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Pierre Bommel

Researcher at CIRAD, UMR SENS
Researcher identifiers


I am a **modeler scientist** at [CIRAD]( (French Agricultural Research Center for International Development). As member of the SENS Research Unit (<>), I contribute to promote the Companion Modeling approach ( My research interest focuses on Collective Design of models and Participatory Prospective Analysis. Through the development of **CORMAS**, a Framework for Agent-Based Models (ABM, [](, I have been focusing on the development and the use of ABM for renewable resources management. As associated professor in Brazil, at the university of Brasilia (UnB) then at Rio de Janeiro (PUC), I developed models related to environmental management, such as breeding adaptation to drought in the Uruguay or as breeding and deforestation in the Amazon. After 4 years as visiting professor at the university of Costa Rica (UCR), I have been based at CATIE where I worked with local stakeholders on prospective and adaptation to Climate Change in the Guanacaste region, as well as on the design and implementation of an early warning system for coffee rust for the Central American region. After 15 years abroad, I came back to France where I am currently based at CIRAD in Montpellier within the UMS SENS.

Research domains



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Quantifying movement of the coffee berry borer at the interface between coffee plantations and adjacent land uses

Sergio J. Vilchez-Mendoza , Antoine Ronin , P. Bommel , Christian Cilas , Leïla Bagny-Beilhe
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2024, 8, pp.1356650. ⟨10.3389/fsufs.2024.1356650⟩
Journal articles hal-04562429v1
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Improved forecasting of coffee leaf rust by qualitative modeling: Design and expert validation of the ExpeRoya model

Natacha Motisi , Pierre Bommel , Grégoire Leclerc , Marie-Hélène Robin , Jean-Noël Aubertot
Agricultural Systems, 2022, 197, ⟨10.1016/j.agsy.2021.103352⟩
Journal articles hal-03682877v1

Unsustainable landscapes of deforested Amazonia: An analysis of the relationships among landscapes and the social, economic and environmental profiles of farms at different ages following deforestation

Patrick Lavelle , Sylvain Dolédec , Xavier Arnauld de Sartre , Thibaud Decaëns , Valery Gond
Global Environmental Change, 2016, 40, pp.137-155. ⟨10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2016.04.009⟩
Journal articles hal-01367005v1
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Panarchy of an indigenous agroecosystem in the globalized market: The quinoa production in the Bolivian Altiplano

Thierry Winkel , Pierre Bommel , Marco Chevarría-Lazo , Geneviève Cortes , Carmen Del Castillo
Global Environmental Change, 2016, 39, pp.195-204. ⟨10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2016.05.007⟩
Journal articles ird-02381086v1

Participatory Agent-Based Simulation for Renewable Resource Management: The Role of the Cormas Simulation Platform to Nurture a Community of Practice

Christophe Le Page , Nicolas Becu , Pierre Bommel , François Bousquet
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 2012, 15 (1), ⟨10.18564/jasss.1928⟩
Journal articles halshs-01453265v1
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Markets as communication systems: simulating and assessing the performance of market networks

Franck Galtier , François Bousquet , Martine Antona , Pierre Bommel
Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2012, 22 (1), pp.161-201. ⟨10.1007/s00191-011-0225-5⟩
Journal articles hal-02645726v1
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The Sustainability of Quinoa Production in Southern Bolivia: from Misrepresentations to questionable solutions. Comments on S.Jacobsen (2011, J. Agron. Crop Sci.36197:390‐399)

Thierry Winkel , H D Bertero , Pierre Bommel , Jean Bourliaud , M Chevarría Lazo
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 2012, 198 (4), p. 314-319. ⟨10.1111/j.1439-037X.2012.00506.x⟩
Journal articles ird-02381033v1
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Learning to manage quality in a multiple reservoir system: Contribution of a companion modelling approach

Raphaele Ducrot , Lucie Clavel , Pierre Bommel
Water S.A., 2011, 37 (1), pp.81 - 91
Journal articles hal-02644371v1
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Conception et évaluation de systèmes d’élevage durables en régions chaudes

Benoit Dedieu , Joël Aubin , Guillaume Duteurtre , Gisèle Alexandre , Jonathan Vayssieres
INRA Productions Animales, 2011, 24 (1), pp.113-128
Journal articles hal-01189570v1

Abordagem metodológica das diversas dimensões da sustentabilidade em projetos de uma rede interamericana

Laura Maria Duarte Goulart , Eric Sabourin , Saulo Pereira Filho , Pierre Bommel , Hermmes M. Grosskopf
Raizes (UFPB), 2010, 28, pp.75-86
Journal articles halshs-00671106v1
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Vers un métamodèle pour analyser les systèmes d’élevage extensifs et leurs interactions avec les territoires

Pierre Bommel , Alassane Bah , Michel Etienne , Grégoire Leclerc , Claude Monteil
Cahiers Agricultures, 2010, 19 (2), pp.143-151. ⟨10.1684/agr.2010.0373⟩
Journal articles hal-02667458v1
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La relation complexe entre l’élevage et la forêt en Amazonie brésilienne : une approche par la modélisation multi-agents

Pierre Bommel , Thierry Bonaudo , Tienne Barbosa , Jonas Bastos da Veiga , Manuela Vieira Pak
Cahiers Agricultures, 2010, 19 (2), pp.104-111. ⟨10.1684/agr.2010.0384⟩
Journal articles hal-01198007v1
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How to analyze the contributions of tropical livestock production systems in territorial sustainable development?

