Essential mineral elements in roe deer: Associations with parasites and immune phenotypes in two contrasting populations
Léa Bariod
Sonia Saïd
Clément Calenge
Renaud Scheifler
Clémentine Fritsch
Journal articles
Minor and trace element concentrations in roe deer hair: A non-invasive method to define reference values in wildlife
Amandine Herrada
Léa Bariod
Sonia Saïd
Benjamin Rey
Hervé Bidault
Journal articles
Environmental pollution and nutritional quality modulate immune response of the wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) through hormonal disturbances
Quentin Devalloir
Clémentine Fritsch
Yara Alchammas
Francis Raoul
Vincent Driget
Journal articles
Effects of chronic exposure to toxic metals on haematological parameters in free-ranging small mammals
Thibaut Powolny
Renaud Scheifler
Francis Raoul
Michaël Coeurdassier
Clémentine Fritsch
Journal articles
Pervasive exposure of wild small mammals to legacy and currently used pesticide mixtures in arable landscapes
Clémentine Fritsch
Brice Appenzeller
Louisiane Burkart
Michael Coeurdassier
Renaud Scheifler
Journal articles
Vegetation shapes aboveground invertebrate communities more than soil properties and pollution: a preliminary investigation on a metal-contaminated site
Shinji Ozaki
Clémentine C Fritsch
Frédéric Mora
Thierry Cornier
Renaud Scheifler
Journal articles
Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contents in micro-volumes of the whole blood and liver of Red Kite by a simplified GC-MS/MS method
Nadia Morin-Crini
Renaud Scheifler
Caroline Amiot
Romain Riols
Michael Coeurdassier
Journal articles
How Do Richness and Composition of Diet Shape Trace Metal Exposure in a Free-Living Generalist Rodent, Apodemus sylvaticus
Shinji Ozaki
Clémentine Fritsch
Benoît Valot
Frédéric Mora
Thierry Cornier
Journal articles
Is blood a reliable indicator of trace metal concentrations in organs of small mammals?
Thibaut Powolny
Renaud Scheifler
Francis Raoul
Clémentine Fritsch
Journal articles
Trace metals from historical mining sites and past metallurgical activity remain bioavailable to wildlife today.
Estelle Camizuli
Renaud Scheifler
Stéphane Garnier
Fabrice Monna
Rémi Losno
Journal articles
Le programme « Identification et impact des sites miniers abandonnés sur les écosystèmes aquatiques et terrestres actuels » : Bilan au sein du Parc naturel régional du Morvan
Estelle Camizuli
Fabrice Monna
Paul Alibert
Pauline Beis
Alain A. Bermond
Cahiers scientifiques du Parc naturel régional du Morvan, 2018, 12 (12), pp.90-102
Journal articles
Does pollution influence small mammal diet in the field? A metabarcoding approach in a generalist consumer
Shinji Ozaki
Clémentine Fritsch
Benoît Valot
Frédéric Mora
Renaud Scheifler
Journal articles
A full life-cycle bioassay with Cantareus aspersus shows reproductive effects of a glyphosate-based herbicide suggesting potential endocrine disruption
Coline Druart
Frédéric Gimbert
Renaud Scheifler
Annette De Vaufleury
Journal articles
Multi-Element Analysis of Blood Samples in a Passerine Species: Excesses and Deficiencies of Trace Elements in an Urbanization Study
Juliette Bailly
Bruno Faivre
Nadine Bernard
Mickaël Sage
Nadia Crini
Journal articles
Is the lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros) exposed to causes that may have contributed to its decline? A non-invasive approach
Eve Afonso
Pierline Tournant
Jean-Christophe Foltête
Patrick Giraudoux
Pierre-Emmanuel Baurand
Journal articles
Negative impact of urban habitat on immunity in the great tit Parus major.
