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Stéphane Boyer
Professor at Tours University
Open access
Current affiliations
- 199352
Researcher identifiers
- stephane-boyer
- ResearcherId : H-8624-2013
- IdRef : 085569402
- 0000-0002-0750-4864
- Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=DxVN32YAAAAJ&hl=en
Web site
- http://stephaneboyer.wixsite.com/research/blog
**Current position**
Full Professor at Institut de Recherche sur la Biologie de l’Insecte (IRBI) - UMR 7261 CNRS / Université de Tours (Tours, France).
My main research projects (0.50 FTE) focuses on trophic interactions in natural and agricultural landscapes and the development of new molecular tools for bioprotection and conservation research. This includes molecular analysis of trophic interactions, focusing on the use of environmental metabarcoding techniques and the development of non-invasive DNA sampling methods.
My main teaching activities (0.50 FTE) focus on ecology, conservation science and molecular ecology.
PhD in Animal Ecology — Rennes University, France (2004).
Masters in Animal Behaviour — University of Paris 13, France (2000) .
BSc in Population and Ecosystem Biology — University of Clermont-Ferrand, France (1999).
**Previous Research and teaching Experience**
Associate Professor in Environmental and Animal Sciences, Coordinator of the Applied Molecular Solutions Research group at Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand (March 2015 - July 2017).
Lecturer in Ecology at the Bio-Protection Research Centre and the Department of Ecology at Lincoln University, New Zealand (March 2013 - February 2015).
Lecturer in Restoration Ecology at the Department of Ecology at Lincoln University, New Zealand (February 2011 - February 2013).
Postdoctoral Fellow — Lincoln University, Bio-Protection Research Centre (New Zealand). November 2007 to January 2011. Ecology and bio-systematics of New Zealand endemic earthworms ; Conservation of an endangered carnivorous landsnail (*Powelliphanta augusta*) in a mine restoration context (position externally funded by Solid Energy New Zealand Ltd).
Postdoctoral Fellow — Université Catholique de Louvain UCL (Belgium). February to November 2007. Mosquito vectors of disease (Modirisk) project. Inventory of mosquito diversity in Belgium and detection of invasive species, potentially vectors of new or re-emerging diseases in Europe.
Lecturer at the Technology and Environment Institute of Lyon (France). Basic and Applied Ecology for Masters students. January to March 2007.
Associate researcher — Angers University (France). September 2005 to February 2007. Influence of habitat and landscape structure on amphibian communities and conservation.
Lecturer at Guingamp Catholic University (France). Animal Behaviour for Bachelors students. September to October 2005 and 2006.
Lecturer at Angers University (France). Population Ecology, Animal Behaviour for Bachelors and Masters students. September 2004 to September 2005.
Teaching assistant at Rennes University (France). Ethology for Bachelors students. September 2003 to September 2004.
Teaching assistant at Réunion Island University, Saint-Pierre (France). Plant Physiology and Cellular Biology for Bachelors students. September to December 2001 & March to May 2002.
PhD candidate — University of Rennes (France). September 2000 to December 2004. Habitat selection in endemic and introduced cockroach species on Mayotte and Réunion Islands.
**Student supervision**
Supervisor for Yohann Graux (PhD candidate 2019-2022). Temporal dynamics of insect assemblages and interactions in oilseed rape crops. Tours University (France).
Supervisor for Yohann Graux (Masters student 2019). Gut content analysos for two Carabid species (*Poecilus cupreus* and *Nebria salina*) collected in oil seed rape fields of the Zone Atelier-Plaine & Val de Sèvre between 2013 and 2018. Tours University (France).
Advisor to Marie-Caroline Lefort (PhD candidate 2010-2013). When natives go wild - Why do some species become invasive in their native range? Lincoln University (NZ).
Advisor to Lorena Olmos (PhD candidate 2014-2016). Ecology and diet of cephalopods paralarvae. Institute of Marine Research (IIM-CSIC, Vigo, Spain).
Co-supervisor of Ben Waterhouse (PhD candidate 2011-2014). Conservation of carnivorous *Powelliphanta* landsnails through restoration of functioning ecosystems after open cast mining. Lincoln University (NZ).
Co-supervisor of Yann Varennes (PhD candidate 2012-2016). Enhancement of ecosystem services in biodiesel feedstock crops. Lincoln University.
