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Vanessa Guignery

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Introduction: The Trails and Travails of Transmission

Vanessa Guignery
Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 2024, 66, ⟨10.4000/11r4m⟩
Journal articles hal-04861472v1
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Introduction: Borders and Border Crossings

Vanessa Guignery , Gerald Preher
Journal of The Short Story in English / Les Cahiers de la nouvelle, 2024, 83 (Autumn), pp.149-154
Journal articles hal-04849684v1

“the struggle to be free”: A Conversation with Aman Sethi

Vanessa Guignery
Etudes Anglaises, 2024, 77 (2), pp.215-230
Journal articles hal-04861424v1
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Introduction: The Art of Dis/Consolation

Vanessa Guignery , Héloïse Lecomte
E-rea - Revue électronique d’études sur le monde anglophone, 2024, 22.1, ⟨10.4000/12xgp⟩
Journal articles hal-04849676v1
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Introduction: Exploring Faults and Fault Lines

Vanessa Guignery
Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 2023, 64, ⟨10.4000/ebc.13171⟩
Journal articles hal-04861464v1

Literature and the Indian working class: Mridula Koshy in conversation

Vanessa Guignery
Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 2023, pp.1-13. ⟨10.1080/17449855.2022.2158442⟩
Journal articles hal-03923825v1

Introduction. Contemporary Nigerian Literature in English: An Orchestra of Pluralities

Vanessa Guignery
Etudes Anglaises, 2022, Contemporary Nigerian Literature, Vol. 75 (2), pp.131-146. ⟨10.3917/etan.752.0131⟩
Journal articles hal-03908955v1
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Introduction: Contemporary Literary Renaissances

Catherine Bernard , Vanessa Guignery
Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 2022, 62, ⟨10.4000/ebc.11665⟩
Journal articles hal-03908953v1
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Moseley Merritt. A History of the Booker Prize. Contemporary Fiction Since 1992

Vanessa Guignery
Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 2022, 62, ⟨10.4000/ebc.12155⟩
Journal articles hal-03908954v1
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The Precarious Balance of Refugees: Rupture and Connectivity in Mohsin Hamid’s Exit West (2017) and Helon Habila’s

Vanessa Guignery
Sillages Critiques, 2022, 32, ⟨10.4000/sillagescritiques.13269⟩
Journal articles hal-03915731v2

Gabriel Josipovici : l’insoutenable légèreté de l’art.

Vanessa Guignery
D-Fiction , 2021
Journal articles hal-04863480v1

Anita Brookner and Julian Barnes: Paths Crossing

Vanessa Guignery
Etudes Anglaises, 2021, 74 (2), pp.220-229. ⟨10.3917/etan.742.0220⟩
Journal articles halshs-03502906v1

The In-Between World: On the Mythology of The Famished Road and the Literary Scaffolding of Ben Okri

Vanessa Guignery
Literary Hub, 2021
Journal articles hal-04497005v1
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Reading the Archives: the Construction of Character in Julian Barnes’s Talking It Over and Love, etc.

Vanessa Guignery
Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2020, 14 (2), pp.141-157. ⟨10.47777/cankujhss.848761⟩
Journal articles halshs-03045786v1

Inspiration and Insight in the Papers of Julian Barnes

Vanessa Guignery
Ransom Center Magazine, 2020, 8 (1), pp.18-23
Journal articles hal-04863479v1

Julian Barnes : “En 2020, Orwell ne manquerait pas de sujets d’inspiration”.

