Philippe Laplace
université de Franche-Comté
Open access
Current affiliations
- 219551
- 106920
Researcher identifiers
- IdRef : 109329805
Domaine de recherche: études écossaises (littérature / histoire)
The Representation of St Kilda in Contemporary Creative Works in Literature in French and in ArtLindsay Blair; Camille Manfredi. Intermedial Art Practices as Cultural Resilience, Routledge, pp.118-130, 2024, 978-1-032-53601-9
Book sections
Récits, symboles et répression dans Witch Light de Susan FletcherJean Berton; Bill Findlay. Le crime, le châtiment et les Écossais, Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, pp.281-195, 2019, Annales littéraires
Book sections
Freedom and Subservience in Lewis Grassic Gibbon's Sunset Song.Ian Brown, David Clark and Rubén Jarazo-Alvarez. Taking Liberties. Scottish Literature and Expressions of Freedom, ASLS, pp.137-151, 2016
Book sections
Historicity, Narration and Myths in Karin Altenberg’s The Island of WingsRoots and Fruits of Scottish Culture. Scottish Identities & Contemporary Literature. Edited by Ian Brown and Jean Berton, pp.97-111, 2014
Book sections
IntroductionMarges et périphéries dans les pays de langue anglaise, L'Harmattan, pp.7-18, 2014, 978-2-34302-142-3
Book sections
L'entre-deux-guerres en Ecosse: renaissance littéraire, revendications politiques et hésitations idéologiquesAngelo Colombo. Recherches en littérature et civilisation européennes et hispano-américaines. Mélanges Gérard Brey, Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, pp.411-20, 2009
Book sections
‘Intelligent Men’s Guides to Albyn’:(re)definitions of identity and the (re)naissanceBernard Sellin; Annie Thiec; Pierre Carboni. Écosse : l’identité nationale en question / Scotland: Questioning National Identity, CRINI, pp.167-75, 2009
Book sections
Voyages dans les Îles et les Hautes-Terres d'Ecosse: (ré)écriture et imagination romantique chez les premiers écrivains voyageurs du XVIIIe siècleLe mythe et la plume. L'écriture et les femmes en Grande-Bretagne (1540-1640) / Varia, Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes, pp.335-48, 2007
Book sections
The Shadow of Ossian in Ugo Foscolo’s and Vincenzo Monti’s WorksGilles Leydier. Scotland and Europe, Scotland in Europe, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.69-79, 2007
Book sections
Drugs, sex & rave parties : transgression and the carnivalesque in Irvine Welsh's fictionJean Berton. Le loisir en Écosse. Actes du colloque organisé par la Société Française d'Études écossaises, 24-25 octobre 2003 à l'Université Jean Monnet de Saint-Étienne, Presses Universitaires de Saint-Étienne, 2004
Book sections
Bodies of Evidence: Cities and Stories in Robert McLiam Wilson's Eureka Street and Irvine Welsh's FilthCities on the Margin, On the Margin of Cities. Representation of Urban Space in Contemporary Irish and British Fiction, 2003
Book sections
“Cities on the Margin ; On the Margin of Cities”Philippe Laplace; Eric Tabuteau. Cities on the Margin / On the Margin of Cities: Representations of Urban Space in Contemporary British and Irish Fiction, Presses Universitaires Franc-Comtoises, pp. 11-23, 2003, 2-84867-018-5
Book sections
Emotion and Motion in Catherine Carswell's Open the Door!: Towards a Female BildungsromanFéminin — Masculin; Littératures et cultures anglo-saxonnes; Actes du 38ème congrès de la Société des Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur (SAES). Textes réunis par Sophie Marret, pp.233-247, 1999
Book sections
Writing from the Edge: Lady Grange’s VoicesVoices from the Edge in Scottish Literature, Theatre and Film, Lauren Brancaz-McCartan, Nov 2024, Chambéry (73), France
Conference papers
'St Kilda No More': the 1930 Evacuation in Films and HistorySAES 2024 "Frontières et déplacements", SAES, May 2024, Nancy, France
Conference papers
Family Union and Disunion and Women's Emancipation in narratives about St KildaUnion and Disunion in Scotland, May 2024, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Writing the Edge of the World: Literature and St KildaReflets du nord: poétiques et plitiques de l'Europe septentrionales, Université de Lorraine, Dec 2023, Nancy (FR), France
Conference papers
From St Kilda (Scotland) to St Kilda (Australia): the 1852 migration and the Australian dreamCongrès de la SFEE, SFEE, Nov 2023, Chambéry (73), France
Conference papers
Failles temporelles et zones de rupture : Utopie et hétérotopie dans les récits à propos de St KildaFailles. Congrès de la SAES, Jun 2022, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Conference papers
Solastalgia and Memories of Territories in Sunset SongScottish Territories and Memories, Nov 2022, Paris, France
Conference papers
St Kilda and hybridity in French creative and imaginative‘Hands across the Sea’, Film-Poetry, Hybridity & Cultural Resilience in the Scottish Highlands & Islands & Western Brittany, Mar 2022, Stornoway, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Picturing St Kilda: tourism and the evolution of visual representations of the archipelago from the nineteenth to the twenty-first centuryRe-viewing, re-imagining regional waters in word and image, IAWIS/AIERTI, Jul 2021, Luxembourg (virtual), Luxembourg
Conference papers
Picturing St Kilda: tourism and the evolution of visual representations of the archipelago from the nineteenth to the twenty-first centurycolloque international IAWIS/AIERTI, Atelier « Re-viewing, re-imagining regional waters in word and image », Jul 2021, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Conference papers
Lost voices of St Kilda: accounts of the 1930 evacuationMLA Symposium, Jul 2019, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers
The Portrayal of the St Kilda Parliament in Poetry, Photography and Historical NarrativesCreative Archipelagoes, Jun 2018, Sabhal Mor Ostaig, United Kingdom
Conference papers
‘Water, water everywhere’ Islands and survival in Geraldine McCaughrean's novel for young adults Where the World Ends (2017)Congrès de la SFEE, Nov 2018, Tours, France
Conference papers
Death of an island: alienation and death on St Kilda in Karin Altenberg's Island of Wings13th ESSE Conference, Aug 2016, Galway (National University of Ireland - Galway), Ireland
Conference papers
Writing on the Walls in Robert McLiam Wilson's Eureka Street and George Friel's Mr Alfred53e Congrès de la SAES "Appelation / Naming", SAES, May 2013, Dijon (Bourgogne), France
Conference papers
Freedom in Lewis Grassic Gibbon's Sunset SongFreedom in Scotland, University of La Coruña, Oct 2012, La Coruña, Spain
Conference papers
Historicity in Island of Wings by Karin AltenbergLes racines et les fruits de l'Ecosse contemporaine : littérature et société, Jean Berton; Ian Brown, Oct 2011, Saint-Etienne (Université Jean Monnet), France
Conference papers
'Intelligent Men's Guides to Albyn': (re)definitions of identity and the (re)naissanceEcosse: l'identité nationale en question, 2008, Nantes, France. pp.167-75
Conference papers
The Shadow of Ossian in Ugo Foscolo's and Vincenzo Monti's WorksL'Ecosse et l'Europe / Scotland and Europe, 2006, France. pp.69-79
Conference papers