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Senior scientist (Research director at INRAE, Transform scientific department) Team Graine(e)s, UMR IATE, Montpellier
Researcher identifiers
  • IdHAL valerie-lullien-pellerin
  • ORCID 0000-0002-8057-5650
  • Google Scholar :
  • IdRef : 032878834


- Main diploma: PhD Toulouse III University (in Plant Molecular Biology) “Plant gene expression during nodule formation at establishment of symbiosis between alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and bacteria (Rhizobium meliloti)” (1987); HdR (Qualification for PhD research management), Montpellier II University (in Industrial and Biological Science and Process) «Molecular analyses of complex biological systems: application to the studies of cereal grain fractionation » (2005). - Main career positions: *Postdoctoral position, CNRS, ANRS financing, Retrovirus laboratory, “Studies on HIV replication and on the search of potential inhibitors” (1988-89) *Young researcher in INRAE, “Studies on relationships between structure and functions of wheat cysteine rich proteins: cloning, heterologous expression and functional studies” (1989-99) *Mobility at INSERM, “Study of the effects of high pressure on the structure of a wheat storage protein” (2000) * INRAE, IATE, “Studies around relationships between structure and biochemical composition of cereal grains, their behavior in fractionation and the product qualities” (2001-2015) * INRAE, IATE “Studies on grains and seeds characteristics, effect of genetic factors and environmental conditions, processing effects and product quality (notably nutritional)” (2016-now) - Present responsibilities: Co-leader of the "Cereal chain value group" in INRAE (; Member of the scientific committee of the French Network on Seed Biology; Coordination of the Quality/Processing Group of the Wheat Initiative International Network (; Expert member in CTPS group involved in common wheat cultivar registering.


Pulses in branded agri-food products: Africa's position in relation to the global situation

Marie-Benoît Magrini , Tristan Salord , Guillaume Cabanac , Marie-Josephe Amiot , Cecile Barron
Innovations Agronomiques, 2025, 99, pp.259-273. ⟨10.17180/ciag-2025-vol99-art21⟩
Journal articles hal-04929103v1
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La transformation du niébé au Sénégal : analyse des acteurs, opportunités et verrous pour la production d'aliments

Médoune Mbengue , Dan Molczadzki , Valérie Lullien-Pellerin
Innovations Agronomiques, 2025, 99, pp.235-247. ⟨10.17180/ciag-2025-vol99-art19⟩
Journal articles hal-04927429v1
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How can we evaluate and predict wheat quality?

Valérie Lullien-Pellerin
Journal of Cereal Science, 2024, 119, pp.104001. ⟨10.1016/j.jcs.2024.104001⟩
Journal articles hal-04668699v1
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Crop diversity used in branded products with focus on legume species worldwide

Tristan Salord , Marie-Benoît Magrini , Valérie Lullien-Pellerin , Guillaume Cabanac , Marie-Joseph Amiot
npj Science of Food, 2024, 8 (1), pp.68. ⟨10.1038/s41538-024-00305-7⟩
Journal articles hal-04732768v1
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The Comparison of the Effect of Flour Particle Size and Content of Damaged Starch on Rice and Buckwheat Slurry, Dough, and Bread Characteristics

Iva Burešová , Valérie Lullien-Pellerin , Libor Červenka , Jiří Mlček , Romana Šebestíková
Foods, 2023, 12 (13), pp.2604. ⟨10.3390/foods12132604⟩
Journal articles hal-04166075v1
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Rice Bran Lipidome Identifies Novel Phospholipids, Glycolipids, and Oxylipins with Roles in Lipid Metabolism of Hypercholesterolemic Children

Millena Cristina Barros Santos , Nathalie Barouh , Valérie Lullien-Pellerin , Valérie Micard , Pierre Villeneuve
Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 2023, 67 (6), pp.2200111. ⟨10.1002/mnfr.202200111⟩
Journal articles hal-04033025v1
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Do ancient wheats contain less gluten than modern bread wheat, in favour of better health?

