Professeur en Nucléaire pour la santé
à IMT Atlantique Campus de Nantes
Laboratoire SUBATECH (UMR6457)
Open access
Current affiliations
- 481355
- 1088589
Researcher identifiers
- vincent-metivier
- 0000-0002-1657-133X
- IdRef : 081546041
Research domains
High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex]
Nuclear Experiment [nucl-ex]
Instrumentation and Detectors [physics.ins-det]
Relationships between absorbed dose and proton energy with bremsstrahlung spectra for in vivo dosimetry of preclinical hadrontherapyEuropean X-Ray Spectrometry Conference (EXRS), Jun 2024, Athènes, Greece
Conference papers
Environnement dosimétrique et premiers résultats des études sur les mécanismes physico-chimiques et biologiques de l'hadronthérapie FLASH au cyclotron ARRONAX61èmes Journées Scientifiques de la Société Française de Physique Médicale, Jun 2023, Nancy, France
Conference papers
Dosimetric environment and first results of the studies on the physicochemical and biological mechanisms of FLASH hadrontherapy at the ARRONAX cyclotron16th International Workshop « Optimizing Imaging and Dose-Response in RadiotherapieS »of the «Tumour Targeting, Imaging, Radiotherapies » network of the Cancéropôle Grand-Ouest, Oct 2023, Erquy, France
Conference papers
Dosimetric environment of preclinical FLASH hadrontherapy studies at the ARRONAX cyclotronAssemblée générale du GdR Mi2B, Oct 2023, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Hydrogen peroxide formation to investigate the radiolytic ROS production mechanism under proton FLASH conditionsAssemblée Générale du GdR MI2B, GdR MI2B, Jun 2022, Orsay, France
Conference papers
Microdosimetry and radiolytic species production in UHDR proton beam using GATE and Geant4-DNAIV Geant4 International User Conference at the physics-medicine-biology frontier, Giovanni Mettivier; Sébastien Incerti; Jeremy Brown; Susanna Guatelli; Paolo Russo; Antonio Sarno; Daniele Esposito; Gianfranco Paternò; Silvio Pardi, Oct 2022, Napoli, Italy
Conference papers
High energy PIXE: new K-shell ionization cross-sectionEuropean Conference on X-ray Spectrometry 2022, Jun 2022, Bruges, Belgium
Conference papers
High energy ion beam monitoring: X-rays Bremsstrahlung production cross section measurements for carbon targetEuropean Conference on X-ray Spectrometry 2022, Jun 2022, Bruges, Belgium
Conference papers
FLASH Mechanisms Track (Oral Presentations) UHDR PROTON BEAM VS. CONVENTIONAL: HYDROGEN PEROXIDE AS FLASH EFFECT SENSORFRPT 2021: FLASH Radiotherapy and Particle Therapy Conference, Dec 2021, Vienne, Austria. pp.S31, ⟨10.1016/S1120-1797(22)01500-9⟩
Conference papers
Proton beam FLASH online monitoring at ARRONAX cyclotron1st FLASH Radiotherapy and Particle Therapy Conference (FRPT 2021), Marie Dutreix; Karen Kirkby; Andreas Schüller; Marie-Catherine Vozenin, Dec 2021, Vienna and online, Austria
Conference papers
UHDR proton beam vs conventional: hydrogen peroxide as FLASH effect sensor1st FLASH Radiotherapy and Particle Therapy Conference (FRPT 2021), Marie Dutreix; Karen Kirkby; Andreas Schüller; Marie-Catherine Vozenin, Dec 2021, Vienna and online, Austria
Conference papers
FLASH Modalities Track (Oral Presentations) Proton beam flash online monitoring at Arronax CyclotronFRPT 2021: FLASH Radiotherapy and Particle Therapy Conference, Dec 2021, En ligne, France. pp.S44-S45, ⟨10.1016/S1120-1797(22)01529-0⟩
Conference papers
Analyses à l'aide de PIXE à haute énergie, de pièces d'argent et de matrices de sceaux en cuivre, provenant des collections du musée Dobrée (France, XIIIe -XIXe siècle)8e Rencontre "Ion Beam Applications Francophone" - IBAF 2021, Société Française du Vide, Jul 2021, Distanciel, France
Conference papers
Développement de moniteurs faisceaux en technologie diamant pour le monitorage de radiothérapies innovantes : hadronthérapie et thérapies "flash"Journée d'étude GDR MI2B - LabEx PRIMES sur les moniteurs faisceaux et contrôle en ligne des irradiations biomédicales, Sep 2020, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Clean Production of 67 Cu using the 70 Zn(d,x) 67 Cu Reaction Routes10ICI 2020: 10th International Conference on Isotopes, Feb 2020, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Conference papers
