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Thomas Pellard

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  • IdHAL thomas-pellard
  • ORCID 0000-0001-6189-1677
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J'étudie l'évolution des langues dans le temps et l'espace. Mes recherches concernent principalement l'histoire et la préhistoire des langues du Japon, en particulier les langues en danger des îles Ryūkyū. Linguistique historique et comparative, archéolinguistique, phylolinguistique, géolinguistique, langues japoniques
I study the evolution of languages in time and space. My research focuses on the history and prehistory of the languages of Japan, especially the endangered languages of the Ryūkyū Islands. Historical & comparative linguistics, archaeolinguistics, phylolinguistics, geolinguistics, Japonic languages


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A new local indicator of spatial autocorrelation identifies clusters of high rendaku frequency in Japanese place names

Thomas Pellard , Akiko Takemura , Hyun Kyung Hwang , Timothy Vance
Journal of Linguistic Geography, 2023, 11 (1), pp.1-7. ⟨10.1017/jlg.2022.11⟩
Journal articles hal-04009523v1

Hikaku hōhō ni yotte gengokan no keitō kankei o kakuritsu suru (比較方法によって言語間の系統関係を確立する)

Yōsuke Igarashi , Thomas Pellard
Kagaku, 2023, 93 (7), pp.619−625
Journal articles hal-04594452v1

Gengo wa henka suru: Oto, go, bun, imi reberu no gengo henka (言語は変化する:音,語,文,意味レベルの言語変化)

Yōsuke Igarashi , Tatsuya Hirako , Thomas Pellard
Kagaku, 2023, 93 (7), pp.611−618
Journal articles hal-04594434v1
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The implicative structure of Asama verb paradigms

Dimitri Lévêque , Thomas Pellard
Morphology, 2023, 33 (3), pp.261−286. ⟨10.1007/s11525-023-09410-x⟩
Journal articles hal-04151819v1
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Phylogenies based on lexical innovations refute the Rung hypothesis

Guillaume Jacques , Thomas Pellard
Diachronica, 2021, 38 (1), pp.1-24. ⟨10.1075/dia.19058.jac⟩
Journal articles hal-03084829v1

CHIELD: The causal hypotheses in evolutionary linguistics database

Seán Roberts , Anton Killin , Angarika Deb , Catherine Sheard , Simon J Greenhill
Journal of Language Evolution, 2020, 5 (2), pp.101-120. ⟨10.1093/jole/lzaa001⟩
Journal articles hal-02549571v1
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Rendaku in place names across Japanese dialects

Akiko Takemura , Thomas Pellard , Hyun Kyung Hwang , Timothy J. Vance
Reports of the Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies, 2019, 50, pp.79-89
Journal articles hal-01991521v1
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L'indo-européen n'est pas un mythe

Thomas Pellard , Laurent Sagart , Guillaume Jacques
Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, 2018, 113 (1), pp.79−102. ⟨10.2143/BSL.113.1.3285465⟩
Journal articles hal-01871582v1
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Why /r/ is not a special, empty consonant in Japanese

Thomas Pellard
Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 2016, 25 (4), pp.351-383. ⟨10.1007/s10831-016-9147-4⟩
Journal articles hal-01356834v3

The Ikema dialect of Miyako Ryukyuan has a three-, not two-, pattern accent system

Yōsuke Igarashi , Yukinori Takubo , Yuka Hayashi , Thomas Pellard , Tomoyuki Kubo
The Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan, 2016, 20 (1), pp.47−60. ⟨10.24467/onseikenkyu.20.1_47⟩
Journal articles hal-02909734v1
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The awakened lord

Thomas Pellard
Journal of the American Oriental Society, 2014, 134 (4), pp.689−698. ⟨10.7817/jameroriesoci.134.4.689⟩
Journal articles hal-01289243v1
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Yōsuke Igarashi , Yukinori Takubo , Yuka Hayashi , Thomas Pellard , Tomoyuki Kubo
The Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan, 2012, 16 (1), pp.1−15. ⟨10.24467/onseikenkyu.16.1_134⟩
Journal articles hal-01289283v1
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Converbs and their desubordination in Ōgami Ryukyuan

