Research director at INRAE, Unit “Behavioral Ecology and Fish Population Biology ” (ECOBIOP)
Open access
Researcher identifiers
- IdRef : 170162753
Directrice de recherches INRAE, généticienne des populations dans l’unité Ecologie Comportementale et Biologie des populations de Poissons (UMR ECOBIOB).
Pendant 20 années au sein de l’unité Ecologie des Forêts Méditerranéennes (URFM, Avignon), j’ai étudié la contribution de l’adaptation génétique à la réponse des populations d’arbres forestiers à des variations spatiales et temporelles de leur environnement sur un petit nombre de générations. Mes travaux ont principalement concerné l’estimation « en temps réel » des processus éco-évolutifs contribuant à l’adaptation, et la modélisation basée sur les processus de la dynamique écologique et adaptative à une échelle locale.
J’ai rejoint l’unité ECOBIOP en 2021. Mon objectif est d’utiliser mes compétences pour (1) estimer le potentiel adaptatif et les patrons d’adaptation locale dans les populations naturelles de poissons migrateurs ; et (2) modéliser les rétroactions entre processus physiologiques, dynamique écologique et dynamique évolutive pour simuler les scénarii possibles de réponse des poissons migrateurs à des changements environnementaux. L’objectif appliqué de ces recherches est de guider les gestionnaires pour concevoir des mesures favorisant l’adaptation des poissons migrateurs aux changements globaux.
Research director at INRAE, population geneticist in the unit "Behavioral Ecology and Population Biology of Fishes" (UMR ECOBIOB).
During 20 years as resercher in the unit "Ecology of Mediterranean Forests" (URFM, Avignon), I have studied the contribution of genetic adaptation to the response of forest tree populations to spatial and temporal variations in their environment over a small number of generations. My work mainly focussed on the "real-time" estimation of eco-evolutionary processes contributing to adaptation, and on process-based modeling of ecological and adaptive dynamics at a local scale.
I joined the ECOBIOP unit in 2021. My goal is to use my skills to (1) estimate adaptive potential and local adaptation patterns in natural populations of migratory fishes; and (2) model feedbacks between physiological processes, ecological dynamics and evolutionary dynamics to simulate possible scenarios of response of migratory fishes to environmental changes. The applied objective of this research is to guide managers in designing measures that promote the adaptation of migratory fish to global changes.
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The rise of individual-centered demo-genetic models to better understand feedbacks between ecological and evolutionary processes and evaluate population management scenariosEcole chercheur INRAE «Intégrer les échelles en écologie»,, INRAE (AQUA-ECODIV), Mar 2024, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Genetic differentiation along an ocean/river gradient captures the signature of intragenerational selection in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla)FSBI 2024 Annual Symposium, Jul 2024, Bilbao, Spain
Conference papers
To what extent can silviculture foster forest adaptation to climate change? A demo-genetic modelling approach with stress and disturbance regimesEuropean Conference on Ecological Modeling (ECEM2023), Sep 2023, Leipzig (DE), Germany
Conference papers
Intertwining of fecundity, sexual and viability selection on spring phenology along an altitudinal gradient of European beechPHENOLOGY 2022 - Phenology at the crossroads, Jun 2022, Avignon, France, France
Conference papers
Individual-based dendrochronology approach to disentangle vigor and sensitivity to water stress2021 Forest Genetics CFGA-WFGA Student and Postdoc, May 2021, Online, Canada
Conference papers
Conservation des ressources génétiques du cormier (Sorbus domestica L..)Commission des ressources génétiques forestières, Sep 2021, visioconférence, France
Conference papers
Microgeographic adaptation and the effect of pollen flow on the adaptive potential of a temperate tree speciesConference “Genetics to the rescue: managing forests sustainably in a changing world”, Jan 2020, Avignon, France. pp.641-653, ⟨10.1111/nph.16537⟩
Conference papers
How much genetic selection for growth can result from silviculture ? A new demo-genetic simulation approachGenTree 2020, INRAE URFM Site Agroparc- Domaine Saint Paul, Jan 2020, Avignon, France
Conference papers
