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Solenn Stoeckel

Senior researcher in theoretical and applied population genetics for contemporary species with xeno reproductive modes and structured life-cycles. INRAE, Dept. Aqua, UMR DECOD.
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Researcher in theoretical and applied contemporary population genetics. [Google Scholar]( [Orcid]( [Gitlab]( [Software webpage]( **Research Interests** I'm interested in theoretical and applied population genetics, and population ecology in general. I mostly worked on partially clonal and allogamous species. I try to understand and characterize the dynamics of genetic diversity over time and explicit space for monitored contemporary species that matters for ecosystems and human activities. I mostly use forward exact and approximated formalisms of population genetics and probabilities of identity to decipher relashionship between individuals over couples to hundreds of generations. At these limited scales, backward highly-approximated population genetic formalisms, like using branching processes, are not enough accurate to track population trajectories of genetic diversity and to infer biological and ecological parameters constraining the evolution of populations. I use and teach probability, stochastic processes, high-troughput computation, algorithm, Bayesian and frequentist statistics, supervised machine learning, mating system and reproductive modes in Eucaryots. I'm finally interested and teach epistemology, history of sciences and science policies. **Education** 1997: Baccalaureate in Sciences, Lycée Descartes, Tours. Sep. 2002: DEA Ecology, Evolution and population management (Univ. Tours) Juin 2006: Doctorate in Forest and landscape science, ENGREF-AgroParisTech, Paris. Dir. N. Frascaria-Lacoste & S. Mariette. Sep 2017: Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches Vie-Agro-Santé, Univ. Rennes1. **Initial trainings** 1999: Training in population dynamics and management using modelling and numerical computation to predict wild foxes vaccinations to control rabies disease on island systems, University of Tours (pharmacology lab), 3 months. 2000: Training in Spatial Ecology of a tritrophic life-cycle in the regional natural park of Brenne with University of Tours and the MNHN Paris, 3 months. 2001: Training in Behvioural Ecology to characterize the mating system of *Cardiocondyla elegans* in Loire valley, University of Tours, 6 months. **Profesional positions in research** 2002-2006: Doctorate on the reproductive modes and its consequences on genetic diversity of wild cherry populations in France, supervised by Dr Stephanie Mariette and Pr Nathalie Frascaria-Lacoste, Cemagref, University Paris XI & AgroParisTech-ENGREF. 2006: Short Postdoc Cemagref, 3 months. 2006-2007: Temporary lecturer (ATER, full time), University Paris 6. Research with Pr Aboubakry Sarr and Pr Thierry Robert, Paris 6/XI. 2007-2012: Tenured researcher junior, INRAE, dept Plant Health and Environment (SPE), UMR Bio3P, team Ecology and Genetics of insects, Le Rheu. 2012: Visiting scientist/Postdoc, Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University, Mattias Jakobsson's team, Uppsala, Sweden. 2012-2015: Tenured senior researcher, INRAE, dept Plant Health and Environment (SPE), UMR IGEPP, team Ecology and Genetics of insects, Le Rheu. 2015-2024: Tenured senior researcher, INRAE, dept Plant Health and Environment (SPE), UMR IGEPP, team Demecology: Dynamics, Evolution, Modelling, Ecology, Le Rheu. Currently, from 2024: Tenured senior reserchear, INRAE, dept Aquatic Ecosystems, Water Resources and Risks (AQUA), UMR DECOD from source to sea, Rennes. **Courses Taught** Teaching unit ALEA: Stochastic models for population ecology in Master2 MODE (Modelling in Ecology), Univerity Rennes1. Teaching unit PGG: Population Genetics and Genomics in Master2 MODE and BEE (Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution). I previously taught Population genetics, Stastistics, Population dynamics, Epistemology, Advanced numerical computation, Introduction to probability, Methodology in ecology, History of sciences, Population management, Behavioural ecology, Spatial ecology, Genotypings. I did most of these courses at University Paris IX (Orsay), Paris 6 (Jussieu), University of Rennes1, University Of Bordeaux, University of Lille, Institut Agro, AgroParisTech, Paris 7 (Diderot), CNRS Formation and INRAE Formation for resaerchers and professionals. **List of projects** **Present and past lab members** **Past visiting researchers** Pr. Maria E. Orive, KU (Mar. 2017, August 2019). Dr Stacy Krueger-Hadfield, UAB & VIMS (Sept. 2023). Dr Ekaterina Bocharova, RAS & VNIRO Moscow (June 2018, Nov.-Dec. 2019, Metchnikov grant). ----- **Early profesionnal experiences** I worked out of research to fund my studies before engaging into a PhD. In my experience, this is an important step to open mind on the society, to understand why engaging in long studies as student, and to gain perspective on the research governance and profession. I list these small jobs as an example of this practice for my student. - Fire- and rescue-man at SDIS 37 with a corpus of related diplomas and formations. I managed a small environment and animal intervention team (7 years, since I was 17, week-ends, evenings & hollidays). - Child, teenager and disable educator with a corpus of related diplomas (BAFA, lifeguard, horse instructor, nature specialisation; around 8 months in total). - Agricultural worker in berries, cereals, goat and cow farms (~6 months in total). - Worker in a book factory (varnishing and lamination line; 2 weeks). - Book seller ( 2 weeks). - Bartender in London (2 weeks). Nice experience for improving english language ;)


