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Pierre Pica

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**Pierre Pica**, né le [5]( "5 janvier") [janvier]( "Janvier 1951") [1951]( "1951"), est un [linguiste]( "Linguistique") français spécialisé dans le domaine de la [syntaxe]( "Syntaxe") comparative. Chargé de recherche au [CNRS]( "Centre national de la recherche scientifique") de 1974 à 2015, il est professeur associé à l'institut du cerveau de l'[Université fédérale de Rio Grande do Norte]( "Université fédérale de Rio Grande do Norte (page inexistante)") [(en)]( "en:Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte") (Brésil).
**Pierre Pica** (born January 5, 1951), is a research associate (Chargé de Recherche) at the National Center for Scientific Research in [Paris]( "Paris"). Associated Professor with the Brain Institute of the [Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte]( "Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte"), he is a specialist in [theoretical linguistics]( "Theoretical linguistics") and more specifically of comparative [syntax]( "Syntax").


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"The language of geometry: Fast comprehension of geometrical primitives and rules in human adults and preschoolers"

Marie Amalric , Liping Wang , Pierre Pica , Santiago Figueira , Mariano Sigman
PLoS Computational Biology, 2017, 75, pp.1 - 1. ⟨10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005273.s007⟩
Journal articles halshs-01495585v1

Comparing Biological Motion in two distinct Human Societies

Pierre Pica , Stuart Jackson , Randolph Blake , Nikolaus F. Troje
PLoS ONE, 2011, pp.00-00
Journal articles hal-01021183v1
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Comparing Biological Motion Perception in Two Distinct Human Societies

Pierre Pica , Stuart Jackson , Randolph Blake , Nikolaus F. Troje
PLoS ONE, 2011, 6 (12), pp.1-6. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0028391⟩
Journal articles halshs-00652152v1
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"Response to Comment on "Log or Linear?" Distinct Intuitions of the Number Scale in Western and Amazonian Indigene Cultures"

Stanislas Dehaene , Veronique Izard , Pierre Pica , Elizabeth Spelke
Science, 2009, 323 (1), pp.38-39. ⟨10.1126/science.1164878⟩
Journal articles halshs-00353123v1

"Knowledge of Number and Knowledge of Language : Number as a Test Case for the Role of Language in Cognition"

Helen de Cruz , Pierre Pica
Philosophical Psychology, 2008, 21 (4), pp.437-441. ⟨10.1080/09515080802284217⟩
Journal articles halshs-00318876v1
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"Exact Equality and Successor Function : Two Keys Concepts on the Path towards Understanding Exact Numbers"

Veronique Izard , Pierre Pica , Elizabeth Spelke , Stanislas Dehaene
Philosophical Psychology, 2008, 21 (4), pp.491-505. ⟨10.1080/09515080802285354⟩
Journal articles halshs-00318651v1

Theoretical Implications of the Study of Numbers and Numerals in Mundurucu

Pierre Pica , Alain Lecomte
Philosphical Pyschology, 2008, 21 (4), pp.507-522. ⟨10.1080/09515080802285461⟩
Journal articles halshs-00318693v1
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"Response to Nuñez"

Izard Veronique , Stanislas Dehaene , Elizabeth Spelke , Pierre Pica
Science, 2008, 321 (5894), pp.1293-1294. ⟨10.1126/Science.321.5894.1293⟩
Journal articles halshs-00353176v1
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"Comment les nombres se répartissent dans l'espace ? Une intuition originelle logarithmique"

Veronique Izard , Pierre Pica , Elizabeth Spelke , Stanislas Dehaene
Médecine/Sciences, 2008, 24 (12), pp.1014-1016. ⟨10.1051/medsci/200824121014⟩
Journal articles halshs-00603528v1


Jeroen van Craenenbroeck , Johan Rooryck , Pierre Pica
Linguistic Variation Yearbook, 2007, pp.00-00
Journal articles hal-01022364v1
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"Examining Knowledge of Geometry : Response to Wulff and Delson"

Stanislas Dehaene , Veronique Izard , Pierre Pica , Elizabeth Spelke
Science, 2006, 312, pp.1310
Journal articles hal-00206264v1
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"Core Knowledge of geometry in an Amazonian Indigene Group"

Stanislas Dehaene , Veronique Izard , Pierre Pica , Elizabeth Spelke
Science, 2006, 311 (5759), pp.381-4. ⟨10.1126/science.1102085⟩
Journal articles hal-00206261v1
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Quais são os vinculos entre aritmetica e linguagem ? Um estudo na Amazônia

