Tensile Characterization of Single Plant Fibres: a Benchmark Study
Thomas Jeannin
Gilles Arnold
Alain Bourmaud
Stéphane Corn
Emmanuel de Luycker
ECCM 21 - 21st European Conference on Composites Materials, Jul 2024, Nantes, France
Conference papers
How surface treatment and/or reactive agents allow closed loop recycling of PLA/Flax and PLA/Bamboo reinforced composites to be performed ?
J. Lopez-Cuesta
Herve Nlandu-Mayamba
A. Taguet
Perrin Didier
Florence Delor-Jestin
PPS 38 - The 38th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society, May 2023, St Gallen, Switzerland
Conference papers
Bien appréhender le comportement mono-filamentaire de fibres céramiques oxydes continues
Juliette Redonnet
Sébastien Joannès
Marie-Hélène Berger
JNC23 : Journées Nationales sur les Composites 2023, AMAC, UFC, Supmicrotech-ENSMM, CNRS, Jul 2023, Besançon, France
Conference papers
Traitement des interfaces PLA/Lin et PLA/Bambou : rendre possible les vies successives des biocomposites
Herve Nlandu Mayamba
Aurélie Taguet
Perrin Didier
Sébastien Joannès
Florence Delor-Jestin
JNC23 : Journées Nationales sur les Composites 2023, AMAC, UFC, Supmicrotech-ENSMM, CNRS, Jul 2023, Besançon, France
Conference papers
Accounting for local morphological fluctuations in the prediction of the transverse elastic behaviour of UD composites
Sébastien Joannès
Jennifer Blondel
Eveline Hervé-Luanco
ECCM 20 - 20th European Conference on Composite Materials, Jun 2022, Lausanne, Switzerland
Conference papers
Modifications de l’interface pour des composites recyclés fibres naturelles/PLA
H. Nlandu-Mayamba
A. Taguet
Perrin Didier
H. Askanian
Florence Delor-Jestin
Techday : Recyclage des matériaux biosourcés, Nov 2022, Ladoux, France
Conference papers
The Fascinating World of Technical Fibres
Sébastien Joannès
9th International Conference on Applied Hair Science, TRI's Hair Conference 2021, Jun 2021, on-line, United States
Conference papers
Effects of local mesostructure on the damage mechanisms in a fibre-reinforced polyamide composite studied by in situ laminography and digital volume correlation
Cristian Ovalle
Julie Brun
Lukas Helfen
M Hurst
X Kong
1st Virtual ESIS TC4 Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives, Sep 2021, Les Diablerets (online), Switzerland
Conference papers
Towards an understanding of the mechanical response of aramid fibers at the filament scale
Clotilde Richard
Sébastien Joannès
Alba Marcellan
APS March Meeting 2021, Mar 2021, Virtual - Time Zone: Central Daylight Time, United States
Conference papers
Propagation of uncertainty from constituents to structural assessments in composite strength modelling
Faisal Islam
Sébastien Joannès
Lucien Laiarinandrasana
ICCS 23 - 23th International Conference on Composites Structures, Sep 2020, Porto, Portugal
Conference papers
Effect of through-thickness compressive stress and porosity on the tensile strength of carbon-fibre reinforced composites
Jan Rojek
Sébastien Joannès
Jean-Christophe Teissedre
Lucien Laiarinandrasana
Anthony Bunsell
ICCM 22 - 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Aug 2019, Melbourne, Australia
Conference papers
Development and performance evaluation of inter-ply and intra-ply hybrid fabric reinforcements and their composites
Ashok Rajpurohit
Vicky Singery
Sébastien Joannès
Philippe Sanial
Lucien Laiarinandrasana
ICRACM 2019 - 6th International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials, Feb 2019, Varanasi, India
Conference papers
Further Insights into the Fatigue of Hair Fibres through Statistical Analysis and Relevance to Hair Care Applications
Rebecca J Lunn
Yann Leray
Sébastien Joannès
Faisal Islam
Steve Bucknell
HairS'19 DWI, Sep 2019, Schluchsee, Germany
Conference papers
Effect of input properties on the predicted failure of a composite pressure vessel using a multiscale model
Martinus P Widjaja
Faisal Islam
Sébastien Joannès
Anthony Bunsell
G. Mair
FiBreMoD Conference, KU Leuven, Dec 2019, Leuven, Belgium
Conference papers
