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stephane Mangin

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Institut Jean Lamour, UMR CNRS 7198 - Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France **EDUCATION** 2006 French Accreditation to supervise research and PhD students “Habilitation Diploma” 1997 Ph.D in Physics, University Joseph Fourrier (UJF) - Grenoble (France) 1994 M.S in Condense Matter Physics, (UJF) - Grenoble (France) **CURRENT POSITIONS** 2023- Project leader of MAT-PULSE an Interdisciplinary Program for LUE 2016- 2022 Project leader of “Nanomaterials for smart sensors”: Budget: 2,5 M€ for 4 years 2015- Co-director of an International Laboratory NanoElectronics (CNRS – NYU -UCSD) 2012- Scientific director of a large user scientific facility, unique in the world: TUBE-Davm (70 meters under UHV to connect 30 equipments: Budget: 19 M€ 2010- Head of the Nanomagnetism & spintronic team at Univ Lorraine - 50 members Budget: 1 M€ /year (From ANR, EU, UL, CNRS) 2008- Full Professor, Université de Lorraine – IJL Nancy (France) **PREVIOUS POSITIONS** 2021-22 Invited Professor, Churchill College - University of Cambridge (UK) 2012-13 Invited Professor at University of California San Diego (USA) 2004-05 Visiting Scientist at the Almaden Research center California San Jose (USA) 1998-07 Assistant professor at the University Henri Poincaré - Nancy (France) 1997-98 Post-Doc at the Laboratorium VSM - Leuven (Belgium) **FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS** 2022 Fellow of the Churchill College – Cambridge University 2021 Fellow of the IEEE Magnetic Society 2018 Fellow of the American Physical Society 2017-2022 Senior Member of the "Institut universitaire de France" 2015- Member of the Science Academy of Lorraine 2007-12 Junior Member of "Institut Universitaire de France" (IUF) 2008 First Research Price from the Lorraine region - one laureate per year **SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATION** 210 publications in peer-reviewed journal (Science, Nature Mat, Adv Mat, Nature Electronic, Nature Com, PRL ...) 2 Editorials for Euro.phys. J. B, "Special issue on Exchange bias” "Special issue on Spin Transfer" 1 Book chapter: Springer Tracts Modern Physics "Magnetic Nanostructures" 82 Invited talks in international conferences (MMM, MML, Intermag, MRS, etc..) 86 invited seminars in international laboratories 7 tutorials in international school 146 Oral presentations (129 in international conferences) **ORGANISATION OF SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS** Main organizer of 15 international conferences Member of the Program Committee, Joint MMM-Intermag Conference – San Diego (2016); ICM – San Francisco (2018), MMM Conference – Las Vegas (2019) Member of the steering Committee of the World Material Forum (2016- ) Program Chair: MMM Conference – (USA) – 2026 Program Co-Chair: MMM Conference – New Orleans (USA) - 2016 Co-organizer of 20 conferences (6 national and 14 international) Session Chair for 23 international conference sessions (MMM, Intermag, MRS etc …) **MEMBERSHIPS OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES** 2019 President of the IEEE Magnetic Society France Chapter 2014-18 Member of the Administrative Committee of the IEEE Magnetics Society 2010-15 President of the local section of the French Physics society 2014- International Friend of the American Physics Society (APS) 2012- IEEE Senior member
