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Satyanad Kichenassamy
Professeur des Universités (Full Professor, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne) and Chargé de Conférences (EPHE, PSL, Paris).
Open access
Current affiliations
- 46
- 1066342
- 110691
Researcher identifiers
- ResearcherId : B-8753-2008
- IdRef : 032723156
- ResearcherId : http://www.researcherid.com/rid/B-8753-2008
Web site
- https://www.normalesup.org/~kichenassamy/
Biographical note : Satyanad Kichenassamy is a mathematician and Indologist. He was born in Paris in 1963. He is an alumnus of the École Normale Supérieure in Paris, and obtained his Thesis in 1987 under the direction of Haïm Brezis. Since 1998, he has been Full Professor of Mathematics at the Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, in the CNRS research group in Mathematics of which he was the director from 2004 to 2007. He is also an associate member of the Paris Indology group GREI (EPHE/PSL and Sorbonne-Université). He also taught at New York University, at the University of Minnesota and at the Sorbonne (EPHE, Paris). He wrote Nonlinear Wave Equations, (Dekker, 1995) and Fuchsian Reduction (Birkhäuser, 2007) and over eighty articles, and was invited at numerous institutions over the world. He introduced the method of Fuchsian Reduction in Nonlinear Analysis, the method of Conformal Snakes in Computer Vision, and the notion of apodictic discourse in History of Science. He also solved several old open problems in the History of Indian Philosophy, from a philological perspective.
His e-mail addresses follow the general format: firstname.lastname@univ-reims.fr and firstname.lastname@ephe.psl.eu
For further information, see the following web pages:
[Link to my personal web page](http://www.normalesup.org/~kichenassamy/) and [Link to my web page at EPHE](https://www.ephe.psl.eu/satyanad-kichenassamy)
Satyanad Kichenassamy est mathématicien et indianiste. Né en 1963 à Paris, où il a fait toutes ses études, ancien élève de l’École Normale Supérieure de la rue d’Ulm, agrégé de mathématiques, il a obtenu son doctorat en 1987 sous la direction de Haïm Brezis. Il est depuis 1998 Professeur à l’Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, dans l’UMR de Mathématiques qu’il a dirigée de 2004 à 2007. Il est également chargé de conférences à l’EPHE et membre associé du GREI (EPHE/PSL et Sorbonne-Université). Il a enseigné à New York University, à l’University of Minnesota et à la Sorbonne (EPHE, Paris). Auteur de Nonlinear Wave Equations, (Dekker, 1995), de Fuchsian Reduction (Birkhäuser, 2007) et de plus de quatre-vingts articles, il a été invité dans de nombreuses institutions à travers le monde. Il a introduit la méthode de réduction fuchsienne en analyse non linéaire, la méthode des contours actifs conformes en vision par ordinateur, et la notion de discours apodictique en histoire des sciences. Il a également résolu plusieurs questions en suspens sur l’histoire de la philosophie indienne. Pour plus d’informations, voir https://www.normalesup.org/~kichenassamy/
Ses adresses courriel sont de la forme: firstname.lastname@univ-reims.fr et firstname.lastname@ephe.psl.eu
Pour de plus amples infromations, voir les pages personnelles ci-dessous :
[Lien vers ma page personnelle](http://www.normalesup.org/~kichenassamy/) et [Lien vers ma page à l'EPHE](https://www.ephe.psl.eu/satyanad-kichenassamy)
Research domains
Analysis of PDEs [math.AP]
Differential Geometry [math.DG]
Humanities and Social Sciences
History, Philosophy and Sociology of Sciences
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The solution of Liouville's equation (1850, 1853) and its impactNauka u tekhnika : Voprosy istorii i teorii, R.A. Fando, E.B. Minina, B.M. Samenkova, Oct 2021, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. pp.81-86, ⟨10.48550/arXiv.2205.04246⟩
Conference papers
Apodictic discourse in ancient and modern MathematicsInternational Workshop “Srinivasa Ramanujan: The Man Beyond Infinity”, Dec 2020, Dharamshala, India
