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Stéphane Lenfant

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  • IdHAL stephane-lenfant
  • ResearcherId : F-5238-2012
  • ORCID 0000-0002-6857-8752
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Directeur de Recherche CNRS Institut d’Electronique de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie (IEMN) Université de Lille @glenfantas PARCOURS ACADEMIQUE 2013 HDR en Sciences Physiques, Université de Lille 2001 Thèse en sciences des matériaux, Université de Lille 1997 DEA mention Bien en sciences des matériaux, Université de Lille PARCOURS PROFESSIONNEL 2021 Directeur de recherche au CNRS 2003 - 2021 Chargé de Recherche au CNRS 2002 - 2003 Post-doctorant au CEA Saclay, laboratoire LCOF RESPONSABILITES 2022 - Membre de la commission mixte du département Physique de la faculté des sciences et technologies de l’Université de Lille 2022 - Directeur adjoint du GDR NEMO « New Molecular Electronics » ( 2022 - Suppléant du Directeurs des études doctorales du domaine "Micro-NanoTechnologie, Acoustique et Télécommunications" ( 2020 - Responsable du groupe Nanostructures et Composants Moléculaires ( 2019 - Membre du Comité Scientifique du Forum Microscopie à Sondes Locale ( 2017 - Membre du Comité Scientifique Colloque Science et Technologie des Systèmes pi-Conjugués 2020 - 2022 Responsable du département Matériaux Nanostructures et Composants de l’IEMN 2017 - 2017 Expert en Electronique moléculaire à l’Observatoire des Micro et NanoTechnologies (OMNT) PRIX 2003 : Médaille Wigar et Hagelstein, de la Société des Sciences, de l’Agriculture et des Arts de Lille


Molecular electronics Molecular Switches Conductive AFM


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Electroisomerization blinking of an azobenzene derivative molecule

Sylvie Godey , Hugo Therssen , David Guérin , Thierry Melin , Stéphane Lenfant
Nanotechnology, 2024, ⟨10.1088/1361-6528/ada2f3⟩
Journal articles hal-04857547v1
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Electronic Properties of Single Prussian Blue Analog Nanocrystals Determined by Conductive-AFM

Hugo Therssen , Laure Catala , Sandra Mazérat , Talal Mallah , Dominique Vuillaume
Nanoscale, 2023, ⟨10.1039/D3NR04542K⟩
Journal articles hal-04270658v1
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Terphenylthiazole-based self-assembled monolayers on cobalt with high conductance photo-switching ratio for spintronics

Vladimir Prudkovskiy , Imane Arbouch , Anne Léaustic , Pei Yu , Colin van Dyck
Nanoscale, 2022, 14, pp.5725 - 5742. ⟨10.1039/d2nr00591c⟩
Journal articles hal-03625458v1
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Thermal and electrical cross-plane conductivity at the nanoscale in poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):trifluoromethanesulfonate thin films

Kirill Kondratenko , David Guérin , Xavier Wallart , Stéphane Lenfant , Dominique Vuillaume
Nanoscale, 2022, 14 (16), pp.6075-6084. ⟨10.1039/D2NR00819J⟩
Journal articles hal-03625465v1
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Redox-controlled conductance of polyoxometalate molecular junctions

Cécile Huez , David Guérin , Stéphane Lenfant , Florence Volatron , Michel Calame
Nanoscale, 2022, 14 (37), pp.13790-13800. ⟨10.1039/d2nr03457c⟩
Journal articles hal-03779937v1
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Nanoscale thermal conductivity of Kapton-derived carbonaceous materials

K. Kondratenko , D. Hourlier , Dominique Vuillaume , S. Lenfant
Journal of Applied Physics, 2022, 131 (6), pp.065102. ⟨10.1063/5.0074407⟩
Journal articles hal-03616405v1
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Conductance switching of azobenzene-based self-assembled monolayers on cobalt probed by UHV conductive-AFM

Louis Thomas , Imane Arbouch , David Guérin , X. Wallart , Colin van Dyck
Nanoscale, 2021, 13 (14), pp.6977-6990. ⟨10.1039/D1NR00106J⟩
Journal articles hal-03186880v1
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Thermal conductivity of benzothieno-benzothiophene derivatives at the nanoscale

Magatte Gueye , Alexandre Vercouter , Rémy Jouclas , David Guérin , Vincent Lemaur
Nanoscale, 2021, 13 (6), pp.3800-3807. ⟨10.1039/D0NR08619C⟩
Journal articles hal-03135025v1
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Electrical molecular switch addressed by chemical stimuli

Hassib Audi , Yannick Viero , N Alwhaibi , Zhongrui Chen , Maksym Iazykov
Nanoscale, 2020, 12 (18), pp.10127-10139. ⟨10.1039/D0NR02461A⟩
Journal articles hal-02555592v1
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Long-range electron transport in Prussian blue analog nanocrystals

Roméo Bonnet , Stéphane Lenfant , Sandra Mazérat , Talal Mallah , Dominique Vuillaume
Nanoscale, 2020, 12 (39), pp.20374-20385. ⟨10.1039/d0nr06971j⟩
Journal articles hal-03010948v1
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Covalent Grafting of Polyoxometalate Hybrids onto Flat Silicon/Silicon Oxide: Insights from POMs Layers on Oxides

Maxime Laurans , Kelly Trinh , Kevin Dalla Francesca , Guillaume Izzet , Sandra Alves
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12 (42), pp.48109-48123. ⟨10.1021/acsami.0c12300⟩
Journal articles hal-03012776v1
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Conductance switching at the nanoscale of diarylethene derivative self-assembled monolayers on La0.7Sr0.3MnO3

Louis Thomas , David Guérin , Benoît Quinard , Eric Jacquet , Richard Mattana
Nanoscale, 2020, 12 (15), pp.8268-8276. ⟨10.1039/C9NR09928J⟩
Journal articles hal-02798245v1
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Electron Transport through Self-Assembled Monolayers of Tripeptides

Evgeniy Mervinetsky , Israel Alshanski , Stéphane Lenfant , David Guérin , L. Medrano Sandonas
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123 (14), pp.9600-9608. ⟨10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b01082⟩
Journal articles hal-02128012v1
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Charge transport through redox active [H7P8W48O184]33- polyoxometalates self-assembled onto gold surfaces and gold nanodots

K. Dalla Francesca , Stéphane Lenfant , M. Laurans , F. Volatron , G. Izzet
Nanoscale, 2019, 11 (4), pp.383-406. ⟨10.1039/c8nr09377f⟩
Journal articles hal-01981014v1
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Physical mechanisms involved in the formation and operation of memory devices based on a monolayer of gold nanoparticles-polythiophene hybrid materials

Tianchen Zhang , David Guérin , F. Alibart , David Troadec , D. Hourlier
Nanoscale Advances, 2019, 1 (7), pp.2718-2726. ⟨10.1039/C9NA00285E⟩
Journal articles hal-02182920v1

Heat treatment of commercial polydimethylsiloxane PDMS precursors: Part II. Thermal properties of carbon-based ceramic nanocomposites

Srisaran Venkatachalam , Stéphane Lenfant , Michael Depriester , Abdelhak Hadj Sahraoui , D. Hourlier
Ceramics International, 2019, 45 (17), pp.21505-21511. ⟨10.1016/j.ceramint.2019.07.143⟩
Journal articles hal-02369348v1
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Molecular signature of polyoxometalates in electron transport of silicon-based molecular junctions

Maxime Laurans , Kevin Dalla Francesca , Florence Volatron , Guillaume Izzet , David Guérin
Nanoscale, 2018, 10 (36), pp.17156-17165. ⟨10.1039/C8NR04946G⟩
Journal articles hal-01981040v1
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Optimization of pentacene double floating gate memories based on charge injection regulated by SAM functionalization

S. Li , David Guérin , Stéphane Lenfant , K. Lmimouni
AIP Advances, 2018, 8 (2), pp.025110. ⟨10.1063/1.5010403⟩
Journal articles hal-03185609v1
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Light-Stimulatable Molecules/Nanoparticles Networks for Switchable Logical Functions and Reservoir Computing

Yannick Viero , David Guérin , Anton Vladyka , F. Alibart , Stéphane Lenfant
Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28 (39), pp.1801506. ⟨10.1002/adfm.201801506⟩
Journal articles hal-02133795v1
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Electrical detection of plasmon-induced isomerization in molecule–nanoparticle network devices

Didier Stiévenard , David Guérin , Stéphane Lenfant , Gaëtan Lévêque , Christian A. Nijhuis
Nanoscale, 2018, 10 (48), pp.23122-23130. ⟨10.1039/c8nr07603k⟩
Journal articles hal-02133789v1

Electron-transport polymeric gold nanoparticles memory device, artificial synapse for neuromorphic applications

B. Hafsi , A. Boubaker , David Guérin , S. Lenfant , S. Desbief
Organic Electronics, 2017, 50, pp.499-506. ⟨10.1016/j.orgel.2017.08.029⟩
Journal articles hal-04422351v1
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Negative Differential Resistance, Memory and Reconfigurable Logic Functions Based on Monolayer Devices Derived From Gold Nanoparticles Functionalized With Electropolymerizable Thiophene-EDOT Units