Vanessa Guignery
Revue des Deux Mondes, 2020, Décembre 2020-janvier 2021, pp.8-13
Journal articles halshs-03027301v1
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‘An Interview with Jonathan Coe—Looking Backwards and Forwards’

Vanessa Guignery
Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 2018, 54, ⟨10.4000/ebc.4396⟩
Journal articles hal-04861499v1
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Tour d'horizon critique : Jump and Other Stories de Nadine Gordimer

Vanessa Guignery , Christian Gutleben
Cycnos, 2018, Nadine Gordimer, Jump and Other Stories : parcours critiques, 34 (3), pp.7-14
Journal articles hal-03208066v1
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Pastiche, Collage, and Bricolage: Caryl Phillips' Hybrid Journal and Letters of a Slave Trader in Crossing the River

Vanessa Guignery
ariel: A Review of International English Literature, 2018, 49 (2-3), pp.119-148. ⟨10.1353/ari.2018.0015⟩
Journal articles hal-02426138v1

Salman Rushdie in conversation

Vanessa Guignery
Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 2017, pp.1-16. ⟨10.1080/17449855.2017.1380070⟩
Journal articles halshs-01703816v1
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Laughing Out Loud with Jonathan Coe: A Conversation

Vanessa Guignery
Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 2016, 51, ⟨10.4000/ebc.3371⟩
Journal articles hal-04861525v1
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Jonathan Coe’s Like a Fiery Elephant: The Story of B.S. Johnson—A Dialogue with Biography

Vanessa Guignery
Biography, 2016, 39 (2), pp.129 - 146. ⟨10.1353/bio.2016.0026⟩
Journal articles halshs-01703812v1
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Introduction: Laughing Out Loud

Vanessa Guignery
Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 2016, 51, ⟨10.4000/ebc.3314⟩
Journal articles hal-04861548v1
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Recent British Literature: Concluding panel of the 2015 SEAC conference

Vanessa Guignery , Catherine Lanone , Lacy Rumsey
Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 2016, 51, ⟨10.4000/ebc.3478⟩
Journal articles halshs-01703805v1
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Parcours critiques: lectures plurielles de Crossing the River de Caryl Phillips

Vanessa Guignery , Christian Gutleben
Cycnos, 2016, Traversée d'une oeuvre : Crossing the river de Caryl Phillips, 32 (1), pp.7-25
Journal articles hal-03148427v1

The Way We Live Now: Jonathan Coe's Re-evaluation of Political Satire

Vanessa Guignery
Etudes Anglaises, 2015, 68 (2), pp.156-169
Journal articles halshs-01703814v1
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Catherine Rovera, Genèses d’une folie créole : Jean Rhys et Jane Eyre

Vanessa Guignery
Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 2015, 49, ⟨10.4000/ebc.2774⟩
Journal articles hal-04861520v1

Recent British Fiction: Concluding panel of the 2013 SEAC conference. Catherine Bernard, Jean-Michel Ganteau, Vanessa Guignery, Diane Leblond

Diane Leblond , Catherine Bernard , Jean-Michel Ganteau , Vanessa Guignery
Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 2014, 47, ⟨10.4000/ebc.1992⟩
Journal articles hal-02947263v1

Zadie Smith’s NW or the art of line-crossing

Vanessa Guignery
E-rea - Revue électronique d’études sur le monde anglophone, 2014, 11.2, ⟨10.4000/erea.3892⟩
Journal articles halshs-01703815v1
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Landscapes Within, Landscapes Without: The Forest and Other Places in Ben Okri’s The Famished Road

Vanessa Guignery
Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 2014, 47, ⟨10.4000/ebc.1974⟩
Journal articles halshs-01703806v1
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Zadie Smith's NW: the Novel at an 'anxiety crossroads'?

