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Stefan Enoch

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  • IdHAL stefan-enoch
  • ResearcherId : K-4339-2016
  • ORCID 0000-0003-0335-726X
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  • IdRef : 147216281
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**Institut Fresnel** Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, Centrale Marseille


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Uniform Huygens Metasurfaces with Postfabrication Phase Pattern Recording Functionality

Elena Mikheeva , Remi Colom , Patrice Genevet , Frederic Bedu , Igor Ozerov
ACS photonics, 2023, 10, pp.1538-1546. ⟨10.1021/acsphotonics.3c00128⟩
Journal articles hal-03994382v1
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Experimental evidence of Förster energy transfer enhancement in the near field through engineered metamaterial surface waves

Kseniia Lezhennikova , Kaizad Rustomji , Boris T Kuhlmey , Tryfon Antonakakis , Pierre Jomin
Communications Physics, 2023, 6, pp.229. ⟨10.1038/s42005-023-01347-1⟩
Journal articles hal-04196820v1

Encaved optical fiber nano-probe exciting whispering gallery mode resonance with focused far off-axis beam

Jasleen Kaur , Kaushal Vairagi , Rashmi Achla Minz , Stefan Enoch , Samir Mondal
Optics Express, 2023, 31 (17), pp.27203. ⟨10.1364/OE.495702⟩
Journal articles hal-04412762v1

Broadband Terahertz Near-Field Excitation and Detection of Silicon Photonic Crystal Modes

Kseniia Lezhennikova , Sahand Mahmoodian , Boris Kuhlmey , Redha Abdeddaim , Stefan Enoch
ACS photonics, 2023, 10 (12), pp.4447-4455. ⟨10.1021/acsphotonics.3c01312⟩
Journal articles hal-04412838v1
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Evaluation of new MR invisible silicon carbide based dielectric pads for 7 T MRI

Zo Raolison , Marc Dubois , Michel Luong , Ana Luisa Neves , Franck Mauconduit
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2022, 90, pp.37-43. ⟨10.1016/j.mri.2022.04.002⟩
Journal articles cea-03636946v1
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Hilbert fractal inspired dipoles for passive RF shimming in ultra-high field MRI

Tania Vergara Gomez , Marc Dubois , Kaizad Rustomji , Elodie Georget , Tryfon Antonakakis
Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, 2022, 48, pp.100988. ⟨10.1016/j.photonics.2021.100988⟩
Journal articles hal-03573242v1

Design considerations for a new generation of SiPMs with unprecedented timing resolution

S. Enoch , A. Gola , P. Lecoq , A. Rivetti
Journal of Instrumentation, 2021, 16 (02), pp.P02019. ⟨10.1088/1748-0221/16/02/P02019⟩
Journal articles hal-03129549v1
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Complete Electromagnetic Dyadic Green Function Characterization in a Complex Environment—Resonant Dipole-Dipole Interaction and Cooperative Effects

Kaizad Rustomji , Marc Dubois , Pierre Jomin , Stefan Enoch , Jérôme Wenger
Physical Review X, 2021, 11 (2), pp.021004. ⟨10.1103/physrevx.11.021004⟩
Journal articles hal-03330915v1
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A practical realization of an artificial magnetic shield for preclinical birdcage RF coils

K. Lezhennikova , A. Hurshkainen , C. Simovski , R. Abdeddaim , S. Enoch
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020, 1461, pp.012085. ⟨10.1088/1742-6596/1461/1/012085⟩
Journal articles hal-03224912v1
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A Semi-Analytical Model Of High Permittivity Dielectric Ring Resonators for Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Marine A.C. Moussu , Marine A.C. Moussu , Redha Abdeddaim , Marc A. Dubois , Elodie Georget
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2020, pp.1-1. ⟨10.1109/TAP.2020.2980771⟩
Journal articles hal-02541027v2

Constructive Near-Field Interference Effect in a Birdcage MRI Coil with an Artificial Magnetic Shield

K. Lezhennikova , Redha Abdeddaim , A. Hurshkainen , A. Vignaud , M. Dubois
Physical Review Applied, 2020, 13 (6), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevApplied.13.064004⟩
Journal articles hal-02876034v1
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CMOS-compatible all-dielectric metalens for improving pixel photodetector arrays

E Mikheeva , J.-B Claude , M Salomoni , Jérôme Wenger , Julien Lumeau
APL Photonics, 2020, 27 (18), pp.26060-26069. ⟨10.1063/5.0022162⟩
Journal articles hal-02995978v1

Imaging of two samples with a single transmit/receive channel using coupled ceramic resonators for MR microscopy at 17.2 T

Marine A.C. Moussu , Stanislav Glybovski , Redha Abdeddaim , Christophe Craeye , Stefan Enoch
NMR in Biomedicine, 2020, 33 (11), ⟨10.1002/nbm.4397⟩
Journal articles hal-03164084v1
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Homogenization of quasiperiodic structures and two-scale cut-and-projection convergence

Stéphane Brule , Stefan Enoch , Sebastien Guenneau
Modern Physics Letters A, 2020, 384 (1), pp.126034. ⟨10.1016/j.physleta.2019.126034⟩
Journal articles hal-02399063v1
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Radiofrequency Coil for Dual-nuclei MR Muscle Energetics Investigation Based on Two Capacitively Coupled Periodic Wire Arrays

Anna Hurshkainen , Marc Dubois , Anton Nikulin , Christophe Vilmen , David Bendahan
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2020, 19 (5), pp.721-725. ⟨10.1109/LAWP.2019.2960610⟩
Journal articles hal-02476037v1
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Role of nanophotonics in the birth of seismic megastructures

Stéphane Brule , Stefan Enoch , Sebastien Guenneau
Nanophotonics, 2019, 8 (10), pp.1591-1605. ⟨10.1515/nanoph-2019-0106⟩
Journal articles hal-02399050v1
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Enhancing surface coil sensitive volume with hybridized electric dipoles at 17.2 T

Marc Dubois , Tania Vergara Gomez , Camille Jouvaud , Abdelwaheb Ourir , Julien de Rosny
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2019, 307, pp.106567. ⟨10.1016/j.jmr.2019.106567⟩
Journal articles hal-02283032v1
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Photosensitive chalcogenide metasurfaces supporting bound states in the continuum

Elena Mikheeva , Kirill Koshelev , Duk-Yong Choi , Sergey Kruk , Julien Lumeau
Optics Express, 2019, 27 (23), pp.33847-33853. ⟨10.1364/OE.27.033847⟩
Journal articles hal-02350454v1
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The influence of building interactions on seismic and elastic body waves

Bogdan Ungureanu , Sebastien Guenneau , Younes Achaoui , Andre Diatta , Mohamed Farhat
EPJ Applied Metamaterials, 2019, 6 (18), ⟨10.1051/epjam/2019015⟩
Journal articles hal-02399087v1
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Wireless coils based on resonant and nonresonant coupled-wire structure for small animal multinuclear imaging

Tania Vergara Gomez , Marc Dubois , Stanislav Glybovski , Benoit Larrat , Julien de Rosny
NMR in Biomedicine, 2019, 32 (5), pp.e4079. ⟨10.1002/nbm.4079⟩
Journal articles cea-02043238v1
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Analysis of Low Frequency Acoustic Stop Bands in Cubic Arrays of Thick Spherical Shells With Holes

Guillaume Dupont , Alexander Movchan , Stefan Enoch , Sebastien Guenneau
Frontiers in Materials. Computational Materials Science section, 2019, 6, ⟨10.3389/fmats.2019.00050⟩
Journal articles hal-02399029v1
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Acoustic flat lensing using an indefinite medium

M. Dubois , Julien Perchoux , A L Vanel , Clément Tronche , Y Achaoui
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2019, 99, pp.100301(R). ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.99.100301⟩
Journal articles hal-01917261v1
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Controlling frequency dispersion in electromagnetic invisibility cloaks

