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philippe laredo

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Using ontologies to map between research data and policymakers’ presumptions: the experience of the KNOWMAK project

Diana Maynard , Benedetto Lepori , Johann Petrak , Xingyi Song , Philippe Larédo
Scientometrics, 2020, 125 (2), pp.1275-1290. ⟨10.1007/s11192-020-03664-6⟩
Journal articles hal-04542718v1
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The artificial patents in the PATSTAT database: how much do they matter when computing indicators of internationalisation based on worldwide priority patents?

Patricia Laurens , Lionel Villard , Antoine Schoen , Philippe Larédo
Scientometrics, 2018, 114, pp.91-112. ⟨10.1007/s11192-017-2578-5⟩
Journal articles hal-01671905v1

Innovation policies: the national and regional dimensions

Philippe Larédo
Journal of Industrial and Business Economics = Economia e politica industriale, 2016, 43 (3), pp.323 - 330. ⟨10.1007/s40812-016-0038-5⟩
Journal articles hal-01779604v1

ASIRPA: A comprehensive theory-based approach to assessing the societal impacts of a research organization

Pierre Benoit Joly , Ariane Gaunand , Laurence Colinet , Philippe Larédo , Stephane Lemarié
Research Evaluation, 2015, 24 (4), pp.440-453. ⟨10.1093/reseval/rvv015⟩
Journal articles hal-01448728v1

The rate and motives of the internationalisation of large firm R&D (1994–2005): Towards a turning point?

Patricia Laurens , Christian Le Bas , Antoine Schoen , Ludovic Villard , Philippe Larédo
Research Policy, 2015, 44 (3), pp.765-776. ⟨10.1016/j.respol.2014.11.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01259810v1

Évaluer l’impact sociétal de la recherche pour apprendre à le gérer : l’approche ASIRPA et l’exemple de la recherche agronomique

Pierre Benoit Joly , Laurence Colinet , Ariane Gaunand , Stephane Lemarié , Philippe Laredo
Gérer et Comprendre. Annales des Mines, 2015, 122, pp.31-42. ⟨10.3917/geco1.122.0031⟩
Journal articles hal-01247850v1
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La construction d’une Europe de la recherche et ses effets sur les relations scientifiques transatlantiques

Philippe Larédo , Ludovic Villard
Les Cahiers rouges, 2015, 215, pp.285-301
Journal articles hal-01275968v1
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Internationalisation of European MNCs R&D: " deglobalisation " and evolution of the locational strategies

Patricia Laurens , Christian Le Bas , Antoine Schoen , Philippe Larédo
Revue Management International, 2015
Journal articles hal-01775107v1
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Logics of integration and actors' strategies in European joint programs

Benedetto Lepori , Emanuela Reale , Philippe Larédo
Research Policy, 2014, 43 (2), pp.391-402. ⟨10.1016/j.respol.2013.10.012⟩
Journal articles hal-00954574v1

Measuring the opening of national R&D programs: what indicators for what purposes?

Emilia Primeri , Emanuela Reale , Benedetto Lepori , Philippe Larédo , Maria Nedeva
Research Evaluation, 2014, 23 (4), pp.312-326. ⟨10.1093/reseval/rvu018⟩
Journal articles hal-01276020v1
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Policy-making in science policy : the 'OECD model' unveiled

Luisa Henriques , Philippe Larédo
Research Policy, 2013, 42 (3), pp.801-816. ⟨10.1016/j.respol.2012.09.004⟩
Journal articles hal-00793819v1

Careers and competences of PhDs in science and engineering in the knwoledge economy : The case fo graduates from a UK research-based university

Philippe Larédo , Hsing-Fen Lee , Marcela Miozzo
Research Policy, 2010, 39 (7), pp.869-881. ⟨10.1016/j.respol.2010.05.001⟩
Journal articles hal-00583826v1

Dynamics of Nano Sciences and Technologies : Policy Implications

Aurélie Delemarle , Bernard Kahane , Philippe Larédo
STI - Science, Technology Industry Review, 2010, 1 (1), pp.43-62
Journal articles hal-00582859v1

