Extension of the Discrete Electron Transport Capabilities of the Geant4-DNA Toolkit to MeV Energies
Ioanna Kyriakou
Hoang Tran
Laurent Desorgher
Vladimir Ivantchenko
Susanna Guatelli
Journal articles
A multiscale nanodosimetric study of GCR protons and alpha particles in the organs of astronauts on the lunar surface
J.W. Archer
Matthew Large
David Bolst
Dousatsu Sakata
Hoang Ngoc Tran
Journal articles
Review of chemical models and applications in Geant4‐DNA: Report from the ESA BioRad III Project
Hoang Ngoc Tran
Jay Archer
Gérard Baldacchino
Jeremy M C Brown
Flore Chappuis
Journal articles
Investigating ultra-high dose rate water radiolysis using the Geant4-DNA toolkit and a Geant4 model of the Oriatron eRT6 electron linac
Flore Chappuis
Hoang Ngoc Tran
Patrik Gonçalves Jorge
Sara Zein
Ioanna Kyriakou
Journal articles
Lithium inelastic cross-sections and their impact on micro and nano dosimetry of boron neutron capture
Naoki D-Kondo
Ramon Ortiz
Bruce Faddegon
Sebastien Incerti
H Tran
Journal articles
Geant4-DNA development for atmospheric applications: N 2 , O 2 and CO 2 models implementation
F. Nicolanti
B. Caccia
A. Cartoni
D. Emfietzoglou
R. Faccini
Journal articles
Monte Carlo simulations of microdosimetry and radiolytic species production at long time post proton irradiation using GATE and Geant4‐DNA
Giovanna Rosa Fois
Hoang Ngoc Tran
Vincent Fiegel
Guillaume Blain
Sophie Chiavassa
Journal articles
Electron Absorbed Fractions and S Factors for Intermediate Size Target Volumes: Comparison of Analytic Calculations and Monte Carlo Simulations
Christina Kotroumpelou
Ioanna Kyriakou
Vladimir Ivanchenko
Sebastien Incerti
Dimitris Emfietzoglou
Journal articles
In-silico calculations of DNA damage induced by α -particles in the 224Ra DaRT decay chain for a better understanding of the radiobiological effectiveness of this treatment
Laura Ballisat
Lana Beck
Chiara de Sio
Susanna Guatelli
Dousatsu Sakata
Journal articles
The general-purpose Geant4 Monte Carlo toolkit and its Geant4-DNA extension to investigate mechanisms underlying the FLASH effect in radiotherapy: Current status and challenges
Flore Chappuis
Hoang Ngoc Tran
Sara Zein
Claude Bailat
Sébastien Incerti
Journal articles
MINAS TIRITH: a new tool for simulating radiation-induced DNA damage at the cell population level
Yann Thibaut
Geraldine Gonon
Juan S Martinez
Michael Petit
Aurelie Vaurijoux
Journal articles
Geant4-DNA simulation of human cancer cells irradiation with helium ion beams
Konstantinos Chatzipapas
Milos Dordevic
Sara Zivkovic
Ngoc Hoang Tran
Nathanael Lampe
Journal articles
Experimental validation in a neutron exposure frame of the MINAS TIRITH for cell damage simulation
Yann Thibaut
Geraldine Gonon
Juan Martinez Guerrero
Michael Petit
Richard Babut
Journal articles
Monte Carlo simulations of electron interactions with the DNA molecule: A complete set of physics models for Geant4-DNA simulation toolkit
Sara Zein
Marie-Claude Bordage
Hoang Ngoc Tran
Giovanni Macetti
Alessandro Genoni
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2023, 542, pp.51-60. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2023.06.004⟩
Journal articles
Calculation of electron interaction models in N$_2$ and O$_2$
F. Nicolanti
B. Caccia
A. Cartoni
D. Emfietzoglou
R. Faccini
Journal articles
Prediction of DNA rejoining kinetics and cell survival after proton irradiation for V79 cells using Geant4-DNA
Dousatsu Sakata
Ryoichi Hirayama
Wook-Geun Shin
Mauro Belli
Maria Tabocchini
Journal articles
Experimental cross sections for water ionization due to the impact of light ions—A review
Mario Bernal
Jacinto Liendo
Sebastien Incerti
Ziad Francis
Hoang Tran
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2022, 517, pp.6-15. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2022.01.015⟩
Journal articles
Microdosimetry Study of Proton Quality Factor Using Analytic Model Calculations
Alexis Papadopoulos
Ioanna Kyriakou
Yusuke Matsuya
Sébastien Incerti
Ioannis Daglis
Journal articles
Intercomparison of nanodosimetric distributions in nitrogen simulated with Geant4 and PTra track structure codes
Marcin Pietrzak
Heidi Nettelbeck
Yann Perrot
