A drought-triggered hydrological tipping point in the central Sahel: an attribution study using system dynamics modelling
Christophe Peugeot
Erwan Le Roux
Valentin Wendling
Gérémy Panthou
Paul-Alain Raynal
2nd conference internationale TERENO-OZCAR, Sep 2023, Bonn, Germany
Conference papers
Problématique de modélisation écohydrologique en région méditerranéenne karstique
Jérôme Demarty
Jordi Etchanchu
A. Dezetter
Nanée Chahinian
Isabelle Braud
4ème journées de modélisation des surfaces continentales (JMSC 2022), Oct 2022, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
Modélisation des échanges d'énergie et d'eau sur le bassin agricole de l'Orgeval
Axel Flinck
Jérôme Demarty
Jordi Etchanchu
Nanée Chahinian
Isabelle Braud
4ème journées de modélisation des surfaces continentales (JMSC 2022), Oct 2022, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
Evapotranspiration mapping from remote sensing data: uncertainties and ensemble estimates based on multimodel-multidata simulations
Albert Olioso
Simon Carrière
Aubin Allies
Hugo Desrutins
José Sobrino
Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing (RAQRS), Universitat de Valencia, Sep 2022, Valencia, Spain
Conference papers
Advantages and opportunities in using multisensor remote sensing data for evapotranspiration retrieval as well as better partitioning between evaporation and transpiration
Gilles Boulet
Samuel Mwangi
Albert Olioso
Valérie Le Dantec
Olivier Merlin
XIth Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS 2022), May 2022, Montpellier, France. ⟨10.5194/iahs2022-194⟩
Conference papers
Spatial assessment of surface-atmosphere fluxes in the Mediterranean region: synergy between satellite estimates and local observations
Laurent Prévot
Blanca Mateo-Herrera
Frédéric Jacob
Jérôme Demarty
Jean-Marc Limousin
XIth Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS 2022), IAHS, May 2022, Montpellier, France. ⟨10.5194/iahs2022-495⟩
Conference papers
Tipping points in hydrology: observed regional regime shift and System Dynamics modeling
Valentin Wendling
Christophe Peugeot
Manuela Grippa
Laurent Kergoat
Eric Mougin
Conference papers
LTSER platform P3M : Mediterranean Plain, Piedmont and Plateau
Héloïse Benard
Pierre-Alain Ayral
Jean-Stéphane Bailly
Brice Boudevillain
Cedric Champollion
IAHS - AISH Scientific Assembly 2022, May 2022, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Monitoring evapotranspiration from remote sensing data for groundwater resources evaluation
Albert Olioso
A. Allies
Chloé Ollivier
Gérard Boulet
Jérôme Demarty
99th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, AMS, Jan 2019, Phoenix, United States
Conference papers
Stochastic simulation of Sahelian storms. Recent developments and hydrological applications
T. Vischel
C. Aly
J. Blanchet
P. Harris
G. Quantin
Stochastic Weather Generators for Hydrological Applications (SWGEN-Hydro), 2017, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
Estimation des échanges surface-atmosphère par scintillométrie bi-fréquentielle : premiers résultats et évaluation
Hélène Barral
Florent Arpin-Pont
Jean-Martial Cohard
Bernard Cappelaere
Jean-Philippe Chazarin
2èmes Journées Scientifiques CRITEX, 2017, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing
B. Hector
Jean-Martial Cohard
Thierry Pellarin
B. Cappelaere
J. Demarty
RAQRS'V - 5th International Symposium, Sep 2017, Valencia, Spain
Conference papers
The high frequency Equipex CRITEX toolbox, an example of Critical Zone instrumental devices, ORACLE/BVRE Orgeval Observatory
Gaëlle Tallec
Patrick Ansart
Hélène Barral
Aurélien Baudin
Asma Berrhouma
International Long Term Ecological Research Network, Zones Ateliers, and Critical Zone Observatory Networks Joint Conference, Oct 2017, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Estimation de l'évapotranspiration par télédétection spatiale : Enjeux et application en Afrique sahélienne
A. Allies
J. Demarty
Albert Olioso
B. Cappelaere
B. A. Issoufou
Journées des Doctorants de l'IM2E 2017, IM2E, 2017, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Estimating evapotranspiration from remote sensing: the case of Sahelian Africa.
