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Raphaël Le Bidan
Researcher identifiers
- Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=A5jaROEAAAAJ&hl=fr
- IdRef : 076433641
Associate Professor at IMT Atlantique, Brest, France ([web page](http://www.imt-atlantique.fr/fr/personne/raphael-le-bidan)).

[IMT Atlantique (formerly Telecom Bretagne), Mathematical & Electrical Engineering Department](https://www.imt-atlantique.fr/en/about/departments/mathematical-electrical-engineering)
[Lab-STICC Laboratory, UMR CNRS 6285 / CODES research team](https://labsticc.fr/en/teams/codes)
**Research Interests**
- Channel code design & analysis
- Digital receiver design (synchronization, equalization, etc)
- Coherent optical fiber communications
- Free-space optical satellite communications
- Speech enhancement & denoising
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On Diversity in Discriminative Neural NetworksISIVC 2024: IEEE 12th International Symposium on Signal, Image, Video and Communications, May 2024, Marrakech, Morocco. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/ISIVC61350.2024.10577798⟩
Conference papers
Low-Complexity Sliding Window Decoding of Spatially-Coupled LDPC Codes Constructed From Short 5G NR LDPCThe 11th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications (WINCOM 2024), University of Leeds, England, Jul 2024, Leeds (UK), United Kingdom
Conference papers
Frame format and DSP receiver design for a 56-GBaud GEO DP-QPSK coherent optical feeder linkIEEE International Conference on Space Optical Systems and Applications (ICSOS) 2023, IEEE, Oct 2023, Vancouver (BC), Canada. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-16250-4⟩
Conference papers
Enhancing 5G Forward Error Correction Codes for URLLC by Spatial CouplingISIVC 2022: 11th International Symposium on Signal, Image, Video and Communications, May 2022, El Jadida, Morocco. ⟨10.1109/ISIVC54825.2022.9800214⟩
Conference papers
Design Techniques of Spatially Coupled Low-Density Parity-Check Codes: A Review and Tutorial on 5G New RadioCARI 2022, Oct 2022, Yaounde, Cameroon
Conference papers
An analysis of linear digital equalization in 50Gbit/s HS-PONs to compensate the combined effect of chirp and chromatic dispersionCLEO/EUROPE-EQEC 2021, Jun 2021, Virtual conference, France
Conference papers
Study of minimum mean square error optimal equalizers for 50Gbit/s high speed passive optical networksAPC 2021 : OSA Advanced Photonics Congress, Jul 2021, Montreal, Canada. ⟨10.1364/SPPCOM.2021.SpF1E.2⟩
Conference papers
Synchronisation de Trame pour les Transmissions de Paquets CourtsGRETSI 2019 XXVIIème Colloque francophone de traitement du signal et des images, Aug 2019, Lille, France
Conference papers
Adaptive optics assisted space-ground coherent optical links: impact of turbulence on carrier recoveryWorkshop on Communications and Observations through Atmospheric Turbulence (COAT), Dec 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers
Confidence Level for Finite Blocklength Ultra Reliable Communication over Fading ChannelsPIMRC 2019 : IEEE 30th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Sep 2019, Istanbul, Turkey. ⟨10.1109/PIMRC.2019.8904353⟩
Conference papers
Adaptive optics assisted space-ground coherent optical links: ground receiver performance with digital phase locked loopInternational Conference on Space Optical Systems and Applications, Oct 2019, Portland, Oregon, United States. ⟨10.1109/ICSOS45490.2019.8978983⟩
Conference papers
Superimposed Frame Synchronization Optimization for Finite Blocklength RegimeWCNCW 2019 : IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops, Apr 2019, Marrakech, Morocco. ⟨10.1109/WCNCW.2019.8902552⟩
Conference papers
Short packet communications: a physical layer comparison for block-fading channelsICT 2018 : 25th International Conference on Telecommunications, Jun 2018, Saint-Malo, France. ⟨10.1109/ICT.2018.8464914⟩
Conference papers
Impact du canal sur les transmissions satellites - sol par optique adaptative en détection cohérenteJRIOA 2018, Jul 2018, Toulouse, France. pp.Session O7-A
Conference papers
Impact du canal sur les transmissions satellites-sol corrigées par optique adaptative en détection cohérenteJournées Recherche Industrie de l'Optique Adaptative (JRIOA), Congrès SFO Optique 2018, Jul 2018, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Physical layer performance assessment of free-space optical communications links2017 IEEE International Conference on Space Optical Systems and Applications (ICSOS), Nov 2017, Naha, Japan. ⟨10.1109/ICSOS.2017.8357399⟩
Conference papers
Combined Detection and Estimation Based on Mean-Square Error Log-Spectral Amplitude for Speech EnhancementGRETSI 2017 : 26ème colloque du Groupement de Recherche en Traitement du Signal et des Images, Sep 2017, Juan-Les-Pins, France
Conference papers