Thomas Pellard
Gengo Kenkyū, 2012, 142, pp.95−117. ⟨10.11435/gengo.142.0_95⟩
Journal articles hal-01289323v1
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Review of Bjarke Frellesvig and John Whitman (2008). Proto-Japanese: Issues and Prospects

Thomas Pellard
Cahiers de linguistique - Asie Orientale, 2010, 39 (1), pp.95-114. ⟨10.1163/1960602810X00089⟩
Journal articles halshs-00771242v1
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Review of "A Linguistic History of the Forgotten Islands: A reconstruction of the protolanguage of the Southern Ryukyus", by John R. Bentley

Thomas Pellard
Diachronica, 2010, 27 (1), pp.170-176. ⟨10.1075/dia.27.1.07pel⟩
Journal articles halshs-00529143v2
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Proto-Japonic *e and *o in Eastern Old Japanese

Thomas Pellard
Cahiers de linguistique - Asie Orientale, 2008, 37 (2), pp.133-158. ⟨10.1163/1960602808X00055⟩
Journal articles hal-00373303v1
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Review: Christopher I. Beckwith (2004) Koguryo, the Language of Japan's Continental Relatives: An Introduction to the Historical-Comparative Study of the Japanese-Koguryoic Languages with a Preliminary Description of Archaic Northeastern Middle Chinese

Thomas Pellard
Korean Studies, 2005, 29, pp.167−170. ⟨10.1353/ks.2006.0008⟩
Journal articles hal-00194111v1
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Ryukyuan and the reconstruction of proto-Japanese-Ryukyuan

Thomas Pellard
Frellesvig, Bjarke; Kinsui, Satoshi. Handbook of historical Japanese linguistics, De Gruyter, pp.39-68, 2024, Handbooks of Japanese Language and Linguistics [HJLL], 9781614514015. ⟨10.1515/9781614512851-003⟩
Book sections hal-04039079v1
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Retour sur la théorie des aires dialectales périphériques de Yanagita Kunio

Thomas Pellard
Henninger, Aline; Shimosakai, Mayumi. Japon Pluriel 14: Périphéries et centres, Picquier, pp.365−374, 2024
Book sections hal-03978000v1
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The Family Tree model

Thomas Pellard , Robin Ryder , Guillaume Jacques
Ledgeway, Adam; Aldridge, Edith; Breitbarth, Anne; Kiss, Katalin É.; Salmons, Joseph; Simonenko, Alexandra. The Wiley Blackwell companion to diachronic linguistics, Wiley Blackwell, In press
Book sections hal-04571512v2
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Nichiryū shogo no keitō bunrui to bunki ni tsuite (日琉諸語の系統分類と分岐について)

Thomas Pellard
Kibe, Nobuko (木部暢子); Hayashi, Yuka (林由華); Kinuhata, Tomohide (衣畑智秀). Fīrudo to bunken kara miru Nichiryū shogo no keitō to rekishi (フィールドと文献から見る日琉諸語の系統と歴史) [The phylogeny and history of the Japonic languages seen from the field and from philological records], Kaitakusha, pp.2−16, 2021
Book sections hal-03249949v1
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Nasō to nasasō no shiyō jittai no keiryōteki chōsa (ナソウとナサソウの使用実態の計量的調査) [A quantitative study of the usage of nasō and nasasō]

Akiko Takemura , Thomas Pellard
U, Ichiraku (于 一楽); Eguchi, Kiyoko (江口 清子); Kido, Yasuhito (木戸 康人); Mano, Miho (眞野 美穂). Tōgo kōzō to goi no takakuteki kenkyū : Kishimoto Hideki kyōju kanreki kinen ronbunshū (統語構造と語彙の多角的研究:岸本秀樹教授還暦記念論文集) [Multifaceted studies of syntactic structure and of the lexicon: Festschrift for the sixtieth birthday of Hideki Kishimoto], Kaitakusha, pp.277-287, 2020, 978-4-7589-2283-8
Book sections hal-02910235v1

