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Valentin Brunet

Ingénieur de recherche en éthologie
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  • 1002106
Researcher identifiers
  • IdHAL valentin-brunet
  • ORCID 0000-0002-3864-1837
  • Google Scholar :
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I have a master's degree in ethology and have studied fish behaviour, more particularly the welfare and cognitive abilities of rainbow trout at the Laboratory of Physiology and Genomics of Fish (INRAE LPGP, Rennes). I am currently working for the European Reference Centre for Ruminant and Equine Welfare (EURCAW *Ruminants & Equines*) at the Mixed Research Unit on Herbivores (INRAE UMRH, Clermont-Ferrand).
Diplômé d'un master en éthologie, j'ai étudié le comportement des poissons, plus particulièrement le bien-être et les capacités cognitives de la truite arc-en-ciel au Laboratoire de Physiologie et Génomique des Poissons (INRAE LPGP, Rennes). Je travaille actuellement pour le centre européen de référence pour le bien-être des ruminants et équidés (EURCAW *Ruminants & Equines*) au sein de l'Unité Mixte de recherche sur les Herbivores (INRAE UMRH, Clermont-Ferrand).


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Feeding predictability as a cognitive enrichment protects brain function and physiological status in rainbow trout: a multidisciplinary approach to assess fish welfare

A. Kleiber , Jérôme Roy , Valentin Brunet , E. Baranek , J.M. Le-Calvez
Animal, 2024, 18 (3), pp.101081. ⟨10.1016/j.animal.2024.101081⟩
Journal articles hal-04426412v1
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Review: Rethinking environmental enrichment as providing opportunities to acquire information

Isabelle Veissier , C. Lesimple , V. Brunet , L. Aubé , Raphaëlle Botreau
Animal, 2024, 18 (9), pp.101251. ⟨10.1016/j.animal.2024.101251⟩
Journal articles hal-04689967v1
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Environmental enrichment improves cognitive flexibility in rainbow trout in a visual discrimination task: first insights

Valentin Brunet , Thomas Lafond , Aude Kleiber , Léa Lansade , Ludovic Calandreau
Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2023, 10, ⟨10.3389/fvets.2023.1184296⟩
Journal articles hal-04129091v1
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Positive effects of bubbles as a feeding predictor on behaviour of farmed rainbow trout

Aude Kleiber , Jean-Michel Le-Calvez , Thierry Kerneis , Axel Batard , Lionel Goardon
Scientific Reports, 2022, 12 (1), pp.1-12. ⟨10.1038/s41598-022-15302-7⟩
Journal articles hal-03746208v1
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Physical Enrichment Triggers Brain Plasticity and Influences Blood Plasma Circulating miRNA in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Emilie Cardona , Valentin Brunet , Léo Milhade , Sandrine Skiba-Cassy , Julien Bobe
Biology, 2022, 11 (8), ⟨10.3390/biology11081093⟩
Journal articles hal-03755536v1
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Positive welfare effects of physical enrichments from the nature-, functions- and feeling- based approaches in farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Valentin Brunet , Aude Kleiber , Amélie Patinote , Pierre-Lô Sudan , Cécile Duret
Aquaculture, 2022, 550, pp.737825. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021.737825⟩
Journal articles hal-03502340v1

Q2E - Welfare training and certification

Evangelia Sossidou , Valentin Brunet
EURCAW - Ruminants & Equines. 2024
Reports hal-04648181v1

Indicator factsheet - Environmental enrichment for ruminants and equines

Valentin Brunet , Isabelle Veissier
EURCAW - Ruminants & Equines. 2024
Reports hal-04648174v1

Thematic factsheet - Environmental enrichment for goats

Valentin Brunet , Isabelle Veissier , Raphaëlle Botreau , Cécile Ginane , Maria Vilain Rørvang
EURCAW - Ruminants & Equines. 2024
Reports hal-04648168v1

Thematic factsheet - Environmental enrichment for equines

Valentin Brunet , Isabelle Veissier , Raphaëlle Botreau , Cécile Ginane , Maria Vilain Rørvang
EURCAW - Ruminants & Equines. 2024
Reports hal-04648170v1

Thematic factsheet - Environmental enrichment for cattle

Valentin Brunet , Isabelle Veissier , Raphaëlle Botreau , Cécile Ginane , Maria Vilain Rørvang
EURCAW - Ruminants & Equines. 2024
Reports hal-04648163v1

Q2E - Fasting intervals for equines

Valentin Brunet
EURCAW - Ruminants & Equines. 2024
Reports hal-04669447v1

Thematic factsheet - Environmental enrichment for sheep

Valentin Brunet , Isabelle Veissier , Raphaëlle Botreau , Cécile Ginane , Maria Vilain Rørvang
EURCAW - Ruminants & Equines. 2024
Reports hal-04648165v1
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Q2E - Space allowance for dairy cows

Josef Schenkenfelder , Lena Tuominen , Valentin Brunet , Isabelle Veissier
EURCAW - Ruminants & Equines. 2023
Reports hal-04197006v1