How can genetic variability reduce Fagus sylvatica's vulnerability to climate changeConference “Genetics to the rescue: managing forests sustainably in a changing world”, Jan 2020, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Risk of fruit production failureEGU General Assembly 2019, European Geosciences Union (EGU). Vienne, AUT., Apr 2019, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Combined effects of climate and management on beech tree vulnerability and net ecosystem exchange across EuropeEEF 2019 15. EEF – European Ecological Federation Congress, European Ecological Federation (EEF). DEU., Jul 2019, Lisbonne, Portugal. p. 291
Conference papers
Trade-offs between growth and reproduction in a long-lived plantJournées du GDR Ecologie Statistique EcoStat, May 2019, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Combining statistical and mechanistic models to unravel the causes of mortality causes within rear-edge beech population.5. Young Natural History Scientits Meeting, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN). FRA., Mar 2018, Paris, France. p. 291
Conference papers
Trade-offs between growth and reproduction Example with a long-lived plantEvolution Montpellier 2018, Joint Congress on Evolutionnary Biology, ASN American Society for Nutrition. USA., Aug 2018, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Understand trees mortality causes by using a physiological process-based modelJEF-Functional Ecology Conference, Journées d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle AnaEE, Société Française d'Ecologie (SFE). FRA., Mar 2017, La grande motte, France
Conference papers
Polygenic adaptation in a hierarchical population structureIUFRO Conférence Genomics and Forest Tree Genetics, May 2016, Arcachon, France
Conference papers
Predicting the adaptive dynamics of tree populations under climate change: lessons from a Physio-Demo-Genetic simulation model.Colloque international de la Société français d'écologie SFECOLOGIE 2016, Société Française d'Ecologie (SFE). FRA., Oct 2016, Marseille, France. 29 p
Conference papers
Detecting directional and epistatic selection from candidate genes: methodological improvements and a case study of European beechSMBE Satellite meeting SMBEBA 2015 "Investigating biological adaptation with NGS: data and models", May 2015, Hameau de l'étoile, France. 1 p
Conference papers
Consequences of multiple-scale variation in selection on microgeographic adaptation15. Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB), European Society of Evolutionnary Biology (ESEB). INT., Aug 2015, Lausanne, Switzerland
Conference papers
Past and ongoing adaptive response of Fagus sylvatica along a short-scale climatic gradientNatural and human-assisted adaptation of forests to climatic constraints: the relevance of interdisciplinary approaches, Nov 2014, Orléans, France. 20 p
Conference papers
How to use molecular data to account for non random mating in quantitative genetic estimates derived from family structured experiments4. International Statistical Ecology Conference (ISEC 2014), Jul 2014, Montpellier, France. 1 p
Conference papers
Comparison of methods that estimate seed dispersal kernels from genotypes of established seedlings4. International Statistical Ecology Conference (ISEC 2014), Jul 2014, Montpellier, France. pp.69
Conference papers
Impacts of climate-related dieback on regeneration in a drought-prone European beech populationBES-SFE Joint 2014 Annual Meeting, Dec 2014, Lille, France
Conference papers
Perspectives ouvertes par une approche intégrée des processus de dynamique, de fonctionnement et de diversité: le cas du Mont VentouxSéance commune Académie Agriculture et Académie des Sciences, Académie d'Agriculture de France (AAF). FRA., 2013, Paris, France. 34p
Conference papers
Climate induced changes in the growth rate and physiological optimum of two drought sensitive speciesClimTree 2013. International Conference on Climate Change and Tree Responses in Central European Forests, Sep 2013, Zürich, Switzerland
Conference papers
Local adaptation to climatic gradients: application of a physio-demo-genetics simulation model to European beech populationsMountains Under Watch conference, Feb 2013, Forte di Bard, Aosta Valley, Italy
Conference papers
Prédire l’adaptation des populations d’arbres au changement climatiqueImpact de l’anthropisation et des changements climatiques sur les arbres forestiers : du fondamental à l’appliqué, un dialogue entre science et société, Aug 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers
Adaptive silviculture regarding climate change: the geneticist's viewTackling Climate Change: the Contribution of Forest Scientific Knowledge, May 2012, Tours, France
Conference papers
