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Bénédicte Quilot-Turion
Researcher identifiers
- quilot-turion-benedicte
- 0000-0003-4095-1399
- IdRef : 078176182
Je suis chercheuse à INRAE (France), dans l'unité GAFL en Avignon, responsable du groupe travaillant sur les Prunus impliquant 14 personnes permanentes et Directrice adjointe du GAFL.
J'ai une formation d'écophysiologiste et de modélisateur, complétée par des compétences de généticien acquises depuis mon doctorat, post-doctorat et travaillant depuis 14 ans dans une unité de génétique. Mes activités de recherche portent sur les stress biotiques et la qualité des fruits dont les maladies de conservation chez les Prunus. Ils sont basés sur la génétique, la biologie végétale et la modélisation. J'ai développé une approche multidisciplinaire innovante impliquant l'écophysiologie, la génétique et la modélisation informatique pour concevoir des vergers de production à faibles intrants. Je suis donc devenue spécialiste de la conception d'idéotypes assistée par modèle. Pour inclure des objectifs de réduction de l'utilisation des pesticides dans cette démarche, j'ai commencé il y a 10 ans à travailler sur la résistance à la moniliniose du pêcher.
Mon équipe est reconnue pour ses travaux sur les résistances aux ravageurs et aux maladies (oïdium, puceron vert du pêcher, chancre bactérien…) et se concentre désormais sur l'intégration multi-caractères et développe des géniteurs élites, pour le pêcher, l'abricotier et leurs porte-greffes. Nous préservons, criblons et étudions de grandes ressources génétiques de Prunus, y compris sauvages et apparentées, et utilisons des outils et des approches modernes pour progresser vers le développement de la sélection multi-caractères pour les systèmes de production à faibles intrants (optimisation des schémas et des méthodes de sélection, sélection génomique) et concevons des prototypes pour 'protéger' les résistances et répondre aux sollicitations multiples.
Senior scientist at INRAE, (France), in GAFL unit in Avignon, I lead the Prunus group involving 14 permanent persons.
I have a background of ecophysiologist and modeller, completed by geneticist skills acquired from my PhD, post-doctoral fellowship and working for 14 years in a unit of genetics. My research activities are focused on biotic stresses and fruit quality including conservation disease in Prunus. They are based on genetics, plant biology and modelling. I developed a multi-disciplinary challenging approach involving ecophysiology, genetics, and computer-based modelling to progress towards low-input production orchards. Hence, I became specialist in model-assisted ideotype design. To include targets for reducing the use of pesticides in this approach, I started working 10 years ago on Monilinia resistance of peach.
My team is recognized for its work on pest and disease resistances (powdery mildew, green peach aphid, bacterial canker…) and is now focusing on multi-character integration and develops elite genitors, for peach, apricot and their rootstock. We preserve, screen and study large Prunus genetic resources including wild and relatives and use modern tools and approaches to progress towards developing multi-trait selection for low input production systems (optimization of schemes and methods of selection, genomic selection) and design prototypes to 'protect' the resistances and to respond to multiple stresses.
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Investigating the multi-disease challenge in apricot through single and multienvironment genome wide association studies1. International ISHS symposium on Apricot and Plum, INRAE PACA - GAFL (UR1052 GAFL Génétique et amélioration des fruits et légumes), Apr 2024, Avignon (FR), France
Conference papers
Breeding for resistance/tolerance in fruit crops: New trendsPlant Health Workshop: Advances in plant disease and pest management: a holistic approach, IRTA, Feb 2023, Cabrils, Spain
Conference papers
Increasing multi-pest and disease resistance in stone fruit trees through genome-wide association studiesXVI Eucarpia Symposium on Fruit Breeding and Genetics, Eucarpia; International Society for Horticultural Sciences (ISHS); Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI), Sep 2023, Dresden (GERMANY), Germany
Conference papers
Diversity analysis of the INRAE and IRTA collection from the Axiom 60K SNP almond arrayVIII International Symposium on Almonds and Pistachios, University of California, May 2023, Davis, United States
Conference papers
Fine-tuning genomic prediction in peach using additive and non-additive genetic effects for phenology and disease toleranceEucarpia Fruit Genetics and Breeding, Julius Kühn Institute, Sep 2023, Dresden, Germany
Conference papers
Screening for multi-pest symptoms in an apricot, and a peach core collectionInternational Horticultural Congress - IHC 2022, Aug 2022, Angers (FR), France
Conference papers
Recent advances on peach-brown rot interactions: searching solutions to fight in a sustainable mannerISHS Peach webinar Current trends and challenges on peach fruit production, Jun 2021, Cyprus, Cyprus. pp.1-21
