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  • IdHAL rostand-moutou-pitti
  • ResearcherId : E-8507-2010
  • ORCID 0000-0002-4596-4693
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  • IdRef : 130929190
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Diffusion properties of Gabonese tropical hardwoods and European softwoods measured with low-tech equipment and by an inverse method

Martian Asseko , Arthur Bontemps , Gael Godi , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Giacomo Goli
Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 2024, 360, pp.1-12. ⟨10.19182/bft2024.360.a37392⟩
Journal articles hal-04733166v1
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Analyzing Creep-Recovery Behavior of Tropical Entandrophragma cylindricum Wood: Traditional and Fractional Modeling Methods

Loic Chrislin Nguedjio , J S Mabekou Takam , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Nicolas Sauvat , Joseph Gril
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2024, ⟨10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2024.113122⟩
Journal articles hal-04761522v1

Effects of cellulose fibril cross-linking on the mechanical behavior of wood at different scales

Nhat-Tung Phan , François Auslender , Joseph Gril , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Wood Science and Technology, 2024, 58 (4), pp.1555-1583. ⟨10.1007/s00226-024-01569-8⟩
Journal articles hal-04874945v1
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Implementation of an Optical Measurement Method for Monitoring Mechanical Behaviour

Arthur Bontemps , Gaël Godi , Eric Fournely , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Joseph Gril
Experimental Techniques, 2024, 48 (1), pp.115-128. ⟨10.1007/s40799-023-00636-2⟩
Journal articles hal-04095871v1
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Exploring physical and thermo-elastic properties of two tropical wood species: insights from probabilistic analysis

Annabelle Kosguine Mézatio , Loic Chrislin Nguedjio , Sandrine Mabekou Takam , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Frédéric Dubois
Wood Material Science and Engineering, 2024, pp.1 - 12. ⟨10.1080/17480272.2024.2439060⟩
Journal articles hal-04832862v1
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Mode I cracking of three tropical species from Cameroon: the case of bilinga, dabema, and padouk wood

Rosmi Biyo’o , Achille Bernard Biwole , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Charly Julien Nyobe , Benoit Ndiwe
Wood Material Science and Engineering, inPress, ⟨10.1080/17480272.2024.2314750⟩
Journal articles hal-04617275v1
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Modeling the nonlinear creep behavior of Entandrophragma cylindricum wood by fractional derivative model

Loic Chrislin Nguedjio , Mabekou Takam , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Francis Zemtchou , Benoit Blaysat
Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 2024, 28, pp.303-319. ⟨10.1007/s11043-024-09662-y⟩
Journal articles hal-04761487v1
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A scalable solvent-exchange strategy for the drying of colorless Japanese cedar ( Cryptomeria japonica )

Yi Hien Chin , Yoshiki Horikawa , Christophe Vial , Joseph Gril , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Drying Technology, 2024, pp.1 - 17. ⟨10.1080/07373937.2024.2434890⟩
Journal articles hal-04826936v1
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Comparative investigation on viscoelastic and mechanosorptive creep behavior of two tropical hardwoods and one temperate softwood

Martian Asseko Ella , Giacomo Goli , Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui , Joseph Gril , Eric Fournely
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 2023, 82 (1), pp.35-52. ⟨10.1007/s00107-023-02002-w⟩
Journal articles hal-04267490v1
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Fracture properties of thermally modified spruce wood (Picea abies) at different moisture contents

Miran Merhar , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Tom Argensse
Wood Material Science and Engineering, 2023, 18 (6), pp.2093-2103. ⟨10.1080/17480272.2023.2228280⟩
Journal articles hal-04364390v1
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Impact of mechano-sorptive loading on crack propagation of notched beams of White fir and Okume

Martian Asseko Ella , Giacomo Goli , Samuel Ikogou , Joseph Gril , Eric Fournely
Procedia Structural Integrity, 2022, 37, pp.477-484. ⟨10.1016/j.prostr.2022.01.112⟩
Journal articles hal-03591886v1
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Effects of long-term loading on Moabi wood beams in the tropical environment of Gabon: variability in properties and effects of exposure conditions on mechanical properties in 3-point bending tests

Valérie Nsouami , Nicaise Manfoumbi Boussougou , Emilio Bastida-Artega , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Procedia Structural Integrity, 2022, 37, pp.576. ⟨10.1016/j.prostr.2022.01.125⟩
Journal articles hal-03625921v1
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Influence of the cross-linking of the cellulosic fibrillar network on the effective hygro-mechanical behavior of the wood cell wall

Nhat-Tung Phan , François Auslender , Joseph Gril , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Acta Mechanica, 2022, 233 (11), pp.4985-5007. ⟨10.1007/s00707-022-03355-8⟩
Journal articles hal-03821932v1
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Effects of long-term loading on Moabi wood beams in the tropical environment of Gabon: variability in properties and effects of exposure conditions on mechanical properties in 3-point bending tests

Valérie Nsouami , Nicaise Manfoumbi Boussougou , Emilio Bastidas-Arteaga , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Procedia Structural Integrity, 2022, 37, pp.576 - 581. ⟨10.1016/j.prostr.2022.01.125⟩
Journal articles hal-04370844v1
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Mechanical behavior of tropical Glued Laminated Timber beams with fingers joints

Cédric Horphé Ndong Bidzo , Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui , Samuel Ikogou , Beat Kaiser , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Procedia Structural Integrity, 2022, 37, pp.447. ⟨10.1016/j.prostr.2022.01.108⟩
Journal articles hal-03625915v1
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Study of the Influence of Plaque Growth and Hydrostatic Properties in an Atherosclerotic Artery, for the Prevention of Arterial Wall Damage: Application to Vascular Diseases

J Tsafack Nzifack , J Mabekou Takam , Rostand Moutou Pitti , M Fogue , P Talla
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2021, 2021, pp.10. ⟨10.1155/2021/6664988⟩
Journal articles hal-03468634v1
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Spatial Variability of Ozigo Wood Beams under Long-Term Loadings in Various Environmental Exposures

Valérie Nsouami , Nicaise Manfoumbi , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Emilio Bastidas-Arteaga
Sustainability, 2021, 13 (10), pp.5356. ⟨10.3390/su13105356⟩
Journal articles hal-03227108v1
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Triaxial variation of the modulus of elasticity in the thermos-elastic field of six species of tropical woods

