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Pierre Weill

Pierre Weill
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Role of tidal range and coastline morphology on the evolution of two macrotidal sand spits

Bernadette Tessier , Clément Poirier , Mikkel Fruergaard , Eric Chaumillon , Pierre Weill
Depositional Record, 2024, ⟨10.1002/dep2.304⟩
Journal articles hal-04667096v1
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Architectures and dynamics of a late Quaternary coarse-grained barrier complex at the inlet of a hypertidal estuary (South Patagonia, Argentina)

Léo Pancrazzi , Bernadette Tessier , Pierre Weill , Dominique Mouazé , José Ignacio Cuitiño
Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 2024, 146, pp.105073. ⟨10.1016/j.jsames.2024.105073⟩
Journal articles hal-04676865v1

Assessing the ecological effects of low-intensity marine aggregate extraction in a strong-hydrodynamic, coarse environment context: A case study of the GIE GMO site (English channel)

Nathan Chauvel , Aurore Raoux , Pierre Weill , Laurent Dezileau , Jean-Philippe Pezy
Marine Environmental Research, 2024, 199, pp.106614. ⟨10.1016/j.marenvres.2024.106614⟩
Journal articles hal-04625239v1
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Sediment grain size and benthic community structure in the eastern English Channel: species-dependent responses and environmental influence

Nathan Chauvel , Aurore Raoux , Pierre Weill , Laurent Dezileau , Anne Murat
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2024, 200, pp.116042. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.116042⟩
Journal articles hal-04405000v1
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Influence of sediment composition on morphology and internal structure of mixed siliciclastic–bioclastic coastal barriers: Contribution of flume experiments

Alissia Rieux , Pierre Weill , Dominique Mouazé , Bernadette Tessier
Sedimentology, 2023, 70 (5), pp.1580-1600. ⟨10.1111/sed.13083⟩
Journal articles hal-03967454v1
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Morphostratigraphy of an active mixed sand–gravel barrier spit (Baie de Somme, Northern France)

Léo Pancrazzi , Pierre Weill , Bernadette Tessier , Sophie Le Bot , Laurent Benoît
Sedimentology, 2022, 69 (7), pp.2753-2778. ⟨10.1111/sed.13018⟩
Journal articles hal-03671020v1
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The Bay of Mont Saint Michel. Sedimentary facies, morphodynamics and Holocene evolution of a hypertidal coastal system

Bernadette Tessier , Pierre Weill , Isabelle Billeaud , Lucille Furgerot , Sonia Campos-Soto
Geological Field Trips and Maps, 2022, 14 (1.2), pp.1-39. ⟨10.3301/GFT.2022.02⟩
Journal articles hal-03722768v1
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Depositional controls on a hypertidal barrier‐spit system architecture and evolution, Pointe du Banc spit, north‐western France

Mikkel Fruergaard , Bernadette Tessier , Clément Poirier , Dominique Mouazé , Pierre Weill
Sedimentology, 2020, 67 (1), pp.502-533. ⟨10.1111/sed.12652⟩
Journal articles hal-02376512v1

Evolution of a shelly beach ridge system over the last decades in a hypertidal open-coast embayment (western Mont-Saint-Michel Bay, NW France)

Bernadette Tessier , Clément Poirier , Pierre Weill , Laurent Dezileau , Alissia Rieux
Journal of Coastal Research, 2019, Coastal Evolution under Climate Change along the Tropical Overseas and Temperate Metropolitan France, 88(sp1), pp.77-88. ⟨10.2112/SI88-007.1⟩
Journal articles hal-02349337v1
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Threshold of motion and settling velocities of mollusc shell debris: Influence of faunal composition

Alissia Rieux , Pierre Weill , Dominique Mouazé , Clément Poirier , Farid Nechenache
Sedimentology, 2019, 66 (3), pp.895-916. ⟨10.1111/sed.12521⟩
Journal articles hal-01897637v1
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Multiconfiguration electromagnetic induction survey for paleochannel internal structure imaging: a case study in the alluvial plain of the River Seine, France

