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Valerie HEQUET
Researcher identifiers
- valerie-hequet
- 0000-0003-0247-814X
- Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=xMM7FRIAAAAJ&hl=fr
- IdRef : 160725151
After a Ph.D. in Chemistry, Environment and Health and a post-doctoral position in Florida State Univ. in Thalahassee (USA), Valérie Héquet arrived in 2000 at the Ecole des Mines de Nantes at the Department of Energy Systems and Environment. She is currently Professor at IMT Atlantique (previously Ecole des Mines de Nantes). She is a member of the UMR CNRS laboratory GEPEA (Génie des Procédés-Environnement et Agro-alimentaire) where she has in charge the team “Air and Water Treatment and Metrology”. Her main domains of research are on the mass transfers and advanced oxidation mechanisms especially occurring in photocatalytic processes. The aims are the removal of low concentration organic compounds in mixture in indoor atmospheres and the removal of micro-pollutants at low concentrations in aqueous matrix. She is scientific coordinator in several French research projects and she was leader of a work-package of a European Project Clean Water (FP7-ENR-NMP). These project objectives were to evaluate the activity of visible-nano-catalysts under solar irradiation for water detoxification and efficiency towards emerging pollutants. Up to now, she has published more than 40 papers in peer review journals (h-index of 15) and has attended to numerous national and international conferences (more than 80 invited, oral and poster communications).
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Solar powered photoreactor for water treatmentSP7 International Conference on semiconductor Photochamistry, Sep 2019, Milan, Italy
Conference papers
Acrylonitrile photocatalytic degradation : an experimental and CFD study to understand the influence of media geometry on the process efficiencyEAAOP-6 2019 : 6th European Conference on Environmental Apllications of Advances Oxidation processes, Jun 2019, Portoroz-Portorose, Slovenia
Conference papers
Determination of The Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) of Photocatalytic Oxidation Purifiers Using a Closed Loop Reactor10th European Meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis Environmental Applications (SPEA10), Jun 2018, Alméria, Spain
Conference papers
Air treatment for the comfort of tertiary building usersAtmos'Fair, 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers
CUBAIR, Confort des Usagers des Bâtiments tertiaires par l'usage de techniques de traitement de l'AIRColloque Atmos'Fair, Jul 2018, paris, France
Conference papers
Photocatalytic oxidation for indoor air quality in hospital operating rooms: study of isoflurane degradationNPM-2, New Photocatalytic Materials For Environment, Energy ans Sustainability, Jul 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Conference papers
CUBAIR : Confort des Usagers des Bâtiments tertiaires par l’usagecde techniques de traitement de l’AIRLa qualité de l’air Intérieur : enjeu majeur de santé publique, 27-28 juin, 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers
Maitrise technique du traitement de la pollution de l’air intérieurLes Journées du risque 2017 : «Le risque environnemental, regards interdisciplinaires et nouvelles formes de régulation", Nov 2017, Angers, France
Conference papers
Determination of the Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) of PhotoCatalytic Oxidation purifiers for indoor air pollutants using a closed-loop reactor5th European Conference on Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Processes (EAAOP 5), Jun 2017, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Indoor Air Purification by a Commercialized Photocatalytic Oxidation Stand-alone Devices: Efficiency and SafetyNPM-2 New Photocatalytic Materials for Environment, Energy and Sustainability, Jul 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Conference papers
Microorganisms spores inactivation by photocatalysis in air handling unitIndoor Air 2016, the 14th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate Ghent, Belgium July 3-8 2016, 2016, Ghent, Belgium
Conference papers
Influence of operating parameters on photocatalytic oxidation treatment efficiency: contact time investigationThe 14th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Indoorair 2016), Jul 2016, Gand, Belgium
Conference papers
Rate law model to better understand the influence of process parameters during toluene photocatalytic degradation in indoor air conditionsPAEES, Procédés Avancés pour l'Environnement L'énergie et la Santé, Oct 2015, Québec, Canada
Conference papers
Indoor air purification by photocatalytic oxidation: Fate of contaminants released in the gas phase and key parameter optimization for the improvement of the process efficiency and safety248th National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), ACS, Aug 2014, San Franscico, CA, United States. pp.839-ENVR
Conference papers
UV-visible photocatalytic degradation of 17b-estradiol and estrogenic activity assessment245th National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), American Chemical Society, Apr 2013, New Orleans, United States. pp.6-ENVR
Conference papers
Le risque environnementalPresses des Mines, 2019, 978-2-35671-571-5
Les maitrises techniques de la pollution de l'air intérieurLe risque environnemental Entres sciences physiques et sciences humaines, Presse des Mines, 2019
Book sections
Évaluation de l’innocuité des systèmes de Traitement d’Air par PhotocatalysE projet ETAPE[Rapport de recherche] Ecole des Mines de Douai; Ecole des mines de Nantes. 2017