Guillaume Blaise Talla Fotsing , Emmanuel Foadieng , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Pierre Kisito Talla
Wood Material Science and Engineering, 2021, ⟨10.1080/17480272.2021.1994006⟩
Journal articles hal-03474218v1
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Mechanical properties of Glued-laminated timber made up of mixed tropical wood species

Arnauld Clauvy'S Engonga Edzang , Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui , Serge Ekomy Ango , Samuel Ikogou , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Wood Material Science and Engineering, 2021, pp.1-14. ⟨10.1080/17480272.2021.1960422⟩
Journal articles hal-03468187v1
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Comparative studies of three tropical wood species under compressive cyclic loading and moisture content changes

Arnauld Clauvy’s Engonga Edzang , Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui , Serge Ekomy Ango , Samuel Ikogou , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Wood Material Science and Engineering, inPress, ⟨10.1080/17480272.2020.1712739⟩
Journal articles hal-03034992v1
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Experimental Assessment of the Annual Growth Ring’s Impact onthe Mechanical Behavior of Temperate and Tropical Species

Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui , Jonas Turesson , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Mats Ekevad
Bioresources, 2020
Journal articles hal-03035002v1
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J.R. Tsafack Nzifack , J. S. Mabekou Takam , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Medard Fogue , Pierre Kisito Talla
Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2020, 10 (2), ⟨10.17265/2161-6213/2020.3-4.004⟩
Journal articles hal-03034998v1
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Bayesian Assessment of the Effects of Cyclic Loads on the Chloride Ingress Process into Reinforced Concrete

Henriette Marlaine Imounga , Emilio Bastidas-Arteaga , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Serge Ekomy Ango , Xiao-Hui Wang
Applied Sciences, 2020, 10 (6), pp.2040. ⟨10.3390/app10062040⟩
Journal articles hal-02510208v1
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M-theta Method on Mode I and II Failure of Two Cameroonian Hardwoods in Bending

Hervice Kouefouet , Jeanne Sandrine Takam Mabekou , Joseph Albert Fosting Mukam , Pierre Kisito Talla , Rostand Moutou Pitti
European Journal of Engineering Research and Science, 2019, 4 (3), pp.176-182. ⟨10.24018/ejers.2019.4.3.1175⟩
Journal articles hal-02116813v1
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Numerical estimation of the mode I strain energy release rate in woven-ply thermoplastic-based composites at high temperature based on Gθ method

M. Chabchoub , Benoît Vieille , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 101, pp.169-177. ⟨10.1016/j.tafmec.2019.02.018⟩
Journal articles hal-02116817v1
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Notched-beam creep of Douglas fir and white fir in outdoor conditions: Experimental study

Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Eric Fournely , Joseph Gril , Gaël Godi
Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 196, pp.659-671. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.11.139⟩
Journal articles hal-03035003v1
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A new analytical generalization of the J and G-theta integrals for planar cracks in a three-dimensional medium

Soliman El Kabir , Frédéric Dubois , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Naman Recho , Yuri Lapusta
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2018, ⟨10.1016/j.tafmec.2018.01.004⟩
Journal articles hal-01682644v1
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Environmental effects of climate change impacts on European wood species vulnerability

Seif Eddine Hamdi , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Procedia Structural Integrity, inPress
Journal articles hal-01909289v1

Experimental investigation of mixed mode fracture of tropical wood material

Bernard Odounga , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Evelyne Toussaint , Michel Grediac
Procedia Structural Integrity, 2018, 13, pp.347-352. ⟨10.1016/j.prostr.2018.12.058⟩
Journal articles hal-01915537v1
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Mode I fracture of tropical woods using grid method

Bernard Odounga , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Evelyne Toussaint , Michel Grediac
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2018, 95, pp.1 - 17. ⟨10.1016/j.tafmec.2018.02.006⟩
Journal articles hal-01909279v1
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Investigating wood under thermo-hydromechanical loading at the ring scale using full-field measurements

D. Dang , Rostand Moutou Pitti , E. Toussaint , M. Grédiac
Wood Science and Technology, 2018, 52 (6), pp.1473 - 1493. ⟨10.1007/s00226-018-1051-9⟩
Journal articles hal-01909281v1
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Cluster analysis of acoustic emission activity within wood material: Towards a real-time monitoring of crack tip propagation

Malick Diakhaté , Emilio Bastidas-Arteaga , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Franck Schoefs
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2017, 180, pp.254-267. ⟨10.1016/j.engfracmech.2017.06.006⟩
Journal articles hal-01613043v1

On the crack tip propagation monitoring within wood material: Cluster analysis of acoustic emission data compared with numericamodelling

Malick Diakhaté , Nicolas Angellier , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Frédéric Dubois
Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 156, pp.911-920. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.09.065⟩
Journal articles hal-01613039v1
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Impact of cyclic compressive loading and moisture content on the mechanical behavior of Aucoumea Klaineana Pierre

Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui , Samuel Ikogou , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Wood Material Science and Engineering, 2017, 13 (4), pp.190 - 196. ⟨10.1080/17480272.2017.1307281⟩
Journal articles hal-01909282v1

Influence of hygrothermal effects in the fracture process in wood under creep loading

Nicolas Angellier , Frédéric Dubois , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Malick Diakhaté , Raoul Spero Adjovi Loko
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2017, 177, pp.153 - 166. ⟨10.1016/j.engfracmech.2017.04.009⟩
Journal articles hal-01616881v1

Inverse identification of early- and latewood hydric properties using full-field measurements

D. Dang , Rostand Moutou Pitti , E. Toussaint , M. Grédiac
Wood Material Science and Engineering, 2017, pp.1 - 14. ⟨10.1080/17480272.2016.1263973⟩
Journal articles hal-01616886v1
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Kimtangar Ngargueudedjim , Elisée Mbayngone , Ngarmaïm Nadjitonon , Bruno Bassa , Nétodjiro Allarabeye
International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, 2016, 20, pp.2351 - 8014
Journal articles hal-01616889v1

Studying the mechanical behavior of notched wood beams using full-field measurements

E. Toussaint , E. Fournely , Rostand Moutou Pitti , M. Grédiac
Engineering Structures, 2016, 113, pp.277 - 286. ⟨10.1016/j.engstruct.2016.01.052⟩
Journal articles hal-01616888v1

Mixed-mode fracture analysis combining mechanical, thermal and hydrological effects in an isotropic and orthotropic material by means of invariant integrals

