et leur efficacité pour l'acquisition des ressources abiotiques

Eric Justes , Laurent Bedoussac , Guenaelle Corre - Hellou , Joelle Fustec , Philippe Hinsinger
Innovations Agronomiques, 2014, 40, pp.1-24. ⟨10.17180/bdvp-ha42⟩
Journal articles hal-01173329v1

Quantitative imaging of rhizosphere pH and CO2 dynamics with planar optodes

Stephan Blossfeld , Christina Schreiber , Gregor Liebsch , Arnd Juergen Kuhn , Philippe Hinsinger
Annals of Botany, 2013, 112 (2), pp.267 - 276. ⟨10.1093/aob/mct047⟩
Journal articles hal-01268067v1
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Human-induced nitrogen-phosphorus imbalances alter natural and managed ecosystems across the globe

J. Peñuelas , B. Poulter , J. Sardans , Philippe Ciais , M. van Der Velde
Nature Communications, 2013, 4 (december), pp.2934. ⟨10.1038/ncomms3934⟩
Journal articles hal-01096291v1

Citrate adsorption can decrease soluble phosphate concentration in soils: Results of theoretical modeling

Marek Duputel , Nicolas Devau , Michel Brossard , Benoît Jaillard , Davey L. Jones
Applied Geochemistry, 2013, 35, pp.120-131. ⟨10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.03.018⟩
Journal articles hal-01023702v1

Stable isotopes of Cu and Zn in higher plants: evidence for Cu reduction at the root surface and two conceptual models for isotopic fractionation processes

D. Jouvin , D. J. Weiss , T. F. M. Mason , Matthieu Bravin , P. Louvat
Environmental Science and Technology, 2012, 46 (5), pp.2652-2660. ⟨10.1021/es202587m⟩
Journal articles hal-01268399v1

Intercropping promotes the ability of durum wheat and chickpea to increase rhizosphere phosphorus availability in a low P soil

Elodie Betencourt , Marek Duputel , Bruno Colomb , Dominique Desclaux , Philippe Hinsinger
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2012, 46, pp.181-190. ⟨10.1016/j.soilbio.2011.11.015⟩
Journal articles hal-01267758v1
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Root-induced changes in pH and dissolved organic matter binding capacity affect copper dynamic speciation in the rhizosphere

Matthieu N. Bravin , Cédric Garnier , Véronique Lenoble , Frédéric Gérard , Yves Dudal
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2012, 84, pp.256 - 268. ⟨10.1016/j.gca.2012.01.031⟩
Journal articles hal-01096850v1

Nitrogen and phosphorus economy of a legume tree-cereal intercropping system under controlled conditions

M. E. Isaac , Philippe Hinsinger , J. M. Harmand
Science of the Total Environment, 2012, 434, pp.71 - 78. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2011.12.071⟩
Journal articles hal-01268279v1

Acquisition of phosphorus and other poorly mobile nutrients by roots. Where do plant nutrition models fail?

Philippe Hinsinger , Alain Brauman , Nicolas Devau , Fréderic Gerard , Christophe Jourdan
Plant and Soil, 2011, 348 (1-2), pp.29-61. ⟨10.1007/s11104-011-0903-y⟩
Journal articles hal-01506076v1

Root-induced processes controlling phosphate availability in soils with contrasted P-fertilized treatments

Nicolas Devau , Philippe Hinsinger , Edith Le Cadre , Fréderic Gerard
Plant and Soil, 2011, 348 (1-2), pp.203-218. ⟨10.1007/s11104-011-0935-3⟩
Journal articles hal-01506068v1

Functional specialization of Eucalyptus fine roots: contrasting potential uptake rates for nitrogen, potassium and calcium tracers at varying soil depths

Eduardo Vinicius da Silva , Jean-Pierre Bouillet , José Leonardo de Moraes Gonçalves , Cassio Hamilton Abreu , Philippe Hinsinger
Functional Ecology, 2011, 25 (5), pp.996-1006. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-2435.2011.01867.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02650830v1

Organic viticulture and soil quality: a long-term study in Southern France

Patrice Coll , Edith Le Cadre , Eric Blanchart , Philippe Hinsinger , Cecile Villenave
Applied Soil Ecology, 2011, 50, pp.37-44. ⟨10.1016/j.apsoil.2011.07.013⟩
Journal articles hal-01506103v1

Fertilization and pH effects on processes and mechanisms controlling dissolved inorganic phosphorus in soils

Nicolas Devau , Philippe Hinsinger , Edith Le Cadre , Bruno B. Colomb , Frédéric Gérard
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2011, 75 (10), pp.2980-2996. ⟨10.1016/j.gca.2011.02.034⟩
Journal articles hal-02647700v1

P for Two, Sharing a Scarce Resource: Soil Phosphorus Acquisition in the Rhizosphere of Intercropped Species

Philippe Hinsinger , Elodie Betencourt , Laetitia Bernard , Alain Brauman Brauman , Claude C. Plassard
Plant Physiology, 2011, 156 (3), pp.1078 - 1086. ⟨10.1104/pp.111.175331⟩
Journal articles hal-02651772v1

RHIZOtest: A plant-based biotest to account for rhizosphere processes when assessing copper bioavailability

Matthieu Bravin , Aurélia M. Michaud , Bourane Larabi , Philippe Hinsinger
Environmental Pollution, 2010, 158 (10), pp.3330-3337. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2010.07.029⟩
Journal articles hal-02666760v1

Les racines au coeur du fonctionnement de la rhizosphère : Des connaissances pointues issues de la recherche aux applications possibles en AB

Philippe Hinsinger
Alter Agri, 2010, 101, pp.16-18
Journal articles hal-02658791v1

Copper uptake kinetics in hydroponically-grown durum wheat (Triticum turgidum durum L.) as compared with soil’s ability to supply copper

Matthieu Bravin , Bastien Le Merrer , Laurence Denaix , Andre Schneider , Philippe Hinsinger
Plant and Soil, 2010, 331 (1-2), pp.91-104. ⟨10.1007/s11104-009-0235-3⟩
Journal articles hal-02658167v1

A mechanistic model for understanding root-induced chemical changes controlling phosphorus availability

Nicolas Devau , Edith Le Cadre , Philippe Hinsinger , Frédéric Gérard
Annals of Botany, 2010, 105 (7), pp.1183-1197. ⟨10.1093/aob/mcq098⟩
Journal articles hal-02658888v1
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Déterminants écologiques et physiologiques de la productivité et de la stabilité des associations graminées-légumineuses

Gaëtan Louarn , Guénaëlle Corre-Hellou , Joëlle Fustec , Elise Lô-Pelzer , Bernadette Julier
Innovations Agronomiques, 2010, 11, pp.79-99. ⟨10.17180/41ch-qa28⟩
Journal articles hal-01173245v1

La qualité des sols viticoles: avantages de l'enherbement permanent sur les caractéristiques chimiques et les indicateurs biologiques du sol

Patrice Coll , Didier Arnal , Eric Blanchart , Philippe Hinsinger , Edith Le Cadre
Le Progrès agricole et viticole [Publications et Actualités Vitivinicoles], 2009, 126 (22), pp.527-531
Journal articles hal-02653584v1

Soil pH controls the environmental availability of phosphorus: Experimental and mechanistic modelling approaches

Nicolas Devau , Edith Le Cadre , Philippe Hinsinger , Benoît Jaillard , Frédéric Gérard
Applied Geochemistry, 2009, 24 (11), pp.2163-2174. ⟨10.1016/j.apgeochem.2009.09.020⟩
Journal articles hal-02663480v1

Rhizosphere pH gradient controls copper availability in a strongly acidic soil

Matthieu Bravin , P. Tentscher , J. Rosé , Philippe Hinsinger
Environmental Science and Technology, 2009, 43 (15), pp.5686-5691. ⟨10.1021/es900055k⟩
Journal articles hal-02655534v1

Copper availability and bioavailability are controlled by rhizosphere pH in rape grown in an acidic Cu-contaminated soil

Valérie Chaignon , Marie Quesnoit , Philippe Hinsinger
Environmental Pollution, 2009, 157 (12), pp.3363-3369. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2009.06.032⟩
Journal articles hal-02668824v1

Plant-microbe-soil interactions in the rhizosphere: an evolutionary perspective

Hans Lambers , Christophe Mougel , Benoît Jaillard , Philippe Hinsinger
Plant and Soil, 2009, 321 (1-2), pp.83-115. ⟨10.1007/s11104-009-0042-x⟩
Journal articles hal-02665203v1

