Elucidating the Genetics of Fruit Quality Traits in a Pepper Core Collection
Yury Tikunov
Yi Wu
Giorgio Tumino
Pasquale Tripodi
Véronique Lefebvre
Plant and Animal Genome XXXI Conference, Jan 2024, San diego, CA, United States
Conference papers
Setting the scene and formulation of expected outcomes of the joint PRO-GRACE/EMPHASIS workshop for promoting a plant genetic resources community for Europe.
Véronique Lefebvre
Ignazio Verde
Joint PRO-GRACE/EMPHASIS policy symposium and workshop about plant genetic resources and phenotyping, PRO-FRACE European project and EMPHASIS information system, Jun 2024, Brussel, Belgium
Conference papers
Comparative genetic architecture of fruit traits in the three major Solanaceae fruit crops.
Giovanni Giuliano
Véronique Lefebvre
Consortium Gdeuxp-Sol
18th Eucarpia Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant, Sep 2023, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Conference papers
Genetics underlying flavonoid variation in pepper fruit.
Yuri Tikunov
Y. Wu
Sigal Popovsky-Sarid
Yelena Borovsky
Giorgio Tumino
18th Eucarpia Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant, Sep 2023, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Conference papers
Screening of a pepper collection for resistance to powdery mildew caused by Leveillula taurica, a worldwide threat
Flavie Cussonneau
Y. Awni
M. Ikhfad
Anne Massire
Christophe Gros
18. Eucarpia Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant, Crops Research Institute (MVCRI); Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB), Sep 2023, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Conference papers
A novel global Capsicum core collection delivers candidate genes for robust agronomic QTLs through a multi-environment GWAS approach
Louis McLeod
Lorenzo Barchi
Giorgio Tumino
Pasquale Tripodi
Giovanni Giuliano
18. Eucarpia Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant, Crops Research Institute (MVCRI); Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB), Sep 2023, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Conference papers
Evolution, history and genomics of tomato fruit size and shape
Jose Blanca
Giuseppe Aprea
Paula Ferrante
V.V. Fain
David Alonso
XVIII International Solanaceae Genome Conference, Oct 2023, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers
Exploration of High-Throughput Data for Heat Tolerance Selection in Capsicum annuum
Nathan Fumia
Michael Kantar
Ya‐ping Lin
Roland Schaftleitner
Véronique Lefebvre
Plant and Animal Genome XXX Conference, Jan 2023, San diego, CA, United States
Conference papers
Multiple Eggplant Domestication/Adaptation Events Revealed by Genetic Analysis of Around 3,500 Worldwide Accessions
Lorenzo Barchi
Emmanuel Omondi
Giuseppe Aprea
Mark Timothy Rabanus‐wallace
Laura Toppino
Plant & Animal Genome XXX Conference, Jan 2023, San Diego (CA), United States
Conference papers
Genetics underlying flavonoid variation in pepper fruit
Yury Tikunov
Yi Wu
Sigal Popovsky-Sarid
Yelena Borovsky
Giorgio Tumino
XVIII International Solanaceae Genome Conference, Oct 2023, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers
Introduction to evaluation and valorization of plant genetic resources: facilitating their adoption in breeding programmes.
Véronique Lefebvre
Ignazio Verde
1st International Workshop and Training School on the Sustainable Management of Plant Genetic Resources, Oct 2023, Chania Crete, Greece
Conference papers
La robustesse de l’immunité végétale : une piste pour assurer la stabilité des productions agricoles face aux stress environnementaux ?
