Modeling rainfall-induced landslide using the concept of local factor of safety: Uncertainty propagation and sensitivity analysis
Rashad Abbasov
Marwan Fahs
Anis Younes
Hossein Nowamooz
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Journal articles
Simulated Slidequakes: Insights From DEM Simulations Into the High‐Frequency Seismic Signal Generated by Geophysical Granular Flows
M. Arran
A. Mangeney
J. de Rosny
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Drainage explains soil liquefaction beyond the earthquake near-field
Shahar Ben-Zeev
Liran Goren
Renaud Toussaint
Einat Aharonov
Journal articles
Acoustic emissions of nearly steady and uniform granular flows: A proxy for flow dynamics and velocity fluctuations
Vincent Bachelet
Anne Mangeney
Renaud Toussaint
Julien de Rosny
Mattew I. Arran
Journal articles
Statistical implications of the n = 1 observation of 1I/‘Oumuamua
Eirik Grude Flekkøy
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
A simplified pore-scale model for slow drainage including film-flow effects
Paula Reis
Marcel Moura
Gaute Linga
Per Arne Rikvold
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Visualization by optical fluorescence of two-phase flow in a three-dimensional porous medium
Joachim Falck Brodin
Marcel Moura
Renaud Toussaint
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Per Arne Rikvold
Journal articles
Continuous to intermittent flows in growing granular heaps
L. Alonso-Llanes
E. Martínez
A. Batista-Leyva
Renaud Toussaint
E. Altshuler
Journal articles
Scaling analysis, correlation length and compaction estimates of natural and simulated stylolites
D. Köehn
S. Köehler
Renaud Toussaint
I. Ghani
H. Stollhofen
Journal articles
Competing Gravitational and Viscous Effects in 3D Two-Phase Flow Investigated With a Table-Top Optical Scanner
Joachim Falck Brodin
Per Arne Rikvold
Marcel Moura
Renaud Toussaint
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Journal articles
Stable and unstable capillary fingering in porous media with a gradient in grain size
Tom Vincent-Dospital
Marcel Moura
Renaud Toussaint
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Journal articles
Sink versus tilt penetration into shaken dry granular matter: The role of the foundation
L. Alonso-Llanes
G. Sánchez-Colina
A J Batista-Leyva
C. Clément
E. Altshuler
Journal articles
Outcrop scale mixing enhanced by permeability variations: the role of stationary and travelling waves of high saturation indices
Daniel Koehn
Ulrich Kelka
Renaud Toussaint
Coralie Siegel
Gary Mullen
Geological Magazine, 2022, Faults and fractures in rocks: mechanics, occurrence, dating, stress history and fluid flow, 159 (11-12), pp.2279-2292. ⟨10.1017/S001675682200070X⟩
Journal articles
Frictional anisotropy of 3D-printed fault surfaces
Tom Vincent-Dospital
Alain Steyer
François Renard
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Burst Dynamics, Upscaling and Dissipation of Slow Drainage in Porous Media
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Marcel Moura
Alex Hansen
Eirik Grude Flekkøy
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Thermo-mechanical pain: the signaling role of heat dissipation in biological tissues
Tom Vincent-Dospital
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Heat emitting damage in skin: a thermal pathway for mechanical algesia
Tom Vincent-Dospital
Renaud Toussaint
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Journal articles
Thermally activated intermittent dynamics of creeping crack fronts along disordered interfaces
Tom Vincent-Dospital
Alain Cochard
Stéphane Santucci
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Thermal dissipation as both the strength and weakness of matter. A material failure prediction by monitoring creep.
Tom Vincent-Dospital
Renaud Toussaint
Alain Cochard
Eirik G. Flekkøy
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Journal articles
Thermal dissipation as both the strength and weakness of matter. A material failure prediction by monitoring creep.