Vanessa Guignery
Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 2013, 45, n.p. ⟨10.4000/ebc.996⟩
Journal articles halshs-00947647v1

Not another nail in the (British) novel's coffin

Marc Porée , Vanessa Guignery
Etudes Anglaises, 2013, The British Contemporary Novel 2008-2015, 68 (2)
Journal articles hal-01422616v1
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Sebastian Groes, The Making of London. London in Contemporary Literature

Vanessa Guignery
Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 2013, 44, ⟨10.4000/ebc.570⟩
Journal articles hal-04861544v1

A Voice without a Name: Choruses and Storytellers in Ben Okri's The Famished Road

Vanessa Guignery
Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 2013, 35 (2), pp.79-89
Journal articles halshs-00947650v1

B.S. Johnson ou l'équilibre de l'écart

Vanessa Guignery
Sillages Critiques, 2011, 12, pp.1-23
Journal articles halshs-00708192v1
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B.S. Johnson's The Unfortunates: Revisiting the Elegy

Vanessa Guignery
Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 2011, 41, pp.119-133
Journal articles halshs-00708187v1

"Colonel Mustard, in the billiard room, with the revolver": Jonathan Coe's What a Carve Up! as a Postmodern Whodunit.

Vanessa Guignery
Etudes Anglaises, 2011, 64 (4), pp.427-438
Journal articles halshs-00708195v1

B.S. Johnson’s The Unfortunates: Revisiting the Elegy

Vanessa Guignery
Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 2011, 41, pp.119 - 134. ⟨10.4000/ebc.2353⟩
Journal articles halshs-01703804v1

B.S. Johnson's The Unfortunates: Celebrating the Chaos

Vanessa Guignery
Critical Engagements: a Journal of Criticism and Theory, 2011, 4 (1-2), pp.109-128
Journal articles halshs-00858207v1
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A Fat Man on a Beach: Conflicting Horizons in B.S. Johnson's Work.

Vanessa Guignery
Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 2011, 40, pp.41-52
Journal articles halshs-00607130v1

" Is there a Story in Janet Frame's The Lagoon and Other Stories? "

Vanessa Guignery
Etudes Anglaises, 2010, 63 (3), pp.305-317
Journal articles halshs-00607104v1

“Step Across this Line”: Edges and Borders in Contemporary Indian Fiction

Vanessa Guignery
Etudes Anglaises, 2009, 62 (3), pp.305-316
Journal articles halshs-00466496v1

David Lodge's Author, Author and the Genre of the Biographical Novel

Vanessa Guignery
Etudes Anglaises, 2007, 60 (2), pp.160-172
Journal articles halshs-00469614v1

The Art of Vacillation : Photographs in Alain de Botton's Iconotexts

Vanessa Guignery
Anglistik : International Journal of English Studies, 2007, 18 (2), pp.175-187
Journal articles halshs-00469613v1
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The Destabilisation of Genre in Alain de Botton's Iconotexts

Vanessa Guignery
Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 2006, 31, pp.143-158
Journal articles halshs-00469615v1
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Jennifer Johnston at the Sorbonne 19 November 2004

François Gallix , Catherine Rihoit , Vanessa Guignery
Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 2005, 28, ⟨10.4000/1204l⟩
Journal articles hal-04861511v1
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The Book of Mrs Noah (1987) de Michèle Roberts : un roman aux sentiers qui bifurquent

Vanessa Guignery
Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 2005, 28, pp.1-19. ⟨10.4000/1204d⟩
Journal articles halshs-00469616v1

Le Déluge et l'Arche revisités. Figures apocryphes du récit biblique dans cinq ouvrages contemporains de langue anglaise

Vanessa Guignery
Sources : Revue d'études anglophones, 2003, 14, pp.146-176
Journal articles halshs-00469617v1

Le narrataire ou le lecteur de l'autre côté du miroir dans Flaubert's Parrot de Julian Barnes

Vanessa Guignery
Q/W/E/R/T/Y, 2001, 11, pp.167-176
Journal articles halshs-00607135v1
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"Re-vision" et révision de l'histoire sacrée dans le premier chapitre de A History of the World in 10 ½ Chapters de Julian Barnes.