Conception d'un moniteur faisceau basé sur l'utilisation de détecteurs diamants pour le contrôle en ligne de faisceaux pulsésJournées prospectives IN2P3, Séminaire thématique GT07 « Accélérateurs et instrumentation associée », Jan 2020, Orsay, France
Conference papers
Diamond-based detector development for pulsed beam monitoring for medical applicationsVery High Energy Electron Radiotherapy Workshop (VHEE2020), CERN, Oct 2020, Meyrin, Switzerland
Conference papers
Etiquetage spatio-temporel et monitorage de faisceaux pulsés : applications en hadronthérapie et thérapies « flash »Journée d'échanges scientifiques GDR MI2B ARCHADE, Nov 2020, Virtuel, France
Conference papers
Development of a diamond hodoscope for online ion range monitoring in hadrontherapyXVth Rencontres du Vietnam International Conference on Medical Physics and School, Jul 2019, Ho_Chi_Minh, Vietnam
Conference papers
Medical applications of diamond detectors: online control of Hadrontherapy with fast timing and Microbeam Radiation Therapy monitoringJSPS-CNRS diamond detector workshop 2019, Oct 2019, Yuzawa city, Akita, Japan
Conference papers
Ion beam monitoring using bremsstrahlung X-raysXVth Rencontres du Vietnam - International Conference on Medical Physics, Jul 2019, Quy Nhon, Vietnam
Conference papers
Towards a beam-tagging diamond hodoscope for online ion range monitoringENLIGHT 2019 : annual meeting of the European Network for Light Ion Hadron Therapy, Jul 2019, Caen, France
Conference papers
High energy PIXE: measurements for Cu, Ag and Ti K-shell ionization cross sections and comparisons with theoretical modelJournées de Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs, Nov 2019, Logonna-Daoulas, France
Conference papers
LPSC Grenoble diamond beam monitoring for on-line controlFinal MediNet Network Meeting, Oct 2019, Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Conference papers
High energy PIXE: measurements for Cu, Ag and Ti K-shell ionization cross sections and comparisons with theoretical modelIBA2019 : 24th International conference on ion beam analysis, Oct 2019, Antibes, France
Conference papers
A 100 ps TOF detection system for on-line range-monitoring in hadrontherapyNSS/MIC 2019 : IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Oct 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom. ⟨10.1109/NSS/MIC42101.2019.9059815⟩
Conference papers
A diamond beam-tagging hodoscope for online range monitoring in hadrontherapyNSS/MIC 2019 : IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Oct 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Hodoscope diamant pour l’hadronthérapie - CLaRyS Ultra-Fast TimingJournées du réseau semi-conducteurs, Jun 2019, Marseille, France
Conference papers
Production of innovative radionuclides for therapy or diagnostic: nuclear data measurements and comparison with TALYS code15th Varenna International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Jun 2018, Varenna, Italy
Conference papers
Production of innovative radionuclides for therapy and diagnostics: nuclear data measurements and comparisons with TALYS code15th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Jun 2018, Varenna, Italy. pp.355-360
Conference papers
Mesure de la dose déposée en utilisant les rayons X issus du bremsstrahlung57èmes Journées Scientifiques de la SFPM, Jun 2018, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Online measurement of deposited energy by ion beams using bremsstrahlung X-raysEuropean Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry (EXRS 2018), Jun 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia. pp.132
Conference papers
High energy PIXE : a powerful tool to characterize multi-layers thick samples15th International Conference on Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE 2017), Apr 2017, Split, Croatia
Conference papers
Contrôles non destructifs et analyses par faisceaux d'ionsJournée technique PRECEND sur les Nouvelles technologies CND, Nov 2017, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Constraining the TALYS Code using Data Collected for Medical Applications9th International Conference on Isotopes & Expo, Nov 2017, Doha, Qatar
Conference papers