Fayçal Rejiba , Cyril Schamper , Antoine Chevalier , Benoit Deleplancque , Gaghik Hovhannissian
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2018, 22 (1), pp.159-170. ⟨10.5194/hess-22-159-2018⟩
Journal articles hal-01518088v1

Decadal changes in North Atlantic atmospheric circulation patterns recorded by sand spits since 1800 CE

Clément Poirier , Bernadette Tessier , Eric Chaumillon , Xavier Bertin , Mikkel Fruergaard
Geomorphology, 2017, 281, p. 1-12. ⟨10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.12.028⟩
Journal articles hal-01434738v1
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Modelling approaches in sedimentology: Introduction to the thematic issue

Philippe Joseph , Vanessa Teles , Pierre Weill
Comptes Rendus Géoscience, 2016, Modelling approaches in sedimentology, 348 (7), pp.473-478. ⟨10.1016/j.crte.2016.04.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01396953v1
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Sediment transport induced by tidal bores. An estimation from suspended matter measurements in the Sée River (Mont-Saint-Michel Bay, northwestern France)

Lucille Furgerot , Dominique Mouazé , Bernadette Tessier , Laurent Perez , Sylvain Haquin
Comptes Rendus Géoscience, 2016, Coastal sediment dynamics, 348 (6), pp.432-441. ⟨10.1016/j.crte.2015.09.004⟩
Journal articles insu-01267158v1
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Coastal sediment dynamics: Introduction to the thematic issue

Pierre Weill , Bernadette Tessier
Comptes Rendus Géoscience, 2016, 348 (6), pp.409 - 410. ⟨10.1016/j.crte.2016.05.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01396958v1
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CATS – A process-based model for turbulent turbidite systems at the reservoir scale

Vanessa Teles , Benoit Chauveau , Philippe Joseph , Pierre Weill , Fakher Maktouf
Comptes Rendus Géoscience, 2016, 348 (7), pp.489-498. ⟨10.1016/j.crte.2016.03.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01396936v1
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Continental hydrosystem modelling: the concept of nested stream–aquifer interfaces

Nicolas Flipo , Amer Mouhri , Baptiste Labarthe , Sylvain Biancamaria , Agnès Rivière
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2014, 18, pp.3121 - 3149. ⟨10.5194/hess-18-3121-2014⟩
Journal articles hal-01074870v1
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Experimental investigation on self-channelized erosive gravity currents

Pierre Weill , E. Lajeunesse , O. Devauchelle , F. Métivier , A. Limare
Journal of Sedimentary Research, 2014, 84 (6), pp.487-498. ⟨10.2110/jsr.2014.41⟩
Journal articles hal-01011592v1
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Internal architecture and evolution of bioclastic beach ridges in a megatidal chenier plain: Field data and wave flume experiment

Pierre Weill , Dominique Mouazé , Bernadette Tessier
Sedimentology, 2013, 60 (5), pp.1213-1230. ⟨10.1111/sed.12027⟩
Journal articles hal-00844214v1

Shelly cheniers on a modern macrotidal flat (Mont-Saint-Michel bay, France) -- Internal architecture revealed by ground-penetrating radar

Pierre Weill , Bernadette Tessier , Dominique Mouazé , Chantal Bonnot-Courtois , Christophe Norgeot
Sedimentary Geology, 2012, 279, pp.173-186. ⟨10.1016/j.sedgeo.2010.12.002⟩
Journal articles hal-00679250v1
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Uplift of Quaternary shorelines in Eastern Patagonia: Darwin revisited

Kevin Pedoja , Vincent Regard , Laurent Husson , Joseph Martinod , Benjamin Guillaume
Geomorphology, 2011, 127 (3-4), pp.121-142. ⟨10.1016/j.geomorph.2010.08.003⟩
Journal articles insu-00610899v1

Relative sea-level fall since the last interglacial stage: Are coasts uplifting worldwide?