Geoffroy Klotz , Nicolas Mallejac , Sebastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch
Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, pp.6022. ⟨10.1038/s41598-019-42481-7⟩
Journal articles hal-01897279v2
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Direct Imaging of the Energy-Transfer Enhancement between Two Dipoles in a Photonic Cavity

Kaizad Rustomji , Marc Dubois , Boris Kuhlmey , C Martijn de Sterke , Stefan Enoch
Physical Review X, 2019, 9 (1), pp.011041. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevX.9.011041⟩
Journal articles hal-02056157v1
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Systematic Analysis of the Improvements in Magnetic Resonance Microscopy with Ferroelectric Composite Ceramics

Marine Moussu , Luisa Ciobanu , Sergej Kurdjumov , Elizaveta Nenasheva , Boucif Djemai
Advanced Materials, 2019, 31, pp.1900912. ⟨10.1002/adma.201900912⟩
Journal articles hal-02135592v1
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Métamatériaux pour la protection sismique

Sebastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch , Andrea Colombi , Philippe Roux , Stéphane Brule
Photoniques, 2018, 90, pp.37-40. ⟨10.1051/photon/20189037⟩
Journal articles hal-01915140v1
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Mimicking Electromagnetic Wave Coupling in Tokamak Plasma with Fishnet Metamaterials

K. Rustomji , R. Abdeddaim , J. Achard , M. Chmiaa , E. Georget
Scientific Reports, 2018, 8 (1), ⟨10.1038/s41598-018-24250-0⟩
Journal articles hal-01786013v1
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Kerker Effect in Ultrahigh-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Marc Dubois , Lisa Leroi , Zo Raolison , Redha Abdeddaim , Tryfon Antonakakis
Physical Review X, 2018, 8 (3), ⟨10.1103/physrevx.8.031083⟩
Journal articles hal-01951368v1
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A Novel Metamaterial-Inspired RF-coil for Preclinical Dual-Nuclei MRI

Anna Hurshkainen , Anton Nikulin , Elodie Georget , Benoît Larrat , Djamel Berrahou
Scientific Reports, 2018, 8 (1), pp.9190. ⟨10.1038/s41598-018-27327-y⟩
Journal articles hal-01951316v1
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Compressed perovskite aqueous mixtures near their phase transitions show very high permittivities: New prospects for high-field MRI dielectric shimming

Ana L. Neves , Lisa Leroi , Zo Raolison , Nicolas Cochinaire , Thibaut Letertre
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2017, 76, pp.1951 - 0. ⟨10.1002/mrm.26771⟩
Journal articles hal-01540002v1
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Control of Rayleigh-like waves in thick plate Willis metamaterials

Andre Diatta , Younes Achaoui , Stéphane Brule , Stefan Enoch , Sebastien Guenneau
AIP Advances, 2017, 6, pp.121707. ⟨10.1063/1.4972280⟩
Journal articles hal-01422525v1
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Measurement and simulation of the polarization-dependent Purcell factor in a microwave fishnet metamaterial

Kaizad Rustomji , Redha Abdeddaim , C. Martijn de Sterke , Boris Kuhlmey , Stefan Enoch
Physical Review B, 2017, 95 (3), pp.035156. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.95.035156⟩
Journal articles hal-02471890v1

Flat lens effect on seismic waves propagation in the subsoil

Stefan Enoch , Stéphane Brûlé , Emmanuel Javelaud , Sébastien Guenneau
Scientific Reports, 2017, 7 (1), pp.18066. ⟨10.1038/s41598-017-17661-y⟩
Journal articles hal-03546831v1
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Polarizability expressions for predicting resonances in plasmonic and Mie scatterers

Rémi Colom , Alexis Devilez , Stefan Enoch , Brian Stout , Nicolas Bonod
Physical Review A : Atomic, molecular, and optical physics [1990-2015], 2017, 95 (6), pp.063833. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevA.95.063833⟩
Journal articles hal-01571594v1

Sols structurés sous sollicitation dynamique : des métamatériaux en géotechnique

Stéphane Brulé , Stefan Enoch , Sébastien Guenneau
Revue française de Géotechnique, 2017, 151, ⟨10.1051/geotech/2017010⟩
Journal articles hal-01637684v1
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Free-Space Characterization of the Permeability of Inhomogeneous Magneto-Dielectric Materials

Xavier Faget , Amelie Litman , Eva Dieudonné , Stefan Enoch , Nicolas Mallejac
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2017, 65 (12), pp.5035 - 5045. ⟨10.1109/TMTT.2017.2722402⟩
Journal articles hal-01579256v1
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Stacked magnetic resonators for MRI RF coils decoupling

Elodie Georget , Michel Luong , Alexandre Vignaud , Eric Giacomini , Edouard Chazel
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2017, 275, pp.11-18. ⟨10.1016/j.jmr.2016.11.012⟩
Journal articles hal-01571588v1
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Metamaterial-like transformed urbanism

Stéphane Brulé , Bogdan Ungureanu , Younes Achaoui , Andre Diatta , Ronald Aznavourian
Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 2017, 2 (1), ⟨10.1007/s41062-017-0063-x⟩
Journal articles hal-01635890v1
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Type of dike using C-shaped vertical cylinders

Guillaume Dupont , Fabien Remy , Olivier Kimmoun , Bernard Molin , Sébastien Guenneau
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2017, 96 (18), pp.379 - 393. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.96.180302⟩
Journal articles hal-01637665v1
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Spanning the scales of mechanical metamaterials using time domain simulations in transformed crystals, graphene flakes and structured soils

Ronald Aznavourian , Tania M Puvirajesinghe , Stéphane Brulé , Stefan Enoch , Sébastien Guenneau
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2017, 29 (43), ⟨10.1088/1361-648X/aa81ff⟩
Journal articles hal-01637681v1

Seismic waves damping with arrays of inertial resonators

Younes Achaoui , Bogdan Ungureanu , S Enoch , S Brûlé , Sebastien Guenneau
Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2016, 8, pp.30-37. ⟨10.1016/j.eml.2016.02.004⟩
Journal articles hal-01396034v1
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Auxetic-like metamaterials as novel earthquake protections

Bogdan Ungureanu , Younes Achaoui , Stefan Enoch , Stéphane Brulé , Sébastien Guenneau
EPJ Applied Metamaterials, 2016, 2, pp.17. ⟨10.1051/epjam/2016001⟩
Journal articles hal-01283651v1
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Wavelength-scale light concentrator made by direct 3D laser writing of polymer metamaterials

Johnny Moughames , Safi Jradi , T. Chan , S. Akil , Y. Battie
Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, pp.33627 (2016). ⟨10.1038/srep33627⟩
Journal articles hal-02473116v1
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Cloaking a vertical cylinder via homogenization in the mild-slope equation

Guillaume Dupont , Sébastien Guenneau , Olivier Kimmoun , Bernard Molin , Stefan Enoch
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2016, 796, pp.R1-R12. ⟨10.1017/jfm.2016.249⟩
Journal articles hal-01318053v1

Numerical and experimental study of an invisibility carpet in a water channel

Guillaume Dupont , Olivier Kimmoun , Bernard Molin , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch
Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 2015, 91, pp.023010. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.91.023010⟩
Journal articles hal-01283609v1
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Dynamic effective anisotropy: Asymptotics, simulations, and microwave experiments with dielectric fibers

Lauris Ceresoli , Redha Abdeddaim , Tryfon Antonakakis , Ben Maling , Mohammed Chmiaa
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2015, 92, pp.174307. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.92.174307⟩
Journal articles hal-01280584v1

Electromagnetic sunscreen model: Design of experiments on particle specifications

Marie Lécureux , Carole Deumié , Stefan Enoch , Michelle Sergent
Applied optics, 2015
Journal articles hal-01281293v1
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Molding acoustic, electromagnetic and water waves with a single cloak

Jun Xu , Xu Jiang , Nicholas Fang , Elodie Georget , Redha Abdeddaim
Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, pp.10678. ⟨10.1038/srep10678⟩
Journal articles hal-01283608v1

