Apple trees in agroforestry – Investigating the plasticity of vegetative and reproductive traits
Pierre-Éric Lauri
Anna Gautier
Journal articles
Insights into fruit tree models relevant to simulate fruit tree-based agroforestry systems
N. Barbault
Christian Dupraz
Pierre-Éric Lauri
Marie Gosme
Journal articles
Peach tree growth in a tropical climate: shoot formation and fruiting
Gener Augusto Penso
Gabriel Antônio Dalapícula Serafini
Carlos Eduardo Magalhães Dos Santos
Edgard Augusto Toledo Picoli
Idemir Citadin
Journal articles
Does seasonal flowering and fruiting patterns of cacao only depend on climatic factors? The case study of mixed genotype populations in Côte d'Ivoire
Thomas Wibaux
Frédéric Normand
Rémi Vezy
Jean-Baptiste Durand
Pierre-Éric Lauri
Journal articles
Co-conception de systèmes agroécologiques diversifiés de production de fruits tempérés : retours sur trois expérimentations innovantes et de partage d'expériences dans le projet ALTO
Sylvaine Simon
Pierre-Éric Lauri
Jean-Michel Ricard
Aurélie Cardona
Aude Alaphilippe
Journal articles
The ESSU concept for designing, modeling and auditing ecosystem service provision in intercropping and agroforestry systems. A review
Sylvain Rafflegeau
Marie Gosme
Karim Barkaoui
Léo Garcia
Clémentine Allinne
Journal articles
Diurnal and Seasonal Growth Responses of Apple Trees to Water-Deficit Stress
Ersin Atay
Xavier Crété
Déborah Loubet
Pierre-Éric Lauri
Journal articles
Rendre compte des performances de systèmes horticoles diversifiés agro-écologiques : construction d’un cadre générique de restitution des résultats avec et pour les agriculteurs
Aude Alaphilippe
Alexia Lefèvre
Solène Borne
Josian Delaunay
Rachel Graindorge
Journal articles
Agroecological crop protection for sustainable agriculture
Jean-Philippe Deguine
Jean-Noël Aubertot
Stéphane Bellon
François-Xavier Côte
Pierre-Eric P.-E. Lauri
Journal articles
Parametrization of an agroforestry model: from forest trees to olive trees
Nicolas Barbault
Christian Dupraz
Pierre-Eric Lauri
Marie Gosme
Acta Horticulturae, 2023, XXXI International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022): International Symposium on Innovative Perennial Crops Managemen, 1366, pp.211-218. ⟨10.17660/actahortic.2023.1366.24⟩
Journal articles
Agroecology and its role within ISHS
Maria Claudia Dussi
Pierre-Éric Lauri
Chronica Horticulturae, 2022, 63 (4), pp.12-14
Journal articles
Research on agroforestry systems and biodiversity conservation: what can we conclude so far and what should we improve?
Sébastien Boinot
Karim Barkaoui
Delphine Mézière
Pierre-Éric Lauri
Jean-Pierre Sarthou
Journal articles
Trimming influences tree light interception and space exploration: contrasted responses of two cultivars of Fraxinus pennsylvanica at various scales of their architecture
Bastien Lecigne
Sylvain Delagrange
Pierre-Éric Lauri
Christian Messier
Journal articles
Impact of shade and tree root pruning on soil water content and crop yield of winter cereals in a Mediterranean alley cropping system
Héctor Daniel Inurreta-Aguirre
Pierre-Éric Lauri
Christian Dupraz
Marie Gosme
Journal articles
Do low chill peach cultivars in mild winter regions undergo endodormancy?