population genetics population ecology population biology evolution stochastic models high-throughput computing numerical computation supervised machine learning


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Reproductive modes in populations of late-acting self-incompatible and self-compatible polyploid Ludwigia grandiflora subsp. hexapetala in western Europe

Solenn Stoeckel , Ronan Becheler , Luis Portillo-Lemus , Marilyne Harang , Anne-Laure Besnard
Peer Community Journal, 2024, 4, pp.e82. ⟨10.24072/pci.evolbiol.100788⟩
Journal articles hal-04687103v1
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Tetrasporophytic bias coupled with heterozygote deficiency in Antarctic Plocamium sp. (Florideophyceae, Rhodophyta)

Sabrina Heiser , Charles D. Amsler , Solenn Stoeckel , James B. Mcclintock , Bill J. Baker
Journal of Phycology, 2023, 59 (4), pp.681-697. ⟨10.1111/jpy.13339⟩
Journal articles hal-04167428v1
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GenAPoPop 1.0 : A user‐friendly software to analyse genetic diversity and structure from partially clonal and selfed autopolyploid organisms

Solenn Stoeckel , Ronan Becheler , Ekaterina Bocharova , Dominique Barloy
Molecular Ecology Resources, 2023, ⟨10.1111/1755-0998.13886⟩
Journal articles hal-04265149v1

The reproductive system of the cryptogenic alga Chondria tumulosa (Florideophyceae) at Manawai, Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument

T Williams , Stacy A Krueger‐hadfield , Kristina M. Hill-Spanik , Randall K. Kosaki , Solenn Stoeckel
Phycologia, 2023, Phycologia, ⟨10.1080/00318884.2023.2284074⟩
Journal articles hal-04423788v1
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Improving sustainable crop protection using population genetics concepts

Méline Saubin , Clémentine Louet , Lydia Bousset , Frédéric Fabre , Pascal Frey
Molecular Ecology, 2023, 32 (10), pp.2461-2471. ⟨10.1111/mec.16634⟩
Journal articles hal-03394837v2
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Approximate Bayesian Computation applied to time series of population genetic data disentangles rapid genetic changes and demographic variations in a pathogen population

Méline Saubin , Aurélien Tellier , Solenn Stoeckel , Axelle Andrieux , Fabien Halkett
Molecular Ecology, 2023, ⟨10.1111/mec.16965⟩
Journal articles hal-04122413v1
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Late-acting self-incompatible system, preferential allogamy and delayed selfing in the heteromorphic invasive populations of Ludwigia grandiflora subsp. hexapetala

Luis Octavio Portillo Lemus , Maryline Harang , Michel Bozec , Jacques Haury , Solenn Stoeckel
Peer Community Journal, 2022, 2, pp.e23. ⟨10.24072/pcjournal.108⟩
Journal articles hal-03807717v1
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The advantage of sex: Reinserting fluctuating selection in the pluralist approach