Tom Vincent-Dospital
Renaud Toussaint
Alain Cochard
Eirik G. Flekkøy
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Journal articles
3D Printing in Geology and Geophysics: A New World of Opportunities in Research, Outreach, and Education
Christodoulos Kyriakopoulos
Nicolas C Barth
Paula Koelemeijer
Jeff Winterbourne
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
The slip deficit on the North Anatolian Fault (Turkey) in the Marmara Sea: insights from paleoseismicity, seismicity and geodetic data
M. Meghraoui
Renaud Toussaint
M. E Aksoy
Journal articles
Relative rates of fluid advection, elemental diffusion and replacement govern reaction front patterns
Daniel Koehn
Sandra Piazolo
Nicolas Beaudoin
Ulrich Kelka
Liene Spruženiece
Journal articles
Frictional Anisotropy of 3D-Printed Fault Surfaces
Tom Vincent-Dospital
Alain Steyer
François Renard
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Intermittent Dynamics of Slow Drainage Experiments in Porous Media: Characterization Under Different Boundary Conditions
Marcel Moura
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Eirik Grude Flekkøy
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
How heat controls fracture: the thermodynamics of creeping and avalanching cracks
Tom Vincent-Dospital
Renaud Toussaint
Stéphane Santucci
Loïc Vanel
Daniel Bonamy
Journal articles
Dissolution Phase Diagram in Radial Geometry
Le Xu
Piotr Szymczak
Renaud Toussaint
Eirik G. Flekkøy
Knut J. Måløy
Journal articles
’Oumuamua as a Cometary Fractal Aggregate: The “Dust Bunny” Model
Jane X. Luu
Eirik G. Flekkøy
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Thermal weakening of cracks and brittle-ductile transition of matter: A phase model
Tom Vincent-Dospital
Renaud Toussaint
Alain Cochard
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Eirik Flekkøy
Journal articles
'Oumuamua as a Cometary Fractal Aggregate: the "Dust Bunny" Model
Jane X Luu
Eirik G Flekkøy
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Gravitational and Finite‐Size Effects On Pressure Saturation Curves During Drainage
Monem Ayaz
Renaud Toussaint
Gerhard Schäfer
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Journal articles
Fracturing and Porosity Channeling in Fluid Overpressure Zones in the Shallow Earth’s Crust
Daniel Koehn
Sandra Piazolo
Till Sachau
Renaud Toussaint
Geofluids, 2020, Structural Controls on Basin- and Crustal-Scale Fluid Flow and Resulting Mineral Reactions, 2020, pp.7621759. ⟨10.1155/2020/7621759⟩
Journal articles
Compaction front and pore fluid pressurization in horizontally shaken drained granular layers
Shahar Ben Zeev
Einat Aharonov
Renaud Toussaint
Stanislav Parez
Liran Goren
Journal articles
Mechanical instability of saturated soils sampled in the Oran coast, Algeria.
Mohammed Bousmaha
Mohamed Bensoula
Renaud Toussaint
Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures, 2020, 7 (1), pp.5-14
Journal articles
Simulating Hydraulic Fracturing: Failure in Soft Versus Hard Rocks
Janis Aleksans
Daniel Koehn
Renaud Toussaint
G. Daniel
Journal articles
Gravitational and Finite‐Size Effects On Pressure Saturation Curves During Drainage
Monem Ayaz
Renaud Toussaint
Gerhard Schafer
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Journal articles
Fracturing and Porosity Channeling in Fluid Overpressure Zones in the Shallow Earth’s Crust
Daniel Koehn
Sandra Piazolo
Till Sachau
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Compaction front and pore fluid pressurization in horizontally shaken drained granular layers
Shahar Ben-Zeev
Einat Aharonov
Renaud Toussaint
Stanislav Parez
Liran Goren
Journal articles
Dissolution Phase Diagram in Radial Geometry
Le Xu
Piotr Szymczak
Renaud Toussaint
Eirik Flekkøy
Knut Måløy
Journal articles
Thermally activated crack fronts propagating in pinning disorder: simultaneous brittle/creep behavior depending on scale
Alain Cochard
Olivier Lengliné
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Renaud Toussaint
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences (1934–1990), 2019, 377 (2136), pp.20170399. ⟨10.1098/rsta.2017.0399⟩
Journal articles
Source Localization of Microseismic Emissions During Pneumatic Fracturing
Antoine L. Turquet
Renaud Toussaint