Vanessa Guignery
Alizés : Revue angliciste de La Réunion, 2001, Writing as Re-Vision, 20, pp.67-86
Journal articles halshs-00607136v1

Du psittacisme à l'émancipation ? La transtextualité flaubertienne dans Flaubert's Parrot de Julian Barnes

Vanessa Guignery
Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 2001, 20, pp.1-17
Journal articles halshs-00607137v1

"My wife ... died" : une mort en pointillé dans Flaubert's Parrot de Julian Barnes

Vanessa Guignery
Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 1999, 17, pp.57-68
Journal articles halshs-00607138v1

Excentricité et interlinguisme dans Metroland et Talking It Over de Julian Barnes

Vanessa Guignery
Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 1998, 15, pp.13-24
Journal articles halshs-00607139v1

Palimpseste et pastiche génériques chez Julian Barnes

Vanessa Guignery
Etudes Anglaises, 1997, 50 (1), pp.40-52
Journal articles halshs-00607140v1

Deborah Levy

Vanessa Guignery
Encyclopædia Universalis, 2024
Dictionary entry hal-04863491v1

Elizabeth Finch de Julian Barnes

Vanessa Guignery
Universalia 2023, 2023, pp.313-314
Dictionary entry hal-04863489v1

Graham Swift

Vanessa Guignery
Universalia 2022, 2022, pp.411
Dictionary entry hal-04863487v1

Ian McEwan

Vanessa Guignery
Encyclopædia Universalis, 2021
Dictionary entry hal-04863482v1

Littératures postcoloniales anglophones

Vanessa Guignery
Encyclopaedia Universalis, 2020
Dictionary entry hal-04863473v1

La faille du temps de Jeanette Winterson

Vanessa Guignery
Universalia 2020, 2020, pp.294
Dictionary entry hal-04863471v1

Roy Arundhati

Vanessa Guignery
Universalia 2019, 2019, pp.410
Dictionary entry hal-04863493v1

Self Will

Vanessa Guignery
Universalia 2016, 2016, pp.391
Dictionary entry hal-04863494v1

Conversations with Ben Okri

Vanessa Guignery
University of Mississippi Press. , 2024, 9781496851567
Books hal-04235925v1

Romans, de Julian Barnes

Vanessa Guignery , Julian Barnes
Gallimard, 1248 p., 2021, Quarto, 9782072893674
Books halshs-03420000v1

Gabriel Josipovici. Hotel Andromeda (traduction)

Vanessa Guignery
Quidam, 2021
Books hal-03163457v1

Julian Barnes from the Margins. Exploring the Writer’s Archives

Vanessa Guignery
Bloomsbury. , 2020, 9781350125018
Books halshs-02415013v1

Dans le jardin d'un hôtel (traduction)

Vanessa Guignery , Gabriel Josipovici
Quidam Editeur, 2017, 978-2-37491-057-4
Books halshs-01703818v1

Jonathan Coe

Vanessa Guignery
Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 978-1137405821
Books halshs-01703459v1

"The British Contemporay Novel 2008 - 2015"

Vanessa Guignery , Marc Porée
Etudes anglaises Klincksieck, 68 (2), 2015, Pascal Aquien
Books hal-01422595v1

The B.S. Johnson / Zulfikar Ghose Correspondence

Vanessa Guignery
Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2015
Books halshs-01703500v1

The Famished Road: Ben Okri's Imaginary Homelands

Vanessa Guignery
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.170, 2013
Books halshs-00828512v1

Novelists in the New Millennium. Conversations with Writers

Vanessa Guignery
Palgrave Macmillan, pp.165, 2013
Books halshs-00828514v1

Seeing and Being. Ben Okri's The Famished Road

Vanessa Guignery
Presses Universitaires de France, pp.188, 2012
Books halshs-00745704v1

La littérature anglaise contemporaine

Vanessa Guignery , Marilyn Hacker
Siècle 21, pp.100, 2012
Books halshs-00708184v1

Chasing Butterflies

Vanessa Guignery
Publibook Université, pp.172, 2011
Books halshs-00607103v1

Hybridity: Forms and Figures in Literature and the Visual Arts

Vanessa Guignery , Catherine Pesso-Miquel , François Specq
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.380, 2011
Books halshs-00708178v1