Cassia Coutinho , René Poccard-Chapuis , Pierre Bommel , Laura Duarte , Thierry Bonaudo
Advances in Animal Biosciences, 2010, 1 (2), pp.522-522. ⟨10.1017/S2040470010001366⟩
Journal articles hal-01198002v1
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Facteurs de transformation des systèmes d’élevage extensifs des territoires : étude comparée des dynamiques locales sur trois continents

Alexandre Ickowicz , Alassane Bah , Pierre Bommel , Jean-Philippe Choisis , Michel Etienne
Cahiers Agricultures, 2010, 19 (2), pp.127-134. ⟨10.1684/agr.2010.0382⟩
Journal articles hal-01388001v1
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Élaboration participative de modèles et de scénarios : une entrée pour analyser la coévolution des systèmes d’élevage extensif et des territoires

Grégoire Leclerc , Pierre Bommel , Annick A. Gibon , Jacques J. Lasseur , Hermes Morales
Cahiers Agricultures, 2010, 19 (2), pp.152-159. ⟨10.1684/agr.2010.0380⟩
Journal articles hal-02667456v1

CORMAS, a participatory and interdisciplinary Agent Based Simulation Platform

Pierre Bommel , Nicolas Becu , Bruno Bonté , Etienne Delay , Christophe Le Page
European Smalltalk User Group Conference, Sep 2018, Cagliari, France
Conference papers halshs-01976897v1

Lessons from implementing in parallel with 3 platforms the same didactic agent-based model (CoMSES Net virtual conference 2017)

Christophe Le Page , Géraldine Abrami , Nicolas Becu , Pierre Bommel , Bruno Bonté
Network for Computational Modeling in the Social and Ecological Sciences - CoMSES Net virtual conference (CoMSES 2017), Oct 2017, online:, Unknown Region
Conference papers hal-03131875v1
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Cormas, une plate-forme multi-agent pour concevoir collectivement des modèles et interagir avec les simulations

Nicolas Becu , Pierre Bommel , Christophe Le Page , François Bousquet
Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA), Fabien MICHEL, Julien SAUNIER, Oct 2016, Saint-Martin du Vivier (Rouen), France
Conference papers hal-01385722v1

Sostenibilidad de la producción de quinua en el altiplano sud de Bolivia: reflexiones desde un modelo integral

Thierry Winkel , Pierre Bommel , Marco Allan Chevarria Lazo , Geneviève Cortes , Pablo Cruz
4. Congreso mundial de la quinoa, Universidad Técnica del Norte (UTN). Ibarra, ECU., Jul 2013, Ibarra, Ecuador
Conference papers hal-01508874v1

An international comparison of changes in crop-livestock systems at the landscape level shows common global drivers but specific combinations of local impacts

Alexandre Ickowicz , A. Bah , Jean-François Tourrand , Ibra Toure , Pierre Bommel
2. International Symposium on Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems (ICLS), Oct 2012, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Conference papers hal-02745064v1
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Grounded System Dynamics: A Procedure for Underpinning System Dynamics with a Domain Modeling Method

F. Tulinayo , P. Bommel , H. Proper
4th Practice of Enterprise Modeling (PoEM), Nov 2011, Oslo, Norway. pp.112-125, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-24849-8_9⟩
Conference papers hal-01572392v1
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How to link poultry industry and territory for a sustainable development?

Philippe Lescoat , Thierry Bonaudo , Luis Mior , Pierre Bommel , Jean Lossouarn
9. European IFSA (International Farming System Association) Symposium, International Farming Systems Association (IFSA). AUT., Jul 2010, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers hal-01198001v1

Entre diálogo y fricción: enseñanza de un programa franco-boliviano de investigación y acción sobre sostenibilidad del cultivo de quinoa

Thierry Winkel , Sarah Métais , Pierre Bommel , Jean Bourliaud , Marco Allan M. A. Chevarria Lazo
3. Congreso mundial de la quinoa, Universidad Técnica de Oruro (UTO). Oruro, BOL., Mar 2010, Oruro, Bolivia
Conference papers hal-02824445v1

La transformation de l'espace par les activités agricoles et forestières : formes des objets et évaluation des dynamiques

Sylvie Lardon , P. Bommel , Robert Lifran
Ecole-Chercheur : Economie spatiale et régionale. Application à l'agriculture, l'agro-alimentaire et l'espace rural, Dec 1999, Le Croisic, France. 20 p
Conference papers hal-02836365v1

Modéliser les configurations et les stratégies spatiales dans un système multi-agents pour la maîtrise d'embroussaillement