Aubin Allies
Jerome Demarty
Albert Olioso
Hassane Bil-Assanou Issoufou
Ibrahim Maïnassara
IAHS 2017 Scientific Assembly, IAHS., Jul 2017, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Conference papers
Constructing an everywhere and locally relevant predictive model of the West-African critical zone
B. Hector
J. M. Cohard
T. Pellarin
B. Cappelaere
J. Demarty
AGU Fall Meeting, 2017, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
L'apport des données spatiales pour la gestion de l'eau en agriculture : vers une mission IRT nouvelle
Jean-Pierre Lagouarde
Gilles Boulet
Albert Olioso
Olivier Merlin
Vincent Simonneaux
2e colloque de restitution du TOSCA (Terre Solide, Océan, Surfaces Continentales et Atmosphère), CNES, Mar 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers
Evaluating Evapotranspiration of a crop mosaic using microwave scintillometry
H. Barral
J. M. Cohard
C. Coulaud
B. Mercier
B. Cappelaere
AGU Fall Meeting, 2017, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
Estimation des flux d'échanges surface-atmosphère par les méthodes de covariance turbulente et de scintillométrie infra-rouge : premiers résultats sur les bassins de l'Orgeval et de Naizin
Bernard Cappelaere
Florent Arpin-Pont
Christophe Fléchard
Alain Guerin
Patrick Ansart
2èmes Journées Scientifiques CRITEX, 2017, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
Estimating evapotranspiration from remote sensing in West Africa: application of S-SEBI and Ts-VI triangle methods
A. Allies
J. Demarty
Albert Olioso
C. Peugeot
Laurent Kergoat
RAQRS'V - 5th International Symposium "Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing",, 2017, Valencia, Spain
Conference papers
AMMA-CATCH, a long-term hydrological, meteorological and ecological observatory in West Africa : important results and available data.
S. Galle
Manuela Grippa
C. Peugeot
I. Bouzou Moussa
B. Cappelaere
International Long Term Ecological Research Network, Zones Ateliers, and Critical Zone Observatory Networks Joint Conference,, 2017, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
A 60-year reconstructed high-resolution local meteorological data set in Central Sahel (1950-2009): evaluation, analysis and application to land surface modelling.
Crystèle Léauthaud
B. Cappelaere
J. Demarty
F. Guichard
C. Velluet
EGU General Assembly 2017, 2017, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
Estimating land surface evapotranspiration from remote sensing: a challenge for West Africa. In: 12th International Kovacs Colloquium : "Hydrological Inputs for Water-Related SDGs Implementation: Knowledge, Data, Indicators, Tools & Innovations"
A. Allies
J. Demarty
B. Cappelaere
Albert Olioso
Malik Bahir
UNESCO-IHP, IAHS, 2016, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
Évapotranspiration en Afrique de l'Ouest : Apports mutuels et combinés des observations de terrain, de la modélisation des processus et des produits satellites.
A. Allies
J. Demarty
B. Cappelaere
C. Peugeot
Journées des Doctorants de l'IM2E 2016,, 2016, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
Le WP.1 du projet Equipex CRITEX: Mesure des échanges sol-végétation-atmosphère.
F. Arpin-Pont
H. Barral
B. Cappelaere
J.-M. Cohard
L. Prévot
1ères Journées Scientifiques CRITEX, 2016, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
AMMA-CATCH: a hydrological, meteorological and ecological long-term observatory on West Africa.
S. Galle
C. Peugeot
Manuela Grippa
I. B. Moussa
B. Cappelaere
Our Common Future under Climate Change,, 2015, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
AMMA-CATCH, a hydrological, meteorological and ecological long-term observatory on West Africa: Some recent results.
S. Galle
C. Peugeot
Manuela Grippa
I. B. Moussa
B. Cappelaere
AGU Fall Meeting, 2015, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
Using historical climatic signals to better predict the future : case of the water cycle in Central Sahe
Crystèle Léauthaud
J. Demarty
B. Cappelaere
Manuela Grippa
Laurent Kergoat
26th IUGG General Assembly 2015, 2015, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
Actions des surfaces sur l'atmosphère et sur les ressources hydriques et végétales: quelles évolutions au Sahel agro-pastoral ?
J. Demarty
B. Cappelaere
Crystèle Léauthaud
C. Velluet
I. Mainassara
Les sociétés rurales face aux changements environnementaux en Afrique de l'Ouest, 2015, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
Competing land cover and climate changes impacts on the hydrological cycle: a review.