Tiantian Zhang , David Guérin , F. Alibart , Dominique Vuillaume , Kamal Lmimouni
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121 (18), pp.10131-10139. ⟨10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b00056⟩
Journal articles hal-02564472v1
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Probing Frontier Orbital Energies of {Co 9 (P 2 W 15 ) 3 } Polyoxometalate Clusters at Molecule–Metal and Molecule–Water Interfaces

Xiaofeng Yi , Natalya V. Izarova , Maria Stuckart , David Guérin , Louis Thomas
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139 (41), pp.14501-14510. ⟨10.1021/jacs.7b07034⟩
Journal articles hal-02133798v1

N-type polymeric organic flash memory device: Effect of reduced graphene oxide floating gate

B. Hafsi , A. Boubaker , David Guérin , Stéphane Lenfant , A. Kalboussi
Organic Electronics, 2017, 45, pp.81-88. ⟨10.1016/j.orgel.2017.02.035⟩
Journal articles hal-04422357v1
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A New Photomechanical Molecular Switch Based on a Linear π-Conjugated System

Stéphane Lenfant , Yannick Viero , Christophe Krzeminski , Dominique Vuillaume , Dora Demeter
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121 (22), pp.12416-12425. ⟨10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b01240⟩
Journal articles hal-02564470v1
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Physical study by surface characterizations of sarin sensor on the basis of chemically functionalized silicon nanoribbon field effect transistor

K. Smaali , David Guérin , V. Passi , L. Ordronneau , A. Carella
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016, 120 (20), pp.11180-11191. ⟨10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b00336⟩
Journal articles hal-03325001v1

Traps and Interface Fixed Charge Effects on a Solution-Processed n-Type Polymeric-Based Organic Field-Effect Transistor

B. Hafsi , A. Boubaker , David Guérin , S. Lenfant , A. Kalboussi
Journal of Electronic Materials, 2016, 46 (2), pp.1128-1136. ⟨10.1007/s11664-016-5067-3⟩
Journal articles hal-04422392v1
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High Conductance Ratio in Molecular Optical Switching of Functionalized Nanoparticle Self-Assembled Nanodevices

Yannick Viero , Guillaume Copie , David Guérin , Christophe Krzeminski , Dominique Vuillaume
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119 (36), ⟨10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b05839⟩
Journal articles hal-04686009v1

Charge Blinking Statistics of Semiconductor Nanocrystals Revealed by Carbon Nanotube Single Charge Sensors

Ewa Zbydniewska , Anna Duzynska , Michka Popoff , D. Hourlier , Stéphane Lenfant
Nano Letters, 2015, 15 (10), pp.6349-6356. ⟨10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b01338⟩
Journal articles hal-02396331v1
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Influence of Molecular Organization on the Electrical Characteristics of π‑Conjugated Self-Assembled Monolayers

Xavier Lefèvre , Fabrice Moggia , Olivier Segut , Yu-Pu Lin , Younal Ksari
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119, pp.5703-5713. ⟨10.1021/jp512991d⟩
Journal articles hal-01228999v1
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Interface dipole : effects on threshold voltage and mobility for both amorphous and poly-crystalline organic field effect transistors

C. Celle , C. Suspène , M. Ternisien , S. Lenfant , David Guérin
Organic Electronics, 2014, 15, pp.729-737. ⟨10.1016/j.orgel.2014.01.003⟩
Journal articles hal-00939052v1

A crown-ether loop-derivatized oligothiophene doubly attached on gold surface as cation-binding switchable molecular junction

T.K. Tran , K. Smaali , M. Hardouin , Q. Bricaud , M. Oçafrain
Advanced Materials, 2013, 25, pp.427-431. ⟨10.1002/adma.201201668⟩
Journal articles hal-00796399v1
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Integrating multiple resistive memory devices on a single carbon nanotube

David Brunel , Costin Anghel , Do-Yoon Kim , Arianna Filoramo , Vincent Derycke
Advanced Functional Materials, 2013, 23 (45), pp.5631-5637. ⟨10.1002/adfm.201300775⟩
Journal articles hal-00913582v1
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Pavlov's dog associative learning demonstrated on synaptic-like organic transistors

O. Bichler , W. Zhao , F. Alibart , S. Pleutin , S. Lenfant
Neural Computation, 2013, 25, pp.549-566. ⟨10.1162/NECO_a_00377⟩
Journal articles hal-00795977v1

Langmuir-Blodgett films of amphiphilic thieno[3,4-c]pyrrole-4,6-dione-based alternating copolymers

M.P. Ouattara , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume , M. Pezolet , J.F. Rioux-Dube
Macromolecules, 2013, 46, pp.6408-6418. ⟨10.1021/ma401030m⟩
Journal articles hal-00871921v1

Molecule/electrode interface energetics in molecular junction : a 'transition voltage spectroscopy' study

G. Ricoeur , Stéphane Lenfant , David Guérin , D. Vuillaume
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116, pp.20722-20730. ⟨10.1021/jp305739c⟩
Journal articles hal-00787373v1

Thiolate Chemistry: A Powerful and Versatile Synthetic Tool for Immobilization/Functionalization of Oligothiophenes on a Gold Surface

Truong Khoa Tran , Quentin Bricaud , Maitena Ocafrain , Philippe Blanchard , Jean Roncali
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2011, 17, pp.5628 - 5640. ⟨10.1002/chem.201003687⟩
Journal articles hal-01122036v1
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New chemically functionalized nanomaterials for electrical nerve agents sensors

Jean-Pierre Simonato , Simon Clavaguera , Alexandre Carella , Michael Delalande , Nicolas Raoul
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2011, 307, pp.012008-1-5. ⟨10.1088/1742-6596/307/1/012008⟩
Journal articles hal-00795903v1

Chemical functionalization of electrodes for detection of gaseous nerve agents with carbon nanotube field-effect transistors

M. Delalande , S. Clavaguera , M. Toure , A. Carella , S. Lenfant
Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, pp.6048-6050. ⟨10.1039/C1CC11517K⟩
Journal articles hal-00597074v1

High-speed programming of nanowire-gated carbon-nanotube memory devices

G. Agnus , A. Filoramo , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume , J.P. Bourgoin
Small, 2010, 6, pp.2659-2663. ⟨10.1002/smll.201001293⟩
Journal articles hal-00548969v1

Two-terminal carbon nanotube programmable devices for adaptive architectures

Guillaume Agnus , Weisheng Zhao , Vincent Derycke , Arianna Filoramo , Y. Lhuillier
Advanced Materials, 2010, 22, pp.702-706. ⟨10.1002/adma.200902170⟩
Journal articles hal-00548986v1
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Synthesis and electrical properties of fullerene-based molecular junctions on silicon substrate

David Guérin , S. Lenfant , S. Godey , D. Vuillaume
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2010, 20, pp.2680-2690. ⟨10.1039/b924255d⟩
Journal articles hal-00548971v1

An organic nanoparticle transistor behaving as a biological spiking synapse

F. Alibart , S. Pleutin , David Guérin , C. Novembre , S. Lenfant
Advanced Functional Materials, 2010, 20, pp.330-337. ⟨10.1002/adfm.200901335⟩
Journal articles hal-00548959v1
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High on-off conductance switching ratio in optically-driven self-assembled conjugated molecular systems

K. Smaali , S. Lenfant , S. Karpe , M. Oçafrain , P. Blanchard
ACS Nano, 2010, 4, pp.2411-2421. ⟨10.1021/nn100295x⟩
Journal articles hal-00548965v1

Oligothiophene-derivatized azobenzene as immobilized photoswitchable conjugated systems

S. Karpe , M. Oçafrain , K. Smaali , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
Chemical Communications, 2010, 46, pp.3657-3659. ⟨10.1039/c002072a⟩
Journal articles hal-00548970v1
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Nerve Agent Sensors Sub-ppm Detection of Nerve Agents Using Chemically Functionalized Silicon Nanoribbon Field-Effect Transistors**

Simon Clavaguera , Alexandre Carella , Laurent Caillier , Caroline Celle , Jacques Pécaut
Angewandte Chemie, 2010, 49, pp.4063-4066. ⟨10.1002/anie.201000122⟩
Journal articles cea-01344100v1

Self-assembled monolayers for electrode fabrication and efficient threshold voltage control of organic transistors

C. Celle , C. Suspene , J.P. Simonato , S. Lenfant , M. Ternisien
Organic Electronics, 2009, 10, pp.119-126. ⟨10.1016/j.orgel.2008.10.007⟩
Journal articles hal-00472766v1
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Doping of poly(3-hexylthiophene) nanofibers: microscopic morphology and electrical properties

S. Desbief , G. Derue , Ph. Leclère , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2009, 46 (1), pp.1-5. ⟨10.1051/epjap/2009017⟩
Journal articles hal-00480147v1

Doping of poly(3-hexylthiophene) nanofibers : microscopic morphology and electrical properties

