Methodologies to Evaluate the influence of mineral scales on uniform and stress corrosion cracking of steels in artificial geothermal waters
Sabrina Marcelin
Nicolas Mary
Bernard Normand
Francois Ropital
Federico Bertin
The European Corrosion Congress, Sep 2024, Paris, France
Conference papers
Study of Film-forming Amines in the Conditions of Secondary Circuit: Interaction between Magnetite Surface and Octadecylamine
Jung-Eun Lee
Adèle Astorg
Axel Vansteene
Jonathan Tireau
Sabrina Marcelin
7th international conference on Film forming substances, Mar 2024, Prato (Italy), Italy
Conference papers
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy investigation of the role of alloying elements (Cr, Fe) on the passive film properties of Ni based alloys
Benoît Ter-Ovanessian
Sabrina Marcelin
Bernard Normand
Jules Galipaud
Zhiheng Zhang
3rd Conference & Expo AMPP Chapter, Jun 2024, Genes, Italy
Conference papers
Investigation of the corrosion behavior of the Ti40Zr10Cu36Pd14 bulk metallic glass for biomedical applications: role of the casting defects
Aléthéa Liens
Laurabelle Gauthier
Benoît Ter-Ovanessian
D. Fabrègue
Jérôme Chevalier
Thermec, Jul 2023, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers
Radiolysis induced by proton irradiation at the steel-316L/aqueous solution interface: Role of energy deposition
Nathalie Moncoffre
Nicolas Bererd
Philippe Martinet
Sabrina Marcelin
Dominique Baux
Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry, Jun 2023, La Marana, France
Conference papers
Flows driven by ultrasounds in liquids in a wall mass transfer enhancement perspective
Valéry Botton
Nouhayla El Ghani
Sophie Miralles
Daniel Henry
H. Ben Hadid
33rd International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Sep 2023, Kumamoto, Japan
Conference papers
Developement of composite materials dedicated to corrosion protection. Case study: epoxy/LDH-EDDS coating system
Gata Joseph Ayemi
Camille Blivet
Sabrina Marcelin
Sandrine Therias
Leroux Fabrice
ISICXXI : 21st International Symposium on Intercalation Compounds, Jun 2023, Nancy, France
Conference papers
Silicon nitrides PECVD thin films for enhancing copper corrosion resistance in microelectronic
Romain Haeffele
Sabrina Marcelin
Lucile Broussous
P. Kowalzcyk
Bernard Normand
74th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Sep 2023, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Contribution of Electrochemical methods to investigate Cu/Al2O3 system dedicated to microelectronic application
Romain Haeffele
Sabrina Marcelin
Lucile Broussous
Bernard Normand
74th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Sep 2023, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Scaling formation impact on metallic materials corrosion in artificial geothermal solution
Gabriela Aristia
Sabrina Marcelin
Nicolas Mary
Bernard Normand
Francois Ropital
Proceedings Worls Geothermal Cogress 2023, Apr 2023, Pekin, China
Conference papers
Impedance model of oxide layers composed of an inner and an outer layer
Benoît Ter-Ovanessian
Sabrina Marcelin
Bernard Tribollet
Bernard Normand
74th Annual meeting of International Society of Electrochemistry, Sep 2023, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Amélioration du transfert de masse à une interface liquide/solide à l’aide d’écoulements générés par des ultrasons
Valéry Botton
Sophie Miralles
Nouhayla El Ghani
Sabrina Marcelin
Benoît Ter-Ovanessian
15ème Congrès de mécanique, May 2022, Casablanca, Morocco
Conference papers
Développement d’une approche expérimentale pour caractériser la corrosion caverneuse de la nuance à base nickel 825
Hugo Klinklin
Sabrina Marcelin
Benoît Ter-Ovanessian
Bernard Normand
Martin Monnot
Journées d’électrochimie, Jul 2022, Mons, Belgique
Conference papers
Study of film-forming amines in the conditions of secondary circuit of PWR: Interaction between Magnetite and Octadecylamine at Different Temperatures
Jung-Eun Lee
Adèle Astorg
Sabrina Marcelin
Benoît Ter-Ovanessian
Grégory Lefèvre
the 5th International Conference on Film Forming Substances, Mar 2022, Virtual conference (covid), France