Hybridity : Forms and Figures in Literature and the Visual Arts. 370 p. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Cambridge Scholars

Vanessa Guignery , Pesso-Miquel Catherine , François Specq (dir.)
Books halshs-01997521v1

Conversations with Julian Barnes

Vanessa Guignery
University of Mississippi Press, pp.198, 2009
Books halshs-00466489v1

Voices and Silence in the Contemporary Novel in English

Vanessa Guignery
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.290, 2009
Books halshs-00442916v1

Worlds within Words: Twenty-first Century Visions on the Work of Julian Barnes

Vanessa Guignery
Lucian Blaga University Press, pp.169, 2009
Books halshs-00466488v1

Ceci n'est pas une fiction.

Vanessa Guignery
Presses Universitaires de Paris Sorbonne, pp.312, 2009, Britannia, Marie-Madeleine Martinet
Books halshs-00442616v1

Graham Greene. The Power and the Glory: The Sorbonne Conference and Other Papers

Vanessa Guignery
Cycnos, pp.164, 2008
Books halshs-00466491v1

(Re-)Mapping London. Visions of the Metropolis in the Contemporary Novel in English

Vanessa Guignery
Éditions Publibook Université, pp.252, 2008
Books halshs-00466490v1

Pre- and Post-Publication Itineraries of the Contemporary Novel in English

Vanessa Guignery
Éditions Publibook Université, pp.352, 2007
Books halshs-00466493v1

Plus sur Greene

Vanessa Guignery
Éditions Atlande, pp.93, 2007
Books halshs-00466492v1

Récits de voyage et romans voyageurs. Aspects de la littérature contemporaine de langue anglaise

Vanessa Guignery
Publication de l'Université de Provence, pp.253, 2006
Books halshs-00466494v1

The Fiction of Julian Barnes

Vanessa Guignery
Palgrave Macmillan, pp.168, 2006, Nicolas Tredell
Books halshs-00442618v1

Crime fictions. Subverted codes and new structures

Vanessa Guignery
Presses Universitaires de Paris Sorbonne, pp.204, 2004
Books halshs-00466495v1

Postmodernisme et effets de brouillage dans la fiction de Julian Barnes

Vanessa Guignery
Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, pp.735, 2001
Books halshs-00442915v1

Julian Barnes. L'art du mélange

Vanessa Guignery
Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, pp.136, 2001, Couleurs anglaises, Bernard Gilbert
Books halshs-00442850v1

Flaubert's Parrot de Julian Barnes

Vanessa Guignery
Armand Colin, pp.140, 2001
Books halshs-00442914v1
Image document

Tasting With Words in Ben Okri’s The Famished Road and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun

Vanessa Guignery
Annette Kern-Stähler; Elizabeth Robertson. Literature and the Senses, 1, Oxford University Press, pp.320-338, 2023, 978–0–19–284377–7. ⟨10.1093/oso/9780192843777.003.0018⟩
Book sections hal-04224066v1

The Ishiguro Archive

Vanessa Guignery
Andrew Bennett. The Cambridge Companion to Kazuo Ishiguro, 1, Cambridge University Press, pp.91-107, 2023, 9781108909525. ⟨10.1017/9781108909525.010⟩
Book sections hal-04420325v1

Responses to Vulnerability in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun (2021)

Vanessa Guignery
Pier Paolo Piciucco. Contemporary Vulnerabilities, Nuova Trauben, pp.253-66, 2023, 9788899312909
Book sections hal-04420304v1

‘Ne pas la boucler avec Flaubert’ : l’obsession perpétuelle de Julian Barnes

Vanessa Guignery
Eric Dayre et Florence Godeau. D’après Flaubert, Éditions Kimé, pp.141-160, 2021, Détours littéraires, Littérature, ⟨10.3917/kime.dayre.2021.01.0139⟩
Book sections halshs-03221422v1

