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Vincent Rialle

Affiliations actuelles
  • 1043269
Identifiants chercheurs
  • IdHAL vincent-rialle


I am senior lecturer and hospital practitioner emeritus at the University Grenoble Alpes (UGA), France, where I am a member of the research team "Autonomy, Gerontology, eHealth, Imaging & Society" AGEIS EA #7407. After a 36-year career (1980-2016) at the University Hospital of Grenoble Alpes in the field of artificial intelligence and medical informatics, I dedicate myself, as an emeritus, to active reflection, teaching, and targeted action-research in the social and medico-social fields with strong links to current great transitions (digital, demographic, ecological...). In this respect, I am involved on the one hand into teaching the sense, issues, and beneficial ways of Artificial Intelligence, and on the other hand into specific research-actions in the field of extreme precariousness and psychic care (psychiatry, psychoanalysis) in wide urban areas. My teaching and publications concern disruptive forms of thought and organization in the face of the extreme challenges of our societies. In this regard, I teach artificial intelligence and the digital age in its foundations and its impacts on society and on ourselves, from the local to the global levels (10-hour course at the Université Inter-Âge du Dauphiné [UIAD]). My action-research start from the "field" constituted both by people in difficulty, and by all and every social and medical professionals, and people responsible, at all levels, for public and political action in matters of health and solidarity. My overall approach is rooted into Spinoza, G. Bachelard, J. Dewey, P. Ricœur, and a few others' thinking, and continues to evolve. Before: I received a PhD degree in Biomedical engineering in 1987 (UGA), and a second PhD degree in Biomedical Ethics in 2007 (Université de Paris). During my 36 years career at University Grenoble Alpes and Grenoble Alpes University Hospital (1980-2016), my professional activities including teaching, research, hospital practice, and various responsibilities, were entirely devoted to artificial intelligence (namely in healthcare), with a special focus on ethics and gerontechnology (science and technology for homecare and autonomy, smart homes and intelligent remote monitoring, social connectedness, users’ and stakeholders’ needs, participative design, cognitive modelling, and multidisciplinary evaluation of technology and ICT-based services). I was also head of a public health unit entitled ‘Alzheimer’s, Technology, and Sanitary and Social Interventional Methods’ (ATMISS) from 2008 to 2016. I published over 200 peer-reviewed journals and congress communications, and directed or co-directed numerous national or international research projects. I served as advisor to about 100 PhD students, MS students, post-doctoral fellows, undergraduates in computer and biomedical science.

Domaines de recherche



Du rêve technoscientifique d’hier aux réalités d’aujourd’hui : l’intelligence artificielle pour la santé entre horreur et enchantement

Vincent Rialle
Droit, Santé et Société [Journal de médecine légale, droit médical, victimologie, dommage corporel. Série E], 2021, 64 (2), pp.28-35
Article dans une revue hal-03950373v1
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Technologie et innovation totale : Pour une re-naissance de la tekhnè dans la Silver économie (Dernière version avant publication)

Vincent Rialle
Revue Politique et Parlementaire, 2016, 1081, pp.69 - 77
Article dans une revue hal-01620004v1
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Introduction sur quelques aspects historiques, en France, de la désaffiliation sociale et des précarités des jeunes seniors

Vincent Rialle
Entretien Jacques Cartier "Accueil, Soin Psychique et Équité pour la Personne Précaire" (ASPEPP), Centre Jacques Cartier, Oct 2023, Lyon, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-04360916v1