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Stéphanie Dumas Reyssier
Maîtresse de conférences en Sciences de l'éducation et de la formation
Current affiliations
- 214341
Researcher identifiers
Web site
- https://aeden.hypotheses.org/
S. Dumas Reyssier reached the Ph.D. degree in Educational Sciences from the University of Lyon, in 2021. She has been an ATER at the Institut des Sciences et des Pratiques en Education et Formation (ISPEF) since 2020, and a member of the laboratoire Education, Cultures, Politiques (ECP) Lyon 2. She is now an associate professor in Educational Sciences at the ECP lab, University Lyon 2.
Her fields of specialization are the Ecological approach of instrumental environments, Affordance, Gamification, and Self-Determination. Her PhD research examines the way in which learner’s motivated behaviour is built when using a numeric gamified environment in literal calculation, co-designed with teachers. More specifically, its effects on motivation, performance, perseverance and its affordance for teachers are analysed (a triangulation of qualitative and quantitative data), to determine the influence of each one.
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Étudier l'innovation technologique et pédagogique à partir des affordancesQuestionner l’innovation. Lectures axiologiques, Editions Raison et Passions, 2022, 978-2-917645-88-8
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