C. Peugeot
S. Galle
Manuela Grippa
I. B. Moussa
B. Cappelaere
French-German Conference, 2015, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
Do practices of Sahelian smallholders farmers impact native agroforestry shrubs functioning ?
H. B.-A. Issoufou
J. Demarty
C. Velluet
A. Mahamane
M. Saadou
Climate Smart Agriculture Conference, 2015, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
Observed long-term land cover vs climate impacts on the West African hydrological cycle: lessons for the future ?
C. Peugeot
I. B. Moussa
B. Cappelaere
C. Dardel
J. Demarty
Our common future under climate change, 2015, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
Reconstitution of a continuous climatic and rainfall series for the central Sahel (1950-2012): methodology and application.
Crystèle Léauthaud
J. Demarty
B. Cappelaere
T. Vischel
B. Sultan
4th iLEAPS Science Conference, 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses - Coupling the Tropical Atmosphere and the Hydrological Cycle
S. Galle
C. Peugeot
Manuela Grippa
I. B. Moussa
B. Cappelaere
TERENO International Conference,, 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
Forcing a land surface model with satellite-derived biophysical products in the Sahel: Inpacts of various sources on the simulated energy and water cycles.
J. Demarty
Pierre-Adrien Solignac
B. Cappelaere
D. Feurer
Catherine Ottle
RAQRS'IV - 4th International Symposium Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
Development of a simple parametric model to simulate the directional effects in the thermal infrared domain
Clément Duffour
Albert Olioso
Jérôme Demarty
Jean-Louis Roujean
Jean-Pierre Lagouarde
IGARSS 2014 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS). USA., Jul 2014, Québec, Canada. ⟨10.1109/IGARSS.2014.6947107⟩
Conference papers
Model, satellite and ground-based estimates of evapotranspiration. A comparison in sub-humid tropical West Africa (Benin) within the framework of the ALMIP2 project
C. Peugeot
A. Boone
Laurent Kergoat
B. Cappelaere
J. Demarty
AMS, 28th Conference on Hydrology, 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
Characterization of the Water and Energy Cycles in the Agro-Pastoral Sahel from 1950 to 2010, in a Context of Climate and Land-Use Changes
Crystèle Léauthaud
Jérôme Demarty
Bernard Cappelaere
Manuela Grippa
Benjamin Sultan
AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2014, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
Characterization of the water and energy cycles in the agropastoral Sahel, in a context of climate and landuse changes.
Crystèle Léauthaud
J. Demarty
B. Cappelaere
Manuela Grippa
B. Sultan
AGU Fall Meeting, AGU, 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
Evaluation of water and energy cycles simulated by land surface models over three mesoscale sites in West Africa: the ALMIP2 project
Manuela Grippa
A. Boone
C. Peugeot
J. Demarty
Laurent Kergoat
GEWEX 2014 - 7th International Scientific Conference on the Global Water and Energy Cycle, 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
A 60-year reconstituted series climatic series in the Sahel (1950-2010): data, methodology, and application to the water cycle
J. Demarty
Crystèle Léauthaud
B. Cappelaere
T C. Vellue
F. Guichard
AGU Fall Meeting,, 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
On the ability of surface models to reproduce soil moisture dependencies over West Africa : the ALMIP experiments.
J.-M. Cohard
C. Peugeot
Fabienne Lohou
O. Mamadou
A. Boone
AGU Fall Meeting, 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
Impact of land use changes on surface feedbacks in Sudanian region of West Africa
J-M Cohard
Christophe Peugeot
Fabienne Lohou
O. Mamadou
A. Boone
AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2014, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
Modeling effects of inter-annual variability in meteorological and land use conditions on coupled water and energy cycling in the cultivated African Sahel
Cécile Velluet
Jérôme Demarty
B. Cappelaere
Isabelle Braud
N. Boulain
AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2012, San Fransico, United States. pp.2
Conference papers
Local-scale modeling of land surface processes in the cultivated Sahel (AMMA-CATCH Niger)
Cécile Velluet
Jérôme Demarty
B. Cappelaere
Isabelle Braud
N. Boulain
4th AMMA International Conference, Jul 2012, Toulouse, France. pp.39
Conference papers
Monitoring evapotranspiration by assimilating remote sensing data into a dynamic SVAT model over the Alpilles test site
Albert Olioso
Vincent Rivalland
Jérôme Demarty
Marie Weiss
Philippe Rossello
International Conference Earth Observation for vegetation monitoring and water management, Oct 2005, Naples, Italy. 1 p
Conference papers
Evapotranspiration monitoring using remote sensing measurements assimilated in a SVAT model
Vincent Rivalland
Jérôme Demarty
Albert Olioso
M. Weiss
Philippe Rossello
General Assembly of European Geosciences Union, Apr 2005, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Apport de la télédétection infrarouge thermique pour l'étalonnage d'un modèle TSVA.