Fredrik Kvalheim Eriksen
Guillaume Daniel
Olivier Lengliné
Journal articles
Connectivity enhancement due to film flow in porous media
Marcel Moura
Eirik Grude Flekkøy
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Gerhard Schafer
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
The interstellar object 'Oumuamua as a fractal dust aggregate
Eirik G. Flekkøy
Jane Luu
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Thermally activated crack fronts propagating in pinning disorder: simultaneous brittle/creep behavior depending on scale
Alain Cochard
Olivier Lengliné
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Renaud Toussaint
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences (1934–1990), 2019
Journal articles
Avalanches and extreme value statistics in interfacial crackling dynamics
Stéphane Santucci
Ken Tore Tallakstad
Luiza Angheluta
Lasse Laurson
Renaud Toussaint
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences (1934–1990), 2019, 377 (2136), pp.20170394. ⟨10.1098/rsta.2017.0394⟩
Journal articles
Relations between the characteristics of granular column collapses and resultant high‐frequency seismic signals
Maxime Farin
Anne Mangeney
Julien de Rosny
Renaud Toussaint
Phuong-Thu Trinh
Journal articles
Experimental Observation of Dissolution Finger Growth in Radial Geometry
Le Xu
Piotr Szymczak
Renaud Toussaint
Eirik Grude Flekkøy
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Journal articles
Intermittent dynamics of slow drainage experiments in porous media: characterization under different boundary conditions
Marcel Moura
Knut Jørgen J Måløy
Eirik Grude Flekkøy
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Dispersion in Fractures With Ramified Dissolution Patterns
Le Xu
Benjy Marks
Renaud Toussaint
Eirik G. Flekkøy
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Journal articles
Pattern formation of frictional fingers in a gravitational potential
Jon Alm Eriksen
Renaud Toussaint
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Eirik G. Flekkøy
Olivier Galland
Journal articles
Microseismic Emissions During Pneumatic Fracturing: A Numerical Model to Explain the Experiments
Antoine Léo Turquet
Renaud Toussaint
Fredrik Kvalheim Eriksen
Guillaume Daniel
Daniel Koehn
Journal articles
Elastic wave generated by granular impact on rough and erodible surfaces
Vincent Bachelet
Anne Mangeney
Julien de Rosny
Renaud Toussaint
Maxime Farin
Journal articles
Stylolites: A review
Renaud Toussaint
E. Aharonov
D. Koehn
P. Gratier
M. Ebner
Journal articles
Sinking during earthquakes: Critical acceleration criteria control drained soil liquefaction
Cécile Clément
Renaud Toussaint
Menka Stojanova
Einat Aharonov
C. Clement
Journal articles
Pressure evolution and deformation of confined granular media during pneumatic fracturing
Fredrik Kvalheim Eriksen
Renaud Toussaint
Antoine Léo Turquet
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Eirik Grude Flekkøy
Journal articles
Link Between the Dynamics of Granular Flows and the Generated Seismic Signal: Insights From Laboratory Experiments
Maxime Farin
Anne Mangeney
Julien De rosny
Renaud Toussaint
Phuong-Thu Trinh
Journal articles
Avalanches and extreme value statistics in interfacial crackling dynamics
Stéphane Santucci
Ken Tore Tallakstad
Luiza Angheluta
Lasse Laurson
Renaud Toussaint
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences (1934–1990), 2018
Journal articles
Onsager symmetry from mesoscopic time reversibility and the hydrodynamic dispersion tensor for coarse-grained systems
Eirik G. Flekkøy
Steven R Pride
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
The Al Hoceima earthquake sequence of 1994, 2004 and 2016: Stress transfer and poroelasticity in the Rif and Alboran Sea region
J Kariche
M Meghraoui
Y Timoulali
E Cetin
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Critical behavior in porous media flow
Marcel Moura
Knut J. Måløy
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Verification of a Dynamic Scaling for the Pair Correlation Function during the Slow Drainage of a Porous Medium
Marcel Moura
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Eirik Grude Flekkøy
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Pneumatic fractures in confined granular media