The phonology of the Miyako dialects

Thomas Pellard , Yuka Hayashi
Kibe, Nobuko. Research report on Miyako Ryukyuan: General study for research and conservation of endangered dialects in Japan, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, pp.13−55, 2019, 9784906055210. ⟨10.15084/00002524⟩
Book sections hal-03884975v1
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Verb morphology and conjugation classes in Dunan (Yonaguni)

Thomas Pellard , Masahiro Yamada
Kiefer, Ferenc; Blevins, James P.; Bartos, Huba. Perspectives on morphological organization: Data and analyses, Brill, pp.31-49, 2017, 9789004342910. ⟨10.1163/9789004342934_004⟩
Book sections hal-01493096v1
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A (more) comparative approach to some Japanese etymologies

Thomas Pellard
McClure, William; Vovin, Alexander. Studies in Japanese and Korean historical and theoretical linguistics and beyond, Brill, pp.55-64, 2017, 9789004350854. ⟨10.1163/9789004351134_007⟩
Book sections hal-01584927v1
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Nichi-ryū sogo no bunki nendai (日琉祖語の分岐年代) [The date of separation of the proto-Japonic language]

Thomas Pellard
Takubo, Yukinori; Whitman, John; Hirako, Tatsuya. Ryūkyū shogo to Kodai Nihongo: Nichiryū sogo no saiken ni mukete (日琉祖語の再建に向けて:日琉祖語の再建に向けて) [Ryukyuan and premodern Japanese: Toward the reconstruction of proto-Japanese-Ryukyuan], Kuroshio, pp.99-124, 2016, 9784874246924
Book sections hal-02507426v1
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Dunan grammar (Yonaguni Ryukyuan)

Masahiro Yamada , Thomas Pellard , Michinori Shimoji
Heinrich, Patrick; Miyara, Shinsho; Shimoji, Michinori. Handbook of the Ryukyuan languages: History, structure, and use, De Gruyter Mouton, pp.449−478, 2015, 978-1-61451-161-8. ⟨10.1515/9781614511151.449⟩
Book sections hal-01289268v1

Ōgami hōgen (Okinawa-ken Miyakojima-shi Hirara Ōgami) (大神方言(沖縄県宮古島市平良大神))

Thomas Pellard
Ogawa, Shinji. Ryūkyū no kotoba no kakikata (琉球のことばの書き方) [How to write the Ryukyuan languages], Kuroshio shuppan, pp.169−177, 2015, 9784874246757
Book sections hal-01289706v1
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The linguistic archeology of the Ryukyu Islands

Thomas Pellard
Heinrich, Patrick; Miyara, Shinsho; Shimoji, Michinori. Handbook of the Ryukyuan languages: History, structure, and use, De Gruyter Mouton, pp.13−37, 2015, 978-1-61451-161-8. ⟨10.1515/9781614511151.13⟩
Book sections hal-01289257v1
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Thomas Pellard
Takubo, Yukinori. 琉球列島の言語と文化:その記録と継承 Ryūkyū rettō no gengo to bunka: Sono kiroku to keishō [The languages and culture of the Ryūkyū archipelago: Their recording and transmission], Kuroshio shuppan, pp.81−92, 2013, 9784874245965
Book sections hal-01289782v1
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Hirako Tatsuya , Thomas Pellard
Kibe, Nobuko. 消滅危機方言の調査・保存のための総合的研究:八丈方言調査報告書 Shōmetsu kiki hōgen no chōsa/hozon no tame no sōgōteki kenkyū: Hachijō hōgen chōsa hōkokusho [General research for the study and conservation of endangered dialects in Japan: Survey report on the Hachijō dialect], NINJAL, pp.47−67, 2013, ⟨10.15084/00002407⟩
Book sections hal-01289633v1
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Ryukyuan perspectives on the proto-Japonic vowel system

