Soizig Le Stradic
Chargée de recherche, UMR BIOGECO INRAE - Université de Bordeaux
Current affiliations
- 1002315
- 577435
- 259761
Researcher identifiers
- soizig-lestradic
- 0000-0003-2643-3544
- IdRef : 171903145
- Google Scholar :
- ResearcherId : I-3514-2016
- ResearcherId :
##### **Research interests**
*Key words: Community ecology, restoration ecology, functional ecology, conservation, root traits, belowground organs, tropical grassland and savanna, open ecosystems, filtering processes.*
I am an ecologist with a broad interest in community ecology, restoration ecology and functional ecology. My research concern the understanding of community assembly rules, the functioning of open ecosystems especially the tropical ones as well as the effects of anthropogenic modifications and land use changes on the structure and functioning of plant communities. I am also interested in the assessment of plant community resilience face to anthropogenic pressures, the analysis and evaluation of ecological restoration techniques, and the understanding of ecological processes that may be limiting for the restoration of these plant communities. More recently I use a functional approach, especially belowground traits, to evaluate the impact of anthropogenicmodifications (e.g. modification of fire regime and the presence of invasion species) on the structure and functioning of plant communities. My current research aims to improve and expand the use of trait-based ecology for the restoration of degraded grasslands and wetlands.
My research has been largely done on tropical old-growth grasslands and savannas in Brazil and Democratic Republic of Congo. Part of my work is strongly applied to the conservation and restoration of degraded habitats by human actions. The results of my research aim to improve and guide public policies in terms of biodiversity management, conservation and restoration.
I did my PhD in Ecology at both the University of Avignon and Pays du Vaucluse, France, and at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, about the composition, the phenology and restoration of campo rupestre mountain grasslands in Brazil. I worked for three years after my PhD, at the Biodiversity and Landscape Unit, at Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (University of Liege) as assistant researcher and project coordinator. My research dealt with the conservation and restoration of copper-cobalt outcrops, in Katanga (Democratic Republic of Congo). The project was a collaboration between the University of Liege and the company Tenke Fungurume Mining. Since 2012, I collaborate with the Phenology Lab at Sao Paulo State University, UNESP (Rio Claro, SP, Brazil) where I did a postdoc in 2016, addressing tropical grassland phenology and how phenology can improve ecological restoration. From 2016 to 2019, I realized a postdoctoral research at the Leveg (Laboratory of Vegetation Ecology) at Sao Paulo State University, UNESP (Rio Claro, SP, Brazil). During that project, I aimed to analyze the impact of fire and invasive species on plant communities from a belowground perspective i.e. belowground biomass and root traits, as well as to understand the links between fire, root traits and carbon fluxes in tropical open ecosystems. I continue that project from 2019 to 2021, when I was post-doctoral researcher and teaching assistant at the Technische Universität München TUM, Chair of Restoration Ecology, Freising, Germany.
##### **Professional experience**
2022 - present | Researcher at BIOGECO INRAE - University of Bordeaux.
2019 – 2021 | Post-doctoral researcher and teaching assistant (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter) - Technische Universität München TUM, Chair of Restoration Ecology, Ecology and Ecosystem Management Department, Freising, Germany.
2016-2019 | Post-doctoral researcher at the State University of São Paulo, (Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP), Rio Claro, São Paulo, Brazil. Project : “Digging deeper: Contribution of belowground plant traits to the functioning of tropical old-growth grasslands”.
2016 | Post-doctoral researcher at the State University of São Paulo, (Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP), Rio Claro, São Paulo, Brazil. Project: “e-phenology: combining new technologies to monitor phenology from leaves to ecosystems”.
2013-2015 | Assistant Researcher and project coordinator at University of Liege, Gembloux Agro Bio Tech, Gembloux, Belgium. Project : « Conservation et restauration de la flore du cuivre et du miombo au Katanga (DRC) ».
##### **Education**
2008-2012 | PhD in Ecology, University of Avignon & des Pays de Vaucluse (France) and the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil).
2007 - 2008 | MSc (2nd year) in Ecology, Biodiversity, & Evolution, University Paris VI, Paris-sud 11, AgroParisTech & ENS Paris, France.
2006 - 2007 | MSc (1st year) in Biology of organisms, populations and ecosystems specializing in ecology, biodiversity and landscape ecology, University Rennes 1, France.
2003 – 2006 | B.Sc in Biology and geology, University Bretagne Sud, Vannes, France
##### **Teaching**
2019-2021 Teaching assistant. Technische Universität München TUM, Chair of Restoration Ecology, Ecology and Ecosystem Management Department, Freising, Germany (Advanced restoration Ecology, Vegetation of the Earth, Scientific seminar, Statistical analysis 90h of lecture).