Time-Driven Superoscillations with Negative Refraction

Marc Dubois , Emmanuel Bossy , Stefan Enoch , Sébastien Guenneau , Geoffroy Lerosey
Physical Review Letters, 2015, 116, pp.013902
Journal articles hal-01283637v1
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Single frequency microwave cloaking and subwavelength imaging with curved wired media

Ilan Ktorza , Lauris Ceresoli , Stefan Enoch , Sébastien Guenneau , Redha Abdeddaim
Optics Express, 2015, 23, pp.10319-10326. ⟨10.1364/OE.23.010319⟩
Journal articles hal-01214107v1

Electromagnetic sunscreen model : implementation and comparison between several methods: step film model, differential method, Mie scattering, and scattering by a set of parallel cylinders

Carole Deumié , Marie Lécureux , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb
Applied optics, 2014
Journal articles hal-01281294v1
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Experiments on Seismic Metamaterials: Molding Surface Waves

Stéphane Brulé , Emmanuel Javelaud , Stefan Enoch , Sébastien Guenneau
Physical Review Letters, 2014, 112 (13), pp.133901. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.133901⟩
Journal articles hal-01283599v1

Invisible waveguides on metal plates for plasmonic analogs of electromagnetic wormholes

Muamer Kadic , Guillaume Dupont , Stefan Enoch , Sébastien Guenneau
Physical Review A : Atomic, molecular, and optical physics [1990-2015], 2014, 90, pp.043812. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevA.90.043812⟩
Journal articles hal-01283600v1

Scattering by complex inhomogeneous objects: a first-order reciprocity method

E. Dieudonné , N. Malléjac , S. Enoch
Optics Express, 2014, 22, pp.16558-16570. ⟨10.1364/OE.22.016558⟩
Journal articles hal-01288138v1

Biharmonic split ring resonator metamaterial: Artificially dispersive effective density in thin periodically perforated plates

Mohamed Farhat , Stefan Enoch , Sebastien Guenneau
EPL - Europhysics Letters, 2014, 107, pp.44002. ⟨10.1209/0295-5075/107/44002⟩
Journal articles hal-01084743v1

Sun protection and hydration of stratum corneum: a study by 2-D differential method 

Carole Deumié , Marie Lécureux , Stefan Enoch
International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 2014, 36, pp.436-441
Journal articles hal-01281297v1

Platonic Scattering Cancellation for Bending Waves in a Thin Plate

Mohamed Farhat , Pai-Yen Chen , Hakan Bagci , Stefan Enoch , Sébastien Guenneau
Scientific Reports, 2014, 4 (4644)
Journal articles hal-01283604v1

Plasmon assisted thermal modulation in nanoparticles

Aude L. L. Lereu , R. H. Farahi , L. Tetard , Stefan Enoch , T.G. Thundat
Optics Express, 2013, 21 (10), pp.12145. ⟨10.1364/OE.21.012145⟩
Journal articles hal-01276491v1

Plasmon assisted thermal modulation in nanoparticles

Aude L. L. Lereu , R. H Farahi , L. Tetard , S. Enoch , T. Thundat
Optics Express, 2013, 21 (10), pp.12145. ⟨10.1364/OE.21.012145⟩
Journal articles hal-02479093v1

Surface and bulk scattering by magnetic and dielectric inhomogeneities: a first-order method

É. Dieudonné , N. Malléjac , C. Amra , S. Enoch
Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics and image science, 2013, 30, pp.1772-1779. ⟨10.1364/JOSAA.30.001772⟩
Journal articles hal-01288148v1

Flat lens for pulse focusing of elastic waves in thin plates

Marc Dubois , Mohamed Farhat , Emmanuel Bossy , Stefan Enoch , Sébastien Guenneau
Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 103 (071915)
Journal articles hal-01281350v1
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Flat lens for pulse focusing of elastic waves in thin plates

Marc Dubois , M. Farhat , E. Bossy , S. Enoch , S. Guenneau
Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 103 (7), pp.071915. ⟨10.1063/1.4818716⟩
Journal articles hal-01680699v1
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Frequency-selective surface acoustic invisibility for three-dimensional immersed objects

Mohamed Farhat , Pai-Yen Chen , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch , Andrea Alu
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2012, 86, pp.174303. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.86.174303⟩
Journal articles hal-00759739v1

Enhanced control of light and sound trajectories with three-dimensional gradient index lenses

Tieh-Ming Chan , Guillaume Dupont , Stefan Enoch , Sébastien Guenneau
New Journal of Physics, 2012, 14, pp.035011. ⟨10.1088/1367-2630/14/3/035011⟩
Journal articles hal-00761128v1
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Transformation Plasmonics

Muamer Kadic , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch , Paloma Huidobro , Luis Martin-Moreno
Nanophotonics, 2012, 1 (1), pp.51-64. ⟨10.1515/nanoph-2012-0011⟩
Journal articles hal-00761138v1

Broadband cloaking of bending waves via homogenization of multiply perforated radially symmetric and isotropic thin elastic plates

Mohamed Farhat , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2012, 85, pp.020301. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.85.020301⟩
Journal articles hal-00761125v1

Acoustic scattering cancellation via Ultrathin Pseudo-Surface

Pai-Yen Chen , Mohamed Farhat , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch , Andrea Alu
Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 99, pp.191913
Journal articles hal-00647948v1

Focussing light through a stack of toroidal channels in PMMA

Tieh-Ming Chan , Sébastien Guenneau , Jérôme Hazart , Stefan Enoch
Optics Express, 2011, 19 (17), pp.16154-16159. ⟨10.1364/OE.19.016154⟩
Journal articles hal-00647938v1

Plasmonic space folding : focussing surface plasmons via negative refraction in complementary media

Muamer Kadic , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch , S. Anantha Ramakrishna
ACS Nano, 2011, 5 (9), pp.6819-6825
Journal articles hal-00647944v1

Numerical analysis of three-dimensional acoustic cloaks and carpets

Guillaume Dupont , Mohamed Farhat , Andre Diatta , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch
Wave Motion, 2011, 48 (6), pp.483-496. ⟨10.1016/j.wavemoti.2011.03.004⟩
Journal articles hal-00647939v1

Controlling surface plasmon polaritons in transformed coordinates

Muamer Kadic , Guillaume Dupont , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch
Journal of Modern Optics, 2011, 58 (12), pp.994-1003. ⟨10.1080/09500340.2011.589913⟩
Journal articles hal-00647941v1

The colors of cloaks

Sébastien Guenneau , Ross Mcphedran , Stefan Enoch , Alexander Movchan , Nicolae-Alexandru Nicorovici
Journal of Optics, 2011, 13, pp.024014. ⟨10.1088/2040-8978/13/2/024014⟩
Journal articles hal-00544868v1

Plasmonic interaction of visible light with gold nanoscale checkerboards

S. Anantha Ramakrishna , P. Mandal , K Jeyadheepan , Neeraj Shukla , S. Chakrabarti
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2011, 84, pp.245424
Journal articles hal-01281289v1

Curved trajectories on transformed metal surfaces : Luneburg lens, beam-splitter, invisibility carpet and black hole for surface plasmon polaritons

Muamer Kadic , Guillaume Dupont , Tieh-Ming Chan , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch
Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, 2011, 9 (4), pp.302-307
Journal articles hal-00647942v1

Finite elements modelling of scattering problems for flexural waves in thin plates : Application to elliptic invisibility cloaks, rotators and the mirage eff ect

Mohamed Farhat , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch
Journal of Computational Physics, 2011, 230, pp.2237-2245
Journal articles hal-00647936v1

Non-singular arbitrary cloaks dressing three-dimensional anisotropic obstacles

Guillaume Dupont , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch
Journal of Modern Optics, 2011, 58 (9), pp.786-795. ⟨10.1080/09500340.2011.573878⟩
Journal articles hal-00647940v1

Les ondes sous l'emprise des metamateriaux

Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch , Ross Mcphedran
Pour la science, 2011, 409, pp.58-63
Journal articles hal-00647949v1