Sylvie Lardon , C. Baron , P. Bommel , F. Bousquet , Christophe Le Page
Colloque : Modèles et systèmes multi-agents pour la gestion de l'environnement et des territoires, Oct 1998, Clermont-Ferrand, France. Non paginé / 14 p
Conference papers hal-02839669v1

Cormas: An Agent-Based Simulation Platform for Coupling Human Decisions with Computerized Dynamics

Pierre Bommel , Nicolas Becu , Christophe Le Page , François Bousquet
Simulation and Gaming in the Network Society, 2016, 978-981-10-0574-9. ⟨10.1007/978-981-10-0575-6⟩
Book sections halshs-01453248v1
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The Southern Altiplano of Bolivia

Thierry Winkel , Ricardo Andrés Alvarez Flores , Pierre Bommel , Jean Bourliaud , Marco Chevarria Lazo
State of the art report on quinoa around the world in 2013, Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 589 p., 2015, 978-92-5-108558-5
Book sections hal-01198255v1

Concevoir et développer un modèle informatique

Christophe Le Page , Géraldine Abrami , Olivier Barreteau , Nicolas Becu , Pierre Bommel
Etienne Michel. La modélisation d'accompagnement : partager des représentations, simuler des dynamiques, 4, INRA, pp.95-112, 2015, Formasciences, 978-273-801-3828
Book sections hal-01527923v1
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Altiplano Sur de Bolivia

Thierry Winkel , Ricardo Andrés Alvarez Flores , Pierre Bommel , Jean Bourliaud , Marco Chevarria Lazo
Estado del arte de la quinua en el mundo en 2013, Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, XIII-712 p., 2014, 978-92-5-308558-3
Book sections hal-01198245v1

Agent-based modelling and simulation Applied to environmental management

Christophe Le Page , Didier Bazile , Nicolas Becu , Pierre Bommel , François Bousquet
Bruce Edmonds; Ruth Meyer. Simulating social complexity, 7, Springer, pp.499-540, 2013, Understanding Complex Systems, 978-3-540-93812-5. ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-93813-2_19⟩
Book sections hal-01198094v1

How do participants view the technologies used in companion modelling .

Nicolas Becu , Pierre Bommel , Alessio Botta , Christophe Le Page , Patricia Pascal
Companion Modelling : A Participatory Approach Supporting Sustainable Development, Versailles, Quae Edition, p. 169-186., 2011
Book sections hal-00831242v1

Models for sharing representations .

Christophe Le Page , Géraldine Abrami , Olivier Barreteau , Nicolas Becu , Pierre Bommel
Companion Modelling: A Participatory Approach Supporting Sustainable Development ., Versailles, Quae Edition, p. 69-96., 2011, Collection Update sciences & technologies, 978-2-7592-0922-4
Book sections hal-00829330v1
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Des modèles pour partager des représentations

C. Le Page , Géraldine Abrami , Olivier Barreteau , Nicolas Becu , P. Bommel
La modélisation d'accompagnement : une démarche participative en appui au développement durable, Editions Quae, p. 71 - p. 101, 2010, Update Sciences & Technologies, 978-2-7592-0620-9
Book sections hal-00569251v1

Perception des technologies mobilisées pour l'accompagnement.

Nicolas Becu , Pierre Bommel , Alessio Botta , C. Le Page , P. Perez
La modélisation d'accompagnement : une démarche participative en appui au développement durable., Versailles : Quae Edition, pp.144-162, 2010
Book sections hal-00525203v1

Des modèles pour partager des représentations.

Christophe Le Page , Géraldine Abrami , Olivier Barreteau , Nicolas Becu , P. Bommel
La modélisation d'accompagnement : une démarche participative en appui au développement durable., Versailles : Quae Edition, pp.55-81, 2010, Update Sciences and Technologies
Book sections hal-00525160v1

Modélisation d'accompagnement

Martine Antona , Sigrid Aubert , Cécile Barnaud , Olivier Barreteau , Nicolas Becu
Modélisation et simulation multi-agents. Applications pour les Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société, Lavoisier Editions ; Hermes Science Publications, 2006, Collection Science Informatique et SHS, 2-7462-1310-9
Book sections hal-02822704v1

Un simulateur pour explorer les interactions entre les dynamiques de végétation et de pâturage

P. Bommel , Sylvie Lardon
SIG et simulations, Hermès Science Publications, 2000, Revue Internationale de Géomatique, 2-7462-0178-X
Book sections hal-02836882v1
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Participatory modelling and interactive simulation to support the management of the commons

Pierre Bommel
Computational Complexity [cs.CC]. Université Montpellier II, 2020
Habilitation à diriger des recherches tel-02568654v2
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Modélisation participative et simulation interactive pour accompagner la gestion des communs (Version Française)

Pierre Bommel
Informatique. Université de Montpellier, 2020
Habilitation à diriger des recherches tel-03794246v2
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Définition d'un cadre méthodologique pour la conception de modèles multi-agents adaptée à la gestion des ressources renouvelables

Pierre Bommel
Modélisation et simulation. Université Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 2009. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Theses tel-00396803v3