Judith Hirsch
William Billaud
Lucie Tamisier
Félicie Lauri
Benoît Moury
Réunion plénière 2023 du réseau ENVIE, Nov 2023, Sète, France
Conference papers
Deciphering the pepper-pathogen-environment interactions to reduce pesticide use and cope with climate change
Véronique Lefebvre
18th Eucarpia Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant, Sep 2023, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Conference papers
The genetic architecture of fruit quality and nutritional traits in Solanaceous crops
Giovanni Giuliano
Véronique Lefebvre
GtoPSOL Consortium
XVII SOLANACEAE2022 International Conference on the Plant Family of Solanaceae, Nov 2022, THESSALONIKI, Greece
Conference papers
Towards understanding of metabolic diversity of pepper fruit
Yuri Tikunov
Louis McLeod
Giorgio Tumino
Y Wu
Jérémy Salinier
XVII SOLANACEAE2022 International Conference on the Plant Family of Solanaceae, Nov 2022, THESSALONIKI, Greece
Conference papers
The worldwide population structure of over 3,400 eggplant accessions identified by SPET genotyping
Lorenzo Barchi
Ezio Portis
Sergio Lanteri
David Alonso
Maria Josè Díez
XVII SOLANACEAE2022 International Conference on the Plant Family of Solanaceae, Nov 2022, THESSALONIKI, Greece
Conference papers
Potato virus Y adaptation to various resistance QTL combinations in pepper and impact on host tolerance
Thibaud Jayet
William Billaud
Lucie Tamisier
Marion Szadkowski
Catherine Wipf-Scheibel
15. International symposium of plant virus epidemiology, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, spain, Jun 2022, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers
The Human History of Chilli Peppers Told by 10,000 Genebank Samples
Mark Timothy Rabanus-Wallace
Pasquale Tripodi
Lorenzo Barchi
Sandip Mallikarjun Kale
Alberto Acquadro
Virtual Plant and Animal Genome XXIX Conference, Jan 2022, San Diego (CA), United States
Conference papers
SPET genotyping of over 15,000 accessions of tomato reveals the genetic structure and history of the tomato germplasm at world level
Jose Blanca
Giuseppe Aprea
Paola Ferrante
V.V. Fain
David Alonso
XVII SOLANACEAE2022 International Conference on the Plant Family of Solanaceae, Nov 2022, THESSALONIKI, Greece
Conference papers
Robustesse de l'immunité du piment à Phytophthora capsici face à une perturbation thermique
William Billaud
Thibaud Jayet
Valentin Ribaut
Lucie Tamisier
Anne Massire
13. Rencontres de Phytopathologie - Mycologie, Sep 2022, Aussois (France), France. 1p
Conference papers
Change of paradigm for breeding disease resistant cultivars robust to varying environments: estimators of the robustness of plant immunity and promising genes for the future
William Billaud
Thibaud Jayet
Valentin Ribaut
Lucie Tamisier
Anne Massire
European Scientific Conference – Towards Pesticide Free Agriculture “What research to meet the pesticides reduction objectives embedded in the European Green Deal?”, French Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE), Jun 2022, Dijon, France
Conference papers
Worldwide Population Structure of Eggplant Identified by SPET Genotyping over 3,400 Accessions
Lorenzo Barchi
Ezio Portis
Sergio Lanteri
David Alonso
Maria José Diez
Virtual Plant and Animal Genome XXIX Conference, Jan 2022, San Diego (CA), United States
Conference papers
Pepper core collection trials and GWAS
Véronique Lefebvre
The advanced Training school II “Using Genetic Resource Data for Breeding”, Oct 2021, on line, Israel
Conference papers
Potato virus Y adaptation to various resistance QTL combinations in pepper and impact on host tolerance
Thibaud Jayet
William Billaud
Lucie Tamisier
Marion Szadkowski
Catherine Wipf-Scheibel
18. Rencontres de virologie végétale (RVV2021), Cirad; Inrae, Sep 2021, Aussois, France
Conference papers
Automated phenotyping provides insights into leaf angle changes in chile pepper response to stress.
Derek W Barchenger
Roland Schaftleitner
Ilan Paran
Véronique Lefebvre
Pasquale Tripodi
ASHS 2021 Annual Conference, Aug 2021, Denver (Colorado), United States
Conference papers
Une structure emboîtée universelle pour les interactions quantitatives entre les plantes et leurs parasites ?
Benoît Moury
Jean-Marc Audergon
Sylvie Baudracco-Arnas
Safa Ben Krima
François Bertrand
Réunion annuelle du réseau E3GP3, Dec 2021, Visioconférence, France
Conference papers
Many different recipes but one flavor: A universal nested structure of quantitative interactions between plant genotypes and their parasites, including viruses
Benoît Moury
Jean-Marc Audergon
Sylvie Baudracco-Arnas
Safa Ben Krima
François Bertrand
18. Rencontres de virologie végétale (RVV 2021), INRAE; CIRAD, Sep 2021, Aussois, France
Conference papers
Construction and diversity of the G2P-SOL pepper core collection
Véronique Lefebvre
G2P- SOL FINAL WORKSHOP “Multi-omics-based management of plant genetic resources”, Dec 2021, on line, Italy
Conference papers
Genebank genomics highlights novel centres of diversity and routes of migration in pepper (Capsicum spp.)
Pasquale Tripodi
Lorenzo Barchi
S Kale
S Esposito
M T Rabanus-Wallace
SOL International Meeting 2020, Nov 2020, on line, United States
Conference papers
Single Primer Enrichment Genotyping Highlights the Worldwide Population Structure of Tomato and Eggplant Germplasm.