Characterization and statistical analysis of single fiber strength of fibers at various processing stages
Ashok Rajpurohit
Sébastien Joannès
Faisal Islam
Vicky Singery
Steve Bucknell
ICCM 22 - 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Aug 2019, Melbourne, Australia
Conference papers
Étude de l'influence des fluctuations morphologiques microscopiques sur le comportement élastique transverse de composites unidirectionnels
Jennifer Blondel
Sébastien Joannès
Eveline Hervé-Luanco
JNC 21 - 21èmes Journées Nationales sur les Composites, École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers (ENSAM) - Bordeaux, Jul 2019, Bordeaux, Talence, France
Conference papers
Adaptation of Weibull analysis to represent strength behaviour of brittle fibres
Faisal Islam
Sébastien Joannès
Anthony Bunsell
Lucien Laiarinandrasana
ICCM 22 - 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Aug 2019, Melbourne, Australia
Conference papers
Investigation on damage mechanisms in both continuous and short fibre reinforced thermoplastic
Stéphane Gillet
Patrick Aimedieu
Isabelle Jeanneau
Frederic Canevet
Nacera Bedrici
FDM2019, International Conference On Fracture and Damage Mechanics, Sep 2019, Rhodes, Greece
Conference papers
Effect of uncertainty in characterization on the variability of fibre strength distributions
Faisal Islam
Lucien Laiarinandrasana
Sébastien Joannès
ICRACM 2019 - 6th International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials, Feb 2019, Varanasi, India
Conference papers
Effect of the Time Dependent Loading of Type IV Cylinders using a Multiscale Model
Martinus P. Widjaja
Marco Alves
Mark Mavrogordato
Sébastien Joannès
Anthony R. Bunsell
ICSH 2019 - 8th International Conference on Hydrogen Safety, Sep 2019, Adelaide, Australia
Conference papers
Improvements in Determination of Carbon Fibre Strength Distribution Using Automation and Statistical Data
Faisal Islam
Steve Bucknell
Yann Leray
Anthony Bunsell
Lucien Laiarinandrasana
Fiber Society's Spring 2018 Conference, The Fiber Society, Jun 2018, Tokyo, Japan
Conference papers
Manufacturing and performance of hybrid fabric reinforcements and their composites
Ashok Rajpurohit
Vicky Singery
Sébastien Joannès
Philippe Sanial
Lucien Laiarinandrasana
ECCM 18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, Jun 2018, Athens, Greece. 8 p
Conference papers
The application of a reduced volume method for the simulation of the characterisation of a carbon fibre pressure vessel
Martinus P. Widjaja
Sébastien Joannès
Anthony R. Bunsell
Georg Mair
Alain Thionnet
ECCM 18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, Jun 2018, Athens, Greece. 8 p
Conference papers
Analytical and numerical-based approach to predict the influence of morphological fluctuations on the effective transverse elastic behaviour of a transversely random UD composite
Jennifer Blondel
Sébastien Joannès
Eveline Hervé-Luanco
ECCM 18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, Jun 2018, Athens, Greece
Conference papers
Modelling the effect of porosity on the mechanical properties of unidirectional composites. The case of thick-walled pressure vessels
Jan Rojek
Sébastien Joannès
Mark Mavrogordato
Lucien Laiarinandrasana
Anthony Bunsell
ECCM 18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, Jun 2018, Athens, Greece. 7 p
Conference papers
Towards accurate and efficient single fibre characterization to better assess failure strength distribution
Faisal Islam
Sébastien Joannès
Steve Bucknell
Yann Leray
Anthony Bunsell
ECCM 18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, Jun 2018, Athens, Greece. 7 p
Conference papers
Defining a reduced volume zone for the simulation of burst test on a composite pressure vessels
Martinus P. Widjaja
Sébastien Joannès
Anthony Bunsell
G. Mair
Alain Thionnet
ICSAAM 2018 - 8th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials, Aug 2018, Tarbes, France. 4 p
Conference papers
Influence de la vitesse sur le comportement mécanique de composites tissés à matrice thermoplastique