Hassen Riahi , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Frédéric Dubois , Alaa Chateauneuf
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2016, 85, pp.424-434. ⟨10.1016/j.tafmec.2016.06.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01616882v1
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S Ekomy Ango , D Bruneau , P Sebastian , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Nigerian Journal of Technology, 2015, 35 (1), ⟨10.4314/njt.v35i1.7⟩
Journal articles hal-01616890v1
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Mechanical Caracteristics of Fiber Palmyra

K Ngargueudedjim , N Allarabeye , K. Charlet , J.-F Destrebecq , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Global Journal of Researches in Engineering: G Industrial Engineering, 2015
Journal articles hal-01616894v1

Periodic limited permeable cracks in magneto-electro-elastic media

O. Viun , F. Labesse-Jied , Rostand Moutou Pitti , V. Loboda , Y. Lapusta
Acta Mechanica, 2015, 226 (7), pp.2225 - 2233. ⟨10.1007/s00707-014-1296-9⟩
Journal articles hal-01616891v1
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Reliability of prestressed concrete structures considering creep models

Alaa Chateauneuf , Wassim Raphael , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2014, 10 (12), pp.1595-1605. ⟨10.1080/15732479.2013.835831⟩
Journal articles hal-01616887v1
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Characterization of a cracked specimen with full-field measurements: direct determination of the crack tip and energy release rate calculation

Rostand Moutou Pitti , Claudiu Badulescu , Michel Grediac
International Journal of Fracture, 2014, 187 (1), pp.109 - 121. ⟨10.1007/s10704-013-9921-5⟩
Journal articles hal-01616878v1

Strain analysis in dried green wood: Experimentation and modelling approaches

Rostand Moutou Pitti , Frédéric Dubois , Nicolas Sauvat , Eric Fournely
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2013, 105, pp.182 - 199. ⟨10.1016/j.engfracmech.2013.04.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01616879v1

Finite element model for crack growth process in concrete bituminous

Frédéric Dubois , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Benoit Picoux , Christophe Petit
Advances in Engineering Software, 2012, 44 (1), pp.35-43. ⟨10.1016/j.advengsoft.2011.05.039⟩
Journal articles hal-00680007v1
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Rostand Moutou Pitti , Eric Fournely , Abdelhamid Bouchaïr
PRO LIGNO - Open Access Scientific Journal in the Field of Wood Engineering, 2012
Journal articles hal-01616898v1
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Octavian Pop , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Frédéric Dubois
PRO LIGNO - Open Access Scientific Journal in the Field of Wood Engineering, 2012
Journal articles hal-01616899v1

Incremental viscoelastic formulation using generalized variables for thin structures: relaxation differential approach

Claude Chazal , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Acta Mechanica, 2012, 223 (7), pp.1431 - 1440. ⟨10.1007/s00707-012-0669-1⟩
Journal articles hal-01616893v1
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Rostand Moutou Pitti , Claude Chazal
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2012, 50, pp.357 - 375
Journal articles hal-01616902v1
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Statistical and reliability analysis for mixed-mode fracture tests applied to wood material

Rostand Moutou Pitti , Alaa Chateauneuf
Wood Science and Technology, 2012, 46 (6), pp.1099-1112. ⟨10.1007/s00226-011-0462-7⟩
Journal articles hal-01616897v1

A proposed mixed-mode fracture specimen for wood under creep loadings

Rostand Moutou Pitti , Frédéric Dubois , Octavian Pop
International Journal of Fracture, 2011, 167 (2), pp.195 - 209. ⟨10.1007/s10704-010-9544-z⟩
Journal articles hal-01616877v1
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Claude Chazal , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Journal of Theorical and Applied Mechanics, 2011, 49, pp.1029 - 1048
Journal articles hal-01616904v1

A generalization of Mv integral to axisymmetric problems for viscoelastic materials

Rostand Moutou Pitti , Claude Chazal , Florence Labesse-Jied , Yuri Lapusta
Acta Mechanica, 2011, 220 (1-4), pp.365 - 373. ⟨10.1007/s00707-011-0460-8⟩
Journal articles hal-01616892v1

Incremental constitutive formulation for time dependent materials: creep integral approach

Claude Chazal , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 2011, 15 (3), pp.239-253. ⟨10.1007/s11043-011-9135-z⟩
Journal articles hal-00635101v1

Limited permeable crack moving along the interface of a piezoelectric bi-material

Y. Lapusta , A. Komarov , F. Labesse-Jied , Rostand Moutou Pitti , V. Loboda
European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2011, 30 (5), pp.639 - 649. ⟨10.1016/j.euromechsol.2011.04.005⟩
Journal articles hal-01616901v1

Viscoelastic incremental formulation using creep and relaxation differential approaches

Claude Chazal , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 2010, 14 (2), pp.173-190. ⟨10.1007/s11043-009-9101-1⟩
Journal articles hal-00635081v1

Modelling of ageing viscoelastic materials in three dimensional finite element approach

Claude Chazal , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Meccanica, 2010, 45 (3), pp.439-441. ⟨10.1007/s11012-009-9244-9⟩
Journal articles hal-00635146v1

Generalization of T and A integrals to time-dependent materials: analytical formulations

Rostand Moutou Pitti , Frédéric Dubois , Christophe Petit
International Journal of Fracture, 2010, 161 (2), pp.187-198. ⟨10.1007/s10704-010-9453-1⟩
Journal articles hal-00635161v1

Modelling of ageing viscoelastic materials in three dimensional finite element approach

Claude Chazal , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Meccanica, 2010, 45 (3), pp.439 - 441. ⟨10.1007/s11012-009-9244-9⟩
Journal articles hal-01616905v1
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Fissuration polymodale dans les matériaux viscoélastiques orthotropes

Rostand Moutou Pitti , Frédéric Dubois
Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 2009, 337 (11-12), pp.748 - 754. ⟨10.1016/j.crme.2009.10.008⟩
Journal articles hal-01616909v1

An incremental constitutive law for ageing viscoelastic materials: a three-dimensional approach

Claude-François Chazal , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 2009, 337 (1), pp.30 - 33. ⟨10.1016/j.crme.2008.12.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01616906v1
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Claude Chazal , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Journal of Theorical and Applied Mechanics, 2009, 47, pp.397 - 409
Journal articles hal-01616903v1

A finite element analysis for the mixed mode crack growth in a viscoelastic and orthotropic medium

Rostand Moutou Pitti , Frédéric Dubois , Octavian Pop , Joseph Absi
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2009, 20, pp.3548-3555
Journal articles hal-00635061v1
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Fissuration polymodale dans les matériaux viscoélastiques orthotropes