Co-supervisor of Youngnam Kim (PhD candidate 2012-2016). Role of New Zealand endemic earthworms in soil formation and impact on availability of trace elements and vegetation growth. Lincoln University (NZ).
Associate supervisor of Mauricio Chang (PhD candidate 2014-2017). Mitigating grass grub damages to vineyards. Biological control of horticultural pests and management techniques based on food-web approaches. Lincoln University (NZ).
Co-supervisor of Ryan Rayl (PhD candidate 2014-2017). Ecology and diversity of parasitic wasps and their leaf miner hosts. Protocol for reducing pesticide inputs through enhancement of an environmental cascade. Lincoln University (NZ).
Co-supervisor of Jerry Nboyne (PhD candidate 2014-2017). Mitigating ground weta damages to vineyards. Biological control and management techniques for endemic and protected invertebrate species based on food-web approaches. Lincoln University (NZ).
Co-supervisor of Mark Hamilton (Masters student 2012-2015). Development of new survey and monitoring techniques for the conservation of *Powelliphanta* landsnails. Lincoln University (NZ).
Co-supervisor of Rowan Sprague (Masters student 2014-2015). Biodiversity of pollen selection of honeybees. How to design agricultural crop margins better to cater to the preferences of honeybees. Lincoln University (NZ).
**Administrative roles**
Course examiner (coordinator) for *New Zealand Ecology and Conservation* (ECOL 103) in 2012 at Lincoln University, *Principles of Animal Behaviour* (NSCI 5702) and *Applied Animal Behaviour Science* (NSCI7106) in 2015 at UNITEC, *Behavioural Ecology* (NSCI 6739), and *Molecular Genetics and Evolution* (NSCI 6748) in 2016 at UNITEC. President of the Research Committee and Research Champion for Environmental and Animal Sciences at Unitec Institute of Technology March 2016 - July 2017.
Principal investigator in charge of the Molecular Ecology Laboratory at the Department of Ecology, Lincoln University from August 2014 to January 2015. Coordinator of the Applied Molecular Solutions Research Centre at Unitec Since August 2015.
Member of the organising committees for the 2012 New Zealand Ecological Society Conference (Lincoln), the 2012 New Zealand Molecular Ecology Conference (Lincoln), and the 2016 New Zealand Molecular Ecology Conference (Auckland).
Examiner for Johnathon Ridden (BSc with Honours). Comparative landscape genetics of two widespread, endemic skink species in Canterbury and Otago. (May 2014).
Examiner for Joseph Zonneveld (BSc with Honours). Ecosystem-service provision by the biofuel feedstock plat, *Miscanthus x giganteus*. (August 2014).
Examiner and chairman of the jury for Diane Bigot (PhD). Biodiversité et évolution des virus présents dans les métagénomes animaux. (December 2017).
**Contribution to the research environment**
Editor in chief and founder of the new journal *Rethinking Ecology,* launched in November 2016*.* Subject editor for the journal *RIO* in Biodiversity & Conservation, Restoration ecology, Zoology & Animal Biology, Agricultural Ecology and Molecular genetics. Editor of a special issue for the journal *Food Webs* (2015) on the topic of Molecular Ecology and Agricultural Food Webs.
Reviewer in 2012-2016 for *Molecular Ecology* (9 reviews), *Molecular Ecology Resources* (5), *PLoS One* (4)*,* *Journal of Pest Science* (3), *Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B* (3), *Journal of Applied Ecology* (2), *Conservation Genetics* (2), *European Journal of Soil Biology* (2), *New Zealand Journal of Zoology* (2), *Landscape and Urban Planning* (2), *Bulletin of Entomological Research* (1), *Conservation Genetics Resources* (1), *Ecological Engineering* (2), *Land Degradation and Development* (1), *Food Webs* (1), *Heredity* (1), *Applied Soil Ecology* (1), *Marine Ecology Progress Series* (1), *Peerage Of Science* (1), *PeerJ* (1)*, Solutions* (1), *Zootaxa* (1).
Top reviewer for *Molecular Ecology* and *Molecular Ecology Resources* in 2014 and in 2015. Sentinel of Science Award (top 10% peer-reviewer in Agricultural and Biological Sciences) on [publons.com](http://publons.com).
Reviewer for the National Research Foundations of South Africa (2011), the Czech Republic (2011) and Portugal (2012). Reviewer for the Natural Environment Research Council of the UK (NERC) (2015). Reviewer for the The United States - Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund (BRAD) (2015).