Fred Brouns , Sabrina Geisslitz , Carlos Guzman , Tatsuya Ikeda , Ahmad Arzani
Nutrition Bulletin, 2022, 47 (2), pp.157-167. ⟨10.1111/nbu.12551⟩
Journal articles hal-03686526v1
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Modeling the Thermal Denaturation of the Protein–Water System in Pulses (Lentils, Beans, and Chickpeas)

Charlotte Lefèvre , Philippe Bohuon , Valérie Lullien-Pellerin , Christian Mestres
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70 (32), pp.9980-9989. ⟨10.1021/acs.jafc.2c03553⟩
Journal articles hal-03748801v1
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Metabolomics of Pigmented Rice Coproducts Applying Conventional or Deep Eutectic Extraction Solvents Reveal a Potential Antioxidant Source for Human Nutrition

Millena Cristina Barros Santos , Nathalie Barouh , Erwann Durand , Bruno Barea , Mélina Robert
Metabolites, 2021, 11 (2), pp.110. ⟨10.3390/metabo11020110⟩
Journal articles hal-03143192v1
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A new green insecticide for stored wheat grains: Efficiency against Rhyzopertha dominica and risk assessment

José Daniel Wicochea-Rodríguez , Peggy Rigou , Valérie Lullien-Pellerin , Pascale Chalier
Journal of Cereal Science, 2021, 101, ⟨10.1016/j.jcs.2021.103312⟩
Journal articles hal-03337939v1

Distribution du cadmium et du déoxynivalénol dans le grain de blé dur et ses produits

Marie-françoise Samson , Elodie Canaguier , Cecile Barron , Valérie Lullien-Pellerin
Industries des Céréales, 2020, 215, pp.24-26
Journal articles hal-04142274v1
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Study of the microstructure of durum wheat endosperm using X-ray micro-computed tomography

Lydie Besançon , Eric Rondet , Joël Grabulos , Valerie V. Lullien-Pellerin , Leslie Lhomond
Journal of Cereal Science, 2020, 96, pp.103115. ⟨10.1016/j.jcs.2020.103115⟩
Journal articles hal-02987629v1
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Both genetic and environmental conditions affect wheat grain texture: Consequences for grain fractionation and flour properties

Valerie Lullien-Pellerin
Journal of Cereal Science, 2020, 92, ⟨10.1016/j.jcs.2020.102917⟩
Journal articles hal-02625087v1
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Stress transmission in cemented bidisperse granular materials

K. Heinze , Xavier Frank , Valerie V. Lullien-Pellerin , Matthieu George , Farhang Radjai
Physical Review E , 2020, 101 (5), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.101.052901⟩
Journal articles hal-02573271v1
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Pasta color and viscoelasticity: Revisiting the role of particle size, ash, and protein content

Marianne Joubert , Marie-Hélène Morel , Valerie Lullien-Pellerin
Cereal Chemistry, 2018, 95 (3), pp.386-398. ⟨10.1002/cche.10038⟩
Journal articles hal-01837526v1
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Evidence of a Synergistic Effect between Pea Seed and Wheat Grain Endogenous Phytase Activities

Alaeddine Chouchene , Valérie Micard , Valerie Lullien-Pellerin
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66 (45), pp.12034-12041. ⟨10.1021/acs.jafc.8b03803⟩
Journal articles hal-01937060v1
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Fate of SDS-insoluble glutenin polymers from semolina to dry pasta

Marianne Joubert , Valerie Lullien-Pellerin , Marie-Hélène Morel
Food Chemistry, 2018, 240, pp.189-195. ⟨10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.07.044⟩
Journal articles hal-01608311v1
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DRY biorefineries: Multiscale modeling studies and innovative processing

Claire Mayer , Abdellatif Barakat , Cecile Barron , Jean-Yves Delenne , Xavier Frank
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies , 2018, 46, pp.131-139. ⟨10.1016/j.ifset.2017.08.006⟩
Journal articles hal-01606747v1
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Les Français et le blé dur

Pierre Triboulet , Bernard Cuq , Valerie Lullien-Pellerin , Marie-Benoît Magrini , Christine Petit
Industries des Céréales, 2018, Mars/Avril (206), pp.8-13
Journal articles hal-01837519v1
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On the effect of local sample slope during modulus measurements by contact-resonance atomic force microscopy

K. Heinze , Olivier Arnould , Jean-Yves Delenne , V. Lullien-Pellerin , M. Ramonda
Ultramicroscopy, 2018, 194, pp.78 - 88. ⟨10.1016/j.ultramic.2018.07.009⟩
Journal articles hal-01869770v1
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A wheat grain quantitative evaluation of vitreousness by light transmission analysis

Emna Chichti , Myriam Carrère , Matthieu George , Jean-Yves Delenne , Valerie Lullien-Pellerin
Journal of Cereal Science, 2018, 83, pp.58 - 62. ⟨10.1016/j.jcs.2018.07.009⟩
Journal articles hal-01904339v1

Blés durs : quelles teneurs en protéines des grains pour fabriquer des pâtes alimentaires de bonne qualité ?