2017 Teaching assistant. State University of São Paulo (Biodiversity, 1st of graduation 30h of lectures)
2014 Lecturer. University of Marseille-Aix en Provence, France (Restoration Ecology, 1st year of master. 12h: 4h course, 8h tutorials).
2009-2010 Teaching assistant. University of Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, France (Scientific expression, Ecology, Pollution, 1st or 2nd year of graduation. 54h: 3h tutorials, 51h Lab).
2008-2009 French professor in Belo Horizonte, Brazil (Around 40h)
2008-2009 Teaching assistant. University of Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, France (Ecology, Plant physiology, Microbiology, Statistics, 1st or 2nd year of graduation. 84h: 24h tutorials, 60h Lab).
Fire promoted underground organ biomass but decreased root biomass and bud bank size in old-growth grassland.64th Annual Symposium, International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS), Jun 2022, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers
Fire promotes carbon stock in belowground organs and fine root biomass on tropical old-growth grasslands.63rd Annual symposium, International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS), virtual Symposium, Sep 2021, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers
Belowground traits and root distribution of African invasive grasses vary with soil composition and can create legacy effect in Brazilian savannas63rd Annual symposium, International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS), virtual Symposium, Sep 2021, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers
Going belowground to survive and persist: the underground world of a tropical savanna63rd Annual symposium, International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS), virtual Symposium, Sep 2021, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers
How fire history impacts biomass allocation and root morphological functional parameters in campo sujo communitiesSavanna Science Network Meeting, Mar 2020, Kruger National Park, South Africa
Conference papers
Above- and belowground biomass allocation in Cerrado plant communitiesSavanna Science Network Meeting, Mar 2018, Kruger National Park, South Africa
Conference papers
What do we know about tropical old-growth grassland resilience and restoration?Savanna Science Network Meeting, Mar 2018, Kruger National Park, South Africa
Conference papers
Biomass and flammability of different old-growth grasslands according to fire historySavanna Science Network Meeting, Mar 2018, Kruger National Park, South Africa
Conference papers
Challenges to restore extreme grassland ecosystems: seed contribution now and beyondSER-Society for Ecological Restoration International, 7th World Conference in Ecological Restoration, Aug 2017, Foz de Igacu, Brazil
Conference papers
Evaluation of community translocation as mean of conservation of copper-cobalt ecosystems using a plant trait-based approachSER-Society for Ecological Restoration International, 7th World Conference in Ecological Restoration, Aug 2017, Foz de Igacu, Brazil
Conference papers
Biodiversity and economical challenges in extreme tropical grasslands9th International Conference on Serpentine Ecology, Jun 2017, Tirana, Albania
Conference papers
Importance of seed ecology to restore tropical grasslandsSeed Ecology V, Aug 2016, Caété, Brazil
Conference papers
Campos rupestres, a neglected conservation priorityATBC - Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation, Jun 2016, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Seed bank and seed rain studies in tropical and Mediterranean ecosystems : lessons learnt for restoration.10th SER Europe Conference, Aug 2016, Freising, Germany
Conference papers
Challenges in extreme tropical grasslandsATBC - Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation, Jun 2016, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Seed bank and seed rain studies in tropical grasslands and mediterranean ecosystems: lessons learnt for restoration10th SER European Conference on Ecological Restoration: Best Practices in Restoration, Aug 2016, Freising, Germany
Conference papers
Low resilience of campo rupestre grasslands: implications for restoration.IAVS - International Association Of vegetation Science, Annual Symposium, Jun 2016, Pirenopolis, Brazil
Conference papers
Using phytostabilisation as a way to conserve threatened endemic species from the Southeastern D.R. Congo.ATBC - Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation, Jun 2016, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
How can phenology contribute to ecological restoration?SER– Society for Ecological Restoration International, 6th World Conference in Ecological Restoration, Aug 2015, Manchester (UK), United Kingdom
Conference papers
Issues linked to afforestation of species-rich anthropogenic grasslands6th World Conference on Ecological Restoration, Aug 2015, Manchester, United Kingdom. pp.41
Conference papers
Ecologia funcional de campos rupestres.XII Congresso de Ecologia do Brasil, Sep 2015, São Lourenço, Brazil