S. Desbief , G. Derue , P. Leclère , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2009, 46, pp.12504-1-5. ⟨10.1051/epjap/2009017⟩
Journal articles hal-00472767v1

Gate pulse electrical method to characterize hysteresis phenomena in organic field effect transistor

C. Petit , D. Zander , K. Lmimouni , M. Ternisien , D. Tondelier
Organic Electronics, 2008, 9, pp.979-984. ⟨10.1016/j.orgel.2008.07.013⟩
Journal articles hal-00357293v1

Structural control of the horizontal double fixation of oligothiophenes on gold

T.K. Tran , M. Oçafrain , S. Karpe , P. Blanchard , J. Roncali
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2008, 14, pp.6237-6246. ⟨10.1002/chem.200800133⟩
Journal articles hal-00357296v1

Electronic structure of highly crystalline polyaniline by study of tunnelling conduction in n+-Si/self-assembled monolayer/polyaniline heterostructures

D.S. Sutar , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume , J.V. Yakhmi
Organic Electronics, 2008, 9, pp.602-608. ⟨10.1016/j.orgel.2008.04.007⟩
Journal articles hal-00357289v1

Electropolymerized self-assembled monolayers of 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene-thiophene hybrid system

M. Oçafrain , T.K. Tran , P. Blanchard , S. Lenfant , S. Godey
Advanced Functional Materials, 2008, 18, pp.2163-2171. ⟨10.1002/adfm.200800304⟩
Journal articles hal-00357290v1

Electroactive Nanorods and Nanorings Designed by Supramolecular Association of π-Conjugated Oligomers

Olivier J. Dautel , Mike Robitzer , Jean-Charles Flores , Denis Tondelier , Françoise Serein-Spirau
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2008, 14 (14), pp.4201-4213. ⟨10.1002/chem.200701638⟩
Journal articles hal-00278067v1

Self-assembled molecular monolayers as ultrathin gate dielectric in carbon nanotube transistors

G. Robert , Vincent Derycke , M.G. Goffman , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 93, pp.143117-1-3. ⟨10.1063/1.2992586⟩
Journal articles hal-00357292v1

Nanotube transistors as direct probes of the trap dynamics at dielectric-organic interfaces of interest in organic electronics and solar cells

C. Anghel , Vincent Derycke , A. Filoramo , S. Lenfant , B. Giffard
Nano Letters, 2008, 8, pp.3619-3625. ⟨10.1021/nl801543k⟩
Journal articles hal-00357291v1

Self-assembly of the 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane multilayers on Si and hysteretic current-voltage characteristics

A.K. Chauhan , D.K. Aswal , S.P. Koiry , S.K. Gupta , J.V. Yakhmi
Applied physics. A, Materials science & processing, 2008, 90, pp.581-589. ⟨10.1007/s00339-007-4336-7⟩
Journal articles hal-00357287v1

Low-Operating-Voltage Organic Transistors Made of Bifunctional Self-Assembled Monolayers

M. Mottaghi , P. Lang , F. Rodriguez , Anna Rumyantseva , Abderrahim Yassar
Advanced Functional Materials, 2007, 17 (4), pp.597-604. ⟨10.1002/adfm.200600179⟩
Journal articles hal-00826656v1

Silicon-molecules-metal junctions by transfert printing : chemical synthesis and electrical properties

David Guérin , C. Merckling , S. Lenfant , X. Wallart , S. Pleutin
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2007, 111, pp.7947-7956. ⟨10.1021/jp067846v⟩
Journal articles hal-00255833v1
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1/f(gamma) tunnel current noise through Si-bound alkyl monolayers

N. Clement , S. Pleutin , O. Seitz , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2007, 76, pp.205407-1-5. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.76.205407⟩
Journal articles hal-00283050v1

Electron transport through rectifying self-assembled monolayer diodes on silicon : Fermi level pinning at the molecule-metal interface

S. Lenfant , David Guérin , F. Tran Van , C. Chevrot , Serge Palacin
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2006, 110, pp.13947-13958
Journal articles hal-00127110v1

Electronic properties of organic monolayers and molecular devices

D. Vuillaume , S. Lenfant , David Guérin , C. Delerue , C. Petit
Pramana - Journal of Physics, 2006, 67, pp.17-32
Journal articles hal-00127117v1
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Electron transport through rectifying self-assembled monolayer diodes on silicon: Fermi level pinning at the molecule-metal interface

Stéphane Lenfant , David Guérin , François Tran-Van , Claude Chevrot , Serge Palacin
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2006, 110, pp.13947-13958. ⟨10.1021/jp053510u⟩
Journal articles cea-01056613v1

Self assembled monolayers on silicon for molecular electronics

D.K. Aswal , S. Lenfant , David Guérin , J.V. Yakhmi , D. Vuillaume
Analytica Chimica Acta, 2006, 568, pp.84-108
Journal articles hal-00127116v1

Optoelectronic switch and memory devices based on polymer functionalized carbon nanotubes

J. Borghetti , Vincent Derycke , S. Lenfant , P. Chenevier , A. Filoramo
Advanced Materials, 2006, 18, pp.2535-2540
Journal articles hal-00127119v1

Role of interfaces on the direct tunneling and inelastic tunneling behaviors through metal/alkylsilane/silicon junctions

D. K. Aswal , C. Petit , G. Salace , David Guérin , S. Lenfant
Physica Status Solidi A (applications and materials science), 2006, 203, pp.1464-1469
Journal articles hal-00127111v1

Fowler-Nordheim tunnelling and electrically stressed breakdown of 3-mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane self-assembled monolayers

D. K. Aswal , S. Lenfant , David Guérin , J. V. Yakhmi , D. Vuillaume
Nanotechnology, 2005, 16, pp.3064-3068
Journal articles hal-00125584v1

Inelastic tunneling spectra of an alkyl self-assembled monolayer using a MOS tunnel junction as a test-bed

C. Petit , G. Salace , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
Microelectronic Engineering, 2005, 80, pp.398-401
Journal articles hal-00125578v1

A tunnel current in self-assembled monolayers of 3-mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane

D. K. Aswal , S. Lenfant , David Guérin , J. V. Yakhmi , D. Vuillaume
Small, 2005, 1, pp.725-729
Journal articles hal-00125386v1

Deposition of TTF derivative on carboxyl terminated self-assembled monolayers

H. Onuki , M. Izumi , S. Lenfant , David Guérin , T. Imakubo
Applied Surface Science, 2005, 246, pp.392-396
Journal articles hal-00125387v1

Organic field effect transistor based on a novel soluble pentacene precursor and operating at low voltages

D. Zander , N. Hoffmann , K. Lmimouni , S. Lenfant , C. Petit
Microelectronic Engineering, 2005, 80, pp.394-397
Journal articles hal-00125577v1

Molecular rectifying diodes from self-assembly on silicon

Stéphane Lenfant , Christophe Krzeminski , Christophe Delerue , Guy Allan , Dominique Vuillaume
Nano Letters, 2003, 3, pp.741-746
Journal articles hal-00146156v1

The metal/organic monolayer interface in molecular electronic devices

S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
Microelectronic Engineering, 2003, 70, pp.539-550
Journal articles hal-00146158v1

High anisotropic conductivity in organic insulator/semiconductor monolayer heterostructure

J. Collet , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume , O. Bouloussa , F. Rondelez
Applied Physics Letters, 2000, 76, pp.1339-1341
Journal articles hal-00158476v1

High anisotropic conductivity in organic insulator/semiconductor monolayer heterostructure

J. Collet , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume , O. Bouloussa , F. Rondelez
Applied Physics Letters, 2000, 76, pp.1339-1341
Journal articles hal-00158641v1

Large negative differential resistance in self-assembled monolayers-based molecular junctions

Imen Hnid , David Guérin , Ali Yassin , Lionel Sanguinet , Philippe Blanchard
23eme forum des microscopies à sondes locales, Mar 2022, Saint-Valery-sur-Somme, France
Conference papers hal-03613145v1

Comparaison de l’effet de la lumière ultraviolette ou du champ électrique sur un dérivé azobenzène déposé sur Au(111)

Hugo Therssen , S. Godey , David Guérin , Thierry Melin , Stéphane Lenfant
23eme forum des microscopies à sondes locales, Mar 2022, Saint-Valery-sur-Somme, France
Conference papers hal-03613271v1

Correlation between nanoscale thermal and electrical conductivity in PEDOT:OTf thin films

Kirill Kondratenko , David Guérin , D. Deresmes , Stéphane Lenfant , Dominique Vuillaume
23eme forum des microscopies à sondes locales, Mar 2022, Saint-Valery-sur-Somme, France
Conference papers hal-03613663v1

Modification of Molecular Assemblies of Azobenzene Derivatives by Electrical Stimuli

S. Godey , Hugo Therssen , David Guérin , Yannick Dappe , Thierry Melin
MRS Fall Meeting, Materials Research Society, Nov 2022, Boston (MA), United States
Conference papers hal-04086664v1

Electron transport properties of metal-oxides nanostructures

Cécile Huez , David Guérin , Maxime Berthe , Florence Volatron , Stéphane Lenfant
23eme forum des microscopies à sondes locales, Mar 2022, Saint-Valery-sur-Somme, France
Conference papers hal-03612259v1