Politiques de recherche et pratiques scientifiques

Philippe Larédo , Catherine Paradeise
Cahiers Droit, Sciences & Technologies, 2010, 3, pp.29-41
Journal articles hal-00582866v1

Don't confuse ERA's growing pains with its maturing strains

Philippe Larédo
Research Europe, 2008, 1, pp.7-8
Journal articles hal-00690517v1

Changing patterns of public research funding in France

Jean Thèves , Benedetto Lepori , Philippe Larédo
Science and public policy, 2007, 34 (6), pp.389-399. ⟨10.3152/030234207X229501⟩
Journal articles hal-00871472v1

A network approach to studying research propammes: mobilizing and coordinating public responses to hiv/aids

Jean-Baptiste Meyer , D. Vinck , Bernard Kahane , Philippe Larédo , J.B. Meyer
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 2007, 5 (1), pp.39 - 54. ⟨10.1080/09537329308524116⟩
Journal articles ird-01715473v1

Revisiting the Third Mission of Universities: Toward a Renewed Categorization of University Activities?

Philippe Laredo
Higher Education Policy, 2007, 20 (4), pp.441-456. ⟨10.1057/palgrave.hep.8300169⟩
Journal articles hal-00871435v1

Introduction and conclusion to the special issue on "Sustaining differentiation in higher education in the knowledge society".

Philippe Larédo , Ivar Bleiklie , Sverker Sörlin
Higher Education Policy, 2007, 20 (4), pp. 365-372 et pp. 495-498. ⟨10.1057/palgrave.hep.8300168⟩
Journal articles hal-00910785v1
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Understanding the emergence and deployment of “nano” S&T

Barry Bozeman , Philippe Larédo , Vincent Mangematin
Research Policy, 2007, 36 (6), pp.807-812. ⟨10.1016/j.respol.2007.02.010⟩
Journal articles hal-00424523v1

Transformation des " régimes de recherche " : implications pour les interventions publiques

Philippe Larédo
La lettre de la régulation, 2006, 56, pp.1-5
Journal articles hal-00950375v1

Prospective de l'espace européen de la recherche

Philippe Larédo
Revue française d’administration publique, 2004, 112 (4), pp.675-685. ⟨10.3917/rfap.112.0675⟩
Journal articles hal-00871436v1

La recherche publique en France : évolutions et enjeux

Philippe Larédo , Philippe Mustar
Le Banquet, 2004, 19/20, pp.95-113
Journal articles hal-00950362v1

Public Sector Research: A Growing Role in Innovation Systems

Philippe Larédo , Philippe Mustar
Minerva, 2004, 42 (1), pp.11-27. ⟨10.1023/B:MINE.0000017698.38154.a6⟩
Journal articles hal-00871437v1

A Network Approach to Studying Research Programmes

Dominique Vinck , Bernard Kahane , Philippe Laredo , Jean-Baptiste Meyer
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 1993, 5 (1), pp.39-54
Journal articles halshs-00270666v1

Tools for the Evaluation of Technological Programmes : an Account of Work Done at the Centre for the Sociology of Innovation

Michel Callon , Jean-Pierre Courtial , Philippe Crance , Philippe Laredo , Philippe Mauguin
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 1991, 3 (1), pp.3-41
Journal articles halshs-00271614v1

Some reflections on the 5 th Vienna R&I policy evaluation conference

Philippe Larédo
5. conference on R&I policy evaluation, May 2024, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers hal-04543474v1

Politiques de recherche et d’innovation: une mise en perspective

Philippe Larédo
Séminaire ALLISS, Jan 2023, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04543560v1

A propos des universités et de leurs indicateurs

Philippe Larédo
Séminaire sur la caractérisation des activités de recherche et leurs impacts, Sep 2022, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-04543551v1

Quelques réflexions sur les évolutions récentes des politiques régionales de recherche et d’innovation

Philippe Larédo
Séminaire de l'Université territoriale de la région centre-Val de Loire, Orleans, Université territoriale de la région centre-Val de Loire, Jun 2022, Orléans, France
Conference papers hal-04558207v1

Contribution socio-économique des universités et territoires

Philippe Larédo
Université d’été de la Conférence des Présidents d’Université, Aug 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01779600v1

Production of knowledge in European large firms in Chemicals and Pharma/biotech sectors : where is the knowledge produced ?