Jean-Sébastien Pierre , Solenn Stoeckel , Eric Wajnberg
PLoS ONE, 2022, 17 (8), pp.1-15. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0272134⟩
Journal articles hal-03745020v1
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Self‐incompatibility limits sexual reproduction rather than environmental conditions in an invasive water primrose

Luis Portillo Lemus , Michel M. Bozec , Marilyne Harang , Julie Coudreuse , Jacques J. Haury
Plant-Environment Interactions, 2021, 2 (2), pp.74-86. ⟨10.1002/pei3.10042⟩
Journal articles hal-03236068v1
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Untangling structural factors driving genome stabilization in nascent Brassica napus allopolyploids

Julie Ferreira de Carvalho , Solenn Stoeckel , Frédérique Eber , Maryse Lodé-Taburel , Marie-Madeleine Gilet
New Phytologist, 2021, 230 (5), pp.2072-2084. ⟨10.1111/nph.17308⟩
Journal articles hal-03227311v1

The discernible and hidden effects of clonality on the genotypic and genetic states of populations: Improving our estimation of clonal rates

Solenn Stoeckel , Barbara Porro , Sophie Arnaud‐haond
Molecular Ecology Resources, 2021, 21 (4), pp.1068-1084. ⟨10.1111/1755-0998.13316⟩
Journal articles hal-03288922v1

Exploring the Genetic Consequences of Clonality in Haplodiplontic Taxa

Stacy A Krueger-Hadfield , Marie-Laure Guillemin , Christophe Destombe , Myriam Valero , Solenn Stoeckel
Journal of Heredity, 2021, 112 (1), pp.92-107. ⟨10.1093/jhered/esaa063⟩
Journal articles hal-03229012v1

The Combined Effect of Haplodiplonty and Partial Clonality on Genotypic and Genetic Diversity in a Finite Mutating Population

Solenn Stoeckel , Sophie Arnaud-Haond , Stacy Krueger-Hadfield
Journal of Heredity, 2021, 112 (1), pp.78-91. ⟨10.1093/jhered/esaa062⟩
Journal articles hal-03236056v1
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After a catastrophe, a little bit of sex is better than nothing: Genetic consequences of a major earthquake on asexual and sexual populations

Ronan Becheler , Marie-Laure Guillemin , Solenn Stoeckel , Stéphane Mauger , Alice Saunier
Evolutionary Applications, 2020, 13 (8), pp.2086- 2100. ⟨10.1111/EVA.12967⟩
Journal articles hal-02550669v1

New insights into the population genetics of partially clonal organisms: When seagrass data meet theoretical expectations

Sophie Arnaud‐haond , Solenn Stoeckel , Diane Bailleul
Molecular Ecology, 2020, 29 (17), pp.3248-3260. ⟨10.1111/mec.15532⟩
Journal articles hal-02937568v1
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Hypomethylation of the aquatic invasive plant, Ludwigia grandiflora subsp. hexapetala mimics the adaptive transition into the terrestrial morphotype

Julien Genitoni , Danièle Vassaux , Alain Delaunay , Sylvie Citerne , Luis Portillo Lemus
Physiologia Plantarum, 2020, 170 (2), pp.280-298. ⟨10.1111/ppl.13162⟩
Journal articles hal-02926395v1

ClonEstiMate, a Bayesian method for quantifying rates of clonality of populations genotyped at two-time steps

Ronan Becheler , Jean-Pierre Masson , Sophie Arnaud-Haond , Fabien Halkett , Stéphanie Mariette
Molecular Ecology Resources, 2017, 17 (6), pp.e251-e267. ⟨10.1111/1755-0998.12698⟩
Journal articles hal-01608371v1
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Hybridization between two cryptic filamentous brown seaweeds along the shore: analysing pre- and postzygotic barriers in populations of individuals with varying ploidy levels

Alejandro E. Montecinos , Marie-Laure Guillemin , Lucia Couceiro , Akira F. Peters , Solenn Stoeckel
Molecular Ecology, 2017, 26 (13), pp.3497 - 3512. ⟨10.1111/mec.14098⟩
Journal articles hal-01552937v1

RClone: a package to identify MultiLocus Clonal Lineages and handle clonal data sets in r .