Conference papers
Recent advances on peach-brown rot interactions from INRAE's research program10th ISHS International Peach Symposium A series of 4 HortDialogues webinars on peach 'Current trends and challenges on peach fruit production', International Society for Horticultural Science, Jun 2021, Webinar, Greece
Conference papers
Résistance à Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni chez le pêcherLes Rencontre du GIS, GIS, Jan 2021, webinaire, France
Conference papers
Reducing a model of sugar metabolism in peach fruit to explore genetic diversityiCROPM 2020 : Crop modelling for the Future, Feb 2020, Montpellier, France. pp.1-5
Conference papers
A transposable element from the hAT-superfamily is responsible for the absence or globose-shape phenotype of leaf extrafloral nectaries in peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch)10th Rosaceae Genomics Conference, centre for research in agricultural genomics, Dec 2020, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers
Wounding nectarine fruit disrupts Monilinia laxa infection: deciphering fruit gene pathway involved and the role of phenolic and volatile compounds10th Rosaceae Genomics Conference, Centre for research in agricultural genomics, Dec 2020, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers
A reduction strategy to simplify a model of sugar metabolism for application to a large panel of genotypesFOSBE 2019 - 8th Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering, IFAC, Oct 2019, Valencia, Spain
Conference papers
Exploring the genetic variability of peach skin phenolics and triterpenoids as natural defenses against brown rot9. International Rosaceae Genomics Conference, Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU). Nanjing, CHN., Jun 2018, Nanjing, China
Conference papers
Towards an integrative modeling approach for peach ideotype design adapted to sustainable agriculture2. trilateral INUPRAG symposium, Umea Plant Science Centre (UPSC). SWE., Jun 2018, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers
Discovering peach QTLs with multiple progeny analysis14. EUCARPIA Symposium on Fruit Breeding and Genetics, 2017, Bologne, Italy. ⟨10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1172.77⟩
Conference papers
Evaluer la sélection génomique au sein de croisements bi-parentaux d’espèces pérennes fruitières génotypés par séquençage : point d’étape du projet FruitSelGenSéminaire SelGen 2017 : "La sélection génomique, bilan et perspectives", Sep 2017, Paris, France. pp.1
Conference papers
Deciphering regulation levels of sugar metabolism during peach fruit development through metabolic, enzymatic, genetic analyses and kinetic modelingISHS 9. International Peach Symposium, International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). INT., Jul 2017, Bucarest, Romania
Conference papers
A model-based approach for peach fruit transpiration process and its genetic variabilityHortimodel2016, 19-22 Septembre, Avignon, Sep 2016, Avignon, France. pp.1-40
Conference papers
A kinetic model of sugar metabolism in peach fruit allows the exploration of genetic variabilityHortimodel2016, 19-22 Septembre, Avignon, Sep 2016, Avignon, France. pp.1-39
Conference papers
Linking genetics, physiology and modelling to gain insight in peach fruit quality11. National Meeting of the SFBV, Jul 2016, Angers, France
Conference papers
From gene to phenotype: genetic control and modeling of sugar metabolism during peach fruit development8. International Rosaceae Genomics Conference, Jun 2016, Angers, France
Conference papers
A compartmental epidemiological model for brown rot spreading in stone fruits orchardHortimodel2016, 19-22 Septembre, Avignon, Sep 2016, Avignon, France. pp.1-40
Conference papers
A kinetic model of sugar metabolism allows the simulation of sugar concentrations and its genetic variability during peach fruit growth10. International Symposium on Modelling in Fruit Research and Orchard Management, International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). INT., Jun 2015, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Assessing brown rot resistance in peach fruitXIV Eucarpia Symposium on Fruit Breeding and Genetics, Jun 2015, Bologne, Italy
Conference papers
Host factors for brown rot resistance in peach fruitInnovation in Integrated & Organic Horticulture, INNOHORT 2015, International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). INT., Jun 2015, Avignon, France. 56 p
Conference papers
Physical host factors for brown rot resistance in peach fruitInnovation in Integrated & Organic Horticulture, INNOHORT 2015, International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). INT., Jun 2015, Avignon, France. ⟨10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1137.15⟩
Conference papers
Discovery of peach QTLs by using pedigree-based analysis14. Eucapia Fruit breeding and genetics symposium, Jun 2015, Bologne, Italy. 2 p
Conference papers