Rhizosphere: so many achievements and even more challenges

Yves Dessaux , Philippe Hinsinger , Philippe P. Lemanceau
Plant and Soil, 2009, 321 (1-2), pp.1-3. ⟨10.1007/s11104-009-0063-5⟩
Journal articles hal-02668549v1

Rhizosphere alkalisation - a major driver of copper bioavailability over a broad pH range in an acidic, copper-contaminated soil

Matthieu Bravin , A.L. Marti , Michael Clairotte , Philippe Hinsinger
Plant and Soil, 2009, 318 (1-2), pp.257-268. ⟨10.1007/s11104-008-9835-6⟩
Journal articles hal-02666007v1

Rhizosphere: biophysics, biogeochemistry and ecological relevance

Philippe Hinsinger , A. Glyn Bengough , Doris Vetterlein , Iain M. Young
Plant and Soil, 2009, 321 (1-2), pp.117-152. ⟨10.1007/s11104-008-9885-9⟩
Journal articles hal-02666321v1

Sols et nutrition des plantes: nouvelles recherches sur la biodisponibilité des éléments minéraux

Sylvain S. Pellerin , Pascal Denoroy , Philippe Hinsinger , Lionel Jordan-Meille , Edith Le Cadre
INRA Mensuel les Dossiers, 2009, pp.94-98
Journal articles hal-02665352v1
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Zinc distribution and speciation in roots of various genotypes of tobacco exposed to Zn

Anne Straczek , Geraldine Sarret , Alain Manceau , Philippe Hinsinger , Nicolas Geoffroy
Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2008, 63, pp.80-90
Journal articles hal-00311796v1

Oxygen input controls the spatial and temporal dynamics of arsenic at the surface of a flooded paddy soil and in the rhizosphere of lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.): a microcosm study

Matthieu Bravin , Fanny Travassac , Martine Le Floch , Philippe Hinsinger , Jean Marie Garnier
Plant and Soil, 2008, 312 (1-2), pp.207-218. ⟨10.1007/s11104-007-9532-x⟩
Journal articles hal-02663977v1

Copper phytotoxicity affects root elongation and iron nutrition in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum durum L.)

Aurélia A. Michaud , Carole Chappellaz , Philippe Hinsinger
Plant and Soil, 2008, 310 (1-2), pp.151-165. ⟨10.1007/s11104-008-9642-0⟩
Journal articles hal-02664279v1

Zinc distribution and speciation in roots of various genotypes of tobacco exposed to Zn

Anne Straczek , Geraldine Sarret , Alain Manceau , Philippe Hinsinger , Nicolas Geoffroy
Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2008, 63 (1-3), pp.80-90. ⟨10.1016/j.envexpbot.2007.10.034⟩
Journal articles hal-02664368v1

Dynamics of phosphorus fractions in the rhizosphere of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and durum wheat (Triticum turgidum durum L.) grown in monocropping and intercropping systems

H. Li , J. Shen , F. Zhang , Michael Clairotte , Jean-Jacques Drevon
Plant and Soil, 2008, 312 (1-2), pp.139-150. ⟨10.1007/s11104-007-9512-1⟩
Journal articles hal-02668047v1

The rhizosphere: complex by design

D.L. Jones , Philippe Hinsinger
Plant and Soil, 2008, 312 (1-2), pp.1-6. ⟨10.1007/s11104-008-9774-2⟩
Journal articles hal-02659473v1

Copper uptake and phytotoxicity as assessed in situ for durum wheat (Triticum turgidum durum L.) cultivated in Cu-contaminated, former vineyard soils

Aurélia A. Michaud , Matthieu Bravin , Mauricio Galleguillos , Philippe Hinsinger
Plant and Soil, 2007, 298 (1-2), pp.99-111. ⟨10.1007/s11104-007-9343-0⟩
Journal articles hal-02665033v1

Copper concentration in plants and in the rhizosphere as influenced by the iron status of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.)

Jean-Yves Cornu , Siobhan Staunton , Philippe Hinsinger
Plant and Soil, 2007, 292 (1-2), pp.63-77. ⟨10.1007/s11104-007-9202-z⟩
Journal articles hal-02668634v1

Rhizosphere: A new frontier for soil biogeochemistry

Philippe Hinsinger , Claude Plassard , Benoît Jaillard
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2006, 88 (1-3), pp.210-213. ⟨10.1016/j.gexplo.2005.08.041⟩
Journal articles hal-02663482v1

Rhizosphere - perspectives and challenges - a tribute to Lorenz Hiltner 12-17 September 2004 - Munich, Germany

Philippe Hinsinger , Petra Marschner
Plant and Soil, 2006, 283 (1-2), pp.VII-VIII. ⟨10.1007/s11104-006-0057-5⟩
Journal articles hal-02666727v1

Proton release by roots of Medicago murex and Medicago sativa growing in acidic conditions, and implications for rhizosphere pH changes and nodulation at low pH

Yu-Hsuan Cheng , J.G. Howieson , G.W. O'Hara , E.L.J. Watkin , Gerard Souche
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2005, 36 (8), pp.1357-1365. ⟨10.1016/j.soilbio.2004.04.017⟩
Journal articles hal-02683126v1

Rhizosphere geometry and heterogeneity arising from root-mediated physical and chemical processes

Philippe Hinsinger , George R. Gobran , Peter J. Gregory , Walter W. Wenzel
New Phytologist, 2005, 168 (2), pp.293-303. ⟨10.1111/j.1469-8137.2005.01512.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02683063v1

Quantification of ectomycorrhizal fungal effects on the bioavailability and mobilization of soil P in the rhizosphere of Pinus pinaster

Valter Casarin , Claude Plassard , Philippe Hinsinger , Jean Claude Arvieu
New Phytologist, 2004, 163 (1), pp.177-185. ⟨10.1111/j.1469-8137.2004.01093.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02681222v1

Zinc mobilisation from a contamined soil by three genotypes of tobacco as affected by soil and rhizosphere pH

N. Loosemore , Anne Straczek , Philippe Hinsinger , Benoît Jaillard
Plant and Soil, 2004, 260 (1), pp.19-32
Journal articles hal-02674619v1

Copper bioavailability and extractability as related to chemical properties of contaminated soils from a vine-growing area

V. Chaignon , I. Sanchez-Neira , Patrick Herrmann , Benoît Jaillard , Philippe Hinsinger
Environmental Pollution, 2003, 123, pp.229-238
Journal articles hal-02682290v1

Root uptake and translocation of radiocaesium from agricultural soils by various plant species

Siobhan Staunton , Philippe Hinsinger , Anne Guivarch , F. Brechignac
Plant and Soil, 2003, 254, pp.443-455. ⟨10.1023/A:1025584016465⟩
Journal articles hal-02674118v1

Origins of root-mediated pH changes in the rhizosphere and their responses to environmental constraints: a review

Philippe Hinsinger , Claude Plassard , C. Tang , Benoît Jaillard
Plant and Soil, 2003, 248, pp.43-59
Journal articles hal-02679614v1

Copper bioavailability and rhizosphere pH changes as affected by nitrogen supply for tomato and oilseed rape cropped on an acidic and a calcareous soil

V. Chaignon , F. Bedin , Philippe Hinsinger
Plant and Soil, 2002, 243 (2), pp.219-228
Journal articles hal-02669806v1

Fe-deficiency increases Cu acquisition by wheat cropped in a Cu-contaminated vineyard soil

V. Chaignon , D. Di Malta , Philippe Hinsinger
New Phytologist, 2002, 154, pp.121-130
Journal articles hal-02675104v1
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Effect of phosphorus deficiency on the growth, symbiotic N$_2$ fixation and proton release by two bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) genotypes

Caixian Tang , Philippe Hinsinger , Benoît Jaillard , Zed Rengel , Jean-Jacques Drevon
Agronomie, 2001, 21 (6-7), pp.683-689. ⟨10.1051/agro:2001161⟩
Journal articles hal-00886145v1

Plant-induced weathering of a basaltic rock: Experimental evidence

Philippe Hinsinger , O.N. Fernandes-Barros , M.F. Benedetti , Y. Noack , G. Callot
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2001, 65 (1), pp.137-152
Journal articles hal-02680771v1

Plant-induced weathering of a basaltic rock: Experimental evidence

P Hinsinger , Onf Barros , Mf Benedetti , Y Noack , G Callot
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2001, 65 (1), pp.137-152. ⟨10.1016/S0016-7037(00)00524-X⟩
Journal articles hal-01424692v1

Evaluation of copper availability to plants in copper-contaminated vineyard soils

Laurent Brun , J. Maillet , Philippe Hinsinger , Michel Pepin
Environmental Pollution, 2001, 111, pp.293-302
Journal articles hal-02682301v1

Bioavailability of soil inorganic P in the rhizosphere as affected by root-induced chemical changes: a review

Philippe Hinsinger
Plant and Soil, 2001, 237, pp.173-195
Journal articles hal-02679491v1

Phosphorus deficiency impairs early nodule functioning and enhances proton release in roots of Medicago truncatula L.

