Valerie Blanchet
Open access
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- 598
- 1143274
Researcher identifiers
- ResearcherId : L-3677-2014
- IdRef : 155381598
- ResearcherId :
- David Staedter, Nicolas Thiré, Elsa Baynard, Peter C Samartzis, Valérie Blanchet. 268 nm photodissociation of ClN3: a femtosecond velocity-map imaging study.. *Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics*, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014, 16 (2), pp.540-549. [<10.1039/c3cp53507j>]( [<hal-00904852>](../hal-00904852)
- Jean-Benoit Hamard, Raluca Cireasa, Béatrice Chatel, Valérie Blanchet, Benjamin J Whitaker. Quantum Interference in NO2. *Journal of Physical Chemistry A*, American Chemical Society, 2010, 114 (9), pp.3167-3175. [<10.1021/jp909129g>]( [<hal-00451043>](../hal-00451043)
- Valérie Blanchet, S. Boyé, Sébastien Zamith, A. Campos, Bertrand Girard, et al.. (3 + 1)-resonantly enhanced multiphoton ionization-photoelectron spectroscopy of the (3d-4s) supercomplex of acetylene: The geometry of the E state revisited through experiment and theory. *Journal of Chemical Physics*, American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2003, 119, pp.3751. [<10.1063/1.1589480>]( [<hal-00005051>](../hal-00005051)
- Sébastien Zamith, Valérie Blanchet, Bertrand Girard, J. Andersson, S. L. Sorensen, et al.. The predissociation of highly excited states in acetylene by time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. *Journal of Chemical Physics*, American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2003, 119, pp.3763. [<10.1063/1.1589479>]( [<hal-00005052>](../hal-00005052)
- Sébastien Zamith, Jérôme Degert, Sabine Stock, Béatrice De Beauvoir, Valérie Blanchet, et al.. Observation of Coherent Transients in Ultrashort Chirped Excitation of an Undamped Two-Level System. *Physical Review Letters*, American Physical Society, 2001, 87, pp.033001. [<10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.033001>]( [<hal-00005047>](../hal-00005047)
- Sébastien Zamith, Mohamed Bouchène, Emma Sokell, Céline Nicole, Valérie Blanchet, et al.. Pump probe experiment in atomic fine structure levels: Observation of the oscillation of an angular wavepacket. *European Physical Journal D*, EDP Sciences: EPJ, 2000, 12, pp.255. [<hal-00005039>](../hal-00005039)
- Amélie Ferré, David Staedter, Frédéric Burgy, Michal Dagan, Dominique Descamps, et al.. High-order harmonic transient grating spectroscopy of SF6 molecular vibrations. *Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics*, Institute of Physics: Hybrid Open Access, 2014, 47 (12), pp.124023. [<10.1088/0953-4075/47/12/124023>]( [<hal-00957658>](../hal-00957658)
- Brandi West, Christine Joblin, Valérie Blanchet, Andras Bodi, Bálint Sztáray, et al.. Dynamics of Hydrogen and Methyl Radical Loss from Ionized Dihydro-Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: A Tandem Mass Spectrometry and Imaging Photoelectron-Photoion Coincidence (iPEPICO) Study of Dihydronaphthalene and Dihydrophenanthrene. *Journal of Physical Chemistry A*, American Chemical Society, 2014, 118 (10), pp.1807-1816. [<10.1021/jp500430g>]( [<hal-00982316>](../hal-00982316)
- Piotr Piecuch, Jared A Hansen, David Staedter, Stéphane Faure, Valérie Blanchet. Communication: existence of the doubly excited state that mediates the photoionization of azulene.. *Journal of Chemical Physics*, American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2013, 138 (20), pp.201102. [<10.1063/1.4808014>]( [<hal-00904855>](../hal-00904855)
- Paul M Mayer, David Staedter, Valérie Blanchet, Patrick Hemberger, Andras Bodi. Comparing femtosecond multiphoton dissociative ionization of tetrathiafulvene with imaging photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy.. *Journal of Physical Chemistry A*, American Chemical Society, 2013, 117 (13), pp.2753-9. [<10.1021/jp311066y>]( [<hal-00808082>](../hal-00808082)
- H. Ruf, C. Handschin, Raluca Cireasa, Nicolas Thiré, A. Ferré, et al.. Inhomogeneous high harmonic generation in krypton clusters.. *Physical Review Letters*, American Physical Society, 2013, 110 (8), 083902 \[5 p.\]. [<10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.083902>]( [<hal-00808080>](../hal-00808080)