Patricia Laurens , Antoine Schoen , Alfredo Yegros , Philippe Larédo
7th ZEW/MaCCI Conference on the Economics of Innovation and Patenting, May 2017, Mannheim, Germany
Conference papers hal-01775187v1

Production of knowledge in European large firms in Chemicals and Pharma/biotech sectors : where is the knowledge produced ?

Patricia Laurens , Antoine Schoen , Alfredo Yegros , Philippe Larédo
EU-SPRI, Jun 2017, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers hal-01775192v1

Evolving technological capabilities of firms; Complexity, divergence, and stagnation

Antoine Schoen , Patricia Laurens , Alfredo Yegros , Philippe Larédo
EU-SPRI Conference, Jun 2017, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers hal-01775203v1

Evolving technological capabilities of firms; Complexity, divergence, and stagnation

Antoine Schoen , Patricia Laurens , Alfredo Yegros , Philippe Larédo
Science and technology Indicators (STI), Sep 2017, PARIS, France
Conference papers hal-01775242v1
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Philippe Larédo
50th anniversary of liberal studies in science and technology at the University of Manchester, Nov 2017, Manchester, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-01779592v1

Policy lensing of futures intelligence: connecting foresight with decision making contexts

Douglas K. R. Robinson , Antoine Schoen , Philippe Larédo , Jordi Mollas-Gallart , Stefan Kuhlmann
EU-SPRI 2017 Vienna, 2017, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers hal-01711459v1
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Présentation à l’occasion du cinquantième anniversaire du Conseil Suisse de la Science et de l’Innovation

Philippe Larédo
Cinquantième anniversaire du Conseil Suisse de la Science et de l’Innovation, Berne, 5 octobre, Oct 2017, Berne, Suisse
Conference papers hal-01779629v1

Innovation Policy: the emperor is naked

Philippe Larédo
EU-SPRI conference, Jun 2017, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers hal-01779596v1

Exploration of knowledge in European large firms in the Chemicals and Pharma/biotech sectors: level and mode of collaboration in the corporate scientific publications and patents

Patricia Laurens , Antoine Schoen , Alfredo Yegros , Philippe Larédo
Science and technology Indicators (STI), Sep 2017, PARIS, France
Conference papers hal-01775238v1

Policy lensing of futures intelligence: connecting foresight with decision making contexts

Douglas K. R. Robinson , Antoine Schoen , Patricia Laurens , Philippe Larédo , Pierre Colas
EU-SPRI 2017 Vienna, 2017, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers hal-01711457v1

Evaluating socio-economic impacts of marine biotechnology: The case of Brown Algae and Brittany

Douglas K. R. Robinson , Philippe Laredo , Antoine Schoen
General assembly of the European Marine Biotechnology Research Infrastructure Cluster (EMBRIC), Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn , 2016, Napoli, Italy
Conference papers hal-01711269v1

Institutionalising promises: The key role of promise champions in mediating and embedding visions of the future into institutions

Douglas K. R. Robinson , Philippe Larédo , Aurélie Delemarle
4S/EASST. Science and technology by other means: Exploring collectives, spaces and futures., 2016, Bareclona, Spain
Conference papers hal-01711264v1

Assessing the territorial embedding of marine biotechnology public research organisations

Douglas K. R. Robinson , Philippe Larédo , Antoine Schoen
Marine Knowledge: Supporting Marine Research Knowledge Exchange for Blue Growth. EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, 2016, Brussels, Belgium
Conference papers hal-01711268v1

Dominant designs and the formation of niches: an evolutionary look at the emergence and branching of 3D printing

Douglas K. R. Robinson , Philippe Larédo , Axel Lagnau
8th meeting of the Society for the Study of New and Emerging Technologies (S.NET), 2016, Bergen, Norway
Conference papers hal-01711263v1

Additive Manufacturing in Transition: Mobilising framing and overflowing to understand the creation and normalisation of protected spaces

Douglas K. R. Robinson , Philippe Larédo , Axel Lagnau
SPRU 50th Anniversary conference, 2016, Brighton, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-01711240v1

Assessing marine biotechnology research centres in peripheral regions: developing global and local STI indicators

Douglas K. R. Robinson , Antoine Schoen , Patricia Laurens , Suzel Horellou , Pierre Colas
STI2016 - Proceedings of the 21ST international conference on science and technology indicators, Sep 2016, Valencia, Spain. ⟨10.4995/STI2016.2016.4543⟩
Conference papers hal-01704087v1

Market coverage of patent portfolios in MNE: Do patterns of R&D internationalisation matter ?