C. Tang , Philippe Hinsinger , Jean-Jacques Drevon , Benoît Jaillard
Annals of Botany, 2001, 88, pp.131-138
Journal articles hal-02679968v1

The use of secondary ion mass spectrometry coupled with image analysis to identify and locate chemical elements in soil minerals: The example of phosphorus

Isabelle Bertrand , N. Grignon , Philippe Hinsinger , Gérard Souche , Benoît Jaillard
Scanning, 2001, 23, pp.279-291. ⟨10.1002/sca.4950230409⟩
Journal articles hal-02673432v1

Dissolution of iron oxyhydroxide in the rhizosphere of various crop species

Isabelle Bertrand , Philippe Hinsinger
Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2000, 23 (11-12), pp.1559-1577
Journal articles hal-02689469v1

Le sol vivant, un territoire qui reste à découvrir

Jean Claude Cleyet Marel , Philippe Hinsinger
Oléagineux, Corps Gras, Lipides, 2000, 7 (6), pp.490-493
Journal articles hal-02689755v1

Root uptake and distribution of radiocaesium from contaminated soils and the enhancement of Cs adsorption in the rhizosphere

Anne Guivarch , Philippe Hinsinger , Siobhan Staunton
Plant and Soil, 1999, 211, pp.131-138
Journal articles hal-02695295v1

Root-induced modifications of the exchange of phosphate ion between soil solution and soil solid phase

Christian Morel , Philippe Hinsinger
Plant and Soil, 1999, 211 (1), pp.103-110. ⟨10.1023/A:1004485432261⟩
Journal articles hal-02695594v1

New approaches to studying chemical and physical changes in the rhizosphere: an overview

P.J. Gregory , Philippe Hinsinger
Plant and Soil, 1999, 211, pp.1-9
Journal articles hal-02684745v1

Dynamics of phosphorus in the rhizosphere of maize and rape grown on synthetic, phosphated calcite and goethite

Isabelle I. Bertrand , Philippe Hinsinger , Benoît Jaillard , J.C. Arvieu
Plant and Soil, 1999, 211 (1), pp.111-119. ⟨10.1023/A:1004328815280⟩
Journal articles hal-02698789v1

How do plant roots acquire mineral nutrients ? Chemical processes involved in the rhizosphere

Philippe Hinsinger
Advances in Agronomy, 1998, 64, pp.225-265
Journal articles hal-02698199v1

Contribution à l'analyse du processus de sélection par concours externe à l'INRA. Une étude de cas

Laurent Bruckler , P. Renault , Philippe Hinsinger , Siobhan Staunton
INRA Mensuel, 1998, 98, pp.40-42
Journal articles hal-02691428v1

Structure et fonction de la rhizosphère: mécanismes à l'interface sol-racine

Philippe Hinsinger
Oléagineux, Corps Gras, Lipides, 1998, 5, pp.14-15
Journal articles hal-02689758v1

Silicate rock powder: Effect on selected chemical properties of a range of soils from Western Australia and on plant growth as assessed in a glasshouse experiment

Philippe Hinsinger , M.D.A. Bolland , R.J. Gilkes
Fertilizer Research, 1996, 45, pp.69-79
Journal articles hal-02689468v1

Mobilisation of phosphate from phosphate rock and alumina-sorbed phosphate by the roots of ryegrass and clover as related to rhizosphere pH

Philippe Hinsinger , R.J. Gilkes
European Journal of Soil Science, 1996, 47, pp.533-544
Journal articles hal-02683984v1

Granite powder as a source of potassium for plants: A glasshouse bioassay comparing two pasture species

C. Coroneos , Philippe Hinsinger , R.J. Gilkes
Fertilizer Research, 1996, 45, pp.143-152
Journal articles hal-02697931v1

Root-induced dissolution of phosphate rock in the rhizosphere of lupins grown in alkaline soil

Philippe Hinsinger , J. Gilkes
Australian Journal of Soil Research, 1995, 33, pp.477-489
Journal articles hal-02704076v1

Alimentation minerale des vegetaux dans le sol

Benoît Jaillard , Philippe Hinsinger
Techniques agricoles, 1993, 1210, pp.1-13
Journal articles hal-02708825v1

Release of nonexchangeable potassium from different size fractions of two highly K-fertilized soils in the rhizosphere of rape (Brassica napus cv Drakkar)

J.F. Niebes , J.E. Dufey , Benoît Jaillard , Philippe Hinsinger
Plant and Soil, 1993, 155-156, pp.403-406
Journal articles hal-02707616v1

Root-induced release of interlayer potassium and vermiculitization of phlogopite as related to potassium depletion in the rhizosphere of ryegrass

Philippe Hinsinger , Benoît Jaillard
The Journal of Soil Science, 1993, 44, pp.525-534
Journal articles hal-02708255v1

Root-induced irreversible transformation of a trioctahedral mica in the rhizosphere of rape

Philippe Hinsinger , Françoise Elsass , Benoît Jaillard , M. Robert
The Journal of Soil Science, 1993, 44, pp.535-545
Journal articles hal-02699503v1

Rapid weathering of a trioctahedral mica by the roots of ryegrass.

Philippe Hinsinger , Benoît Jaillard , E. Dufey
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 1992, 56 (3), pp.977-982
Journal articles hal-02701313v1

Simulating a macroscopic rhizosphere for measuring potassium depletion in the close vicinity of rape roots.

Philippe Hinsinger , Benoît Jaillard
Symbiosis, 1990, 9, pp.77-81
Journal articles hal-02701760v1
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De l'application de la perméabilité à l'air des sols en agronomie. I. Notion de perméabilité à l'air : théorie et méthodologie, mise au point bibliographique

P. Hinsinger , H. Mettauer
Agronomie, 1989, 9 (1), pp.3-12
Journal articles hal-00885167v1
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De l'application de la perméabilité à l'air du sol en agronomie II. Intérêt de la perméabilité à l'air pour la caractérisation de la structure du sol et des modalités d'enracinement

H. Mettauer , P. Hinsinger
Agronomie, 1989, 9 (2), pp.143-150
Journal articles hal-00885182v1
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De l'application de la permeabilite a l'air du sol en agronomie. II. -Interet de la permeabilite a l'air pour la caracterisation de la structure du sol et des modalites d'enracinement

H. Mettauer , Philippe Hinsinger
Agronomie, 1989, 9 (2), pp.143-150
Journal articles hal-02728641v1
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De l'application de la permeabilite a l'air des sols en agronomie.1.Notion de permeabilite a l'air: theorie et methodologie, mise au point bibliographique

Philippe Hinsinger , H. Mettauer
Agronomie, 1989, 9 (1), pp.3-12
Journal articles hal-02727661v1
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Differential responses of Glomeromycotina and Mucoromycotina to soil nutrient availabilities: Insights from field experiments on durum wheat.

Elisa Taschen , Esther Guillot , Damien Dezette , Margot Brondani , Jean Trap
International Conference on Mycorrhiza ICOM 12, Aug 2024, Manchester (UK), United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-04680875v1

Belowground traits and crop performance under stress in field-grown durum wheat mixtures

Elisa Taschen , Esther Guillot , Damien Dezette , Erwan Kerbiriou , Florian Fort
International Society of Root Research 12th Symposium, International Society of Root Research; UFZ Leipzig, Jun 2024, Leipzig, Germany
Conference papers hal-04665272v1

Short-scale soil heterogeneity impacts mycorrhizal response traits in roots of 23 maize genotypes across a long-term P-fertilizer trial

Lidia Campos Soriano , Elisa Taschen , Didier Arnal , Didier Dezette , Silvio Salvi
International Society of Root Research 12th Symposium, International Society of Root Research; UFZ Leipzig, Jun 2024, Leipzig, Germany
Conference papers hal-04657090v1

Root foraging and mining strategies shape ecosystem services -a focus on biogeochemical cycling and soil formation in low-input agroecosystems

Philippe Hinsinger , Esther Guillot , Christophe Jourdan , Céline Pradier , Jean-Paul Laclau
22nd World Congress of Soil Science, Jul 2022, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-03750200v1

Hétérogénéité spatiale de la qualité des sols dans un système agroforestier Méditerranéen : comparaison avec un système en monoculture

Esther Guillot , Isabelle Bertrand , Didier Arnal , Josiane Abadie , Philippe Hinsinger
15èmes Journées d’étude du sol - visioconférence, Jun 2021, Montpellier, France. pp.151-152
Conference papers hal-03638248v1

Production végétale et nutrition phosphatée : quels sont les leviers mobilisables pour optimiser la biodisponibilité du Phosphore en agriculture ?