The Cyclotron Arronax for fundamental and applied research with light ion beams < 70 MeV15th International Conference on Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE 2017), Apr 2017, Split, Croatia
Conference papers
High energy PIXE: new K-shell ionization cross sections and comparison with theoretical values calculated using ECPSSR15th International Conference on Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE 2017), Apr 2017, Split, Croatia
Conference papers
How nuclear data collected for medical radionuclides production could constrain nuclear codesInternational Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technologie 2016, Sep 2016, Bruges, Belgium
Conference papers
Mesure de masse volumique de matériaux par rayons X pour le génie civil7ème Colloque Interdisciplinaire en Instrumentation, Jan 2016, Saint-Nazaire, France
Conference papers
How to produce the highest tin-117m specific activity?ICTR-PHE 2016, Feb 2016, Geneva, Switzerland. pp.S35-S36, ⟨10.1016/S0167-8140(16)30072-X⟩
Conference papers
How to produce scandium-44 efficiently?ICTR-PHE 2016, Feb 2016, Geneva, Switzerland. pp.S48, ⟨10.1016/S0167-8140(16)30099-8⟩
Conference papers
Une plateforme pour l'analyse de matériaux par faisceaux d'ions à ARRONAX : Etude de l'effet d'humidité sur les échantillons7ème Colloque Interdisciplinaire en Instrumentation, Jan 2016, Saint-Nazaire, France
Conference papers
Nuclear data from stacked foils experiments and comparison with TALYS17th Workshop on Targetry and Target Chemistry, Aug 2016, Santa Fe, United States
Conference papers
Is there an interest to use deuteron beams to produce nonconventional radionuclides?ICTR-PHE 2016, Feb 2016, Geneva, Switzerland. pp.S49, ⟨10.1016/S0167-8140(16)30100-1⟩
Conference papers
Tb-155 production with gadolinium target: proton, deuteron or alpha beam?ICTR-PHE 2016, Feb 2016, Geneva, Switzerland. pp.S36, ⟨10.1016/S0167-8140(16)30073-1⟩
Conference papers
New K-shell ionization cross sections for high energy PIXE and comparison with theoretical values of ECPSSREuropean Conference on X-ray Spectrometry (EXRS2016), Jun 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden
Conference papers
Production of Medical Isotopes From a Thorium Target Irradiated by Light Charged Particles up to 70 MeVWorkshop on Compact Accelerators for Isotope Production, Mar 2015, Warrington, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Ion beam Applications: Nuclear for Health and Nuclear for Materials at the ARRONAX FacilityProsperity by Enhanced Activities on Clean Competitive Energy (PEAC²E), French - Indonesian Joint Seminar, Oct 2015, Serpong, Indonesia
Conference papers
New measurements for Proton and Deuteron Beam Monitor Reactions8th International Conference on Isotopes and Expo, Aug 2014, Chicago, United States
Conference papers
Th-232(d,4n)Pa-230 cross section measurements at ARRONAX facilityInternational Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology 2013, Mar 2013, New-York, United States
Conference papers
Measurement of 230Pa and 186Re production cross sections induced by deuterons at Arronax facilityCRETE13 : 2013 International Conference on Applications of Nuclear Techniques, Jun 2013, Rethymnon, Crète, Greece. pp.1460149, ⟨10.1142/S2010194514601495⟩
Conference papers
ARRONAX: perspectives pour l'enseignement13ième journées d'étude de Chimie sous rayonnement, JECR2006, May 2008, Le Croisic, France
Conference papers
Nuclear medical imaging using $\beta+\gamma$ coincidences from $^{44}$Sc radio-nuclide with liquid xenon as detection medium1st International Conference on Molecular Imaging Technology - EuroMedIm 2006, May 2006, Marseille, France. pp.142-145, ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2006.10.048⟩
Conference papers
A proposal for a high performance $\gamma$-camera based on liquid Xenon converter and gaseous photomultiplier for PETApplications of Rare Gas Xenon to Science And Technology (XeSAT 2005), Mar 2005, Tokyo, Japan. pp.1-8
Conference papers
Simulation and evaluation of a new PET system based on liquid xenon as detection mediumApplications of Rare Gas Xenon to Science And Technology (XeSAT 2005), Mar 2005, Tokyo, Japan. pp.1-4
Conference papers
Simulation of a high performance $\gamma$-camera concept for PET based on liquid xenon and gaseous photomultiplier2005 IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL 2005), Jun 2005, Coimbra, Portugal. pp.357-360, ⟨10.1109/ICDL.2005.1490099⟩