Understanding the functionality of an array of invisibility cloaks

Mohamed Farhat , Pai-Yen Chen , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch , Ross Mcphedran
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2011, 84, pp.235105
Journal articles hal-00647946v1

All-Angle-Negative-Refraction and Ultra-Refraction for liquid surface waves in 2-D phononic crystals

Mohamed Farhat , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch , Alexander Movchan
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2010, 234 (6), pp.2011-2019. ⟨10.1016/⟩
Journal articles hal-00439084v1

Transformational plasmonics: cloak, concentrator and rotator for SPPs

Muamer Kadic , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch
Optics Express, 2010, 18 (11), pp.12027
Journal articles hal-00509105v1

Perfect lenses and corners for flexural waves

Mohamed Farhat , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2010, 405 (14), pp.2947-2949
Journal articles hal-00544547v1

High-directivity and confinement of flexural waves through ultra-refraction in thin perforated plates

Mohamed Farhat , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch
EPL - Europhysics Letters, 2010, 91 (5), pp.54003
Journal articles hal-00544542v1

Design and properties of dielectric surface plasmon Bragg mirrors

Sukanya Randhawa , María Ujué González , Jan Renger , Stefan Enoch , Romain Quidant
Optics Express, 2010, 18, pp.14496-14510. ⟨10.1364/OE.18.014496⟩
Journal articles hal-01288153v1

Electromagnetic analysis of arbitrarily shaped pinched carpets

Guillaume Dupont , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch
Physical Review A : Atomic, molecular, and optical physics [1990-2015], 2010, 82 (3), pp.033840
Journal articles hal-00544541v1

Focussing bending waves via negative refraction in perforated thin plates

Mohamed Farhat , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch , Alexander Movchan , Gunnar Petursson
Applied Physics Letters, 2010, 96, pp.081909. ⟨10.1063/1.3327813⟩
Journal articles hal-00459561v1

Hidden progress: broadband plasmonic invisibility

J. Renger , Muamer Kadic , Guillaume Dupont , S. Acimovic , Sébastien Guenneau
Optics Express, 2010, 18 (15), pp.15757
Journal articles hal-00509111v1

High directivity and confinement of flexural waves through ultra-refraction in thin perforated plates

Mohamed Farhat , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch
EPL - Europhysics Letters, 2010, 91, pp.54003. ⟨10.1209/0295-5075/91/54003⟩
Journal articles hal-01281284v1

Broadband cloaking and mirages with flying carpets

Andre Diatta , Guillaume Dupont , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch
Optics Express, 2010, 18 (11), pp.11537-11551. ⟨10.1364/OE.18.011537⟩
Journal articles hal-00509103v1

Negative refraction, surface modes, and superlensing effect via homogenization near resonances for a finite array of split-ring resonators

Mohamed Farhat , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch , Alexander Movchan
Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 2009, 80, pp.046309. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.80.046309⟩
Journal articles hal-00468907v1
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Directive emission from defect-free dodecagonal photonic quasicrystals: a leaky wave characterization

Alessandro Micco , Vincenzo Galdi , Filippo Capolino , Alessandro Della Villa , Vincenzo Pierro
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2009, 79, pp.075110. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.79.075110⟩
Journal articles hal-00369778v1

Metamaterial induced band-gap of surface plasmon propagation

E. Popov , Stefan Enoch , Nicolas Bonod
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 2009, 11, pp.114018
Journal articles hal-00426589v1

Revolution analysis of three-dimensional arbitrary cloaks

Guillaume Dupont , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch , Guillaume Demesy , André Nicolet
Optics Express, 2009, 17 (25), pp.22603
Journal articles hal-00439106v1

L'invisibilité en vue

Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch , Ross Mcphedran
Pour la science, 2009, 382, pp.42-49
Journal articles hal-00439094v1

Ultrabroadband Elastic Cloaking in Thin Plates

Mohamed Farhat , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch
Physical Review Letters, 2009, 103, pp.024301. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.024301⟩
Journal articles hal-00468905v1

Cloaking bending waves propagating in thin elastic plates

Mohamed Farhat , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch , Alexander Movchan
Physical Review Letters, 2009, 79, pp.033102. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.79.033102⟩
Journal articles hal-00468906v1

Absorption of light by extremely shallow metallic gratings: metamaterial behavior

E. Popov , Stefan Enoch , Nicolas Bonod
Optics Express, 2009, 17 (8), pp.6770-6781
Journal articles hal-00374831v1
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Ultrabroadband Elastic Cloaking in Thin Plates

Mohamed Farhat , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch
Physical Review Letters, 2009, 103 (2), pp.024301. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.024301⟩
Journal articles hal-00426584v1
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Quasi-TEM modes in rectangular waveguides: a study based on the properties of PMC and hard surfaces

Raphaël Pierre , Gérard Tayeb , Boris Gralak , Stefan Enoch
Journal of Modern Optics, 2009, 56 (4), pp.530-538. ⟨10.1080/09500340802604146⟩
Journal articles hal-00319510v1

Cloaking bending waves propagating in thin elastic plates

Mohamed Farhat , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch , A. B. Movchan
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2009, 79, pp.033102
Journal articles hal-00426585v1

Negative refraction, surface modes, and superlensing effect via homogenization near resonances for a finite array of split-ring resonators

Mohamed Farhat , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch , A. B. Movchan
Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 2009, 80, pp.046309
Journal articles hal-00426592v1

Achieving invisibility over a finite range of frequencies

Mohamed Farhat , Sébastien Guenneau , A. B. Movchan , Stefan Enoch
Optics Express, 2008, 16, pp.5656-5661
Journal articles hal-00426576v1

Solutions of Maxwell's equations in presence of lamellar gratings including infinitely conducting metal

Boris Gralak , Pierre Raphaël , Gérard Tayeb , Stefan Enoch
Journal of the Optical Society of America. A Optics, Image Science, and Vision, 2008, 25 (12), pp.3099
Journal articles hal-00347267v1

Analytical and numerical analysis of lensing effect for linear surface water waves through a square array of nearly touching rigid square cylinders

Mohamed Farhat , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb , A.B. Movchan
Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 2008, 77, pp.046308
Journal articles hal-00276004v1

Broadband cylindrical acoustic cloak for linear surface waves in a fluid

Mohamed Farhat , Stefan Enoch , Sébastien Guenneau , A. B. Movchan
Physical Review Letters, 2008, 101, pp.134501
Journal articles hal-00426581v1

Why a harmonic solution for lossless, perfectly homogeneous, left-handed material cannot exist

Daniel Maystre , Stefan Enoch , Ross C. Mcphedran
Journal of the Optical Society of America. A Optics, Image Science, and Vision, 2008, 25, pp.1937-1943
Journal articles hal-00424375v1

Two-dimensional complete band gaps in one-dimensional metal-dielectric periodic structures

Jinlong Zhang , Haitao Jiang , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb , Boris Gralak
Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 92, pp.053104
Journal articles hal-00272793v1

Broadband Cylindrical Acoustic Cloak for Linear Surface Waves in a Fluid

Mohamed Farhat , Stefan Enoch , Sébastien Guenneau , Alexander Movchan
Physical Review Letters, 2008, 101, pp.134501. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.134501⟩
Journal articles hal-00468909v1
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Total absorption of light by lamellar metallic gratings

N. Bonod , Gérard Tayeb , Daniel Maystre , Stefan Enoch , E. Popov
Optics Express, 2008, 16 (20), pp.15431-15438
Journal articles hal-00321916v1

Compensation of loss to approach -1 effective index by gain in metal-dielectric stacks

Jinlong Zhang , Haitao Jiang , Boris Gralak , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb
European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2008, pp.2008148
Journal articles hal-00315945v1

Finite wavelength cloaking by plasmonic resonance

Nicolae-Alexandru Nicorovici , Ross C. Mcphedran , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb
New Journal of Physics, 2008, 10, pp.115020. ⟨10.1088/1367-2630/10/11/115020⟩
Journal articles hal-00369779v1
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Compensation of loss to approach –1 effective index by gain in metal-dielectric stacks