Kevin Pedoja , L. Husson , V. Regard , P.R. Cobbold , E. Ostanciaux
Earth-Science Reviews, 2011, 108 (1-2), pp.1-15. ⟨10.1016/j.earscirev.2011.05.002⟩
Journal articles hal-00668682v1

Hydrodynamic behaviour of coarse bioclastic sand from shelly cheniers

Pierre Weill , Dominique Mouazé , Bernadette Tessier , J.C. Brun-Cottan
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2010, 35 (14), pp.1642-1654. ⟨10.1002/esp.2004⟩
Journal articles hal-00663244v1
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Multigrain seabed sediment transport modelling for the south-west Australian Shelf

Fangjun Li , Cedric M. Griffiths , Chris P. Dyt , Pierre Weill , Ming Feng
Marine and Freshwater Research, 2009, 60 (7), pp.774-785. ⟨10.1071/MF08049⟩
Journal articles hal-00680638v1

Suspended sediment dynamics induced by the passage of a tidal bore in an upper estuary

Lucille Furgerot , Pierre Weill , Dominique Mouazé , Bernadette Tessier
Tessier, B.; Reynaud, J.-Y. Contributions to Modern and Ancient Tidal Sedimentology: Proceedings of the Tidalites 2012 conference, Wiley-Blackwell, pp.61-74, 2016, 9781119218395. ⟨10.1002/9781119218395.ch4⟩
Book sections hal-01396973v1

The Mont-Saint-Michel bay (NW France) - Facies, sequences and evolution of a macrotidal embayment and estuarine environment

Bernadette Tessier , Chantal Bonnot-Courtois , I. Billeaud , Pierre Weill , B. Caline
8th International Conference on Tidal Environments. Tidalites 2012. Field-trip book - Publication ASF n° 72, Editions ASF, 50 p., 2012
Book sections hal-00779695v1

Impact of sand dune morphology on macro-tidal current dynamics: insights from PIV measurements

Gaetano Porcile , Dominique Mouazé , Pierre Weill , Anne-Claire Bennis , Aurélien Gangloff
38th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Sep 2024, Rome, Italy
Conference papers hal-04625255v1
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Impact of sand dune morphology on macro-tidal current dynamics: insight from PIV measurements

Gaetano Porcile , Dominique Mouazé , Pierre Weill , Anne-Claire Bennis , Aurélien Gangloff
10th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Jun 2024, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-04625248v1

Transport et morphologies de dépôt des sédiments bioclastiques : apports de la modélisation expérimentale

Pierre Weill , Dominique Mouazé , Bernadette Tessier , Alissia Rieux , Sergio G. Longhitano
Eghymanche 2023 - Ecologie marine, géosciences et hydrodynamique sur la façade Manche - Mer du Nord, Jul 2023, Wimereux, France
Conference papers hal-04155204v1

Morphology and dynamics of subaqueous dunes generated under unidirectional flow

Iskander Abroug , Pierre Weill , Nizar Abcha
Marine and River Dune Dynamics – MARID VII, Apr 2023, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-04092681v1

Relations entre les facteurs granulométriques et la structure des communautés benthiques en Manche est

Nathan Chauvel , Pierre Weill , Laurent Dezileau , Jean-Philippe Pezy
Eghymanche 2023 - Ecologie marine, géosciences et hydrodynamique sur la façade Manche - Mer du Nord, Jul 2023, Wimereux, France
Conference papers hal-04155193v1

Fosforitas bioclásticas compuestas por braquiópodos linguliformes: estudio tafonómico y sedimentológico experimental

Maria Duperron , Roberto Scasso , Dominique Mouazé , Bernadette Tessier , Pierre Weill
XVIII Reunión Argentina de Sedimentología - IX Congreso Latinoamericano de Sedimentología, Sep 2023, La Plata (Provincia de Buenos Aires), Argentina
Conference papers hal-04213358v1