Fredrik K. Eriksen
Renaud Toussaint
Antoine L. Turquet
Knut J. Måløy
Eirik G. Flekkøy
Journal articles
Two-phase Lattice Boltzmann modelling of streaming potentials: influence of the air–water interface on the electrokinetic coupling
Eve-Agnès Fiorentino
Renaud Toussaint
Laurence Jouniaux
Journal articles
The Combined Effect of Buoyancy and Excess Pore Pressure in Facilitating Soil Liquefaction
Shahar Ben Zeev
Liran Goren
Stanislav Parez
Renaud Toussaint
Cécile Clement
Journal articles
Impact of stylolites on the mechanical strength of limestone
Patrick Baud
Alexandra Rolland
Michael Heap
Tao Xu
Marion Nicolé
Journal articles
How cracks are hot and cool: a burning issue for paper
Renaud Toussaint
Olivier Lengliné
Stéphane Santucci
Tom Vincent-Dospital
Muriel Naert-Guillot
Journal articles
Lattice Boltzmann modelling of streaming potentials: variations with salinity in monophasic conditions
Eve-Agnès Fiorentino
Renaud Toussaint
Laurence Jouniaux
Journal articles
Editorial: Flow and Transformation in Porous Media
Bjørnar Sandnes
Daniel Koehn
Renaud Toussaint
Piotr Szymczak
Einat Aharonov
Journal articles
Experimental validation of theoretical methods to estimate the energy radiated by elastic waves during an impact
Maxime Farin
Anne Mangeney
Julien De Rosny
Renaud Toussaint
Jacques Sainte-Marie
Journal articles
Note: Localization based on estimated source energy homogeneity
Semih Turkaya
Renaud Toussaint
Fredrik Kvalheim Eriksen
Olivier Lengliné
Guillaume Daniel
Journal articles
Unsteady granular flows down an inclined plane
Stanislav Parez
Einat Aharonov
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Geometrical evolution of interlocked rough slip surfaces: The role of normal stress
Nir Badt
Yossef H. Hatzor
Renaud Toussaint
Amir Sagy
Journal articles
Intruder penetration in granular matter studied by Lock-in accelerometry
L Alonso-Llanes
G Sanchez-Colina
E Martínez
A J Batista-Leyva
Renaud Toussaint
Revista Cubana de Fisica, 2016, 33 (2), pp.95-97
Journal articles
Dynamics of hydrofracturing and permeability evolution in layered reservoirs
Irfan Ghani
Daniel Koehn
Renaud Toussaint
Cees W Passchier
Journal articles
Invasion patterns during two-phase flow in deformable porous media
Fredrik K Eriksen
Renaud Toussaint
K.J. Maloy
Eirik Grude Flekkøy
Journal articles
Bridging aero-fracture evolution with the characteristics of the acoustic emissions in a porous medium
Semih Turkaya
Renaud Toussaint
Fredrik K Eriksen
Megan Zecevic
Guillaume Daniel
Journal articles
Numerical approach to frictional fingers
Jon Alm Eriksen
Renaud Toussaint
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Eirik Flekkøy
Bjørnar Sandnes
Journal articles
Bubbles breaking the wall: Two-dimensional stress and stability analysis
Jon Alm Eriksen
Benjy Marks
Bjørnar Sandnes
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Characterization of rockfalls from seismic signal: insights from laboratory experiments
Maxime Farin
Anne Mangeney
Renaud Toussaint
Julien de Rosny
Nikolai Shapiro
Journal articles
Experimental validation of theoretical methods to estimate the energy radiated by elastic waves during an impact
Maxime Farin
Anne Mangeney
Julien de Rosny
Renaud Toussaint
Jacques Sainte-Marie
Journal articles
Direct velocity measurement of a turbulent shear flow in a planar Couette cell
Michael Niebling
Ken Tore Tallakstad
Renaud Toussaint
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Journal articles
Sedimentary stylolite networks and connectivity in Limestone: Large-scale field observations and implications for structure evolution
Leehee Laronne Ben-Itzhak
Einat Aharonov
Ziv Karcz
Maor Kaduri
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
The importance of fracture-healing on the deformation of fluid-filled layered systems
Anna Vass
Daniel Koehn
Irfan Ghani
Sandra Piazolo
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Self-induced seismicity due to fluid circulation along faults
Hideo Aochi
Blanche Poisson
Renaud Toussaint
Xavier Rachez
Jean Schmittbuhl
Journal articles
The non-Gaussian nature of fracture and the survival of fat-tail exponents
Ken Tore Tallakstad
Renaud Toussaint
Stéphane Santucci
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Journal articles