Rostand Moutou Pitti , Frédéric Dubois
Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 2009, 337 (11-12), pp.748-754. ⟨10.1016/j.crme.2009.10.008⟩
Journal articles hal-00639260v1

A new incremental formulation for linear viscoelastic analysis: creep differential approach

Claude Chazal , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Journal of Theoritical and Applied Mechanics, 2009, 47 (2), pp.397-409
Journal articles hal-00635066v1
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A finite element analysis for the mixed mode crack growth in a viscoelastic and orthotropic medium

Rostand Moutou Pitti , F. Dubois , O. Pop , Joseph Absi
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2009, 46 (20), pp.3548 - 3555. ⟨10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2009.05.020⟩
Journal articles hal-01616884v1

[An incremental constitutive law for ageing viscoelastic materials: a three-dimensional approach] : Une formulation incrémentale tridimensionnelle pour les matériaux viscoélastiques vieillissants

Claude Chazal , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 2009, 337 (1), pp.30-33. ⟨10.1016/j.crme.2008.12.002⟩
Journal articles hal-00639233v1

[On a specimen providing stable mixed mode crack growth in wooden material]: Sur une éprouvette assurant la stabilité de la propagation de fissure en mode mixte dans le matériau bois

Rostand Moutou Pitti , Frédéric Dubois , Octavian Pop
Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 2008, 336 (9), pp.744-749. ⟨10.1016/j.crme.2008.07.004⟩
Journal articles hal-00639212v1

A new M-integral parameter for mixed-mode crack growth in orthotropic viscoelastic material

Rostand Moutou Pitti , Frédéric Dubois , Christophe Petit , Nicolas Sauvat , Octavian Pop
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2008, 75 (15), pp.4450-4465
Journal articles hal-00634914v1

A new M-integral parameter for mixed-mode crack growth in orthotropic viscoelastic material

Rostand Moutou Pitti , F. Dubois , C. Petit , N. Sauvat , O. Pop
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2008, 75 (15), pp.4450 - 4465. ⟨10.1016/j.engfracmech.2008.04.021⟩
Journal articles hal-01616880v1

[Viscoelastic generalisation of T and A integrals] : Généralisation des intégrales T et A à la viscoélasticité

Rostand Moutou Pitti , Frédéric Dubois , Christophe Petit
Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 2008, 336 (6), pp.545-551. ⟨10.1016/j.crme.2008.03.002⟩
Journal articles hal-00639183v1

A new mixed mode specimen: experimental and numerical result

Rostand Moutou Pitti , Frédéric Dubois , Octavian Pop
Mechanical research communications, 2008, pp.00-00
Journal articles hal-00634941v1

Mixed mode fracture separation in viscoelastic orthotropic media: numerical and analytical approach by the Mθv -integral

Rostand Moutou Pitti , F. Dubois , C. Petit , N. Sauvat
International Journal of Fracture, 2007, 145 (3), pp.181 - 193. ⟨10.1007/s10704-007-9111-4⟩
Journal articles hal-01616875v1

Intégrale Mv pour la propagation de fissure dans un milieu viscoélastique

Rostand Moutou Pitti , Frédéric Dubois , Octavian Pop , Nicolas Sauvat , Christophe Petit
Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 2007, 335 (11), pp.727 - 731. ⟨10.1016/j.crme.2007.07.004⟩
Journal articles hal-01616911v1

Mv-integral for the crack growth in a viscoelastic media

Rostand Moutou Pitti , Frédéric Dubois , Octavian Pop , Nicolas Sauvat , Christophe Petit
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des sciences. Série IIb, Mécanique, 2007, 335 (11), pp.727-731. ⟨10.1016/j.crme.2007.07.004⟩
Journal articles hal-00680056v1

Analysis of fractures propagating in silver fir (Abies Alba) using High-Resolution Full-Field Measurements

Raphaël Langlois , Arthur Bontemps , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Joseph Gril , Benoît Blaysat
SEM Annual Conference, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Jun 2024, Vancouver, United States
Conference papers hal-04857752v1
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Analyse probabiliste du comportement élastique de deux essences de bois tropicaux : Influence de la température

Loïc Nguedjio , Annabelle Kosguine Mezatio , Frédéric Dubois , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Benoît Blaysat
13èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2024, Nantes, France. pp.59-62
Conference papers hal-04825579v1
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Caractéristiques anatomiques d'espèces tropicales de différents tempéraments écologiques

Nkene Mezui , Loic Brancheriau , Samuel Ikogou , Rostand Moutou Pitti
13èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2024, Nantes, France. pp.182-186
Conference papers hal-04826281v1
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Analyse probabiliste de l'effet de la variabilité spatiale des propriétés mécaniques du matériau bois sur sa résistance à la fissuration

Hassen Riahi , Seif Eddine Hamdi , Rostand Moutou Pitti , David Bigaud
Journées de Fiabilité des Matériaux et des Structures (JFMS), 17-19 juin 2024Rouen,, Jun 2024, Rouen, France. 9 p
Conference papers hal-04855626v1
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Modélisation du Fluage du bois tropical d'Entandrophragma Cylindricum via le modèle fractionnaire de Burger.

Loic Chrislin Nguedjio , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Pierre Kisito Talla
3éme Conférence sur les Eco-Matériaux en Afrique – CEMA’2024, EcoMat-Africa, Jun 2024, Libreville, Gabon
Conference papers hal-04885446v1
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A novel method to study abrasion resistance of surfacedensified wood

Nouat Agathe , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Scharf Alexander Scharf , Schleicher Frank , Neyses Benedikt
11TH European Conference on Wood Modification (ECWM11) 2024, Université de Florence, Dec 2024, Florence (IT), Italy
Conference papers hal-04366416v1
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Mode I fracture of tropical timber in 3-point bending in a controlled environment

Martian Asseko Ella , Giacomo Goli , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Joseph Gril
Annual Conference of the Society of Experimental Mechanics (SEM), Jun 2024, Vancouver, United States. pp.6
Conference papers hal-04855465v1
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Exploring the potential of carbon nanodots as an UV protection reagent for wood

Sarah Jué , Chia-Feng Lin , Alexander Scharf , Dennis Jones , Rostand Moutou Pitti
11TH European Conference on Wood Modification (ECWM11), Apr 2024, Florence (IT), Italy
Conference papers hal-04885875v1
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The Influence of Moisture Content and Thermal Modification on the Non-Linearity in Mode I Fracture of Spruce Wood

Miran Merhar , Rostand Moutou Pitti
11TH European Conference on Wood Modification (ECWM11), Apr 2024, Florence, Italy
Conference papers hal-04885859v1
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Effet du vieillissement naturel sur les propriétés physicomécaniques du bois de chêne de la cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris

Matteo Bourchanin , Epiphanie Nouemsi Soubgui , Miyuki Matsuo-Ueda , Nicolas Sauvat , Rostand Moutou Pitti
13èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2024, Nantes, France. pp.155-158
Conference papers hal-04826991v1
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Multiscale modelling of delignified wood's thermal and elastic behaviour

Yi Hien Chin , François Auslender , Joseph Gril , Christophe Vial , Rostand Moutou Pitti
13èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois » - 20-22 novembre 2024, Nov 2024, Nantes, France. pp.280-285
Conference papers hal-04857171v1
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Improving the Thermal Performance of Fired Clay Bricks Produced in the Far West of DR Congo

Blanca Lewo Nkondi , Nilas Azama , Blaysat Benoit , Fabrice Audonnet , Hélène de Baynast
SWST 67th International Convention « Society of wood science and technology », Jun 2024, Portorož, Slovenia
Conference papers hal-04853882v1
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Crack Propagation on some Central African Tropical Woods: Experimental Approach and Numerical Simulation

Rosmi Biyo'O , Achille Bernard Biwole , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Julien Charly Nyobe , Emmanuel Yamb
SWST 67th International Convention « Society of wood science and technology », Jun 2024, Portorož, Slovenia
Conference papers hal-04853869v1

Direct identification of fracture parameters of wood by digital image correlation

Olivier Cochet , José Xavier , Rui F Martins , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Portuguese Conference on Fracture 2024 (PCF2024), Feb 2024, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers hal-04886047v1
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Impact de la saignée sur le comportement mécanique des troncs de deux clones d'hévéa

Arnauld ENGONGA EDZANG , Joseph Gril , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Eric Badel
13eme journees scientifiques du GDR 3544 Sciences du Bois, GDR Sciences du Bois + ESB, Nov 2024, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-04819180v1

The challenges of wooden construction in the face of climate variations

Rostand Moutou Pitti , Benoit Blaysat
International Conference on Tropical Wood - Advancing the Sustainable Use of Tropical Forests, Apr 2024, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Conference papers hal-04886489v1
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Exploring the solid wood modification with preserved hierarchical structure via non-cellulosic substances removal

Yi Hien Chin , Pascal Henry Biwole , Joseph Gril , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Christophe Vial
11th European Conference on Wood Modification (ECWM11), Apr 2024, Florence, Italy
Conference papers hal-04885175v1
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Study of nonlinear creep behavior of Entandrophragma Cylindricum wood through Zener fractional rheological model

Loic Chrislin Nguedjio , Jeanne Sandrine Takam Mabekou , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Benoît Blaysat , Pierre Kisito Talla
Annual Cobference of Society of experimental Mechanics, Jun 2024, Portland (Maine), United States
Conference papers hal-04801516v1
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Intégrales Invariantes pour l'étude des milieux fissures: Revue et Verrous actuels

Loic Chrislin Nguedjio , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Benoît Blaysat , Frédéric Dubois , Pierre Kisito Talla
GT Rupture, 13èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », CNRS, Nov 2024, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-04885616v1

Identification of cracking parameters of three tropical African species using the LSA method

Riccardo Houngbegnon , Rosny Biyo'O , Nourradine Hassan , Alexis Gravier , Gaël Godi
nternational Conference on Tropical Wood - Advancing the Sustainable Use of Tropical Forests, Aug 2024, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Conference papers hal-04886966v1

Mechanical performance in relation to the ecological temperament of tropical hardwoods from Gabon

Estelle Nkene Mezui , Loic Brancheriau , Samuel Ikogou , Rostand Moutou Pitti
2024 SEM Annual Conference, Jun 2024, Vancouver, United States
Conference papers hal-04887043v1
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Comparaison des processus de fissuration des bois tropicaux pour la mobilité

Riccardo Houngbegnon , Jailin Thomas , Valery Doko , Blaysat Benoît , Sauvat Nicolas
13èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2024, Nantes, France. pp.307-310
Conference papers hal-04828123v1
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Coefficients of friction between dowel-type fasteners and wood in timber connections

Valentine Remond , Ai Phien Ho , Werner Seim , Rostand Moutou Pitti
13èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2024, Nantes, France. pp.107-110
Conference papers hal-04826259v1
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Links between wood dimensional stability and light temperament in tropical hardwoods from Gabon

Estelle Nkene Mezui , Loic Brancheriau , Samuel Ikogou , Rostand Moutou Pitti
12èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois » - Limoges, 22-24 novembre 2023, Université de Limoges, Nov 2023, Limoges, France
Conference papers hal-04365697v1
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Approche par calculs fractionnaires du fluage viscoélastique non linéaire du bois d'Entandrophragma cylindricum (Sapelli)

Loic Chrislin Nguedjio , Sandrine Ngamga Mabekou , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Kisito Talla Pierre
12èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois » - Limoges, 22-24 novembre 2023, Université de Limoges, GDR CNRS 3544, Nov 2023, Limoges, France
Conference papers hal-04364228v1
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Investigation on Monopetalanthus behavior wood from Gabonese forest, during a natural moistening and drying phases

Rostand Moutou Pitti , Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui , Nicaise Manfoumbi , Corneliu Marius Craciunescu , Ioana Ionel
31st European Biomass Conference & Exhibition (EUBCE 2023), Université de Bologne, Jun 2023, Bologne (ITA), Italy
Conference papers hal-04366397v1
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Analytical characterisation in Mode I fracture of adhesively bonded Double Cantilever Beam mixed glue joints

Cédrick Horphe Ndong Bidzo , Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui , Serge Ekomy Ango , Samuel Ikogou , Beat Kaiser
International Conference on Structural Integrity, Aug 2023, Madeira, Portugal
Conference papers hal-04887259v1
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Analyse de la complaisance du bois dans des essais de fluage multi-paliers

Bontemps Arthur , Gaël Godi , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Fournely Eric , Joseph Gril
12èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2023, Limoges, France
Conference papers hal-04824383v1
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Timber structures in subtropical climate on design: BOIS DURAMHEN programs for Guadeloupe, Martinique and Guyane

Paul Quistin , Eric Fournely , Joseph Gril , Gaël Godi , Luc Cador
WCTE, Université de Oslo, Jun 2023, Oslo (Norway), Norway. pp.2820-2926, ⟨10.52202/069179-0369⟩
Conference papers hal-04366393v2
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Utilisation des écomatériaux locaux pour la construction des bâtiments en République Démocratique du Congo