Comportement d'un dérivé de l'azobenzène sur Au(111) exposé à la lumière ultraviolette

Hugo Therssen , S. Godey , David Guérin , Thierry Melin , Stéphane Lenfant
Journées du GDR Nanosciences with near-field microscopy under ultra high vacuum 2021, Nov 2021, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-03606169v1

Conductivité thermique de films minces organiques : une étude comparative par SThM

Magatte Gueye , Olivier Bardagot , Yves H Geerts , Renaud Demadrille , Alexandre Carella
SPIC 2019 (Science et Technologie des Systèmes pi-Conjugués), Oct 2019, Arras, France
Conference papers hal-02916137v1

Étude par C-AFM de substrats magnétiques fonctionnalisés par des SAMs photo-commutables

Louis Thomas , David Guérin , D. Deresmes , Jean-Louis Codron , Xavier Wallart
SPIC 2019: Troisième congrès national Sciences et Technologies des systèmes pi-conjugués, Oct 2019, Arras, France
Conference papers hal-02776445v1

Étude par C-AFM de substrats magnétiques fonctionnalisés par des SAMs photo-commutables

Louis Thomas , David Guérin , D. Deresmes , Thierry Melin , Dominique Vuillaume
Forum des Microscopies à Sonde Locale, Mar 2018, La Rochelle, France
Conference papers hal-02774838v1
Image document

Nano-commutateurs optoélectroniques à base de molécules photo-commutables

L. Thomas , Yannick Viero , David Guérin , Dominique Vuillaume , Stephane Lenfant
Journées nationales du réseau doctoral en micro-nanoélectronique, May 2016, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-02772383v1

Negative differential resistance and non-volatile memory in hybrid redox organic/nanoparticle devices

Tiantian Zhang , David Guérin , Stéphane Lenfant , Dominique Vuillaume , F. Alibart
11th International Conference on Organic Electronics 2015, 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02564054v1

NPSAN intégrant des commutateurs moléculaires optiquement stimulables

Yannick Viero , Louis Thomas , David Guérin , Guillaume Copie , Christophe Krzeminski
Science et Technologie des systèmes Pi-Conjugués (SPIC), Oct 2015, Angers, France
Conference papers hal-02920652v1

Negative differential resistance and non-volatile memory in hybrid redox organic/nanoparticle devices.

Tiantian Zhang , David Guérin , Stéphane Lenfant , Dominique Vuillaume , F. Alibart
EMRS Spring meeting Lille, 2015, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-02564030v1

Negative differential resistance and non-volatile memory in hybrid redox organic/nanoparticle devices

Tianchen Zhang , David Guérin , Stéphane Lenfant , Dominique Vuillaume , F. Alibart
Science et Technologie des systèmes Pi-Conjugués (SPIC), Oct 2015, Angers, France
Conference papers hal-02920664v1

Conductance switching by light and electric field in new azobenzene derivatives-Gold Nano-particle self-assembled networks (NPSAN)

Yannick Viero , David Guérin , Ioana Dobra , Dominique Vuillaume , Jean Roncali
SYMOLESCO, Feb 2015, Engelberg, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-02920626v1

Electronic properties of new photochemical molecular switch based on a linear π-conjugated system

Stéphane Lenfant , Dora Demeter , Maiténa Oçafrain , Philippe Blanchard , David Guérin
SYMOLESCO, Feb 2015, Engelberg, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-02920673v1

Electrolyte-gated organic/nanoparticles synapstor (synapse-transistor) for biocompatible synapse prosthesis

Simon Desbief , Adrica Kyndiah , Mauro Murgia , Tobais Cramer , Fabio Biscarini
Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, MRS Spring 2014, Symposium Z - Bioelectronics - Materials, Processes and Applications, Symposium AA - Advanced Multifunctional Biomaterials for Neuroprosthetic Interfaces, 2014, San Francisco, CA, United States
Conference papers hal-00957804v1

Electrolyte-gated organic synapse-transistor for biocompatible applications

Dominique Vuillaume , Simon Desbief , Adrica Kyndiah , Mauro Murgia , Tobias Cramer
10th International Conference on Organic Electronics, ICOE 2014, 2014, Modena, Italy
Conference papers hal-00999995v1

Functionalized gold nanoparticles with electropolymerizable π-conjugated systems for a neuro-inspired memristive nanoparticle organic synapse-transistor

Ali Yassin , Maiténa Oçafrain , David Guérin , Stéphane Lenfant , Dominique Vuillaume
Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, MRS Spring 2014, Symposium C - Synthesis and Processing of Organic and Polymeric Materials for Semiconductor Applications, 2014, San Francisco, CA, United States
Conference papers hal-00966207v1

Isolation and protection of germaniun for applications in nanoelectronics

Laure Fillaud , Xavier Lefèvre , Bruno Jousselme , Serge Palacin , S. Smaali
ElecNano6, May 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers cea-02362645v1

Monitoring conductance switching by light in azobenzene derivative-gold nano-particle self-assembled networks

Yannick Viero , Stéphane Lenfant , David Guérin , Dominique Vuillaume
European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, E-MRS Spring 2014, Symposium M - Molecular materials - Towards quantum properties (MOLMAT-Q), 2014, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-00957796v1

Conductance switching by light and electric field in new azobenzene derivatives-gold nano-particle self-assembled networks (NPSAN)

Yannick Viero , Stéphane Lenfant , David Guérin , Dominique Vuillaume , Dora Demeter
7th International Conference on Molecular Electronics, ElecMol14, 2014, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-01055037v1

Synthesis, characterization, and computer simulation of self-assembled Au nanoparticles with memristive behavior

F. Cleri , S. Carrillo , Christophe Krzeminski , Yannick Viero , S. Lenfant
XXVIII International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, IWEPNM 2014, 2014, Kirchberg, Austria
Conference papers hal-00957805v1

A crown-ether loop-derivatized oligothiophene doubly attached on gold surface as cation-binding switchable molecular junction

P. Blanchard , T.K. Tran , Q. Bricaud , M. Hardouin , M. Oçafrain
11th International Symposium on Functional π-Electron Systems, fπ-11, 2013, Arcachon, France
Conference papers hal-00820953v1

Organic/nanoparticles synapstor (synapse-transistor) for neuro-inspired computing architecture and biocompatible synapse prosthesis

S. Desbief , A. Kyndiah , M. Murgia , T. Cramer , F. Biscarini
12th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, ECME 2013, 2013, London, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-00878799v1

KPFM sur des transistors FET à base de nano-rubans de silicium fonctionnalisés pour la réalisation de détecteurs

S. Lenfant , K. Smaali , David Guérin , Thierry Melin , D. Vuillaume
16ème Forum des Microscopies à Sondes Locales, 2013, Spa, Belgique. papier OC26, 48-49
Conference papers hal-00818716v1

Synapstor (synapse transistor) organique/nanoparticules pour architecture de calcul neuro-inspirée et prothèse synaptique biocompatible

S. Desbief , A. Kyndiah , M. Murgia , T. Cramer , F. Biscarini
Matériaux et Nanostructures π-Conjugués, MNPC 13, 2013, Annecy, France
Conference papers hal-00878934v1

Functionalized gold nanoparticles with electropolymerizable conjugated systems for organic transistors behaving as biological synapse

A. Yassin , M. Oçafrain , David Guérin , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
44th World Chemistry Congress, IUPAC 2013, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
Conference papers hal-00878801v1

Functionalized gold nanoparticles with electropolymerizable conjugated systems for organic transistors behaving as biological synapse

A. Yassin , M. Oçafrain , David Guérin , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
Matériaux et Nanostructures π-Conjugués, MNPC 13, 2013, Annecy, France
Conference papers hal-00878944v1

A new photomechanical molecular switch based on a linear π-conjugated system

S. Lenfant , D. Demeter , M. Oçafrain , P. Blanchard , David Guérin
12th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, ECME 2013, 2013, London, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-00878937v1

Nouveau commutateur moléculaire photomécanique basé sur un système π-conjugué linéaire

S. Lenfant , D. Demeter , M. Oçafrain , P. Blanchard , David Guérin
Matériaux et Nanostructures π-Conjugués, MNPC 13, 2013, Annecy, France
Conference papers hal-00878796v1

Fonctionnalisation de germanium par des couches minces organiques pour sa passivation et son isolation électrique

L. Fillaud , X. Lefevre , S. Smaali , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
Matériaux et Nanostructures π-Conjugués, MNPC 13, 2013, Annecy, France
Conference papers hal-00878941v1

Detection of neurotoxic gases by functionalized silicon nanowire field-effect transistors

J.P. Simonato , L. Ordronneau , A. Carella , V. Passi , Emmanuel Dubois
ImagieNano Conference, Security & Defense, NanoSD 2013, 2013, Bilbao, Spain
Conference papers hal-00811786v1

A crown-ether-derivatized oligothiophene doubly attached on gold surface as cation-binding electrical switchable molecular junction