Pierre Pica , Cathy Lemer , Veronique Izard , Stanislas Dehaene
Revista de Estudos e Pesquisas, 2005, 2 (1), pp.199-236
Journal articles hal-00207840v1
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La jouissance de la langue

Pierre Pica , Tibor Papp
Faire-part, 2005, Ce que Change a fait, pp.97-103
Journal articles hal-00207480v1
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"Exact and Approximative Arithmetic in an Amazonian Indigene Group"

Pierre Pica , Cathy Lemer , Stanislas Dehaene , Veronique Izard
Science, 2004, 306 (5695), pp.499-503. ⟨10.1126/science.1102085⟩
Journal articles hal-00206219v1
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Introduction to the linguistic Variation yearbook

Pierre Pica
Linguistic Variation Yearbook, 2003, Linguistic Variation Yearbook, 1 (1), pp v-xiii. ⟨10.1075/livy.1.01pic⟩
Journal articles halshs-01495504v1
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Quelques éléments pour une typologie de l'accord verbal assortis de quelques remarques sur son importance dans le débat linguistique contemporain

Pierre Pica
Faits de langues, 1996, 8, pp.89-110
Journal articles hal-00207609v1
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Projeter-α ou la langue cachée

Pierre Pica
Communication & Cognition, 1992, pp.410-425
Journal articles halshs-00353390v1
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The Case for Reflexives or Reflexives for Case

Pierre Pica
Proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 1990, Proceedings from the 26th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 26 (364-378)
Journal articles halshs-01494189v1
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On the Nature of the Reflexivization Cycle

Pierre Pica
Proceedings of the North East Linguistic Society, 1987, 17 (2), pp.483-500
Journal articles hal-00207622v1
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Possessive, refleksive og reciprokke pronominer i de skandinaviske sprog; deres betydning for udformningen af en universel grammatik.

Pierre Pica
Seslkab for Nordisk Filologi Arsberetning 1985-1986, 1986, pp.3-11
Journal articles halshs-00353469v1
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"Présentation" (et Bibliographie résumée des travaux de Mitsou Ronat)

Pierre Pica
Recherches linguistiques de Vincennes, 1986, Formes, Hommage à Mitsou Ronat, 14/15, pp.5-13
Journal articles halshs-01511094v1
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"Sujet, temps et contenu propositionnel : Pour une conception modulaire des phénomènes de liage"

Pierre Pica
Modèles linguistiques, 1985, Catégories vides et explications en syntaxe, Numéro spécial de Modèles linguistiques, VII (1), pp.159-193
Journal articles halshs-01503208v1
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Object Representations and Their Relation to Negative Shapes : Implications for Numerical Cognition and its Apparent Evolution

Johan Rooryck , Alberto Tonda , Jairo Saw , Pierre Pica
CogEvo, Rovereto Workshop on Cognition and Evolution, Jul 2019, Rovereto, Italy.
Conference poster halshs-02424894v1
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Proposta para a inclusão de línguas indígenas da Bacia Amazônica brasileira como parte integrante do patrimônio material e imaterial da humanidade

Pierre Pica , Noam Chomsky , Valeria Chomsky
Viva Língua Viva, Nov 2019, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Conference poster halshs-02424725v1
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Perceptual Foundations of Euclidean Geometry

Véronique Izard , Pierre Pica , Elizabeth Spelke
Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Sep 2019, Tenerife, Spain. , 2020
Conference poster halshs-02424874v1
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Mundurucu Number Words as a Window on Short-Term Memory

Johan Rooryck , Alberto Tonda , Jairo Saw , Pierre Pica
The origins of numerical abilities: the future, Feb 2017, Chicheley Hall, United Kingdom. , 2017
Conference poster halshs-01497577v1
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Fast Comprehension of embedded geometrical Primitives and Rules in human Adults and Preschoolers

Marie Amalric , Liping Wang , Pierre Pica , Santiago Figueira , Mariano Sigman
Association for Psychological Science, May 2016, Chicago,, United States. , 2016
Conference poster halshs-01496623v1
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From Core Knowledge Representations to Linguistic Numbers : A Universal Base for Counting

Pierre Pica
50 years of Linguistics at MIT, Dec 2011, Cambridge Mass, United States. , 2011
Conference poster halshs-01495573v1

A computer-based Training Study on Numeracy Acquisition in the mundurucu Population

Pierre Pica
La school for Education, Cognitive and Neural Sciences, Mar 2011, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile.
Conference poster halshs-01497686v1
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You can Count on Me