Blanca Lewo Nkondi , Nilas Azama , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Benoît Blaysat
12èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois » - Limoges, 22-24 novembre 2023, Université dse Limoges, Nov 2023, Limoges (France), France
Conference papers hal-04364379v1

Impact des stratégies de croissance des arbres sur la performance mécanique des bois tropicaux du Gabon

Nkene Mezui , Loic Brancheriau , Samuel Ikogou , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Journée de la recherche technologique, de l’innovation et du développement durable (JRTIDD), Jul 2023, Libreville, Gabon
Conference papers hal-04887131v1
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Vers la mise en place d’abaque d’équilibre hygroscopique des essences des feuillus tropicaux

Martian Asseko Ella , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Giacomo Goli , Joseph Gril
12èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2023, Limoges, France. pp.353-354
Conference papers hal-04824971v1
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Rostand Moutou Pitti , A. J. Huber Johannes , Hansson Lars , Rhoda Afriyie Mensah , Rodrigues Quentin
World Conference on Timber Engineering, Université de Oslo, Jun 2023, Oslo (Norway), Norway
Conference papers hal-04366356v1
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Creep tests on partially dried notched beams of silver fir wood (Abies alba)

Bontemps Arthur , G Godi , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Eric Fournely , Joseph J. Gril
WCTE, Université de Oslo, Jun 2023, Oslo (Norway), Norway. pp.542-548, ⟨10.52202/069179-0074⟩
Conference papers hal-04366360v2
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Mise en évidence par haubanage de la réponse thigmomorphogénétique de deux clones d'hévéa

Arnauld Clauvy'S Engonga Edzang , Joseph Gril , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Eric Badel
12eme Journees Scientifiques du GDR Sciences du Bois, Université de Limoges, Nov 2023, Limoges (France), France
Conference papers hal-04312451v2
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Analyse microscopique de bois anciens d’origine italienne

Mael Fribourg , Giacomo Goli , Rostand Moutou Pitti
12èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois » - Limoges, 22-24 novembre 2023, Université de Limoges, Nov 2023, Limoges (France), France
Conference papers hal-04364386v1
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Optimisation of alcoholysis treatment in Poplar wood delignification

Yi Hien Chin , Pascal Henry Biwole , Joseph Gril , Christophe Vial , Rostand Moutou Pitti
12èmes Journées Scientifiques du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2023, Limoges, France. pp.252-255
Conference papers hal-04585062v1
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Case study: Feasibility of a multi-storey mass timber building with seismic resilient technology

Loris Douare , C Jafaari , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Ashkan Hashemi , Pierre Queneville
Présentation interne Polytech Clermont, Sep 2023, Clermont Ferrand, France. pp.12
Conference papers hal-04854864v1
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Analytical model to simulate the behavior of notched wood beams (temperate species) under creep behavior in outdoor conditions

Claude Feldman , Serge Ekomy Ango , Chaimaa Jaafari , Rostand Moutou Pitti
International Conference on Structural Integrity 2023 (ICSI 2023), Aug 2023, Madeira, Portugal
Conference papers hal-04887300v1
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Effects of the cross-linking of the cellulosic fibrillar network on the macroscopic elastic behaviour of wood

Nhat-Tung Phan , François Auslender , Joseph Gril , Rostand Moutou Pitti
WCTE, Université de Oslo, Jun 2023, Oslo (Norway), Norway. pp.443-448, ⟨10.52202/069179-0060⟩
Conference papers hal-04366364v2

Durabilité mécanique des bois d'Ozigo et de Moabi sous sollicitations de longue durée en flexion 4 points environnements variables

Valérie Nsouami , Nicaise Manfoumbi , Emilio Bastidas-Arteaga , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Journée de la recherche technologique, de l’innovation et du développement durable: 20-21 juillet 2023, Institut de Recherche Technologique, Jul 2023, Libreville, Gabon
Conference papers hal-04366346v1
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Direct identification of fracture parameters of wood in mode I by digital image correlation

O Cochet , Jose Xavier , Rui F Martins , Rostand Moutou Pitti
The 5th International Conference on Structural Integrity (ICSI 2023), Aug 2023, Madeira, Portugal
Conference papers hal-04887251v1
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Isothermes de sorption de bois guyanais en relation avec le projet Bois Duramhen 973

Théo Lefranc , Arthur Bontemps , Gaël Godi , Eric Fournely , Joseph Gril
11èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2022, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-04040093v1
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Influence de la réticulation du réseau fibrillaire cellulosique sur le comportement élastique macroscopique du bois

Nhat-Tung Phan , François Auslender , Joseph Gril , Rostand Moutou Pitti
11èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2022, Nice, France. pp.263-268
Conference papers hal-04825090v1

Influence of the cross-linking of the cellulosic fibrillar network on the effective hygro-mechanical behaviour of the wood cell wall

Nhat-Tung Phan , François Auslender , Joseph Gril , Rostand Moutou Pitti
18th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC18), Apr 2022, Oxford, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-04889717v1
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Comparaison du comportement en flexion du tronc de deux clones d'Hévéa

Engonga Edzang Arnauld , Joseph Gril , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Eric Badel
11èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2022, Nice, France. pp.148-151
Conference papers hal-04825084v1

Conception et fabrication d’une brique adobe a partir des sciures de bois d’origine du bassin du congo

Rostand Moutou Pitti , Serge Ekomy Ango , Sosthène Soumbou , Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui
Xylodating, Mar 2022, Visioconférence, France
Conference papers hal-04881270v1

Mechano-sorptive behaviour on crack propagation of notched beams of Okume

Martian Asseko Ella , Gaël Godi , Joseph Gril , Rostand Moutou Pitti
8th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC8), Sep 2022, Cape town, South Africa
Conference papers hal-04856424v1
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Contribution à l’étude du comportement en ambiance tropicale des essences de bois peu connues

Lié Régis Moumbina Dindzambot , Serge Blaise Ekomy Ango , Pierre Kisito Talla , Samuel Ikogou , Rostand Moutou Pitti
11èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2022, Nice, France. pp.242-244
Conference papers hal-04825151v1

Comparative study of the mechano-sorptive effect on crack propagation beams of tropical and temperate

Martian Asseko Ella , Giacomo Goli , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Joseph Gril , Eric Fournely
18th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC18), Apr 2022, Oxford, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-04889698v1
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Wind safety of rubber trees in plantations: comparison of the resistance to breakage of two clones