Conference papers
Species-rich anthropogenic grasslands and the problem of afforestationSER– Society for Ecological Restoration International, 6th World Conference in Ecological Restoration, Aug 2015, Manchester (UK), United Kingdom
Conference papers
Restaurer les campos rupestres, pelouses tropicales d’altitudeSéminaire interne IMBE UMR CNRS-IRD, AMU-UAPV Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et Ecologie: «Ingénierie Ecologique», Dec 2013, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Importance of disturbance, resilience and assembly rules for ecological restoration case studies from tropical ecosystems.Charla introductiva a la VIII edición del Máster U. en Restauración de Ecosistemas, Universidad de Alcala, Oct 2013, Alcala, Spain
Conference papers
Restoration of the campos rupestres, Neotropical mountain grasslands (Brazil).5th World Conference on Ecological Restoration, Oct 2013, Madison, United States
Conference papers
Phenological patterns of two altitudinal herbaceous communities.ATBC Annual Meeeting "Ecology, Evolution and Sustainable Use of Tropical Biodiversity" ATBC – Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation,, Jun 2012, Bonito, Brazil
Conference papers
Phénologie de deux communautés herbacées d'altitudeECOVEG8 Huitième colloque en Ecologie des COmmunautés VEGgétales, Mar 2012, Nancy, France
Conference papers
Seasonality affects biomass allocation on tropical and subtropical grasslands64th Annual Symposium, International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS), Jun 2022, Madrid, Spain
Conference poster
The effect of fire exclusion on aboveground biomass of tropical old-growth grasslands64th Annual Symposium, International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS), Jun 2022, Madrid, Spain
Conference poster
On the assessment of native species in degraded areas of rupestrian grasslandsSER-Society for Ecological Restoration International, 7th World Conference in Ecological Restoration, Aug 2017, Foz de Igacu, Brazil
Conference poster
Methods to assess root architectural and root morphological functional parameters in tropical grasslandsSER-Society for Ecological Restoration International, 7th World Conference in Ecological Restoration, Aug 2017, Foz de Igacu, Brazil
Conference poster
How can phenology contribute to ecological restoration?Phenology 2015 Conference, Oct 2015, Kusadasi, Turkey
Conference poster
Problèmes liés à la reforestation des pelouses semi-naturelles à forte diversitéECOVEG 11, Colloque en écologie des communautés végétales, Mar 2015, Grenoble, France. pp.1, 2015
Conference poster
Which strategies to conserve and restore metallophytes threatened by intensive mining activities in Southeastern D. R. Congo6th World Conference in Ecological Restoration, Aug 2015, Manchester, United Kingdom
Conference poster
Impact du feu sur les communautés herbacées des campos rupestres (Brésil) Régénération des communautés de campos rupestres, pelouses tropicales d’altitude, après un feu (Brésil)ECOVEG8 Huitième colloque en Ecologie des COmmunautés VEGgétales, Mar 2012, Nancy, France
Conference poster
Post-fire regeneration of upland tropical grassland plant communities: the case of campos rupestres, BrazilATBC Annual Meeeting "Ecology, Evolution and Sustainable Use of Tropical Biodiversity" ATBC – Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation,, Jun 2012, Bonito, Brazil
Conference poster
Implications des relations sol-plantes pour la conservation de la biodiversité végétale des sites cuprifères du Katanga face à l’anthropisationBogaert J., Colinet G. & Mahy G. Anthropisation des paysages katangais. Belgique, Presses Universitaires de Liège, 2018
Book sections
Conservation ex situ de la flore cupro-cobalticole du Haut-Katanga en banque de grainesJan Bogaert; Gilles Colinet; GRégory Mahy. Anthropisation des paysages katangais, Presses Universitaires de Liège, pp.43-57, 2018, 978-2-87016-147-0
Book sections
Ten years of research on copper-cobalt ecosystems in southeastern D.R. CongoFrançois Malaisse; Michel Schaijes; Claire D'Outreligne. Copper-cobalt flora of Upper Katanga and Copperbelt - Field Guide, LES PRESSES AGRONOMIQUES DE GEMBLOUX, A.S.B.L., 2016, 978-2-87016-080-0
Book sections
Phenology Patterns Across a Rupestrian Grassland Altitudinal GradientFernandes, G.W. Ecology and Conservation of Mountaintop Grasslands in Brazil, Springer, pp.275-289, 2016, 978-3-319-29807-8. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-29808-5⟩
Book sections
Les changements globauxProspectives en Ecologie Tropicale, 2014
Book sections
Réintroduction et impacts sur leur environnement de plantes indigènes du CerradoAnne Bonis. Actualité de la recherche en écologie des communautés végétales - Actes du 4e colloque ECOVEG, Editions TEC & DOC, 2008, 9782743018993
Book sections
Composition, phenology and restoration of campo rupestre mountain grasslands - BrazilAgricultural sciences. Université d'Avignon; Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2012. English. ⟨NNT : 2012AVIG0643⟩