Pierre Pica
24th Attention & Performance meeting, Aug 2010, Cernay-la-ville, France. , 2010
Conference poster halshs-01495564v1
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Intuitions for Multiplication in Amazonian Adults and in U.S. Adults and Children

Véronique Izard , Pierre Pica , Stanislas Dehaene , Elizabeth Spelke
Biennal Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development , Apr 2009, Denver,, United States.
Conference poster halshs-01495495v1
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A Universal developmental Path in the Construction of exact Number Concepts

Véronique Izard , Pierre Pica , Stanislas Dehaene , Elizabeth Spelke
Exciting Biologies : Biology of Cognition , Apr 2008, Chantilly, France. , 2009
Conference poster halshs-01495570v1

Number as Test Case for the Role of Language in Cognition

Helen de Cruz , Pierre Pica
Oxford: Routledge, 2008
Books hal-01024699v1
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Atomism and Binding

Hans Bennis , Pierre Pica , Johan Rooryck
Hans Bennis, Pierre Pica & Johan Rooryck. Foris Publications, pp.412, 1997, Pierre Pica
Books hal-00208029v1

Transparence et opacité. Littérature et Sciences cognitives.

Tibor Papp , Pierre Pica
Tibor Papp & Pierre Papp. Cerf, pp.223, 1988, Heinz Wismann
Books hal-00208020v1

Formes. Hommage à Mitsou Ronat

Pierre Pica
Presses Universitaires de Viencennes, pp.224, 1986
Books halshs-00216098v1
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Catégories vides et explication en syntaxe

Mitsou Ronat , Pierre Pica
Presses Universitaires de Lille. Presses universitaires de Lille, VII (1), 1985, Modèles linguistiques, André Joly ISSN 0249-6267
Books halshs-01501198v1
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Perspectives on Binding and Atomism

Hans Bennis , Pierre Pica , Johan Rooryck
Atomism and Binding, 1, Foris Publication, 2017, Atomism and Binding, 906765535X
Book sections halshs-01495506v1
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"Uma nota sobre a geometria e o sistema de aproximação numérica dos indígenas Munduruku e sua importância para o respeito à convenção 169 da OIT "

Pierre Pica , Sidarta Ribeiro , Jairo Saw , Mauricio Torres
Daniela Fernandes Alarcon, Brent Milikan, Mauricio Torres. Ocekadi. Hidreléctricas, conflitos socioambientais e resistência na bacia do Tapajos, International Rivers , pp.309-323, 2016, 978_85-992-1404-6
Book sections halshs-01497607v1
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Les structures hiérarchiques linguistiques et musicales partagent-elles le même substrat neural ? Etudes comportementales et d'imagerie fonctionnelle en lien avec l'expertise musicale

Elodie Cauvet , Pierre Pica , Stanislas Dehaene , Christophe C Pallier
Alain Rabatel, Malika Temmar & Jean-Marc Leblanc. Sciences du langage et neurosciences, Lambert-Lucas, pp.69-87, 2016, Sciences du langage et neurosciences
Book sections halshs-00603525v2
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Geometry as a Universal Mental Construction

Véronique Izard , Pierre Pica , Stanislas Dehaene , Danièlle Hinchey , Elizabeth Spelke
Stanislas Dehaene; Elizabeth Brannon. Space, Time and Number in the Brain, Elsevier, pp.319-332, 2011, Attention and Performance series, ⟨10.1016/B978-0-12-385948-8.00019-0⟩
Book sections halshs-00603494v1


Pierre Pica
Les nombres. Lexique et grammaire, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp.7-9, 2010, Rivages linguistiques, 978-2-7535-1140-8
Book sections halshs-00603500v1
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"Quels sont les liens entre arithmétique et langage ? Une étude en Amazonie"

Stanislas Dehaene , Veronique Izard , Cathy Lemer , Pierre Pica
Jean Brickmont & Julie Franck. Chomsky, 88, L'Herne, pp.188-196, 2007, Cahiers de l'Herne
Book sections hal-00207465v1
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A restrictive/Non-Restrictive Distinction in Possessive Nominals

Pierre Pica , José Bonneau , Takashi Nakajima
Kimary Shahin, Susan Blake, Eun-Sook Kim. The proceedings of the Seventheenth West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, CSLI, pp.88-101, 1998
Book sections halshs-00216064v1
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Configurational Attitudes

Pierre Pica , Johan Rooryck
Jose lema, Esthela Trevino. Theoretical Analyses of Romance Languages, Benjamins, pp.155-177, 1998
Book sections hal-00207634v1
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On the Syntax and Semantics of Local Anaphors in French and English