‘Survivors all’: Affirmative Connections in Novels by Julian Barnes and Caryl Phillips

Vanessa Guignery
The Ethics of Survival in Contemporary Literature and Culture. Eds. Rudolf Freiburg and Gerd Bayer., Palgrave Macmillan, pp.69-87, 2021, 978-3-030-83422-7
Book sections halshs-03502902v1

“My favourite sort of rain”: Drizzle and Downpour in the Fiction of Julian Barnes, Jonathan Coe and Graham Swift

Vanessa Guignery
Le Temps qu’il fait dans la littérature et les arts du monde anglophone. Eds. Jean-Pierre Naugrette et Catherine Lanone, Honoré Champion Éditeur, pp.85-97, 2020
Book sections halshs-02414998v1

« De l’autre côté du silence dans la Province du Cap: The Slave Book (1998) de Rayda Jacobs. »

Vanessa Guignery
Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle. L’esclavage oriental et africain au regard des littératures et des arts (XVIIIe-XXe siècles). Eds. Sarga Moussa et Daniel Lançon., , pp.243-256, 2019, 978-2-37906-025-0
Book sections halshs-02415007v1

Gothic Horror and Haunting Processes in Jonathan Coe’s Number 11

Vanessa Guignery
Bloomsbury Academic. Jonathan Coe: Contemporary British Satire, 2018, 9781350027688
Book sections halshs-01984404v1

“Ne pas la boucler avec Flaubert” : l’obsession perpétuelle de Julian Barnes

Vanessa Guignery
Flaubert dans la ville. Images et textes, 2017, 979-10-240-0743-4
Book sections halshs-01703811v1

"Where Is the Voice Coming From?" A Question of Origins in Alice Munro's Dance of the Happy Shades.

Vanessa Guignery
"With a roar from underground": Alice Munro's Dance of the Happy Shades. , pp.19-33, 2015, 9782840162353
Book sections halshs-01703813v1

Janet Frame's "leafless cloudy secrets": Of Blackbirds and Butterflies in The Lagoon and Other Stories.

Vanessa Guignery
Vanessa Guignery. Chasing Butterflies. Janet Frame's The Lagoon and Other Stories, Éditions Publibook Université, pp.13-29, 2011
Book sections halshs-00607129v1

Le granit et l'arc-en-ciel : réflexions sur l'art biographique dans le roman britannique contemporain

Vanessa Guignery
Pierres gravées, chiffres d'une voix. Mélanges offerts à Michel Viel, Editions du Relief, pp.263-274, 2011
Book sections halshs-00607128v1

"A preference for things Gallic": Julian Barnes and the French Connection.

Vanessa Guignery
Sebastian Groes and Sean Matthews. Julian Barnes, Continuum, pp.37-50, 2011, Contemporary Critical Perspectives Series on British novelists
Book sections halshs-00607131v1

Photography, Trauma and the Politics of War in Beryl Bainbridge's Master Georgie

Vanessa Guignery
Marie-Luise Kohlke and Christian Gutleben. Neo-Victorian Tropes of Trauma: The Politics of Bearing After-Witness to Nineteenth-Century Suffering, Rodopi, pp.191-216, 2010
Book sections halshs-00607127v1

Le spectre des voix dans The God of Small Things d'Arundhati Roy

Vanessa Guignery
François Gallix. Arundhati Roy : The God of Small Things. L'hybridité célébrée, Mallard Éditions, pp.37-62, 2002, Angloscopies
Book sections halshs-00607132v1

Can the Posthuman Speak? Voice, Agency and Care in Novels by Kazuo Ishiguro, Harry Parker and Namwali Serpell

Vanessa Guignery
Posthuman Fictions: Rethinking ‘the Human’ in Contemporary Culture, Laura Colombino, Sebastian Groes, Ivan Stacy, Sep 2024, Genova, Italy, Italy
Conference papers hal-04864897v1

Victimhood, Agency, Vulnerability: Portraits of Delhi Manual Workers in Aman Sethi’s A Free Man (2011) and Mridula Koshy’s Bicycle Dreaming (2016).