Thomas Pellard
Frellesvig, Bjarke; Sells, Peter. Japanese/Korean Linguistics 20, CSLI Publications, pp.81−96, 2013, 9781575866383
Book sections hal-01289288v1
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Masahiro Yamada , Thomas Pellard
Takubo, Yukinori. 琉球列島の言語と文化:その記録と継承 Ryūkyū rettō no gengo to bunka: Sono kiroku to keishō [The languages and culture of the Ryūkyū archipelago: Their recording and transmission], Kuroshio shuppan, pp.93−107, 2013, 9784874245965
Book sections hal-01289786v2
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Masahiro Yamada , Thomas Pellard , Michinori Shimoji
Takubo, Yukinori. 琉球列島の言語と文化:その記録と継承 Ryūkyū rettō no gengo to bunka: Sono kiroku to keishō [The languages and culture of the Ryūkyū archipelago: Their recording and transmission], Kuroshio shuppan, pp.291−324, 2013, 9784874245965
Book sections hal-01289790v2
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Miyako shohōgen no on'in: Taikei to hikaku (宮古諸方言の音韻:体系と比較)

Thomas Pellard , Yuka Hayashi
Kibe, Nobuko. Shōmetsu kiki hōgen no chōsa/hozon no tame no sōgōteki kenkyū: Minami Ryūkyū Miyako hōgen chōsa hōkokusho (消滅危機方言の調査・保存のための総合的研究:南琉球宮古方言調査報告書) [General study for research and conservation of endangered dialects in Japan: Research report on Miyako Ryukyuan], NINJAL, pp.13−51, 2012, 978-4-906055-22-7. ⟨10.15084/00002461⟩
Book sections hal-01289626v1
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Ōgami (Miyako Ryukyuan)

Thomas Pellard
Shimoji, Michinori; Pellard, Thomas. An introduction to Ryukyuan languages, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, pp.113−166, 2010, 9784863370722
Book sections hal-00529598v1

Contrasting modes of cultural evolution

Christopher Buckley , Emma Kopp , Thomas Pellard , Robin Ryder , Guillaume Jacques
Quantitative comparative anthropology: Methods and Applications, University College London, Nov 2024, Londres, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-04727016v1

Le modèle de l'arbre phylogénétique en linguistique historique

Thomas Pellard
Séance mensuelle de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, Société de Linguistique de Paris, Mar 2024, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04544914v1

Perspectives archéolinguistiques sur le peuplement des îles Ryūkyū

Thomas Pellard
15ème colloque de la Société Française des Etudes Japonaises, Société Française des Etudes Japonaises, Dec 2023, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04336023v1

The mirage of Transeurasian

Thomas Pellard
Research Center for Language, Brain and Cognition Colloquium Series, Research Center for Language, Brain and Cognition, GSICS, Tohoku University, Dec 2022, Online, Japan
Conference papers hal-03923726v1

Toransuyūrashia to iu gensō (トランスユーラシアという幻想)

Thomas Pellard
Joint Seminar on Linguistics for Archeologists and Biologists, University of Tokyo; Tokai University, Jul 2022, Tokyo, Japan
Conference papers hal-03813907v1

The Ryukyuan languages

Thomas Pellard
Nissan Seminar, Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies and Oxford School of Global and Area Studies, Feb 2022, Zoom, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-03885210v1

Kita-Ryūkyū shogo ni okeru chōboin to Ryūkyū sogo no akusento taikei no saiken (北琉球諸語における長母音と琉球祖語のアクセント体系の再建)

Thomas Pellard
1st Conference on Proto-Japonic, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Nov 2022, Online, Japan
Conference papers hal-03870189v1

Retour sur la théorie des aires dialectales périphériques de Yanagita Kunio

Thomas Pellard
14e Colloque de la Société Française des Études Japonaises, Société Française des Études Japonaises, Dec 2021, Orléans, France
Conference papers hal-03481817v1

A realisational and implemented description of Asama's verb paradigms

Thomas Pellard , Dimitri Lévêque
Inflectional reflections, SeDYL, Dec 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03481846v1


Akiko Takemura , Thomas Pellard
Proceedings of the 163rd Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan (日本言語学会第163回大会予稿集), Linguistic Society of Japan, Nov 2021, Online, Japan
Conference papers hal-03388347v1

A quantitative perspective on Japanese accent

Akiko Takemura , Thomas Pellard
34th Paris Meeting on East Asian Linguistics, Jul 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03283679v1

Ryūkyū shogo no boin taikei no keisei katei (琉球諸語の母音体系の形成過程) [The formation processes of the Ryukyuan vowel systems]