Claude Plassard , Philippe Hinsinger
Séance hebdomadaire de l'Académie d'agriculture de France intitulée « Le phosphore : nutrition des plantes, qualité des eaux et gestion durable d’une ressource non renouvelable », Jun 2020, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02919424v1
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Le RMQS a 20 ans ! Introduction - 20 ans déjà...

Philippe Hinsinger
Le RMQS a 20 ans !, INRAE-InfoSol, Feb 2020, Orléans, France
Conference papers hal-03537603v1

Resistance and resilience of soil microbial communities to drought and heat stress in a Mediterranean agroforestry system

Esther Guillot , Philippe Hinsinger , Lydie Dufour , Jacques Roy , Isabelle Bertrand
7. International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter, Oct 2019, Adelaide, Australia
Conference papers hal-02940567v1

Do perennial alleys help to maintain arbuscular mycorrhizal communities in temperate agroforestry systems ?

Patricia Battie-Laclau , Elisa Taschen , Damien Dezette , Claude Plassard , Josiane Abadie
4. World Congress on Agroforestry, May 2019, Montpellier, France. 933 p
Conference papers hal-02737569v1

An interdisciplinary approach to increase wheat within-field diversity and promote agro-ecosystem services

Jérôme Enjalbert , Vincent Allard , Christophe Ambroise , Bruno Andrieu , S. Barot
European Conference on Crop Diversification, Sep 2019, Budapest, Hungary
Conference papers hal-04481348v1

Coupling reactive transport processes with root system architecture and functions: principles and application examples.

Frederic Gerard , Hannah Gatz-Miller , Rénato Kerches Braghiere , Sergio Andres Bea , Philippe Hinsinger
International Conference on Terrestrial Systems research, Apr 2018, Bonn, Germany
Conference papers hal-02787921v1

Nutrient and carbon dynamics in agroecosystems from a rhizosphere biogeochemistry perspective

Philippe Hinsinger , Céline Pradier , Frédéric Gérard , Jean-Paul Laclau , Christophe Jourdan
BONARES Conference 2018: Soil as a sustainable resource, Sep 2018, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers hal-03750202v1
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Do agricultural practices impact carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry in plants and soils on the long-term?

Fabien Ferchaud , Bruno Mary , Frida Keuper , Alain Mollier , Pascal Denoroy
20th Nitrogen Workshop, Jun 2018, Rennes, France. 472 p
Conference papers hal-02735020v1
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Root traits of durum wheat vary with the level of soil phosphorus availability in a long term fertilization experiment

Claire Jouany , Christophe Jourdan , Lysiane Ruffe , Clément Furget Bretagnon , André Gavaland
10. Symposium of the International Society of Root Research (ISRR10), Jul 2018, Jérusalem, Israel
Conference papers hal-02736510v1

Eléments de réflexion sur l’introduction d’un module P dans le modèle STICS

Alain Mollier , Anne Budynek , Pascal Denoroy , Marko Kavic , Christian Morel
11. Séminaire STICS, Oct 2017, La Rochelle, France
Conference papers hal-02733592v1

Processes controlling phosphate acquisition by plants as revealed by coupled root system-reactive transport modeling

Frederic Gerard , Sergio Andres Bea , Loïc Pagès , Philippe Hinsinger , Klaus Ulrich Mayer
Goldschmidt 2017, Aug 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02787920v1

Water stress in soil: Is there an impact on microbial biomass CNP in a Mediterranean agroforestry system?

Esther Guillot , Philippe Hinsinger , Isabelle Bertrand
Functional Ecology Conference / Journées d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle AnaEE France, Mar 2017, La Grande Motte, France
Conference papers hal-02733680v1

Litter quality impacts the CNP stoichiometric homeostasis of the soil microbial biomass

Haijing Yuan , Philippe Hinsinger , Stephan Hättenschwiler , Alexandru Milcu , Isabelle Bertrand
6. International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter, Sep 2017, Harpenden, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-02735897v1
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Field reality: short-scale soil heterogeneity impacts mycorrhizal contribution to maize P nutrition under contrasted fertilization

Lidia Campos Soriano , Elisa Taschen , Marcel Bach , Ran Erel , Damien Dezette
9. International Conference on Mycorrhiza (ICOM9), Jul 2017, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-02734636v1

Le pH en image. Cartographie spatio-temporelle du pH dans la rhizosphère à l’aide de capteurs fluorescents, les optodes

Gabrielle Daudin , Céline Pradier , Claire Marsden , Christophe Jourdan , Philippe Hinsinger
14. Journées de la Mesure et de la Métrologie (J2M), Oct 2016, Blois, France
Conference papers hal-02739151v1

Shifts in belowground interactions in a legume-cereal intercrop: a test of the Stress Gradient Hypothesis

Simon Boudsocq , Hans Lambers , Philippe Hinsinger
Sfécologie-2016, International Conference of Ecological Sciences, Oct 2016, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-02954913v1

Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems – a rhizosphere biogeochemistry perspective

Philippe Hinsinger , Céline Pradier , Frederic Gerard , Jean-Paul Laclau , Christophe Jourdan
ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings (2016), Nov 2016, Phoenix, United States
Conference papers hal-02739464v1
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Length does not always matter – Root traits and rhizosphere attributes determining phosphorus acquisition efficiency in field-grown maize genotypes

Ran Erel , Lidia Campos-Soriano , Blanca San Segundo , Marcel Bach , Annette A. Berard
ISSR-9 Roots down under: belowground solutions to global changes, Oct 2015, Canberra, Australia
Conference papers hal-02740654v1
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Intercropping cereal and grain legume:10 years of experiments from field to plate

Laurent Bedoussac , Etienne-Pascal Journet , Eric Justes , Henrik Hauggaard-Nielsen , Christophe Naudin
International Workshop of Intercropping for Agronomy and Ecology, Aug 2015, Xian, China. 36 p
Conference papers hal-02795618v1
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What root-mineral interactions are occurring in the rhizosphere and play a key role in potassium biogeochemistry and plant nutrition?

Philippe Hinsinger
14. International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis ISSP 2015, Jan 2015, Kailua Kona, United States
Conference papers hal-01269001v1

Implementation of root system architecture and functions into the reactive transport model MIN3P: method and capabilities

Frederic Gerard , Céline Blitz , Loïc Pagès , Nicolas Moitrier , Ludovic Tambour
Goldschmidt conference, Aug 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-02797235v1

Is P acquisition facilitated by intercropping of durum wheat and grain legumes in field conditions?

Etienne-Pascal Journet , Laurent Bedoussac , Elodie Betencourt , Julie Campguilhem , Philippe Hinsinger
5th International Symposium Phosphorus in Soils and Plants PSP5 2014 - Facing Phosphorus Scarcity, Aug 2014, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-01268844v1

Facilitation of P acquisition by intercropping cereal and grain legumes in field conditions

Etienne-Pascal Journet , Laurent Bedoussac , Elodie Betencourt , Julie Campguilhem , Philippe Hinsinger
4th Sustainable Phosphorus Summit, SPS 2014, Sep 2014, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-01268850v1
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La complémentarité pour l’acquisition des ressources abiotiques dans les associations végétales : quels processus en jeu expliquant les performances ?