Joint Equalization and Decoding Scheme Using Modified Spinal Codes for Underwater CommunicationsOCEANS 2016 - Monterey : MTS/IEEE international conference, Sep 2016, Monterey, United States. pp.1 - 6, ⟨10.1109/OCEANS.2016.7761418⟩
Conference papers
Coherent 100/200 Gbps QPSK/16QAM-OFDM Transmission over 1000 km of G.652 or G.655 FibreICTON 2015 : 17th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Jul 2015, Budapest, Hongrie. pp.1 - 5, ⟨10.1109/ICTON.2015.7193616⟩
Conference papers
Active Noise Control with digital PDM MEMS micsIEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE), Jun 2015, Madrid, Spain. ⟨10.1109/ISCE.2015.7177788⟩
Conference papers
A Simple and High-Performance Method for Combining Soft-Decision FEC with Differential Encoding in100 Gbps Dual-Polarization QPSK SystemOFC 2014 : Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition, Mar 2014, San Francisco, California, United States. pp.1 - 3, ⟨10.1364/OFC.2014.M3A.7⟩
Conference papers
Robustesse des modulations QPSK-OFDM à 100 Gbps et 16QAM-OFDM à 200 Gbps aux imperfections d'implémentation pratique et de transmissionJNOG 2014 : 34èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée, Oct 2014, Nice, France
Conference papers
Robustness of coherent 100 Gbps QPSK and 200 Gbps 16QAM-OFDM to practical implementation impairmentsSPPcom 2014, Jul 2014, San Diego, United States
Conference papers
100 Gbps multi-band OFDM transmission over 1000 km of G.52 fibre and a cascade of five sub-wavelength OADMsACP 2014, Nov 2014, Shanghai, China
Conference papers
Implantation d'un décodeur à entrées pondérées du code à résidus quadratiques étendu (48,24,12)GRETSI 2013 : 24 ème colloque 24ème colloque du Groupement de Recherche en Traitement du Signal et des Images, Sep 2013, Brest, France
Conference papers
Frequency offset estimation on Polarization-Multiplexed coherent OFDM system stressed by chromatic dispersion and PMDCLEO'12, May 2012, San José, United States
Conference papers
A Self-reconfiguring Constant Modulus Algorithm for Proper Polarization Demultiplexing in Coherent Optical ReceiversOFC 2012: Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Mar 2012, Los Angeles, États-Unis
Conference papers
Dual-polarization multi-band OFDM versus single-carrier DP-QPSK for 100Gbps long-haul WDM transmission over legacy infrastructureECOC'12, Sep 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers
A low-complexity soft-decision decoding architecture for the binary extended Golay codeICECS 2012: IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, Dec 2012, Sevilla, Espagne. pp.705 - 708
Conference papers
100 Gb/s coherent optical polarized multiplexed multi-band OFDM (MB-OFDM) transmission for long-haul applicationICTON 2012, Jul 2012, Coventry, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Frequency Offset Estimation in a Polarization-Multiplexed Coherent OFDM system stressed by chromatic dispersion and PMDCLEO 2012: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, May 2012, San Jose, Ca, United States
Conference papers
100 Gb/s coherent optical polarization multiplexed Multi-band- OFDM (MB-OFDM) transmission for long-haul applicationsICTON 2012 : International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Jul 2012, Warwick, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Throughput analysis of hybrid single-packet and multiple-packet truncated type-II HARQ strategies with unreliable feedback channelIEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Apr 2012, Paris, France. pp.86 - 91, ⟨10.1109/WCNC.2012.6214495⟩
Conference papers
Multi-Band OFDM versus Single-Carrier DP-QPSK for 100 Gbps Long-Haul WDM TransmissionSPPCom 2012 : Signal Processing in Photonic Communications, Jun 2012, Colorado Springs, Co, United States
Conference papers
First and second-order PMD impact over 100Gbps polarization-multiplexed multi-band coherent OFDM system under realistic field conditionsIPC 2011: IEEE Photonics Conference, Oct 2011, Arlington, Virginia, United States
Conference papers
Analysis and optimization of hybrid single packet and multiple-packets incremental redundancy in the presence of channel state informationThe 14th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications,, Oct 2011, Brest, France. pp.1 - 5
Conference papers
Adaptive MMSE turbo equalization with high-order modulations and spatial diversity applied to underwater acoustic communicationsEuropean Wireless 2011, Apr 2011, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Approche multi-bandes pour la transmission 100 Gbps de signaux OFDM multiplexés en polarisationJNOG 2011 : journées nationales d'optique guidée, Aug 2011, Marseille, France
Conference papers
Adaptive single-carrier frequency-domain equalization for 100G coherent optical communicationsSPPCom: Signal Processing in Photonics Communications, Jun 2011, Toronto, Canada
Conference papers