Conference papers
Rôle des défauts d’élaboration sur le comportement à la corrosion du verre métallique massif de composition Ti40Zr10Cu36Pd14
Alethea Liens
Benoît Ter-Ovanessian
D. Fabrègue
Jérôme Chevalier
Sabrina Marcelin
Matériaux, Oct 2022, Lille, France
Conference papers
Study of “modified” NBA 825 to improve their crevice corrosion resistance
Hugo Klinklin
Sabrina Marcelin
Martin Monnot
Benoît Ter-Ovanessian
Bernard Normand
The European Corrosion Congress, Aug 2022, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers
Effet de synergie entre l’EDDS et la structure d’hydroxydes doubles lamellaires (HDLs) pour l’inhibition de la corrosion de l’acier au carbone
Gata Joseph Ayemi
Sabrina Marcelin
Sandrine Therias
Leroux Fabrice
Bernard Normand
matériaux, Oct 2022, Lille, France
Conference papers
Evaluation de la résistance à la corrosion du cuivre protégé par des couches minces nanométriques d’oxydes et nitrures
Romain Haeffele
Sabrina Marcelin
Lucile Broussous
P. Kowalsczyk
Lucie Mazet
Matériaux, Oct 2022, Lille, France
Conference papers
Dielectric model of oxide layer composed of an inner and an outer layer
Benoît Ter-Ovanessian
Sabrina Marcelin
Bernard Tribollet
Bernard Normand
13th EMCR 2022 (Electrochemical Methods in Corrosion Research 2022), Sep 2022, St Pierre d'Oléron, France
Conference papers
Development of an experimental approach to characterize the crevice corrosion behaviour of the Ni-base 825 alloy
Hugo Klinklin
Sabrina Marcelin
Benoît Ter-Ovanessian
Bernard Normand
Martin Monnot
Electrochemical Methods in Corrosion Research 2022, Sep 2022, Ile d'Oléron, France
Conference papers
Effect of temperature on the corrosion and scaling of carbon steel in different artificial geothermal solutions
Gabriela Aristia
Sabrina Marcelin
Nicolas Mary
Bernard Normand
Francois Ropital
The European Corrosion Congress, Aug 2022, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers
Méthodologies pour l’étude de l’impact des dépôts minéraux métalliques dans des eaux géothermales artificielles
Gabriela Aristia
Federico Bertin
Sabrina Marcelin
Nicolas Mary
François Grosjean
Matériaux, Oct 2022, Lille, France
Conference papers
Amélioration de la résistance à la corrosion caverneuse de la nuance base nickel 825 : lien entre microstructure aux joints de grains et comportement électrochimique en milieu confiné
Hugo Klinklin
Sabrina Marcelin
Benoît Ter-Ovanessian
Bernard Normand
Matériaux, Oct 2022, Lille, France
Conference papers
Apport des techniques électrochimiques locales et globales pour la caractérisation de la résistance à la corrosion du cuivre protégé par des couches minces métalliques
Romain Haeffele
Sabrina Marcelin
Lucile Broussous
P. Kowalsczyk
Lucie Mazet
Journées d’électrochimie, Jul 2022, Mons, Belgium
Conference papers
Corrosion protection performance evaluation of epoxy/LDH-EDDS coatings for XC38 carbon steel
Gata Joseph Ayemi
Camille Blivet
Sabrina Marcelin
Sandrine Therias
Leroux Fabrice
Matériaux, Oct 2022, Lille, France
Conference papers
Development and characterization of copper corrosion protection coatings by atomic layer deposition: application to microelectronics
Romain Haeffele
Sabrina Marcelin
Lucile Broussous
Lucie Mazet
O. Kermarrec
The European Corrosion Congress, Aug 2022, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers
Evolution of passive film under irradiations
Bernard Normand
Philippe Martinet
Sabrina Marcelin
Nicolas Bererd
Th European Corrosion Congress, Sep 2021, Virtual conference, France
Conference papers
Effect of low oxygen concentration in solution on localized corrosion of carbon steel in « pseudo-passive » state in a CO2 aqueous solution
Edoardo Basilico
Sabrina Marcelin
Rémy Mingant
J. Kittel
Marion Fregonese
Eurocorr 2021, Sep 2021, Budapest, Hungary
Conference papers
Study of film-forming amines in the conditions of secondary circuit of PWR: Deposition at different temperatures and validation of anti-corrosion efficiency
Jung-Eun Lee
Adèle Astorg
Sabrina Marcelin
Benoît Ter-Ovanessian
Grégory Lefèvre
The European Corrosion Congress, Sep 2021, Virtual conference, France
Conference papers