Diane Bailleul , Solenn Stoeckel , Sophie Arnaud-Haond
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2016, 7 (8), pp.966 - 970. ⟨10.1111/2041-210X.12550⟩
Journal articles hal-01926159v1
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Effects of complex life cycles on genetic diversity: cyclical parthenogenesis

Romuald Rouger , Katja Reichel , Florent Malrieu , Jean-Pierre Masson , Solenn Stoeckel
Heredity, 2016, 117 (5), pp.336-347. ⟨10.1038/hdy.2016.52⟩
Journal articles hal-01462754v1
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Rare sex or out of reach equilibrium? The dynamics of F IS in partially clonal organisms.

Katja Reichel , Jean-Pierre Masson , Florent Malrieu , Sophie Arnaud-Haond , Solenn Stoeckel
BMC Genetics, 2016, 17 (1), pp.76. ⟨10.1186/s12863-016-0388-z⟩
Journal articles hal-01345820v1

Longitudinal clines in the frequency distribution of 'super-clones' in an aphid crop pest

Aude Gilabert , Charles-Antoine Dedryver , Solenn Stoeckel , Manuel Plantegenest , Jean-Christophe Simon
Bulletin of Entomological Research, 2015, 105 (6), pp.694-703. ⟨10.1017/S0007485315000619⟩
Journal articles hal-01462722v1
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Interpretation and approximation tools for big, dense Markov chain transition matrices in population genetics.

Katja Reichel , Valentin Bahier , Cédric Midoux , Nicolas Parisey , Jean-Pierre Masson
Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 2015, 10 (1), pp.31. ⟨10.1186/s13015-015-0061-5⟩
Journal articles hal-01286505v1
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The Exact Distributions of F-IS under Partial Asexuality in Small Finite Populations with Mutation

Solenn Stoeckel , Jean-Pierre Masson
PLoS ONE, 2014, 9 (1), pp.e85228. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0085228⟩
Journal articles hal-01208758v1

Polymorphism pattern at a miniature inverted-repeat transposable element locus downstream of the domestication gene Teosinte-branched1 in wild and domesticated pearl millet

Y. Y. Dussert , M. -S. M. -S. Remigereau , M. C. Fontaine , A. A. Snirc , G. G. Lakis
Molecular Ecology, 2013, 22 (2), pp.327 - 340. ⟨10.1111/mec.12139⟩
Journal articles hal-00964405v1
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Masculinization of the X Chromosome in the Pea Aphid

Julie Jaquiéry , Claude Rispe , Denis Roze , Fabrice Legeai , Gaël Le Trionnaire
PLoS Genetics, 2013, 9 (8), pp.e1003690. ⟨10.1371/journal.pgen.1003690⟩
Journal articles hal-00916967v1

Interpreting realized pollen flow in terms of pollinator travel paths and land-use resistance in heterogeneous landscapes

Tonya Allen Lander , Etienne K. Klein , Solenn Stoeckel , Stéphanie Mariette , Brigitte Musch
Landscape Ecology, 2013, 28 (9), pp.1769-1783. ⟨10.1007/s10980-013-9920-y⟩
Journal articles hal-01208674v1

Accelerated evolution of sex chromosomes in aphids, an X0 system.

Julie Jaquiéry , Solenn Stoeckel , Claude Rispe , Lucie Mieuzet , Fabrice Legeai
Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2012, 29 (2), epub ahead of print. ⟨10.1093/molbev/msr252⟩
Journal articles hal-00639983v1
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Genome scans reveal candidate regions involved in the adaptation to host plant in the pea aphid complex.

Julie Jaquiéry , Solenn Stoeckel , P. Nouhaud , L. Mieuzet , F. Mahéo
Molecular Ecology, 2012, 21 (21), pp.5251-64. ⟨10.1111/mec.12048⟩
Journal articles hal-00753439v1

Microevolution of s-allele frequencies in wild cherry populations: respective impacts of negative frequency dependent selection and genetic drift

Solenn Stoeckel , E. Klein , S. Oddou Muratorio , Brigitte Musch , S. Mariette
Evolution - International Journal of Organic Evolution, 2012, 66 (2), pp.486-504. ⟨10.1111/j.1558-5646.2011.01457.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02598247v1
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Genetic diversity and fitness in small populations of partially asexual, self-incompatible plants.

