Fast methods to track grain coagulation and ionization. III. Protostellar collapse with non-ideal MHD
Pierre Marchand
Ugo Lebreuilly
Mordecai-Mark Mac Low
V. Guillet
Journal articles
Dust polarization spectral dependence from Planck HFI data. Turning point on CMB polarization foregrounds modelling
Alessia Ritacco
François Boulanger
Vincent Guillet
Jean-Marc Delouis
Jean-Loup Puget
Journal articles
Frequency dependence of the thermal dust $E/B$ ratio and $EB$ correlation: insights from the spin-moment expansion
Léo Vacher
Jonathan Aumont
François Boulanger
Ludovic Montier
Vincent Guillet
Journal articles
Protostellar collapse simulations in spherical geometry with dust coagulation and fragmentation.
Ugo Lebreuilly
Valentin Vallucci-Goy
Vincent Guillet
Maxime Lombart
Pierre Marchand
Journal articles
Performance of the polarization leakage correction in the PILOT data
J-Ph. Bernard
Adam Bernard
Hélène Roussel
Ilyes Choubani
Dana Alina
Journal articles
Fast methods to track grain coagulation and ionization. II. Extension to thermal ionization
Pierre Marchand
Vincent Guillet
Ugo Lebreuilly
Mordecai-Mark Mac Low
Journal articles
Fast methods for tracking grain coagulation and ionization - I. Analytic derivation
P. Marchand
V. Guillet
U. Lebreuilly
M.M. Mac Low
Journal articles
A statistical analysis of dust polarization properties in ALMA observations of Class 0 protostellar cores
V. J. M. Le Gouellec
A. J. Maury
V. Guillet
C. L. H. Hull
J. M. Girart
Journal articles
Polarized emission by aligned grains in the Mie regime: Application to protoplanetary disks observed by ALMA
Vincent Guillet
J. M. Girart
A. J. Maury
F. O. Alves
Journal articles
Planck 2018 results XII. Galactic astrophysics using polarized dust emission
N. Aghanim
Yashar Akrami
M. I. R. Alves
M. Ashdown
J. Aumont
Journal articles
Dust coagulation feedback on magnetohydrodynamic resistivities in protostellar collapse
Vincent Guillet
P. Hennebelle
G. Pineau Des Forêts
Alexandre Marcowith
B. Commerçon
Journal articles
Planck 2018 results XI. Polarized dust foregrounds
Yashar Akrami
M. Ashdown
J. Aumont
C. Baccigalupi
M. Ballardini
Journal articles
A systematic study of radiative torque grain alignment in the diffuse interstellar medium
Stefan Reissl
Vincent Guillet
Robert Brauer
François Levrier
Francois Boulanger
Journal articles
The geometry of the magnetic field in the central molecular zone measured by PILOT
A. Mangilli
J. Aumont
J.-Ph. Bernard
A. Buzzelli
G. de Gasperis
Journal articles
Indirect evidence of significant grain growth in young protostellar envelopes from polarized dust emission
Valeska Valdivia
Anaëlle Maury
Robert Brauer
Patrick Hennebelle
Maud Galametz
Journal articles
Dust models compatible with Planck intensity and polarization data in translucent lines of sight
V. Guillet
L. Fanciullo
L. Verstraete
F. Boulanger
A. Jones
Journal articles
Dust spectrum and polarisation at 850 μ m in the massive IRDC G035.39-00.33
Mika Juvela
V. Guillet
Tie T. Liu
Isabelle Ristorcelli
Veli-Matti Pelkonen
Journal articles
Interplay of dust alignment, grain growth, and magnetic fields in polarization: lessons from the emission-to-extinction ratio
L. Fanciullo
V. Guillet
Francois Boulanger
A. Jones
Journal articles
Planck intermediate results. XXIX. All-sky dust modelling with Planck, IRAS, and WISE observations
P.A.R. Ade
N. Aghanim
M. I. R. Alves
G. Aniano
M. Arnaud
Journal articles
Planck intermediate results. XLIV. Structure of the Galactic magnetic field from dust polarization maps of the southern Galactic cap
N. Aghanim
M. I. R. Alves
D. Arzoumanian
J. Aumont
C. Baccigalupi
Journal articles
Planck intermediate results. XXXIII. Signature of the magnetic field geometry of interstellar filaments in dust polarization maps
Planck Collaboration
P. Ade
N. Aghanim
M. Alves
M. Arnaud
Journal articles
Planck intermediate results. XXX. The angular power spectrum of polarized dust emission at intermediate and high Galactic latitudes
R. Adam
P. A. R. Ade
N. Aghanim
M. Arnaud
J. Aumont
Journal articles
Magnetic field morphology in nearby molecular clouds as revealed by starlight and submillimetre polarization