Lorenzo Barchi
Alberto Acquadro
Ezio Portis
Sergio Lanteri
David Alonso
XXVII Plant and Animal Genome Conference, Jan 2019, San Diego (CA), United States
Conference papers
Impact of host partial resistance on the gene expression of Phytophthora capsici: consequences for pepper breeding
Véronique Lefebvre
Gaëtan Maillot
Emmanuel Szadkowski
Bernard Caromel
Anne Massire
17. Eucarpia Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant (2019), Sep 2019, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Capsicum spp. and eggplant genome sequencing and resequencing provide new tools for the
characterization of genetic resources
L Barchi
Acquadro A
E. Portis
Alonso D
P. Gramazio
17th Eucarpia Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant, Sep 2019, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Genome-wide association mapping of loci involved in Potato virus Y resistance and tolerance in pepper germplasm
Lucie Tamisier
Ghislaine Nemouchi
Marion Szadkowski
Véronique Lefebvre
Emmanuel Szadkowski
17. Eucarpia Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant (2019), Centre Technique Interprofessionnel des Fruits et Légumes (CTIFL). FRA.; Terralia. FRA.; Groupe d'Etude et de Contrôle des Variétés et des Semences (GEVES). FRA., Sep 2019, Avignon, France. 263 p
Conference papers
Unlocking genomic diversity of pepper (Capsicum spp.) collections held in genebanks: perspectives for
breeding and germplasm management
Tripodi P
L Barchi
Acquadro A
Schafleitner R
J. Prohens
. 17th Eucarpia Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant, Sep 2019, Avignon, France. pp.1-3
Conference papers
Single Primer Enrichment genotyping highlights the worldwide population structure of tomato and eggplant germplasm.
Lorenzo Barchi
A. Acquadro
Ezio Portis
Sergio Lanteri
David Alonso
15th Solanaceae Conference, Sep 2018, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Conference papers
The G2P-SOL project: harnessing the genetic and phenotypic diversity of the four major Solanaceae crops
Giovanni Giuliano
Véronique Lefebvre
, On Behalf of The G2p-Sol Consortium
15th Solanaceae Conference, Sep 2018, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Conference papers
Screening a priori durable resistance in tomato to Phytophthora infestans using its pathogenicity effectors
Emmanuel Szadkowski
Gaëtan Maillot
Alexandre Bachellez
Dorine Achard
Anne Massire
Effectome meeting 2016, Nov 2016, Lauret, France
Conference papers
A priori durable resistance in tomato to Phytophthora infestans using its pathogenicity effectors
Emmanuel Szadkowski
Gaëtan Maillot
Alexandre Bachellez
Anne Massire
Bernard Caromel
Journées Jeunes Chercheurs du DBAP, Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA). UMR Institut Jean-Pierre BOURGIN (1318)., Apr 2016, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Screening tomato germplasm for resistance to late blight
Bernard Caromel
Coralie Hamers
Nasradin Touhami
Alexandre Renaudineau
Alexandre Bachellez
Innovation in Integrated & Organic Horticulture, INNOHORT 2015, Jun 2015, Avignon, France
Conference papers
RNA-Seq study of host resistance and isolate aggressiveness on gene expression in [i]Phytophthora capsici[/i]
Gaëtan Maillot
Anne Massire
Jean-Paul Bouchet
Veronique Brunaud
Marie-Laure Magniette
8. Effectome Meeting, Sep 2015, Lauret, France
Conference papers
Toward a characterization of the pepper host resistance effect on the gene expression of the pathogenic Phytophthora capsici
Gaëtan Maillot
Anne Massire
Jean-Paul Bouchet
Véronique Brunaud
Marie-Laure Martin-Magniette
12. Solanaceae Conference, Oct 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Genetic structure of the INRA Capsicum spp. collection using SSR loci: refining the wild origin of cultivated C. annuum and impact of human selection on the structuration of genetic diversity in cultivar types
Anne-Marie Sage-Palloix
Maryse Nicolaï
Melissa Cantet
Véronique Lefebvre
Alain Palloix
15. Eucarpia Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant, Sep 2013, Torino, Italy
Conference papers
Analysis of a complex QTL region controlling the broad-spectrum resistance to Phytophthora capsici root rot by comparative mapping and association study in pepper germplasm
Véronique Lefebvre
Melissa Cantet
Céline Vandecasteele
Sonia S. Vautrin
Jean-Paul Bouchet
15. Eucarpia Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant, Sep 2013, Torino, Italy
Conference papers
Collaborative work on effectors in Phytophthora capsici
Véronique Lefebvre
Kurt Lamour
6. Effectome meeting, Sep 2013, Lauret, France
Conference papers