Carmen Villagrasa
Aleksandr Bancer
Journal articles
Nanodosimetric calculations of radiation-induced DNA damage in a new nucleus geometrical model based on the isochore theory
Yann Thibaut
Nicolas Tang
Hoang Ngoc Tran
Aurelie Vaurijoux
Carmen Villagrasa
Journal articles
Status and Extension of the Geant4-DNA Dielectric Models for Application to Electron Transport
Ioanna Kyriakou
Dimitris Emfietzoglou
Sebastien Incerti
Journal articles
A Geant4 simulation of X-ray emission for three-dimensional proton imaging of microscopic samples
Claire Michelet
Zhuxin Li
H. Jalenques
Sébastien Incerti
Philippe Barberet
Journal articles
Implementation of the EPICS2017 database for photons in Geant4
Zhuxin Li
Claire Michelet
Sebastien Incerti
Vladimir Ivanchenko
Mihaly Novak
Journal articles
Review of the Geant4-DNA Simulation Toolkit for Radiobiological Applications at the Cellular and DNA Level
Ioanna Kyriakou
Dousatsu Sakata
Hoang Ngoc Tran
Yann Perrot
Wook-Geun Shin
Journal articles
DNA damage modeled with Geant4-DNA: effects of plasmid DNA conformation and experimental conditions
N D-Kondo
E Moreno-Barbosa
V Štěphán
K Stefanová
Yann Perrot
Journal articles
Geant4 X-ray fluorescence with updated libraries
Samer Bakr
David Cohen
Rainer Siegele
Jay Archer
Sebastien Incerti
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2021, 507, pp.11-19. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2021.09.009⟩
Journal articles
A benchmarking study of Geant4 for Auger electrons emitted by medical radioisotopes
Samer Bakr
Tibor Kibédi
Bryan Tee
David Bolst
Maarten Vos
Journal articles
Electron transport in DNA bases: An extension of the Geant4-DNA Monte Carlo toolkit
Sara Zein
Marie-Claude Bordage
Ziad Francis
Giovanni Macetti
Alessandro Genoni
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2021, 488, pp.70-82. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2020.11.021⟩
Journal articles
Radiochimie et chimie sous rayonnement - rayonnements ionisants et radioéléments
Le code Geant4-DNA :simuler les premiers instants de la radiolyse de l’eau
Wook Geun Shin
Ngoc Hoang Tran
Jose Ramosmendez
Yann Perrot
Gerard Montarou
L'Actualité Chimique, 2021, 460-461, pp.29-33
Journal articles
A Geant4-DNA Evaluation of Radiation-Induced DNA Damage on a Human Fibroblast
Wook-Geun Shin
Dousatsu Sakata
Nathanael Lampe
Oleg Belov
Ngoc Hoang Tran
Journal articles
DNA double-strand breaks in cancer cells as a function of proton linear energy transfer and its variation in time
Otilija Keta
Vladana Petković
Pablo Cirrone
Giada Petringa
Giacomo Cuttone
Journal articles
Assessment of DNA damage with an adapted independent reaction time approach implemented in Geant4‐DNA for the simulation of diffusion‐controlled reactions between radio‐induced reactive species and a chromatin fiber
Hoang Ngoc Tran
José Ramos‐méndez
Wook‐geun Shin
Yann Perrot
Bruce Faddegon
Journal articles
Monte Carlo Simulation of SARS-CoV-2 Radiation-Induced Inactivation for Vaccine Development
Ziad Francis
Sébastien Incerti
Sara Zein
Nathanael Lampe
Carlos Guzman
Journal articles
Monte Carlo study of patient and medical staff radiation exposures during interventional cardiology
M. Bhar
S. Mora
O. Kadri
S. Zein
K. Manai
Journal articles
Geant4-DNA Modeling of Water Radiolysis beyond the Microsecond: An On-Lattice Stochastic Approach
Hoang Ngoc Tran
Flore Chappuis
Sébastien Incerti
Francois Bochud
Laurent Desorgher
Journal articles
Performance Evaluation for Repair of HSGc-C5 Carcinoma Cell Using Geant4-DNA
Dousatsu Sakata
Masao Suzuki
Ryoichi Hirayama
Yasushi Abe
Masayuki Muramatsu
Journal articles
TOPAS-nBio validation for simulating water radiolysis and DNA damage under low-LET irradiation
J Ramos-Méndez
J Laverne
N Domínguez-Kondo
J Milligan
V Štěpán
Journal articles
Geant4-DNA simulation of the pre-chemical stage of water radiolysis and its impact on initial radiochemical yields
Wook-Geun Shin
Jose Ramos-Mendez
Ngoc Hoang Tran
Shogo Okada
Yann Perrot
Journal articles
Advances in modelling gold nanoparticle radiosensitization using new Geant4-DNA physics models
Elette Engels
Samer Bakr
David Bolst
Dousatsu Sakata
Nan Li
Journal articles