Thomas Pellard
Nichiryū shohōgen keitōron no tenbō (日琉諸方言系統論の展望) [Phylogenetics of the Japonic dialects: Current issues and prospects], National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Dec 2020, Tachikawa, Japan
Conference papers hal-03084841v1
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Description of the verbal morphology of Asama

Dimitri Lévêque , Thomas Pellard
International Symposium of Morphology 2019, Sep 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02295412v1

Les origines du japonais

Thomas Pellard
Les origines de la langue japonaise, Jan 2019, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-01997233v1

Gengogaku kara mita Ryūkyū rettō e no hito no idōshi (言語学から見た琉球列島への人の移動誌)

Thomas Pellard
Ryūkyū rettō e no hito to bunka no idō (琉球列島への人と文化の移動) [The migrations of humans and culture in the Ryukyu Islands], Nov 2019, Naha, Japan
Conference papers hal-02428840v1
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日琉諸語の系統分類と分岐について [Nichiryū shogo no keitō bunrui to bunki ni tsuite]

Thomas Pellard
Phylesis and the history of the Japonic languages from philological and field linguistic perspectives, Dec 2018, Tachikawa, Japan
Conference papers hal-01964852v1
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The comparative study of the Japonic languages

Thomas Pellard
Approaches to endangered languages in Japan and Northeast Asia: Description, documentation and revitalization, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Aug 2018, Tachikawa, Japan
Conference papers hal-01856152v1
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Ryūkyū shogo no furusa to atarashisa: Boin to shiin ni tsuite (琉球諸語の古さと新しさ:母音と子音について)

Thomas Pellard
2016 spring meeting of the Society for Japanese Linguistics, Society for Japanese Linguistics, May 2016, Tokyo, Japan
Conference papers hal-01416037v1
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Typological and historical-comparative perspectives on tone and vowel length in Ryukyuan

Thomas Pellard
Japanese and Korean accent: Diachrony, reconstruction, and typology, ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Jul 2016, Tokyo, Japan
Conference papers hal-01416041v1

Subclassification of the Ryukyuan languages

Thomas Pellard
3rd joint meeting of the project "How have the origins of the Japanese language been discussed: The lights and shadows of the history of linguistics in Japan", International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Aug 2016, Kyoto, Japan
Conference papers hal-01416043v1

The Ryukyuan languages: A window on the history of the Japanese archipelago

Thomas Pellard
Reischauer Institute Japan Forum, Reischauer Institute, Harvard University, Apr 2015, Cambridge, United States
Conference papers hal-01416048v1

Verb morphology and conjugation classes in Dunan (Yonaguni)

Thomas Pellard , Masahiro Yamada
16th international morphology meeting, Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences & Austrian Academy of Sciences, May 2014, Budapest, Hungary
Conference papers hal-01416050v1

Nichi-ryū sogo no bunki nendai (日琉祖語の分岐年代)

Thomas Pellard
Historical-comparative research on the Ryukyuan languages and Old Japanese, Kyoto University, Feb 2013, Kyoto, Japan
Conference papers halshs-01416088v1

Language dispersal in the Ryukyu Islands

Thomas Pellard
Dispersion of people, crops, and language: Hokkaido and Ryukyus, NINJAL–RIHN, Feb 2013, Kyoto, Japan
Conference papers hal-01416055v1

Minami Ryūkyū Miyakogo Ikema hōgen ni okeru akusento-gata no chūwa to gōryū (南琉球宮古語池間方言におけるアクセント型の中和と合流)

Yōsuke Igarashi , Yukinori Takubo , Thomas Pellard
3rd regular meeting of the project “Phonological characteristics of the Japanese lexicon”, NINJAL, Nov 2012, Fukuoka, Japan
Conference papers hal-01498548v1

Kita-Ryūkyū shohōgen ni mirareru chōboin to onchō no taiō kankei ni tsuite: Okinawago chūnanbu hōgen ni okeru C-keiretsu no gotō chōboin wo chūshin ni (北琉球諸方言に見られる長母音と音調の対応関係について:沖縄語中南部方言におけるC系列のご語頭長母音を中心に)