K. Smaali , S. Lenfant , S. Godey , D. Vuillaume , T.K. Tran
6th International Meeting on Molecular Electronics, ElecMol'12, 2012, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00797674v1

Molecule/electrode interface energetics in nanocontact molecular junction : a ''transition voltage spectroscopy'' study

G. Ricoeur , S. Lenfant , David Guérin , D. Vuillaume
International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology, ICN+T 2012, 2012, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00797683v1

Molecule/electrode interface energetics in nanocontact molecular junction : a ''transition voltage spectroscopy'' study

S. Lenfant , G. Ricoeur , David Guérin , D. Vuillaume
Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, MRS Spring 2012, Symposium D : Nanocontacts - Emerging Materials and Processing for Ohmicity and Rectification, 2012, San Francisco, CA, United States
Conference papers hal-00797681v1

Electrical nerve agents sensors based on chemically functionalized nanomaterials

A. Carella , S. Clavaguera , C. Celle , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo, NSTI-Nanotech 2012, 2012, Santa Clara, CA, United States. pp.130-132
Conference papers hal-00801097v1

Toward nanotube-based circuits with learning capabilities

Karim Gacem , J.M. Retrouvey , Guillaume Agnus , David Brunel , Weisheng Zhao
Annual Meeting of the GDR-I GNT 'Graphene and Nanotubes', 2011, Dourdan, France
Conference papers hal-00807197v1

Innovative electrical sensors for highly toxic gases based on carbon nanotubes and silicon nanowires

J.P. Simonato , A. Carella , S. Clavaguera , M. Delalande , S. Lenfant
Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, MRS Fall 2011, Symposium BB : Semiconductor nanowires for photovoltaics, 2011, Boston, MA, United States
Conference papers hal-00807191v1

Fonctionnalisation du diélectrique de grille par monocouches auto-assemblées dans les transistors à effet de champ à couche active polymère ou petite molécule organique

M. Ternisien , C. Celle , C. Suspene , J.P. Simonato , S. Lenfant
TELECOM'2011 & 7èmes Journées Franco-Maghrébines des Micro-ondes et leurs Applications, 2011, Maroc. CDROM, session H2, papier 401, 1-4
Conference papers hal-00591371v1

Carbon nanotube programmable devices : toward circuits with learning capabilities

Guillaume Agnus , David Brunel , Karim Gacem , Weisheng Zhao , Arianna Filoramo
5th International Meeting on Molecular Electronics, ElecMol'10, 2010, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00574085v1

Résultats récents sur les commutateurs et mémoires moléculaires

K. Smaali , S. Lenfant , David Guérin , S. Karpe , M. Ocafrain
Session thématique champ proche du GDR 2426, Physique quantique mésoscopique, 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00574079v1

Carbon nanotube programmable devices for adaptive architectures

Guillaume Agnus , David Brunel , Weisheng Zhao , Karim Gacem , Arianna Filoramo
11th International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes, NT10, Jun 2010, Montreal, Canada
Conference papers hal-00574047v1

Monocouches organiques auto-assemblées pour application en transistors à effet de champ et switch électrooptique

D. Lmimouni , Marc Ternisien , S. Lenfant , David Guérin , Dominique Vuillaume
PIRM IV : 4e Congrès International Physique des Interactions Rayonnement Matière, Dakhla, MOROCCO, 2010, Dakhla, Maroc
Conference papers hal-03954183v1

Innovative Gas sensors for sub-ppm detection of organophosphorus nerve agents by chemically functionalized nanomaterial based electrical devices

L. Caillier , S. Clavaguera , A. Carella , C. Celle , S. Lenfant
Nanotech 2010 Conference, 2010, Anaheim, CA, United States
Conference papers hal-00574051v1

Frequency response of metal/insulator/organic semiconductor/metal structure. Influence of the self assembled monolayer

D. Zander , K. Lmimouni , B. Grouiez , R. Ledru , S. Lenfant
5th International Meeting on Molecular Electronics, ElecMol'10, 2010, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00574103v1

High on-off conductance switching ratio in light-driven selfassembled molecular devices

Dominique Vuillaume , Kacem Smaali , S. Lenfant , Sandrine Karpe , Maitena Oçafrain
International Conference on Molecular Electronics, Jan 2010, Emmetten, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-00574045v1

Interrupteur optique réversible constitué d'une monocouche auto-assemblée de dérivés thiophène-azobenzène

K. Smaali , S. Lenfant , David Guérin , S. Karpe , M. Ocafrain
12èmes Journées de la Matière Condensée, JMC12, 2010, Troyes, France
Conference papers hal-00574106v1

Sub-ppm nerve agent detection with chemically functionalized silicon nanoribbon field-effect transistors

S. Clavaguera , A. Carella , C. Celle , J.P. Simonato , S. Lenfant
5th International Meeting on Molecular Electronics, ElecMol'10, 2010, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00574104v1

Assessment of the 'transition voltage spectroscopy' to estimate the barrier height in molecular junctions

G. Ricoeur , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
5th International Meeting on Molecular Electronics, ElecMol'10, 2010, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00574084v1

Monocouches organiques auto-assemblées pour application en transistors à effet de champ et switch électrooptique

K. Lmimouni , M. Ternisien , S. Lenfant , David Guérin , D. Vuillaume
4ème Congrés International Physique des Interactions Rayonnement Matière, PIRM IV, 2010, Dakhla, Maroc
Conference papers hal-00574053v1

Effet de la fonctionnalisation du diélectrique de grille par des Monocouches Auto Assemblées (SAM) sur la tension seuil des transistors à effet de champ à base de polytriarylamine et de pentacène

M. Ternisien , C. Celle , C. Suspene , J.P. Simonato , S. Lenfant
Colloque Matériaux et Nanostrutures π-conjugés, MNPC09, 2009, Arcachon, France
Conference papers hal-00574936v1

Surface functionalization by monolayers of thiophene-based linear Π-conjugated systems

P. Blanchard , K. Tran , S. Karpe , Q. Bricaud , M. Hardouin
10th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, ECME 2009, 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference papers hal-00574932v1

Reversible electro-optical switch of self-assembled monolayers of azobenzene-derivatized oligothiophenes grafted on gold

K. Smaali , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume , D. Deresmes , S. Karpe
Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, 2009, San Francisco, CA, United States
Conference papers hal-00574927v1

Dynamic performances of carbon nanotube transistors and programmable devices for adaptive architectures

Vincent Derycke , G. Agnus , L. Nougaret , W. Zhao , A.A. Green
10th Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference, TNT2009, 2009, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers hal-00575690v1

Caractérisation des états d'interface par la méthode de conductance dans des capacités MIS au pentacène

C. Petit , D. Zander , K. Lmimouni , M. Ternisien , S. Lenfant
Colloque Matériaux et Nanostrutures Pi-conjugés, MNPC09, 2009, Arcachon, France
Conference papers hal-00574935v1

Surface functionalization by monolayers of thiophene-based linear Π-conjugated systems

P. Blanchard , K. Tran , S. Karpe , Q. Bricaud , M. Hardouin
216th Electrochemical Society Meeting, 2009, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers hal-00574903v1

Carbon nanotube programmable transistors for adaptive circuit architectures

G. Agnus , W. Zhao , A. Filoramo , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
Annual Meeting of the GDR-I GNT, Science and Applications of Graphene and Nanotubes, 2009, Coma-Ruga, Spain
Conference papers hal-00574884v1

Threshold voltage control by self-assembled monoayers gate dielectric functionalization in both polymer an small molecule field effect transistors

M. Ternisien , C. Celle , C. Suspène , J.P. Simonato , S. Lenfant
10th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, ECME 2009, 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference papers hal-00575265v1

Monocouches organiques auto-assemblées pour les nanocomposants organiques

K. Lmimouni , D. Vuillaume , S. Lenfant , David Guérin , N. Clement
TELECOM'2009 & 6èmes Journées Franco-Maghrébines des Micro-ondes et leurs Applications, 2009, Agadir, Maroc
Conference papers hal-00574899v1

Interrupteur optique réversible constitué d'une monocouche auto-assemblée de molécules azobenzènes

K. Smaali , S. Lenfant , D. Deresmes , S. Godey , D. Vuillaume
Forum des microscopies à sonde locale, 2009, Hardelot, France
Conference papers hal-00574902v1

Carbon nanotube programmable devices for adaptive architectures

G. Agnus , W. Zhao , Vincent Derycke , A. Filoramo , S. Lenfant
10th Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference, TNT2009, 2009, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers hal-00574937v1

Interface states characterization by an admittance spectroscopy technique in pentacene MIS capacitors

C. Petit , D. Zander , K. Lmimouni , M. Ternisien , S. Lenfant
10th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, ECME 2009, 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference papers hal-00574933v1

Surfaces modifiées par des monocouches d‟oligothiophènes conjugués pour l‟électronique moléculaire

Maitena Ocafrain , Truong-Khoa Tran , Sandrine Karpe , Quentin Bricaud , Marie Hardouin-Lerouge
"titre manquant", 2009, Sinaïa, Roumanie
Conference papers hal-03343781v1