Laurent Bedoussac , Eric Justes , Philippe Hinsinger , Etienne-Pascal Journet , Gaëtan Louarn
CIAG 2014 : Carrefours de l'Innovation Agronomique "Associations Végétales", Nov 2014, Angers, France
Conference papers hal-02744205v1
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Représentations – Modélisation des interactions biotiques dans les sols

Philippe Hinsinger , Eric Blanchart , Simon Boudsocq , Frederic Gerard , Benoît Jaillard
Nouveaux défis de Modélisation pour l'Agro-écologie, Feb 2014, Paris, France. 19 p
Conference papers hal-01268684v1
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Thermodynamic modelling of P availability: the case of intercropping rhizosphere

Marek Duputel , Philippe Hinsinger , Frederic Gerard
17. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), Aug 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
Conference papers hal-01190050v1
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Rhizosphere microbial community in intercropped durum wheat and faba bean as affected by phosphorus fertilizer history

Xiaoyan Tang , Florent Dayde , Laetitia Bernard , Etienne-Pascal Journet , Philippe Hinsinger
17. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), Aug 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
Conference papers hal-01190049v1
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Rhizosphere in space and time – challenges for designing the most relevant root traits for efficient nutrient acquisition

Philippe Hinsinger
17. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), Aug 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
Conference papers hal-01190048v1
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Adsorption du citrate et disponibilité du phosphate dans les sols : modélisation mécaniste

Marek Duputel , Nicolas Devau , Michel Brossard , Philippe Hinsinger , Benoît Jaillard
11. Journées d'Etude des Sols, Mar 2012, Versailles, France
Conference papers hal-01268849v1

Bacterial biogeography in two functionally contrasting rhizospheres - nitrogen-fixing [i]Medicago truncatul[/i]a and ectomycorrhizal[i] Pinus pinaster[/i]

Georg Carlsson , Benoît Cloutier-Hurteau , Stephan Blossfeld , Anne-Laure Pablo , Claude Plassard
4. International Congress of the European Soil Science Societies. Eurosoil 2012: soil science for the benefit of mankind and environment, Jul 2012, Bari, Italy
Conference papers hal-01268644v1

The roots of our soils

Philippe Hinsinger , Benoît Cloutier-Hurteau , Christophe Jourdan , Jean-Paul Laclau
8. Symposium of the International Society of Root Research (ISRR) 2012: "Roots to the Future", Jun 2012, Dundee, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-01268638v1

Root-induced decrease in metal binding capacity of dissolved organic matters in the rhizosphere: evidences from two convergent studies

Matthieu Bravin , Emmanuel Doelsch , Philippe Hinsinger
4. International Congress of the European Soil Science Societies. Eurosoil 2012: soil science for the benefit of mankind and environment, Jul 2012, Bari, Italy
Conference papers hal-01268643v1

Contamination en cuivre des sols viticoles

Philippe Hinsinger
5. Journée Scientifique de la vigne et du vin: les avancées de la recherche, Institut National d'Etudes Supérieures Agronomiques de Montpellier (Montpellier SupAgro). FRA., Apr 2012, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-01268689v1

Towards a predictive model of soil and rhizosphere phosphorus availability

Frédéric Gérard , Nicolas Devau , Marek Duputel , Benoît Jaillard , Philippe Hinsinger
Wageningen Conference on Applied Soil Science: Soil Science in a Changing World, Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR). NLD., Sep 2011, Wageningen, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-02747084v1

Variabilité spatio-temporelle de la teneur en carbone du sol en milieu agricole carbonaté : exemples d'apports de la spectroscopie proche infrarouge

Didier Blavet , H. Aholoukpé , T. Ouagga , N. Bensalah , Aouatif Cheggour
Atelier CORUS & AIRES-Sud sur la Protection des Ressources Naturelles, Feb 2011, Meknès, Maroc
Conference papers hal-01214709v1

Bacterial biogeography in the rhizosphere – a key role of pH around roots and ectomycorrhizae

Benoît Cloutier-Hurteau , Georg Carlsson , Stephan Blossfeld , Claude C. Plassard , Philippe Hinsinger
Rhizosphere 3, Sep 2011, Perth, Australia
Conference papers hal-02746450v1

Root-induced pH changes enhance the availability of soil phosphorus in the rhizosphere of intercropped cereal-legume: the other side of the coin

Elodie Betencourt , Marek Duputel , Bruno B. Colomb , Philippe Hinsinger
Rhizosphere 3, Sep 2011, Perth, Australia
Conference papers hal-02749193v1

To what extend the rhizosphere of cereal/legume intercropping represents a specific microbial environment?

Alain Brauman Brauman , Laetitia Bernard , France Oris , Elisa Taschen , Anne-Laure Pablo
Rhizosphere 3, Sep 2011, Perth, Australia
Conference papers hal-02750028v1

Wealth and poverty in the rhizosphere – sharing a scarce resource: soil P

Philippe Hinsinger , Elodie Betencourt , Nicolas Devau , Marek Duputel , Xiaoyan Tang
Rhizosphere 3, Sep 2011, Perth, Australia
Conference papers hal-02750123v1

Does nitrogen transfer matter in cereal-legume intercrops ?

Joëlle Fustec , Philippe Malagoli , Faustine Siméon , Laetitia Bernard , Alain Brauman Brauman
Rhizosphere 3, Sep 2011, Perth, Australia
Conference papers hal-02748924v1

From rhizosphere research to risk assessment: toward the standardisation of a plant-based biotest for assessing trace element phytoavailability in contaminated soils

Matthieu Bravin , Laure Lemal , Didier Arnal , Patrick Cazevieille , Claire Chevassus-Rosset
Rhizosphere 3, Sep 2011, Perth, Australia
Conference papers hal-02748777v1

Microbial biomass carbon and phosphorus are altered differently in the rhizosphere of intercropped and monocropped cereal and legumes

Xiaoyan Tang , Joëlle Toucet , Laetitia Bernard , Alain Brauman Brauman , Philippe Hinsinger
Rhizosphere 3, Sep 2011, Perth, Australia
Conference papers hal-02746184v1

Modeling the effects of fertilization and pH on dissolved inorganic phosphorus in soils

Frédéric Gérard , Nicolas Devau , Edith Le Cadre , Philippe Hinsinger
21. Goldschmidt Conference, Aug 2011, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-02748941v1

Effect of citrate on phosphorus availability in soils of contrasted mineralogy – a mechanistic modeling approach

Marek Duputel , Nicolas Devau , Michel Brossard , Philippe Hinsinger , Benoît Jaillard
Rhizosphere 3, Sep 2011, Perth, Australia
Conference papers hal-02746033v1
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P for two - intercropping as a means to better exploit soil P resources under low imput conditions

Elodie Betencourt , Bruno B. Colomb , Eric E. Justes , Gerard Souche , Philippe Hinsinger
19th World Congress of Soil Science. Soil Solutions for a Changing World, Aug 2010, Brisbane, Australia
Conference papers hal-02754206v1

Soil phosphorus pools differ when durum wheat is grown alone or intercropped with pea or fababean in low versus high-input conditions

Elodie Betencourt , Bruno B. Colomb , Fanny Cordier , Charline Guillere , Eric E. Justes
11. ESA Congress, Aug 2010, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-02754508v1

Nematofauna, a sensitive bioindicator to characterise global soil quality during organic conversion of a vineyard

Patrice Coll , Edith Le Cadre , Eric Blanchart , Didier Arnal , Philippe Hinsinger
30. International Symposium of the European Society of Nematologists, Sep 2010, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers hal-02753212v1

Surface complexation modelling of phosphorus availability and bioavailability for plants

Nicolas Devau , Edith Le Cadre , Philippe Hinsinger , Frédéric Gérard
Conference on Goldschmidt 2010 - Earth, Energy, and the Environment, Jun 2010, Knoxville, United States
Conference papers hal-02751335v1

Phosphorus bioavailability – nothing but a rhizosphere story

Claude C. Plassard , Elodie Betencourt , Nicolas Devau , Marek Duputel , Frédéric Gérard
6. International Phosphorus Workshop, Sep 2010, Séville, Spain
Conference papers hal-02756049v1

A mechanistic model for understanding pH effect on phosphorus availability in rhizosphere and bulk soil

Nicolas Devau , Edith Le Cadre , Philippe Hinsinger , Frédéric Gérard
16. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, Aug 2009, Sacramento, United States
Conference papers hal-02752370v1

Modifications des propriétés complexantes des matières organiques dissoutes vis-à-vis du cuivre dans la rhizosphère du blé

Matthieu Bravin , Cedric Garnier , Frédéric Gérard , Philippe Hinsinger
10. Journées d’Etude des Sols (JES), May 2009, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-02753009v1

Is copper uptake kinetic the rate-limiting process of copper bioavailability to durum wheat in contaminated soils?