Arnauld Clauvy'S Engonga Edzang , Eric Badel , Bruno Moulia , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Joseph J. Gril
10th Plant Biomechanics conference, ENS Lyon, Aug 2022, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-03727662v1
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Analyse des essais de fluage sur des poutres entaillées de sapin pectiné (Abies alba) à l'état vert en éliminant les effets de rupture

Arthur Bontemps , Mathieu Florence , Gaël Godi , Fournely Eric , Rostand Moutou Pitti
11èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2022, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-04824386v1
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Impact des environnements climatiques sur le comportement mécanique des bois d'Ozigo et de Moabi soumis à un chargement de longue durée en flexion 4 points

Valérie Nsouami , Nicaise Manfoumbi , Emilio Bastidas-Arteaga , Rostand Moutou Pitti
11èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2022, Nice, France. pp.249-252
Conference papers hal-04825140v1
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Manufacture of fuel briquettes from sawdust from the wood of the Aucoumea klaineana pierre

Jesse Alvin Etsine Obame , Serge Ekomy Ango , Jean Brice Mandatsy Moungomo , Rostand Moutou Pitti
2ème Conférence sue les Eco-Matériaux en Afrique (CEMA’ 2022), Sénégal, 15-17 Juin 2022, Jun 2022, Saly, Senegal
Conference papers hal-04889848v1
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Modélisation rhéologique du comportement mécanosorptif et viscoélastique

Martian Asseko Ella , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Giacomo Goli , Joseph Gril
11èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2022, Nice, France. pp.54-57
Conference papers hal-04825015v1
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Usages du sapin pectiné (Abies alba) mis en oeuvre à l'état vert ou partiellement séché pour des applications en structure

Florence Mathieu , Arthur Bontemps , Joseph Gril , Rostand Moutou Pitti
11èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2022, Nice, France. pp.230-233
Conference papers hal-04825033v1
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Etude des paramètres de diffusion du bois : approche expérimentale

Martian Asseko Ella , Giacomo Goli , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Joseph Gril , Fournely Eric
25e Congrès Français de Mécanique, Nantes, 29 août-2 septembre 2022, Aug 2022, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-04280029v1
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Reduction of wood thermal conductivity by delignification

Yi Hien Chin , Pascal Henry Biwole , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Joseph Gril , Christophe Vial
11èmes Journées Scientifiques du GDR 3544 "Sciences du bois", GDR 3544 "Sciences du bois", Nov 2022, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-03924753v1
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Développement de panneaux en bois reconstitués à partir des sous-produits de scierie de bois exotiques originaires du Cameroun et d'un liant biosourcé : gomme arabique

Prince Ulfrid Passo , Hélène de Baynast , Fabrice Audonnet , Joseph Gril , Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui
11èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2022, Nice, France. pp.253-256
Conference papers hal-04825100v1
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A polynomial chaos expansion model for sensitivity analysis and reliability assessment of reinforced concrete structures subjected to cyclic loading

Henriette Marlaine Imounga , Emilio Bastidas-Arteaga , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Serge Ekomy Ango
13th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability (ICOSSAR 2021-2022), Jun 2022, Shanghai, China
Conference papers hal-04895808v1
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Influence de l'effet mécanosorptif sur la fissuration du Padouk

Martian Asseko Ella , Giacomo Goli , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Joseph Gril , Eric Fournely
10es journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2021, Montpellier, France. pp.27-30
Conference papers hal-04825219v1
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Characterization of the thigmomorphogenetic response of rubber tree clone (hevea brasiliensis): impact on wind breakage strength

Engonga Edzang , Eric Badel , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Joseph Gril , Moulia Bruno
World Conference On Timber Engineering, Aug 2021, Santiago, Chile. pp.2
Conference papers hal-03042580v1
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Influence de la réticulation du réseau fibrillaire cellulosique sur le comportement élastique effectif de la paroi cellulaire du bois

Nhat-Tung Phan , François Auslender , Joseph Gril , Rostand Moutou Pitti
10es journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2021, Montpellier, France. pp.216-219
Conference papers hal-04825327v1
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Le bois, un écomatériaux pour la construction : effets mécaniques et environnementaux

Rostand Moutou Pitti , Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui , Nicaise Manfoumbi
2éme Conférence sur les Eco-Matériaux en Afrique (CEMA’2021), Nov 2021, Saly, France
Conference papers hal-04889862v1

Étude de l’influence du taux d’orthotropie sur quelques essences tropicales en flexion en Mode I&II

Hervice Kouefouet , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Christian M Fouotsa , Sandrine Mabekou Takam , Pierre Kisito Talla
2ème Journées d’Etudes en Sciences et Technologies Bois, Nov 2021, Libreville, Gabon
Conference papers hal-04895235v1
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Influence du tempérament écologique sur les propriétés technologiques du bois d'essences peu connues d'origine gabonaise

Estelle Nkene Mezui , Loic Brancheriau , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Samuel Ikogou
10es journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2021, Montpellier, France. pp.195-197
Conference papers hal-04825344v1
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Matian Asseko , Giacomo Goli , Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui , Godi Gaël , Rostand Moutou Pitti
World Conference On Timber Engineering, Aug 2021, Santiago, Chile
Conference papers hal-03042577v1
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Cedric Horphe Ndong Bidzo , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Samuel Ikogou , Kaiser Beat , Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui
World Conference On Timber Engineering, Aug 2021, Santiango, Chile
Conference papers hal-03042576v1
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Comparaison de la rigidité de flexion de l'arbre sur pied de deux clones d'hévéa (Hevea brasiliensis) de plantation

Arnauld Engonga Edzang , Eric Badel , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Joseph Gril
10es journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2021, Montpellier, France. pp.86-90
Conference papers hal-04825250v1

Impact of moisture content on tropical wood under opening mode

Stanislas Malfait , José Xavier , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui
4th International Conference on Structural Integrity (ICSI), Aug 2021, Madeira, Portugal
Conference papers hal-04895819v1
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Impact of mechano-sorptive loading on crack propagation of notched beams of White-fir and Okume

Martian Asseko Ella , Giacomo Goli , Samuel Ikogou , Joseph Gril , Eric Fournely
4th International Conference on Structural Integrity (ICSI 2021), Aug 2021, Madeira, Portugal
Conference papers hal-04895813v1

Comportement mécanique des bois d’Ozigo et de Moabi soumis à un chargement de longue durée en environnements variables