Marianne Joubert , Valerie Lullien-Pellerin , Marie Helene Morel
Industries des Céréales, 2017, 200, pp.34-35
Journal articles hal-01608735v1
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Bread wheat milling behavior: effects of genetic and environmental factors, and modeling using grain mechanical resistance traits

Francois-Xavier Oury , Privat Lasme , C. Michelet , A. Dubat , Olivier Gardet
TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2017, 130 (5), pp.929-950. ⟨10.1007/s00122-017-2861-0⟩
Journal articles hal-01607194v1
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Assessment of biochemical markers identified in wheat for monitoring barley grain tissue

Cecile Barron , U. Holopainen-Mantila , S. Sahlstrøm , A.K. Holtekjølen , Valerie Lullien-Pellerin
Journal of Cereal Science, 2017, 74, pp.11-18. ⟨10.1016/j.jcs.2017.01.004⟩
Journal articles hal-01564571v1

Quelles avancées de la recherche sur le fractionnement du blé tendre ?

Cecile Barron , Claire Mayer , Xavier Rouau , Marie-Francoise Samson , Frederic Mabille
Industries Alimentaires et Agricoles, 2016, 11/12, pp.16-19
Journal articles hal-01605351v1

Puroindoline genes introduced into durum wheat reduce milling energy and change milling behavior similar to soft common wheats

Karsta Heinze , A. M. Kiszonas , J.C. Murray , C. F. Morris , Valerie Lullien-Pellerin
Journal of Cereal Science, 2016, 71, pp.183-189. ⟨10.1016/j.jcs.2016.08.016⟩
Journal articles hal-01837465v1
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A compositional breakage equation for wheat milling

S.P. Galindez-Najera , P. Choomjaihan , Cecile Barron , Valerie Lullien-Pellerin , G.M. Campbell
Journal of Food Engineering, 2016, 182, pp.46-64. ⟨10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2016.03.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01837421v1
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In-Depth Study of Durum Wheat Grain Tissue Distribution at Milling

Vincent Raggiri , Cecile Barron , Joel Abecassis , Valerie Lullien-Pellerin
Cereal Chemistry, 2016, 93 (3), pp.219 - 225. ⟨10.1094/CCHEM-08-15-0177-R⟩
Journal articles hal-01837446v1
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Bottom-up model for understanding the effects of wheat endosperm microstructure on its mechanical strength

Emna Chichti , Valerie Lullien-Pellerin , Matthieu George , Farhang Radjai , Rafik Affes
International Journal of Food Engineering, 2016, 190, pp.40-47. ⟨10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2016.06.009⟩
Journal articles hal-01414119v1
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Changes in the starch-protein interface depending on common wheat grain hardness revealed using atomic force microscopy

Emna Chichti , Matthieu George , Jean-Yves Delenne , Valerie Lullien-Pellerin
Plant Science, 2015, 239, pp.1-8. ⟨10.1016/j.plantsci.2015.07.006⟩
Journal articles hal-01238105v1
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Relationships between wheat grain physical characteristics studied through near-isogenic lines with distinct puroindoline-b allele

Francois-Xavier F.-X. Oury , Privat Lasme , C Michelet , Michel Rousset , Joel Abecassis
TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2015, 128 (5), pp.913-929. ⟨10.1007/s00122-015-2479-z⟩
Journal articles hal-01268976v1

Compréhension et détermination des facteurs clés de la valeur semoulière

Vincent Raggiri , Joel Abecassis , Frederic Mabille , Marie-Francoise Samson , Cecile Barron
Industries des Céréales, 2014, 189, pp.11-21
Journal articles hal-01601543v1
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Phytomicronutriments des grains de céréales : un aperçu de la génétique au consommateur en passant par la transformation

Valérie Lullien-Pellerin
Innovations Agronomiques, 2014, 42, pp.139-152
Journal articles hal-03748625v1

Localization of phytase transcripts in germinating seeds of the common bean [i](Phaseolus vulgaris[/i] L.).