Matthieu Bravin , Laurence Denaix , Andre Schneider , Philippe Hinsinger
10. International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE 2009), Jul 2009, Chihuahua, Mexico
Conference papers hal-02752771v1

Availability of phosphorus from micronized phosphate for crops: a new application of rock phosphate

Khadija Saja , Edith Le Cadre , Jean-Charles Benezet , Nicolas Devau , Gerard Souche
COVAPHOS 3: the Phosphate Meeting Point, Mar 2009, Marrakech, Morocco
Conference papers hal-02754377v1

Rhizosphere processes : the roots of ecological intensification of agroecosystems

Philippe Hinsinger , Alain Brauman Brauman , Nicolas Devau , Frédéric Gérard , Christophe Jourdan
16. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, Aug 2009, Sacramento, United States
Conference papers hal-02753155v1
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Indicateurs de la qualité des sols viticoles

Patrice Coll , Edith Le Cadre , Eric Blanchart , Philippe Hinsinger , Cecile Villenave
SITEVI, Dec 2009, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-02817166v1

Processus rhizosphériques déterminant la phytodisponibilité du cuivre pour le blé dur cultivé en sols à antécédent viticole

Matthieu Bravin , Philippe Hinsinger
10. Journées d’Etude des Sols (JES), May 2009, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-02751880v1
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Designing alternative cropping systems based on durum wheat introcrops in the south of France ; perfcom, an interdisciplinary project for integrated multi-scale analysis

Santiago Lopez Ridaura , L. Bernard , J.P. Cohan , G. Corre-Hellou , Dominique D. Desclaux
Farming systems design 2009 : International symposium on methodologies for integrated analysis of farm production systems, Aug 2009, Monterey, United States
Conference papers hal-02756269v1

Using a mechanistic adsorption model to understand the influence of soil pH on the environmental availability of Phosphorus: Application to a Chromic Cambisol

Nicolas Devau , Frédéric Gérard , Edith Le Cadre , L. Roger , Benoît Jaillard
Goldschmidt 2008, Jul 2008, Vancouver, Canada
Conference papers hal-02751333v1
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Soil-Root-Microbe Interactions in the Rhizosphere - A Key to Understanding and Predicting Nutrient Bioavailability to Plants

Philippe Hinsinger , Matthieu Bravin , Nicolas Devau , Frederic Gerard , Edith Le Cadre
5th International Symposium on Interactions of Soil Minerals with Organic Components and Microorganisms, Nov 2008, Pucon, Chile
Conference papers hal-01190449v1
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Spring and autumnal P availability, fine root properties and functional mycorrhizal diversity across Pinus pinaster stands with different productivity in southwest France

Claude C. Plassard , Mark Ronald M. R. Bakker , Pierre Trichet , Céline Meredieu , Frederic F. Danjon
4. International Symposium on Dynamics of Physiological Processes in Roots of Woody Plants, Sep 2007, Bangor, United Kingdom. 1 p
Conference papers hal-02821961v1

P availability, fine root properties and functional mycorrhizal diversity across Pinus pinaster stands with different productivity in South-western France

Claude C. Plassard , Céline Meredieu , Mark Ronald M. R. Bakker , Frederic F. Danjon , Pierre Trichet
Rhizosphere 2. International conference, Aug 2007, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-02756501v1

Spéciation et biodisponibilité du phosphore dans la rhizosphère

Philippe Hinsinger , Benoît Jaillard , Edith Le Cadre , Claude C. Plassard
Stocks et flux de phosphore dans les écosystèmes terrestres et auquatiques, et impacts environnementaux, Dec 2006, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02757878v1

Mechanisms of Pb and Zn phosphates formation in the rhizosphere soils of tomato and pea

C. Diyab , Camille Dumat , F. Juillot , Maryse Castrec-Rouelle , P. Hinsinger
CONSOIL 2005, Oct 2005, Bordeaux, France. pp.2046-2047
Conference papers bioemco-00175452v1

Short term evolution of pig slurry macronutrients (N, P, K) accumulated into an over amended lysimeter (SOLEPUR)

Pascal Peu , José Martinez , François Birgand , Philippe Hinsinger , M.F. Benedetti
11th International conference of the FAO ESCORENA network on the recycling of agricultural, municipal and industrial residues in agriculture, Murcia, ESP, 6-9 October 2004, 2004, pp.55-58
Conference papers hal-02584250v1

Modifications of PO4-ions transfer in rhizosphere soils

C. Morel , Philippe Hinsinger
16. Congrès mondial de Science du Sol, Aug 1998, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-02764830v1

Root-induced modifications of phosphate ion exchange in rhizosphere soils

C. Morel , Philippe Hinsinger
16. Congrès mondial de science du sol, Aug 1998, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-02764970v1

New approaches to studying chemical and physical changes in the rhizosphere

P.J. Gregory , Philippe Hinsinger
16. Congrès mondial de science du sol, Aug 1998, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-02765946v1

Structure and function of the rhizosphere: Mechanisms at the soil-root interface

Philippe Hinsinger , P.J. Gregory
16. Congrès mondial de science du sol, Aug 1998, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-02770580v1

La rhizosphère, interface entre monde végétal et monde minéral

Philippe Hinsinger , Benoît Jaillard , J.C. Arvieu
Forum, Oct 1996, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02766761v1

The acquisition of mineral nutrients by roots: rhizosphere processes

Philippe Hinsinger
3. Congress of the european society for agronomy, Sep 1994, Abano-Padova, Italy
Conference papers hal-02772404v1

Biological weathering of micas in the rhizosphere as related to potassium absorption by plants roots.

Philippe Hinsinger , J.E. Dufey , Benoît Jaillard
Plant roots and their environment, Aug 1988, Uppsala, Sweden
Conference papers hal-02775094v1

Unraveling mycorrhizal-induced root plasticity and adaptation to soil phosphorus limitation of ten durum wheat varieties

Esther Guillot , Florian Fort , Damien Dezette , Carlos Trives-Segura , Philippe Hinsinger
International Society of Root Research 12th Symposium, Jun 2024, Leipzig, Germany.
Conference poster hal-04665313v1
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Spatial gradient of soil decomposers’ activities in a Mediterranean agroforestry system

Esther Guillot , Philippe Hinsinger , Lydie Dufour , Isabelle Bertrand
4. World Congress on Agroforestry, May 2019, Montpellier, France. , 933 p., 2019, Book of abstracts. 4th World Congress on Agroforestry
Conference poster hal-02737293v1

Decomposers’ activity along a spatial gradient in a Mediterranean agroforestry system

Esther Guillot , Philippe Hinsinger , Isabelle Bertrand
3. Conference on Ecology of Soil Microorganisms (ESM2018), Jun 2018, Helsinki, Finland. Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Natural Resources and Bioeconomy Studies, 29/2018, 225 p., 2018
Conference poster hal-02734515v1

Root Traits of Durum Wheat and Chickpea Vary with Soil Nitrogen Availability when Intercropped or Grown Alone in Mediterranean Conditions

Christophe Jourdan , Philippe Hinsinger , Claire Jouany , Raphael Vimont , Melanie Toussaint
10. Symposium of the International Society of Root Research (ISRR10), Jul 2018, Israel. , 2018
Conference poster hal-02734974v1

With or without tree: What impact on microbial biomass CNP in drought stress conditions? A case study in a Mediterranean agroforestry system

Esther Guillot , Philippe Hinsinger , Isabelle Bertrand
3. Conference on Ecology of Soil Microorganisms (ESM2018), Jun 2018, Helsinki, Finland. Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Natural Resources and Bioeconomy Studies, 29/2018, 225 p., 2018
Conference poster hal-02734514v1
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Root traits and rhizosphere characteristics determining potassium acquisition from soils

Philippe Hinsinger , Michael Bell , Philip J. White
Frontiers of Potassium, Jan 2017, Rome, Italy. 2017
Conference poster hal-01604222v1
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Spatial soil fertility gradient in a mature agroforestry system under a mediterranean climate

Esther Guillot , Isabelle Bertrand , Lydie Dufour , Christian Dupraz , Philippe Hinsinger
3. European Agroforestry Conference (EURAF 2016), May 2016, Montpellier, France. European Agroforestry Federation (EURAF), 2016, Celebrating 20 years of Agroforestry research in Europe : Book of Abstracts
Conference poster hal-02743988v1
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Coupling root dynamics with reactive transport processes in soil-method and example application to phosphorus acquisition from a mineral source in alkaline soils

