Experimental study of operating regimes in a vapor chamber with integrated hollow fins
Elise Bérut
Stéphane Lips
Frédéric Lefevre
Valérie Sartre
Joint 20th IHPC and 14th IHPS Joint 20th International Heat Pipe Conference and 14th International Heat Pipe Symposium, Sep 2021, Gelendzhik, Russia
Conference papers
Temperature homogenization of a 3D metallic structure with a printed integrated PHP
Marie Lévêque
Stéphane Lips
Alban Agazzi
Sartre Valérie
Joint 20th IHPC and 14th IHPS, Sep 2021, Gelendzhik, Russia
Conference papers
Investigation of 3D printed polymer-based heat dissipator for GaN transistors
Tony Gerges
Alexandre Marie
Thilini Wickramasinghe
Philippe Lombard
Marie Levêque
23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'21 ECCE Europe), Sep 2021, Ghent, Belgium
Conference papers
Etudes expérimentale et théorique d’un caloduc à ailettes creuses en polymère en présence de gaz incondensables
Elise Berut
Stéphane Lips
Frédéric Lefèvre
Valérie Sartre
Congrès de la SFT, Jun 2019, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Experimental characterisation of saturated ethanol two-phase flows in circular channels
Luca Viscito
Stéphane Lips
Rémi Revellin
10th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, May 2019, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Conference papers
Electric actuation of liquid menisci trapped along a capillary array
Nicolas Cardin
Laurent Davoust
Samuel Siedel
Stéphane Lips
Jocelyn Bonjour
11th PAMIR International Conference, Jul 2019, Reims, France
Conference papers
Shape of a liquid meniscus under the action of an electric field in a grooved capillary structure
Nicolas Cardin
Samuel Siedel
Jocelyn Bonjour
Stéphane Lips
Laurent Davoust
11th International Symposium on Electrohydrodynamics, Jun 2019, St. Petersbourg, Russia
Conference papers
Rupture technologique pour le refroidissement de moules d’injection de polymères : principe et analyse de faisabilité d’un moule sec
Stéphane Lips
Alban Agazzi
Ronan Legoff
Antoine Voirand
Elise Berut
Congrès de la SFT, Jun 2019, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Déformation d’origine électrique d’une interface liquide-vapeur dans une structure capillaire rainurée. Diagnostic par microscopie confocale
Nicolas Cardin
Laurent Davoust
Stéphane Lips
Samuel Siedel
Jocelyn Bonjour
24e Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2019, Brest, France
Conference papers
Theoretical and experimental investigations of the effect of an electric field on the shape of a meniscus in a square groove
Nicolas Cardin
Laurent Davoust
Stéphane Lips
Samuel Siedel
Jocelyn Bonjour
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Microfluidics – μFlu18 3rd European Conference on Non-Equilibrium Gas Flows – NEGF18, 2018, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Characterization of boiling regimes in a flat confined two-phase thermosyphon
Antoine Voirand
Marine Narcy
Stéphane Lips
Sartre Valérie
Joint 19th IHPC and 13th IHPS, 2018, Pisa, Italy
Conference papers
Experimental study of a flat PHP for the temperature homogenisation of two symmetric plates
Aline Dell Innocenti
Stéphane Lips
Valérie Sartre
Nicolas Blet
Jocelyn Bonjour
Joint 19th International Heat Pipe Conference and 13th International Heat Pipe Symposium, 2018, Pisa, Italy
Conference papers
Theoretical and experimental investigations of the effect of an electric field on the performance of a grooved flat heat pipe
Nicolas Cardin
Stéphane Lips
Samuel Siedel
Laurent Davoust
Jocelyn Bonjour
Joint 19th IHPC and 13th IHPS, 2018, Pisa, Italy
Conference papers
Confocal microscopy as a means to investigate the EHD-driven formation of liquid-vapor interfaces along an array of microgrooves
Nicolas Cardin
Laurent Davoust
Stéphane Lips
Samuel Siedel
Jocelyn Bonjour