Identification of a candidate gene for the key broad-spectrum resistance QTL to late blight in pepper
Véronique Lefebvre
Helene H. Berges
Abdelhafid A. Bendahmane
Plant Genomics Seminar 2012, Apr 2012, Pont-Royal en Provence, France
Conference papers
Identifying a candidate gene for the broad-spectrum resistance qtl to Phytophthora root rot and blight in pepper
Véronique Lefebvre
Céline Vandecasteele
Melissa Cantet
Stéphane Mallard
Sonia S. Vautrin
9. Solanaceae Conference (SOL2012), Aug 2012, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Conference papers
Contribution of microbial core-collections and exploitation of polygenic resistances to the development of Phytophthora control strategies in solanaceous crops
Marie-Line Kuhn
Anne Massire
Melissa Cantet
Rene Damidaux
Elvina Gibowski
Plant Resistance Sustainability 2012 International Conference, Oct 2012, La Colle sur Loup, France
Conference papers
Genetic diversity of Phytophthora capsici recovered from pepper in Southern France
D. Gobena
Melissa Cantet
Véronique Lefebvre
K. Lamour
2012 APS Southern Division Meeting, Feb 2012, Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Conference papers
Contribution to phenomics for quantitative disease resistance in a germplasm collection of Capsicum spp.: a multivariate analysis by self-organizing map
Melissa Cantet
Guillaume Marie
Anne-Marie Sage-Palloix
Anne Massire
Alain Palloix
9. Solanaceae Conference (SOL2012), Aug 2012, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. 250 p
Conference papers
Genetics and genomics of disease resistance in pepper: focus on Phytophthora threats
Véronique Lefebvre
international symposium commemorating the 20th anniversary of Korea Capsicum Research Cooperative, Sep 2011, South Korea
Conference papers
Exploitation of knowledge on Oomycete effectors to drive the discovery of durable late blight resistance in tomato
Véronique Lefebvre
4. Effectome Meeting, Sep 2011, Lauret, France
Conference papers
Genetic and genomic tools in pepper to decipher disease resistance traits: Progress and prospects
Véronique Lefebvre
Chinese-French Workshop on Pepper Genetics and Breeding, Oct 2011, Bejing, China
Conference papers
Identification of molecular markers linked to ms8 gene in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
G. Bartoszewski
I. Stepien
P. Gawronski
Cesary Waszczak
Véronique Lefebvre
14. Eucarpia Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant, Aug 2010, Valencia, Spain
Conference papers
Cloning candidate genes for a broad-spectrum resistance QTL against Phytophthora capsici in pepper
Melissa Cantet
Véronique Lefebvre
Stéphane Mallard
Abdelhafid A. Bendahmane
Adnane Boualem
Plant Genomics seminar 2010, Mar 2010, Mallemort, France. 2 p
Conference papers
Caractérisation des interaction plantes/oomycètes: approches génomiques et transcriptomiques de l'interaction et résistances quantitatives des Solanacées aux oomycètes
Véronique Lefebvre
Franck Panabières
1. Journées Scientifiques Inra PACA, Apr 2010, Cogolin, France
Conference papers
Opportunities of genetic association studies in pepper: estimation of the genetic structure and linkage disequilibrium in a germplasm sample
Melissa Cantet
Stephanie Mallard
Maryse Nicolaï
Anne-Marie Sage-Palloix
Véronique Lefebvre
2. International Symposium on Genomics of Plant Genetic Resources, Apr 2010, Bologne, Italy
Conference papers
Exploratory QTL analyses of some pepper physiological traits in two environments
Nurudeen Adeniyi Alimi
M.C. Bink
A. Dieleman
Anne-Marie Sage-Palloix
R.E. Voorrips
14. Eucarpia Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant, Aug 2010, Valencia, Spain
Conference papers
Chromosome landing at a quantitative trait locus involved in resistance to cyst nematode in potato
Bernard Caromel
Marie-Claire Kerlan
Patricio Castro Quezada
Jawad Aarrouf
Helene Berges
4. Annual Meeting; COST 872 workshop, May 2010, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference papers
Providing genomic tools to increase the efficiency of molecular breeding for complex traits in pepper
Maryse Nicolaï
Anne-Marie Sage-Palloix
Ghislaine Nemouchi
Bruno Savio
A. Vercauteren
14. Eucarpia Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant, Aug 2010, Valencia, Spain
Conference papers
Providing genomic tools to improve phenotype prediction for complex traits
Maryse Nicolaï
Nurudeen Adeniyi Alimi
Anne-Marie Sage-Palloix
Ghislaine Nemouchi
Bruno Savio
International Conference, Feb 2010, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Chromosome landing at a quantitative trait locus involved in resistance to cyst nematode in potato.