Mohamed Lazali , Lamia Louadj , Ghania Ounane , Josiane Abadie , Laurie Amenc
Planta, 2014, 240 (3), pp.471-478. ⟨10.1007/s00425-014-2101-7⟩
Journal articles hal-01268565v1
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Nano-mechanical properties of starch and gluten biopolymers from atomic force microscopy

Emna Chichti , Matthieu George , Jean-Yves Delenne , Farhang Radjai , Valérie Lullien-Pellerin
European Polymer Journal, 2013, 49 (12), pp.3788-3795. ⟨10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2013.08.024⟩
Journal articles hal-02648905v1

Accès à des molécules d’intérêt par fractionnement par voie sèche

Cecile Barron , Joel Abecassis , Marc Chaurand , Valerie Lullien-Pellerin , Frederic Mabille
Industries des Céréales, 2013, 182, pp.11-18
Journal articles hal-01605418v1

Exposure or release of ferulic acid from wheat aleurone: Impact on its antioxidant capacity

Natalia Rosa , Claire Dufour , Valerie Lullien-Pellerin , Valérie Micard
Food Chemistry, 2013, 141 (3), pp.2355-2362. ⟨10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.04.132⟩
Journal articles hal-01268024v1
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Accès à des molécules d’intérêt par fractionnement par voie sèche

Cecile Barron , Joel Abecassis , Marc Chaurand , Valerie Lullien-Pellerin , Frederic Mabille
Innovations Agronomiques, 2012, 19, pp.51-62. ⟨10.17180/3fmv-8440⟩
Journal articles hal-01267813v1
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A study of puroindoline b gene involvement in the milling behavior of hard-type common wheats

Privat P. Lasme , Francois-Xavier F.-X. Oury , Christophe C. Michelet , Joel Abecassis , Frédéric Mabille
Cereal Chemistry, 2012, 89 (1), pp.44-51. ⟨10.1094/CCHEM-08-11-0096⟩
Journal articles hal-00964214v1
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Water diffusion and enzyme activities during malting of barley grains: a relationship assessment

J.E. Mayolle , Valerie Lullien-Pellerin , F. Corbineau , P. Boivin , Valérie V. Guillard
Journal of Food Engineering, 2012, 109 (3), pp.358-365. ⟨10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2011.11.021⟩
Journal articles hal-01267777v1
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Expérimentation et modélisation pour la compréhension des mécanismes de fractionnement des cereales

Frédéric Mabille , Joel Abecassis , Jean-Yves Delenne , Marie-Francoise Samson , Valerie Lullien-Pellerin
Innovations Agronomiques, 2012, 19, pp.95-105. ⟨10.17180/sf3q-8884⟩
Journal articles hal-01267816v1

Wheat grain tissue proportions in milling fractions using biochemical marker measurements: application to different wheat cultivars

Cecile Barron , Marie Françoise Samson , Valérie Lullien-Pellerin , Xavier X. Rouau
Journal of Cereal Science, 2011, 53 (3), pp.306-311. ⟨10.1016/j.jcs.2011.01.013⟩
Journal articles hal-02646389v1

Effet des procédés de fractionnement sur la composition et quelques propriétés nutritionnelles des produits céréaliers

Xavier X. Rouau , Nuria Mateo-Anson , Cecile Barron , Marc Chaurand , Valérie Lullien-Pellerin
Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique, 2010, 45 (5), pp.230-236. ⟨10.1016/j.cnd.2010.04.005⟩
Journal articles hal-02662925v1

Assessment of dehulling efficiency to reduce deoxynivalenol and Fusarium level in durum wheat grains

Gisela Rios , Laetitia Pinson-Gadais , Joel Abecassis , Nadine Zakhia-Rozis , Valérie Lullien-Pellerin
Journal of Cereal Science, 2009, 49 (3), pp.387-392. ⟨10.1016/j.jcs.2009.01.003⟩
Journal articles hal-02662596v1
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Impact of durum wheat milling on the deoxynivalenol distribution in the outcoming fractions

Gisella Rios , Nadine Zakhia-Rozis , Marc Chaurand , Florence Richard-Forget , Marie-Françoise Samson
Food additives & contaminants. Part A. Chemistry, analysis, control, exposure & risk assessment, 2009, 26 (04), pp.487-495. ⟨10.1080/02652030802382717⟩
Journal articles hal-00577326v1

Biochemical markers: efficient tools for the assessment of wheat grain tissue proportions in milling fractions