Fabien Coussa
Jacques Renard
Sébastien Joannès
Rémy Bompoint
Nicolas Feld
JNC 20 - 20èmes Journées Nationales sur les Composites, École des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC), Jun 2017, Champs-sur-Marne, France. 10 p
Conference papers
Polymer fibres : Multiaxial mechanical characterisation at the single fibre scale
Sébastien Joannès
ACE-X 2017 - 11th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting, Jul 2017, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers
A rational fibre packing description to model and predict the effective diffusivity/conductivity of a transversely random UD composite: An analytical and numerical based appraoch
Sébastien Joannès
Eveline Hervé-Luanco
ECCM 17 - 17th European Conference on Composite Materials, Jun 2016, Munich, Germany
Conference papers
A morphological indicator for the description of the short-fiber position effect on the behaviour of a periodic RVE
François Rasselet
Sébastien Joannès
Emilie Roche
Sébastien Pautard
Jacques Renard
ECCM 17 - 17th European Conference on Composite Materials, Jun 2016, Munich, Germany
Conference papers
Experimental and numerical study of the elastic and damage strain rate sensitivity of GFRP composites
Fabien Coussa
Jacques Renard
Sébastien Joannès
Rémy Bompoint
Nicolas Feld
ICCS 19 - 19th International Conference on Composites Structures, Sep 2016, Porto, Portugal
Conference papers
A morphological indicator for the description of the short-fiber position effect on the behaviour of a periodic RVE
François Rasselet
Sébastien Joannès
Emilie Roche
Sébastien Pautard
Jacques Renard
Digimat Users’ Conference 2016, Oct 2016, Cascais, Portugal
Conference papers
Une démarche préliminaire vers une caractérisation fiable en dynamique "application à un composite thermoplastique"
Fabien Coussa
Jacques Renard
Sébastien Joannès
R. Bompoint
N. Feld
CFM 2015 - 22ème congrès français de mécanique, Aug 2015, Lyon, France. 5 p
Conference papers
Effet de la variabilité de la microstructure sur les propriétés mécaniques d’un composite UD thermoplastique. Cas de la flexion à trois points
Pierre-Alexis Poulet
Lucien Laiarinandrasana
Sébastien Joannès
DEPOS 26 - 26ème congrès sur la déformation des polymères solides, Sep 2015, Brest, France
Conference papers
Influence de la microstructure sur l’endommagement transverse d’un composite unidirectionnel à matrice thermoplastique
Pierre-Alexis Poulet
Sébastien Joannès
Lucien Laiarinandrasana
JNC 19 - 19èmes Journées Nationales sur les Composites, Jun 2015, Lyon, Villeurbane, France
Conference papers
Durability assessment of a highly reinforced thermoplastic composite: Experimental and microstructural simulations of the transverse damage kinetics
Pierre-Alexis Poulet
Sébastien Joannès
Lucien Laiarinandrasana
ICFC 6 - 6th International Conference on Fatigue of Composites, Mar 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers
Fissuration par compression transverse d’un matériau composite à matrice thermoplastique pultrudé
Henri-Alexandre Cayzac
Sébastien Joannès
Lucien Laiarinandrasana
DEPOS 25 - 25ème congrès sur la déformation des polymères solides, Mar 2014, Presqu'île de Giens, France
Conference papers
Analytical and numerical methods to access the mechanical elastic properties of a deformed woven reinforced composite material
Adrien Lebrun
Sébastien Joannès
Jacques Renard
ECCM 16 - 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, Jun 2014, Seville, Spain
Conference papers
Diametral compression tests of a pultruded PA6 reinforced glass fibre composite: A macro and micro transverse damage kinetic investigation
Henri-Alexandre Cayzac
Sébastien Joannès
Lucien Laiarinandrasana
ECCM 16 - 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, Jun 2014, Seville, Spain
Conference papers
Experimental and numeric multiscale analyses of failure mechanisms on pultruded polymeric composite material
Henri-Alexandre Cayzac
Lucien Laiarinandrasana
Sébastien Joannès