Idemir Citadin
Rafael Henrique Pertille
Edenes Maria Schroll Loss
Tatiane Luiza Cadorin Oldoni
Moeses Andrigo Danner
Journal articles
Tree architecture and functioning facing multispecies environments: We have gone only halfway in fruit-trees
Pierre-Éric Lauri
Journal articles
Litterfall seasonal dynamics and leaf-litter turnover in cocoa agroforests established on past forest lands or savannah
Stephane Saj
Annemarijn Nijmeijer
Jean-Daniel Essobo Nieboukaho
Pierre-Eric Lauri
Jean-Michel Harmand
Journal articles
High-chilling requirement apple cultivar has more accentuated acrotony than low-chilling one in mild winter region
Rafael Henrique Pertille
Idemir Citadin
Leonardo Silva Patto
Tatiane Luiza Cadorin Oldoni
Silvia Scariotto
Journal articles
Effects of Different Crop Loads on Physiological, Yield and Fruit Quality of ‘Joya (TM)’ Apple Trees: High Crop Load Decreases Maximum Daily Trunk Diameter and Does Not Affect Stem Water Potential
Ersin Atay
Xavier Crété
Déborah Loubet
Pierre-Éric Lauri
Journal articles
Apple tree adaptation to shade in agroforestry: an architectural approach
Benjamin Pitchers
Frédéric Do
Christophe Pradal
Lydie Dufour
Pierre-Éric Lauri
Journal articles
Hormones and carbohydrates are both involved in the negative effects of reproduction on vegetative bud outgrowth in the mango tree: Consequences for irregular bearing
Mathilde Capelli
Pierre-Éric Lauri
Mathieu Léchaudel
Frédéric Normand
Journal articles
Agroécologie et agroforesterie : les bénéfices de l’arbre
Pierre-Éric Lauri
Jardins de France- Les cahiers, 2020, Septembre (659), pp.27-29
Journal articles
Apple farming systems - current initiatives and some prospective views on how to improve sustainability
Pierre-Éric Lauri
Benjamin Pitchers
Lydie Dufour
Simon Sylvaine
Journal articles
V-Mango: a functional-structural model of mango tree growth, development and fruit production
Frédéric Boudon
Séverine Persello
Alexandra Jestin
Anne-Sarah Briand
Isabelle Grechi
Journal articles
Promoting generalist predators of crop pests in alley cropping agroforestry fields: Farming system matters
Sébastien Boinot
Delphine Mézière
Jouanel Poulmarc'H
Alexis Saintilan
Pierre-Éric Lauri
Journal articles
Growing agroforestry systems with apple in Montpellier-Mediterranean -preliminary results on the influence of adult walnut trees on growth and branching of two-year-old apple trees
Benjamin Pitchers
Lydie Dufour
Pierre-Éric Lauri
Journal articles
L'expérimentation d'un verger agroécologique
Jean-Michel Ricard
Muriel Millan
Michel Jay
Blandine Rosies
Sylvaine Simon
Infos CTIFL, 2020, 361, pp.40-45
Journal articles
Distribution of overwintering invertebrates in temperate agroforestry systems: Implications for biodiversity conservation and biological control of crop pests
Sébastien Boinot
Jouanel Poulmarc'H
Delphine Mézière
Pierre-Eric Lauri
Jean-Pierre Sarthou
Journal articles
Carbon dynamics in cocoa agroforestry systems in Central Cameroon: afforestation of savannah as a sequestration opportunity
Annemarijn Nijmeijer
Pierre-Eric Lauri
Jean-Michel Harmand
Stéphane Saj
Journal articles
Corner's rules as a framework for plant morphology, architecture and functioning - issues and steps forward
Pierre-Éric Lauri
Journal articles
Long-term dynamics of cocoa agroforestry systems established on lands previously occupied by savannah or forests
Annemarijn Nijmeijer
Pierre-Eric Lauri
Jean-Michel Harmand
Grégoire Freschet
Jean-Daniel Essobo Nieboukaho
Journal articles
Alley cropping agroforestry systems: Reservoirs for weeds or refugia for plant diversity?
Sébastien Boinot
Guillaume Fried
Jonathan Storkey
Helen Metcalfe
Karim Barkaoui
Journal articles
Effects of preharvest deficit irrigation treatments in combination with reduced nitrogen fertilization on orchard performance of nectarine with emphasis on postharvest diseases and pruning weights
Ersin Atay
Bruno Hucbourg
Aurore Drevet
Pierre-Eric Lauri
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum : Hortorum Cultus, 2019, 18 (1), pp.207-217
Journal articles
The impact of water and nitrogen depletion on Aphis pomi infestation in the apple orchard and its relation with the useful fauna and ants.