Granulate extraction effects on the benthic coarse sand community: The GIE-GMO site

Nathan Chauvel , Aurore Raoux , Ferdinand Schlicklin , Pierre Weill , Laurent Dezileau
Conférence Internationale d’Océanographie et 19ème Symposium Franco-Japonais d’Océanographie (COAST CAEN 2023), Oct 2023, Caen, France. pp.94
Conference papers hal-04274740v1

Étude en milieu contrôlé de la méthode GSTA (Grain Size Trend Analysis) sur sédiments hétérogènes

Léo Pancrazzi , Pierre Weill , Emmanuel Poizot , Anne Murat , Yann Méar
28e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Oct 2023, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-04465279v1

3D hydrodynamics of a macro-tidal estuarine environment under wave and tide forcings

Guillaume Croguennec , Anne-Claire Bennis , Martial Boutet , Gaetano Porcile , Pierre Weill
Conférence Internationale d’Océanographie et 19ème Symposium Franco-Japonais d’Océanographie (COAST CAEN 2023), Oct 2023, Caen, France. pp.88
Conference papers hal-04274720v1

MORPHODUNES, a new project dedicated to the 3D morphodynamics of sub-marine sand dunes for safety and maritime activities

Anne-Claire Bennis , Martial Boutet , Franck Dumas , Lucille Furgerot , Aurélien Gangloff
Marine and River Dune Dynamics – MARID VII, Apr 2023, Rennes, France. pp.17-23
Conference papers hal-04125186v1

Assessment of the coupled model CROCO - Wave Watch III in an estuarine environment: Application to the Somme bay

Guillaume Croguennec , Anne-Claire Bennis , Martial Boutet , Gaetano Porcile , Pierre Weill
18ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Sep 2022, Brest, France
Conference papers hal-03794960v1

Assessment of the coupled model CROCO-WaveWatch-III in an estuarine environment: application to the Somme Bay (France)

Guillaume Croguennec , Gaetano Porcile , Anne-Claire Bennis , Martial Boutet , Pierre Weill
AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2022, Chicago, United States. pp.OS45A-08
Conference papers hal-03978207v1

Variabilité architecturale d'un système de barrières littorales à granulométrie grossière en environnement hypertidal (estuaire du Santa Cruz, Patagonie argentine)

Léo Pancrazzi , Bernadette Tessier , Pierre Weill , Dominique Mouazé , José Ignacio Cuitiño
18ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Sep 2022, Brest, France
Conference papers hal-03795017v1

Architectural variability of a coarse-grained barrier system in a hypertidal environment (Santa Cruz Estuary, Argentinean Patagonia)

Léo Pancrazzi , Bernadette Tessier , Pierre Weill , Dominique Mouazé , José Ignacio Cuitiño
10th International Congress of Tidal sedimentology, May 2022, Matera, Italy
Conference papers hal-03661792v1

Contribution des dunes de second ordre dans la dynamique de construction de la grande dune du Pilat. Etude de l'imbrication pluri-échelles des architectures par investigation géoradar

Malaurie Charpentier , Nicolas Robin , Bernadette Tessier , Léo Pancrazzi , Jean-Yves Reynaud
18ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Sep 2022, Brest, France
Conference papers hal-03794940v1

Formation, processus de ségrégation et structure interne de dunes sous-marines silico-bioclastiques - Etude expérimentale

Pierre Weill , Silvia Messina , Sergio G. Longhitano , Bernadette Tessier , Dominique Mouazé
18ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Sep 2022, Brest, France
Conference papers hal-03795033v1

Hydrodynamic behaviour and sorting mechanisms of organophosphatic brachiopod shells: Preliminary results of experimental studies

Maria Duperron , Dominique Mouazé , Bernadette Tessier , Pierre Weill , Roberto Scasso
18ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Sep 2022, Brest, France
Conference papers hal-03794967v1