Fully integrated Monte Carlo simulation for evaluating radiation induced DNA damage and subsequent repair using Geant4-DNA
Dousatsu Sakata
Oleg Belov
Marie-Claude Bordage
Dimitris Emfietzoglou
Susanna Guatelli
Journal articles
Determination of fast neutron RBE using a fully mechanistic computational model
Azam Zabihi
John Tello
Sebastien Incerti
Ziad Francis
Ghasem Forozani
Journal articles
Development of integrated prompt gamma imaging and positron emission tomography system for in vivo 3-D dose verification: a Monte Carlo study
Hyun Joon Choi
Ji Won Jang
Wook-Geun Shin
Hyojun Park
Sebastien Incerti
Journal articles
DNA damage assessment of human breast and lung carcinoma cells irradiated with protons and carbon ions
Aleksandra Ristic-Fira
Otilija Keta
Vladana Petković
Francesco Cammarata
Giada Petringa
Journal articles
Microdosimetric calculations of the direct DNA damage induced by low energy electrons using the Geant4-DNA Monte Carlo code
Stefanos Margis
Maria Magouni
Ioanna Kyriakou
Alexandros G. Georgakilas
Sebastien Incerti
Journal articles
Independent reaction times method in Geant4‐DNA: Implementation and performance
Jose Ramos-Mendez
Wook‐geun Shin
Mathieu Karamitros
Jorge Domínguez‐kondo
Ngoc Hoang Tran
Journal articles
Biomedical Research Programs at Present and Future High-Energy Particle Accelerators
Vincenzo Patera
Yolanda Prezado
Faical Azaiez
Giuseppe Battistoni
Diego Bettoni
Journal articles
Virus Irradiation and COVID-19 Disease
Marco Durante
Kai Schulze
Sébastien Incerti
Ziad Francis
Sara Zein
Journal articles
Cosmic-Ray Tracks in Astrophysical Ices: Modeling with the Geant4-DNA Monte Carlo Toolkit
Christopher Shingledecker
Sébastien Incerti
Alexei Ivlev
Dimitris Emfietzoglou
Ioanna Kyriakou
Journal articles
Monte Carlo dosimetry of a realistic multicellular model of follicular lymphoma in a context of radioimmunotherapy
Julien Bordes
Sébastien Incerti
Erick Mora‐ramirez
Jonathan Tranel
Cédric Rossi
Journal articles
Validation and investigation of reactive species yields of Geant4‐ DNA chemistry models
Dylan Peukert
Sebastien Incerti
Ivan Kempson
Michael Douglass
Mathieu Karamitros
Journal articles
MPEXS-DNA, a new GPU-based Monte Carlo simulator for track structures and radiation chemistry at subcellular scale
Shogo Okada
Koichi Murakami
Sebastien Incerti
Katsuya Amako
Takashi Sasaki
Journal articles
Photochemistry on the Space Station—Aptamer Resistance to Space Conditions: Particles Exposure from Irradiation Facilities and Real Exposure Outside the International Space Station
Gaëlle Coussot
Aurélie Le Postollec
Sébastien Incerti
Mickael Baqué
Clément Faye
Journal articles
A Geant4 simulation for three-dimensional proton imaging of microscopic samples
Claire Michelet
Zhuxin Li
Wen Yang
Sébastien Incerti
Pascal Desbarats
Journal articles
Computational approach to determine the relative biological effectiveness of fast neutrons using the Geant4-DNA toolkit and a DNA atomic model from the Protein Data Bank
Azam Zabihi
Sebastien Incerti
Ziad Francis
Ghasem Forozani
Farid Semsarha
Journal articles
Assessment of Radio-Induced Damage in Endothelial Cells Irradiated with 40 kVp, 220 kVp, and 4 MV X-rays by Means of Micro and Nanodosimetric Calculations
Nicolas Tang
Marta Bueno
Sylvain Meylan
Yann Perrot
Hoang N. Tran
Journal articles
Photochemistry on the Space Station—Antibody Resistance to Space Conditions after Exposure Outside the International Space Station
Gaëlle Coussot
Aurélie Le Postollec
Clément Faye
Mickael Baqué
Odile Vandenabeele-Trambouze
Journal articles
Monte-Carlo dosimetry and real-time imaging of targeted irradiation consequences in 2-cell stage Caenorhabditis elegans embryo
Eva Torfeh
Marina Simon
Giovanna Muggiolu
Guillaume Devès
François Vianna
Journal articles
Reducing the ionizing radiation background does not significantly affect the evolution of Escherichia coli populations over 500 generations
Nathanael Lampe
Pierre Marin
Marianne Coulon
Pierre Micheau
Lydia Maigne
Journal articles
Electron track structure simulations in a gold nanoparticle using Geant4-DNA
Dousatsu Sakata
Ioanna Kyriakou
Hoang N. Tran
Marie-Claude Bordage
Anatoly Rosenfeld
Journal articles