Influence of asperities on fluid and thermal flow in a fracture: a coupled Lattice Boltzmann study
Amélie Neuville
Eirik Grude Flekkøy
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Flow regime associated with vertical secondary migration
Guy Vasseur
Luo Xiaorong
Jianzhao Yan
Didier Loggia
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Morphological analysis of stylolites for paleostress estimation in limestones surrounding the Andra Underground Research Laboratory site
Alexandra Rolland
Renaud Toussaint
Patrick Baud
Nathalie Conil
Philippe Landrein
Journal articles
Dynamic Development of Hydrofracture
Irfan Ghani
Daniel Koehn
Renaud Toussaint
C. W. Passchier
Journal articles
Fracture aperture reconstruction and determination of hydrological properties: a case study at Draix (French Alps)
Amélie Neuville
Renaud Toussaint
Jean Schmittbuhl
Journal articles
Modeling the growth of stylolites in sedimentary rocks
Alexandra Rolland
Renaud Toussaint
Patrick Baud
Jean Schmittbuhl
Nathalie Conil
Journal of Geophysical Research, 2012, 117, pp.B06403
Journal articles
Laboratory experiments on DNAPL gravity fingering in water-saturated porous media
Khalifa Nsir
Gerhard Schäfer
Raphaël Di Chiara Roupert
Olivier Razakarisoa
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Characterization of major discontinuities from borehole cores of the black consolidated marl formation of Draix (French Alps)
Amélie Neuville
Renaud Toussaint
Jean Schmittbuhl
Daniel Koehn
Jens Oliver Schwarz
Journal articles
Two-phase flow: structure, upscaling, and consequences for macroscopic transport properties
Renaud Toussaint
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Yves Méheust
Grunde Løvoll
Mihailo Jankov
Journal articles
Testing oil saturation distribution in migration paths using MRI
Jianzhao Yan
Luo Xiaorong
Weimin Wang
Fang Chen
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Foreword to Special Issue: "Fault Zone Structure, Mechanics and Evolution in Nature and Experiment"
S.A.F. Smith
Fabrizio Agosta
Renaud Toussaint
R.E. Holdsworth
Journal articles
The Life and Death of Stylolites: stylolite roughness as indicator for the duration and amount of dissolution
Leehee Laronne Ben-Itzhak
Einat Aharonov
Renaud Toussaint
Amir Sagy
Journal articles
Correlation of multi-temporal ground-based optical images for landslide monitoring
Julien Travelletti
Christophe Delacourt
Pascal Allemand
Jean-Philippe Malet
Jean Schmittbuhl
Journal articles
Family-Vicsek scaling of detachment fronts in Granular Rayleigh Taylor Instabilities during sedimenting granular/fluid flows
Jan Ludvig Vinningland
Renaud Toussaint
Michael Niebling
Eirik Grude Flekkøy
Knut Jørgen Måløy
The European Physics Journal - Special Topics, 2012, 204 (1), pp.27-40
Journal articles
Dynamic aerofracture of dense granular packings
Michael Niebling
Renaud Toussaint
Eirik Grude Flekkøy
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Journal articles
Numerical studies of aerofractures in porous media / Estudios numericos de aerofractures en medios porosos
Michael Niebling
Renaud Toussaint
Eirik Grude Flekkøy
K. J. Måløy
Revista Cubana de Fisica, 2012, 29 (1E), pp.1E66
Journal articles
Interplay of seismic and aseismic deformations during earthquake swarms: An experimental approach
Olivier Lengliné
J.E. Elkhoury
Guillaume Daniel
Jean Schmittbuhl
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
An experimental study of secondary oil migration in a three-dimensional tilted porous medium
Jianzhao Yan
Luo Xiaorong
Weimin Wang
Renaud Toussaint
Jean Schmittbuhl
Journal articles
Modelling of stylolite geometries and stress scaling
Daniel Koehn
Marcus Ebner
Francois Renard
Renaud Toussaint
C. W. Passchier
Journal articles
Upper bound on stylolite roughness as indicator for amount of dissolution
Leehee Laronne Ben-Itzhak
Einat Aharonov
Renaud Toussaint
Amir Sagy
Journal articles
Local dynamics of a randomly pinned crack front during creep and forced propagation: An experimental study
Ken Tore Tallakstad
Renaud Toussaint
Stéphane Santucci
Jean Schmittbuhl
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Journal articles
The mechanical coupling of fluid-filled granular material under shear