Valérie Nsouami , Nicaise Manfoumbi , Emilio Bastidas-Arteaga , Rostand Moutou Pitti
2èmes Journée d’Etudes en Sciences et Technologie du Bois du au Gabon: 3-5 novembre 2021, Nov 2021, Libreville, Gabon
Conference papers hal-04895242v1
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Experimental and Numerical Study of Cracking and Strains of Tropical Green Wood Slice Subjected to Natural Drying

Estelle Nkene Mezui , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui , Samuel Ikogou , Serge Ekomy Ango
2021 SEM Annual Conference on Experimental & Applied Mechanics. June 14–17, 2021, Online, Jun 2021, online, France
Conference papers hal-04895830v1
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Déformation et fissuration de rondelles de bois verts tropicales soumises à la dessiccation Strain and cracking in two tropical green wood slice subjected to desiccation

Estelle Nkene Mezui , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui , Pierre Kisito Talla , Samuel Ikogou
2éme Conférence sur les Eco-Matériaux en Afrique (CEMA’2021), Nov 2021, Saly, Sénégal
Conference papers hal-04889746v1
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Mise en évidence de l'effet retardé de l'humidité sur le comportement mécanique d'une poutre de bois

Claude Feldman , Nicaise Manfoumbi , Rostand Moutou Pitti
10es journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2021, Montpellier, France. pp.214-215
Conference papers hal-04825346v1
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Evaluation de l'impact des entailles de poutres de sapin pectiné (Abies alba) sur les interprétations des essais Bing

Arthur Bontemps , Granet Charles-Hubert , Sallat Theo , Gaël Godi , Rostand Moutou Pitti
10es journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2021, Montpellier, France. pp.43-46
Conference papers hal-04825242v1
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Fabrication de briquette combustible à base de la sciure du bois

Jesse Alvin Etsine Obame , Serge Blaise Ekomy Ango , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Jean Brice Madatsy Moungomo
9èmes journées scientifiques du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2020, Grenoble, France. pp.154-157
Conference papers hal-04825353v1
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Modélisation en grands déplacements du comportement mécanique d'une tige lors d'un essai de flexion sur pied

Arnauld Clauvy’s Engonga Edzang , Joseph Gril , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Eric Badel
9ème journée scientifiques du GDR 355 "Sciences du bois", Laboratoire 3SR, Grenoble, Nov 2020, Grenoble, France. pp.53
Conference papers hal-03142007v1
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Comportement effectif de la paroi cellulaire du bois : comparaison numérique et analytique

Nhat Phan , François Auslender , Joseph Gril , Rostand Moutou Pitti
9èmes Journées Scientifiques du GDR3544 Sciences du bois,, Nov 2020, Grenoble, France. pp.97-100
Conference papers hal-03450810v1
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Méthode optique de mesures des grandeurs physiques d’un essai de fluage

Bontemps Arthur , Gaël Godi , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Fournely Eric , Joseph Gril
9èmes Journées Scientifiques du GDR3544 Sciences du bois,, Nov 2020, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-03450626v1
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Fissuration des rondelles de bois verts tropicaux soumises au séchage naturel : cas du Padouk et de l’Okoumé du Gabon

Estelle Nkene Mezui , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui , Samuel Ikogou , Serge Blaise Ekomy Ango
9èmes journées scientifiques du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2020, Grenoble, France. pp.46-49
Conference papers hal-04825348v1
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Etude expérimentale des paramètres de diffusion du bois

Asseko Ella Martian , Joseph Gril , Gaël Godi , Fournely Eric , Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui
9èmes Journées Scientifiques du GDR3544 Sciences du bois, GDR 3544 Sciences du Bois, Nov 2020, Grenoble, France. pp.81-84
Conference papers hal-03450548v1
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Comportement mécanique d'éléments de structures en bois de sapin pectiné en vue d'applications constructives

Bontemps Arthur , Moutou Pitti , Eric Fournely , Joseph Gril
8èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2019, Epinal, France
Conference papers hal-04857054v1
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Sur la fissuration des bois massifs reconstitués d'origine tropicale

Cedric Horphe Ndong Bidzo , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Samuel Ikogou , Beat Kaiser
Congrès Français de Mécanique, Sep 2019, Brest, France
Conference papers hal-02116777v1
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Comportement thermo-hydromécanique des poutres entaillées de Douglas et Sapin blanc en environnement extérieur exposé

Martian Asseko Ella , Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui , Samuel Ikogou , Rostand Moutou Pitti
Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2019, Brest, France
Conference papers hal-02116772v1

Design and manufacture of an adobe brick made from clay and sawdust of Gabonese origin

Zemeyong Embilewa , Soubou Lin , Ekomy Ango , Rostand Moutou Pitti
10th International Conference of the African Materials Research Society (AMRS2019)., Dec 2019, Arusha, Tanzania
Conference papers hal-03042611v1
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Comparative studies of three tropical wood species under compressive cyclic loading and various moisture content levels

Clauvy'S Arnaud Engonga Edzang , Claude Feldman Pambou Nziengui , Samuel Ikogou , Rostand Moutou Pitti
SEMC 2019: The Seventh International Conference on Structural, Sep 2019, CapTown, South Africa
Conference papers hal-02116767v1
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Caractérisation de la fissuration de bois tropicaux en mode mixte par la méthode de la grille

Rostand Moutou Pitti , Evelyne Toussaint , Michel Grédiac , Bernard Odounga
Imageries GC 2019, Jun 2019, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-02116790v1
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Comportement viscoélastique et mécanosorptif de l'Okoumé, du Padouk et du Sapin blanc : étude préliminaire

Martian Asseko Ella , Giacomo Goli , Godi Gaël , Moutou Pitti , Joseph Gril
8èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2019, Epinal, France
Conference papers hal-04856860v1

Modèles de rupture pour les matériaux et structures bois

Rostand Moutou Pitti , F. Dubois
Aussois 2019 - Rupture des Matériaux et des Structures - Mécanismes et modélisations face aux applications industrielles, MECAMAT, Jan 2019, Aussois, France
Conference papers hal-01909291v1
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Comportement mécanique d'une poutre entaillée en flexion 4 points : comparaison numérique et expérimentale

Nhat Tung Phan , Martian Asseko Ella , Rostand Moutou Pitti , Joseph Gril , Gaël Godi
8èmes journées du GDR 3544 « Sciences du bois », Nov 2019, Epinal, France
Conference papers hal-04857082v1

Identification of crack front in wooden material by X-ray microtomography

Rostand Moutou Pitti , G J Mambili Lebongui1 ,