Evaluation of early radiation DNA damage in a fractal cell nucleus model using Geant4-DNA
Dousatsu Sakata
Nathanael Lampe
Mathieu Karamitros
Ioanna Kyriakou
Oleg Belov
Journal articles
Geometrical structures for radiation biology research as implemented in the TOPAS-nBio toolkit
Aimee L. Mcnamara
José Ramos-Méndez
Joseph Perl
Kathryn Held
Naoki Dominguez
Journal articles
2D modelling: A Monte Carlo approach for assessing heterogeneous beta dose rate in luminescence and ESR dating: Paper I, theory and verification
Loїc Martin
Fang Fang
Norbert Mercier
Sébastien Incerti
Rainer Grün
Journal articles
Mechanistic DNA damage simulations in Geant4-DNA part 1: A parameter study in a simplified geometry
Nathanael Lampe
Mathieu Karamitros
Vincent Breton
Jeremy Brown
Ioanna Kyriakou
Journal articles
Geant4-DNA track-structure simulations for gold nanoparticles: The importance of electron discrete models in nanometer volumes
Dousatsu Sakata
Ioanna Kyriakou
Shogo Okada
Hoang N. Tran
Nathanael Lampe
Journal articles
Development of a new Geant4-DNA electron elastic scattering model for liquid-phase water using the ELSEPA code
W.-G. Shin
M.-C. Bordage
D. Emfietzoglou
I. Kyriakou
D. Sakata
Journal articles
Biological Outcomes of $\gamma$-radiation Induced DNA Damages in Breast and Lung Cancer Cells Pretreated with Free Radical Scavengers
Vladana D. Petković
Otilija D. Keta
Marija Z. Vidosavljević
Sebastien Incerti
Aleksandra M. Ristić Fira
Journal articles
Mechanistic DNA damage simulations in Geant4-DNA Part 2: Electron and proton damage in a bacterial cell
Nathanael Lampe
Mathieu Karamitros
Vincent Breton
Jeremy Brown
Dousatsu Sakata
Journal articles
Nicolas Tang
Marta Bueno
Sylvain Meylan
Sébastien Incerti
Isabelle Clairand
Journal articles
Accounting for radiation-induced indirect damage on DNA with the Geant 4-DNA code
Liset de La Fuente Rosales
Sebastien Incerti
Ziad Francis
Mario A. Bernal
Journal articles
Biochip-based instruments development for space exploration: influence of the antibody immobilization process on the biochip resistance to freeze-drying, temperature shifts and cosmic radiations
Gaëlle Coussot
Thibault Moreau
C. Faye
F. Vigier
M. Baqué
Journal articles
Validation of Geant4 fragmentation for Heavy Ion Therapy
David Bolst
Giuseppe A.P. Cirrone
Giacomo Cuttone
Gunter Folger
Sebastien Incerti
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2017, 869, pp.68-75. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2017.06.046⟩
Journal articles
Irradiation effects on antibody performance in the frame of biochip-based instruments development for space exploration
M. Baqué
M. Dobrijevic
A. Le Postollec
Thibault Moreau
C. Faye
Journal articles
Numerical insight into the Dual Radiation Action Theory
John J. Tello
Sébastien Incerti
Ziad Francis
Hoang Tran
M.A. Bernal
Journal articles
Simulation of early DNA damage after the irradiation of a fibroblast cell nucleus using Geant4-DNA
Sylvain Meylan
Sébastien Incerti
Mathieu Karamitros
Nicolas Tang
Marta Bueno
Journal articles
Comparison of DosiVox simulation results with tabulated data and standard calculations
Loïc Martin
Norbert Mercier
Sébastien Incerti
Ancient TL, 2016, 33 (2), pp.1--9
Journal articles
Recent developments in Geant4
J. Allison
K. Amako
J. Apostolakis
P. Arce
M. Asai
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2016, 835, pp.186 - 225. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2016.06.125⟩
Journal articles
Simulating the Impact of the Natural Radiation Background on Bacterial Systems: Implications for Very Low Radiation Biological Experiments
Nathanael Lampe
David Biron
Jeremy M. C. Brown
Sébastien Incerti
Pierre Marin
Journal articles
Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation of absorbed dose and radiolysis yields enhancement from a gold nanoparticle under MeV proton irradiation
H.N. Tran
M. Karamitros
V.N. Ivanchenko
S. Guatelli
S. Mckinnon
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2016, 373, pp.126 - 139. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2016.01.017⟩
Journal articles
Geant4-DNA simulations using complex DNA geometries generated by the DnaFabric tool
S. Meylan