Overview of INRA researches on peach brown rot. First results, current works and prospectsCOST FA 1104 "4th Management Committee and all Working Group Meeting"_"Sustainable production of high-quality cherries for the Europe market", Oct 2014, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Un modèle intégré écophysiologique-génétique pour l'exploration d'idéotypes: réflexions à partir du cas des monilioses chez la pêcheSéminaire-Table ronde AGAP, Oct 2014, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
An ecological multi-level theory of competition for resources used to analyze density-dependence effects in fruit production29. International Horticultural Congress (IHC2014), International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). INT., Aug 2014, Brisbane, Australia
Conference papers
An ecological multi-Level theory of competition for resources used to analyse density-dependence effects in fruit production29. International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture - Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC) / Int Symposia on the Physiology of Perennial Fruit Crops and Production Systems and Mechanisation, Precision Horticulture and Robotics, Aug 2014, Brisbane, Australia. ⟨10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1130.6⟩
Conference papers
Genetic variability study in a wide germplasm of domesticated peach through high throughput genotyping21. Plant and Animal Genome Conference, Jan 2013, San Diego, United States
Conference papers
New insights on blood-flesh determinants in peach8. International Peach Symposium, Jun 2013, Matera, Italy
Conference papers
Intégration du contrôle génétique dans des modèlesSéminaire "concevoir et évaluer des idéotypes", GIS GC-HP2E, Feb 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers
Comparison of evolutionary and swarm intelligence-based approaches in the improvement of peach fruit qualityInternational Symposium on Operational Research and Applications, May 2013, Marrakech, Morocco. 9 p
Conference papers
Molecular assisted selection (MAS): a promising approach under development in peach breeding8. International Peach Symposium, International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). INT., Jun 2013, Matera, Italy
Conference papers
High or low fructose? Consequences for sugar metabolism in peach fruit8. ISHS International Peach Symposium, Jun 2013, Matera, Italy. 1 p
Conference papers
Application of high throughput genotyping techniques in peach germplasm and breeding lines within the fruitbreedomics project20. Plant and Animal Genome, Jan 2012, San Diego, United States. 1 p
Conference papers
Intégration du côntrole génétique dans les modèlesEcole-chercheurs "Conception d'idéotypes de plante pour l'agriculture durable", Oct 2012, Seillac, France
Conference papers
Compromising NSGA-II performances and stopping criteria: case of virtual peach design4. International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing, META'2012, Oct 2012, Port El-Kantaoiui, Tunisia
Conference papers
Compromising NSGA-II performances and stopping criteria: case of virtual peach designInternational Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Apr 2012, Paris, France. 2 p
Conference papers
The new EU project FruitBreedomics: an integrated approach for increasing breeding efficiency in fruit tree cropsXX. PAG Plant & Animal Genome, Jan 2012, SanDiego, United States. 8 p
Conference papers
Genetic variability description in a wide germplasm of domesticated peach through high throughput genotyping6. Rosaceous Genomics Conference, Sep 2012, Mezzocorona, Italy. 1 p
Conference papers
Méthodes multicritères pour le tri de fruits virtuels13. Congrès Annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision, Apr 2012, Angers, France. 2 p
Conference papers
Mejoramiento genético en el melocotonero: novedades y perspectivas para la resistencia a los bioagresores y la calidad del frutoJornada de Especializacion - Innovacion Varietal en Melocoton, Nectarina y Paragueyo: Actualizacion, Cogullada, Feb 2011, Zaragoza, España
Conference papers
Particle swarm optimization for designing ideotypes for sustainable production systemsICSI 2011: International conference on swarm intelligence, Jun 2011, Cergy, France. 3 p
Conference papers
Heuristic value of a ‘Virtual fruit’ model of peach fruit quality and sensitivity to brown rot9. International Symposium on modelling in Fruit Research and Orchard management, Jun 2011, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Canada. 7 p
Conference papers
Application des algorithmes génétiques pour la conception de systèmes de culture durable12. Congrès annuel de la société française de la recherche opérationnelle et de l'aide à la décision., Mar 2011, Saint-Etienne, France. 2 p
Conference papers
Candidate gene mapping and QTL analysis involved in agronomical and fruit quality traits in Prunus species in the European integrated project ISAFRUITInternational Plant & Animal Genomes Conference, Jan 2010, San Diego, United States
Conference papers
The french peach breeding program (INRA): an integrative approach for pest/disease resistance and fruit quality5. Rosacea Genomics Conference, Nov 2010, Stellenbosch, South Africa. 1p