Impacts anthropiques cumulés sur les fonds sédimentaires : premiers résultats du projet ECUSED (Effets CUmulés sur le SEDiment) dans la partie orientale de la baie de Seine

Valentin Le Goff , Anne Murat , Yann Méar , Gwendoline Gregoire , Jean-Philippe Pezy
18ème Congrès français de Sédimentologie, Sep 2022, Brest, France
Conference papers hal-03794995v1

Fonctionnement morphodynamique d'une plage mixte de sable et de galets - Apports de la modélisation physique

Léo Pancrazzi , Dominique Mouazé , Pierre Weill , Bernadette Tessier
18ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Sep 2022, Brest, France
Conference papers hal-03795007v1

Architecture sédimentaire des barres sableuses actuelles de la Loire aval (France)

Pierre Weill , Stéphane Rodrigues , Antoine Dubois , Clément Moreau , Philippe Jugé
18ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Sep 2022, Brest, France
Conference papers hal-03795025v1

Evolution and internal architecture of an active mixed sand-gravel barrier spit (Somme Bay, Northern France)

Léo Pancrazzi , Pierre Weill , Bernadette Tessier , Laurent Benoît , Sophie Le Bot
35th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Jun 2021, Virtual, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-03283659v1

Architecture interne de barrières littorales graveleuses en environnement hypertidal (mer de la Manche et Patagonie Argentine) : une étude par prospection géoradar

Léo Pancrazzi , Bernadette Tessier , Pierre Weill , Dominique Mouazé , José Ignacio Cuitiño
27e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Nov 2021, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-03418386v1

Hydrodynamic behaviour of mollusc shell debris: influence of faunal composition

Alissia Rieux , Pierre Weill , Dominique Mouazé , Bernadette Tessier
34th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Sep 2019, Rome, Italy
Conference papers hal-02166657v1

Le géoradar : un outil versatile pour les études stratigraphiques du littoral

Jean-Yves Reynaud , Arnaud Héquette , Bernadette Tessier , Pierre Weill , Marie Hélène Ruz
Avenir Littoral, Mar 2019, Dunkerque, France
Conference papers hal-02063301v1

Architecture sédimentaire de la flèche de galets de La Mollière (Baie de Somme) : Une étude par prospection géoradar

Léo Pancrazzi , Pierre Weill , Bernadette Tessier , Laurent Benoît , Sophie Le Bot
17e Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Oct 2019, Beauvais, France
Conference papers hal-02164383v1

Morphology and internal structure of mixed bio-siliciclactic coastal barriers: flume experiments

Alissia Rieux , Pierre Weill , Dominique Mouazé , Bernadette Tessier
34th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Sep 2019, Rome, Italy
Conference papers hal-02166667v1

Field measurements and laboratory calibrations of suspended sediment concentration in tidal bores

Dominique Mouazé , Lucille Furgerot , Laurent Perez , Pierre Weill , Alain Crave
EGU General Assembly, Apr 2018, Vienne, Austria. pp.EGU2018-12417
Conference papers hal-01764862v1

Sorting processes and internal architecture of bio-siliciclastic coastal barriers: physical modelling

Alissia Rieux , Pierre Weill , Dominique Mouazé , Bernadette Tessier
20th International Sedimentological Congress, Aug 2018, Quebec, Canada
Conference papers hal-01856613v1

Rôle de la composition sédimentaire dans la dynamique et l’architecture interne des barrières littorales : Approche par modélisation physique

Alissia Rieux , Pierre Weill , Dominique Mouazé , Bernadette Tessier
26e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Oct 2018, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-01902061v1

Sorting processes of mixed bioclastic-siliciclastic sediments

Alissia Rieux , Pierre Weill , Dominique Mouazé , Bernadette Tessier
6th International Conference on Estuaries & Coasts (ICEC), Aug 2018, Caen, France
Conference papers hal-01858852v1

Thresholds of motion of shell debris under unidirectional flow: influence of faunal composition