Youna Hemery , Valérie Lullien-Pellerin , Xavier X. Rouau , Joel Abecassis , Marie-Françoise Samson
Journal of Cereal Science, 2009, 49 (1), pp.55-64. ⟨10.1016/j.jcs.2008.07.006⟩
Journal articles hal-02668759v1

De nouveaux procédés pour exploiter le potentiel nutritionnel des céréales. Le projet intégré HEALTHGRAIN

Xavier Rouau , Joel Abecassis , Cecile Barron , Marc Chaurand , Marie Francoise Devaux
Industries des Céréales, 2008, 158, pp.3-8
Journal articles hal-01600979v1

Changes in common wheat grain milling behavior and tissue mechanical properties following ozone treatment

Claire Desvignes , Marc Chaurand , M. Dubois , A. Sadoudi , Joel Abecassis
Journal of Cereal Science, 2008, 47 (2), pp.245-251. ⟨10.1016/j.jcs.2007.04.004⟩
Journal articles hal-01193270v1

Isolation of the wheat aleurone layer for 2D electrophoresis and proteomics analysis

B. B. Laubin , Valérie Lullien-Pellerin , Isabelle Nadaud , Brigitte B. Gaillard-Martinie , Christophe C. Chambon
Journal of Cereal Science, 2008, 48 (3), pp.709-714. ⟨10.1016/j.jcs.2008.03.004⟩
Journal articles hal-00964383v1

Analysis of the milling reduction of bread wheat farina: physical and biochemical characterisation

Valerie Greffeuille , Joel Abecassis , Nathalie Barouh , Pierre P. Villeneuve , Frédéric Mabille
Journal of Cereal Science, 2007, 45 (1), pp.97-105. ⟨10.1016/j.jcs.2006.07.003⟩
Journal articles hal-02659604v1

Mechanical properties of outer layers from near-isogenic lines of common wheat differing in hardness

Valerie Greffeuille , Frédéric Mabille , Michel Rousset , Francois-Xavier F.-X. Oury , Joel Abecassis
Journal of Cereal Science, 2007, 45 (2), pp.227-235. ⟨10.1016/j.jcs.2006.09.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01189212v1

Losses of nutrients and anti-nutritional factors during abrasive decortication of two pearl millet cultivars (Pennisetum glaucum)

Isabelle Lestienne , Marie Buisson , Valérie Lullien-Pellerin , Christian Picq , Serge Trèche
Food Chemistry, 2007, 100 (4), pp.1316-1323. ⟨10.1016/j.foodchem.2005.11.027⟩
Journal articles hal-02664959v1

Dry processes to develop wheat fractions and products with enhanced nutritional quality

Youna Hemery , Xavier X. Rouau , Valérie Lullien-Pellerin , Cecile Barron , Joel Abecassis
Journal of Cereal Science, 2007, 46 (3), pp.327-347. ⟨10.1016/j.jcs.2007.09.008⟩
Journal articles hal-02666981v1

Grain characterization and milling behaviour of near-isogenic lines differing by hardness

Valérie Greffeuille , Joel Abecassis , M. M. Rousset , Francois-Xavier F.-X. Oury , Annie A. Faye
TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2006, 114 (1), pp.1-12. ⟨10.1007/s00122-006-0403-2⟩
Journal articles hal-00964357v1

Bran Size Distribution at Milling and Mechanical and Biochemical Characterization of Common Wheat Grain Outer Layers: A Relationship Assessment

V. Greffeuille , Joël Abecassis , C. Lapierre , Valérie Lullien-Pellerin
Cereal Chemistry, 2006, 83 (6), pp.641-646. ⟨10.1094/CC-83-0641⟩
Journal articles hal-03744288v1

Effects of calcium chloride treatments on wheat grain peroxidase activity and outer layer mechanical properties

Claire Desvignes , Caroline Olivé , Catherine Lapierre , Xavier X. Rouau , Brigitte B. Pollet
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2006, 86 (11), pp.1596-1603. ⟨10.1002/jsfa.2499⟩
Journal articles hal-02667275v1

Effect of wheat bran ball-milling on fragmentation and marker extractability of the aleurone layer

Carole Antoine Assor , Valerie Lullien Pellerin , Joel Abecassis , Xavier X. Rouau
Journal of Cereal Science, 2005, 40 (3), pp.275-282. ⟨10.1016/j.jcs.2004.08.002⟩
Journal articles hal-02676504v1