Conference papers
High performance $\gamma$-camera concept for PET based on liquid xenon and a gaseous photomultiplierApplications of Rare Gas Xenon to Science And Technology (XeSAT 2005), Mar 2005, Tokyo, Japan. pp.1-8
Conference papers
New prospects on particle detection with a Parallel Ionization Multiplier (PIM)10th International Vienna Conference on Instrumentation, Feb 2004, Vienne, Austria. pp.562-565, ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2004.07.281⟩
Conference papers
Extrinsic fibre Fabry-Perot interferometer for vibration and displacement measurement: the benefit of polarization decompositionOptical Sensing, Apr 2004, Strasbourg, France. pp.309-318, ⟨10.1117/12.546072⟩
Conference papers
$\beta$-Imaging with the PIM device10th International Vienna Conference on Instrumentation, Feb 2004, Vienne, Austria. pp.550-553, ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2004.07.261⟩
Conference papers
Parallel Ionization Multiplier (PIM): application of a new concept of gaseous structure to tracking detectors9th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors: Frontier Detectors for Frontier Physics, May 2003, Isola d'Elba, Italy. pp.135-138, ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2003.10.042⟩
Conference papers
Capteur interferometrique extrinseque Fabry-Perot a fibre optique (EFFPI) applique a la velocimetrieJournées Nationales de l'Optique Guidée, Nov 2003, Valence, France. pp.343-345
Conference papers
Mesure Des Variations de L'indice D'un Gaz Par Rétrodiffusion LaserColloque interdisciplinaire en instrumentation, 2001, Trégastel, France
Conference papers
The Trigger of the Alice Dimuon Arm: Architecture and DetectorsInternational Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions 14 Quark matter'99, May 1999, Torino, Italy. pp.712c-715c
Conference papers
Reaction mechanisms and multi-fragment emission around the Fermi energyWorkshop on Nuclear Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations, 1999, Hirschegg, Austria. pp.12-22
Conference papers
The ALICE Dimuon Trigger: Overview and Electronics PrototypesInternational workshop on resistive plate chambers and related detectors 5 RPC'99, Oct 1999, Bari, Italy. pp.126-131
Conference papers
Caloric curves of hot nuclei formed in reactions induced by 50 MeV/u Xe and 52-95 MeV/u Ar projectilesSymposium on Nuclear Physics 21, 1998, Oaxtepec, Mexico
Conference papers
Dynamical aspects of fragment production in heavy ion collisionsInternational Nuclear Physics Conference INPC 98, Aug 1998, Paris, France. pp.815c-821c
Conference papers
Study of resistive plate chambers for the Alice dimuon spectrometerInternational Conference on Advanced Technology and Particle Physics 6, Oct 1998, Como, Italy. pp.84-89
Conference papers
Selection of single-source multifragmentation events for collisions of $^{155}$Gd+$^{238}$U at 36 MeV/u studied with INDRAInternational Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics 35, Feb 1997, Bormio, Italy. pp.323-342
Conference papers
Multifragment production in heavy ion induced reactions at intermediate energyInternational Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms 8, 1997, Varenna, Italy. pp.184
Conference papers
Thermodynamical equilibrium up to the gas phase?International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics 35, Feb 1997, Bormio, Italy. pp.396-418
Conference papers
Multi-fragment partitions in the 32 to 95 AMeV $^{36}$Ar+$^{58}$Ni reactionsInternational Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics 35, Feb 1997, Bormio, Italy. pp.309-322
Conference papers
Temperature measurements from relative populations of excited states with INDRAInternational Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics 35, Feb 1997, Bormio, Italy. pp.465-478
Conference papers
Search for dynamical effects in the multifragmentation process at intermediate energyInternational Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics 35, 1997, Bormio, Italy. pp.323-342
Conference papers
Apparent temperatures in hot quasi-projectiles and the caloric curveWinter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics Marathon 13, 1997, The Keys, United States. pp.25