Organiser and chairman for the symposium *Rethinking invertebrate food webs in agricultural landscapes: a global endeavour* at the *International Congress of Entomology* (ICE) in Helsinki, Finland (Juillet 2020).
Chairman for the session *Global Changes and Biodiversity* at the Société Française d’Écologie et Évolution conference (SFE2) (Rennes, Octobre 2018), the *Mining* session and the *Education* session at the 6th World Conference on Ecological Restoration (SER) (Manchester, August 2015), the *Food webs networks and complexity* session at the 11th International Congress of Ecology (INTECOL) (London, August 2013), the *Restoration Ecology* session at the 2012 New Zealand Ecology Conference (Lincoln, November 2012); the *Ecosystem Services* session at the 2011 New Zealand Entomological Society Conference (Lincoln, August 2011) and the *Restoration Ecology* session at the 10th International Congress of Ecology (INTECOL) (Brisbane, August 2009).
Membre du comité scientifique du nouveau réseau thématique de recherche (RTR) Entomocentre 2019-??
Membre du comité exécutif responsable de la coordination sur le territoire Français pour l’association *France Aotearoa Science, Technology and !nnovation Inc.* (FAST!) dont le but est de faciliter les collaborations scientifiques entre la France et la Nouvelle Zélande 2019-??
Member of the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER), the Society for Conservation Biology (SCB), the International Association for Ecology (INTECOL), the New Zealand Ecological Society and the Science Advisory Group for the conservation of *Powelliphanta augusta ??dates??*. Member of the Department Of Conservation threat status panel for New Zealand earthworms.
Member of the New Zealand National Science Challenge writing groups to develop standardised methods for sampling and processing of environmental DNA in biodiversity assessments (2015-2017).
Member of the Access Programme and beta tester of the *MinION* sequencer from Nanopore. Beta tester for the *Bento Lab*,a portable molecular laboratory device from Bento Bio (2015-2017).
Winner of the Research with Impact Award at Unitec Research Symposium 2016.
Website designer for the R package SPIDER: SPecies IDentity and Evolution in R (URL: <http://www.spider.r-forge.r-project.org>/). Website administrator for the Punakaiki Coastal Restoration Project (URL: <http://pcrp.org.nz>). Website designer and administrator for the New Zealand Molecular Ecology webpage (URL: [http://nzmolecol.rog](http://stephaneboyer.wix.com/2012nzmec)).
**Workshops and Outreach activities**
One-day workshop on the ecology and conservation of weta, organisation, leading of the event and team leader for DNA analyses of weta diet Bairds Mainfreight Primary School (Auckland, New Zealand). August 2016.
One-week workshop on DNA barcoding, presenting seminars, lectures, labs and tutorials at University of South Pacific (Suva, Fiji). June 2016.
One-day workshop for Explorama, proposing DNA extraction and molecular analyses at Auckland War Memorial Museum (New Zealand). March 2016.
Two-day Ecoblitz, team leader for environmental DNA sampling, DNA extraction and molecular analyses, sampling and identifying earthworms at St Peter’s College (Cambridge, New Zealand). September 2015.
Two-day Ecoblitz, team leader for molecular analyses, sampling and identifying earthworms at Nina Valley (New Zealand). March 2014.
One-day Bioblitz, team leader for sampling and identifying earthworms at Lincoln (New Zealand). April 2009.
**ExternalLy-funded contracts (Salary)**
Lectureship contract to study Ecological Restoration of a native sand plain forest in Punakaiki, New Zealand. $310,000 funded by Rio Tinto from January 2014 to January 2017.
Expert opinion report on the conservation of endemic earthworm communities on the Denniston Plateau and their importance in the diet of *Powelliphanta* snails. $7,300 funded by Bathurst Resource Ltd - Buller Coal, October 2012.
Research contract for the assessment of endemic earthworm communities on the Denniston Plateau. $17,982 funded by Bathurst Resource Ltd - Buller Coal from March to April 2012.
Lectureship contract to study the conservation of endemic *Powelliphanta* snail species. $153,635 funded by Solid Energy New Zealand Limited from February 2011 to January 2013.
Postdoctoral contract to study endemic earthworm communities in relation to opencast mine restoration. $324,400 funded by Solid Energy New Zealand Limited from November 2007 to January 2011.