Miguel Navascués , Solenn Stoeckel , Stéphanie Mariette
Heredity, 2010, 104 (5), pp.482-92. ⟨10.1038/hdy.2009.159⟩
Journal articles hal-00505867v2

Genetic signature of amphimixis allows for the detection and fine scale localization of sexual reproduction events in a mainly parthenogenetic nematode

Laure Villate , Daniel Esmenjaud , Maarten van Helden , Solenn Stoeckel , Olivier Plantard
Molecular Ecology, 2010, 19 (5), pp.856-873. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-294X.2009.04511.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02668661v1

Evolutionary and functional insights into reproductive strategies of aphids

Jean-Christophe Simon , Solenn Stoeckel , Denis Tagu
Comptes Rendus Biologies, 2010, 333 (6-7), pp.488-496. ⟨10.1016/j.crvi.2010.03.003⟩
Journal articles hal-02661743v1

Climate and agricultural context shape reproductive mode variation in an aphid crop pest.

A. Gilabert , Jean-Christophe Simon , L. Mieuzet , F. Halkett , Solenn Stoeckel
Molecular Ecology, 2009, 18 (14), pp.3050-61. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-294X.2009.04250.x⟩
Journal articles hal-00729971v1

Unequal allelic frequencies at the self-incompatibility locus within local populations of Prunus avium L.: an effect of population structure?

Solenn Stoeckel , Vincent Castric , S. Mariette , Xavier Vekemans
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2008, 21 (3), pp.889-899. ⟨10.1111/j.1420-9101.2008.01504.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02590626v1

Host range expansion of an introduced insect pest through multiple colonizations of specialized clones.

J. Peccoud , C.C. Figueroa , A.X. Silva , C.C. Ramirez , L. Mieuzet
Molecular Ecology, 2008, 17 (21), pp.4608-18. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-294X.2008.03949.x⟩
Journal articles hal-00729150v1

Heterozygote excess in a self-incompatible and partially clonal forest tree species Prunus avium L.

Solenn Stoeckel , Jean-Louis Grange , J.F. Fernandez Manjarres , Isabelle Bilger , Nathalie Frascaria-Lacoste
Molecular Ecology, 2006, 15 (8), pp.2109-2118. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-294X.2006.02926.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02588089v1
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Parental participation in progeny and effective population sizes in experimental seed orchards of wild cherry Prunus avium L. (Batsch)

Stéphanie Mariette , Emilie Balsemin , Solenn Stoeckel , Muriel Tavaud , Hervé Le Bouler
Annals of Forest Science, 2006, 64 (5), pp.533-539. ⟨10.1051/forest:2007030⟩
Journal articles hal-02658137v1

Demographic and genomic consequences of a rapid adaptation event in the poplar rust pathogen

Méline Saubin , Clémentine Louet , Solenn Stoeckel , Fabien Halkett , Aurélien Tellier
Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Lukáš Kratochvíl, Aug 2022, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-04137689v1

Demographic and genetic consequences of a rapid adaptation event in the poplar rust pathogen

Méline Saubin , Solenn Stoeckel , Aurélien Tellier , Fabien Halkett
2ème Réunion du Réseau E3GP3, Nov 2022, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04137651v1

Temporal genetic signatures of rapid demographic changes caused by directional selection, the case of a pathogen population overcoming plant resistance

Méline Saubin , Solenn Stoeckel , Aurélien Tellier , Fabien Halkett
Séminaire MEE (Modélisation en écologie et évolution), May 2022, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-04137877v1

Temporal genetic signatures of rapid demographic changes caused by directional selection, the case of a pathogen population overcoming plant resistance

Méline Saubin , Solenn Stoeckel , Aurélien Tellier , Fabien Halkett
Petit Pois Déridé 2022; 40ème réunion du Groupe d'Étude de Biologie et Génétique des Populations, May 2022, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-04137858v1
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GenAPoPop1.0: Computing population genetic indices and inferring reproductive modes from genotype diversity in polyploid populations.