Conference papers
Thermodynamical equilibrium for nuclear matter produced in heavy ion collisions around 100 AMeV?International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms 8, Jun 1997, Varenna, Italy. pp.239-248
Conference papers
Multifragmentation of heavy systems: characteristics and scaling lawsInternational Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics 35, 1997, Bormio, Italy. pp.225-250
Conference papers
Multifragment production in heavy ion induced reactions at intermediate energyColloque Franco-Japonais : Frontier and perspective of Nuclear Science, Sep 1996, Dogashima, Japan. pp.1-12
Conference papers
Dynamics of nucleus-nucleus collisions up to 100 MeV/u and the caloric curveInternational Research Workshop on Heavy Ion Physics at Low, Intermediate and Relativistic Energies using 4$\pi$ Detectors, Oct 1996, Poiana Brasov, Romania. pp.108-120
Conference papers
Dynamical effects and IMF production in peripheral and semi-central collisions of Xe+Sn at 50 MeV/nucleonInternational Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics 34, 1996, Bormio, Italy. pp.36-45
Conference papers
Some dynamical aspects of heavy ions collisionsInternational Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics 34, 1996, Bormio, Italy. pp.17-35
Conference papers
Search for coulomb-induced multifragmentation in the reaction Gd+U at 36 MeV/uInternational Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics 34, 1996, Bormio, Italy. pp.46-51
Conference papers
Phase transition in nuclear matter ?CRIS'96 First Catania Relastivistic Ion Studies, May 1996, Acicastello, Italy. pp.133-142
Conference papers
Thermodynamical properties and deexcitation of sources involved in collisions between light nuclei around 100 AMeV incident energyInternational Research Workshop on Heavy-ion Physics at Low, Intermediate and Relativistic Energies using $4\pi$ Detectors, Oct 1996, Poiana Brasov, Romania. pp.96-107
Conference papers
Evolution of reaction mechanisms for reaction $^{36}$Ar+$^{58}$Ni studied from 32 to 95 MeV with the INDRA multidetectorInternational Winter Meeting On Nuclear Physics 33, Jan 1995, Bormio, Italy. pp.217-236
Conference papers
Vaporization of the Ar + Ni system1995 ACS nuclear chemistry Award symposium, 1995, Anaheim, United States. pp.109-117
Conference papers
Evolution of Fragment Distributions and Reaction Mechanisms for the Ar+Ni System from 32 to 95 A.MeVXI Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Key West, Florida, 1995, Key West, United States. pp.31
Conference papers
Dominance of deep inelastic binary processes in symmetric nucleus-nucleus collisions from 25 to 75 MeV/u1995 ACS Nuclear Chemistry Award Symposium, 1995, Anaheim, United States
Conference papers
Evolution of reaction mechanisms in symmetrical nucleus-nucleus collisions as a function of the mass of the system from 25 to 74 MeV/uInternational Winter Meeting On Nuclear Physics 33, 1995, Bormio, Italy. pp.255-275
Conference papers
Multifragmentation studied with INDRATours Symposium on Nuclear Physics 2, 1994, Tours, France. pp.257-267
Conference papers
Vaporization of the Ar + Ni system studied with the 4 $\pi$ multidetector INDRAInternational Workshop on Multiparticle Correlations and Nuclear Reactions CORINNE II, 1994, Nantes, France. pp.338-353
Conference papers
Study of the nuclear multifragmentation: recent results obtained with th INDRA detector in the intermediate energy domainInternational Conference on Nucleus Nucleus Collisions 5, 1994, Taormina, Italy. pp.481-490
Conference papers
First results with the 4$\pi$ charged particle detector INDRA at GANILIN2P3-RIKEN Symposium on Heavy Ion Collisions 3, 1994, Saitama, Japan. pp.189-198
Conference papers
Mecanismes de reaction et de dissipation de l'energie dans les collisions symetriques noyau-noyau de 25 a 74 MeV/u : apport des mesures exclusives du multidetecteur IndraNuclear Experiment [nucl-ex]. Université de Caen, 1995. English. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Sonder la matière : des ions lourds à l’infrarouge, de la matière nucléaire aux matériaux composites.Physique des Hautes Energies - Expérience [hep-ex]. Université de Nantes, 2016
Habilitation à diriger des recherches