Vanessa Guignery
GAPS: 32nd Annual Conference of the Association for Anglophone Postcolonial Studies, Pavan Kumar Malreddy, Kathrin Bartha-Mitchell; and Frank Schulze-Engler, May 2022, Francfort, Germany
Conference papers hal-04864892v1

Fragmenting the Form in Mohsin Hamid’s Exit West and Helon Habila’s Travelers

Vanessa Guignery
15th International Conference of the European Society for the Study of English, Renner Vincent, Bory Stéphanie, Guignery Vanessa, Aug 2021, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-04864888v1

Sur la piste des perroquets : les figures de la quête dans Flaubert's Parrot de Julian Barnes.

Vanessa Guignery
Flaubert's Parrot de Julian Barnes " Un symbole du logos ?", Nov 2001, Rouen, France. pp.29-45
Conference papers halshs-00607134v1

Transfiguration des genres littéraires dans la littérature britannique contemporaine (Jeanette Winterson, Jonathan Coe, Alain de Botton).

Vanessa Guignery
Les littératures de genre. Typologie, codes et nouvelles structures, Mar 2001, Paris, France. pp.35-65
Conference papers halshs-00607133v1

The Poetics of Fragmentation in Contemporary British and American Fiction, in collaboration with Wojciech Drąg

Vanessa Guignery
Vernon Press, 2019
Proceedings halshs-02414990v1

Crossed Correspondences. Writers as Readers and Critics of their Peers

Vanessa Guignery
Cambridge Scholars Press. Crossed Correspondences. Writers as Readers and Critics of their Peers, Oct 2014, Lyon, France. 2016, 978-1-4438-8699-4
Proceedings halshs-01703796v1

The Inside of a Shell: Alice Munro's Dance of a Happy Shades

Vanessa Guignery
The Inside of a Shell: Alice Munro's Dance of a Happy Shades, 2015, 978-1-4438-7596-7
Proceedings halshs-01703795v1

(In)consolation in Contemporary British and Postcolonial Literatures

Vanessa Guignery
E-rea - Revue électronique d’études sur le monde anglophone, 22 (1), 2024
Special issue hal-04849673v1

Borders and Border Crossings

Vanessa Guignery , Gerald Preher
Journal of The Short Story in English / Les Cahiers de la nouvelle, 83 (Autumn), pp.149-248, 2024
Special issue hal-04849663v1

Nadine Gordimer, Jump and Other Stories : Parcours Critiques

Christian Gutleben , Vanessa Guignery
Cycnos, 34 (3), 2018
Special issue halshs-01984399v1

Traversée d'une oeuvre: Crossing the River de Caryl Phillips

Vanessa Guignery , Christian Gutleben
Caryl Phillips, Crossing the River: "the many-tongued chorus", Oct 2016, Lyon, France. Cycnos, 32 (1), 2016, Traversée d'une oeuvre : Crossing the river de Caryl Phillips
Special issue halshs-01703803v1

LOL! Comedy, humour and satire in the literature and visual arts of the 20th and 21st centuries in Britain

Vanessa Guignery
LOL! Comedy, humour and satire in the literature and visual arts of the 20th and 21st centuries in Britain, Oct 2015, Lyon, France. Études britanniques contemporaines - Revue de la Société dʼétudes anglaises contemporaines, 51, 2016
Special issue halshs-01703808v1

The British Contemporary Novel: 2008-2015

Vanessa Guignery , Marc Porée
Etudes Anglaises, 68 (2), 2015
Special issue halshs-01703809v1

Ben Okri

Vanessa Guignery
Callaloo, 38 (5), 2015
Special issue halshs-01703810v1