J. Zhang , H. Jiang , B. Gralak , S. Enoch , G. Tayeb
European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2008, 46 (3), pp.1-6. ⟨10.1051/epjap:2008148⟩
Journal articles hal-00480178v1

Aperiodic-Tiling-Based Mushroom-Type High-Impedance Surfaces

I. Gallina , Alessandro Della Villa , Vincenzo Galdi , Vincenzo Pierro , Filippo Capolino
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2008, 7, pp.54-57
Journal articles hal-00272792v1

A homogenization route towards square cylindrical acoustic cloaks

Mohamed Farhat , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch , Alexander Movchan , Frédéric Zolla
New Journal of Physics, 2008, 10, pp.11530. ⟨10.1088/1367-2630/10/11/115030⟩
Journal articles hal-00468908v1

Investigation of extracting photonic crystal lattices for guided modes of GaAs based heterostructures

Henri Benisty , Jérôme Danglot , A. Talneau , Stefan Enoch , J. M. Pottage
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2008, 44, pp.777-789
Journal articles hal-00426579v1

Modelling of a single object embedded in a layered medium

Giacomo Benelli , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb
Journal of Modern Optics, 2007, 54 (6), pp.871-879
Journal articles hal-00139157v1

Plasmon engineering as a route to improving the light extraction through metal films

Jean Cesario , M. U. Gonzalez , S. Cheylan , W. L. Barnes , Stefan Enoch
Optics Express, 2007, 15, pp.10533-10539
Journal articles hal-00426573v1

Towards -1 effective index with one-dimensional metal-dielectric metamaterial: a quantitative analysis of the role of absorption losses

Jinlong Zhang , Haitao Jiang , Boris Gralak , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb
Optics Express, 2007, 15 (12), pp.7720-7729
Journal articles hal-00186528v1

Confining light with negative refraction in checkerboard metamaterials and photonic crystals

Anantha Ramakrishna , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb , Boris Gralak
Physical Review A : Atomic, molecular, and optical physics [1990-2015], 2007, 75, pp.063830
Journal articles hal-00186518v1

Cloaking and imaging effects in plasmonic checkerboards of negative e and μ and dielectric photonic crystal checkerboards

Sébastien Guenneau , Anantha Ramakrishna , Stefan Enoch , Sangeeta Chakrabarti , Gérard Tayeb
Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, 2007, pp.63-72
Journal articles hal-00186538v1

Plasmon surface waves and complex-type surface waves: comparative analysis on single interfaces, lamellar gratings, and 2-dimensional hole arrays

Evgeni Popov , Stefan Enoch , Michel Nevière
Applied optics, 2007, 46, pp.154-160
Journal articles hal-00387443v1

Stacking patterns in self-organized opal photonic crystal

X. Checoury , Stefan Enoch , A. Blanco , C. Lopez
Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 90, pp.161131
Journal articles hal-00426568v1

Light confinement through negative refraction in photonic crystal and metamaterial checkerboards

S. Anantha Ramakrishna , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb , Boris Gralak
Physical Review A : Atomic, molecular, and optical physics [1990-2015], 2007, 75, pp.063830
Journal articles hal-00468489v1
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Comparison of plasmon surface waves on shallow and deep metallic 1D and 2D gratings

E. Popov , Nicolas Bonod , Stefan Enoch
Optics Express, 2007, 15 (7), pp.4224-4237
Journal articles hal-00222960v1
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Non-Bloch plasmonic stop-band in real-metal gratings

E. Popov , Nicolas Bonod , Stefan Enoch
Optics Express, 2007, 15 (10), pp.6241-3250
Journal articles hal-00222979v1

Mystery of the double limit in homogenisation of finitely or perfectly conducting periodic structures

Evgeni Popov , Stefan Enoch
Optics Letters, 2007, 32, pp.3441-3444
Journal articles hal-00387453v1

InGaN green light emitting diodes with deposited nanoparticles

B. Butun , Jean Cesario , Stefan Enoch , Romain Quidant , E. Ozbay
Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, 2007, 5, pp.86-90
Journal articles hal-00426574v1

Localized modes in photonic quasicrystals with Penrose-type lattice

Alessandro Della Villa , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb , Filippo Capolino , Vincenzo Pierro
Optics Express, 2006, 14, pp.10021-10027
Journal articles hal-00106985v1

Photonic crystal lens: from negative refraction and negative index to negative permittivity and permeability

Thibaut Decoopman , Gérard Tayeb , Stefan Enoch , Daniel Maystre , Boris Gralak
Physical Review Letters, 2006, 97, pp.073905. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.073905⟩
Journal articles hal-00090196v1

Photonic crystal lens : from negative refraction and negative index to negative permittivity and permeability

T. Decoopman , G. Tayeb , S. Enoch , D. Maystre , B. Gralak
Physical Review Letters, 2006, 97, pp.073905/1-4
Journal articles hal-00127067v1
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Polarization insensitive blazed diffraction gratings

Nicolas Bonod , E. Popov , Stefan Enoch , Jérôme Neauport
Journal of the European Optical Society : Rapid publications, 2006, 1 (1), pp.06029-1-8
Journal articles hal-00222942v1
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A metallic Fabry-Perot directive antenna

Nicolas Guérin , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb , Pierre Sabouroux , Patrick Vincent
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2006, 54, pp.220-224. ⟨10.1109/TAP.2005.861578⟩
Journal articles hal-00023192v1

A comparative study of representative categories of EBG dielectric quasi-crystals

Alessandro Della Villa , Vincenzo Galdi , Filippo Capolino , Vincenzo Pierro , Stefan Enoch
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2006, 5, p.331-334
Journal articles hal-00088410v1

Strong modification of the nonlinear optical susceptibility of metallic subwavelength hole arrays

J. van Nieuwstadt , M. Sandtke , R. Harmsen , F.B. Segerink , J.C. Prangsma
Physical Review Letters, 2006, 97, pp.146102
Journal articles hal-00108482v1

Photonic crystal surface modes narrow-band filtering

E. Popov , Stefan Enoch
Optics Express, 2005, 13, pp.5783-5790
Journal articles hal-00015536v1

Role of shape and localized resonances in extraordinary transmission through periodic arrays of subwavelength holes: experiment and theory

K. L. van Der Molen , K. J. Koerkamp , Stefan Enoch , F. B. Segerink , N. F. van Hulst
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2005, 72, pp.045421
Journal articles hal-00082863v1

Metamaterials: from microwaves to the visible region

Daniel Maystre , Stefan Enoch , Boris Gralak , Gérard Tayeb
Comptes Rendus. Physique, 2005, 6, p.693-701
Journal articles hal-00023190v1

Simple layer-by-layer photonic crystal for the control of thermal emission

Stefan Enoch , J.-J. Simon , Ludovic Escoubas , Z. Elalamy , F. Lemarquis
Applied Physics Letters, 2005, 86, pp.261101
Journal articles hal-00081440v1

Analysis of the physical origin of surface modes on finite-size photonic crystals

Stefan Enoch , E. Popov , N. Bonod
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2005, 72, pp.155101-(1-7)
Journal articles hal-00015528v1

Simple layer-by-layer photonic crystal for the control of thermal emission.