Patricia Laurens , Antoine Schoen , Christian Le Bas , Lionel Villard , Philippe Larédo
Science and Technology Indicators (STI), Sep 2015, Lugano, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-01775144v1

Repenser les conditions cadre de l’innovation en Europe

Philippe Larédo
Journée ‘L’innovation moteur de la compétitivité européenne’, organisée par la Fondation Gulbenkian et l’institut Jacques Delors,, Nov 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01779656v1

The embedding of emerging technology fields in research and markets

Douglas K. R. Robinson , Philippe Larédo , Aurélie Delemarle , Axel Lagnau
EU-SPRI conference 2015 , 2015, Lund, Sweden
Conference papers hal-01711238v1
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L’évaluation par l’OCDE de la politique de recherche et d’innovation en France : quelques pistes de recherche issues des discussions de la matinale IFRIS du 11 septembre 2014, Note de recherche IFRIS 1

Philippe Larédo
Matinale de l'IFRIS , Sep 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01779621v1

From techniques to policy: roles of, and issues around the use of impact assessment

Philippe Larédo
OECD Workshop on Impact Assessment,, May 2014, Tallin, Estonia
Conference papers hal-01779636v1

Policy-lensing of research and innovation system scenarios: a demonstration for the European Research Area

Douglas K. R. Robinson , Philippe Larédo , Antoine Schoen , Gonzalo Ordóñez-Matamoros , Stefan Kuhlmann
5th edition of the “Future-oriented technology analysis" (FTA), 2014, Brussels, Belgium
Conference papers hal-01711233v1

Evaluation des impacts socio-économiques de la recherche publique en amélioration des plantes

Stephane Lemarié , Laurence Colinet , Ariane Gaunand , Amandine Hocdé , Pierre Benoit Joly
Journées scientifiques BAP (Biologie et Amélioration des Plantes) de l'INRA, Apr 2014, Port-Royal, France
Conference papers hal-02091406v1

Pure or hybrids, excellent or relevant - the dilemma

Henriques Luisa , Philippe Larédo , Costa Rosario
The management of innovation policies : new forms of collaboration in policy design, implementation and evaluation. 2013 EU-SPRI conference, Apr 2013, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers hal-00942813v1

Internationalization of Large Firms R&D activities: towards a shift in trend?

Antoine Schoen , Patricia Laurens , Christian Le Bas , Lionel Villard , Philippe Larédo
18th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, Sep 2013, Berlin, Germany. pp.362-365
Conference papers hal-00942876v1

La construction d'une Europe de la recherche et ses effets sur les relations scientifiques transatlantiques

Philippe Larédo
Quelles solidarités euro-américaines dans un monde multipolaire ? Fondation Jean Monnet pour L'Europe, Oct 2013, Lausanne, Suisse
Conference papers hal-00955424v1

Public research organizsations and their impact on public policy from observations towards the characterization of impact

Laurence Colinet , Pierre-Benoît Joly , Philippe Larédo , Ariane Gaunan
International conference on the evaluation of STI policies, instruments and organisations, Nov 2013, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers hal-00985930v1

Un regard européen sur la stratégie nationale de recherche française

Philippe Larédo
Quelle stratégie nationale de recherche ? Conférence FUTURIS 2013, Dec 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00955301v1

Positioning indicators and the construction of the RISIS infrastructure

Philippe Larédo
How to make better innovation policy for economic growth. Workshop, Dec 2013, Londres, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-00955304v1

Designing and implementing a new approach for the ex-post assessment of research - a return of experience form the ASIRPA project

Philippe Laredo , Pierre-Benoît Joly , L. Collinet , A. Gaunand , S. Lemarié
International conference on the evaluation of STI policies, instruments and organisations, Nov 2013, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers hal-00955290v1