Frédéric Gérard , Céline Blitz , Philippe Hinsinger , Loïc Pagès
5. International EcoSummit: Ecological Sustainability: Engineering Change, Aug 2016, Montpellier, France. 2016
Conference poster hal-02739636v1
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Resilience and resistance of microbial communities against drought events, in a mature agroforestry system in Mediterranean area

Esther Guillot , Philippe Hinsinger , Lydie Dufour , Isabelle Bertrand
5. International EcoSummit: Ecological Sustainability: Engineering Change, Aug 2016, Montpellier, France. 2016
Conference poster hal-02740136v1

How microbial belowground communities cope with contrasted trophic resources across three land use type: a stoichiometry approach

Haijing Yuan , Philippe Hinsinger , Stephan Hättenschwiler , Alexandru Milcu , Isabelle Bertrand
5. International EcoSummit: Ecological Sustainability: Engineering Change, Aug 2016, Montpellier, France. 2016
Conference poster hal-02741497v1

Belowground interactions between a cereal and a legume along a P gradient: a test of the Stress Gradient Hypothesis

Simon Boudsocq , Philippe Hinsinger , Hans Lambers
PSP5 2014 - Facing Phosphorus Scarcity, Aug 2014, Montpellier, France. 2014
Conference poster hal-01268841v1

Arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization in maize genotypes grown under contrasted P-regimes in a long-term field experiment

Lidia Campos-Soriano , Marcel Bach , Didier Arnal , Gerard Souche , Philippe Hinsinger
PSP5 2014 - Facing Phosphorus Scarcity, Aug 2014, Montpellier, France. 2014
Conference poster hal-01268843v1

Fine mapping of soil phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere of intercropped chickpea and [i]durum wheat[/i]

Camille Cros , Esther Guillot , Sarah Placella , Josiane Abadie , Gabrielle Daudin
PSP5 2014 - Facing Phosphorus Scarcity, Aug 2014, Montpellier, France. 2014
Conference poster hal-01268826v1

Nitrate supply controls phosphorus availability and microbial properties in the rhizosphere of intercropped species

Elodie Betencourt , Xiaoyan Tang , Sarah Placella , Agnès Robin , Jianbo Shen
PSP5 2014 - Facing Phosphorus Scarcity, Aug 2014, Montpellier, France. 2014
Conference poster hal-01268834v1

Arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization in maize genotypes grown under contrasted P-regimes in a long-term field experiment

Lidia Campos-Soriano , Marcel Bach , Didier Arnal , Gerard Souche , Philippe Hinsinger
4th Sustainable Phosphorus Summit, SPS 2014, Sep 2014, Montpellier, France. 2014
Conference poster hal-01268851v1

Earthworms modify soil phosphorus and plant interactions in a Mediterranean legume-cereal intercrop

Mathieu Coulis , Laetitia Bernard , Frederic Gerard , Philippe Hinsinger , Claude Plassard
PSP5 2014 - Facing Phosphorus Scarcity, Aug 2014, Montpellier, France. 2014
Conference poster hal-01268845v1

Fine mapping of soil phosphatase activity as affected by endogeic earthworms, in presence or absence of plants

Esther Guillot , Camille Cros , Sarah Placella , Josiane Abadie , Gabrielle Daudin
PSP5 2014 - Facing Phosphorus Scarcity, Aug 2014, Montpellier, France. 2014
Conference poster hal-01268825v1

Acid phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere: how a cereal and a legume create local hotspots

Sarah Placella , Josiane Abadie , Gabrielle Daudin , Esther Guillot , Camille Cros
PSP5 2014 - Facing Phosphorus Scarcity, Aug 2014, Montpellier, France. 2014
Conference poster hal-01268824v1

Microbial biomass and catabolic activities in the rhizosphere as impacted by P fertilization, a field study

Annette A. Berard , Line Capowiez , Ghislain Sevenier , Claude Doussan , Philippe Hinsinger
PSP5 2014 - Facing Phosphorus Scarcity, Aug 2014, Montpellier, France. 2014
Conference poster hal-01268842v1
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Validation interlaboratoire d’un nouveau test végétal normalisé ISO pour mesurer la phytodisponibilité environnementale des éléments traces

Matthieu Bravin , Laure Lemal , Patrick Cazevieille , Claire Chevassus-Rosset , Mélanie Montes
12. Journées d'Etude des Sols, Jun 2014, Le Bourget du lac, France. 2014
Conference poster hal-01268707v1

P for two – Sharing a scarce resource: soil P in intercropping systems

Philippe Hinsinger , Elodie Betencourt , Alain Brauman , Jean-Pierre Cohan , Dominique Desclaux
3. Sustainable Phosphorus Summit, Feb 2012, Sydney, Australia. 2012, Developing a Blueprint for Global Phosphorus Security
Conference poster hal-01268640v1

Detection of pH gradients in between acidifying and alkalizing roots with a novel camera/pH-sensor system

Christina Schreiber , Elodie Betencourt , Stephan Blossfeld , Gerard Souche , Philippe Hinsinger
8. Symposium of the International Society of Root Research (ISRR) 2012: "Roots to the Future", Jun 2012, Dundee, United Kingdom. 2012
Conference poster hal-01268639v1

Enhancing resource Uptake from Roots under stress in cereal crops; the EURoot Project

Emmanuel Guiderdoni , Brigitte Courtois , Eelco Visser , S. Wilkinson , M. Faget
8. Symposium of the International Society of Root Research (ISRR) 2012: "Roots to the Future", Jun 2012, Dundee, United Kingdom. 2012
Conference poster hal-01268635v1

Root physiology and rhizosphere ecology: pH is the clue

Philippe Hinsinger
28. New Phytologist Symposium : Functions and ecology of the plant microbiome, May 2012, Rhodes, Greece. 2012
Conference poster hal-01268653v1

Root-induced alkalization of an acidic, copper-contaminated soil controls copper depletion in wheat rhizosphere

Matthieu Bravin , Philippe Hinsinger
10. International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE 2009), Jul 2009, Chihuahua, Mexico. 2009
Conference poster hal-02750457v1

Diversity and P-solubilizing ability of mycorrhizosphere bacteria associated with Pinus pinaster in the Landes forest ecosystem

Odile Domergue , Yves Prin , Muhammad Waseem , Claude C. Plassard , Jacques Guinberteau
21st New Phytologist Symposium, Dec 2008, Montpellier, France. n.p., 2008
Conference poster hal-02815342v1

Plant Nutrition for Food Security, Human Health and Environmental Protection

Philippe Hinsinger
15. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, Sep 2005, Pekin, China. Tsinghua University Press, 1207 p., 2005
Proceedings hal-02833876v1

Basalt weathering as induced by the roots of higher plants

O.N. Fernandes Barros , Philippe Hinsinger
15. World congress of soil science, Jul 1994, Acapulco, Mexico. vol. 8b;n.p., 1994
Proceedings hal-02848922v1
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L’agriculture va-t-elle manquer d’eau ?

Thierry Caquet , Chantal Gascuel , Christian Huyghe , Pascale Mollier , Sophie Nicaud
"Ressources" n°2, la revue INRAE, 2, pp.14-45, 2022, ⟨10.17180/8VA4-2718⟩
Book sections hal-03789176v1
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Considering Soil Potassium Pools with Dissimilar Plant Availability

Michael J Bell , Michel D Ransom , Michael L Thompson , Philippe Hinsinger , Angela M Florence
Murrell T.S.; Mikkelsen R.L.; Sulewski G.; Norton R.; Thompson M.L. Improving Potassium Recommendations for Agricultural Crops, Springer International Publishing, pp.163-190, 2021, 978-3-030-59196-0. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-59197-7_7⟩
Book sections hal-03251300v1
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Potassium Use Efficiency of Plants

Philip J White , Michael J Bell , Ivica Djalovic , Philippe Hinsinger , Zed Rengel
Murrell T.S.; Mikkelsen R.L.; Sulewski G.; Norton R.; Thompson M.L. Improving Potassium Recommendations for Agricultural Crops, Springer International Publishing, pp.119-145, 2021, 978-3-030-59196-0. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-59197-7_5⟩
Book sections hal-03251295v1
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Rhizosphere Processes and Root Traits Determining the Acquisition of Soil Potassium

Philippe Hinsinger , Michael J Bell , John L Kovar , Philip J White
Murrell T.S.; Mikkelsen R.L.; Sulewski G.; Norton R.; Thompson M.L. Improving Potassium Recommendations for Agricultural Crops, Springer International Publishing, pp.99-117, 2021, 978-3-030-59196-0. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-59197-7_4⟩
Book sections hal-03251292v1
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Environnement et agronomie au XXIe siècle, et maintenant ?