U. Vimont
S. Incerti
I. Clairand
C. Villagrasa
Journal articles
Complex cell geometry and sources distribution model for Monte Carlo single cell dosimetry with iodine 125 radioimmunotherapy
François-Xavier Arnaud
S. Paillas
Jean-Pierre Pouget
S. Incerti
M. Bardiès
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2016, 366, pp.227-233. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2015.11.008⟩
Journal articles
Coupling of Geant4-DNA physics models into the GATE Monte Carlo platform: Evaluation of radiation-induced damage for clinical and preclinical radiation therapy beams
T.Q. Pham
A. Anne
M. Bony
E. Delage
D. Donnarieix
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2015, 353, pp.46-55. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2015.04.024⟩
Journal articles
DosiVox: a Geant 4-based software for dosimetry simulations relevant to luminescence and ESR dating techniques
Loïc Martin
Norbert Mercier
Sébastien Incerti
Ancient TL, 2015, 33 (1), pp.1--10
Journal articles
Proton-induced direct and indirect damage of plasmid DNA
Luděk Vyšín
Kateřina Pachnerová Brabcová
Václav Štěpán
Patrick Moretto-Capelle
Béatrix Bugler
Journal articles
Dosimetric study of sediments at the beta dose rate scale: Characterization and modelization with the DosiVox software
L. Martin
N. Mercier
S. Incerti
Yannick Y. Lefrais
Christophe Pécheyran
Journal articles
Track structure modeling in liquid water: A review of the Geant4-DNA very low energy extension of the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit
M. A. Bernal
M.-C. Bordage
J.M.C. Brown
Marie Davídková
E. Delage
Journal articles
Photochemical studies in low Earth orbit for organic compounds related to small bodies, Titan and Mars. Current and future facilities.
Hervé Cottin
Kafila Saiagh
D. Nguyen
Noël Grand
Yves Bénilan
Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 2015, 84, pp.60 - 73
Journal articles
PDB4DNA: Implementation of DNA geometry from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) description for Geant4-DNA Monte-Carlo simulations
E. Delage
Quang Trung Pham Pham
M Karamitros
H Payno
V Stepan
Journal articles
Dose point kernels in liquid water: An intra-comparison between GEANT4-DNA and a variety of Monte Carlo codes
Christophe Champion
Sébastien Incerti
Yann Perrot
Rachel Delorme
Marie-Claude Bordage
Journal articles
Comparison of Geant4-DNA simulation of S-values with other Monte Carlo codes
T. André
Filippo Morini
M. Karamitros
R. Delorme
C. Le Loirec
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2014, 319, pp.87-94. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2013.11.005⟩
Journal articles
Geant4 simulations for sedimentary grains in infinite matrix conditions: the case of alpha dosimetry
Loïc Martin
Norbert Mercier
Sébastien Incerti
Journal articles
Diffusion-controlled reactions modeling in Geant4-DNA
M. Karamitros
S. Luan
M.A. Bernal
J. Allison
G. Baldacchino
Journal articles
Influence of chromatin condensation on the numberof direct dsb damages induced by ions studied using a monte carlo code
M. Dos Santos
I. Clairand
G. Gruel
J.F. Barquinero
S. Incerti
Journal articles
Proton transport in water and DNA components: A Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation
C. Champion
S. Incerti
H.N. Tran
M. Karamitros
J.I. Shin
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2013, 306, pp.165-168. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2012.12.059⟩
Journal articles
Proton-induced ionization of isolated uracil molecules: A theory/experiment confrontation
C. Champion
M.E. Galassi
P.F. Weck
S. Incerti
R.D. Rivarola
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2013, 314, pp.66-70. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2013.04.063⟩
Journal articles
Preparation of the Biochip experiment on the EXPOSE-R2 mission outside the International Space Station
F. Vigier
A. Le Postollec
G. Coussot
D. Chaput
H. Cottin
Journal articles
An atomistic geometrical model of the B-DNA configuration for DNA-radiation interaction simulations
M.A. Bernal
D. Sikansi
F. Cavalcante
S. Incerti
C. Champion
Journal articles