Solenn Stoeckel , Ekaterina Bocharova , Dominique D. Barloy
Polyploidy and Biodiversity, Oct 2021, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-03810648v1

Stochastic models help understanding the evolution of partially clonal species and inferring rate of clonality from genetic diversity

Solenn Stoeckel
Third Chile-France Academic Forum, CNRS; Universidad de Chile; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Universidad de Concepción, Sep 2021, Santiago de Chile, Chile
Conference papers hal-04459158v1

GenAPoPop1.0: Computing population genetic indices and inferring reproductive modes from genotype diversity in polyploid populations

Solenn Stoeckel , Ekaterina Bocharova , Dominique D. Barloy
Polyploidy and Biodiversity, The International Research Network (IRN) Polyploidy and Biodiversity; The French « Plant Genome Dynamics » network (DYNAGEV), Oct 2021, Rennes (Campus de Beaulieu), France
Conference papers hal-04459074v1

Effets des modes de reproduction sur la diversité génétique et implications pour les stratégies de conservation.

Solenn Stoeckel
3. Journées scientifiques GDR 3606 REPRO : ReproSciences 2019, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). FRA., Apr 2019, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-02787467v1

The dynamics of genetic diversity in partially clonal populations

Solenn Stoeckel
The American Genetic Association President’s Symposium: Sex and Asex: the genetics of complex life cycles, Jun 2019, Portland, United States
Conference papers hal-02787623v1

Impact of structural variations on the meiotic stability and plant fertility of the allotetraploid B. napus (oilseed rape)

Mathieu Rousseau-Gueutin , Julie Ferreira de Carvalho , Solenn Stoeckel , Jérôme Morice , Marie-Madeleine Gilet
Second Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, Aug 2018, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-03318231v1

Exemple de « vieilles » lignées asexuées chez les rouilles

Ronan Becheler , Henriette Goyeau , Solenn Stoeckel , Fabien Halkett
Réunion 2016 du groupe "champignons phytopathogènes", Nov 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02795478v1
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Pollen dispersal in a self-incompatible species, the wild cherry (Prunus avium L.)

Solenn Stoeckel , Etienne K. Klein , Sylvie Oddou-Muratorio , Stéphanie Mariette
Forest ecosystem genomics and adaptation, Jun 2010, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain
Conference papers hal-02751625v1
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Stratégies raisonnées d'échantillonnage pour capturer la diversité génétique et sa structuration dans les populations naturelles - Application aux mesures de gestion conservatoire.

Stéphanie Brachet , Catherine Bastien , Isabelle Bilger , Corinne Buret , Jean Dufour
6. colloque national du BRG, Oct 2006, La Rochelle, France
Conference papers hal-02757653v1
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Génotypage SNP : Protocole Hi-Plex2

Anne-Laure Besnard , Gilles Lassalle , Sophie Michon-Coudouel , Solenn Stoeckel , Eric J. Petit
Genomics, May 2022, Orléans, France
Conference poster hal-04146101v1

ClonEstiMate, a Bayesian method for quantifying rates of clonality of populations genotyped at two time steps

Ronan Becheler , Jean-Pierre Masson , Sophie Arnaud-Haond , Fabien Halkett , Stéphanie Mariette
Jacques Monod conference "Sex uncovered: the evolutionary biology of reproductive systems", Apr 2018, Roscoff, France
Conference poster hal-03336667v1
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Etude d’un système de reproduction combinant auto-incompatibilité gamétophytique et asexualité

Miguel Navascués , Solenn Stoeckel , Stéphanie Mariette
Ecologie 2010, Sep 2010, Montpellier, France. 251 p., 2010, Proceedings of Ecologie 2010, Colloque national d’écologie scientifique
Conference poster hal-02757819v1
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Evolution of inbreeding depression in species combining self-incompatibility and partial asexual reproduction

Miguel Navascués , Solenn Stoeckel , Stéphanie Mariette
11. Congress of the European Society of Evolutionary Biology (ESEB), Aug 2007, Uppsala, Sweden. 2007
Conference poster hal-02755474v1