Alissia Rieux , Pierre Weill , Dominique Mouazé , Clément Poirier , Bernadette Tessier
33rd IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Oct 2017, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01617068v1

Architecture, evolution and depositional controls of a Late Holocene hypertidal recurved barrier-spit system

Mikkel Fruergaard , Bernadette Tessier , Clément Poirier , Dominique Mouazé , Pierre Weill
33rd IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Oct 2017, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01617052v1

Spatio-temporal variability in the distribution of biogenic particles over a cool temperate carbonate intertidal flat (Mont Saint Michel bay, France)

Clément Poirier , Bernadette Tessier , Jérome Fournier , Yasmine Mesbahi , Dominique Mouazé
33rd IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Oct 2017, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01617063v1

Sandspit evolution in macrotidal settings. A comparative study

Bernadette Tessier , Clément Poirier , Mikkel Fruergaard , Dominique Mouazé , Pierre Weill
33rd IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Oct 2017, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01617070v1

Evolution de flèches sableuses depuis le Petit Age Glaciaire. Forçage climatique et contrôle tidal

Bernadette Tessier , Clément Poirier , Mikkel Fruergaard , Eric Chaumillon , Dominique Mouazé
25e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Oct 2016, Caen, France
Conference papers hal-01432725v1

Geophysical Investigations of a Paleochannel in the Alluvial Plain of the River Seine, France

Fayçal Rejiba , Antoine Chevalier , Benoit Deleplancque , Gaghik Hovhannissian , Cyril Schamper
Near Surface Geoscience 2016 - 22nd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Sep 2016, Barcelone, Spain. ⟨10.3997/2214-4609.201602075⟩
Conference papers hal-01397605v1

Evolution de la sédimentation en Baie du Mont Saint Michel au cours des derniers siècles

Bernadette Tessier , Clément Poirier , Simon Tranquart , Dominique Mouazé , Pierre Weill
25e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Oct 2016, Caen, France
Conference papers hal-01413154v1

Comportement hydrodynamique de sédiments silico-bioclastiques : influence de la composition faunistique.

Alissia Rieux , Farid Nechenache , Dominique Mouazé , Bernadette Tessier , Laurent Perez
25e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Oct 2016, Caen, France
Conference papers hal-01413144v1

Évolution de la plaine alluviale de la Bassée depuis le Tardiglaciaire (15 00 BP) et formation d'hétérogénéités sédimentaires

Pierre Weill , Benoit Deleplancque , Isabelle Cojan , Amestoy Julien , Hélène Beucher
Colloque de fin de phase 6 du PIREN-Seine , May 2015, Paris, France. pp.67-74
Conference papers hal-01258353v1

Influence des forçages climatiques sur l'évolution géomorphologique d'une flèche sableuse à l'échelle pluri-décennale

Clément Poirier , Bernadette Tessier , Eric Chaumillon , Xavier Bertin , Dominique Mouazé
15e Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Oct 2015, Chambery, France
Conference papers hal-01432498v1

Impact of sedimentary heterogeneities and sinuosity on river-aquifer exchanges in a meandering alluvial plain

Agnès Rivière , Mathias Maillot , Pierre Weill , Patrick Goblet , Fabien Ors
AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2015, San Francisco, United States. ⟨10.13140/RG.2.1.3124.5840⟩
Conference papers hal-01397641v1

Sandspit evolution in macrotidal settings, a comparative study

Bernadette Tessier , Clément Poirier , Dominique Mouazé , Pierre Weill , M Fruergaard
International Conference on Tidal Sedimentology (Tidalites), Nov 2015, Puerto Madryn, Argentina
Conference papers hal-01706752v1

Genèse et hétérogénéités sédimentaires dans la plaine alluviale de la Bassée (Seine supérieure) depuis le Tardiglaciaire (15 000 ans BP)

Benoit Deleplancque , Pierre Weill , Isabelle Cojan
15ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, ASF, Oct 2015, Chambery, France. pp.144
Conference papers hal-01259650v1