Influence of the DNA density on the number of clustered damages created by protons of different energies
M. dos Santos
C. Villagrasa
I. Clairand
S. Incerti
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2013, 298, pp.47-54. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2013.01.009⟩
Journal articles
Energy deposition in small-scale targets of liquid water using the very low energy electromagnetic physics processes of the Geant4 toolkit
S. Incerti
C. Champion
H.N. Tran
M. Karamitros
M. Bernal
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2013, 306, pp.158-164. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2012.12.054⟩
Journal articles
A comparison between Geant4 PIXE simulations and experimental data for standard reference samples
Z. Francis
M. El Bast
R. El Haddad
A. Mantero
S. Incerti
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2013, 316, pp.1-5. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2013.08.006⟩
Journal articles
Virtual Compton Scattering and the Generalized Polarizabilities of the Proton at Q^2=0.92 and 1.76 GeV^2
H. Fonvieille
G. Laveissiere
N. Degrande
S. Jaminion
C. Jutier
Journal articles
Monte-Carlo dosimetry on a realistic cell monolayer geometry exposed to alpha particles
Ph. Barberet
F. Vianna
M. Karamitros
T. Brun
N. Gordillo
Journal articles
In Silico Nanodosimetry: New Insights into Nontargeted Biological Responses to Radiation
Z. Kuncic
H.-L. Byrne
S. Guatelli
W. Domanova
S. Incerti
Journal articles
Monte Carlo simulation of energy-deposit clustering for ions of the same LET in liquid water
Z. Francis
S. Incerti
V. Ivanchenko
C. Champion
M. Karamitros
Journal articles
Electron and proton elastic scattering in water vapour
C. Champion
S. Incerti
H. N. Tran
Z. El Bitar
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2012, 273, pp.98-101. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2011.07.049⟩
Journal articles
Investigation of Low-Energy Proton Effects on Aptamer Performance for Astrobiological Applications
Mickaël Baque
A. Le Postollec
C. Ravelet
E. Peyrin
G. Coussot
Journal articles
PIXE simulation in Geant4
A. Mantero
H. Ben Abdelouahed
C. Champion
Z. El Bitar
Z. Francis
Journal articles
Biochip for astrobiological applications: Investigation of low energy protons effects on antibody performances
M. Baqué
A. Le Postollec
G. Coussot
Thibault Moreau
I. Desvignes
Journal articles
Molecular scale track structure simulations in liquid water using the Geant4-DNA Monte-Carlo processes
Z. Francis
S. Incerti
R. Capra
B. Mascialino
Gerard Montarou
Journal articles
Physical models implemented in the Geant4-DNA extension of the Geant-4 T+toolkit for calculating initial radiation damage at the molecular level
C. Villagrasa
Z. Francis
S. Incerti
Journal articles
The invariance of the total direct DNA strand break yield
M.A. Bernal
C. Sampaio
C.E. Dealmeida
S. Incerti
C. Champion
Journal articles
Effect of a magnetic field on the track structure of low-energy electrons: a Monte Carlo study
M.U. Bug
E. Gargioni
S. Guatelli
S. Incerti
H. Rabus
Journal articles
Comparison of GEANT4 very low energy cross section models with experimental data in water
S. Incerti
A. Ivanchenko
M. Karamitros
A. Mantero
P. Moretto
Journal articles
The GEANT4-DNA Project
S. Incerti
G. Baldacchino
M. Bernal
R. Capra
C. Champion
Journal articles
A free-parameter theoretical model for describing the electron elastic scattering in water in the Geant4 toolkit
C. Champion
S. Incerti
H. Aouchiche
D. Oubaziz
Journal articles
Monte Carlo dosimetry for targeted irradiation of individual cells using a microbeam facility
S. Incerti
H. Seznec
M. Simon
Ph. Barberet
P. Moretto
Journal articles
Monte Carlo Simulation of the Radiation Environment Encountered by a Biochip During a Space Mission to Mars
A. Le Postollec
S. Incerti
M. Dobrijevic
L. Desorgher
G. Santin
Journal articles
New Geant4 cross section models for PIXE simulation
H. Ben Abdelouahed
S. Incerti
A. Mantero
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2009, 267, pp.37-44. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2008.11.025⟩
Journal articles
Technical description of the CENBG nanobeam line
Ph. Barberet
S. Incerti
F. Andersson