Dynamics of epistemic communities and emerging technologies : the need for local embeddedness and spaces of exchange

Aurélie Delemarle , Axel Lagnau , Philippe Larédo , Robinson Douglas
The management of innovation policies : new forms of collaboration in policy design, implementation and evaluation. 2013 EU-SPRI conference, Apr 2013, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers hal-00942808v1

Conclusions and way forward

Philippe Larédo
Prestence final conference on universities: 'From Prestige to excellence, the fabrication of academic excellence' universities, Sep 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00985808v1

Location versus home country advantages in R&D activities

Antoine Schoen , Patricia Laurens , Christian Le Bas , Lionel Villard , Philippe Laredo
5th annual Workshop. The Output of R&D activities : Harnessing the Power of Patents Data, Sep 2013, Seville, Spain
Conference papers hal-00942855v1

Measuring opening of national R&D programmes: what indicators for what purposes?

Emilia Primeri , Emanuela Reale , Benetto Lepori , Philippe Larédo , Maria Nedeva
18th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, Sep 2013, Berlin, Germany. pp.290-299
Conference papers hal-00942784v1

Evaluation and policy learning: toward a new approach to the evaluation of social impacts of public research activities

Philippe Larédo
EUSPRI Annual Conference, Jun 2012, Karlruhe, Germany
Conference papers hal-00793876v1

Universities as multi-activity organisations, revisiting the 3 missions

Philippe Larédo
IGS - Eu-SPRI Early Career Researcher Conference 'INTERACT UNI : New perspectives on enduring research questions in university-society interaction? Towards an emerging multi‑disciplinary research agenda for knowledge exchange and co-creation within science, research and innovation policy studies', May 2012, Twente, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-00793881v1

Evaluation and policy learning: toward a new approach to the evaluation of social impacts of public research activities

Philippe Larédo
ANR-NSF workshop on monitoring and evaluation, Jun 2012, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00793877v1

Governing emerging markets : creating/transforming market infrastructures

Aurélie Delemarle , Philippe Larédo
4S & EASST Conference, Oct 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference papers hal-00793879v1

How do radical innovations 'generalise': the role of market infrastructures

Aurélie Delemarle , Philippe Larédo
EUSPRI Annual Conference, Jun 2012, Karlruhe, Germany
Conference papers hal-00793878v1

Vision Assessment in Asynchronous Logic

Douglas K. R. Robinson , Aurélie Delemarle , Bernard Kahane , Philippe Larédo
Fourth Annual meeting of The Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies (S.NET), Oct 2012, Enschede, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-00794447v1

Researching responsible innovation and responsible governance, reflections on social inquiry and method

Sally Randles , Philippe Larédo
S.Net Conference, Oct 2012, Twente, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-00793880v1

Knowledge circulation and the valorisation of technologies

Philippe Larédo
International seminar on the valorisation of technologies, Jun 2011, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers hal-00680952v1

The future of research and innovation policies : Is the intermediate layer what we thought it would be ?

Philippe Larédo
Symposium on the future of science and technology in society in honour of Arie Rip, Jun 2011, Twente, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-00680964v1

Positioning university-industry relations in the evolving higher education environment

Philippe Larédo
EIRMA 2011 roundtable, Jan 2011, Saint Paul de Vence, France
Conference papers hal-00681062v1

Knowledge circulation : institutional and organisational forms of internationalisation

Philippe Larédo
Seminar on Internationalisation & knowledge circulation, Feb 2011, Braga, Portugal
Conference papers hal-00680975v1

ERA policy, is there a case for a legally binding framework ?