- H. Ruf, C. Handschin, A. Ferré, Nicolas Thiré, J. B. Bertrand, et al.. High-harmonic transient grating spectroscopy of NO2 electronic relaxation.. *Journal of Chemical Physics*, American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2012, 137 (22), pp.224303. [<10.1063/1.4768810>]( [<hal-00808084>](../hal-00808084)
- Brandi West, Christine Joblin, Valérie Blanchet, Andras Bodi, Bálint Sztáray, et al.. On the dissociation of the naphthalene radical cation: new iPEPICO and tandem mass spectrometry results.. *Journal of Physical Chemistry A*, American Chemical Society, 2012, 116 (45), pp.10999-1007. [<10.1021/jp3091705>]( [<hal-00808085>](../hal-00808085)
- H. J. Wörner, J. B. Bertrand, B. Fabre, J. Higuet, H. Ruf, et al.. Conical intersection dynamics in NO2 probed by homodyne high-harmonic spectroscopy.. *Science*, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2011, 334 (6053), pp.208-12. [<10.1126/science.1208664>]( [<hal-00808088>](../hal-00808088)
- Nicolas Thiré, Raluca Cireasa, David Staedter, Steven Pratt, Valérie Blanchet. Time-resolved predissociation of the vibrationless level of the B state of CH3I. *Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics*, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2011, 13, pp.18485-18496. [<10.1039/C1CP22057H>]( [<hal-00567795v2>](../hal-00567795v2)
- Paul M Mayer, Valérie Blanchet, Christine Joblin. Threshold photoelectron study of naphthalene, anthracene, pyrene, 1,2-dihydronaphthalene, and 9,10-dihydroanthracene.. *Journal of Chemical Physics*, American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2011, 134 (24), pp.244312. [<10.1063/1.3604933>]( [<hal-00808089>](../hal-00808089)
- Iain Wilkinson, Ivan Garcia, Benjamin Whitaker, Jean-Benoît Hamard, Valérie Blanchet. The photodissociation of NO(2) by visible and ultraviolet light.. *Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics*, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2010, 12 (48), pp.15766-79. [<10.1039/c0cp01551b>]( [<hal-00808090>](../hal-00808090)
- Nicolas Thiré, Raluca Cireasa, Valérie Blanchet, Steven Pratt. Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of the CH3I B1E 6s \[2\] state. *Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics*, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2010, 12, pp.15644-15652. [<10.1039/C004220J>]( [<hal-00920758>](../hal-00920758)
- Raluca Cireasa, Jean-Benoit Hamard, Cécile Maury, Valérie Blanchet. Imaging fast relaxation dynamics of NO2. *Physica Scripta*, Institute of Physics, 2009, 80, pp.048106. [<10.1088/0031-8949/80/04/048106>]( [<hal-00430181>](../hal-00430181)
- Valérie Blanchet, Peter Samartzis, Alec Wodtke. UV photodissociation of methyl bromide and methyl bromide cation studied by velocity map imaging. *Journal of Chemical Physics*, American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2009, 130, pp.034304. [<10.1063/1.3058730>]( [<hal-00354806>](../hal-00354806)
- Kevin Raffael, Valérie Blanchet, Béatrice Chatel, Giorgio Turri, Bertrand Girard, et al.. Time-dependent photoionization of azulene: Optically induced anisotropy on the femtosecond scale. *Chemical Physics Letters*, Elsevier, 2008, 460 (1-3), pp.59-63. [<10.1016/j.cplett.2008.06.009>]( [<hal-00289272>](../hal-00289272)
- Valérie Blanchet, Kevin Raffael, Giorgio Turri, Béatrice Chatel, Bertrand Girard, et al.. Time-dependent photoionization of azulene: Competition between ionization and relaxation in highly excited states. *The Journal of Chemical Physics*, 2008, 128 (16), pp.164318. [<10.1063/1.2913167>]( [<hal-00289275>](../hal-00289275)
- J. Davis, J. Wathen, Valérie Blanchet, R. Phillips. Time-resolved four-wave-mixing spectroscopy of excitons in a single quantum well. *Physical Review B (Condensed Matter)*, American Physical Society, 2007, 75, pp.035317. [<10.1103/PhysRevB.75.035317>]( [<hal-00958641>](../hal-00958641)
- Lezius, Valérie Blanchet, Rayner, Villeneuve, Stolow, et al.. Nonadiabatic Multielectron Dynamics in Strong Field Molecular Ionization.. *Physical Review Letters*, American Physical Society, 2001, 86 (1), pp.51-54. [<hal-00808095>](../hal-00808095)