Stefan Enoch , Jean-Jacques Simon , Ludovic Escoubas , Ziyad Elalamy , Frédéric Lemarquis
Applied Physics Letters, 2005, 86, pp.261101
Journal articles hal-00015722v1

Electromagnetic coupling between a metallic nano-particle grating and a metallic surface

Jean Césario , Romain Quidant , Gonçal Badenes , Stefan Enoch
Optics Letters, 2005, 30, pp.3404-3406
Journal articles hal-00108481v1

Band gap formation and multiple scattering in photonic quasicrystals with a Penrose-type lattice

Alessandro Della Villa , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb , Vincenzo Pierro , Vincenzo Galdi
Physical Review Letters, 2005, 18, pp.183903
Journal articles hal-00079230v1

Perfect lenses made with left-handed materials: Alice's mirror

Daniel Maystre , Stefan Enoch
Journal of the Optical Society of America. A Optics, Image Science, and Vision, 2004, 21, pp.122-131
Journal articles hal-00082854v1

Optical sensing based on plasmon coupling in nanoparticles arrays

Stefan Enoch , Romain Quidant , Gonçal Badenes
Optics Express, 2004, 12, pp.3422-3427
Journal articles hal-00015721v1

Enhanced transmission due to nonplasmon resonances in one- and two-dimensional gratings

E. Popov , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb , M. Nevière , Boris Gralak
Applied optics, 2004, 43, pp.999-1008
Journal articles hal-00068995v1
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Combined Fictitious Sources - Scattering Matrix method

Gérard Tayeb , Stefan Enoch
Journal of the Optical Society of America. A Optics, Image Science, and Vision, 2004, 21, pp.1417-1423
Journal articles hal-00018351v1
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Strong influence of hole shape on extraordinary transmission through periodic arrays sub-wavelength holes

K. J. Klein Koerkamp , Stefan Enoch , F. B. Segerink , N. F. van Hulst , L. Kuipers
Physical Review Letters, 2004, 92 (18), pp.183901. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.183901⟩
Journal articles hal-00082855v1

Resonant optical transmission through thin metallic films with and without holes

N. Bonod , Stefan Enoch , M. Nevière , E. Popov , L. Li
Optics Express, 2003, 11, pp.482-490
Journal articles hal-00069005v1

Theoretical study of photonic bandgaps in woodpile crystals

Boris Gralak , M. de Dood , Gérard Tayeb , Stefan Enoch , Daniel Maystre
Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 2003, 67, pp.066601
Journal articles hal-00080870v1

Dispersion diagrams of Bloch modes applied to the design of directive sources

Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb , Daniel Maystre
Invited paper in the special issue on "Electromagnetic Applications of Photonic Band Gap Materials and Structures", Progress In Electromagnetics Research series Vol.41. Editors: T. Itoh and A. Priou, p.61-81, 2003, 2003, 41, pp.61-81. ⟨10.2528/PIER02010803⟩
Journal articles hal-00080861v1

The richness of the dispersion relation of electromagnetic band gap materials

Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb , Boris Gralak
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2003, 51, pp.2659-2666
Journal articles hal-00079505v1

Structural colors in Nature and butterfly-wing modeling

Gérard Tayeb , Boris Gralak , Stefan Enoch
Optics and photonics news, 2003, 14, pp.38-43
Journal articles hal-00080871v1

Self-guiding in two-dimensional photonic crystals

D.N. Chigrin , Stefan Enoch , C.M. Sotomayor Torres , Gérard Tayeb
Optics Express, 2003, 11, pp.1203-1211
Journal articles hal-00080868v1

Enhanced light transmission by hole arrays

Stefan Enoch , E. Popov , M. Nevière , R. Reinisch
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 2002, 4, pp.S83-S87
Journal articles hal-00080056v1

A metamaterial for directive emission

Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb , Pierre Sabouroux , Nicolas Guérin , Patrick Vincent
Physical Review Letters, 2002, 89, pp.213902
Journal articles hal-00081183v1

Enhanced emission with angular confinement from photonic crystals

Stefan Enoch , Boris Gralak , Gérard Tayeb
Applied Physics Letters, 2002, 81, pp.1588-1590
Journal articles hal-00081184v1

From scattering or impedance matrices of gratings to Bloch modes of photonic crystals

Boris Gralak , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb
Journal of the Optical Society of America. A Optics, Image Science, and Vision, 2002, 19, pp.1547-1554
Journal articles hal-00081180v1

Morpho butterflies wings color modeled with lamellar grating theory

Boris Gralak , Gérard Tayeb , Stefan Enoch
Optics Express, 2001, 9, pp.567-578
Journal articles hal-00081681v1

Combined method for the computation of the doubly periodic Green's function

Nicolas Guérin , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2001, 15, pp.205-221
Journal articles hal-00081698v1

Highly directive light-source using two-dimensional photonic crystal slabs

Anne-Laure Fehrembach , Stefan Enoch , Anne Sentenac
Applied Physics Letters, 2001, 79, pp.4280-4282
Journal articles hal-00081514v1

Sums of spherical waves for lattices, layers and lines

Stefan Enoch , R. C. Mcphedran , N.A. Nicorovici , L. C. Botten , J. N. Nixon
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2001, pp.5859-5870
Journal articles hal-00426566v1
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Theory of light transmission through subwavelength periodic hole arrays

E. Popov , M. Nevière , Stefan Enoch , R. Reinish
Physical Review B, 2000, 62 (23), pp.16100-16108. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.62.16100⟩
Journal articles hal-00426561v1

Anomalous refractive properties of photonic crystals

Boris Gralak , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb
Journal of the Optical Society of America. A Optics, Image Science, and Vision, 2000, 17, pp.1012-1020
Journal articles hal-00081690v1

Second harmonic scattered light from a zinc-sulfide thin film

Stefan Enoch , H. Akhouayri , Deumié Carole , Claude Amra
Optics Communications, 1999, 161, pp.177-181
Journal articles hal-01324146v1
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Lightweight metasurface pads for passive RF shimming in 3T abdominal imaging

Tania S Vergara Gomez , Marc Dubois , Pierre Jomin , Megdouda Benamara , Djamel Berrahou
Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, May 2021, Virtuel, France
Conference papers hal-03745453v1
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Passive RF shimming for 7T head coil with hybridized meta-atom: In vivo investigation

Marc Dubois , Lisa Leroi , Zo Raolison , Redha Abdeddaim , Tryfon Antonakakis
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 28th Annual Meeting, Aug 2020, Sydney, Australia
Conference papers hal-03164015v1
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High-Permittivity Dielectric Probes for Ultra-High Field MR Microscopy at 17.2 T

Marine A.C. Moussu , Luisa Ciobanu , Elodie Georget , Stanislav B. Glybovski , Andrew G Webb
ISMRM 2020, Aug 2020, Sydney, Australia
Conference papers hal-03164105v1
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Hilbert Fractal Inspired Dipoles for B1+ Field Control in Ultra-High Field MRI

Tania S. Vergara Gomez , M. Dubois , K. Rustomji , E. Georget , T. Antonakakis
2020 Fourteenth International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials), Sep 2020, New York City, United States. pp.327-329, ⟨10.1109/Metamaterials49557.2020.9285012⟩
Conference papers hal-03164033v1

Semi-analytical model for high permittivity dielectric resonators

Marine A.C. Moussu , Redha Abdeddaim , Marc Dubois , Elodie Georget , Andrew G Webb
International Conference on Nanophotonics, Metamaterials and Photovoltaics (ICNMP), Jan 2020, Trinidad, Cuba
Conference papers hal-03164387v1
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Passive RF shimming with fractal metasurfaces in a 7T head coil

Tania S. Vergara Gomez , Marc Dubois , Kaizad Rustomji , Elodie Georget , Tryfon Antonakakis
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 28, Aug 2020, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03164179v1
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Antennes à tiges hybridée en résonance et hors résonance pour l'imagerie multinucléaire du petit animal

Tania S. Vergara Gomez , Marc Dubois , Stanislav Glybovski , Benoit Larrat , Julien de Rosny
Société française de résonance magnétique en biologie et médecine (SFRMBM), Mar 2019, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-03164198v1
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Ferroelectric Composite Ceramic Probe for MRM

Marine A.C. Moussu , Stanislav Glybovski , Elizaveta Nenasheva , Redha Abdeddaim , Stefan Enoch
International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy (ICMRM), Aug 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02516167v1

Efficient Probes for Ultra-high-field Magnetic Resonance Microscopy Based on Coupled Ceramic Resonators