Juliette Bailly
Renaud Scheifler
Marie Belvalette
Stéphane Garnier
Elena Boissier
Journal articles
Prediction of Extractable Cd, Pb and Zn in Contaminated Woody Habitat Soils Using a Change Point Detection Method
Christophe Waterlot
Christelle Pruvot
Géraldine Bidar
Clémentine Fritsch
Annette De Vaufleury
Journal articles
From eggs to fledging: negative impact of urban habitat on reproduction in two tit species.
Juliette Bailly
Renaud Scheifler
Sarah Berthe
Valérie-Anne Clément-Demange
Matthieu Leblond
Journal articles
Blood parameters as biomarkers of cadmium and lead exposure and effects in wild wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) living along a pollution gradient
Nicolas Tête
Eve Afonso
Ghada Bouguerra
Renaud Scheifler
Journal articles
Differential Expression of Metallothionein Isoforms in Terrestrial Snail Embryos Reflects Early Life Stage Adaptation to Metal Stress
Pierre-Emmanuel Baurand
Veronika Pedrini-Martha
Annette De Vaufleury
Michael Niederwanger
Nicolas Capelli
Journal articles
Predicting As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn levels in grasses (Agrostis sp and Poa sp.) and stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) applying soil-plant transfer models
Magdalena Boshoff
Maarten de Jonge
Renaud Scheifler
Lieven Bervoets
Journal articles
An assessment of the embryotoxicity of cadmium in the terrestrial mollusk Cantareus aspersus: From bioaccumulation to impacts at different levels of biological organization.
Pierre-Emmanuel Baurand
Nicolas Capelli
Renaud Scheifler
Annette De Vaufleury
Journal articles
Impact des anciens sites miniers et métallurgiques sur les ecosystemes actuels -synthèse des principaux résultats
Estelle Camizuli
Fabrice Monna
Paul Alibert
Pauline Beis
Alain Bermond
Journal articles
Hair as a noninvasive tool for risk assessment: do the concentrations of cadmium and lead in the hair of wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) reflect internal concentrations?
Nicolas Tête
Eve Afonso
Nadia Crini
Séverine Drouhot
Anne-Sophie Prudent
Journal articles
Unintentional Wildlife Poisoning and Proposals for Sustainable Management of Rodents
Michael Coeurdassier
Romain Riols
Anouk Decors
Aymeric Mionnet
Fabienne David
Journal articles
Impact of trace metals from past mining on the aquatic ecosystem: a multi-proxy approach in the Morvan (France).
Estelle Camizuli
Fabrice Monna
Renaud Scheifler
Philippe Amiotte-Suchet
Rémi Losno
Journal articles
Histopathology related to cadmium and lead bioaccumulation in chronically exposed wood mice, Apodemus sylvaticus, around a former smelter.
Nicolas Tête
Mercè Durfort
Dominique Rieffel
Renaud Scheifler
Alejandro Sánchez-Chardi
Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 481, pp.167-77
Journal articles
Coupling of random amplified polymorphic DNA profiles analysis and high resolution capillary electrophoresis system for the assessment of chemical genotoxicity.
Pierre-Emmanuel Baurand
Annette De Vaufleury
Renaud Scheifler
Nicolas Capelli
Journal articles
Breeding performance of blue tits (Cyanistes cæruleus ultramarinus) in relation to lead pollution and nest failure rates in rural, intermediate, and urban sites in Algeria.
Zahra Brahmia
Renaud Scheifler
Nadia Crini
Samuel Maas
Patrick Giraudoux
Journal articles
Urbanization, trace metal pollution, and malaria prevalence in the house sparrow.
Coraline Bichet
Renaud Scheifler
Michael Coeurdassier
Romain Julliard
Gabriele Sorci
Journal articles
Responses of wild small mammals to arsenic pollution at a partially remediated mining site in Southern France.
Séverine Drouhot
Francis Raoul
Nadia Crini
Christelle Tougard
Anne-Sophie Prudent
Journal articles
Can Body Condition and Somatic Indices be Used to Evaluate Metal-Induced Stress in Wild Small Mammals?