Propriétés électro-optiques de commutateurs moléculaires à base de dérivés oligothiophène-azobenzène

D. Vuillaume , K. Smaali , S. Lenfant , D. Deresmes , S. Godey
Vingt-deuxièmes Entretiens France-Québec Jacques Cartier, 'Polymères et oligomères pour l'optoélectronique et ses applications', 2009, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00574929v1

Interrupteur optique réversible constitué d'une monocouche auto-assemblée de dérivés azobenzènes

K. Smaali , S. Lenfant , D. Deresmes , S. Godey , D. Vuillaume
Colloque Matériaux et Nanostructures Pi-conjugés, MNPC09, 2009, Arcachon, France
Conference papers hal-00574908v1

High 'on-off' conductance ratio in self-assembled monolayers of azobenzene derivatized oligothiophenes grafted on gold

K. Smaali , S. Lenfant , D. Deresmes , S. Godey , D. Vuillaume
10th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, ECME 2009, 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference papers hal-00574930v1

Synthèse et propriétés électriques de la jonction moléculaire Si/SiO2/σ-C60-σ/Hg

David Guérin , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
Colloque Matériaux et Nanostrutures π-conjugés, MNPC09, 2009, Arcachon, France
Conference papers hal-00575266v1

Optoelectronic programming of carbon nanotube devices and circuits

G. Agnus , C. Anghel , W. Zhao , Vincent Derycke , A. Filoramo
4th International Meeting on Molecular Electronics, ElecMol'08, 2008, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00361613v1

Surface functionalization by monolayers of thiophene-based linear π-conjugated systems

P. Blanchard , T.K. Tran , S. Karpe , Q. Bricaud , M. Hardouin
4th International Meeting on Molecular Electronics, ElecMol'08, 2008, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00361964v1

Individual carbon nanotube as electrodes for molecular electronics

G. Robert , F. Moggia , N. Lidgi-Guigui , S. Streiff , A. Filoramo
4th International Meeting on Molecular Electronics, ElecMol'08, 2008, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00361612v1

Gate dielectric-pentacene interfaces controlled by fluorine SAM in organic field effect transistor

M. Ternisien , K. Lmimouni , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, E-MRS Spring 2008, Symposium O : Interface controlled organic thin films, 2008, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-00361578v1

Negative bias stress effect in pentacene thin-film transistors

C. Petit , D. Zander , K. Lmimouni , M. Ternisien , S. Lenfant
4th International Meeting on Molecular Electronics, ElecMol'08, 2008, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00361616v1

Monolayer dipole influence on the performance of pentacene OFET

M. Ternisien , K. Lmimouni , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
4th International Meeting on Molecular Electronics, ElecMol'08, 2008, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00361617v1

Monocouches d'oligothiophènes sur or

Philippe Blanchard , Truong-Khoa Tran , Quentin Bricaud , Maitena Ocafrain , Sandrine Karpe
"titre manquant", 2008, Poitiers, France
Conference papers hal-03343571v1

Synthesis and electrical properties of the Si/SiO2/σ-C60-σ/Hg junction

David Guérin , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
4th International Meeting on Molecular Electronics, ElecMol'08, 2008, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00361966v1

Measurement (1/f noise, RTS) in molecular junction

N. Clément , S. Pleutin , O. Seitz , David Guérin , S. Lenfant
Indo-French Workshop on Multifunctional Molecular and Hybride Devices, 2008, Saclay, France
Conference papers hal-00361584v1

Frequency behavior in pentacene MIS capacitors

C. Petit , D. Zander , K. Lmimouni , M. Ternisien , S. Lenfant
4th International Meeting on Molecular Electronics, ElecMol'08, 2008, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00361618v1

Propriétés de transport dynamique, bruit 1/f et RTS dans les jonctions moléculaires

N. Clement , S. Pleutin , S. Lenfant , David Guérin , O. Seitz
11ème Journées de la Matière Condensée, JMC11, 2008, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-00361580v1

Self-assembled monolayers for electrode fabrication and efficient threshold voltage control of organic transistors with amorphous semiconductor layer

C. Celle , C. Suspene , J.P. Simonato , S. Lenfant , M. Ternisien
4th International Meeting on Molecular Electronics, ElecMol'08, 2008, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00361965v1

Reversible electro-optical switch of self-assembled monolayers of azobenzene-derivatized oligothiophenes grafted on gold

K. Smaali , S. Lenfant , D. Deresmes , S. Godey , D. Vuillaume
4th International Meeting on Molecular Electronics, ElecMol'08, 2008, _, France
Conference papers hal-00361583v1

Grafting chromophores onto silicon nanowire FET : towards image sensors

A. Carella , N. Ismail , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume , P. Gidon
4th International Meeting on Molecular Electronics, ElecMol'08, 2008, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00361615v1

Functionalization of gold surfaces by monolayers of oligothiophenes

P. Blanchard , K. Tran , Q. Bricaud , M. Hardouin , S. Karpe
1ères Journées Nanosciences Nord-Ouest, J2NO 2008, 2008, Poitiers, France
Conference papers hal-00361586v1

Self-assembled monolayer of pi-conjugated molecules on gold for electric and photoelectric studies

S. Lenfant , K. Smali , D. Deresmes , S. Godey , D. Vuillaume
4th International Workshop on Electronics Structure and Processes at Molecular-based Interfaces, ESPMI IV, 2008, Princeton, NJ, United States
Conference papers hal-00361962v1

Reversible electro-optical switch of self-assembled monolayers of azobenzene-derivatized oligothiophenes grafted on gold

K. Smaali , S. Lenfant , D. Deresmes , S. Godey , D. Vuillaume
9th International Conference on Molecular Electronics, Molecular Electronics IX, 2008, Kauai, HI, United States
Conference papers hal-00361963v1

Carbon nanotubes/self-assembled monolayers hybrid devices

G. Robert , F. Moggia , N. Lidgi-Guigui , S. Streiff , Vincent Derycke
Indo-French Workshop on Multifunctional Molecular and Hybride Devices, 2008, Saclay, France
Conference papers hal-00361585v1

Carbon nanotubes as electrodes for molecular electronics : from SAMs to single-molecule connection

G. Robert , F. Moggia , N. Lidgi-Guigui , S. Streiff , Vincent Derycke
9th Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference, TNT2008, 2008, Oviedo, Spain
Conference papers hal-00361621v1

Surface Functionalization by Monolayers of Immobilized Thiophene-based Linear pi-Conjugated Systems

Philippe Blanchard , Truong-Khoa Tran , Sandrine Karpe , Quentin Bricaud , Maitena Ocafrain
"titre manquant", 2008, Calimanesti, Romania
Conference papers hal-03343821v1

Alkyl chain self-assembled monolayers as a dielectric : do they follow the “universal” dielectric response ?

N. Clement , S. Pleutin , David Guérin , S. Lenfant , D. Cahen
4th International Meeting on Molecular Electronics, ElecMol'08, 2008, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00361620v1

Impact of interfaces on the dynamic charge transport properties of molecular junctions

N. Clement , S. Pleutin , S. Lenfant , David Guérin , D. Vuillaume
4th International Workshop on Electronics Structure and Processes at Molecular-based Interfaces, ESPMI IV, 2008, Princeton, NJ, United States
Conference papers hal-00361577v1

Interrupteur optique réversible constitué d'une monocouche auto-assemblée de molécules azobenzènes

K. Smaali , S. Lenfant , D. Deresmes , S. Godey , D. Vuillaume
11ème Journées de la Matière Condensée, JMC11, 2008, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-00361579v1

Electronic transport through alkylthiol monolayers under mechanical stress measured by Conducting-AFM

S. Lenfant , D. Deresmes , D. Vuillaume
9th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, ECME 2007, 2007, Metz, France
Conference papers hal-00285225v1

Caractérisation du phénomène de piégege et dé-piégeage par une technique d'impulsion électrique de grille dans un transistor organique au pentacène

C. Petit , D. Zander , K. Lmimouni , D. Tondelier , S. Lenfant
Matériaux et Nanostructures Pi-Conjugués, MNPC07, 2007, Le Grau du Roi, France
Conference papers hal-00284525v1

1/f tunnel current noise through Si-bound alkyl monolayers

Nicolas Clément , Stéphane Pleutin , Oliver Seitz , S. Lenfant , D. Cahen
Matériaux et Nanostructures Pi-Conjugués, MNPC07, Sep 2007, Le Grau du Roi, France
Conference papers hal-00284523v1

1/f tunnel current noise through Si-bound alkyl monolayers

Nicolas Clément , Stéphane Pleutin , Oliver Seitz , S. Lenfant , D. Cahen
9th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, ECME 2007, Sep 2007, Metz, France
Conference papers hal-00284522v1

Electronic transport through alkylthiol monolayers under mechanical stress measured by Conducting-AFM

S. Lenfant , D. Deresmes , D. Vuillaume
Matériaux et Nanostructures Pi-Conjugués, MNPC07, 2007, Le Grau du Roi, France
Conference papers hal-00285229v1

Caractérisation électronique sous contraintes mécaniques de monocouches auto-assemblées par Conducting-AFM