Conference papers
Analysis of the genetic determinism of phenological traits on Punus fruit species ans its interaction with envirnmental and climatic conditionsInterdisciplinary congress ACCAE "Adapting to climate change : agriculture and ecosystems", Oct 2010, Clermont-Ferrand, France. 2 p
Conference papers
The new EU project FruitBreednomics: an integrated approach for increasing breeding efficiency in fruit tree crops28. International Horticultural Congress, Aug 2010, Lisboa, Portugal
Conference papers
QTL detection for phenological traits within the rosaceae family5. International Rosaceae Genomics Conference, Nov 2010, Stellenbosch, South Africa. 1 p
Conference papers
Vers l'intégration de composantes génétiques dans les modèles en vue de la création d'idéotypesJournées Modélisation du Réseau Qualité du Département EA, Nov 2010, Chateauneuf de Gadagne, France
Conference papers
Acides caféoylquiniques et résistance au MoniliniaRéunion finale HortiBiope, Dec 2010, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Genetic analysis of peach and apricot fruit characters based on QTL analysis and candidate gene28. International Horticultural Congress, Aug 2010, Lisboa, Portugal
Conference papers
The virtual fruit: towards a tool to design ideotypes for substainable production systems11. ESA Congress, Aug 2010, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
QTLs detection for phenological traits within the Rosaceae family.5. Rosaceae Genomic Conference RGC5, Agricultural Research Council (ARC). Cape-Town, ZAF., Nov 2010, Cate-Town, South Africa
Conference papers
QTLs involved in phenological traits in several Prunus species (peach, apricot and sweet cherry)28. International Horticultural Congress, Aug 2010, Lisboa, Portugal
Conference papers
Integrating genetic information into an ecophysiological model: example of peach fruit qualityIndo French Symposium, Jan 2010, Lucknow, India
Conference papers
Monipech: limiter la moniliose en verger en associant génotypes résistants et opérations culturales raisonnées. Quel rôle pour les composés phénoliquesJournées métabolites secondaires, pôle PHI, Apr 2010, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Use of different methodological approaches to study sugar contents in stonefruits28. International Horticultural Congress, Aug 2010, Lisboa, Portugal
Conference papers
Inheritance of fruit flesh phenolic compounds in peach and apricot: identification quantitative variations and QTL comparative mapping28. International Horticultural Congress, Aug 2010, Lisboa, Portugal
Conference papers
Effect of postglacial colonization on genetic architecture of flowering and morphology in A. LyrataAMEGO meeting, Aug 2009, Reykjavik, Iceland
Conference papers
Peach fruit quality : candidate genes or map-based cloning strategy ?7. International Peach Symposium, Jun 2009, Lleida, Spain. 1 p
Conference papers
Study of the genetic basis of Prunus fruit quality on two apricot and two peach populations14. International Symposium, Jun 2008, Matera, Italy
Conference papers
Towards the use of modelling in genetic improvement: example of peach fruit quality1. International Symposium on Horticulture in Europe, Feb 2008, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
ISAFRUIT IP project. Genetic and molecular bases of peach and apricot fruit quality14. International Symposium, Jun 2008, Matera, Italy
Conference papers
ISAFRUIT. Study of the genetic basis of Prunus fruit quality in two peach and two apricot populations12. Eucarpia Symposium on Fruit Breeding and Genetics, Sep 2007, Zaragoza, Spain
Conference papers
ISAFRUIT: Map saturation of the advanced BC2 population peach x P. davidiana12. Eucarpia Symposium on Fruit Breeding and Genetics, Sep 2007, Zaragoza, Spain. 1p
Conference papers
ISAfruit ip project - genetic and molecular bases of peach and apricot fruit quality12. Eucarpia Symposium on Fruit Breeding and Genetics, Sep 2007, Zaragoza, Spain
Conference papers
Profils métaboliques de la pêche et de l’abricot pour l’étude des bases génétiques de la qualité des fruits de Prunus dans le projet européen Isafruit2. Journées Scientifiques du Réseau Français de Métabolomique et Fluxomique, Dec 2006, Saint Sauves d'Auvergne, France
Conference papers
Combining ecophysiological and genetic models to analyse peach organoleptic quality6. International peach symposium, Jan 2005, Santiago du Chili, Chile
Conference papers
Modélisation de l'élaboration des performances agronomiques sous l'influence du milieu, des techniques, du génotype. La qualité des pêches et sa variabilité. DiaporamaProduction Fruitière Intégrée, Jan 2005, Paris, France. 10 p
Conference papers
A virtual fruit to analyse the genetic variability of quality traits. DiaporamaInternational workshop, Jul 2004, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Conference papers
A virtual fruit to analyse the genetic variability of quality traitsInternational workshop, Jul 2004, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Conference papers
Genetic analysis of major fruit quality components in peach. Comparison with apricot (résumé) |