M. Laghfiri
I. Madani
A.J. Boutaleb
A. Blenzar
Marie Odile Jordan
Journal articles
Phenotyping gamma-ray-induced mutant population of ‘Amasya’ apple for architectural traits, precocity, floral phenology and fruit characteristics
A. Nilgün Atay
Ersin Atay
Pierre-Eric Lauri
Burak Kunter
K. Yaprak Kantoglu
Journal articles
Yield components and phenology of durum wheat in a Mediterranean alley-cropping system
Hector Daniel Inurreta Aguirre
Pierre-Eric Lauri
Christian Dupraz
Marie Gosme
Journal articles
Impact of water and nitrogen depletion on the Peach orchard infestation by green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) and its relation with the useful fauna
M Laghfiri
I Madani
A.J. Boutaleb
A Blenzar
Marie Odile Jordan
Journal of Materials and Environmental Science , 2017, 8 (6), pp.2174-2183
Journal articles
Methodology to design agroecological orchards: learnings from on-station and on-farm experiences
Sylvaine Simon
Magalie Lesueur-Jannoyer
Daniel Plénet
Pierre-Eric Lauri
Fabrice Le Bellec
Journal articles
Integrative models for joint analysis of shoot growth and branching patterns
Jean Peyhardi
Yves Caraglio
Evelyne Costes
Pierre-Eric Lauri
Catherine Trottier
Journal articles
Are leaves only involved in flowering? Bridging the gap between structural botany and functional morphology
Pierre-Eric Lauri
Frédéric Normand
Journal articles
Investigating effects of over-irrigation and deficit irrigation on yield and fruit quality in pink ladytm “rosy glow” apple
Ersin Atay
Bruno Hucbourg
Aurore Drevet
Pierre-Eric Lauri
Journal articles
Deciphering the Costs of Reproduction in Mango – Vegetative Growth Matters
Mathilde Capelli
Pierre-Eric Lauri
Frédéric Normand
Journal articles
Shoot Architecture and Morphology of Different Branch Orders in Fig Tree (Ficus carica L.)
Badii Gaaliche
Mouna Aїachi-Mezghani
Mehdi Trad
Evelyne E. Costes
Pierre-Eric Lauri
Journal articles
Genetic variability and phenotypic plasticity of apple morphological responses to soil water restriction in relation with leaf functions and stem xylem conductivity
Pierre-Eric Lauri
Tete Severien Barigah
Gerardo Lopez
Sébastien Martinez
Pasquale Losciale
Journal articles
Erratum to: Genetic variability and phenotypic plasticity of apple morphological responses to soil water restriction in relation with leaf functions and stem xylem conductivity (vol 30, pg 1893, 2016)
Pierre-Eric Lauri
Tete Severien Barigah
Gerardo Lopez
Sébastien S. Martinez
Pasquale Losciale
Journal articles
Simulation of carbon allocation and organ growth variability in apple tree by connecting architectural and source–sink models
Benoit Pallas
David da Silva
Pierre Valsesia
Weiwei Yang
Olivier Guillaume
Journal articles
Analysing growth and development of plants jointly using developmental growth stages
Anaëlle Dambreville
Pierre-Éric Lauri
Frédéric Normand
Yann Guédon
Journal articles
Genetic variation of morphological traits and transpiration in an Apple core collection under well-watered conditions: towards the identification of morphotypes with high water use efficiency
Gerardo Lopez
Benoit Pallas
Sébastien Martinez
Pierre-Eric Lauri
Jean-Luc Regnard
Journal articles
Are the effects of winter temperatures on spring budburst mediated by the bud water status or related to a whole-shoot effect? Insights in the apple tree
Juliano Dutra Schmitz
Marc Bonhomme
Hervé H. Cochard
Flavio Gilberto Herter
Gabriel Berenhauser Leite
Journal articles
Is acrotonic budburst pattern in spring a typical behavior of the low-chilling apple cultivar ‘Eva’ in mild winter conditions? An approach combining ex planta single-node cutting test and in planta bud water content during dormancy
J.D. Schmitz
F.G. Herter
Jean-Luc Regnard
G.B. Leite
Marc Bonhomme
Journal articles
Réduction des intrants en oléiculture, une voie vers la performance
F. Warlop
J.-M. Ricard
Pierre-Éric Lauri
M. Arregui
Journal articles
Soil water deficit decreases xylem conductance efficiency relative to leaf area and mass in the apple
Pierre-Éric Lauri
Antoine Marceron
Frédéric Normand
Anaëlle Dambreville
Jean-Luc Regnard
Journal of Plant Hydraulics, 2014, 1, pp.e0003
Journal articles
Bud structure, position and fate generate various branching patterns along shoots of closely related Rosaceae species: a review
Evelyne Costes
Laurent Crespel
Béatrice Denoyes
Philippe Morel
Marie-Noëlle Demene
Journal articles
Exploring bud dormancy completion with a combined architectural and phenological analysis: the case of the apple tree in contrasting winter temperature conditions
Juliano Dutra Schmitz
Yann Guédon
Flavio Gilberto Herter
Gabriel Berenhauser Leite
Pierre-Eric Lauri
Journal articles
Regular bearing in the apple – Architectural basis for an early diagnosis on the young tree
Pierre-Eric Lauri
Freddy Combe
Laurent Brun
Journal articles
La taille, une solution contre les bio-agresseurs ?
Pierre-Eric Lauri
Nathalie Moutier
Gilbert Garcia
Hélène Lemoine
Nouvel Olivier, 2013, 92, pp.34-35
Journal articles