Philippe Larédo
Seminar on strengthening the ERA policy framework and agenda, Mar 2011, Bruxelles, Belgium
Conference papers hal-00681059v1

Innovation Policies : a review based upon OECD countries

Philippe Larédo
3rd Observatory MIRA Workshop 'Studying the research and innovation activities in the Mediterranean region', Nov 2011, Tunis, Tunisia
Conference papers hal-00680943v1

Processus et politiques d'innovation, un réexamen au regard des évolutions récentes

Philippe Larédo
Conférence au Conseil Régional des Pays de Loire, Nantes, Série "politiques de recherche et d'innovation", Mar 2011, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-00681269v1

Quelques commentaires sur les agencements institutionnels en émergence

Philippe Larédo
Colloque Futuris : L'Union de l'innovation et l'Espace européen de la recherche : l'émergence des acteurs stratèges ?, Mar 2011, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00681013v1

Mapping the European Landscape of Joint Programs ; Methodological Issues and Preliminary Results

Benedetto Lepori , E. Reale , Liv Langfeldt , Philippe Larédo , Maria Nedeva
ENID Science and Technology Indicators Conference 2011 'Actors and Networks in European Science' - Session 2 'Funding and human resources', Sep 2011, Rome, Italy
Conference papers hal-00669383v1

Les effets organisationnels de l'ERC sur les universités et organismes de recherche

Philippe Larédo
Journée thématique du CLORA l'ERC : les enseignements d'aujourd'hui pour construire l'excellence de demain, May 2011, Bruxelles, Belgium
Conference papers hal-00681052v1

French higher education, research and innovation policy in the 2000s : sweeping changes

Philippe Larédo
Conferences on European Research and Innovation Policies, Jun 2011, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers hal-00680971v1

Université et recherche : propositions pour un cadre d'analyse renouvelé

Philippe Larédo
50 ans de l'Université de Nantes, Dec 2011, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-00681266v1

Toward new modalities of market emergence & shaping : the case of nanotechnologies

Philippe Larédo
Doctoral Conference of STS Researchers, Nov 2011, Rovigo, Italy
Conference papers hal-00680949v1

Exploiting keywords life-cycle to analyse the dynamics of an emerging field : An experiment in Nanosciences with the Kwords lab

Aurélie Delemarle , Bernard Kahane , Philippe Larédo , Ludovic Villard , Audrey Baneyx
3rd European Network of Indicators Designers Conference on "STI Indicators for Policymaking and Strategic Decision", May 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00588205v1
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Exploiting keywords life-cycle to analyse the dynamics of an emerging field

Philippe P. Breucker , Audrey Baneyx , Aurélie Delemarle , Lionel Villard , Bernard Kahane
3rd European Network of Indicators Designers Conference on "STI Indicators for Policymaking and Strategic Decision", 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02753679v1

How should we define, construct and compare clusters in emerging S&T fields ? The case of nanotechnologies

Aurélie Delemarle , Bernard Kahane , Philippe Larédo , Laurent Villard
3rd European Network of Indicators Designers Conference on "STI Indicators for Policymaking and Strategic Decision", Mar 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00588200v1

Revisiting knowledge dynamics and the issue of scientific commons

Philippe Larédo
Prime-Dime seminar on search regimes and knowledge based markets, 21-22 février 2008, Paris (France), Feb 2008, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00614213v1

Knowledge dynamics and agglomeration phenomena : the case of nanotechnology

Philippe Larédo , Bernard Kahane , Aurélie Delemarle , Lionel Villard
The PRIME-ENID conference on positioning indicators, 28-30 may 2008, Oslo (Norvège), May 2008, Oslo, Norway
Conference papers hal-00614228v1

Some reflections about the characterisation of universities

Philippe Larédo
INGENIO workshop on third mission approaches and indicators, 10 november 2008, Valencia (Espagne), Nov 2008, Valence, Spain
Conference papers hal-00614226v1

Some reflections on policy developments linked to internationalisation

Philippe Larédo
Conference "Drivers of international collaboration in research", 13-14 octobre 2008, Bruxelles (Belgique), Oct 2008, Bruxelles, Belgium
Conference papers hal-00614220v1

Le financement de la recherche sur projets en France et en Europe : positionner pour mieux questionner

Philippe Larédo
Conférence "Politique, science et action publique", IEP, 23 -24 octobre 2008, Grenoble (France), Oct 2008, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00614224v1

Peer reviewing, what difference do organizations make?