J. D. Soler
F. Alves
F. Boulanger
A. Bracco
E. Falgarone
Journal articles
Planck intermediate results XXXV. Probing the role of the magnetic field in the formation of structure in molecular clouds
Planck Collaboration
P. A. R. Ade
N. Aghanim
M. I. R. Alves
M. Arnaud
Journal articles
Planck intermediate results. XXXII. The relative orientation between the magnetic field and structures traced by interstellar dust
Planck Collaboration
R. Adam
R. Ade
N. Aghanim
R. Alves
Journal articles
Planck intermediate results. XXXIV. The magnetic field structure in the Rosette Nebula
N. Aghanim
M. I. R. Alves
M. Arnaud
D. Arzoumanian
J. Aumont
Journal articles
Planck intermediate results. XXXVIII. E- and B-modes of dust polarization from the magnetized filamentary structure of the interstellar medium
A. Zonca
A. Zacchei
D. Yvon
I. K. Wehus
B. D. Wandelt
Journal articles
Learning through experimenting: an original way of teaching geometrical optics
C. Even
C. Balland
V. Guillet
Journal articles
Planck intermediate results. XIX. An overview of the polarized thermal emission from Galactic dust
P. A. R. Ade
N. Aghanim
D. Alina
M. I. R. Alves
C. Armitage-Caplan
Journal articles
Planck intermediate results. XXII. Frequency dependence of thermal emission from Galactic dust in intensity and polarization
P. A. R. Ade
M. I. R. Alves
G. Aniano
C. Armitage-Caplan
M. Arnaud
Journal articles
Planck intermediate results. XXI. Comparison of polarized thermal emission from Galactic dust at 353 GHz with interstellar polarization in the visible
P. A. R. Ade
N. Aghanim
D. Alina
G. Aniano
C. Armitage-Caplan
Journal articles
Dust models post- Planck : constraining the far-infrared opacity of dust in the diffuse interstellar medium
L. Fanciullo
V. Guillet
G. Aniano
A. Jones
N. Ysard
Journal articles
Polarization measurements analysis II. Best estimators of polarization fraction and angle
L. Montier
Stéphane Plaszczynski
F. Levrier
M. Tristram
D. Alina
Journal articles
Planck intermediate results. XX. Comparison of polarized thermal emission from Galactic dust with simulations of MHD turbulence
P. A. R. Ade
N. Aghanim
M. I. R. Alves
G. Aniano
C. Armitage-Caplan
Journal articles
The cycling of carbon into and out of dust
Anthony P. Jones
Nathalie Ysard
Melanie Köhler
Lapo Fanciullo
Marco Bocchio
Journal articles
Planck intermediate results. XVII. Emission of dust in the diffuse interstellar medium from the far-infrared to microwave frequencies
A. Abergel
P. A. R. Ade
N. Aghanim
D. Alina
M. I. R. Alves
Journal articles
Planck 2013 results. XI. All-sky model of thermal dust emission
A. Abergel
P. A. R. Ade
N. Aghanim
D. Alina
M. I. R. Alves
Journal articles
The evolution of amorphous hydrocarbons in the ISM: dust modelling from a new vantage point
A. P. Jones
L. Fanciullo
M. Köhler
L. Verstraete
V. Guillet
Journal articles
Shocks in dense clouds. IV. Effects of grain-grain processing on molecular line emission
S. Anderl
V. Guillet
G. Pineau Des Forêts
D. Flower
Journal articles
Dust coagulation processes as constrained by far-infrared observations
M. Köhler
B. Stepnik
A. Jones
V. Guillet
A. Abergel
Journal articles
Modelling the dust emission from dense interstellar clouds: disentangling the effects of radiative transfer and dust properties
N. Ysard
M. Juvela
K. Demyk
V. Guillet
A. Abergel
Journal articles
Shocks in dense clouds. III. Dust processing and feedback effects in C-type shocks
V. Guillet
G. Pineau Des Forêts
A. Jones
Journal articles
Planck early results. XXV. Thermal dust in nearby molecular clouds
Planck Collaboration
A. Abergel
P. A. R. Ade
N. Aghanim
M. Arnaud
Journal articles
Aggregate dust connections and emissivity enhancements
M. Köhler
V. Guillet
A. Jones
Journal articles
Shocks in dense clouds. II. Dust destruction and SiO formation in J shocks
V. Guillet
A. Jones
G. Pineau Des Forêts
Journal articles
Dust dynamics and processing in shocks
V. Guillet
A. Jones
G. Pineau Des Forêts
Journal articles
Shocks in dense clouds. I. Dust dynamics
V. Guillet
G. Pineau Des Forêts
A. Jones
Journal articles