S. Lenfant , D. Deresmes , D. Vuillaume
10ème Forum des Microscopies à Sonde Locale, 2007, Troyes, France
Conference papers hal-00284520v1

Caractérisation électronique par Conducting-AFM de monocouches auto-assemblées électropolymérisées terminées 3,4-ethylénedioxythiophène (EDOT)

M. Oçafrain , K. Tran , P. Blanchard , J. Roncali , S. Lenfant
Matériaux et Nanostructures Pi-Conjugués, MNPC07, 2007, Le Grau du Roi, France
Conference papers hal-00284524v1

Electronic transport through alkylthiol monolayers under mechanical stress measured by Conducting-AFM

S. Lenfant , D. Deresmes , D. Vuillaume
European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Symposium K : Nanoscale self-assembly and patterning, 2007, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-00285224v1

Monocouches d'oligothiophènes : effet du mode de fixation sur les propriétés et fonctionnalisation

P. Blanchard , K. Tran , Q. Bricaud , M. Oçafrain , J. Roncali
Journées d'Electrochimie, JE07, 2007, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-00285223v1

Monocouches d'oligothiophènes : effet du mode de fixation sur les propriétés et fonctionnalisation

P. Blanchard , K. Tran , Q. Bricaud , M. Oçafrain , J. Roncali
Matériaux et Nanostructures Pi-Conjugués, MNPC07, 2007, Le Grau du Roi, France
Conference papers hal-00285242v1

Nano-transistors à effet de champ à base d'architectures moléculaires organiques

K. Lmimouni , R. Bianchini , T. Heim , D. Tondelier , S. Lenfant
TELECOM'2007 & 5èmes Journées Franco-Maghrébines des Micro-ondes et leurs Applications, 2007, Fès, Maroc
Conference papers hal-00285244v1

Characterization of trapping/de-trapping phenomena by pulse gate voltage techniques in pentacene field effect transistor

C. Petit , D. Zander , K. Lmimouni , D. Tondelier , S. Lenfant
9th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, ECME 2007, 2007, Metz, France
Conference papers hal-00284521v1

1/f tunnel current noise through Si-bound alkyl monolayers

Nicolas Clément , Stéphane Pleutin , Oliver Seitz , S. Lenfant , D. Cahen
European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, May 2007, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-00286347v1

Low frequency tunnel current noise through self-assembled molecular junctions

N. Clement , S. Pleutin , O. Seitz , S. Lenfant , D. Cahen
Congrès Général de la Société Française de Physique, SFP 2007, colloque Nanophysique, 2007, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00285226v1

1/f tunnel current noise through Si-bound alkyl monolayers

Nicolas Clément , Stéphane Pleutin , Oliver Seitz , S. Lenfant , D. Cahen
4th Russian-French Workshop on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies, 2007, Autrans, France
Conference papers hal-00367345v1

Etude par EFM de l'injection et de la délocalisation de charges dans des nanostructures organiques

S. Lenfant , D. Tondelier , T. Heim , K. Limouni , David Guérin
9ème Forum des microscopies à sonde locale, 2006, Autrans, France
Conference papers hal-00127141v1

The effects of self-assembled monolayers gate dielectrics treatment on pentacene thin film transistor characteristics

K. Lmimouni , R. Bianchini , S. Lenfant , David Troadec , D. Vuillaume
International Conference on Organic Electronics, 2006, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-00127134v1

The effects of self-assembled monolayers gate dielectrics treatment on pentacene thin film transistor characteristics

K. Lmimouni , R. Bianchini , S. Lenfant , David Troadec , D. Vuillaume
Indo-French workshop on molecular and organic devices, 2006, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-00127157v1

Organic transistors based on self-assembled monolayers

S. Lenfant , M. Mottaghi , P. Lang , F. Rodriguez , Anna Rumyantseva
Trends in NanoTechnologies, TNT2006, 2006, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00127138v1

Molecular scale electronics in France

S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
Indo-French Chamber Commerce and Industry (IFCCI) and the Indo-French Technical Association (IFTA), 2006, Mumbai, India
Conference papers hal-00127159v1

1/f tunnel current noise through Si-bound alkyl monolayers

Nicolas Clément , Stéphane Pleutin , Oliver Seitz , S. Lenfant , D. Cahen
Third Meeting on Molecular Electronics, ElecMol'06, Dec 2006, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00163254v1

Transistors organiques utilisant une monocouche auto-assemblée comme élément actif

M. Mottaghi , P. Lang , F. Rodriguez , A. Yassar , G. Horowitz
Dispositfs Electroniques Organiques, DIELOR 06, 2006, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00127139v1

Electronic and physical properties of molecular devices based on self-assembled monolayers on silicon oxide

S. Lenfant , David Guérin , D. Vuillaume , D.K. Aswal , J.V. Yakhmi
Self-Assembly Routes for Nanotech Materials, SARNam-06, 2006, Mumbai, India
Conference papers hal-00127132v1

Inelastic electron tunnelling in metal/alkylsilane/silicon junctions

C. Petit , G. Salace , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
Journée Thématique du Club EEA Nanoélectronique, 2006, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-00127140v1

Directed assembly for carbon nanotube device fabrication

Jean-Philippe Bourgoin , Jean-Sébastien Borghetti , Pascale Chenevier , Vincent Derycke , Arianna Filoramo
International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM 2006, Dec 2006, San Francisco, CA, United States. ⟨10.1109/IEDM.2006.346805⟩
Conference papers hal-00128199v1

Electronic transport through alkylthiol monolayers under mechanical stress measured by Conducting-AFM

S. Lenfant , D. Deresmes , D. Vuillaume
Third Meeting on Molecular Electronics, ElecMol'06, 2006, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00163252v1

An organic field-effect transistor using a self-assembled monolayer as the active element

M. Mottaghi , P. Lang , F. Rodriguez , A. Yassar , G. Horowitz
International Conference on Organic Electronics, 2006, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-00127113v1

Electrical transport measurements on self-assembled organic molecular wires

N. Clement , J.C. Flores , O.J. Dautel , F. Serein-Spirau , J.P. Lere-Porte
Trends in NanoTechnologies, TNT2006, 2006, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00127115v1

Carbon nanotubes self-assembly for electronic applications

Vincent Derycke , M. F. Goffman , Jean-Sébastien Borghetti , Erik Dujardin , Arianna Filoramo
Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering, MNE06, 2006, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers hal-00241346v1

Role of interfaces on the direct tunneling and the inelastic tunneling behaviors in metal/alkylsilane/silicon junctions

D. Vuillaume , D. K. Aswal , David Guérin , S. Lenfant , C. Petit
Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, 2006, San Francisco, CA, United States
Conference papers hal-00127160v1

On the crucial role of the insulator-semiconductor interface in organic thin film transistors

G. Horowitz , M. Mottaghi , P. Lang , F. Rodriguez , A. Yassar
SPIE Annual Meeting, Symposium on Organic Field-Effect Transistors V, 2006, San Diego, CA, United States
Conference papers hal-00127155v1

Optoelectronic switch and memory devices based on polymer functionalized carbon nanotube transistors

J. Borghetti , Vincent Derycke , S. Lenfant , P. Chenevier , A. Filoramo
Trends in NanoTechnologies, TNT2006, 2006, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00127137v1

Conductive nanorods and nanorings designed by supramolecular association of highly Π-conjugated oligomers

O.J. Dautel , F. Serein-Spirau , J.P. Lere-Porte , J.E. Moreau , D. Tondelier
The sixth France-Japan Workshop on Nanomaterials, 2006, Sapporo, Japan
Conference papers hal-00127114v1

Dynamical study of the electrical transport through molecular tunnel junctions with consideration of interface impurities

N. Clement , S. Pleutin , O. Seitz , S. Lenfant , D. Cahen
Third Meeting on Molecular Electronics, ElecMol'06, 2006, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00163251v1

Role of interfaces on the direct tunneling and the inelastic tunneling behaviors through metal/alkylsilane/silicon junctions

D.K. Aswal , C. Petit , G. Salace , David Guérin , S. Lenfant
Trends in NanoTechnology, TNT 2005, 2005, Oviedo, Spain
Conference papers hal-00125602v1

Pentacene thin film transistors on self-assembled monolayers gate dielectrics

K. Lmimouni , R. Bianchini , S. Lenfant , David Troadec , D. Vuillaume
ElecMol'05, 2005, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00125605v1

Silicon-molecules-metal junctions by nanotransfer printing : chemical synthesis and electrical properties

David Guérin , C. Merckling , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
8th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, ECME8, 2005, Bologna, Italy
Conference papers hal-00125601v1

Inelastic electron tunnelling in metal/alkylsilane/silicon juntions

C. Petit , G. Salace , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
8th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, ECME8, 2005, Bologna, Italy
Conference papers hal-00125598v1

Dielectric response of nanoscale organic monolayer : a new tool for spectroscopy

S. Pleutin , D. Tondelier , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
8th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, ECME8, 2005, Bologna, Italy
Conference papers hal-00125580v1

Inelastic tunneling spectra of an alkyl self-assembled monolayer using a MOS tunnel junction as a test-bed