Philippe Hinsinger , Pierre P. Cellier , Thierry Doré , Marie-Helene M.-H. Jeuffroy , Claire Lavigne
Une agronomie pour le XXI° siècle, 2019
Book sections hal-02263692v1

Associer des céréales et des légumineuses à bas niveau d’intrants : un atout pour les agroécosystèmes rizicoles en Camargue

Santiago Lopez Ridaura , Jean-Claude Mouret , Philippe Hinsinger
Le riz et la Camargue : vers des agroécosystèmes durables, Cardère Editeur Educagri, 508 p., 2018, 978-2-37649-003-6 979-10-275-0154-0
Book sections hal-02788041v1

La vie dans les sols : du découpage taxonomique à l’intégration écologique

Manuel Blouin , Philippe Hinsinger , Patrick Lavelle , Philippe Lemanceau
Les sols au coeur de la zone critique : Ecologie, 6, ISTE, 2018, ISBN : 9781784053840 (papier) ISBN : 9781784063849 (ebook)
Book sections hal-02785787v1

Conclusion - Environnement et agronomie au XXIème siècle, et maintenant?

Philippe Hinsinger , Pierre Cellier , Marie-Hélène Jeuffroy , Claire Lavigne , Nathalie Munier-Jolain
Guy Richard (ed.); Pierre Stengel (ed.); Gilles Lemaire (ed.); Pierre Cellier (ed.); Egizio Valceschini (ed.). Une agronomie pour le XXIe siècle, éditions Quae, pp.283-294, 2018, 9782759229383. ⟨10.35690/978-2-7592-2938-3⟩
Book sections hal-04127968v1

Life in the soil: from taxonomy to ecological integration

Manuel Blouin , Philippe Hinsinger , Patrick Lavelle , Philippe Lemanceau
Soils as a Key Component of the Critical Zone 6: Ecology, Volume 6, Wiley Online Library, 2018, 9781786302182. ⟨10.1002/9781119438274.ch1⟩
Book sections hal-02788183v1

Le sol et ses facteurs de fertilité

Claude Plassard , Edith Le Cadre , Claire Marsden , Jean Trap , Philippe Hinsinger
Guide de la fertilisation raisonnée, 2ème éd., Editions France Agricole, 608 p., 2017, 978-2-85557-412-7
Book sections hal-02785831v1

Des cultures associées pour une gestion économe de l’azote et du phosphore dans les agroécosystèmes

Laurent Bedoussac , Etienne-Pascal Journet , Philippe Hinsinger , Eric Justes
Guide de la fertilisation raisonnée, Editions France Agricole, 608 p., 2017, 978-2-85557-412-7
Book sections hal-02791516v1

Impact of roots, microorganisms and microfauna on the fate of soil phosphorus in the rhizosphere

Philippe Hinsinger , Laetitia Herrmann , Didier Lesueur , Agnès Robin , Jean Trap
Phosphorus Metabolism in Plants, 48, Wiley-Blackwell, 2015, Annual Plant Reviews, 978-1-118-95884-1; 978-1-118-95885-8. ⟨10.1002/9781118958841.ch13⟩
Book sections hal-02795114v1

Soil Phosphorus Management in Organic Cropping Systems: From Current Practices to Avenues for a More Efficient Use of P Resources

Thomas Nesme , Bruno Colomb , Philippe Hinsinger , Christine A. Watson
Organic Farming, Prototype for Sustainable Agricultures, Springer Netherlands, 489 p., 2014, 978-94-007-7926-6. ⟨10.1007/978-94-007-7927-3_2⟩
Book sections hal-01268560v1

Plant-induced changes of soil processes and properties

Philippe Hinsinger
Soil Conditions and Plant Growth, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, 978-1-4051-9770-0
Book sections hal-01268631v1

Biogeochemical, Biophysical, and Biological Processes in the Rhizosphere

Philippe Hinsinger , Davey L. Jones , Petra Marschner
Handbook of Soil Sciences, 2ème éd., CRC Press, 830 p., 2012, 978-1-4398-0307-3
Book sections hal-01268624v1

Le sol : ressource en nutriments et biodisponibilité

Philippe Hinsinger , Andre Schneider , J.E. Dufey
Sols et environnement, 2ème éd., Dunod, 881 p., 2011, Sciences Sup, 978-2-10-054900-9
Book sections hal-02809300v1
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Rhizosphere: so many achievements and even more challenges (editorial)

Yves Dessaux , Philippe Hinsinger , Philippe P. Lemanceau
Rhizosphere: achievements and challenges, 104, Springer Science + Business Media B.V., 536 p., 2010, Developments in Plant and Soil Sciences, 978-90-481-2855-6. ⟨10.1007/978-90-481-2857-0⟩
Book sections hal-01140917v1

Sol et nutrition des plantes : nouvelles recherches sur la biodisponibilité des éléments minéraux

Sylvain S. Pellerin , Pascal Denoroy , Philippe Hinsinger , Benoît Jaillard , Lionel Jordan-Meille
Le sol, Editions Quae, 2009, 978-2-7592-0301-7
Book sections hal-02812100v1

Effets du pH de la rhizosphère sur la mobilisation de Zn par les plantes

Anne Straczek , Nancy Loosemore , Jean-François Briat , Philippe Hinsinger , Valerie V. Sappin-Didier
Contaminations métalliques des agrosystèmes et écosystèmes péri-industriels, Editions Quae, 308 p., 2009, Update Sciences and Technologies, 978-2-7592-0275-1
Book sections hal-02822473v1

Iron dynamics in the rhizosphere : consequences for plant health and nutrition

Agnès Robin , Gérard G. Vansuyt , Philippe Hinsinger , J.M. Meyer , Jean-François Briat
Advances in Agronomy, 99, Academic Press, 2008, Advances in Agronomy, 978-0-12-374360-2. ⟨10.1016/S0065-2113(08)00404-5⟩
Book sections hal-02823555v1

Biogeochemistry of Metals and Metalloids at the Soil–Root Interface

Philippe Hinsinger , François Courchesne
Biophysico-Chemical Processes of Heavy Metals and Metalloids in Soil Environments, John Wiley & Sons, 2007, 978-0471737780. ⟨10.1002/9780470175484.ch7⟩
Book sections hal-02814107v1

Le sol : ressource en nutriments et biodisponibilité

Philippe Hinsinger , Andre Schneider , J.E. Dufey
Sols et environnement, Dunod, 2005, 978-2-1000-5520-3
Book sections hal-02834143v1

Bioavailability and extractability of copper and zinc in a soil amended with pig slurry: Effect of iron deficiency in the rhizosphere of two grasses

S. Thomas , D. Mahammedi , M. Clairotte , M. F. Benedetti , Maryse Castrec-Rouelle
P.M. Huang & G.R. Gobran Eds. Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements in the Rhizosphere, elsevier, pp.337-363, 2004
Book sections bioemco-00174908v1


Philippe Hinsinger
Encyclopedia of Soil Science, Marcel Dekker, 2002, 0-8243-0634-X
Book sections hal-02826730v1

Measurements of H+ fluxes and concentrations in the rhizosphere

Benoît Jaillard , Claude Plassard , Philippe Hinsinger
Handbook of Soil Acidity, CBL, 2002, 0-824470-8903
Book sections hal-02829287v1

Bioavailability of trace elements as related to root-induced chemical changes in the rhizosphere

Philippe Hinsinger
Trace elements in the rhizosphere, CRC Press LLC, 2001, 0-8493-1535-2
Book sections hal-02827185v1

Signification ecologique du complexe d'alteration. Importance relative des facteurs generaux et stationnels

F. Lelong , B. Souchier , Philippe Hinsinger , Claude Nys
Pedologie. Vol.2 : Constitutants et proprietes du sol, Elsevier Mason SAS, 1994, 2-225-84019-9
Book sections hal-02851563v1

Release of nonexchangeable potassium from different size fractions of two highly K-fertilized soils in the rhizosphere of rape (Brassica napus cv Drakkar)

J.F. Niebes , J.E. Dufey , Benoît Jaillard , Philippe Hinsinger
Plant nutrition from genetic engineering to field practice, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993
Book sections hal-02847465v1