19th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 2018, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference papers
Caractérisation des écoulements diphasiques à saturation par techniques de fluorescence et de phosphorescence : un état de l’art
Samuel Martel
Stéphane Lips
Manuel Kuhni
Cédric Galizzi
Rémi Revellin
Congrès de la SFT, 2018, Pau, France
Conference papers
Faisabilité d’intégration de caloducs afin d’homogénéiser les températures de pièces surfaciques d’aéronef
Nicolas Blet
Stéphane Lips
Valérie Sartre
Maxime Zebian
Congrès de la Société Française de Thermique, 2018, Pau, France
Conference papers
Experimental study of flow boiling in an inclined mini-channel
Rémi Revellin
Thibaut Layssac
Stéphane Lips
36th UIT Heat Transfer Conference, Jun 2018, Catania, Italy
Conference papers
Characterisation of saturated two-phase flows by means of fluorescence and phosphorescence techniques: a review
Samuel Martel
Stéphane Lips
Manuel Kuhni
Cédric Galizzi
Rémi Revellin
10th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer, 2018, Nagasaki, Japan
Conference papers
Caractérisation thermo-hydraulique de structures capillaires frittées pour une utilisation dans les boucles diphasiques
Remi Giraudon
Stéphane Lips
Laurent Gremillard
D. Fabregue
Éric Maire
Congrès de la SFT, 2017, Marseille, France
Conference papers
Effect of a DC electric field on the liquid-vapor interface in a grooved flat heat pipe
Nicolas Cardin
Mostafa El Mehdi Brik
Stéphane Lips
Samuel Siedel
Jocelyn Bonjour
13th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2017, Portoroz, Slovenia
Conference papers
Définition d’un critère d’utilité appliqué aux diffuseurs thermiques diphasiques pour le refroidissement de composants électroniques
Stéphane Lips
Marine Narcy
Antoine Barrière
Valérie Sartre
Congrès de la SFT (Société Française de Thermique), 2017, Marseille, France
Conference papers
Thermohydraulic characterization of sintered copper powder wicks for loop heat pipes
Remi Giraudon
Stéphane Lips
Valérie Sartre
Laurent Gremillard
D. Fabregue
9th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2017, Igazu Falls, Brazil
Conference papers
Manufacturing and thermohydraulic characterization of sintered capillary structure
Remi Giraudon
Stéphane Lips
Laurent Gremillard
D. Fabregue
Eric Maire
Euromat2017, 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece
Conference papers
Experimental investigation of a confined flat two-phase thermosyphon for electronics cooling
Marine Narcy
Stéphane Lips
Valérie Sartre
9th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2017, Igazu Falls, Brazil
Conference papers
Prediction of asymmetry during intermittent and annular flows of R-245fa in an horizontal mini-channel
Thibaut Layssac
Stéphane Lips
Rémi Revellin
International Conference on Multiphase Flow, May 2016, Firenze, Italy
Conference papers
Fabrication and characterization of efficient wicks for LHPs
Remi Giraudon
Stéphane Lips
D. Fabregue
Laurent Gremillard
Eric Maire
Joint 18th IHPC and 12th IHPS, 2016, Jeju, Korea, South Korea
Conference papers
Asymmetry during an horizontal annular flow in a micro-channel: optical measurements and effect of dimensionless numbers
Claudia Capo
Thibaut Layssac
Stéphane Lips
William Mauro
Rémi Revellin
34th UIT Heat Transfer Conference, Jul 2016, Ferrara Italy
Conference papers
A non-invasive method for thermal and hydrodynamic characterisation of flat plate heat pipes
Léo Revil-Baudard
Stéphane Lips
9th International conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer, 2015, Boulder, Colorado, United States
Conference papers
Stratification assessment during evaporative annular flow of R-245fa in a horizontal minichannel
Rémi Revellin
Stéphane Lips
Thibaut Layssac
William Mauro
7th European-Japanese Two-Phase Flow Group Meeting, Oct 2015, Zermatt, Switzerland
Conference papers