Differences in the aleurone fate between hard and soft common wheats at grain milling

Valerie Greffeuille , Joel Abecassis , C. Bar L’helgouac , Valérie Lullien-Pellerin
Cereal Chemistry, 2005, 82 (8), pp.138-143. ⟨10.1094/CC-82-0138⟩
Journal articles hal-02679152v1

Iron and Zinc in Vitro Availability in Pearl Millet Flours (Pennisetum glaucum) with Varying Phytate, Tannin, and Fiber Contents

Isabelle Lestienne , Pierre Besancon , Bertrand Caporiccio , Valérie Lullien-Pellerin , Serge Trèche
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2005, 53 (8), pp.3240-3247. ⟨10.1021/jf0480593⟩
Journal articles hal-02678403v1

Étudier la composition, la structure et les propriétés des tissus du grain de blé pour améliorer la valeur nutritionnelle des produits céréaliers

Valérie Lullien-Pellerin , Joel Abecassis
Dossiers - Agropolis, 2005, 2 (Alimentation Nutrition Santé), pp.9
Journal articles hal-03744908v1

Wheat bran tissue fractionation using biochemical markers

Carole Antoine Assor , Stéphane Peyron , Valerie Lullien Pellerin , Joel Abecassis , Xavier X. Rouau
Journal of Cereal Science, 2004, 39 (3), pp.387-393. ⟨10.1016/j.jcs.2004.02.001⟩
Journal articles hal-02679119v1

Intéret nutritionnel de la couche à aleurone du grain de blé

C. Antoine , Valerie Lullien Pellerin , Joel Abecassis , Xavier X. Rouau
Industries des Céréales, 2003, 133, pp.4-10
Journal articles hal-02674384v1

Puroindolines form ion channels in biological membranes

Pierre Charnet , Gérard Molle , Didier Marion , Matthieu Rousset , Valérie Lullien-Pellerin
Biophysical Journal, 2003, 84, pp.2416-2426. ⟨10.1016/S0006-3495(03)75046-2⟩
Journal articles hal-02677325v1

Intérêt nutritionnel de la couche à aleurone du grain de blé

Carole Antoine Assor , Valerie Lullien Pellerin , Joel Abecassis , Xavier X. Rouau
Sciences des aliments = Food science : an international journal of food science and technology, 2002, 22 (5), pp.545-556. ⟨10.3166/sda.22.545-556⟩
Journal articles hal-02676135v1

High-pressure as a tool to study some proteins properties: conformational modification, activity and oligomeric dissociation

Valerie Lullien Pellerin , C. Balny
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies , 2002, 3 (3), pp.209-221. ⟨10.1016/S1466-8564(02)00045-0⟩
Journal articles hal-02673931v1

Cabbage Cryoprotectin Is a Member of the Nonspecific Plant Lipid Transfer Protein Gene Family

Dirk Hincha , Birgit Neukamm , Hany A.M. Sror , Frank Sieg , Wolfgang Weckwarth
Plant Physiology, 2001, 125 (2), pp.835-846. ⟨10.1104/pp.125.2.835⟩
Journal articles hal-03744202v1

Reversible changes of the wheat gamma 46 gliadin conformation submitted to high pressures and temperatures

Valerie Lullien Pellerin , Yves Popineau , Filip Meersman , Marie-Hélène Morel , K. Heremans
European Journal of Biochemistry, 2001, 268 (22), pp.5705-5712. ⟨10.1046/j.1432-1327.2000.01821.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02673505v1

Study of the temperature effect on the formation of wheat gluten network: Influence on mechanical properties and protein solubility

Bernard Cuq , Freddy Boutrot , Andréas Redl , Valerie Lullien Pellerin
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2000, 48 (7), pp.3767-3773. ⟨10.1021/jf991339b⟩
Journal articles hal-02698770v1

Production in Escherichia coli and site-directed mutagenesis of a 9-kDa nonspecific lipid transfer protein from wheat

Valerie Lullien Pellerin , Carine Devaux , Tania Ihorai , Didier Marion , Valérie Pahin
European Journal of Biochemistry, 1999, 260 (3), pp.861-868. ⟨10.1046/j.1432-1327.1999.00229.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02692782v1

Apports potentiels de la transgénèse pour l'amélioration de la qualité des blés

Philippe Joudrier , Remi Alary , Valerie Lullien Pellerin , Frédéric de Lamotte , Karoly Kobrehel
Industries des Céréales, 1998, 106, pp.10-14
Journal articles hal-02695368v1