Benoît Coudert
B. Boudevillain
Catherine Ottle
J. Demarty
Ateliers de Modélisation de l'Atmosphère [A.M.A.]., 2004, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Comparison of three methods of data assimilation into a crop model, based on remote sensing observations
V. Houlès
Martine Guerif
M. Nowakowski
Jérôme Demarty
David Makowski
8. ESA Congress, Jul 2004, Copenhague, Denmark
Conference papers
Contribution of thermal infrared remote sensing to SVAT model calibration.
Benoît Coudert
B. Boudevillain
Catherine Ottle
J. Demarty
XXVIIth General Assembly of the European Geophysical Union [E.G.U.], 2004, Nice, France
Conference papers
Potentialities of thermal infrared remote sensing for SVAT model calibration.
Benoît Coudert
Catherine Ottle
B. Boudevillain
J. Demarty
CAMDHA Second workshop, “The Terrestrial Water Cycle: Modeling and Data Assimilation Across Catchment Scales”, 2004, Princeton, United States
Conference papers
Potentialities of the multiobjective approach to assimilate remote sensing data in SVAT models
Jérôme Demarty
Albert Olioso
Catherine Ottle
Olivier Marloie
J.P. Wigneron
EGS-AGU-EUG joint assembly, Nice, 6-11 April 2003, 2003, France. pp.1
Conference papers
Potentialities of the multiobjective approach to assimilate remote sensing data in SVAT models
Jérôme Demarty
Albert Olioso
Catherine Ottle
Olivier Marloie
Jean-Pierre Wigneron
EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Apr 2003, Nice, France
Conference papers
Assimilation of remote sensing data into crop simulation models and SVAT models for evapotranspiration and irrigation monitoring
Albert Olioso
Y. Inoue
S. S. Ortega-Farias
Jérôme Demarty
J.P. Wigneron
International Workshop on Use of Remote Sensing of Crop Evapotranspiration for Large Regions, Montpellier, 17 September 2003, 2003, pp.15
Conference papers
Assimilation of remote sensing data into crop simulation models and SVAT models
Albert Olioso
Yoshio Inoue
Jérôme Demarty
Jean-Pierre Wigneron
Isabelle Braud
1. International Symposium on Recent advances in quantitative remote sensing, Sep 2002, Torrent, Spain
Conference papers
Assimilation variationnelle et multispectrale dans un modèle TSVA par étalonnage stochastique
Jérôme Demarty
Albert Olioso
Catherine Ottle
Isabelle Braud
Jean-Pierre Wigneron
Atelier de modélisation de l'atmosphère, Dec 2002, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Comparison of measured and Sispat-RS simulated brightness temperatures, reflectances and radar backscattering sections at field scale during Reseda experiment
Jérôme Demarty
Catherine Ottle
Isabelle Braud
C. François
Frédéric Jacob
8. Symposium international, Jan 2001, Aussois, France
Conference papers
Comparison of SVAT models over the Alpilles ReSeDa experiment. II Models and Results
Albert Olioso
O Bethenot
Jean-Marc J.-M. Bonnefond
Isabelle Braud
J C Calvet
EGS XXIIIth General Assembly, Apr 2000, nice, France
Conference papers
Comparison of SVAT models over the Alpilles ReSeDa experiment. I Description of the framework and the data
Albert Olioso
O. Bethenot
Jean-Marc J.-M. Bonnefond
Isabelle Braud
Jean-Christophe Calvet
EGS XXIIIth General Assembly, Apr 2000, nice, France
Conference papers
Modélisation des transferts de masse et d'énergie dans le continuum sol-plante-atmosphère sur sol cultivé : expérience Alpilles
Isabelle Braud
Andre Chanzy
Albert Olioso
J.C. Calvet
Dominique Courault
Colloque PNRH 2000, May 2000, Nice, France
Conference papers