Analyse des schémas HARQ classiques et évolués (schémas multi-paquets) en présence d'une voie de retour imparfaiteXXIIIe colloque GRETSI : traitement du signal et des images, Sep 2011, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Multiple-packet versus single-packet incremental redundancy strategies for type-II hybrid ARQISTC 2010 : 6th International Symposium on turbo codes and iterative information processing, Sep 2010, Brest, France. ⟨10.1109/ISTC.2010.5613846⟩
Conference papers
Design and implementation of a soft-decision decoder for Cortex codesICECS 2010 IEEE international conference on electronics, circuits, and systems, Dec 2010, Athens, Greece. pp.663 - 666
Conference papers
Some results on the binary minimum distance of Reed-Solomon codes and block turbo codesICC'07 : IEEE International conference on communications, Jun 2007, Glasgow, United Kingdom. pp.990 - 994, ⟨10.1109/ICC.2007.168⟩
Conference papers
Pragmatic two-level coded modulation using Reed-Solomon product codesICICS'07 : 6th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal processing, Dec 2007, Singapore, Singapore
Conference papers
Iterative decoding of block turbo codes over the binary erasure channelICSPC'07 : IEEE international conference on signal processing and communications, Nov 2007, Dubaï, United Arab Emirates
Conference papers
Rate compatible serially concatenated codes with outer extended BCH codesGLOBECOM '07 : IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Nov 2007, Washington Dc, United States. pp.1476 - 1481
Conference papers
Efficient architecture for Reed Solomon block turbo codeISCAS 2006 : IEEE International Symposium on Circuits And Systems, May 2006, Kos, Greece. pp.3682 - 3685, ⟨10.1109/ISCAS.2006.1693426⟩
Conference papers
Une introduction aux turbo codes et au principe turboSEE 2005 : Journée d'études SEE "Nouvelles formes d'onde en imagerie, localisation et communications", Mar 2005, Paris, France
Conference papers
An overview of turbo codes and their applicationsECWT'05 : 2nd European Conference on Wireless Technology, Oct 2005, Paris, France. pp.1 - 9, ⟨10.1109/ECWT.2005.1617639⟩
Conference papers
Turbo codes et principe turbo - Des origines aux applicationsQuel avenir pour les communications radio : journées d'études de la SEE, Jun 2004, Paris, France
Conference papers
Real-time MMSE Turbo-equalization on the TMS302C5509 fixed-point DSPIEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP 2004, May 2004, Montreal, Canada. pp.V-325 - V-328, ⟨10.1109/ICASSP.2004.1327113⟩
Conference papers
Comparaison des turbo-égaliseurs MAP et MMSE pour récepteur à antennes multiples2nd International Symposium on Image/Video Communications ISIVC'04, Jul 2004, Brest, France
Conference papers
Fixed-Point Implementation of an Efficient Low-Complexity Turbo-Equalization Scheme3rd International Symposium on Turbo-Codes and Related Topics, Sep 2003, Brest, France. pp.415-418
Conference papers
Multiple-Input turbo equalization over time-varying frequency selective channelEUSIPCO 2002 : 11th European Signal Conference, Sep 2002, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Analyse de la convergence en turbo-détection18e Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, Toulouse, France, 10-13 Septembre 2001, Sep 2001, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Analyse de la convergence en turbo-détectionGRETSI 2001: 18eme colloque sur le traitement du signal et des images, Sep 2001, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Codes and Turbo CodesSpringer-Verlag, pp.400, 2010, IRIS international series, 9782817800387
Codes et turbocodes (sous la direction de Claude Berrou)Springer, pp.397, 2007, Iris, Iris, 978-2-287-32739-1
Estimation of Non-Stationary Noise Based on Robust Statistics in Speech Enhancement[Research Report] RR-2014-03-SC, Dépt. Signal et Communications (Institut Mines-Télécom-Télécom Bretagne-UEB); Laboratoire en sciences et technologies de l'information, de la communication et de la connaissance (UMR CNRS 6285 - Télécom Bretagne - Université de Bretagne Occidentale - Université de Bretagne Sud). 2014, pp.31
COCA project : channel coding : state of the art and perspectives (technical and strategic aspects)[Research Report] Pôle de Recherche Avancée en Communications (Institut Mines-Télécom-Télécom Bretagne-UEB); Dépt. Electronique (Institut Mines-Télécom-Télécom Bretagne-UEB); Dépt. Signal et Communications (Institut Mines-Télécom-Télécom Bretagne-UEB). 2007, pp.164
Nouvelles structures d'égalisation linéaire à entrée et sortie pondérée. Application à la turbo égalisation pour les transmissions en mode paquet[Rapport de recherche] Dépt. Signal et Communications (Institut Mines-Télécom-Télécom Bretagne-UEB). 2002
La turbo détection : principes et performances[Rapport de recherche] Dépt. Signal et Communications (Institut Mines-Télécom-Télécom Bretagne-UEB). 2001
Turbo-Equalization for bandwith-efficient digital communications over frequency-selective channelsSignal and Image processing. INSA de Rennes, 2003. English. ⟨NNT : ⟩