Thomas Pellard
Research meeting of the Phonology team of "Typological and historical/comparative research on the languages of the Japanese archipelago and their environs", NINJAL, Aug 2012, Tachikawa, Japan
Conference papers hal-01417771v1

Ryūkyū shogo to Nihongo no shiteki kankei (琉球諸語と日本語の史的関係)

Thomas Pellard
37th Meeting of the Kansai Linguistic Society, Kansai Linguistic Society, Jun 2012, Kobe, Japan
Conference papers hal-01417769v1
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The historical position of the Ryukyuan Languages

Thomas Pellard
Historical linguistics in the Asia-Pacific region and the position of Japanese, National Museum of Ethnology, Jul 2011, Osaka, Japan. pp.55−64
Conference papers hal-01682958v1
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Miyakogo Ōgami hōgen no fukudōshi to datsujūzokuka (宮古語大神方言の副動詞と脱従属化)

Thomas Pellard
140th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Linguistic Society of Japan, Jun 2010, Tsukuba, Japan. pp.316−321
Conference papers hal-01681193v1

Kiete yuku chiisana shima no kotoba (消えてゆく小さな島のことば)

Thomas Pellard
Nihon no hōgen no tayōsei o mamoru tame ni (日本の方言の多様性を守るために) [For the preservation of the diversity of Japanese dialects], National Institute for Japanese language and linguistics, Dec 2010, Tokyo, Japan. pp.24-31, ⟨10.15084/00000892⟩
Conference papers hal-01681951v1

Contrasting modes of cultural evolution

Emma Kopp , Christopher Buckley , Robin Ryder , Thomas Pellard , Guillaume Jacques
Bayesian Methods for the Social Sciences II, Oct 2024, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference poster hal-04727026v1
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Advancing the study of endangered languages with computational tools for morphology

Dimitri Lévêque , Thomas Pellard
LIFT 2019: Scientific meeting of the “Computational, formal & field linguistics” research group, Nov 2019, Orléans, France. , 2019
Conference poster hal-02428825v1

Rendaku in place names across Japanese dialects

Hyun Kyung Hwang , Akiko Takemura , Thomas Pellard , Timothy Vance
13es rencontres du Réseau Français de Phonologie, Jun 2015, Bordeaux, France. , 2015
Conference poster hal-01290139v1
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Ōgami: Éléments de description d'un parler du Sud des Ryūkyū

Thomas Pellard
Linguistique. Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), 2009. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Theses tel-00444150v1
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LaTeX pour les sciences humaines et sociales

Thomas Pellard
Doctorat. Paris, France. 2024
Lectures cel-01527916v4
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Linguistique historique et comparative japonaise

Thomas Pellard
Licence. Linguistique japonaise, France. 2019
Lectures cel-02144425v1
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LaTeX pour les linguistes

Thomas Pellard
Doctorat. Lyon, France. 2019
Lectures cel-02145840v1
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Dialectes et langues minoritaires du Japon

Thomas Pellard
Licence. Linguistique japonaise, France. 2019
Lectures cel-02144426v1
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Dialectologie japonaise

Thomas Pellard
Master. Méthodes en dialectologie, France. 2018
Lectures cel-02144429v1

Kyōjiron, tsūjiron (共時論・通時論)

Thomas Pellard
Meikai hōgengaku jiten (明解方言学辞典) [The Sanseido dictionary of dialectology], 2019, pp.47-48
Dictionary entry hal-02099259v1
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Nichi-ryū sogo (日琉祖語) [Proto-Japonic]

Thomas Pellard
Meikai hōgengaku jiten (明解方言学辞典) [The Sanseido dictionary of dialectology], 2019, pp.113
Dictionary entry hal-02099262v2

On henka (音変化)

Thomas Pellard
Meikai hōgengaku jiten (明解方言学辞典) [The Sanseido dictionary of dialectology], 2019, pp.28-29
Dictionary entry hal-01383790v1

Hikaku gengogaku (比較言語学)

Thomas Pellard
Meikai hōgengaku jiten (明解方言学辞典) [The Sanseido dictionary of dialectology], 2019, pp.119-120
Dictionary entry hal-02099260v1