Philippe Larédo
EGOS/WZB workshop "Peer review reviewed : the international career of a quality-control instrument and new challenges, 24-25 april 2008, Berlin (Allemagne), Apr 2008, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers hal-00614216v1

University rankings and their political role : keynote speech

Philippe Larédo
PRIME-ENID Conference, 28-30 mai 2008, Oslo (Norvège), May 2008, Oslo, Norway
Conference papers hal-00614217v1

Knowledge dynamics and agglomeration phenomena : the case of nanotechnology

Philippe Larédo , Bernard Kahane , Aurélie Delemarle , Lionel Villard
The knowledge for growth conference, 7-9 juillet 2008, Toulouse (France), Jul 2008, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-00614229v1

L'européanisation de la recherche : vers une nouvelle étape?

Philippe Larédo
2ème session du cycle 2008-2009 de l'IHEST sur les écosystèmes de la recherche et de l'innovation en Europe", 23 octobre 2008, Paris (France), Oct 2008, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00614222v1

European position in frontier science : the role of fragmented research funding agencies

Philippe Larédo
DIUS workshop on " Damaging fragmentation or healthy diversity", 20 juin 2008, London (Grande-Bretagne), Jun 2008, Londres, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-00614219v1

Pôles de compétitivité, history and on-going developments

Philippe Larédo
IFRIS-STEPI Seminar, 18-19 avril 2008, Champs-sur-Marne (France), Apr 2008, Champs-sur-Marne, France
Conference papers hal-00614215v1

Sciences et Société en mutation - Rapport du Groupe de travail sur l'émergence des nanosciences et des nanotechnologies

Stéphanie Lacour , Marjorie Thomas , Roger Moret , Aurélie Delemarle , Philippe Larédo
Emergence des nanosciences et des nanotechnologies, Feb 2007, PARIS, France
Conference papers halshs-00193131v1
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Framings and frameworks: six grand narratives of de facto RRI

Sally Randles , Philippe Larédo , Allison Marie Loconto , Bart Walhout , Ralf Lindner
Navigating Towards Shared Responsibility in Research and Innovation. Approach, Process and Results of the Res-AGorA Project, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), 2016, 9-783000-517099
Book sections hal-01320462v1
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Supporting Frontier Research, Which Institutions and Which Processes

Philippe Larédo
D. Jansen; I. Pruisken. The changing governance of higher education and research, 43, Springer, pp.189-206, 2015, Higher Education Dynamics, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-09677-3_10⟩
Book sections hal-01275974v1

La situation française : les exercices stratégiques actuels comme révélateurs des tendances longues et des transformations en cours

Philippe Larédo
La recherche et l'innovation en France: FUTURIS 2014-2015. in Jacques Lesourne et Denis Randet (eds), Editions Odile Jacob , 2015
Book sections hal-01779644v1

La situation française : les exercices stratégiques actuels comme révélateurs des tendances longues et des transformations en cours

Philippe Larédo
J. Lesourne et D. Randet (ed). La recherche et l’innovation en France, Odile Jacob, p.125-140, 2015
Book sections hal-01275953v1
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Governing radical change through the emergence of a governance arrangement

Aurélie Delemarle , Philippe Larédo
The Governance of Socio-Technical Systems - Explaining Change, 2014, Eu-SPRI Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation Policy series 978 1 78471 018 7
Book sections hal-01273361v1

Une approche multidimensionnelle de la mesure des effets de la recherche publique

Pierre Benoit Joly , Amandine Hocdé , Laurence Colinet , Ariane Gaunand , Stephane Lemarié
Penser la valeur d’usage des sciences, Edition des Archives Contemporaines, 241 p., 2013, 978-2813000866
Book sections hal-02806996v1

Une approche multidimensionnelle de la mesure des effets de la recherche publique agronomique : le cas de l’INRA

Laurence Colinet , Ariane Gaunand , Pierre Benoit Joly , Stephane Lemarié , Mireille Matt
O. Glassey; J.P. Leresche; O. Moeschler. Penser la valeur d’usage des sciences, Edition des Archives Contemporaines, pp.49-76, 2013, 9782813000866
Book sections hal-01437017v1

L'Europe de la recherche et de l'innovation en transition

Philippe Larédo
Lesourme J., Randet D. (dir.). La recherche et l'innovation en France - Futuris 2011 -, Odile Jacob, pp.147-169, 2011, Science HUM, 978-2738127280
Book sections hal-00680923v1

La recherche européenne et les enjeux de la nouvelle science dominante

Philippe Larédo
LERESCH J-Ph., LAREDO Ph., WEBER K. Recherche et enseignement supérieur face à l'internationalisation. France, Suisse et Union Européenne, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, pp. 27-50, 2009
Book sections halshs-00543825v1
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Emergence des nanotechnologies : Vers un nouveau "modèle industriel "?