Modélisation génétique de l'architecture et des hétérogénéites sédimentaires de la plaine alluviale de la Bassée (Seine supérieure)

Pierre Weill , Benoit Deleplancque , Isabelle Cojan , Agnès Rivière , Mathias Maillot
15ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Oct 2015, Chambery, France. pp.424
Conference papers hal-01259662v1

Well data analysis in the view of reconstructing channel morphology and sandbody geometry in fluvial meandering systems

Isabelle Cojan , Jacques Rivoirard , Pierre Weill , Fabien Ors
Sedimentology at the crossroads of new frontiers, IAS, Aug 2014, Genève, Switzerland. pp.159
Conference papers hal-01109279v1

Étude expérimentale de l'érosion par un courant de densité : un analogue de l'incision axiale des canyons sous-marins ?

Pierre Weill , E. Lajeunesse , B. Chauveau , O. Devauchelle , F. Métivier
14e Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Nov 2013, Paris, France. pp.413
Conference papers hal-00913343v1

Etude d'un remplissage alluvionnaire par géoradar - Exemple de la Seine supérieure (France).

Benoit Deleplancque , Pierre Weill , Isabelle Cojan , Baptiste Labarthe , Nicolas Flipo
14ème congrès français de sédimentologie, Nov 2013, Paris, France. pp.113
Conference papers hal-00913382v1

La modélisation en sédimentologie : quelles approches ? Quelles méthodes ? Quels couplages ?

Philippe Joseph , Pierre Weill , Christian Gorini , Jean Borgomano , Guillaume Caumon
14 ème congrès français de sédimentologie, Nov 2013, Paris, France. pp.215
Conference papers insu-00913297v1

Inferring sandbodies parameters from well data, an innovative method dedicated to process-based modelling of fluvial meandering systems

Isabelle Cojan , Jacques Rivoirard , Pierre Weill , Fabien Ors
10th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology, Jul 2013, Leeds, United Kingdom. pp.284-285
Conference papers hal-00847662v1

Process-based modelling for a finer characterization of meandering fluvial reservoir heterogeneities: FLUMY and the Miocene Loranca Basin

Pierre Weill , Isabelle Cojan , Hélène Beucher , Jacques Rivoirard , Fabien Ors
10th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology, Jul 2013, Leeds, United Kingdom. pp.446-447
Conference papers hal-00847699v1

Modélisation de réservoirs chenalisés méandriformes (FLUMY) : Approche couplée processus/stochastique et conditionnement aux données de puits.

Pierre Weill , Isabelle Cojan , Fabien Ors , Jacques Rivoirard
14ème congrès français de sédimentologie, Nov 2013, Paris, France. pp.412
Conference papers hal-00913317v1

Modélisation numérique de réservoirs fluviatiles méandriformes - FLUMY et le bassin Miocène de Loranca (Espagne).

Pierre Weill , Isabelle Cojan , Fabien Ors , Hélène Beucher , Jacques Rivoirard
14ème congrès français de sédimentologie, Nov 2013, Paris, France. pp.411
Conference papers hal-00913338v1

Estimation des paramètres des corps sableux de systèmes fluviatiles méandriformes à partir de données de puits.

Isabelle Cojan , Jacques Rivoirard , Pierre Weill , Fabien Ors
14ème congrès français de sédimentologie, Nov 2013, Paris, France. pp.91
Conference papers hal-00913389v1

Characterization and modelling of sediment heterogeneity in an alluvial plain. The example of the upper Seine river (France)

Benoit Deleplancque , Pierre Weill , Isabelle Cojan , Baptiste Labarthe , Nicolas Flipo
10th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology, Jul 2013, Leeds, United Kingdom. pp.101
Conference papers hal-00847698v1

Dynamique des barrières littorales depuis le Petit Age Glaciaire : Reconstitutions stratigraphique, hydrodynamique et historique.