S. Kurdjumov , L. Ciobanu , B. Djemai , P. Belov , S. Glybovski
2019 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Antennas, Communications and Electronic Systems (COMCAS), Nov 2019, Tel-Aviv, Israel. pp.1-3, ⟨10.1109/COMCAS44984.2019.8958418⟩
Conference papers hal-02471895v1
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Two-orders fast multipole analysis of meta-atoms

Geoffroy Klotz , Nicolas Mallejac , Stefan Enoch
ICEAA 2019, Sep 2019, Grenade, France
Conference papers hal-02273852v1
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Theoretical study of a high-permittivity dielectric ring resonator for Magnetic Resonance Microscopy applications

Marine A.C. Moussu , Stanislav Glybovski , Luisa Ciobanu , Ivan Voznyuk , Redha Abdeddaim
Metamaterials, Sep 2019, Rome, Italy
Conference papers hal-02516223v1
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High-Permittivity Dielectric Probes for MRM at UHF: Theoretical Model and Experimental Validation

Marine A.C. Moussu , Luisa Ciobanu , Elodie Georget , Julia Krug , Stanislav B. Glybovski
Minnesota Workshop on High and Ultra-high Field Imaging and training courses, Nov 2019, Minneapolis, United States
Conference papers hal-03164394v1
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Enhancement of transmit and receive efficiencies with hybridized meta-atom in 7T head coil

Marc Dubois , Lisa Leroi , Zo Raolison , Redha Abdeddaim , Tryfon Antonakakis
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 27th Annual Meeting, May 2019, Montréal, Canada. pp.1491
Conference papers hal-02508345v1

MRM Probe at 17 Tesla based on High Permittivity Dielectric Resonators

Marine A.C. Moussu , Redha Abdeddaim , Ivan Voznyuk , Stanislav Glybovski , Stefan Enoch
Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), Jun 2019, Rome, Italy
Conference papers hal-02516134v1

Enhancement of transmit and receive efficiencies with hybridized meta-atom in 7T head coil array

Marc A. Dubois , Lisa Leroi , Alexandre Vignaud , Stefan Enoch , Redha Abdeddaim
2019 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), Sep 2019, Granada, Spain. pp.0942-0942, ⟨10.1109/ICEAA.2019.8879166⟩
Conference papers hal-02471898v1
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Resonant and non-resonant coupled-wire coils for small-animal multinuclear imaging

Tania S. Vergara Gomez , Marc Dubois , Stanislav Glybovski , Benoit Larrat , Julien De Rosny
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 27, May 2019, Montreal, Canada. pp.1552
Conference papers hal-02344544v1
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RF Coils for Preclinical Multinuclear Imaging Based on Coupled-wire Structures Working in Resonant and Non-resonant Regime

Tania S. Vergara Gomez , Marc Dubois , Stanislav Glybovski , Benoit Larrat , Julien de Rosny
PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Jun 2019, Rome, Italy. pp.771-778, ⟨10.1109/PIERS-Spring46901.2019.9017435⟩
Conference papers hal-02344548v1

Tunable all-dielectric RF-coils for magnetic resonance microscopy

S. Kurdjumov , Redha Abdeddaim , S. Glybovski , M. A.C. Moussu , L. Ciobanu
2019 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), Sep 2019, Granada, France. pp.0680-0682, ⟨10.1109/ICEAA.2019.8878984⟩
Conference papers hal-02471902v1

Metamaterials: opportunities in medical imaging

Redha Abdeddaim , Paul Lecoq , Stefan Enoch
Metamaterials, Apr 2019, Prague, France. pp.15, ⟨10.1117/12.2523340⟩
Conference papers hal-02471907v1

Hyperbolic metamaterials based on metal-dielectric thin layers

Elena Mikheeva , Redha Abdeddaim , Stefan Enoch , Fabien Lemarchand , Antonin Moreau
Advances in Optical Thin Films VI, May 2018, Frankfurt, France. pp.63, ⟨10.1117/12.2313216⟩
Conference papers hal-02471925v1
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Kerker Effect with Hybridized Radiofrequency Resonators

Marc Dubois , Redha Abdeddaim , Stefan Enoch
2018 IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO), Oct 2018, Grand Port, Mauritius. pp.1-2, ⟨10.23919/RADIO.2018.8572359⟩
Conference papers hal-02471914v1
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Theoretical Study of a High Permittivity Dielectric Resonator as a Potential NMR Probe

Marine Ac. Moussu , Elodie Georget , Redha Abdeddaim , Stefan Enoch , Stanislav Glybovski
2018 IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO), Oct 2018, Wolmar, Mauritius. pp.1-3, ⟨10.23919/RADIO.2018.8572301⟩
Conference papers hal-02471917v1

A Quantitative Study of a New RF-coil for 7 Tesla Small-Animal Imaging

Anna Hurshkainen , Anton Nikulin , Irina Melchakova , Pavel Belov , Stefan Enoch
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Jul 2018, Boston, France. pp.1131-1132, ⟨10.1109/APUSNCURSINRSM.2018.8609429⟩
Conference papers hal-02471919v1

A metamaterial-inspired MR antenna independently tunable at two frequencies

A. Hurshkainen , A. Nikulin , S. Glybovski , Redha Abdeddaim , C. Vilmen
2017 11th International Congress on Engineered Materials Platforms for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials), Aug 2017, Marseille, France. pp.115-117, ⟨10.1109/MetaMaterials.2017.8107858⟩
Conference papers hal-02471936v1

Hybridized eigenmodes of periodic wire arrays and their application in radiofrequency coils for preclinical MRI

A. Hurshkainen , A. Nikulin , S. Glybovski , I. Melchakova , P. Belov
2017 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS), May 2017, St. Petersburg, France. pp.3661-3666, ⟨10.1109/PIERS.2017.8262394⟩
Conference papers hal-02471933v1

Direct laser writing of thick metamaterial blocks: Infrared light concentrators

Johnny Moughames , Safi Jradi , Tieh-Ming Chan , Suzanna Akil , Yann Battie
9th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics – Metamaterials 2015, Sep 2015, Oxford, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-02526127v1

Development of 3D photonic crystals using sol-gel process for high power laser applications

F. Benoit , E. Dieudonne , B. Bertussi , K. Vallé , P. Belleville
Conference on Nanoengineering - Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices XII, Aug 2015, San Diego, United States. ⟨10.1117/12.2187017⟩
Conference papers hal-01291226v1
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Sols structurés et sollicitations sismiques

Stephane Brule , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch
CFM 2015 - 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2015, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-03444788v1
Image document

Seismic metamaterials

S Brûlé , E Javelaud , Sebastien Guenneau , S Enoch , Dimitri Komatitsch
ETOPIM9 book abstract, S. Guenneau, S. Enoch, Sep 2012, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-01343908v1
Image document

Flat lens for Lamb waves focusing

Marc Dubois , Nicolas Etaix , Mohamed Farhat , Stefan Enoch , Sébastien Guenneau
Acoustics 2012, Apr 2012, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-00810650v1

Modèles multi-échelles de métamatériaux pour le contrôle des ondes élastiques

Sébastien Guenneau , André Diatta , Mohamed Farhat , Stefan Enoch , Emmanuel Javelaud
Journées MAIRCI, Bull (MESOIMAGES), Sep 2012, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-01343911v1

Gain and Surface Plasmons to improve Metal-Dielectric multilayered Lenses

Muamer Kadic , Jinlong Zhang , Haitao Jiang , Boris Gralak , Gérard Tayeb
PIERS, Jul 2010, Cambridge, United States
Conference papers hal-00545239v1

Light absorption by nanostructured metals

N. Bonod , E. Popov , Stefan Enoch
Fourth international conference on surface plasmon photonics SPP4, Jun 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-00438432v1

Negative refraction highlight in metallo-dielectric stacks

Aude L. Lereu , Muamer Kadic , Michel Lequime , Stefan Enoch
2nd European Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials, 2009, Seefeld, Austria
Conference papers hal-00453044v1