Nicolas Tête
Clémentine Fritsch
Eve Afonso
Michael Coeurdassier
Jean-Claude Lambert
Journal articles
Partitioning of Cd and Pb in the blood of European blackbirds (Turdus merula) from a smelter contaminated site and use for biomonitoring.
Michael Coeurdassier
Clémentine Fritsch
Bruno Faivre
Nadia Crini
Renaud Scheifler
Journal articles
Influence of landscape composition and diversity on contaminant flux in terrestrial food webs: A case study of trace metal transfer to European blackbirds Turdus merula.
Clémentine Fritsch
Michael Coeurdassier
Bruno Faivre
Pierre-Emmanuel Baurand
Patrick Giraudoux
Journal articles
Landsnail eggs bioassays: A new tool to assess embryotoxicity of contaminants in the solid, liquid or gaseous phase of soil
Coline Druart
Renaud Scheifler
Maurice Millet
Annette De Vaufleury
Journal articles
The diet of migrant Red Kites Milvus milvus during a Water Vole Arvicola terrestris outbreak in eastern France and the associated risk of secondary poisoning by the rodenticide bromadiolone
Michael Coeurdassier
Claire Poirson
Jean-Philippe Paul
Dominique Rieffel
Dominique Michelat
Journal articles
Investigations of responses to metal pollution in land snail populations (Cantareus aspersus and Cepaea nemoralis) from a smelter-impacted area.
Clémentine Fritsch
Michael Coeurdassier
Frédéric Gimbert
Nadia Crini
Renaud Scheifler
Journal articles
Glyphosate and glufosinate-based herbicides: fate in soil, transfer to, and effects on land snails
Coline Druart
Maurice Millet
Renaud Scheifler
Olivier Delhomme
Annette De Vaufleury
Journal articles
Use of chemical methods to assess Cd and Pb bioavailability to the snail Cantareus aspersus: A first attempt taking into account soil characteristics
B. Pauget
F. Gimbert
Michel Coeurdassier
R. Scheifler
A. de Vaufleury
Journal articles
Spatially explicit analysis of metal transfer to biota: influence of soil contamination and landscape.
Clémentine Fritsch
Michael Coeurdassier
Patrick Giraudoux
Francis Raoul
Francis Douay
Journal articles
Wild brown trout affected by historical mining in the Cévennes national park, France.
Fabrice Monna
Estelle Camizuli
P. Revelli
C. Biville
C. Thomas
Journal articles
Use of chemical methods to assess Cd and Pb bioavailability to the snail Cantareus aspersus: A first attempt taking into account soil characteristics
Benjamin Pauget
Frédéric Gimbert
Michael Coeurdassier
R. Scheifler
Annette De Vaufleury
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 192 (3), pp.1804-1811
Journal articles
Chemical extractions and predicted free ion activities fail to estimate metal transfer from soil to field land snails.
Brice Mourier
Clémentine Fritsch
Elie Dhivert
Frédéric Gimbert
Michael Coeurdassier
Journal articles
Growth and metal accumulation in Porcellio scaber exposed to poplar litter from Cd-, Pb-, and Zn-contaminated sites.
Jean-Philippe Godet
Sylvain Demuynck
Christophe Waterlot
Sébastien Lemière
Catherine Souty-Grosset
Journal articles
Snails as indicators of pesticide drift, deposit, transfer and effects in the vineyard
Coline Druart
Maurice Millet
Renaud Scheifler
Olivier Delhomme
Caroline Raeppel
Journal articles
Spatial distribution of metals in smelter-impacted soils of woody habitats: Influence of landscape and soil properties, and risk for wildlife.