Bernadette Tessier , Clément Poirier , Eric Chaumillon , Pierre Weill , Dominique Mouazé
14e Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Nov 2013, Paris, France. pp.393
Conference papers hal-00913370v1

Modélisation des hétérogénéités sédimentaires dans les plaines alluviales de rivières méandriformes

Pierre Weill , Isabelle Cojan , Fabien Ors , Jacques Rivoirard
Morphodynamique et transport solide en rivière : du terrain aux modèles, Oct 2012, Tours, France. pp.22
Conference papers hal-00779482v1

Internal architecture and evolution of bioclastic beach ridges in a megatidal chenier plain: wave flume experiments and field data

Pierre Weill , Dominique Mouazé , Bernadette Tessier
International Conference on Tidal Sedimentology (Tidalites), Jul 2012, Caen, France
Conference papers hal-00754574v1

Inferring process-based models from well data -- an innovative method dedicated to meandering systems

Isabelle Cojan , Fabien Ors , Jacques Rivoirard , Pierre Weill
34th International Geological Congress - Abstracts Unearthing our Past and Future -- Resourcing Tomorrow, Aug 2012, Brisbane, Australia. pp.1829
Conference papers hal-00777056v1

Experimental investigation on submarine channels formation

Pierre Weill , E. Lajeunesse , F. Métivier , B. Chauveau , V. Télès
28th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Jul 2011, Zaragoza, Spain
Conference papers hal-00779740v1

Experimental investigation on submarine channels formation

Pierre Weill , E. Lajeunesse , F. Métivier , B. Chauveau , V. Télès
13e Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Nov 2011, Dijon, France. pp.341
Conference papers hal-00878569v1

Shelly cheniers on a modern macrotidal flat (Mont-Saint-Michel bay, France)

Pierre Weill , Dominique Mouazé , Bernadette Tessier , Chantal Bonnot-Courtois
27th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Sep 2009, Alghero, Italy
Conference papers hal-00779746v1

Multigrain seabed sediment transport modelling for southwest  region, Australia

Fangjun Li , Cedric M. Griffiths , Pierre Weill , Ming Feng , Chris Jenkins
11th Symposium on the Interactions between Sediments and Water, Feb 2008, Esperance, Australia
Conference papers hal-01398347v1

Coarse shelly cheniers in the Mont-Saint-Michel Bay, France: a coupled sedimentological and flume experiment study

Pierre Weill , Dominique Mouazé , Bernadette Tessier
International Conference on Tidal Sedimentology (Tidalites), Sep 2008, Qingdao, China
Conference papers hal-00779753v1

Flow regime features on a variable rough rippled bed: Application to a coastal environment

Dominique Mouazé , D. Calluaud , Pierre Weill
13th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Jul 2008, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-00779768v1

Hydrodynamic behaviour of coarse bioclastic sand under current: A flume experiment

Pierre Weill , Dominique Mouazé , Bernadette Tessier
Marine and River Dunes Dynamics III International Workshop (MARID III), Apr 2008, Leeds, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-00779762v1

Climate change impact on seabed sediment deposition in SW Region, Australia

Fangjun Li , Cedric M. Griffiths , Pierre Weill , Chris P. Dyt , Ming Feng
18th Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Jul 2007, Melbourne, Australia
Conference papers hal-01398342v1

Stratigraphic modelling of relief and terrigenous fluxes in tectonic source area : results on the Meso-Hellenic piggy-back basin (Greece)

Jean-Yves Reynaud , Didier Granjeon , M. Ngonlend , Martin Bêche , Pierre Weill
25th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Sep 2007, Patras, Greece
Conference papers hal-01398330v1
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Forward stratigraphic basin modelling as a key to relief evolution at subduction margins: first results on the Meso-Hellenic piggyback basin (Greece)

Jean-Yves Reynaud , Didier Granjeon , Jacky Ferrière , Martin Bêche , Pierre Weill
EGU General Assembly, Apr 2006, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers hal-01397833v1