F. Delalee
L. Serani
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2009, 267, pp.2003-2007. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2009.03.077⟩
Journal articles
Investigation of neutron radiation effects on polyclonal antibodies (IgG) and fluorescein dye for astrobiology applications
A. Le Postollec
G. Coussot
M. Baqué
S. Incerti
I. Desvignes
Journal articles
Virtual Compton Scattering and Neutral Pion Electroproduction in the Resonance Region up to the Deep Inelastic Region at Backward Angles
G. Laveissiere
N. Degrande
S. Jaminion
C. Jutier
L. Todor
Journal articles
3He Spin-Dependent Cross Sections and Sum Rules
K. Slifer
M. Amarian
L. Auerbach
T. Averett
J. Berthot
Journal articles
A detailed ray-tracing simulation of the high resolution microbeam at the AIFIRA facility
F. Andersson
Ph. Barberet
S. Incerti
Ph. Moretto
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2008, B266, pp.1653-1658. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2007.11.020⟩
Journal articles
Geant4 Physics Processes for Microdosimetry Simulation : Design Foundation and Implementation of the First Set of Models
S. Chauvie
Z. Francis
S. Guatelli
S. Incerti
B. Mascialino
Journal articles
Monte Carlo simulation of the CENBG microbeam and nanobeam lines with the Geant4 toolkit
S. Incerti
Q. Zhang
F. Andersson
Ph. Moretto
G.W. Grime
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2007, 260, pp.20-27. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2007.01.274⟩
Journal articles
Extraction of the Neutron Magnetic Form Factor from Quasi-Elastic 3He(pol)(e(pol),e') at Q^2 = 0.1 - 0.6 (GeV/c)^2
B. Anderson
L. Auberbach
T. Averett
W. Bertozzi
T. Black
Journal articles
Geant4 simulation of the new CENBG micro and nanoprobes facility
S. Incerti
C. Habchi
P. Moretto
J. Olivier
H. Seznec
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2006, 249, pp.738-742. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2006.03.130⟩
Journal articles
A comparison of cellular irradiation techniques with alpha particles using the GEANT4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit
S. Incerti
N. Gault
C. Habchi
J. L. Lefaix
P. Moretto
Journal articles
Geant4 Developments and Applications
J. Allison
K. Amako
J. Apostolakis
H. Araujo
P.A. Dubois
Journal articles
3D imaging of microscopic structures using a proton beam
C. Michelet-Habchi
S. Incerti
P. Aguer
P. Barberet
E. Gontier
Journal articles
Development of a focused charged particle microbeam for the irradiation of individual cells
P. Barberet
A. Balana
C. Michelet-Habchi
P. Moretto
T. Pouthier
Journal articles
Micro-pixe characterization of different skin models
E. Gontier
P. Barberet
Yves Barbotteau
C. Habchi
S. Incerti
Journal articles
Reconstructed human epidermis: A model to study the barrier function
Yves Barbotteau
E. Gontier
P. Barberet
M. Cappadoro
B. de Wever
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2005, 231, pp.286-291. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2005.01.072⟩
Journal articles
Tomorebuild : a new data reduction software package for scanning transmission ion microscopy tomography
S. Incerti
P. Aguer
P. Barberet
E. Gontier
K. Grente
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2005, 231, pp.142-148. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2005.01.048⟩
Journal articles
Skin morphology and layer identification using different STIM geometries
P. Aguer
L.C. Alves
P. Barberet
E. Gontier
S. Incerti
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2005, 231, pp.292-299. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2005.01.073⟩
Journal articles
A comparison of ray-tracing software for the design of quadrupole microbeam systems
S. Incerti
R.W. Smith
M. Merchant
G.W. Grime
F. Méot
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2005, 231, pp.76-85. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2005.01.038⟩
Journal articles
Parity-violating electroweak asymmetry in polarized-e p scattering
K.A. Aniol
D.S. Armstrong
T. Averett
Maud Baylac
E. Burtin
Journal articles
Backward electroproduction of $\pi^0$ mesons on protons in the region of nucleon resonances at four momentum transfer squared $Q^2 = 1.0 GeV^2$