Clémentine Fritsch
Patrick Giraudoux
Michael Coeurdassier
Francis Douay
Francis Raoul
Journal articles
Towards the development of an embryotoxicity bioassay with terrestrial snails: Screening approach for cadmium and pesticides
Coline Druart
Renaud Scheifler
Annette De Vaufleury
Journal articles
Spatial distribution of heavy metal concentrations in urban, suburban and agricultural soils in a Mediterranean city of Algeria
Samuel Maas
Renaud Scheifler
Mohamed Benslama
Nadia Crini
Eric Lucot
Journal articles
Responses of wild small mammals to a pollution gradient: Host factors influence metal and metallothionein levels.
Clémentine Fritsch
Richard P. Cosson
Michael Coeurdassier
Francis Raoul
Patrick Giraudoux
Journal articles
Arsenic transfer and impacts on snails exposed to stabilized and untreated As-contaminated soils.
Michael Coeurdassier
R. Scheifler
M. Mench
N. Crini
J. Vangronsveld
Journal articles
Utilisation et intérêt des escargots et des micromammifères pour la bioindication de la qualité des sols.
Annette De Vaufleury
Clémentine Fritsch
Frédéric Gimbert
Benjamin Pauget
Michael Coeurdassier
Étude et Gestion des Sols, 2009, 16 (3), pp.203-217
Journal articles
Contamination of woody habitat soils around a former lead smelter in the North of France.
F. Douay
C. Pruvot
C. Waterlot
C. Fritsch
H. Fourrier
Journal articles
Effects of subchronic digestive exposure to organic or inorganic cadmium on biomarkers in rat tissues.
F. Hispard
Annette De Vaufleury
H. Martin
S. Devaux
R. P. Cosson
Journal articles
Long-term responses of snails exposed to cadmium-contaminated soils in a partial life-cycle experiment.
Frédéric Gimbert
Annette De Vaufleury
Francis Douay
Renaud Scheifler
Michael Coeurdassier
Journal articles
Metal distribution and metallothionein induction after cadmium exposure in the terrestrial snail Helix aspersa (Gastropoda, Pulmonata).
Florian Hispard
Dietmar Schuler
Annette De Vaufleury
Renaud Scheifler
Pierre-Marie Badot
Journal articles
Biotic interactions modify the transfer of cesium-137 in a soil-earthworm-plant-snail food web.
Clémentine Fritsch
Renaud Scheifler
Karine Beaugelin
Philippe Hubert
Michael Coeurdassier
Journal articles
Small mammal assemblages and habitat distribution in the northern Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, China: a pilot survey
Patrick Giraudoux
Hongxia Zhou
Jean-Pierre Quere
Francis Raoul
Pierre Delattre
Journal articles
Comparison of transfer and effects of Cd on rats exposed in a short experimental snail-rat food chain or to CdCl2 dosed food.
F. Hispard
Annette De Vaufleury
R. P. Cosson
R. Scheifler
Michael Coeurdassier
Journal articles
How subcellular partitioning can help to understand heavy metal accumulation and elimination kinetics in snails.
Frédéric Gimbert
Martina G Vijver
Michael Coeurdassier
Renaud Scheifler
Willie J G M Peijnenburg
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2008, 27 (6), pp.1284-92. ⟨10.1897/07-503⟩
Journal articles
Earthworms influence metal transfer from soil to snails
Michael Coeurdassier
Renaud Scheifler
Annette De Vaufleury
Nadia Crini
Clarisse Saccomani
Applied Soil Ecology, 2007, 35, pp.302-310
Journal articles
Earthworms influence metal transfer from soil to snails
Michael Coeurdassier
Renaud Scheifler
Annette de Vaufleury
Nadia Crini
C. Saccomani
Journal articles
Jérôme Cortet
Richard Joffre
Susanne Elmholt
Michael Coeurdassier
Renaud Scheifler
Journal articles
Lead concentrations in feathers and blood of common blackbirds (Turdus merula) and in earthworms inhabiting unpolluted and moderately polluted urban areas.
Renaud Scheifler
Michael Coeurdassier
C. Morilhat
N. Bernard
Bruno Faivre
Journal articles
How terrestrial snails can be used in risk assessment of soils.