- David Staedter, Nicolas Thiré, Elsa Baynard, Peter C Samartzis, Valérie Blanchet. 268 nm photodissociation of ClN3: a femtosecond velocity-map imaging study.. *Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics*, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014, 16 (2), pp.540-549. [<10.1039/c3cp53507j>]( [<hal-00904852>](../hal-00904852)
- Jean-Benoit Hamard, Raluca Cireasa, Béatrice Chatel, Valérie Blanchet, Benjamin J Whitaker. Quantum Interference in NO2. *Journal of Physical Chemistry A*, American Chemical Society, 2010, 114 (9), pp.3167-3175. [<10.1021/jp909129g>]( [<hal-00451043>](../hal-00451043)
- Valérie Blanchet, S. Boyé, Sébastien Zamith, A. Campos, Bertrand Girard, et al.. (3 + 1)-resonantly enhanced multiphoton ionization-photoelectron spectroscopy of the (3d-4s) supercomplex of acetylene: The geometry of the E state revisited through experiment and theory. *Journal of Chemical Physics*, American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2003, 119, pp.3751. [<10.1063/1.1589480>]( [<hal-00005051>](../hal-00005051)
- Sébastien Zamith, Valérie Blanchet, Bertrand Girard, J. Andersson, S. L. Sorensen, et al.. The predissociation of highly excited states in acetylene by time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. *Journal of Chemical Physics*, American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2003, 119, pp.3763. [<10.1063/1.1589479>]( [<hal-00005052>](../hal-00005052)
- Sébastien Zamith, Jérôme Degert, Sabine Stock, Béatrice De Beauvoir, Valérie Blanchet, et al.. Observation of Coherent Transients in Ultrashort Chirped Excitation of an Undamped Two-Level System. *Physical Review Letters*, American Physical Society, 2001, 87, pp.033001. [<10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.033001>]( [<hal-00005047>](../hal-00005047)
- Sébastien Zamith, Mohamed Bouchène, Emma Sokell, Céline Nicole, Valérie Blanchet, et al.. Pump probe experiment in atomic fine structure levels: Observation of the oscillation of an angular wavepacket. *European Physical Journal D*, EDP Sciences: EPJ, 2000, 12, pp.255. [<hal-00005039>](../hal-00005039)
- Amélie Ferré, David Staedter, Frédéric Burgy, Michal Dagan, Dominique Descamps, et al.. High-order harmonic transient grating spectroscopy of SF6 molecular vibrations. *Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics*, Institute of Physics: Hybrid Open Access, 2014, 47 (12), pp.124023. [<10.1088/0953-4075/47/12/124023>]( [<hal-00957658>](../hal-00957658)
- Brandi West, Christine Joblin, Valérie Blanchet, Andras Bodi, Bálint Sztáray, et al.. Dynamics of Hydrogen and Methyl Radical Loss from Ionized Dihydro-Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: A Tandem Mass Spectrometry and Imaging Photoelectron-Photoion Coincidence (iPEPICO) Study of Dihydronaphthalene and Dihydrophenanthrene. *Journal of Physical Chemistry A*, American Chemical Society, 2014, 118 (10), pp.1807-1816. [<10.1021/jp500430g>]( [<hal-00982316>](../hal-00982316)
- Piotr Piecuch, Jared A Hansen, David Staedter, Stéphane Faure, Valérie Blanchet. Communication: existence of the doubly excited state that mediates the photoionization of azulene.. *Journal of Chemical Physics*, American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2013, 138 (20), pp.201102. [<10.1063/1.4808014>]( [<hal-00904855>](../hal-00904855)
- Paul M Mayer, David Staedter, Valérie Blanchet, Patrick Hemberger, Andras Bodi. Comparing femtosecond multiphoton dissociative ionization of tetrathiafulvene with imaging photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy.. *Journal of Physical Chemistry A*, American Chemical Society, 2013, 117 (13), pp.2753-9. [<10.1021/jp311066y>]( [<hal-00808082>](../hal-00808082)
- H. Ruf, C. Handschin, Raluca Cireasa, Nicolas Thiré, A. Ferré, et al.. Inhomogeneous high harmonic generation in krypton clusters.. *Physical Review Letters*, American Physical Society, 2013, 110 (8), 083902 \[5 p.\]. [<10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.083902>]( [<hal-00808080>](../hal-00808080)