Bernard Caromel
Marie-Claire Kerlan
Paulo Castro
Jawad Aarrouf
Helene H. Berges
Cost 872 Workshop & MC Meeting,, May 2010, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers
QTL meta-analysis for late blight resistance in potato including the two novel resistance sources Solanum sparsipilum and S. spegazzinii
Véronique Lefebvre
Sarah Danan
Patrick Signoret
Jean-Baptiste Veyrieras
6. Solanaceae Genome Workshop, Nov 2009, New Delhi, India
Conference papers
Late blight quantitative resistance in potato diversity: QTL meta-analysis including the novel resistance sources Solanum sparsipilum and Solanum spegazzinii
Véronique Lefebvre
Sarah Danan
Jean-Baptiste Veyrieras
Bernard Caromel
Sophie Ewert
BioExploit Science Meeting 2009, Mar 2009, Wageningen, Netherlands
Conference papers
Exploration of late blight quantitative resistance in potato diversity: QTL meta-analysis including the novel resistance sources Solanum sparsipilum and Solanum spegazzinii
Véronique Lefebvre
Sarah Danan
Jean-Baptiste Veyrieras
Patrick Signoret
Bernard Caromel
14. International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Jul 2009, Quebec, Canada
Conference papers
Re-evaluation of the Globodera pallida resistance QTLs originating from the wild potato species Solanum spegazzinii
Bernard Caromel
Marie-Claire Kerlan
Sarah Danan
Didier Mugniery
Véronique Lefebvre
3. Annual Meeting, COST 872 Workshop & MC, May 2009, Toledo, Spain
Conference papers
Is Phy-P5 a major broad-spectrum resistance QTL conferring resistance to Phytophthora in Solanaceae?
Stephanie Mallard
Sophie Ewert
Anne Blattes
Caroline Callot
Morgane Ardisson
14. International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Jun 2009, Quebec, Canada
Conference papers
Optimisation de la méthode VIGS chez le piment (Virus Induced Gene Silencing).
Jawad Aarrouf
Véronique Lefebvre
Journée des sélectionneurs, GAFL/INRA Avignon, Feb 2009, Avignon, France
Conference papers
PHY-P5, a major broad-spectrum resistance qtl conferring resistance to Phytophthora in pepper
Stephanie Mallard
Sophie Ewert
Anne Blattes
Véronique Lefebvre
6. Solanaceae Genome Workshop, Nov 2009, New Delhi, India
Conference papers
Major-effect late blight resistance QTLs in Solanum sparsipilum and Solanum spegazzinii map in resistance gene clusters of chromosomes VIII and X
Sarah Danan
Jean-Eric Chauvin
Véronique Lefebvre
PhD Summer school, Jun 2008, Wageningen, Netherlands
Conference papers
Phytophthora - pepper interaction: genetic, cytological and biochemical analyses
Véronique Lefebvre
Stephanie Mallard
Sarah Danan
Julien Bonnet
Arnaud Thabuis
5. Solanaceae Genome Workshop, Oct 2008, Cologne, Germany
Conference papers
How different allelic combinations at resistance QTLs control the multiplication of Globodera pallida populations?
Bernard Caromel
Didier Mugniery
Marie-Claire Kerlan
Sylvain Fournet
Véronique Lefebvre
2. Annual Meeting of the COST 872, May 2008, Postojna, Slovenia
Conference papers
Molecular mapping in Capsicum annuum of the tomato Ve2 gene
Lorenzo Barchi
E. Portis
Véronique Lefebvre
Alain Palloix
S. Lanteri
5. Solanaceae Genome Workshop, Oct 2008, Cologne, Germany
Conference papers
Exploration of late blight quantitative resistance in potato diversity: QTL meta-analysis including the novel resistance sources Solanum sparsiplum and Solanum spegazzinii
Sarah Danan
Jean-Eric Chauvin
Bernard Caromel
Jean-Baptiste Veyrieras
Jean-Paul Dantec
5. Solanaceae Genome Workshop, Oct 2008, Cologne, Germany
Conference papers