Annette De Vaufleury
Michael Coeurdassier
Pascal Pandard
Renaud Scheifler
Christiane Lovy
Journal articles
Modelling chronic exposure to contaminated soil: a toxicokinetic approach with the terrestrial snail Helix aspersa.
Frédéric Gimbert
Annette De Vaufleury
Francis Douay
Renaud Scheifler
Michael Coeurdassier
Journal articles
Transfer of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn in a soil-plant-invertebrate food chain: a microcosm study.
Renaud Scheifler
Annette De Vaufleury
Michael Coeurdassier
Nadia Crini
Pierre-Marie Badot
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2006, 25 (3), pp.815-22
Journal articles
Transfer of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn in a soil-plant-invertebrate food chain: A microcosm study
Renaud Scheifler
Annette de Vaufleury
Michael Coeurdassier
Nadia Crini
Pierre-Marie Badot
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2006, 25 (3), pp.815-822
Journal articles
Distribution of small mammals in a pastoral landscape of the Tibetan plateaus (Western Sichuan, China) and relationship with grazing practices
Francis Raoul
J. P. Quéré
Dominique Rieffel
Nadine Bernard
Kenichi Takahashi
Mammalia, 2006, 3-4, pp.214-225
Journal articles
Assessment of whole effluent toxicity on aquatic snails: Bioaccumulation of Cr, Zn, and Fe, and individual effects in bioassays
Michael Coeurdassier
Annette de Vaufleury
Nadia Crini
Renaud Scheifler
Pierre-Marie Badot
Journal articles
Mercury concentrations in king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) feathers at Crozet Islands (sub-Antarctic): temporal trend between 1966-1974 and 2000-2001.
Renaud Scheifler
Michel Gauthier-Clerc
Françoise Le Bohec
Nadia Crini
Michael Coeurdassier
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2005, 24 (1), pp.125-128
Journal articles
Mercury concentrations in king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) feathers at Crozet Islands (sub-Antarctic): temporal trend between 1966--1974 and 2000--2001.
Renaud Scheifler
Michel Gauthier-Clerc
Céline Le Bohec
Nadia Crini
Michael Coeurdassier
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2005, 24 (1), pp.125-8
Journal articles
Assessment of whole effluent toxicity on aquatic snails: bioaccumulation of Cr, Zn, and Fe, and individual effects in bioassays.
Michael Coeurdassier
Annette De Vaufleury
Nadia Crini
Renaud Scheifler
Pierre-Marie Badot
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2005, 24 (1), pp.198-204
Journal articles
Mercury concentrations in king penguin ( Aptenodytes patagonicus ) feathers at Crozet Islands (sub‐Antarctic): Temporal trend between 1966–1974 and 2000–2001
Renaud Scheifler
Michel Gauthier-Clerc
Céline Le Bohec
Nadia Crini
Michaël Coeurdassier
Journal articles
Effects of cadmium on the survival of three life-stages of the freshwater pulmonate Lymnaea stagnalis (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
Michael Coeurdassier
Annette de Vaufleury
Renaud Scheifler
E. Morhain
Pierre-Marie Badot
Journal articles
Effects of cadmium on the survival of three life-stages of the freshwater pulmonate Lymnaea stagnalis (Mollusca: Gastropoda).
Michael Coeurdassier
Annette De Vaufleury
R. Scheifler
E. Morhain
P. M. Badot
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2004, 72 (5), pp.1083-90
Journal articles
Effets environnementaux des épandages de boues de stations d'épuration en plantation de pin maritime
Mohammed Benbrahim
Laurence Denaix
Jean-Michel Carnus
Jean Timbal
Jean-Claude Chossat
Dossiers de l'Environnement de l'INRA, 2004, 25, pp.95-106
Journal articles
"Nonavailable" soil cadmium is bioavailable to snails: evidence from isotopic dilution experiments.
Renaud Scheifler
Christophe Schwartz
Guillaume Echevarria
Annette De Vaufleury
Pierre-Marie Badot
Journal articles