- H. Ruf, C. Handschin, A. Ferré, Nicolas Thiré, J. B. Bertrand, et al.. High-harmonic transient grating spectroscopy of NO2 electronic relaxation.. *Journal of Chemical Physics*, American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2012, 137 (22), pp.224303. [<10.1063/1.4768810>]( [<hal-00808084>](../hal-00808084)
- Brandi West, Christine Joblin, Valérie Blanchet, Andras Bodi, Bálint Sztáray, et al.. On the dissociation of the naphthalene radical cation: new iPEPICO and tandem mass spectrometry results.. *Journal of Physical Chemistry A*, American Chemical Society, 2012, 116 (45), pp.10999-1007. [<10.1021/jp3091705>]( [<hal-00808085>](../hal-00808085)
- H. J. Wörner, J. B. Bertrand, B. Fabre, J. Higuet, H. Ruf, et al.. Conical intersection dynamics in NO2 probed by homodyne high-harmonic spectroscopy.. *Science*, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2011, 334 (6053), pp.208-12. [<10.1126/science.1208664>]( [<hal-00808088>](../hal-00808088)
- Nicolas Thiré, Raluca Cireasa, David Staedter, Steven Pratt, Valérie Blanchet. Time-resolved predissociation of the vibrationless level of the B state of CH3I. *Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics*, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2011, 13, pp.18485-18496. [<10.1039/C1CP22057H>]( [<hal-00567795v2>](../hal-00567795v2)
- Paul M Mayer, Valérie Blanchet, Christine Joblin. Threshold photoelectron study of naphthalene, anthracene, pyrene, 1,2-dihydronaphthalene, and 9,10-dihydroanthracene.. *Journal of Chemical Physics*, American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2011, 134 (24), pp.244312. [<10.1063/1.3604933>]( [<hal-00808089>](../hal-00808089)
- Iain Wilkinson, Ivan Garcia, Benjamin Whitaker, Jean-Benoît Hamard, Valérie Blanchet. The photodissociation of NO(2) by visible and ultraviolet light.. *Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics*, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2010, 12 (48), pp.15766-79. [<10.1039/c0cp01551b>]( [<hal-00808090>](../hal-00808090)
- Nicolas Thiré, Raluca Cireasa, Valérie Blanchet, Steven Pratt. Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of the CH3I B1E 6s \[2\] state. *Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics*, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2010, 12, pp.15644-15652. [<10.1039/C004220J>]( [<hal-00920758>](../hal-00920758)
- Raluca Cireasa, Jean-Benoit Hamard, Cécile Maury, Valérie Blanchet. Imaging fast relaxation dynamics of NO2. *Physica Scripta*, Institute of Physics, 2009, 80, pp.048106. [<10.1088/0031-8949/80/04/048106>]( [<hal-00430181>](../hal-00430181)
- Valérie Blanchet, Peter Samartzis, Alec Wodtke. UV photodissociation of methyl bromide and methyl bromide cation studied by velocity map imaging. *Journal of Chemical Physics*, American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2009, 130, pp.034304. [<10.1063/1.3058730>]( [<hal-00354806>](../hal-00354806)
- Kevin Raffael, Valérie Blanchet, Béatrice Chatel, Giorgio Turri, Bertrand Girard, et al.. Time-dependent photoionization of azulene: Optically induced anisotropy on the femtosecond scale. *Chemical Physics Letters*, Elsevier, 2008, 460 (1-3), pp.59-63. [<10.1016/j.cplett.2008.06.009>]( [<hal-00289272>](../hal-00289272)
- Valérie Blanchet, Kevin Raffael, Giorgio Turri, Béatrice Chatel, Bertrand Girard, et al.. Time-dependent photoionization of azulene: Competition between ionization and relaxation in highly excited states. *The Journal of Chemical Physics*, 2008, 128 (16), pp.164318. [<10.1063/1.2913167>]( [<hal-00289275>](../hal-00289275)
- J. Davis, J. Wathen, Valérie Blanchet, R. Phillips. Time-resolved four-wave-mixing spectroscopy of excitons in a single quantum well. *Physical Review B (Condensed Matter)*, American Physical Society, 2007, 75, pp.035317. [<10.1103/PhysRevB.75.035317>]( [<hal-00958641>](../hal-00958641)
- Lezius, Valérie Blanchet, Rayner, Villeneuve, Stolow, et al.. Nonadiabatic Multielectron Dynamics in Strong Field Molecular Ionization.. *Physical Review Letters*, American Physical Society, 2001, 86 (1), pp.51-54. [<hal-00808095>](../hal-00808095)
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