Pierre Pica , Willian Snyder
Anna-Maria Di Sciullo. Projections and Interface Conditions, Oxford University Press, pp.235-250, 1997
Book sections hal-00207635v1
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On the Development of the Complementation System in English and its Relation to Switch-Reference

José Bonneau , Pierre Pica
GLSA, Amherst. Proceedings of the North East Linguistic Society, Papers from teh Workshops on Language Acaquistion & Language Change, Beckman, Jill, pp.135-150, 1997, Proceedings of the North East Linguistic Society
Book sections halshs-00352581v1
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Weak Cross Over, Scope, and agreement in a Minimalist Framework

Pierre Pica , Willian Snyder
Raul Aranovich, William Byrne, Susanne Preuss & Mark Senturia. The Proceedings of the Thiteenth West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, CSLI, pp.334-349, 1995
Book sections hal-00207818v1
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Condition C and Epistemic Contexts : A case Study of Epithets and Anti-logophoric Pronouns in French

Pierre Pica
Young-Sun Kim, Byung-Choon Lee, Kyoung-Jae Lee, Kyun-Kwon Yang, Jong-Kuri Yoon. Explorations in Generative Grammar, Hankuk Publishing Co, Seoul, pp.554-570, 1994
Book sections hal-00207824v1
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"On the development and current status of generative grammar in France : A personal point of view"

Pierre Pica , Johan Rooryck
Carlos Otero. Noam Chomsky : Critical Assessments, Routledge, 1994, Noam Chomsky 's critical assessments
Book sections halshs-01509579v1
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The Case for Reflexives or Reflexives for Case

Pierre Pica
Michael Ziolowski, Manuela Noske & Karen Deaton. Papers from the 29th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguisttic Society, Chicago Linguistic Sociey, pp.363-378, 1993
Book sections hal-00208042v1

Projeter alpha ou la langue cachée

Pierre Pica
Liliane Tasmowski & Anne Zribi-Hertz. De la musique à la linguistique, Communication et Cognition, pp.410-425, 1992
Book sections hal-00208030v1
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"On the interaction between antecedent-government and binding : the case of long-distance reflexivization"

Pierre Pica
Jan Koster, Eric Reuland. Long Distance Anaphora, Cambridge University Press, pp.119-135, 1991, Long Distance Anaphora ISBN-13: 9780521400008
Book sections hal-00208039v1
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On the interaction between antecedent-government and binding: the case of long-distance reflexivization

Pierre Pica
Jan Koster, Eric Reuland. Long-distance Anaphora, Cambridge University Press, pp.119-135, 1991, Long Distance Anaphora, 9780521400008. ⟨10.1017/CBO9780511627835.006⟩
Book sections halshs-01495510v1
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Du caractère inaliénable de l'être

Pierre Pica
Cerf. Transparence et Opacité. Littérature et sciences cognitives, cerf, pp.207-221, 1988,, 9782204028462
Book sections hal-00208021v1
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De quelques implications théoriques de l'étude des relations à longue distance

Pierre Pica
Mitsou Ronat & Daniel Couquaux. La grammaire modulaire, Editions de Minuit, pp.187-209, 1986, propositions
Book sections hal-00208022v1

"Subject, Tense and truth : Towards a Modular Approach To binding"

Pierre Pica
Jacqueline Guéron, Hans-Georg Obenauer, Jean-Yves Pollock. Grammatical Representation, Foris Publications, pp.259-291, 1985
Book sections hal-00355252v1
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Subject , Tense and Truth : Towards a Modular Approach to Binding

Pierre Pica
Jacqueline Guéron, Hans-Georg Obenauer, Jean-Yves Pollock. Grammatical Representation, Foris, pp.259-292, 1984, Studies in generative Grammar
Book sections halshs-00216079v1
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Liage et contiguïté

Pierre Pica
ERA 642. Recherches sur l'anaphore, ERA 642, pp.119-164, 1984, ERA 642
Book sections halshs-00357640v1
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On the Distinction between Argumental and non-argumental Anaphors

Pierre Pica
W. de Gesst & Y. Putseys. Sentential Complementation, Foris, pp.185-193, 1984, Linguistic Models
Book sections halshs-00357652v1
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Some theoretical Implications of the Study of NP-Movement in Some Scandinavian Languages

Pierre Pica
Tapir. Papers from the Sixth Scandinavian Confernce of Linguistics, Tapir, pp.107-116, 1982
Book sections halshs-00353753v1