Synergestic effect between layer double hydroxide (LDH) and EDDS to inhibit carbon steel corrosion
Gata Joseph Ayemi
Sabrina Marcelin
Sandrine Therias
Leroux Fabrice
Bernard Normand
The European Corrosion Congress, Sep 2021, Virtual conference, France
Conference papers
Crevice corrosion behaviour of nickel based alloy 825 in seawater
Hugo Klinklin
Martin Monnot
Sabrina Marcelin
Benoît Ter-Ovanessian
Bernard Normand
The European Corrosion Congress, Sep 2021, Virtual conference, France
Conference papers
Effect of low oxygen concentration on localized corrosion of carbon steel in « pseudo-passive state » in a CO2 aqueous environment
Edoardo Basilico
Sabrina Marcelin
Rémy Mingant
J. Kittel
Marion Fregonese
The European Corrosion Congress, Sep 2021, Virtual conference, France
Conference papers
Effect of oxygen contamination on the protectiveness of corrosion deposits on carbon steel in aqueous media containing CO2
Edoardo Basilico
Sabrina Marcelin
Rémy Mingant
J. Kittel
Marion Fregonese
The European Corrosion Congress, Sep 2020, Virtual conference, France
Conference papers
Relationship between the resistivity profiles obtained from the power law model and the physico-chemical properties of passive films
Zhiheng Zhang
Benoît Ter-Ovanessian
Sabrina Marcelin
Bernard Normand
238th ECS meeting PRIME 2020, Oct 2020, Virtual conference, France
Conference papers
The role of alloying elements (Cr, Fe) on the passive behaviour and secondary oxidation of Ni based alloys
Zhiheng Zhang
Benoît Ter-Ovanessian
Sabrina Marcelin
Bernard Normand
The European Corrosion Congress, Sep 2020, Virtual conference, France
Conference papers
Water uptake assessment in polymer coating from dielectric measurements using local mixing rule coupled with Cole-Cole equation
Lucas Ollivier-Lamarque
Mickaël Lallart
Tetsuya Uchimoto
Nicolas Mary
Sébastien Livi
Eurocorr 2020, Sep 2020, Online, France
Conference papers
Water uptake assessment in polymer coating from dielectric measurements using local mixing rule coupled with Cole-Cole equation
Lucas Ollivier-Lamarque
Mickaël Lallart
Nicolas Mary
Tetsuya Uchimoto
Sabrina Marcelin
The European Corrosion Congress, Sep 2020, Virtual conference, France
Conference papers
The passive behaviour of binary Ni-Cr alloys by successive electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements
Zhiheng Zhang
Benoît Ter-Ovanessian
Sabrina Marcelin
Bernard Normand
ICCPA, Oct 2019, Chongqing, China
Conference papers
Role of Alloying Elements on the Secondary Passivation of Ni-Cr Based Alloys
Benoît Ter-Ovanessian
Zhiheng Zhang
Sabrina Marcelin
Bernard Normand
236th ECS meeting, Oct 2019, Atlanta, United States
Conference papers
Characterization of the corrosion and tribology under irradiation behaviour of a stainless steel
Philippe Martinet
Sabrina Marcelin
Nicolas Bererd
Nathalie Moncoffre
Benoît Ter-Ovanessian
The European Corrosion Congress, Sep 2019, Séville (SP), Spain
Conference papers
Water Uptake in Anti-Corrosion Polymer Coating: Development of Capacitance Measurement Methods
Lucas Ollivier-Lamarque
Tetsuya Uchimoto
Nicolas Mary
Sabrina Marcelin
Sébastien Livi
The European Corrosion Congress, Sep 2019, Séville (SP), Spain
Conference papers
The passive behaviour of binary Ni-Cr alloys by successive electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements
Zhiheng Zhang
Benoît Ter-Ovanessian
Sabrina Marcelin
Bernard Normand
The European Corrosion Congress, Sep 2019, Séville (SP), Spain
Conference papers
Successive electrochemical impedance spectroscopy investigation of the pH effect on the passive behaviour of a Ni-Cr binary alloy
Zhiheng Zhang
Benoît Ter-Ovanessian
Sabrina Marcelin
Bernard Normand
11th International Symposium on Electrochemical impedance Spectrosocpy, Jun 2019, Lège-Cap Ferret, France
Conference papers
Mechanical and Surface Properties of Chemical Vapour Deposited Protective Aluminium Oxide Films on TA6V Alloy
Diane Samélor
Maëlenn Aufray
Loïc Lacroix
Yannick Balcaen
Joël Alexis
CIMTEC 2010 - 12th International Ceramics Congress Part E, Jun 2010, Montecatini Terme, Italy. pp.66-73
Conference papers