Characterization of wheat thioredoxin h cDNA and production of an active Triticum aestivum protein in Escherichia coli

Marie-Françoise Gautier , Valerie Lullien Pellerin , Frédéric F. de Lamotte , Anne-Laure Guirao , Philippe Joudrier
European Journal of Biochemistry, 1998, 252 (2), pp.314-324. ⟨10.1046/j.1432-1327.1998.2520314.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02692932v1

Production of polyclonal antibodies against a wheat thioredoxin h by genetic immunization

B. Robert , Valerie Lullien Pellerin , Philippe Joudrier , Alice Pelegrin , Marie-Françoise Gautier
Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 1997, 15 (1), pp.71-77. ⟨10.1007/BF02772114⟩
Journal articles hal-02692727v1

Influence of the 20-kDa protein from Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. israelensis on the rate of production of truncated Cry1C proteins

Cécile Rang , Martine Bes , Valerie Lullien Pellerin , Dong Wu , Brian A. Federici
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 1996, 141, pp.261-264. ⟨10.1111/j.1574-6968.1996.tb08395.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02687379v1

Purification and activity of a wheat 9-kDa lipid transfer protein expressed in Escherichia coli as a fusion with the maltose binding protein

W. Dieryck , Valerie Lullien Pellerin , D. Marion , Philippe Joudrier , Marie-Françoise Gautier
Protein Expression and Purification, 1995, 6 (5), pp.597-603. ⟨10.1006/prep.1995.1078⟩
Journal articles hal-02710734v1

Characterization of the Triticum durum Desf. chloroform-methanol-soluble protein family

Philippe Joudrier , Valerie Lullien Pellerin , Remi Alary , Jean Grosset , Anne-Laure Guirao
DNA Sequence, 1995, 5 (3), pp.153-162. ⟨10.3109/10425179509029355⟩
Journal articles hal-02713257v1

Expression of a cDNA encoding the wheat CM 16 protein in Escherichia coli

Valerie Lullien Pellerin , Sabine Gavalda , Philippe Joudrier , Marie-Françoise Gautier
Protein Expression and Purification, 1994, 5 (3), pp.218-224. ⟨10.1006/prep.1994.1034⟩
Journal articles hal-02710791v1

Nucleotide sequence of a cDNA encoding a lipid transfer protein from wheat (Triticum durum Desf.)

W. Dieryck , Marie-Françoise Gautier , Valerie Lullien , Philippe Joudrier
Plant Molecular Biology, 1992, 19 (4), pp.707-709. ⟨10.1007/BF00026798⟩
Journal articles hal-02710646v1

Characterization of a cDNA clone encoding the Triticum aestivum L. CM16 protein : homology with the Triticum durum Desf. sequence

Valerie Lullien , Remi Alary , Philippe Joudrier , Marie Françoise Gautier
Plant Molecular Biology, 1991, 16, pp.373-374. ⟨10.1007/BF00020573⟩
Journal articles hal-02711097v1

Nucleotide sequence of a cDNA clone encoding the wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) CM2 protein

Marie Françoise Gautier , Remi Alary , Valerie Lullien , Philippe Joudrier
Plant Molecular Biology, 1991, 16, pp.333-334. ⟨10.1007/BF00020564⟩
Journal articles hal-02710749v1

Isolation and nucleotide sequence of a cDNA clone encoding the bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) CM17 protein

Valerie Lullien , Rémi Alary , Anne Guirao , Philippe Joudrier , Marie-Françoise Gautier
Plant Molecular Biology, 1991, 17 (5), pp.1081-1082. ⟨10.1007/BF00037147⟩
Journal articles hal-03744101v1

HIV-1 reverse transcriptase specifically interacts with the anticodon domain of its cognate primer tRNA

C. Barat , Valerie Lullien , O. Schatz , G. Keith , Marie-Thérèse Nugeyre
EMBO Journal, 1989, 8 (11), pp.3279-3285. ⟨10.1002/j.1460-2075.1989.tb08488.x⟩
Journal articles hal-03742910v1

Identification of two groups of leghemoglobin genes in alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and a study of their expression during root nodule development

David Barker , Philippe Gallusci , Valerie Lullien , Haseena Khan , Michèle Ghérardi
Plant Molecular Biology, 1988, 11 (6), pp.761-772. ⟨10.1007/BF00019516⟩
Journal articles hal-03742204v1