G. Laveissiere
N. Degrande
S. Jaminion
C. Jutier
L. Todor
Journal articles
$Q^2$ evolution of the neutron spin structure moments using a $^3He$ target
M. Amarian
L. Auerbach
T. Averett
J. Berthot
P.Y. Bertin
Physical Review Letters, 2004, 92, pp.022301-1-022301
Journal articles
Measurement of the generalized forward spin polarizabilities of the neutron
M. Amarian
L. Auerbach
T. Averett
J. Berthot
P.Y. Bertin
Journal articles
Measurement of the generalized polarizabilities of the proton in virtual compton scattering at $Q^2$ = 0.92 and 1.76 Gev$^2$
G. Laveissiere
L. Todor
N. Degrande
S. Jaminion
C. Jutier
Journal articles
Basic instrumentation for Hall A at Jefferson Lab
J. Alcorn
B.D. Anderson
K.A. Aniol
J.R.M. Annand
L. Auerbach
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2004, 522, pp.294-346. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2003.11.415⟩
Journal articles
Plane-wave impulse approximation extraction of the neutron magnetic form-factor from quasielastic $^3\overrightarrow{He}(\vec{e},e')$ at $Q^2$ = 0.3 to 0.6 (GeV/c)$^2$
Wei-Jiang Xu
B. Anderson
L. Auberbach
T. Averett
W. Bertozzi
Physical Review C, 2003, 67, pp.012201-1-012201-5
Journal articles
Q$^2$ evolution of the generalized Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn integral for the neutron using a $^3$He target
M. Amarian
L. Auerbach
T. Averett
J. Berthot
P.Y. Bertin
Physical Review Letters, 2002, 89, pp.242301-1
Journal articles
CELESTE: An Atmospheric Cerenkov Telescope for High Energy Gamma Astrophysics
E. Pare
B. Balauge
R. Bazer-Bachi
H. Bergeret
F. Berny
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2002, 490, pp.71-89
Journal articles
Measurement of the crab flux above 60 GeV with the celeste cerenkov telescope
M. de Naurois
J. Holder
R. Bazer-Bachi
H. Bergeret
Pascal Bruel
The Astrophysical Journal, 2002, 566, pp.343-357
Journal articles
New measurement of parity violation in elastic electron-proton scattering and implications for strange form factors
K.A. Aniol
D.S. Armstrong
T. Averett
Maud Baylac
E. Burtin
Physics Letters B, 2001, 509, pp.211-216
Journal articles
Precision measurement of the spin dependent asymmetry in the threshold region of $^{3}\vec{H}e(\vec{e},\prime{e})$
F. Xiong
D. Dutta
Wei-Jiang Xu
B. Anderson
L. Auberbach
Physical Review Letters, 2001, 87, pp.242501-1-242501-5
Journal articles
The transverse asymmetry $A_{T'}$ from quasi-elastic $^3\overrightarrow{\rm He}(\vec{e},e')$ process and the neutron magnetic form factor.
Wei-Jiang Xu
D. Dutta
F. Xiong
B. Anderson
L. Auberbach
Physical Review Letters, 2000, 85, pp.2900-2904
Journal articles
Measurements of the $Q^2$ dependence of the proton and neutron spin structure functions $g^p_1$ and $g^n_1$
P.L. Anthony
R.G. Arnold
T. Averett
H.R. Band
M.C. Berisso
Physics Letters B, 2000, 493, pp.19-28
Journal articles
Inclusive hadron photoproduction from longitudinally polarized protons and deuterons.
P.L. Anthony
R.G. Arnold
T. Averett
H.R. Band
M.C. Berisso
Physics Letters B, 1999, 458, pp.536-544
Journal articles
Measurement of the deuteron spin structure function $g^{d}_1(x)$ for $1\ (GeV/c)^2 < Q^2 < 40\ (GeV/c)^2$.
P.L. Anthony
R.G. Arnold
T. Averett
H.R. Band
M.C. Berisso
Physics Letters B, 1999, 463, pp.339-345
Journal articles
Measurement of the proton and deuteron spin structure functions $g_{2}$ and asymmetry $A_{2}^{1}$
P.L. Anthony
R.G. Arnold
T. Averett
H.R. Band
M.C. Berisso
Physics Letters B, 1999, 458, pp.529-535
Journal articles
Measurement of the neutral weak form-factors of the proton
K.A. Aniol
D.S. Armstrong
Maud Baylac
E. Burtin
J. Calarco
Physical Review Letters, 1999, 82, pp.1096-1100
Journal articles
Precision determination of the neutron spin structure function $g^{n}_{1}$
K. Abe
T. Akagi
B.D. Anderson
P.L. Anthony
R.G. Arnold
Journal articles
Next-to-leading order QCD analysis of polarized deep inelastic scattering data
K. Abe
T. Akagi
B.D. Anderson
P.L. Anthony
R.G. Arnold
Journal articles
Measurement of the neutron spin structure function $g_{2}^{n}$ and asymmetry $a_{2}^{n}$
K. Abe
T. Akagi
B.D. Anderson
P.L. Anthony
R.G. Arnold
Journal articles