C. Petit , G. Salace , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
14th Biennial Conference on Insulating Films on Semiconductors, 2005, Belgium. pp.398-401, ⟨10.1016/j.mee.2005.04.011⟩
Conference papers hal-00247649v1

Organic field effect transistor based on a novel soluble pentacene precursor and operating at low voltages

D. Zander , N. Hoffmann , K. Lmimouni , S. Lenfant , C. Petit
14th Biennial Conference on Insulating Films on Semiconductors, 2005, Belgium. pp.394-397, ⟨10.1016/j.mee.2005.04.096⟩
Conference papers hal-00247650v1

Electrostatic force microscopy investigations of charge injection and transport in a single pentacene monolayer island

T. Heim , K. Lmimouni , D. Tondelier , David Troadec , S. Lenfant
8th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, ECME8, 2005, Bologna, Italy
Conference papers hal-00125582v1

Caractérisation et modélisation de transistors organiques à base de pentacène soluble

O. Simonetti , D. Zander , L. Giraudet , A. Belkhir , S. Fauveaux
Journées des Polymères Conducteurs, 2005, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-00126199v1

Dielectric behaviour and high electric breakdown field of short alkylchains

D. K. Aswal , S. Lenfant , David Guérin , J. V. Yakhmi , D. Vuillaume
8th European Conference on Molecular Electronic, ECME8, 2005, Bologna, Italy
Conference papers hal-00125579v1

Effet tunnel inélastique dans les jonctions silicium/alkylesilane/métal

C. Petit , G. Salace , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
Journées des Polymères Conducteurs, 2005, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-00126218v1

Electrical characterization of a novel soluble pentacene precursor FET

D. Zander , N. Hoffmann , K. Lmimouni , S. Lenfant , C. Petit
8th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, ECME8, 2005, Bologna, Italy
Conference papers hal-00125581v1

Downsizing the organic transistor : towards the single molecular layer device

G. Horowitz , Anna Rumyantseva , M. Mottaghi , F. Rodriguez , P. Lang
Organic Microelectronics Workshop, 2005, Newport, United States
Conference papers hal-00125585v1

Charge injection and transport studied by EFM in molecular nanostructures : DNA and organic monolayers

T. Heim , K. Lmimouni , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
Molecular-scale Electronics VII, 2005, San Diego, CA, United States
Conference papers hal-00125586v1

Optical gating of polymer-coated carbon nanotube transistors

J. Borghetti , S. Lenfant , Vincent Derycke , P. Chenevier , A. Filoramo
ElecMol'05, 2005, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00125606v1

Transistors à effet de champ à base de pentacène sur oxyde de grille fonctionnalisé par monocouches auto-assemblées

K. Lmimouni , R. Bianchini , David Troadec , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
Journées des Polymères Conducteurs, 2005, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-00126222v1

Etude par EFM de l'injection et de la délocalisation de charges dans des îlots organiques d'épaisseur mono-moléculaire

T. Heim , K. Lmimouni , D. Tondelier , David Troadec , S. Lenfant
Journées des Polymères Conducteurs, 2005, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-00126219v1

Jonctions silicium-molécules-métal réalisées par nanotransfer printing : synthèse chimique et propriétés électriques

David Guérin , C. Merckling , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
Journées des Polymères Conducteurs, 2005, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-00126221v1

Inelastic electron tunnelling in metal/alkylsilane/silicon junctions

K. Lmimouni , C. Petit , G. Salace , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
ElecMol'05, 2005, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00125604v1

Role of interface on the direct tunneling and the inelastic tunneling behaviors in metal/alkylsilane/silicon junctions

D. Vuillaume , D. K. Aswal , David Guérin , S. Lenfant , C. Petit
French-Russian workshop on nanosciences and nanotechnologies, 2005, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-00125618v1

Pentacene thin film transistors on self assembled monolayers functionnalized gate dielectrics

K. Lmimouni , R. Bianchini , David Troadec , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
8th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, ECME8, 2005, Bologna, Italy
Conference papers hal-00125599v1

Self-assembled molecular diodes on silicon

S. Lenfant , C. Merckling , David Guérin , D. Vuillaume , F. Tran Van
European Conference on Organized Films, ECOF 2004, 2004, Valladolid, Spain
Conference papers hal-00140757v1

Self-assembled molecular rectifying diodes on silicon

Stéphane Lenfant , Dominique Vuillaume , Christophe Krzeminski , Guy Allan , Christophe Delerue
European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, 2004, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-00140752v1

Silicon-molecules-metal junctions by nanotransfer printing, chemical synthesis and electrical properties

C. Merckling , David Guérin , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
Ultimate Lithography and Nanodevice Engineering, 2004, Agelonde, France
Conference papers hal-00140753v1

Diodes moléculaires auto-assemblées sur silicium

S. Lenfant , C. Merckling , David Guérin , D. Vuillaume , F. Tran Van
Journées Nationales du GDR Nanoélectronique, 2004, Aussois, France
Conference papers hal-00140745v1

Deposition of TTF derivatives on carboxyl terminated self-assembled monolayers

H. Onuki , M. Izumi , S. Lenfant , David Guérin , T. Imakubo
European Conference on Organized Films, ECOF 2004, 2004, Valladolid, Spain
Conference papers hal-00140744v1

Self-assembled molecular diodes on silicon

S. Lenfant , C. Merckling , David Guérin , D. Vuillaume , F. Tran Van
Ultimate Lithography and Nanodevice Engineering, 2004, Agelonde, France
Conference papers hal-00140751v1

Silicon-molecules-metal junctions by nanotransfer printing

C. Merckling , David Guérin , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
French-Japan Workshop on Nanomaterials, 2004, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-00140758v1

Silicon-molecules-metal junctions by nanotransfer printing

C. Merckling , David Guérin , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
European Conference on Organized Films, ECOF 2004, 2004, Valladolid, Spain
Conference papers hal-00140759v1

Jonctions silicium-molecules-metal par « nanotransfert printing » : synthèse chimique et propriétés électriques

C. Merckling , David Guérin , S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
Journées Nationales du GDR Nanoélectronique, 2004, Aussois, France
Conference papers hal-00140746v1

Self-assembled molecular rectifying diodes on silicon : synthesis, experimental and theoretical charge transport studies

Dominique Vuillaume , Stéphane Lenfant , Christophe Krzeminski , Guy Allan , Christophe Delerue
226th American Chemical Society National Meeting - Fall 2003, Sep 2003, New York, NY, United States
Conference papers hal-00146383v1

Experimental and theoretical charge transport studies in self-assembled molecular rectifying diodes on silicon

Christophe Delerue , Stéphane Lenfant , Christophe Krzeminski , Guy Allan , Dominique Vuillaume
Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, 2003, Boston, MA, United States
Conference papers hal-00146176v1

Charge transport in self-assembled molecular rectifying diodes on silicon

Christophe Delerue , Guy Allan , Stéphane Lenfant , Dominique Vuillaume , Christophe Krzeminski
Workshop France-USA on Molecular-Scale Electronics, 2003, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00146645v1

Self-assembled molecular rectifying diodes on silicon : synthesis, experimental and theoretical charge transport studies

Stéphane Lenfant , Dominique Vuillaume , Christophe Krzeminski , Guy Allan , Christophe Delerue
7th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, ECME 2003, Sep 2003, Avignon, France
Conference papers hal-00146179v1

Self-assembled molecular rectifying diodes

S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume , Christophe Krzeminski , C. Delerue
Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, 2003, San Francisco, CA, United States
Conference papers hal-00146173v1

Experimental and theoretical charge transport studies in self-assembled molecular rectifying diodes on silicon

Christophe Delerue , Stéphane Lenfant , Christophe Krzeminski , Guy Allan , Dominique Vuillaume
French-USA Conference on Molecular-scale Electronics, 2003, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00146177v1

Rectifying molecular diodes from self-assembly on silicon

S. Lenfant , Christophe Krzeminski , C. Delerue , D. Vuillaume
Electronic Materials Conference, 2002, Santa Barbara, CA, United States
Conference papers hal-00148725v1

Current rectification from sigma-pi self-assembled monolayers on silicon

S. Lenfant , Christophe Krzeminski , C. Delerue , D. Vuillaume
5th International Conference on Functionalized n-electron Systems, 2002, Ulm, Germany
Conference papers hal-00148709v1

Electron transport in a monolayer of conjugated molecules

S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume , F. Tran Van , C. Chevrot
7th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, 2001, Kerkrade, France
Conference papers hal-00152157v1

Etude de films organiques conducteurs monomoléculaires réalises par auto-assemblage

S. Lenfant , D. Vuillaume
GDR Films Moléculaires Bidimensionnels, 2000, Obernai, France
Conference papers hal-00158945v1

Organisation et propriétés électroniques de monocouches d'alkylsiloxanes fonctionnalisées par des groupements conjugués

S. Lenfant , J. Collet , D. Vuillaume , A. Bouloussa , F. Rondelez
7èmes Journées de la Matière Condensée, 2000, Poitiers, France
Conference papers hal-00158947v1