Plant gene expression in effective and ineffective root nodules of alfalfa (Medicago sativa)

Valerie Lullien , David Barker , Philippe de Lajudie , Thierry Huguet
Plant Molecular Biology, 1987, 9 (5), pp.469-478. ⟨10.1007/BF00015878⟩
Journal articles hal-01672021v1

Les qualités du grain et des produits pour satisfaire les attentes du consommateur

Marie Françoise Samson , Jean-Philippe Leygue , Valérie Lullien-Pellerin , Joel Abecassis , Philippe Braun
Blé dur - Synthèse des connaissances pour une filière durable, Editions Quae; Arvalis, 2021, Synthèses, 978-2-7592-3313-7
Book sections hal-03749146v1

La transformation : le grain, du silo à l’assiette du consommateur

Jean-Philippe Leygue , Marie Françoise Samson , Cecile Barron , Valérie Lullien-Pellerin , Joel Abecassis
Blé dur - Synthèse des connaissances pour une filière durable, Editions Quae; Arvalis, 2021, Synthèses, 978-2-7592-3313-7
Book sections hal-03467048v1

Whole grain Fractions and Their Utilization in Foods

Cecile Barron , Valerie Micard , Valérie Lullien-Pellerin
Whole Grains and Health, Second Edition, Wiley, 2021, 9781118939437. ⟨10.1002/9781118939420.ch3⟩
Book sections hal-03467034v1

Developments in fractionation methods to improve extraction of aleurone or its beneficial compounds from wheat grain

Valérie Lullien-Pellerin
Trust Beta. Improving the nutritional and nutraceutical properties of wheat and other cereals, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, 2021, Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science, 978-1-78676-479-9
Book sections hal-03230260v1

The Impact of Processing on Potentially Beneficial Wheat Grain Components for Human Health

Paola Tosi , Alyssa Hidalgo , Valerie Lullien-Pellerin
Gilberto Igrejas; Tatsuya M. Ikeda; Carlos Guzmán. Wheat Quality For Improving Processing And Human Health, Springer International Publishing, pp.387-420, 2020, 978-3-030-34162-6. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-34163-3_17⟩
Book sections hal-02911794v1

Fusarium Species Infection in Wheat: Impact on Quality and Mycotoxin Accumulation

Sofía Noemí Chulze , Juan Manuel Palazzini , Valerie Lullien-Pellerin , María Laura Ramirez , Martha Cuniberti
Gilberto Igrejas; Tatsuya M. Ikeda; Carlos Guzmán. Wheat Quality For Improving Processing And Human Health, Springer International Publishing, pp.421-452, 2020, 978-3-030-34162-6. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-34163-3_18⟩
Book sections hal-02911789v1

Understanding the Mechanics of Wheat Grain Fractionation and the Impact of Puroindolines on Milling and Product Quality

Valerie Lullien-Pellerin , Réka Haraszi , Robert Anderssen , Craig Morris
Gilberto Igrejas; Tatsuya M. Ikeda; Carlos Guzmán. Wheat Quality For Improving Processing And Human Health, Springer International Publishing, pp.369-385, 2020, 978-3-030-34162-6. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-34163-3_16⟩
Book sections hal-02911791v1

Transformation, qualités nutritionnelles et consommation des produits céréaliers

Anthony Fardet , Sylvie Bonny , Didier Marion , Valerie Lullien-Pellerin
Agriculture et alimentation durables. Trois enjeux dans la filière céréales, Editions Quae, pp.100-137, 2017, Matière à Débattre et Décider, 978-2-7592-2623-8
Book sections hal-01837448v1

Ozone in Grain Processing

Valerie Lullien-Pellerin
Ozone in Food Processing, John Wiley and Sons, 2012, 978-1-4443-3442-5. ⟨10.1002/9781118307472.ch6⟩
Book sections hal-01601828v1

Plant cysteine-rich antimicrobial proteins that interact with biological membranes

Valérie Lullien-Pellerin , Didier Marion
Membrane interacting peptides and proteins, Research signpost, 2002, 81-7736-104-X
Book sections hal-03744675v1

Expression des gènes végétaux pendant la différenciation des nodosités de luzerne (Medicago sativa)

Valerie Lullien
Sciences agricoles. Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier (UPS), Toulouse, FRA., 1987. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Theses tel-03744593v1