Recent progress and challenges in heat pipes science
S. Lips
11th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2015, Skukuza, South Africa
Conference papers
Assessment of stratification during horizontal two-phase flow of R-245fa: intermittent and annular flows
Thibaut Layssac
Stéphane Lips
Rémi Revellin
Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2015, lyon, France
Conference papers
Experimental study of a hybrid CNT/PCM structure for the transient thermal management of electronics
Christophe Kinkelin
S. Lips
F. Lefevre
Ulrich Soupremanien
Vincent Remondière
11th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2015, Skukuza, South Africa. pp.839--844
Conference papers
Etude expérimentale d’un interposeur thermique à changement de phase pour le management thermique de composants électroniques
Christophe Kinkelin
Stéphane Lips
Frédéric Lefèvre
Ulrich Soupremanien
Vincent Remondière
Congrès Français de Thermique, Jun 2014, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Contribution of Fourier series expansion to conventional heat pipe modeling: towards a universal analytical model
Stéphane Lips
Frédéric Lefèvre
International Heat Pipe Conference, Oct 2013, Kanpur, India
Conference papers
Utilisation de mèches métalliques comme structure capillaire pour des caloducs plats
Stéphane Lips
Alba Fornells-Vernet
Frédéric Lefèvre
Congrès Français de Thermique, May 2013, Gerardmer, France
Conference papers
Thermal management of electronic devices by composite materials integrated in silicon
Emmanuel E. Ollier
Ulrich Soupremanien
Vincent Remondière
Jean Dijon
Hélène Le Poche
Microtherm 2013 Microtechnology and Thermal Problems in Electronics, Jun 2013, Lodz, Poland. pp.11
Conference papers
Physical meaning of the pressure drop decomposition in two-phase flows
Stéphane Lips
Rémi Revellin
51st European Two-Phase Group Flow Meeting, May 2013, lyon, France
Conference papers
Global optimisation of tube inclination during convective condensation
S. Lips
J.P Meyer
ECI 8th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 3-7 June 2012, Jun 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland
Conference papers
Condensation heat transfer in aerospace
J.P. Meyer
S. Lips
A.O. Adelaja
J. Dirker
International Aerospace Symposium of South Africa (IASSA), 2012, Pretoria, South Africa
Conference papers
A model for stratified flow during convective condensation in an inclined tube
Stéphane Lips
Josua P. Meyer
12th UK National Conference on Heat Transfer, 2011, Leeds, Angleterre, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Effect of gravity forces on heat transfer and pressure drops during condensation of R134a
Stéphane Lips
Josua P. Meyer
Eurotherm Seminar n°92, 2011, Presqu ïles de Giens, France
Conference papers
Experimental study of Convective condensation of R134A in an inclined Tube
Stéphane Lips
Josua P. Meyer
8th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2011, Pointe Aux Piments, Ile, Mauritius
Conference papers
What have brought observations inside the capillary structure to the knowledge on flat plate heat pipes
S. Lips
F. Lefevre
Jocelyn Bonjour
15th International Heat Pipe Conference, Apr 2010, CLEMSON, United States
Conference papers
Thermal and hydrodynamic study of a flat plate heat pipe.
S. Lips
F. Lefevre
Jocelyn Bonjour
7th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Jun 2009, Krakow, Poland
Conference papers
Apport de la microscopie confocale à l'étude de diffuseurs thermiques diphasiques
Stéphane Lips
Frédéric Lefèvre
Romuald Rulliere
Jocelyn Bonjour
Congrès Français de Thermique, May 2009, Vannes, France. pp.187
Conference papers
Oscillating two-phase flow in a capillary tube: Experiments and modeling
S. Lips
J. Bonjour
Proc. 14th International Heat Pipe Conference (IHPC),, 2007, Florianopolis, Brazil
Conference papers