ICCM 19 - 19th International Conference on Composite Materials, Jul 2013, Montreal, Canada. pp.6287-6291
Conference papers
Proof testing and lifetime reliability of carbon fibre reinforced composite pressure vessels
Clémence Devilliers
Anthony R. Bunsell
Alain Thionnet
H.Y. Chou
Sébastien Joannès
ICCM 19 - 19th International Conference on Composite Materials, Jul 2013, Montreal, Canada. pp.6038-6045
Conference papers
Structure/Property Relationships of a Single Para-aramid Fibre
Judith Wollbrett-Blitz
Alba Marcellan
Sébastien Joannès
Fiber Society's Spring 2013 Conference, The Fiber Society, May 2013, Greelong, Australia
Conference papers
Analytical and finite element analyses on reliability of carbon fibre reinforced plastics
H.Y. Chou
Anthony R. Bunsell
Alain Thionnet
Sébastien Joannès
ICCM 19 - 19th International Conference on Composite Materials, Jul 2013, Montreal, Canada. pp.5142-5150
Conference papers
New experimental techniques and several micromechanical models for assessing the out-of-plan shear modulus properties of short glass fibre reinforced polyamide
Ekkarin Phongphinittana
Pongsak Nimdum
Sébastien Joannès
Jacques Renard
Vladimir Gantchenko
JESCM13 - 13th Euro-Japanese Symposium on Composite Materials, Nov 2013, Bouguenais (Nantes), France
Conference papers
Longitudinal and Transverse properties and molecular motions in single aramid fibers
Judith Wollbrett-Blitz
Alba Marcellan
Sébastien Joannès
34APS - 34th Australasian Polymer Symposium, Jul 2013, Darwin, Convention Centre, Australia
Conference papers
Durability of a 3D woven composite assisted by finite element multi-scale modelling
Wassim Trabelsi
Lucien Laiarinandrasana
Alain Thionnet
Sébastien Joannès
ECCM 15 - 15th European Conference on Composite Materials, Jun 2012, Venice, Italy. 8 p
Conference papers
Continuous fibre reinforced thermoplastic joining, a laser-welded seam multi-axial mechanical characterization and modelling
Sébastien Joannès
ECCM 15 - 15th European Conference on Composite Materials, Jun 2012, Venice, Italy. 8 p
Conference papers
Experimental investigation and finite element modelling of microstructural composite material
Henri-Alexandre Cayzac
Lucien Laiarinandrasana
Sébastien Joannès
ECCM 15 - 15th European Conference on Composite Materials, Jun 2012, Venice, Italy. 8 p
Conference papers
Predicting mechanical behaviour and damage kinetics of a 3D interlock composite materials by using a multiscale approach
Mamadou Abdoul Mbacke
Jacques Renard
Alain Thionnet
Sébastien Joannès
ECCM 15 - 15th European Conference on Composite Materials, Jun 2012, Venice, Italy
Conference papers
Mechanical optimization of a pultruded thermoplastic composite profile
Sébastien Joannès
ACE-X 2010 - 4th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting, Jul 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers
Abaqus user element for an accurate modeling of adhesive joints on coarse meshes
Sébastien Joannès
Jacques Renard
SSC 2009 - SIMULIA Customer Conference, DS SIMULIA, May 2009, London, United Kingdom
Conference papers
p-FEM applied to adhesively bonded composite structures and multi-materials parts
Sébastien Joannès
Jacques Renard
ICCS 15 - 15th International Conference on Composites Structures, Jun 2009, Porto, Portugal
Conference papers
Phenomenological modeling of the elasto-viscoplastic damage behavior of talc-filled epoxy adhesives
Sébastien Joannès
ETDCM 9 - 9th Seminar on Experimental Techniques and Design in Composite Materials, Sep 2009, Vicenza, Italy
Conference papers
Evaluation of fatigue damage mechanisms of multi-materials bonded joints
Sébastien Joannès
Vladimir Gantchenko
Jacques Renard
ICFC 4 - 4th International Conference on Fatigue of Composites, Sep 2007, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Conference papers
Influence de la microstructure sur les propriétés mécaniques des joints collés
Olivier Mario
Sébastien Joannès
Jacques Renard
Vladimir Gantchenko
Matériaux 2006, 2006, Dijon, France. 7 p
Conference papers