Interaction and finite wavelength effects in cloaking by plasmonic resonance

Ross C. Mcphedran , Nicolae-Alexandru Nicorovici , Gérard Tayeb , Stefan Enoch , Graeme Milton
Metamaterials'2008. 2nd International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Sep 2008, Pamplona, Spain
Conference papers hal-00384748v1

A comparative study of directive emission from photonic quasicrystals

Alessandro Micco , Vincenzo Galdi , Vincenzo Pierro , Alessandro Della Villa , Filippo Capolino
Photonics Europe, SPIE 2008 International Symposium, Apr 2008, Strasbourg, France. pp.69890X, ⟨10.1117/12.781686⟩
Conference papers hal-00384800v1

Light absorption by metallic gratings

N. Bonod , E. Popov , Gérard Tayeb , D. Maystre , Stefan Enoch
EOS Annual Meeting, Sep 2008, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00438426v1

Metamaterial-induced band-gap of surface plasmon propagation

E. Popov , Stefan Enoch , N. Bonod
Tacona Photonics, International Workshop on Theoretical and Computational Nano-Photonics, Dec 2008, Bad Honnef, Germany. pp.1-8
Conference papers hal-00438448v1

Propagation of Surface plasmons on corrugated metallic surfaces

N. Bonod , E. Popov , Stefan Enoch
Workshop on Frontiers in Nanophotonics and Plasmonics, Oct 2007, Guaruja, France
Conference papers hal-00490988v1

Focussing of water waves using negative refraction

Mohamed Farhat , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb , A.B. Movchan
PECS-VII: International Symposium on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Apr 2007, Monterey, United States
Conference papers hal-00384825v1

Confining light with negative refraction in checkerboards

Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb , Boris Gralak , Anantha Ramakrishna
PECS-VII: International Symposium on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Apr 2007, Monterey, United States
Conference papers hal-00384828v1

Analysis of Modal Propagation in Slabs of Photonic Quasicrystals with Penrose-Type Lattice

Alessandro Della Villa , Filippo Capolino , Vincenzo Galdi , Stefan Enoch , Vincenzo Pierro
Metamaterials'2007, First International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optic, Oct 2007, Rome, Italy. xxx (4 p.)
Conference papers hal-00384831v1

Directive emission from photonic quasicrystals with 12-fold symmetry

Alessandro Micco , Vincenzo Galdi , Vincenzo Pierro , Alessandro Della Villa , Filippo Capolino
EMTS 2007, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, URSI, Jul 2007, Ottawa, Canada. xxx (3 p.)
Conference papers hal-00384830v1

Towards -1 effective index with transparent metallo-dielectric stacks

Haitao Jiang , Boris Gralak , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb
Third International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics, Jun 2007, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-00186554v1

Surfaces périodiques métalliques pour le guidage d'ondes TEM: rôle des ondes évanescentes

Pierre Raphaël , Boris Gralak , Gérard Tayeb , Stefan Enoch
15ièmes Journées Nationales Microondes, May 2007, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-00186557v1

Negative refraction for linear surface water waves

Mohamed Farhat , Sébastien Guenneau , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb , A.B. Movchan
8th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves (Waves 2007), Jul 2007, Reading, United Kingdom. pp.214-216
Conference papers hal-00384819v1

High-Impedance Surfaces with Aperiodically-Ordered Textures

I. Gallina , Alessandro Della Villa , Vincenzo Galdi , Vincenzo Pierro , Filippo Capolino
International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA 07), Sep 2007, Torino, Italy. xxx (4 p.)
Conference papers hal-00384821v1

Periodic metallic surfaces: boundary conditions improvement assuring guided TEM propagation

Pierre Raphaël , Boris Gralak , Gérard Tayeb , Stefan Enoch
International Symposium on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Apr 2007, Monterey, California, United States
Conference papers hal-00186552v1

Equivalent permittivity and permeability of photonic crystals in the resonance domain

Pierre Raphaël , Boris Gralak , Thibault Decoopman , Gérard Tayeb , Stefan Enoch
Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Mar 2007, Beijing, China
Conference papers hal-00186545v1

Towards subwavelength resolution using transparent metal-dielectric stacks

Haitao Jiang , Jinlong Zhang , Boris Gralak , Michel Cathelinaud , Gérard Tayeb
First International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials and in Microwaves and Optics, Oct 2007, Roma, Italy
Conference papers hal-00186551v1

Effect of the Interface Separating a Homogeneous Medium and a Photonic Crystal

Raphaël Pierre , Boris Gralak , Thibaut Decoopman , Gérard Tayeb , Stefan Enoch
PIERS 2006 (Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium), August 2-5, 2006, Tokyo, Japan
Conference papers hal-00023553v1

Study of photonic crystals and metamaterials

Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb , Boris Gralak , Daniel Maystre , Thibaut Decoopman
2nd Annual NoE-PhOREMOST Workshop on Advances in Nanophotonics, September 26-28, 2006, Sep 2006, Vilnius, Lithuania
Conference papers hal-00102453v1

Les métamatériaux: des microondes au domaine visible?

Daniel Maystre , Stefan Enoch , Boris Gralak , Gérard Tayeb
Journées scientifiques CNFRS/URSI "Interaction du champ électromagnétique avec l'environnement", ENST Paris, 24-25 fév. 2005, 2005, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00079865v1

Metamaterials and optical resolution: the end of Rayleigh limit?

Daniel Maystre , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb , Boris Gralak
ETOP 2005, Conference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics, Marseille, France, October 24-27th, 2005, 2005, France
Conference papers hal-00079861v1

LDOS analysis of the electromagnetic band-gap properties of certain categories of quasicrystals

Alessandro Della Villa , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb , Vincenzo Galdi , Vincenzo Pierro
2005, 4 p
Conference papers hal-00079862v1

A numerical method for the study of subwavelength apertures in metallic films

Giacomo Benelli , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb
PECS-VI: International Symposium on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Aghia Pelaghia, Crete, Greece, June 19-24, 2005, 2005, Greece
Conference papers hal-00079864v1

Bandgap formation and multiple scattering in photonic quasicrystals

Stefan Enoch , Alessandro Della Villa , Gérard Tayeb , Vincenzo Pierro , Vincenzo Galdi
ICONO, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 11-15, 2005, 2005, Russia
Conference papers hal-00079866v1

Shape resonances in extraordinary transmission

L. Kuipers , K. J. Klein Koerkamp , K.L. van Der Molen , F. B. Segerink , N. F. van Hulst
CLEO/IQEC 2004, May 16-21 2004, San Fransisco (USA), 2004, United States
Conference papers hal-00082856v1

Cristal Photonique Tridimensionnel pour la Réalisation de Sources Directives Thermiques

Ludovic Escoubas , Stefan Enoch , J.J. Simon , Z. Elalamy , Ph. Torchio
5ièmes Journées Nationales du Réseau de Recherche en Micro et Nano Technologies (RMNT), 2004, Cassis, France
Conference papers hal-00084153v1

Combination of the scattering matrix theory and the fictitious sources method for the efficient solving of complex 2D problems

Gérard Tayeb , Stefan Enoch
PIERS 2004, Pisa (Italy), 28-31 march 2004, 2004, Italy
Conference papers hal-00079867v1

Resonant cavity antennas

Giacomo Benelli , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb , Patrick Vincent , Jean-Michel Geffrin
2004, pp.107-111
Conference papers hal-00079875v1

Germanium Anisotropic Etching for Infrared Antireflective Gratings

Z. Elalamy , M. Lo Monaco , J.J. Simon , Ludovic Escoubas , Stefan Enoch
Conference papers hal-00084118v1

Photonic crystals and left-handed materials: negative refraction

Daniel Maystre , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb
PIERS 2004, Pisa (Italy), 28-31 march 2004, 2004, Italy
Conference papers hal-00079868v1

Scattering by a finite set of cylinders

Daniel Maystre , Stefan Enoch , Gérard Tayeb
PIERS 2004, Pisa, Italy, 28-31 march 2004, 2004, Italy
Conference papers