Local adaptation to climatic gradients: application of a physio-demo-genetics simulation model to European beech populationsIUFRO Genetics of Fagaceae, Oct 2012, Talence, France
Conference papers
Comparaison de la différentiation nucléotidique pour des gènes candidats le long d'un gradient altitudinal : une approche expérimentale et par simulation chez Fagus sylvaticaPetit Pois Déridés 2012 : 34. Réunion Annuelle du Groupe d'Etude de Biologie et Génétique des Populations, Aug 2012, Avignon, France. 118 p
Conference papers
Mechanisms of local adaptation to climatic gradients: lessons from a physio-demo-genetics modelTackling climate change: the contribution of forest scientific knowledge, May 2012, Tours, France
Conference papers
Variations individuelles du régime de reproduction et voisinage écologique des arbres-mères chez des populations de hêtre commun34. Réunion annuelle du Groupe d’Etude de Biologie et Génétique des Populations (Petit Pois Déridé 2012), Aug 2012, Avignon, France
Conference papers
The effect of landscape heterogeneity and anthropogenic land-uses on pollination patterns for wild cherry trees in north-eastern FranceCongress of the International Biogeography Society, Sep 2011, Oxford, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Mechanisms of local adaptations to climatic gradients: lessons from a Physio-Demo-Genetics Model12th EEF Congress: Responding to Rapid Environmental Change, Sep 2011, Avila, Spain. 1 p
Conference papers
Male fecundity and pollen dispersal in populations of a riparian tree species12. EEF Congress: Responding to Rapid Environmental Change, Sep 2011, Avila, Spain
Conference papers
Effet de la dispersion du pollen à longue distance sur les capacités d’adaptation de populations de hêtre commun sur un gradient altitudinal. DiaporamaPetit Pois Déridé 2011, Aug 2011, Toulouse, France. 18 diapos
Conference papers
Nucleotide diversity patterns of drought and cold tolerance candidate genes along a Fagus sylvatica altitudinal gradient.12th EEF Congress: Responding to Rapid Environmental Change, Sep 2011, Avila, Spain. 1 p
Conference papers
Inferences on dispersal and migration capacities: from local to landscape scales2. Mediterranean ForestWeek, Apr 2011, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Reconstruction of a beech population bottleneck using archival demographic information and Bayesian analysis of genetic dataAnnual Meeting of the Ecological Genetics Group, Apr 2011, Londres, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Caractérisation du potentiel évolutif en milieu naturel d’une population de hêtre communEcologie 2010. Colloque national d'écologie scientifique, Sep 2010, Montpellier, France. 17 diapos
Conference papers
Pollen dispersal in a self-incompatible species, the wild cherry (Prunus avium L.)Forest ecosystem genomics and adaptation, Jun 2010, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain
Conference papers
Modelling the impact of environmental and demographic changes on tree evolutionForest ecosystem genomics and adaptation, Jun 2010, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain
Conference papers
Modélisation des processus d’adaptation génétique au changement climatique par couplage physio-démo-génétiqueEcologie 2010 : Colloque national d'écologie scientifique, Sep 2010, Montpellier, France. 20 diapos
Conference papers
Candidate gene variation along an altitudinal gradient in Fagus sylvaticaColloque « Ecologie 2010, Sep 2010, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
A demo-genetic model to account for the impact of environmental and demographic changes on trees evolutionForest ecosystem genomics and adaptation, Jun 2010, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain
Conference papers
Effect of the interactions between gene flow and selection on local adaptation: a case study in common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)Forest ecosystem genomics and adaptation, Jun 2010, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain
Conference papers
Contemporary seed and pollen dispersal abilities of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.)at range marginsForest ecosystem genomics and adaptation, Jun 2010, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, France
Conference papers
Genetic signature of a 150-year-old population bottleneck in Fagus sylvatica despite rapid population extensionForest ecosystem genomics and adaptation, Jun 2010, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain
Conference papers
Variable patterns of contemporary gene flow in beech (Fagus sylvatical L.) across EuropeForest ecosystem genomics and adaptation, Jun 2010, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain
Conference papers
Candidate gene variation in common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) along an altitudinal gradientForest ecosystem genomics and adaptation, Jun 2010, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain
Conference papers
Interaction between environmental heterogeneity and gene flow in the adaptive trajectory of a continuous tree populationSéminaire de restitution du projet ECOGER "Bases d'une gestion durable des forêts mélangées: écophysiologie, croissance et démogénétique des espèces constitutives", Oct 2009, Champenoux, France. 18 p
Conference papers
Interaction between environmental heterogeneity and gene flow in the adaptive trajectory of a continuous tree population. Poster12. European Society of Evolutionary Biology Congress, Aug 2009, Turin, Italy. 1 p
Conference papers
Individual-based simulations with demo-genetic modules in CAPSISJoint NOVELTREE & TREEBREEDEX International Conference on long-term breeding strategies applied to forest trees, Oct 2009, Orléans, France. 38 p
Conference papers
Comparison of direct and indirect genetic methods for estimating seed and pollen dispersal in old-grown and expanding populations of Fagus sylvatica8. IUFRO International beech symposium, Sep 2008, Nanae, Japan. 8 p., ⟨10.1016/j.foreco.2010.03.001⟩
Conference papers
Interaction between environmental heterogeneity, gene flow and inbreeding depression on the building of spatial genetic structure. Poster11. European Society of Evolutionary Biology Congress, Aug 2007, Uppsala, Sweden
Conference papers
A Bayesian approach to jointly estimate the pollen dispersal function and the heterogeneity of male fecundity: Application to Sorbus torminalis. Communication Orale.IUFRO Conference. Population Genetics and Genomics of Forest Trees: From Gene Function to Evolutionary Dynamics and Conservation, Oct 2006, Madrid, Spain. 1p
Conference papers
Predicting spatio-temporal forest successions: the "demo-genetic" approach in the Ventoux mountainMEDFOREX Meeting, Nov 2006, Solsona, Spain. 30 p
Conference papers
Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees: a simulation study coupled with sensitivity analysisPopulation genetics and genomics of forest trees: from gene function to evolutionary dynamics and conservation, Oct 2006, Alcala de Henares, Spain. 1 p
Conference papers
Wild service tree: results of research and management implicationsProgramme COST: Growing valuable broadleaved tree species, Apr 2006, Leuven, Belgium. 37 p
Conference papers
Couplage de modèles de flux de gènes et de modèles de dynamique forestière5. Colloque national du BRG, Bureau des Ressources Génétiques (BRG). FRA., Nov 2004, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Using microsatellite parent-offspring data to characterize mating patterns in tree species: should we go into the trouble of paternity analysis. DiaporamaAnalysis of microsatellite sequences in scots pine, Aug 2004, Sekocin, Poland. 26 p
Conference papers
Indicateurs de la diversité intra-spécifique chez les arbres forestiersLes indicateurs de biodiversité forestière. Synthèse des réflexions issues du programme de recherche "Biodiversité, gestion forestière et politiques publiques", GIP Ecofor, p. 79 - p. 81, 2012, 978-2-914770-05-7
Book sections
Neutral patterns of genetic variation and applications to conservation in conifer speciesGenetics, Genomics and Breeding of Conifers, Science Publishers, 2011, 978-1578087198
Book sections
Patterns of seed dispersal in a scattered forest tree (Sorbus torminalis) based on multi-scale investigation of population genetic structure for chloroplast DNAGenetic response of forest systems to changing environmental conditions, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2001, 1-4020-0236-X
Book sections
Comparing statistical and mechanistic models to identify the drivers of mortality within a rear-edge beech population2019, ⟨10.1101/645747⟩
Other publications
Crown defoliation decreases reproduction and wood growth in a marginal European beech population2018, pp.1-23. ⟨10.1101/474874⟩
Other publications
PDG Documentation, version 22017
Other publications
Modèle peuplement naturel: cèdre de l'AtlasDiffusion du document : INRA, Centre d'Avignon, Documentation, Domaine St Paul, Site Agroparc, 84914 Avignon cedex 9. 2005
Report chapter
Comprendre la réponse adaptative de populations d’arbres aux variations climatiques : modélisation des processus éco-évolutifs à des échelles localesBiodiversité et Ecologie. Université Montpellier 2 (Sciences et Techniques), 2014
Accreditation to supervise research