Thematic factsheet - Frequency and quantity of milk feeding to dairy calves

Valentin Brunet , Josef Schenkenfelder , Isabelle Veissier
EURCAW - Ruminants & Equines. 2023
Reports hal-04648178v1
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Review - Physical and occupational enrichment in ruminants and equines

Raphaëlle Botreau , Valentin Brunet , Clémence Lesimple
EURCAW - Ruminants & Equines. 2023
Reports hal-04210247v1

Thematic factsheet - Environmental enrichment for ruminants and equines: the basics

Valentin Brunet , Raphaëlle Botreau , Isabelle Veissier
EURCAW - Ruminants & Equines. 2023
Reports hal-04221244v1
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Review - Environmental enrichment in ruminants and equines: Introduction

Raphaëlle Botreau , Clémence Lesimple , Valentin Brunet , Isabelle Veissier
EURCAW - Ruminants & Equines. 2023
Reports hal-04135699v1

Indicator factsheet - Frequency and quantity of milk feeding to dairy calves

Josef Schenkenfelder , Valentin Brunet , Isabelle Veissier
EURCAW - Ruminants & Equines. 2023
Reports hal-04648179v1
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Rapport final Projet Feamp QualiPostOv "Optimisation de la qualité de la chair de grande truite arc-en-ciel (Oncorhynchus mykiss) après ovulation"

Florence Lefèvre , Valentin Brunet , Jérôme Bugeon , Thierry Kerneis , Pierre-Yves Rescan
INRAE - LPGP. 2022
Reports hal-04724453v1
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L’enrichissement de l’environnement des animaux d’élevage

Isabelle Veissier , Valentin Brunet , Clémence Lesimple , Lydiane Aubé , Raphaëlle Botreau
Colloque RMT BATICE & ONE WELFARE - Le bâtiment d'élevage, point de rencontre entre l'homme et l’animal, Feb 2024, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-04574070v1

Animal welfare: from research to practice

Isabelle Veissier , Valentin Brunet , Dorothee Ledoux , Alice de Boyer Des Roches
74. Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, INRAE, Aug 2023, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-04192415v1

Towards better animal husbandry practices: understanding the evolving concept of animal welfare

Isabelle Veissier , Valentin Brunet
Sommet de l'Elevage, Oct 2023, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Conference papers hal-04235689v1

Positive welfare effects of physical enrichments from the nature-, functions- and feeling- based approaches in farmed rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss

Violaine Colson , Valentin Brunet , Aude Kleiber , Amélie Patinote , Pierre-Lo Sudan
Aquaculture Europe, European Aquaculture Society (EAS), Sep 2022, Rimini, Italy. pp.262-263
Conference papers hal-03844909v1
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Improving welfare by sharing knowledge: Functioning of an EU Reference Centre for Animal Welfare

Valentin Brunet , Harry Blokhuis , Birgitta Staff Larsson , Silvia d'Albenzio , Christophe Winkler
9th International Conference on the Welfare Assessment of Animals at Farm Level (WAFL), Aug 2024, Firenze (Florence), Italy. 2024
Conference poster hal-04684766v2
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CARE4DAIRY : un manuel européen du bien-être animal en élevage de bovins laitiers

Claire Littlejohn , Valentin Brunet , François Gary , Chloé Le Gall-Ladeveze , Béatrice Mounaix
Colloque RMT BATICE & ONEWELFARE - Le bâtiment d'élevage, point de rencontre entre l'homme et l’animal, Feb 2024, Rennes, France. 2024, Le bâtiment d'élevage, point de rencontre entre l'homme et l’animal
Conference poster hal-04574073v1
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L'enrichissement du milieu améliore le bien-être de la truite arc-en-ciel

Valentin Brunet , Aude Kleiber , Amélie Patinote , Pierre-Lo Sudan , Cécile Duret
7. journées de la Recherche Française Piscicole, Jul 2022, Paris, France. 2022
Conference poster hal-03717486v1
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Bien être des poissons : de la recherche à la pratique en élevage

Valentin Brunet , Aude Kleiber , Mathilde Stomp
Master. INRAE RDV COMPET'ences, France. 2024
Lectures hal-04648525v1
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Comportement et bien-être des poissons

Valentin Brunet
Doctoral. Diplôme Inter Ecole (DIE) Médecine du comportement et bien-être des animaux domestiques - VetAgro Sup, France. 2024
Lectures hal-04648512v1
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Enrichissement de l'environnement

Valentin Brunet
Doctorat. Diplôme Inter Ecole (DIE) Médecine du comportement et bien-être des animaux domestiques - VetAgro Sup, France. 2024
Lectures hal-04648518v1
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Training course - Enrichment of the environment in ruminants and equines

Valentin Brunet
Doctoral. France. 2024
Lectures hal-04719246v1
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Évaluation et amélioration du bien-être des poissons

Valentin Brunet
Master. Comité d'Ethique pour l'Expérimentation Animale Auvergne, France. 2023
Lectures hal-04648508v1