Liran Goren
Einat Aharonov
David Sparks
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Influence of Viscous Fingering on Dynamic Saturation-Pressure Curves in Porous Media
Grunde Lovoll
M. Jankov
K.J. Maloy
Renaud Toussaint
Jean Schmittbuhl
Journal articles
Hydraulic transmissivity and heat exchange efficiency of rough fractures: a model based on lowpass filtered apertures
Amélie Neuville
Renaud Toussaint
Jean Schmittbuhl
Journal articles
Average crack-front velocity during subcritical fracture propagation in a heterogeneous medium
Olivier Lengliné
Renaud Toussaint
Jean Schmittbuhl
J.E. Elkhoury
J.-P. Ampuero
Journal articles
Sedimentation instabilities: Impact of the fluid compressibility and viscosity
Michael Niebling
Eirik Grude Flekkøy
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Fracture roughness and thermal exchange: A case study at Soultz-sous-Forêts
Amélie Neuville
Renaud Toussaint
Jean Schmittbuhl
Journal articles
Effects of Pressure Oscillations on Drainage in an Elastic Porous Medium
M. Jankov
G. Løvoll
H. A Knudsen
Knut Jørgen J Måløy
R. Planet
Journal articles
Fracture Roughness Scaling: a case study on planar cracks
Stéphane Santucci
Mélanie Grob
Alex Hansen
Renaud Toussaint
Jean Schmittbuhl
Journal articles
Size invariance of the granular Rayleigh-Taylor instability
Jan Ludvig Vinningland
Øistein Johnsen
Eirik Grude Flekkøy
Renaud Toussaint
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Journal articles
Mixing of a granular layer falling through a fluid
Michael Niebling
Eirik Grude Flekkøy
Knut J. Måløy
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Anisotropic scaling of tectonic stylolites: A fossilized signature of the stress field?
Marcus Ebner
Renaud Toussaint
Jean Schmittbuhl
Daniel Koehn
Paul Bons
Journal articles
Pore pressure evolution in deforming granular material: A general formulation and the infinitely stiff approximation
L. Goren
E. Aharonov
D. Sparks
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Hydrothermal coupling in a self-affine rough fracture
Amélie Neuville
Renaud Toussaint
Jean Schmittbuhl
Journal articles
Granular Rayleigh-Taylor Instability
Jan Ludvig Vinningland
Øistein Johnsen
Eirik Grude Flekkøy
Renaud Toussaint
Knut Jørgen Måløy
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2009, 1145, pp.1067
Journal articles
Steady-state Two-phase Flow in Porous Media: Statistics and Transport Properties
Ken Tore Tallakstad
Henning Arendt Knudsen
Thomas Ramstad
Grunde Løvoll
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Journal articles
Quake Catalogs from an Optical Monitoring of an Interfacial Crack Propagation
Mélanie Grob
J. Schmittbuhl
Renaud Toussaint
Luis Rivera
Stéphane Santucci
Journal articles
Does roughening of rock-fluid-rock interfaces emerge from a stress-induced instability?
Eric Bonnetier
Chaouqi Misbah
François Renard
Renaud Toussaint
Jean Pierre Gratier
Journal articles
Fracture morphology and viscous transport
J. Schmittbuhl
A. Steyer
L. Jouniaux
Renaud Toussaint
Journal articles
Coupled Air/Granular Flow in a Linear Hele-Shaw Cell
Ø. Johnsen
Renaud Toussaint
K J Måløy
E. G Flekkøy
J. Schmittbuhl
Journal articles
Decompaction and fluidization of a saturated and confined granular medium by injection of a viscous liquid or gas
Øistein Johnsen
Christophe Chevalier
Anke Lindner
Renaud Toussaint
Eric Clement
Journal articles
Growth of stylolite teeth patterns depends on normal stress and finite compaction
Daniel Koehn
François Renard
Renaud Toussaint
Cees Passchier
Journal articles
Experiments and simulations of a gravitational granular flow instability
Jan Ludvig Vinningland
Øistein Johnsen
Eirik G. Flekkøy
Renaud Toussaint
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Journal articles
Granular Rayleigh-Taylor Instability: Experiments and Simulations
Jan Ludvig Vinningland
Øistein Johnsen
Eirik G. Flekkøy
Renaud Toussaint
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Journal articles
Pattern formation during air injection into granular materials confined in a circular Hele-Shaw cell
Øistein Johnsen
Renaud Toussaint
Knut Jørgen Måløy
Eirik Grude Flekkøy
Journal articles
Mean-field theory of localization in a fuse model
Renaud Toussaint
Alex Hansen
Journal articles