Philippe Larédo , Carole Rieu , Lionel Villard , Bernard Kahane , Aurélie Delemarle
Ph. Laredo, J.-Ph. Leresche et K. Weber. L'internationalisation des systèmes de recherche en action. Les cas français et Suisse, Presses Polytechniques et Universiataires Romandes (PPUR), 24 p., 2009
Book sections hal-00424261v1

Institutional transformation and the transforming doctorate

Philippe Larédo , K. Bakker , Sally Randles
Aurora E., Bento S. (eds). Como fazer um doutoramento, Edicoes Ecopy, pp.22-79, 2008
Book sections hal-00563637v1

Société de la connaissance et " fabrique " de l'intervention publique : le rôle du débat public (Postface)

Philippe Larédo
LERESCH J-P. et al. La fabrique des sciences, des institutions aux pratiques, Presses polytechniques universitaires romandes, pp.369-384, 2006, 978-2880747169
Book sections hal-00851571v1

Quatre orientations pour l'évolution du système français de recherche et d'innovation

Philippe Larédo , F. Sachwald
LAREDO P., SACHWALD F. Le système français d'innovation: enjeux et priorités, IFRI / Institut de l'Entreprise, pp.s.n., 2005
Book sections hal-00851572v1

Acteurs de l'innovation et réseaux de coopération

Dominique Vinck , Philippe Laredo
LANCIANO (Caroline), MAURICE (Marc), SILVESTRE (Jean-Jacques), NOHARA (Hiroatsu). Les acteurs de l'innovation et l'entreprise, L'Harmattan, Paris, pp.231-251, 1998
Book sections halshs-00273294v1
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Note de cadrage à l'attention des décideurs politiques Réflexion sur le type et le rôle concours d'innovation soutenus par le PIA

Philippe Larédo , Stéphane Lhuillery
BPI FRANCE; ADEME; FranceAgriMer. 2023, 6 p
Reports hal-04543577v1
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Evaluation des concours d’innovation du PIA (2010-2021), de la start-up à la PME innovante-Mission d’évaluation de politiques publiques pour le compte de l’ADEME et Bpifrance

Philippe Larédo
Reports hal-04558197v1
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Patricia Laurens , Philippe Laredo , Lionel Villard , Juan Pablo Ospina Delgado , Luis Daniel Medina
[Technical Report] LISIS UPEM; RISIS. 2019
Reports hal-02361266v1
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Note de synthèse sur le PIA

Philippe Larédo
2019, 30 p
Reports hal-04558200v1
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Mapping and characterising the dynamics of emerging technologies to inform policy

Philippe Larédo , Douglas K. R. Robinson , Aurélie Delemarle , Axel Lagnau , Michel Revollo
[Research Report] Université paris Est, IFRIS. 2015
Reports hal-01275987v1
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Analyse des Impacts de la Recherche Publique Agronomique

Laurence Colinet , Pierre Benoit Joly , Ariane Gaunand , Mireille Matt , Philippe Larédo
[Contrat] 2014
Reports hal-02796590v1
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ASIRPA - Analyse des Impacts de la Recherche Publique Agronomique. Rapport final

Laurence Colinet , Pierre Benoit Joly , Ariane Gaunand , Mireille Matt , Philippe Laredo
[Rapport de recherche] Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique. 2014, 61 p
Reports hal-01190008v1

Impact of Direct Support to R&D and innovation in firms.

Paul Cunningham , Abdullah Gök , Philippe Larédo
2012, pp.35
Reports hal-00794414v1

Fiscal incentives for business R&D. First version

Philippe Larédo , C. Kohller , C. Rammer
NESTA Project, 2011, n.p
Reports hal-00681069v1