Conference papers
On the impact of History on modern research and teachingInternational Web-Conference on History of Mathematics, Indian Society for History of Mathematics, Dec 2020, Delhi, India
Conference papers
The mathematical analysis of the Perona-Malik equation and its practical impactMathematics and Image Analysis 2006, Sep 2006, Paris, France
Conference papers
Recent progress on boundary blow-upElliptic and Parabolic Problems : A Special Tribute to the Work of Haïm Brezis, 2005, Italy. pp.329-341
Conference papers
La compréhension interlinguistique en IndeL'avenir du Patrimoine Linguistique et Culturel de l'Europe, 2003, Reims, France. pp.45-49
Conference papers
Stability of blow-up patterns for nonlinear wave equationsNonlinear PDEs, Dynamics and Continuum Physics (AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference at Mount Holyoke College), 1998, South Hadley, MA, United States. pp.139-162, ⟨10.1090/conm/255/03979⟩
Conference papers
Nonlinear diffusion and hyperbolic smoothing for edge enhancement12th International Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Systems: \hfill\\ \mbox{}\qquad\quad Images, Wavelets and PDE's (ICAOS'96), Jun 1996, Paris, France. pp.119-124, ⟨10.1007/3-540-76076-8_124⟩
Conference papers
Gradient flows and geometric active contour modelsInternational Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 95), 1995, Cambridge, MA, United States. pp.810-815, ⟨10.1109/ICCV.1995.466855⟩
Conference papers
Active contours for visual tracking: a geometric gradient based approach34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Dec 1995, New Orleans, LA, United States. pp.810-815, ⟨10.1109/CDC.1995.479238⟩
Conference papers
Symmetrization on the sphere and applicationsNonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Applications, Collège de France Seminar vol. X (1987-88), 1991, Paris, France. pp.272-283
Conference papers
Breathers and the sine-Gordon equationInverse Scattering and Applications (AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference), 1990, Amherst, MA, United States. pp.73-76
Conference papers
Energy estimates for surface-valued maps with prescribed singularities1989, pp.92-98
Conference papers
Périmètre sur les variétés et applications aux équations aux dérivées partiellesSéminaire E.D.P. 1986-1987, Ecole Polytechnique., 1987, Palaiseau, France
Conference papers
Fuchsian Reduction: Applications to Geometry, Cosmology and Mathematical PhysicsBirkhäuser, pp.xvi + 296, 2007
Nonlinear Wave EquationsMarcel Dekker, pp.xiii + 276, 1996
An Indian critique of the notion of absolute beginningJulia A. B. Hegewald and Marion Gymnich. Images and Stories of the Origins of the World and of Humankind, Mohr Siebeck, pp.84-109, 2024, 978-3-16-162737-8
Book sections
L'irruption de l'infini : une analyse indienne du problème de l'origine du mondePierre-Sylvain Filliozat; Michel Zink. Mythes d'origine dans les civilisations de l'Asie, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, pp.145-167, 2021, 978-2-87754-672-0
Book sections
L’emploi métonymique de l’arbre kallāl dans la philosophie médiévale en pays tamoulP.-S. Filliozat et M. Zink. L'Arbre en Asie, De Boccard / Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, pp.273-295, 2018, 978-2-87754-372-9
Book sections
Le ``triquadrilatère'' de BrahmaguptaPatrick Perrin. Comptes Rendus du Séminaire d'Histoire des Mathématiques, 1, IREM de Reims, pp.47-66, 2015, 978-2-910076-13-9
Book sections
Schauder-type estimates and applicationsM. Chipot and P. Quittner. Handbook of Differential Equations: Stationary Partial Differential Equations, 3, Elsevier, pp.401-464, 2006, ⟨10.1016/S1874-5733(06)80009-4⟩
Book sections
Symmetric hyperbolic systems and shock wavesJ.-P. Françoise, G. L. Naber, Tsou S. T. Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, volume 5, Elsevier, pp.160-166, 2006
Book sections
Preprints, Working Papers, ...