**Research Funding (since 2010)**
Agence National pour la Recherche, Appel à Projet Généraux PRC. Increasing the Multifunctionality Agroecosystems by Harnessing Foodwebs (IMAgHO) (principal investigator). €571,000 obtained in July 2018.
Appel à Projet Recherche d’intérêt Régional. Mécanismes d'interactions Insectes Microorganismes: une Opportunité pour la Sécurité Alimentaire (MIMOSA) (associate researcher). €210,000 obtained in July 2018.
Make Our Planet Great Again. The future of Ecological Intensification agroecosystems (principal investigator). €3,350 obtained in June 2018.
Hutton Fund from the New Zealand Royal Society. DNA barcoding of whitebait (principal investigator). $1,000 obtained in May 2016.
Participatory Science Platform: South Auckland Pilot Fund. Weta Watchers, a citizen-science project on the Ecology and Conservation of tree weta (principal investigator). $16,900 obtained in May 2016.
Unitec Strategic Research Fund. Insect micro-biomes as a driver of invasiveness (principal investigator). $20,000 obtained from Unitec and $15,000 from the Bio-Protection Research Centre in December 2015.
Unitec Faculty Research Development Fund. New, rapid on-site DNA diagnostic tools for an emerging fungal disease of tuatara(*Sphenodon punctatus*) (associate researcher). $7,000 obtained in August 2015.
Establishment of a new research focus: ‘Applied Molecular Solutions’ (associate researcher). $50,000 obtained in October 2015 and $80,000 obtained in 2016.
Unitec Faculty Research Development Fund. Molecular diet analysis of Westland Petrel (*Procellaria westlandica*) (principal investigator). $8,670 obtained in March 2015.
Bio-Protection internal contestable TEC fund. Molecular investigation of host-race formation in the New Zealand grass grub (*Costelytra zealandica*) (principal investigator). $5,000 obtained in December 2014.
Bio-Protection contestable summer scholarship. Molecular investigation of host-race formation in the New Zealand grass grub (*Costelytra zealandica*) (principal investigator). $6,000 obtained in September 2014.
Lincoln University contestable summer scholarship. Conservation of Little Blue Penguins in Punakaiki (principal investigator). $2,500 obtained in September 2014.
Brian Mason Trust grant for the Conservation of Little Blue Penguins in Punakaiki, New Zealand (principal investigator). $11,900 obtained in May 2014.
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE). Project APHIWEB: Characterising and comparing food webs associated with aphids developing on 6 distinct ecosystems in native vs. invaded areas (associate researcher). $635,500 from the European Union obtained in March 2014.
Data Deficient Species Survey Fund from New Zealand Department of Conservation to investigate the distribution and dispersal abilities of New Zealand endemic earthworms (principal investigator). $9,280 obtained in September 2012.
Marie Currie Action - International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) to develop new biological control strategies against *Nezara viridula*, a species of stink bug (associate researcher). $217,000 from the European Union and another $48,000 from the Royal Society of New Zealand obtained in July 2012.
Solid Energy New Zealand Limited funding to support a Masters student working on the development of new survey and monitoring techniques for *Powelliphanta* snails (co-supervisor). $6,727 obtained in July 2012.
Rio Tinto Australia funding to support a one year research programme on the Punakaiki Coastal Restoration Project (associate researcher). $122,076 obtained in June 2012.
Lincoln University Research Fund to develop new methods for the metabarcoding of pitfall trap content (principal investigator). $20,553 obtained in June 2012.
Hellaby Trust PhD scholarship to support a PhD student working on the restoration of ecosystem services after opencast mining (co-supervisor). $85,746 obtained in July 2011.
Josef Langer Trust grant to study the diet of carabid beetles on Banks Peninsula (associate investigator). $5,000 obtained in November 2011.
Brian Mason Trust grant to study the diet of carabid beetles on Banks Peninsula (principal investigator). $10,800 obtained in June 2011.
Conservation Management Units Fund from New Zealand Department of Conservation to describe new species of endemic earthworms (principal investigator). $3,500 obtained in July 2010.
Bio-Protection Research Centre travel grant for a new collaboration with Dr Robert Blakemore from the National Museum of Tokyo (principal investigator). $1,500 obtained in May 2010.
Research domains
Biodiversity and Ecology
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